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These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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1 hour ago, ILoveReading said:

or if he was possessed by Amara,'  Why would he throw out something that random? 

I don't know..because Jared says random shit all the time?

It would be the crowning exclamation point on Dabb's failure as a showrunner to pull something so idiotic out of his ass like Sam and or Dean getting possessed by Chuck and or his sister.  If that is the case then I can really see why Jensen didn't like it and had to have a sit down with Eric to get his head around it (which doesn't really look like he has).

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I'm torn. Jared gushing over it gives me the heebie jeebies,  in the same way that Jensen's reservations do. But I can't get over him using 'fantastic' in this latest interview.  

There is no way I believe Jared would love it so if it wasn't A+ for Sam. But I also have a hard time believing Jensen would go with 'fantastic' if Dean was just a passive bystander in the end. 

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Sam being possessed by Amara would just be so....random. And therefore stupid. The problem for Sam as a character is that other than Lucifer, he never had connections to higher beings. If anyone should be possessed by Amara, it's Dean. What did Sam ever have to do with the Amara storyline or Amara herself? And if anyone should be possessed by God, that's Dean yet again. Dean had more to do with both 'Prophet' Chuck and 'God' Chuck than Sam ever did.

On top of that, the writers already tried to force a sort of, partial possession/connection to God with the bullet wound this Season which went absolutely nowhere for Sam in terms of his storyline. And it played no part in the overarching story of the Season.

That's before we even get to the fact that last I checked, Sam is not immune to Amara's true form. Sam got infected twice by her darkness in S11 and we all saw what it did to him. Dean is immune to her though so he should be the only one who could stand to be possessed by her.

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6 minutes ago, Smad said:

Sam being possessed by Amara would just be so....random.

I don't disagree, but its impossible to speculate what will/won't happen based on the rules of the universe.  They dont' exist and change ep to ep.  It makes no difference if Sam is immune or not.  It only matters if the writers want to do it.

Right now, they have the perfect set up with Dean's promise to Amara.  He either won't or can't hurt her or she's mad at him for lying and wants nothing to do with him.

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13 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Right now, they have the perfect set up with Dean's promise to Amara.  He either won't or can't hurt her or she's mad at him for lying and wants nothing to do with him.

So she possesses Sam because she is pissed Dean lied to her and wants to dish out some payback by getting back at him through Sam? That's so beneath the Amara they themselves have set up this Season.

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32 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

I don't disagree, but its impossible to speculate what will/won't happen based on the rules of the universe.  They dont' exist and change ep to ep.  It makes no difference if Sam is immune or not.  It only matters if the writers want to do it.

Right now, they have the perfect set up with Dean's promise to Amara.  He either won't or can't hurt her or she's mad at him for lying and wants nothing to do with him.

Yes, I got a bad feeling from that scene in that regard, too. 

From the trailer we know Amara comes back because you can see her sitting on a bench and meeting up with Chuck. He is wearing the same clothes he does when you see him attack the bunker.

Since ep 17 has the entire spiel with Dean and Nougat on his last road trip (groan) and Sam and Cas with Billie, the Chuck stuff probably happens in 18 where Cas presumably dies.

Imdb lists Amara as being in ep 17 but maybe she is in 18. Or in both. Since Michael and Lucy are in 19, I'm not sure Amara is in that. She is far more powerful than either so why have them? 

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37 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Yes, I got a bad feeling from that scene in that regard, too. 

From the trailer we know Amara comes back because you can see her sitting on a bench and meeting up with Chuck. He is wearing the same clothes he does when you see him attack the bunker.

Since ep 17 has the entire spiel with Dean and Nougat on his last road trip (groan) and Sam and Cas with Billie, the Chuck stuff probably happens in 18 where Cas presumably dies.

Imdb lists Amara as being in ep 17 but maybe she is in 18. Or in both. Since Michael and Lucy are in 19, I'm not sure Amara is in that. She is far more powerful than either so why have them? 

Is Sam wearing the same clothes  in Death's Library that he's wearing in the you take care of me speech?  If  so its possible that's the closing scene, after Dean returns with Nougat boy and Sam telling Dean to let him take on the burden.  Those type of speeches usually precede stuff like that.


Edited by ILoveReading
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10 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Is Sam wearing the same clothes  in Death's Library that he's wearing in the you take care of me speech?  If  so its possible that's the closing scene, after Dean returns with Nougat boy and Sam telling Dean to let him take on the burden.  Those type of speeches usually precede stuff like that.


Yes, it's the same clothes. They also seem to be having a fight in that episode. So that could very well be.

The only reason why I think it might not yet go to Sam in that episode is because I don’t think they would throw Jack out of the saviour position quite yet.

The ep description say Sam and Cas disagree on something. The only thing that comes to mind would be the Nougat sacrificing himself and Cas obviously would be on the "noooo" side but I can't see Sam being on the "yes" side either. Or does it mean both disagree with Dean on poor Nougat having to die? Could be because it sets Dean up as the bad guy in their "Unity" nonsense.

Then I don’t know how it would relate to the "you kept me safe" speech, though. 

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3 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

The only reason why I think it might not yet go to Sam in that episode is because I don’t think they would throw Jack out of the saviour position quite yet

Unless this is their back up plan. 

I keep thinking that Cas's 'We need to talk" is him telling Dean that because Dean is mad at him Jack wants to die/sacrifice himself and that is the whole reason Dean's forced on the road with Nougat boy. 

The you protected me speech could be about Jack and how they need to come up with a back up plan for Dean to protect Jack, and if things go wrong Dean has to take care of him.  Therefore it has to be Sam. 

1 minute ago, ILoveReading said:

Unless this is their back up plan. 

I keep thinking that Cas's 'We need to talk" is him telling Dean that because Dean is mad at him Jack wants to die/sacrifice himself and that is the whole reason Dean's forced on the road with Nougat boy. 

The you protected me speech could be about Jack and how they need to come up with a back up plan for Dean to protect Jack, and if things go wrong Dean has to take care of him.  Therefore it has to be Sam. 

I think the Jack plan as is will fail in episode 18 and they will come up with something new in 19.

Maybe the speech is kinda relating to protecting a quasi-child at all costs - Dean with Sam - and that is totally what they have to do with Jack now. 

Maybe the next promo will give some kind of hint.

I saw spec on Tumblr that a possible ending could be after Sam saves the day in the big battle, Sam and Dean go on one last hunt and at the end, he decides to walk away from Dean, because he'll never be his own man and he goes off with Eileen and Dean opens a bar.  Then something happens that forces Dean to go to Sam and we get the final scene. 

I could see Jensen disliking that, and it would fit that Jensen hoped people would see the broader picture rather than a knee jerk reaction.   A knee jerk reaction would be mean bossy Dean not letting Sam grow up, but the broader picture is that they are off the hamster wheel and they both have always wanted different things out of life and know they can pursue them.   it would also fit about why he was too close and needed to be talked into it.

It also fits Jensen saying this needed to happen, and that he would have picked a different route to get there.

Edited by ILoveReading
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18 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

At least Sam's you've protected me my whole life now has context. 

Its's Sam lecturing Dean to treat him like a big boy and/or Sam trying to convince Dean to protect Jack. 

Probably the same with Cas telling Dean he fought for the whole world, but he won't fight for Jack.

Since that scene seems to indeed take place next episode and the episode description talks of a rift between the guys, not to mention the title "Unity", expect some more fighting in the beginning before Dean and Nougat head out. Probably with extra meanness since Sam has a split lip and there was a spoiler of a physical fight between them.

Over the course their road trip Dean will likely soothe Nougat`s poor little wounded feelings at some point. Even though he already did.

No idea why there appears to be a random comedic looking plot with Adam, first man. What the hell for?

Meanwhile Sam and Cas find the convenient entrance to Death`s library right from the bunker, confront NotBillie or something. 

Amara is also in the episode so she will probably learn of Dean`s "betrayal" and more wrong, bad, mean Dean.

When Dean returns, he will apologize some more and blah blibbety blah.   

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1 minute ago, Aeryn13 said:

Since that scene seems to indeed take place next episode and the episode description talks of a rift between the guys, not to mention the title "Unity", expect some more fighting in the beginning before Dean and Nougat head out. Probably with extra meanness since Sam has a split lip and there was a spoiler of a physical fight between them.

Over the course their road trip Dean will likely soothe Nougat`s poor little wounded feelings at some point. Even though he already did.

No idea why there appears to be a random comedic looking plot with Adam, first man. What the hell for?

Meanwhile Sam and Cas find the convenient entrance to Death`s library right from the bunker, confront NotBillie or something. 

Amara is also in the episode so she will probably learn of Dean`s "betrayal" and more wrong, bad, mean Dean.

When Dean returns, he will apologize some more and blah blibbety blah.   

Going to the B vs J thread. 


1 hour ago, ILoveReading said:

At least Sam's you've protected me my whole life now has context. 

Its's Sam lecturing Dean to treat him like a big boy and/or Sam trying to convince Dean to protect Jack. 

Probably the same with Cas telling Dean he fought for the whole world, but he won't fight for Jack.

They are so obviously  and blatantly connecting the lack of "unity" concerning how they are going to defeat Chuck to being all because of BadDean's Anger Issues with SaintJackiePoo and it's frustrating beyond words what they are doing to Dean because of it(and all of the characters in truth, but Dean is the only one that I still care about at this point) and only Dean is actually being written as the heavy here.



Edited by Myrelle
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"You've protected me my whole life, Dean"

Awwwww. Sammy is so big-hearted and forgiving. And then...

"But don't you see how smothering that was? How selfish and condescending you are? I can protect myself and I don't need you making choices for me. I don't need you."

Taking bets, anyone?

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7 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

"You've protected me my whole life, Dean"

Awwwww. Sammy is so big-hearted and forgiving. And then...

"But don't you see how smothering that was? How selfish and condescending you are? I can protect myself and I don't need you making choices for me. I don't need you."

Taking bets, anyone?

Except Sam wouldn't be teary about that (as in the scene).  He'd be angry/condescending.  

  • Love 3

If they pulled this crap in any other Season, it would still be annoying but now we`re 4 episodes from the finish and this is nothing but cheap drama that goes nowhere. So they have the big blowout whatever next episode and by the end of it they will have reached "Unity" again. 

Then in episode 18 which probably has the Chuck attacks the bunker, everyone already looks pretty chummy. Dean appears to prop up an injured/whatever Nougat, Cas at some point props up an injured Dean, everyone stands on one side - unified - against Chuck villain-monologuing. 

There is also still a lot of material from even the short trailers that hasn`t manifested so far. And the brothers looked quite alright with each other in most of them. Episode 19 will be an "emotional confrontation" with Chuck, not some big god-tier fight scene. Since it will have to accomodate Michael and even Lucy and Nougat likely becoming the new God, every other issue will be dusted and done with by that point. 

So what did this two episode nonsense "arc" of "mean Dean" serve in the final Season, among the very final episodes? Other than to serve Badd`s pettyness. 

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4 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Except Sam wouldn't be teary about that (as in the scene).  He'd be angry/condescending.  

Yeah, you have a point there. Anyway, in that promo, Sam first says "My entire life, you've kept me safe"; then he says "It's you and me -- our last chance, our one shot." Now, they make it sound like it's part of the same conversation, and Sam's voice sounds the same, but of course maybe it's not. No way to know yet.

In the "Au Revoir" promo by Shaving People, Punting Things, there is a brief glimpse about half-way through which looks to me like Dean and Sam saying good-bye to each other. They are both very emotional, Dean reaches out to clasp the back of Sam's neck and smiles a little, and they kind of nod at each other. To me it does not look like Dean sending Sam off to sacrifice himself; it looks to me like they think it is the end for both of them and this is their final farewell. Of course, who knows what the context of this is; we don't even know when it takes place.

13 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

So they have the big blowout whatever next episode and by the end of it they will have reached "Unity" again. 

Yes, I'm pretty sure that in the next episode, while Dean and Jack on their road trip, that Dean decides to forgive Jack. Dabb did say something about Dean coming to understand where Jack is coming from. So if Jack decides he still wants to sacrifice himself to try to save the world, it will be his choice, and not because he feels he needs to do it for Dean. So that will be the end of that kerfuffle. And at least from the little bits we have seen in the promos, as Aeryn points out, it doesn't look like the main characters continue being at odds with each other. Which does make the whole thing seem kind of pointless. I guess it was just another setup to put Jack's character at the center of everything and emphasize his importance.


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1 hour ago, ILoveReading said:

Cas also knows about the key to Death's library being in the bunker, because Sergei told him back in Last Call.

Will Chief I think I'm a Saint get mad at Cas for that lie?

Of course not, and in fact they'll probably find some way to blame Dean for it, because...isn't everything?

32 minutes ago, Bergamot said:

Yeah, you have a point there. Anyway, in that promo, Sam first says "My entire life, you've kept me safe"; then he says "It's you and me -- our last chance, our one shot." Now, they make it sound like it's part of the same conversation, and Sam's voice sounds the same, but of course maybe it's not. No way to know yet.

In the "Au Revoir" promo by Shaving People, Punting Things, there is a brief glimpse about half-way through which looks to me like Dean and Sam saying good-bye to each other. They are both very emotional, Dean reaches out to clasp the back of Sam's neck and smiles a little, and they kind of nod at each other. To me it does not look like Dean sending Sam off to sacrifice himself; it looks to me like they think it is the end for both of them and this is their final farewell. Of course, who knows what the context of this is; we don't even know when it takes place.

Yes, I'm pretty sure that in the next episode, while Dean and Jack on their road trip, that Dean decides to forgive Jack. Dabb did say something about Dean coming to understand where Jack is coming from. So if Jack decides he still wants to sacrifice himself to try to save the world, it will be his choice, and not because he feels he needs to do it for Dean. So that will be the end of that kerfuffle. And at least from the little bits we have seen in the promos, as Aeryn points out, it doesn't look like the main characters continue being at odds with each other. Which does make the whole thing seem kind of pointless. I guess it was just another setup to put Jack's character at the center of everything and emphasize his importance.


Honestly, I am so glad that this is likely the last time that I'll have to sit through another episode or scene like this one, and all simply because I'm addicted to the Ackting.

I just hope that my favorite actor and his character aren't completely relegated to the sidelines again in the end; but if he is, at least yes, I can take some solace in the fact that for whatever ridiculous and redundant reason, as was pointed out here, it will be happening for the very last time.

Edited by Myrelle
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2 hours ago, ahrtee said:

Of course.  It's right next to the back door to hell, just past the purgatory entrance.  

Which, by the way, neither Sam nor Bobby had the brains to actually close.  They just walk away and the camera pans back to show us that it's open.  (Why the show did that, I have no clue, since it never went anywhere.)

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So according to the promo pics, Amara drops by the bunker for a visit. Goodness gracious, is she gonna be angry at Dean about secreths and lieths? Does she maybe "possess" Sam here? This next ep is probably gonna be a clusterfuck. 

Since imdb was right about Amara being in the ep yet they don`t have Emily listed for episodes 18 or 19, this is likely be her last one. So she just gives/tells them something and then just leaves? It`s not like she couldn`t take on Chuck so she needs to be taken off the board somehow. 

Of course Nougat is only smiling dopily at her. 

Edited by Aeryn13
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2 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

Since imdb was right about Amara being in the ep yet they don`t have Emily listed for episodes 18 or 19, this is likely be her last one. So she just gives/tells them something and then just leaves? It`s not like she couldn`t take on Chuck so she needs to be taken off the board somehow. 

Perfect set up for Sam to offer to sacrifice himself in Jack's place and be possessed by Amara so that if God kills them he kills Amara. 


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10 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

Perfect set up for Sam to offer to sacrifice himself in Jack's place and be possessed by Amara so that if God kills them he kills Amara. 


Of course Chuck would KNOW Amara was possessing Sam, just like Amara knew Dean was carrying all those souls, but 🤷🏼‍♀️

(If this post is completely beside the point just disregard it. I'm only following the show on this board these days...)

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New Emily Swallow interview Here

She only says it "gets complicated" but from her words I wouldn't asume that Amara is super-angry at Dean. He might have even meant it when he said he wouldn't hurt her. Or she knew he meant it when he thought it was a lie?

I just love her interviews.

Btw, a recent interview with Jensen just answered one of my questions. When they were told the ending of the show last year, it was just the ending. They didn"t get the story or a draft for the final episode.

So basically their info was "you both die" or "one dies, one lives" etc.

Now since there is no way Jared (or the writers) could have known the contents of episode 17 before the Season started, I'm stumped. Does he end the show "possessed" by Amara? In that case it would only make sense if Dean was "possessed" by Chuck and that is keeping the balance in theory while the Nougat takes over actual Godhood.

Edited by Aeryn13
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The problem with a Jack-as-God ending is, well, Jack. The character is a child, with no moral compass, able to be lead by nose by just about anyone who promises him a candy. So lets put him in charge of all creation? Sure, what could possibly go wrong? Well, lets make Castiel his right hand man, you say. He is even worse - we've seen what he does each time he's had power. And he's also been known to disappear in a snit when he gets his feelings hurt. 

It's a stupid enough idea that it's probably exactly what will happen in Dabbernatural. 

However, Dean containing all the light, while Sam contains the darkness could be interesting in different hands. I don't believe anyone currently with the show has the talent to tell that story though. Certainly not in the few remaining episodes. 

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I'm not sure if Amara visiting the bunker will be at the beginning or end of the episode. Cas isn't there and the middle part of the ep is obviously Dean & Nougat meet Adam, the first man and Sam and Cas visit Death's library.

Obviously the beginning will have a fight over 'oh noez, Jack". Then there is another Amara-looks-up-at-the-sky moment in the trailer.

Provided that is before she goes to the bunker, I would reckon her scene is the last one or close to it. And then I would assume she is in the next one, too. Emily's interview wasn't conclusive on how much she is still in. However, there is another scene from another trailer that still hasn't taken place.

Badd said something about Jack's trials readiying him for "things to come". So Godhood seems the obvious answer. Of course he is nowhere near mentally fit for the task. What else could he become?

You know somwthing really sad? I'm at least glad the terrible Duo is writing ep 19 and not Berens. Bad enough he does 18.

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4 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

New Emily Swallow interview Here

She only says it "gets complicated" but from her words I wouldn't asume that Amara is super-angry at Dean. He might have even meant it when he said he wouldn't hurt her. Or she knew he meant it when he thought it was a lie?

I just love her interviews.

Btw, a recent interview with Jensen just answered one of my questions. When they were told the ending of the show last year, it was just the ending. They didn"t get the story or a draft for the final episode.

So basically their info was "you both die" or "one dies, one lives" etc.

Now since there is no way Jared (or the writers) could have known the contents of episode 17 before the Season started, I'm stumped. Does he end the show "possessed" by Amara? In that case it would only make sense if Dean was "possessed" by Chuck and that is keeping the balance in theory while the Nougat takes over actual Godhood.

I really love Emily's interviews (and social media snippets) too! Her appreciation for Dean as well as her character's connection with him is always nice to see. She clearly cares, and that scene with him in 15.15 stood head and shoulders above most of the season purely because of both actors' investment and chemistry.

Given the spoilers we've already gotten, I've long speculated that the "best" case scenario at this point would be Sam becoming the new Darkness (hence possession by Amara) and Dean becoming the new Death (Billie is actually a scheming manipulator who lied about Dean's death books and they have to kill her or something). Jack would be the new God (barf) and Cas would take the Spawn's side as official right-hand babysitter. It wouldn't be the worst ending in the world for me, and even has some merit, but I'm not optimistic it'll even be this good.

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6 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

New Emily Swallow interview Here

She only says it "gets complicated" but from her words I wouldn't asume that Amara is super-angry at Dean. He might have even meant it when he said he wouldn't hurt her. Or she knew he meant it when he thought it was a lie?

I just love her interviews

She genuinely loves and has always loved the attachment/connection that Amara and Dean have always had.

And yes, how refreshing to have another person associated with the show speak positively(and at some length, too!) about Dean.

It's such a rarity.

That said, the "It gets complicated." was likely her way of saying that her character is now going to be passed on to Sam because she won't want to hurt Dean. 🙄

I'm expecting it to come up in this next episode, tbh.

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I think maybe Emily is mildly romanticizing her memory/viewpoint of what Dean is to Amara, and what Amara is to Dean. I don't recall ever feeling like Dean was listening to, or supporting her through his own free will. He did try to kill her with an angel blade after all. It wasn't for lack of intent that it didn't work. Even his speech to her at the end was more about getting her to see why she was doing what she was doing.

That said, I don't care - it's just nice to see somebody saying good things about Dean.

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Emily is such a sweetheart and she rocks that character. I would rather see her than Sam possessed by Amara. However it would be hilarious to see Jared trying to act the part since I haven't seen him act for years on this show.

I'm still baffled at the notion of Jack becoming God. Aside from the fact that I don't see how Jack would be better than Chuck, the notion that a flesh and blood being can become primordial energy on the scale of creation itself, will never not be funny to me. That's moronic on a scale I can't comprehend.

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23 minutes ago, Smad said:

Emily is such a sweetheart and she rocks that character. I would rather see her than Sam possessed by Amara. However it would be hilarious to see Jared trying to act the part since I haven't seen him act for years on this show.

I don’t think there will be any acting like her involved at all. In this case I think "possession" will mean randomely getting her power.

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5 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

I don’t think there will be any acting like her involved at all. In this case I think "possession" will mean randomely getting her power.

That's not possession though. The word has been defined by the show pretty clearly. It's something or someone else taking over your body/mind. Unless possession now gets ret-conned too?

3 minutes ago, Smad said:

That's not possession though. The word has been defined by the show pretty clearly. It's something or someone else taking over your body/mind. Unless possession now gets ret-conned too?

I know but this is only because Jared randomely brought it up in an interview and his mind might have just provided that word in lieu of something else that would have been a more correct term.

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1 hour ago, Smad said:

That's not possession though. The word has been defined by the show pretty clearly. It's something or someone else taking over your body/mind. Unless possession now gets ret-conned too?

Neither Jared nor Misha invoked Mark P in their takes on Lucifer. Meg 1.0 and 2.0, completely different, as was Jared's turn at the character. Same with the Rubys. They had the same attitude,  but very different mannerisms. I think the only only who tried specifically to invoke the original was Jensen for AU Michael (as in talked to the actor) and it was still his take. So there would be no reason for Jared to try and act like Emily's Amara. 

Edited by gonzosgirrl
1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Neither Jared nor Misha invoked Mark P in their takes on Lucifer. Meg 1.0 and 2.0, completely different, as was Jared's turn at the character. Same with the Rubys. They had the same attitude,  but very different mannerisms. I think the only only who tried specifically to invoke the original was Jensen for AU Michael (as in talked to the actor) and it was still his take. So there would be no reason for Jared to try and act like Emily's Amara. 

Just because the actors suck at imitation doesn't mean anything. For example I found the various actors for Alistair all very consistent. So it can be done. Gen was nothing like Cassidy when it came to Ruby but Gen can't act. Jared doing his own thing or Misha hamming it up, that's on the actors not on what they should actually be like. Jared should imitate Emily if it's going to be an actual possession. Anything else is just crappy acting.

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Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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