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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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So, Jeremy and Fauxdry's friends ask them when they will move back to the farm?  I can answer that.  They will move back when she has a baby, and needs a free babysitter.

This is the first time I've noticed how er "sturdy" Fauxdry is.  She's got legs that could crack a coconut.

The fact that Jeremy did not also insist on being there shows just how much he cares.  What exactly was so pressing that he couldn't break away?  Researching the newest style of man buns?  Servicing Fauxdry?  Proofreading his blog?  Piece of shit.

I happen to think that anyone here illegally right now, should be allowed to stay.  Amnesty.  That's my extreme Liberal heart talking.  Toughen up the laws if you want, but no one gets deported, no families are torn apart.  So, Camerino had some coke, big fucking deal.  He's performing a service here.  If I were him, I would take my family and go somewhere.  I would not go back.

Edited by Honey
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Honey said:

So, Jeremy and Fauxdry's friends ask them when they will move back to the farm?  I can answer that.  They will move back when she has a baby, and needs a free babysitter.

This is the first time I've noticed how er "sturdy" Fauxdry is.  She's got legs that could crack a coconut.

The fact that Jeremy did not also insist on being there shows just how much he cares.  What exactly was so pressing that he couldn't break away?  Researching the newest style of man buns?  Servicing Fauxdry?  Proofreading his blog?  Piece of shit.

I happen to think that anyone here illegally right now, should be allowed to stay.  Amnesty.  That's my extreme Liberal heart talking.  Toughen up the laws if you want, but no one gets deported, no families are torn apart.  So, Camerino had some coke, big fucking deal.  He's performing a service here.  If I were him, I would take my family and go somewhere.  I would not go back.

If there were no drug conviction I would totally agree with you but coke is serious. What Camerino does is not in any way so specialized that he cannot be replaced easily.

Jeremy so does not deserve the farm.

  • Love 7

I agree with Willowsmom on this, although it does suck. But, if I were attempting to gain residency in a different country, making double sure to not be breaking laws is pretty high on the list. And coke isn't marijuana, or driving drunk, or stealing food to feed your starving babies. I don't think it's too much to ask for people here illegally who want amnesty to not commit felonies. I'm otherwise pretty liberal on this point and agree. But this particular crime was not a crime related to the immigration process.

Honey - as I recall, the time where Matt was in the hospital, Jeremy and Audrey were skipping around bed and breakfasts in various southern states on vacation. I continue to love the "we want to live on the farm, I'm a farm boy! Farming is for me!" whining from these two as they choose to live in a small hipster city three hours away from their beloved farm. There's no reason for it except their personal choice.

And considering Audrey's parents live ten minutes away from Roloff Farms now, its interesting indeed how Audrey and Jeremy keep so separate desperate their constant lip service how they want to be on the farm because they love it so. There's literally nothing keeping them in Bend.

Well, nothing they care to articulate.

  • Love 5

Jer does not want the farm. He wants the fun, carefree lifestyle he had as a kid. What Jer doesn't want is the work. He doesn't realize that most farmers actually do lots of difficult repetitive work. It's not fun projects and trips to Hawaii every few months. He won't have TLC money to prop up the bottom line and honestly how popular is a wedding destination or marriage retreat? If they do pull that off what's it going to do to the property taxes since working farms get big breaks? Hence the distance in Bend. Matt might expect him to actually take over for Camerino.

  • Love 2

My family is close friends with another family whose dad was deported a couple years ago, so I've seen up close how our current immigration policy can fuck families up. I've also heard Diane Guerrero's (actress on Jane the Virgin and OITNB) story, which is all kinds of fucked up. So I'm a strong, STRONG proponent of immigration reform. I know Camerino was busted with coke, but honestly, unless the offense in question is violent, I'm not sure I agree with breaking up families that way. (Drunk driving, which I believe Camerino was also guilty of, probably bothers me more because it deliberately puts other people in danger.) It's not that I have much sympathy for Camerino himself on a personal level; honestly, I don't. It's like... dude, really, you're already on precarious legal footing in the US and you're going to get involved with a super illegal drug? I just don't think it makes for great policy. But I'm also a proponent of reform when it comes to drug offenses. 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 5

I'd argue two baggies of coke isn't entirely personal use....

And per the appeal documents, they found two baggies of coke, one ON him and one in the car.  And coke isn't pot, and it's not a crime that begins with no intent - it's not drunk driving where as much as I hate it, I do understand why it happens.

On the other hand, the guy who gets caught with coke who is a us citizen spends a few months in jail (maybe) and gets out. No boot to the border... so the punishment seems unfair, although again, I do understand the difference in situations.

It's really too bad that Camerino didn't get his status sorted out sooner - if he'd genuinely been here for 24 years, he had fifteen years before this incident to get his status legalized. And again, he knew what his status was when he got some coke. It's not an accidental crime.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

Having seen what coke does to people I am not a fan of illegals bringing in or dealing with coke. Sorry. 

I think alcohol does more damage to more people than coke.  Just my opinion.

I don't think the letter had anything to do with Camerino.  It has to be something to do with the farm, the pumpkins or something.

5 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

If I did coke and was busted, I would go to prison.  So I guess by deporting him he is in a sense going to "prison" except he has no bars.  

Yes his family will suffer but so would mine if I choose to commit a felony.

No pity.

No prison.  First offense, not even county jail.

Edited by Honey
Off topic
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3 hours ago, galax-arena said:

I mean I'm also not a fan of referring to people as illegals, so I think at a certain point there's just an impasse with respect to fundamental beliefs. 

I agree.  A person is a person.  Illegals is not a nice term, it sounds somehow less than human.  IMO of course.  I hope he gets it sorted for his sake, as well as his family's.

Edited by Honey
  • Love 4

The thing is, I don't think he was here originally illegally. I think he probably came in on a work visa which can have a various shelf life. They can also be extended. I've assisted in getting several. It's repeatedly emphasized that felony charges will result in the possibility of revoking the visa and possible deportation. I say felony because most misdemeanors (speeding tickets, some personal use drug convictions, etc.) do not have the same risk unless it occurs multiple times. A felony drunk driving conviction would put him in the same category. It appears though, that he's had quite an extended history and they waited for the total resolution of all his appeals to start the deportation process. They really don't have to wait that long. It was possible that he could have been deported and had to fight his criminal appeal from Mexico. Unfortunately, his criminal record is going to make it very difficult to get a new visa to come back.


He would have a stronger argument if he performed specialized functions. Being Matt's arms and legs isn't a specialized function. Just because he can resist the urge to run over the man with the Napoleon complex and most people wouldn't be able to isn't a legitimate reason to classify him as specialized labor.

  • Love 4

We separate people from their families all the time- prison for example. Coke may not be a big deal in some states, but it is in others. And it all supports the Drug cartels.  I do not see people fighting for citizens to be kept from prison because they'd be separated from their families. 

How about we  declare Parents in the military ineligible to deploy overseas because they would be separated from their families? No? 

Camarino broke the law every day he overstayed his visa. It was his personal decision to not get his Visa extended properly, His decision to risk being separated from his family by deportation. Just as people risk going to prison or being deployed overseas. 

It was also Matts' decision to employ him even though his visa was expired. I hope Roloff farms gets fined a lot.

I'm all for a guest worker program,and for use of migrant farm labor legally - but that program could be subject to people overstaying those visas too. 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 6

How about we  declare Parents in the military ineligible to deploy overseas because they would be separated from their families? No?

LMAO. Really not the same thing, but okay. 

ETA: I support legal immigration, too. Everyone but the Native Americans can GTFO! 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 1

Sooo...trouble with undocumented worker last week and this week there's something up with how Matt did his water rights paperwork.  Of course he gets mad at the government for screwing with his livelihood.  Um, hey genius? Most of the time if you run your business above board and follow the rules, the government is happy to leave you alone and collect its share of your profits (i.e. taxes).  However if you skirt the rules and have a big mouth and piss off your neighbors and televise for all to see, well then the only one "screwing" you is you.  And if you really cared about the farm and your home, you wouldn't be trying to paralyze yourself by jumping into your farm-buggy and bouncing your spinal column right thru that soft lump on your shoulders.

Amy supposedly is a great cook, right?  Has she never used a blender?  Hasn't she ever seen a smoothie made before? Four bananas and every fruit known to man crammed in there! And then she adds half a cup of fake maple syrup to it to kick off "Healthy Amy" time?  Smoothies have been around for decades! And she personally knows two of the hippest, hippie-est hipsters in Oregon.  Don't tell me Jerk and Oddery haven't insisted on handcrafted organic honey and chia seed pomegranate mango soy whippy -dips when they stay at the farm. 

It's great that Amy is trying to stretch her social circle and get into the dating scene.  I just wish one of her girlfriends would tell her she looks like a big mouth bass when she eats.  <shudder> I could never sit next to or across from her for a meal.

  • Love 12
55 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

Sooo...trouble with undocumented worker last week and this week there's something up with how Matt did his water rights paperwork.  Of course he gets mad at the government for screwing with his livelihood.  Um, hey genius? Most of the time if you run your business above board and follow the rules, the government is happy to leave you alone and collect its share of your profits (i.e. taxes).  However if you skirt the rules and have a big mouth and piss off your neighbors and televise for all to see, well then the only one "screwing" you is you.  And if you really cared about the farm and your home, you wouldn't be trying to paralyze yourself by jumping into your farm-buggy and bouncing your spinal column right thru that soft lump on your shoulders.

Amy supposedly is a great cook, right?  Has she never used a blender?  Hasn't she ever seen a smoothie made before? Four bananas and every fruit known to man crammed in there! And then she adds half a cup of fake maple syrup to it to kick off "Healthy Amy" time?  Smoothies have been around for decades! And she personally knows two of the hippest, hippie-est hipsters in Oregon.  Don't tell me Jerk and Oddery haven't insisted on handcrafted organic honey and chia seed pomegranate mango soy whippy -dips when they stay at the farm. 

It's great that Amy is trying to stretch her social circle and get into the dating scene.  I just wish one of her girlfriends would tell her she looks like a big mouth bass when she eats.  <shudder> I could never sit next to or across from her for a meal.

Sums up beautifully, in just a few lines, much of what the show was about.

Water rights have the most controversial history of anything in the west. More grief, bloodshed and death have occurred over their misuse and theft than anything else, including cattle rustling.

Here's a point for Mattso to consider: When you use water outside your settled right to it—and any farmer knows very well what his specific rights are—you are stealing it, stealing it, from a neighbor who needs it just as badly as you do, for the same reasons you need it, and holds the settled right to have what you are taking from him. The government doesn't willy-nilly decide to shut you down; the government intervenes in your theft from your neighbors, on behalf of your neighbors.

Amy's immense pretense is exposed again. What genuine cook doesn't know how to use her equipment?  But then, Amy had no idea how a real restaurant kitchen works when she opened her ever-so-with-it popup in Portland. Amy knows food preparation, a category different from cooking.

Edited by Mike p.
  • Love 5

Am I the only one who noticed that in the first "I'm Matt Roloff and I MUST check on my precious pumpkin plants despite my grievious neck injury, to hell with being crippled, I MUST defend the farm!" scene in the mule, that the dying pumpkin plants were like... three or so rows in an other wise empty plowed field? And the notion that Jeremy and Zach could simply water the field with garden hoses? I'm there was something going on with the water permits but really...

  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Am I the only one who noticed that in the first "I'm Matt Roloff and I MUST check on my precious pumpkin plants despite my grievious neck injury, to hell with being crippled, I MUST defend the farm!" scene in the mule, that the dying pumpkin plants were like... three or so rows in an other wise empty plowed field? And the notion that Jeremy and Zach could simply water the field with garden hoses? I'm there was something going on with the water permits but really...

No, I noticed but I really do not care about their pumpkin problem lol. 

I was laughing at Amy's foray into the faux dating world.  

I did enjoy Zach and Tori.  A genuine couple!

Edited by Jellybeans
to add a thought
  • Love 4

The way Amy reacts and speaks of the "DW" is a wee bit OTT in my opinion.  What's her beef with the stupid trailer? Did Amy walk in on Matt and one of his beloved pumpkins in a compromising position?  Was there a mass murder in there?  

Wasn't it an amazing coincidence that just when Amy wants to have her BFF's and some boys over to frolick in the pool, Matt wants surveillance cameras everywhere??  And again, cool it with the overreacting already Amy.  Matt said he wanted cameras focused on the crops so he can watch his precious pumpkins.  Maybe Amy was planning her own version of plowing the fields with her new man squad, and Matt ruined her Pumpkin Porn plans?  And why wouldn't Matt just show Amy the video feeds so she can see all the cameras and what parts of the farm are filmed?  Oh yeah! It's because that's what sane, rational, non-TV people do.

When Amy's friend asked how many people were coming, I thought she said "83"!! I had to rewind to check, and I think she actually said "maybe 30".  Phew!  Matt would have needed CPR if he saw 83 non-paying, non-pumpkin picking strangers romping around the property!  

  • Love 3

I realize their situation is unusual, because they live on the same property, but if my ex husband put cameras all over the place where I lived, I would feel violated.  At the very least she should also be able to view the camera feeds on her computer too. He should have consulted with her before putting them up.  He always was a control freak, and he hasn't changed. 

  • Love 10

On re-watch, I wonder how hurt Amy will be when she watches the footage, and realizes that her kids didn't really want her to go to game night, but that they only invited her to be polite, because they didn't think she'd really go.   Your Mom was the only one who was there for you guys growing up.  That was quite shitty of you.

  • Love 6

Busy October - I don't think Amy's comments about the DW were about her deep rooted feelings about trailers, I think she just doesn't like going into Matt's home because he certainly seems to resent it when she does.

Honey - since I think game night was essentially staged for the cameras anyway, its a rare occasion where I will let the kids off the hook - because they were required to invite Amy, and Amy was required to attend because this was for the cameras. And honestly, this was a rare moment of honest living in this "we are divorced but we're totally cool" - no, they aren't and the kids know well enough to not invite mom and dad to events together, and not to invite mom over to dad's house. I get why they were relunctant to invite her, and I don't think it had anything to do with not wanting Amy to attend. I think they totally knew that Matt would pull his little bitchy pissed faced look and would stomp off - and look at what Matt did - he pulled his little bitch face of "I'm not happy" and left the room.

I found the camera thing a bit odd and wasteful and I found it hilarious that Matt was so quick to defend it with "THERES NO CAMERAS POINTED AT THE HOUSE".

And I think it's ridiculous that Amy has to tell Matt she's having a party.

  • Love 5

Amy, you don't like the idea of cameras everywhere?  You're on a fucking reality tv show! WTF??! Ok, not entirely the same but similar. 

//sorry...bad mood this AM//

15 hours ago, Willowsmom said:

Any one else notice that when Matt came out of his room he was swallowing something and was then able to relax and be social. He wouldn't need to hide pain meds.

Maybe he took a Xanax or something similar?

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 1

Being that so many things are staged for the show, I find it hard to believe that Matt didn't know Amy would be coming over. Especially being the control freak he is. 

If somehow, he really didn't know, or want her there, the kids should have asked him beforehand, because it's his house. 

Either way, it struck me as weird that it was so awkward that she was there. Wasn't she over there when he was laid up and they were chatting about something 'important'. She also gave him some fancy shmancy bed, hugged him before his surgery?  Hubby and I bicker about everything (like Amy and Matt) because we are polar opposites. But even if we were divorced, I can't see either one of us acting weird about being in the same room. 

As far as Zach, I don't know if he happens to be the most loyal child or if he took on that role because he's the only one not chasing his dreams all over the West Coast. I do enjoy the banter between him and Amy. He really does seem to be a caring son and I must say he is my favorite one, by far. 

  • Love 9

I don't take my pain meds in a social situation in such a way that everyone in the room is aware of it.  I can see why a person would be taking a pill as surreptitiously as possible.  Showing him doing it on camera could be part of the story line of him trying to maintain a normal life in spite of his pain.

Edited by AZChristian
  • Love 1

I enjoyed seeing Amy in a faux dating situation.  I hope it develops into something real. And not filmed. 

I felt parts of the show was staged, especially when they were having family night.  Yeah, right.

As far as the cameras go, I would be pissed if my EX put cameras out after years of no cameras.  The only way I would feel safe is if I also had the observation/surveillance monitor at my place.  

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

I enjoyed seeing Amy in a faux dating situation.  I hope it develops into something real. And not filmed. 

I thought it was cute too.  But what do you do with half of a painting?  Most of these people are not going to end up with their painting partner.  Cute regardless.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

Amy, you don't like the idea of cameras everywhere?  You're on a fucking reality tv show! WTF??! Ok, not entirely the same but similar. 

//sorry...bad mood this AM//

Maybe he took a Xanax or something similar?

Yeah, but she agreed to the TV cameras.

21 hours ago, Willowsmom said:

Any one else notice that when Matt came out of his room he was swallowing something and was then able to relax and be social. He wouldn't need to hide pain meds.

I re-watched that over and over, and I didn't see him swallow anything.  That being said.  If he is taking pain pills I would advise him to take them in private, or the interwebs will be abuzz with posts about him being addicted to pain medication.

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, Honey said:

On re-watch, I wonder how hurt Amy will be when she watches the footage, and realizes that her kids didn't really want her to go to game night, but that they only invited her to be polite, because they didn't think she'd really go.   Your Mom was the only one who was there for you guys growing up.  That was quite shitty of you.

She shouldnt have gone to Matt's. That s fucked up. They are divorced. Go away Amy.  

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