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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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The business is probably some way to get women to pay him for his "services" without it being called prostitution or for the women feeling bad.  


It's like that Helen Brach story.  The scam artist got her to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for "racehorses" that were really just old horses.  


It's probably like $2.99 to call that number and he is collecting it on a list, or you have to pay to hear Mo read you the news and weather of the day.....or it gets sold to some telemarketer or hacker.

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The comments on his Go Fund Me page are hilarious.


This lady really ripped him a new one:


"Do you have a terminal disease? Of course not just terminal ignorance and no desire to get off your lazy tuni arse to work. Go stand on a street corner and hold a jar and collect coins or pick up cans on the side of a road to turn in for money (beautify America hot stuff!) Put ads on craigslist to do yard work or help move things for elderly people for cash instead of sitting around looking for ways to scam women. By the way rumor has it you are a bad fuk..a seriously lacking down there kinda fuk. A 1 inch wonder kinda fuk. And Dani is no better because she supports your kind of scamming. Rumor has it Luisa said you sucked and she laughed at how bad you were at even basic kissing. Give it up...I would go hide from embarrassment after begging for money on a site people with terminal diseases ask for help! SHAME ON YOU!"

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The comments on his Go Fund Me page are hilarious.


This lady really ripped him a new one:


"Do you have a terminal disease? Of course not just terminal ignorance and no desire to get off your lazy tuni arse to work. Go stand on a street corner and hold a jar and collect coins or pick up cans on the side of a road to turn in for money (beautify America hot stuff!) Put ads on craigslist to do yard work or help move things for elderly people for cash instead of sitting around looking for ways to scam women. By the way rumor has it you are a bad fuk..a seriously lacking down there kinda fuk. A 1 inch wonder kinda fuk. And Dani is no better because she supports your kind of scamming. Rumor has it Luisa said you sucked and she laughed at how bad you were at even basic kissing. Give it up...I would go hide from embarrassment after begging for money on a site people with terminal diseases ask for help! SHAME ON YOU!"

dang!  she told all his business!


Seriously though, who is kissing him with that disgusting cold sore?  I always thought someone who was so sexually sheltered and self centered would be awful in bed, but all these women want to be around him so I thought I was wrong!  1 inch wonder.....dang.

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Mohamed is gross. He is not attractive at all and I am definitely surprised at how many women, albeit desperate, throw themselves on him. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to kiss Mohamed. 


I typed Mo's phone number into Google and it said that it has been reported, I don't know if someone reported it on purpose or if he is actually scamming people.

Edited by Suzy123
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Mohamed is gross. He is not attractive at all and I am definitely surprised at how many women, albeit desperate, throw themselves on him. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to kiss Mohamed. 

When he was first on the show I thought he was semi attractive.  But I wouldn't touch him with that cold sore, and he is most definitely not attractive at this point.  The moob situation is so real....and its not cute.

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When he was first on the show I thought he was semi attractive.  But I wouldn't touch him with that cold sore, and he is most definitely not attractive at this point.  The moob situation is so real....and its not cute.

Lol! I wonder which woman gave that cold sore? And Dani is still saying on Facebook that she wants to have kids with him... sure. She is delusional. 

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Lol! I wonder which woman gave that cold sore? And Dani is still saying on Facebook that she wants to have kids with him... sure. She is delusional. 

I just wonder how in the world he explained that cold sore to Dani.  I mean, I realize that she likely knows all these rumors are true, but he still would have to tell her something about the cold sore, right?


Dani saying that she wants to have kids with Mo is the funniest thing I've read all day because it is so delusional on so many levels.

  • Love 4

Mohamed is gross. He is not attractive at all and I am definitely surprised at how many women, albeit desperate, throw themselves on him. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to kiss Mohamed. 



Well . . . for a million dollars, I'd kiss the creep. Dani emptied her bank account to get to kiss him. Big mistake. 

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I just wonder how in the world he explained that cold sore to Dani.  I mean, I realize that she likely knows all these rumors are true, but he still would have to tell her something about the cold sore, right?


Dani saying that she wants to have kids with Mo is the funniest thing I've read all day because it is so delusional on so many levels.

Dani believes in all the lies that Mo says. She really is blinded by love.


Someone asked her that Mohamed wants kids someday and who is he going to have them with? She said me, why? Lol! Um, how about we can feel the disgust and hatred that Mo has for you from our living rooms. I'm pretty sure that he will never have sex with you and definitely will not want a kid with you. 

Well . . . for a million dollars, I'd kiss the creep. Dani emptied her bank account to get to kiss him. Big mistake. 

I don't know if I could do it. Looking at him makes me ill. lol! 

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Dani believes in all the lies that Mo says. She really is blinded by love.


Someone asked her that Mohamed wants kids someday and who is he going to have them with? She said me, why? Lol! Um, how about we can feel the disgust and hatred that Mo has for you from our living rooms. I'm pretty sure that he will never have sex with you and definitely will not want a kid with you. 

I don't know if I could do it. Looking at him makes me ill. lol! 

he always looks like he wants to escape her, and she is always pressed up as close to him as possible.  It makes me claustrophobic just watching the two of them in a room.


A million dollars is a lot of money, but ugh, just to imagine the germs floating around in that disgusting open cold sore......its like fear factor having to kiss him.

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he always looks like he wants to escape her, and she is always pressed up as close to him as possible.  It makes me claustrophobic just watching the two of them in a room.


A million dollars is a lot of money, but ugh, just to imagine the germs floating around in that disgusting open cold sore......its like fear factor having to kiss him.


Saran Wrap might do the trick. I'm old enough to be his mother or elderly aunt. Ah, poor Mohamed. I'll think of him during my vacation in Paris from my winnings. 

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Since I can't remember if they mentioned this during last night's episode or in a commercial preview for next week, I'll say this here: In what universe is Alexei good looking enough to be a model? He's not ugly, but Loren needs her eyes checked. Maybe she is drunk on pheromones?


It was in the preview and I think she's right, he could model. I don't find him all that attractive but I can totally see him modeling. He does have *that* look.

Since I can't remember if they mentioned this during last night's episode or in a commercial preview for next week, I'll say this here: In what universe is Alexei good looking enough to be a model? He's not ugly, but Loren needs her eyes checked. Maybe she is drunk on pheromones?

Some male models are so "ugly". Look at Adam Driver from Girls/Star Wars. So conventially unattractive but if you stare at him for a while he starts to become attractive, like those puzzles where you can squint and see a sailboat.
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Dang it. I guess I missed the go fund me page. I would have loved to have seen that. And I can't seem to locate the easily entertained by 90 day fiance Facebook page either... has it been deleted? Danielle was encouraging people to report it as being a bullying page and get it removed. I wonder if she succeeded.

I don't see Alexei modelling.  His hooked nose is enormous, his eyes are half-asleep, half-deer-in-headlights... The mouth doesn't work for me either..


He's a 7 if I am being generous.

Thank you! The man looks like he is sleep walking all the time. I just want to slap Loren and say to her "For gawd's sake! Let the man rest!"  I really think the poor guy is so jet lagged and stressed out with Princess that he needs 3 days of just R&R away from her.

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I don't see Alexei modelling.  His hooked nose is enormous, his eyes are half-asleep, half-deer-in-headlights... The mouth doesn't work for me either..


He's a 7 if I am being generous.


THIS!  His nose is enormous.  I know this is terrible but he reminds me of a skeksi and I don't get why everyone is so bent on saying what a stud he is...



That's a great point. I wonder if this photoshoot is something they are actually paying for.. like for a portfolio/headshots. Or just simply a producer setup.

The same thing happened with the Mormon's short wife (Kirylam) being sent to a modeling agency in season one.I bet once TLC went away the only agency which was still interested were the porn industry representative.

Edited by Raja
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I don't know if Loren's thought through the whole modeling thing. Unless you are a supermodel, I don't think you're making the big money. Plus, he'd likely be traveling all the time. I hope if Alexei is doing the photoshoot (or portfolio since he's not supposed to be working) and he's not into it he stands his ground about being a police officer or something similar.

Edited by ExplainItAgain
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