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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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I think Elise is posting on the 90 FB page as Dee Wain.  




Just based on some responses on the main page on posts to visitor's page..  like some random wrote that Elise is the love of his life.  Her bf jumped in to say too bad and "Dee Wain" responded  "Keep dreamin Moby...not gonna happen...ever. I promise you that."




Loren and Melanie are also on there responding to criticisms.  




Here is Loren's page...








I also saw Fernando responding to posts the other day.  As I've said before, when will these people learn?  I get that it would be super tough to avoid all the chatter and criticism, but if you're going to do this show, I feel like you seriously need to unplug from social media for awhile.  I'm surprised TLC doesn't make them.. although I bet they enjoy the stirred up controversy and reactions. 

Edited by GracieK
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Fernando responds to a lot of criticisms about him and especially his cheating in this 90 Day FB post...




(Oh and within this you will find Dani inserting herself into things and trying to private message Fernando)

Edited by GracieK

So in the Fernando thread the discussion of where his parents are from came up and I said I thought it said he was Italian (because of a reference he made on his fb page about being from Italy).  I just found this profile where he also describes himself as Italian.  But in the last episode he talks about being Hispanic.




I'm confused.  


And also, apparently very bored today. 

  • Love 1

Oh so Fernando is one of those "my parents live with me!" guys.  Those guys are a total fraud, I've gone out on dates with them and you tend to find out pretty quickly that they are simply lying about their parents living with them and its the other way around.  LOL its funny to know that men still play that game.

  • Love 10

I have just started watching this show and I am kind of sucked in. Not sure where it is appropriate to post this, but since it is a comment about something I saw in a preview I will post it here with the spoilers. Mods, if this is a faux pas I apologize.

Did I actually see Mark use a train whistle to summon Nikki to his side like Captain Von Trapp in The Sound of Music? And along with this was some comment about him "not being on vacation anymore", implying he will no longer be on his best behavior. He sounds like he has some deep issues. I feel so sorry for Nikki.

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I can't post the photo from Facebook, but Melanie just wished everyone a Happy Halloween, and Devar was in the photo so they are obviously married, happy and everything's good.


I posted the photo but then took it down because I wasn't sure if you were not posting it due to privacy/closed group reasons.

Edited by GracieK

I can't get the Google cache of Mark's OKC profile to load. Bummer!



Praise be! His profile got crawled by the Internet Archive's Wayback machine, and so, this snapshot is *permanent*!!


(It's from Nov 2014 -- though he claims to be 51 there.)


"About me" page: https://web.archive.org/web/20141106170447/http://www.okcupid.com/profile/A440CPS?


"Photos" page: https://web.archive.org/web/20141116211740/http://www.okcupid.com/profile/A440CPS/photos


Some interesting highlights:

  • "The first things people notice about me: If they're not staring at my boobs, then usually it's my ass."
  • "Looking for: Ages 30–50"
  • "On a typic Friday night I am: [...] I recently have settled for hugging pillows."
  • "You should message me if: Is there a swim suit competition (and to think I shaved my legs and back for this)."
  • "I spend a lot of time thinking about: the swimsuit competition."
  • "INTJ Alert!"
  • "I am one of a kind."


These photos are now technically public because they were crawled by the Archiver, so I hope they're not against any rules here (but I'll remove them if they are!):




And this one below was labelled with the caption '"autoerotic", maybe I should look that one up' :



Edited by trashTV
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Also Devar not being able to afford a ring...and making up for it with loving.  But not like "love"ing.  But like "lovin'." Boom chicka bow wow.

I'm not a fan of the whole ring business. He can't afford a ring or a honking 1 carat Tiffany's ring? In the end it's not the size of the ring but the intentions.  Unless it's Mark and Nikki. Then she needs a BIG fat ass ring. Girl needs to get paid for her services. 

  • Love 6

She should tell him where he can put his whistle!

If it were me I might put it there for him as well.


But I'm sure in Mark's world thats just another problem with American women.....we don't want to have a whistle blown at us by some jackass.


Gotta go to a poor country and find a barely legal teen to get away with that!

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 4

Praise be! His profile got crawled by the Internet Archive's Wayback machine, and so, this snapshot is *permanent*!!


(It's from Nov 2014 -- though he claims to be 51 there.)


"About me" page: https://web.archive.org/web/20141106170447/http://www.okcupid.com/profile/A440CPS?


"Photos" page: https://web.archive.org/web/20141116211740/http://www.okcupid.com/profile/A440CPS/photos


Some interesting highlights:

  • "The first things people notice about me: If they're not staring at my boobs, then usually it's my ass."
  • "Looking for: Ages 30–50"
  • "On a typic Friday night I am: [...] I recently have settled for hugging pillows."
  • "You should message me if: Is there a swim suit competition (and to think I shaved my legs and back for this)."
  • "I spend a lot of time thinking about: the swimsuit competition."
  • "INTJ Alert!"
  • "I am one of a kind."


These photos are now technically public because they were crawled by the Archiver, so I hope they're not against any rules here (but I'll remove them if they are!):




And this one below was labelled with the caption '"autoerotic", maybe I should look that one up' :



1. Why is he posed like a Sports Illustrated model circa 1985 on that jet ski?


2. His arm looks sooo uncomfortable on that car pose.  


3.  He looks constipated in both photos.  


3b.  He should have spent 4 bucks on some Ex-Lax before spending hundreds of dollars on a professional photo shoot and props

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 3

I'll take a stab at your questions.. LOL...

He's trying to look alluring and somehow attractive in the jet ski shot.

He's got his hand posed right next to the Mercedes emblem, lest anyone forget he's leaning on a Mercedes.

I will NEVER forget a guy I saw on a dating site years ago, sitting in a convertible Jaguar. I knew right away it wasn't his car. It was still on the lot, you could see the dealership in the background. And he had on a bad toupee.

That jet ski photo just begs for the caption "Take me!! Take me NOW!!"

  • Love 5

I'm almost equally offended by Mark's typos. He'll spell a word correctly then mispell it in the same sentence. He writes like a 15-year old.

Obviously, Mark isn't trying to impress a woman through any appeal to intellect. He's a hot physical specimen with a business and a Mercedes (cough, cough). Who cares if he doesn't spell or punctuate better than a texting teenager?


Oops. Sorry, Nikki.

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