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I want to vomit.

She actually lost her job, then got "married."

The clock was ticking, 90 days remember. It was now or he goes back home and then you have to pay the government fees all over again.

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There was a link someone posted where Danielle was asking for help with a sponsor.  Even if they did get married, she would need to show she could financially support him.  She could have a family/friend sort of act as a guarantor.  If she lost her job before they got married, they are up shit's creek.   Maybe we could start a kickstarter fund for them?

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Isn't there also one once they apply for the green card?  It's not automatic that once you get married that you'll get the greencard.  You still have to apply, non?

True but as we are seeing from last years couple who have not gone through an adjustment of status yet the process can be delayed. Mohammed will just be further away from having his conditional residence restrictions removed. The big by now date is the 90 days to get the legal marriage.

Edited by Raja
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This article says that Danielle and Mohammed were married on July 9th. I wonder if he actually slept with her yet? Lol.

I sure hope so, I know he didn't want to, but I think she would be pretty insistent about him doing it at least once.  


It sort of reminds me of that American that got caned in Singapore (?) a few years back....he just has to go through the pain one time and after that I think it'll be pretty smooth sailing.  I don't think she will demand a lot of sex, I think she mostly wants to be hugged and to attach herself to him.


Although, she better demand as much sex as she wants/can get, before the 2 year time window is up.

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I want to vomit.

She actually lost her job, then got "married."

are you kidding, what a boon for Mohammed, now he can potentially make an argument that he needs to get a job in another town, city or state to support the "household."  She, of course, wants him mowing lawns and some such other nonsense, but it sounds like he has some technical skill, so he may want to try to find a more well paying job out of the area and send money back to her.  I'm not sure how stringent the requirements are, but I would think that the government would allow for a new husband to take a job out of the area if he was doing so to financially support his wife and family while she looked for another job.

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This article says that Danielle and Mohammed were married on July 9th. I wonder if he actually slept with her yet? Lol.

WOW!! Thank you very much for this link...This is AMAZING!! I was looking for that marriage on google everywhere...Well by now they must have " consumed" de nuptials Night at least...

Isn't there also one once they apply for the green card?  It's not automatic that once you get married that you'll get the greencard.  You still have to apply, non?

Yes you are right.You must have 60 thousand a year for the application to sponsor the beneficiary in USA 

are you kidding, what a boon for Mohammed, now he can potentially make an argument that he needs to get a job in another town, city or state to support the "household."  She, of course, wants him mowing lawns and some such other nonsense, but it sounds like he has some technical skill, so he may want to try to find a more well paying job out of the area and send money back to her.  I'm not sure how stringent the requirements are, but I would think that the government would allow for a new husband to take a job out of the area if he was doing so to financially support his wife and family while she looked for another job.

He would need a financial sponsor to get a social security number to get a job. So he is trap in that situation 

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He would need a financial sponsor to get a social security number to get a job. So he is trap in that situation 

What a catch 22 for Mohammed.  Can the financial sponsor be someone other than who he is married to?  What obligations is a financial sponsor under?

This Tunisian gigolo is earning every penny/green-card of this ordeal he's putting himself through.  I don't think there could be circumstances where I would have been desperate enough to debase myself lovescamming some He-Danielle back when I was 25.

Ugh, a He-Danielle, can you imagine?  Oh wait, I can, his name is Brett :)

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Some of the illiterate musics from Danielle's FB page:


August 3
One of the cruellest [sic] things you can do to another person is pretend you care more about them than you really do.

Didn't see that one coming, LOL?  That's one month after your fake marriage.


Sept 19
It sucks when you realize you rejected other people for that one person that wasted your time.

Really? Hashtag I am fed up with your lies and cheating?  What are you doing there? Also you lost your job, so from Mo's perspective you wasted HIS time!


Sept 19
Treat her like she's worthless & another man will show her she's priceless.

Good luck with that.  Maybe some other Tunisian gigolo will find you priceless if you pay up?


Sept 26
It takes a strong heart to love but it takes a STRONGER hear to continue to love after it's been hurt.

Also sometimes an idiot.


Sept 29
Many relationships end because once the person has you, they stop doing the wonderful things it took to get you.

Replace "you" for "a green card"?


Sept 30
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you.
All you can do is be someone who can be loved.
The rest is up to them.
I learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back.
And it's not the end of the world.


Are you really surprised with this outcome?  Because we're not.


Oct 2

You deserve to he happy not in the arms of someone who keeps you waiting, but in the arms of someone who will take you now, love you forver [sic] and leave you never.

How about, "who will take you never, love you never, and leave you as soon as possible?"


Oct 3
It's not always about sex, sometimes the best type of intimacy is where you just lay back, laugh at the stupidest things, hold each other, and enjoy each other's company...

...and we're right back to Hashtag I am fed up with your lies and cheating!  I guess it's about avoiding sex with you, because holding hands with grams is gross enough.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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So much information.... so, was the marriage in July real or for show? There's no way she has the money to sponsor him to stay. And based on those Facebook postings, they are no longer together, so who's he cheating with? And when was she asking for financial help in his sponsorship, before or after she cried on Facebook?

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Clearly not #lessonlearned.   She is so going to out there to look for another user.    She just wants a man and will fall for any line.  Her lesson learned should be "maybe I should concentrate on raising my daughters not on having a man in my life."

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On 17 October Dani posted this in the comments section to a post:  we are not lovey dovey in public he is mulism and his religion is islam and they believe that ,that part of marriage is private and stays in the house so people should not judge our relationship on that alone.


From his FB page, it seems as if he's not in the USA any more. I can't wait for the whole story to come out.

Edited by essexjan
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Dani's FB page is fascinating. There's an entry  on 19 August where she says:  I am confused, sad, pissed, worried all at one time. Can you say i need a drink.


Then in the comments she says:  see you guys automatically assume its my 26 old man there is all kinds of things i have been dealing with since june. You assume its him sometimes its not. Just cause he is different cause where he is from and his cultural does not mean he is a bad person. Every couple has troubles in there relationship but just cause i post this status means it is about him. Half of you dont even know him enough to say anything.


In reply, a barely literate FB friend says:  y did u say u guys?iam the only one who mentioned him that i can see and thats when all the emotional stuff started with him in june weeks before a special day he has done nothing but torture ur emotions since cuz u r not obediant enough thats not right or fair no matter how u justify it in ur mind even ur kid knows that by what she said saturday .no man who trully loved you would would be so cruel towards ur feelings and emotions and needs i only say what i say cuz i care


And Dani replies: No cause there is alot of other stuff going on since he came here, like losing a job, being attacked by family cause of him, trying to pay his immigration so he can work, the money problems, the ex, having to find a new place to live, only having a few people who understand him, his culture and his ways, people just judging him cause he is different and dont show affection in public, believes it should be kept in bedroom. I have all kinds of stuff i am dealing with not just him. First year of marriage is always the hardest espically when you throw in the culture, religion, and everyone watching us and judging us and waiting for us to split and say i told you so.


Another friend replies:  WHAT ABOUT WHAT YOU FUCKING WANTED IN A MAN AND SPOUSE!!!!!!!!! you left ur ex for something different and got something worse as far as love and affection goes public or privite..and he makes no effort i didn't see him talk to or try to make any conversation with any adult saturday he just hung out with kids i dont care about his religion or culture hurting someone u say u love and having them cry almost every day cuz they don't feel loved or desired or u hold back from these things for dumb reasons is wrong its called being human and having empathy for the person u care for


And Dani answers: Just please stop you only know very little on whats going on, its not just about him, we have not had a break since he got here. Something always happening or going wrong. Right now all i care about is coming up with the 1070 so he can work , cause it would solve alot of other problems going on right now. Just to much other stuff going on right now to care about rather he is kissing, hugging and all the other stuff that goes on with being married. All that stuff is between me and him, no one else. You seen what my daughter posted yesterday i am still trying to deal with that and everything else. There was other reasons why me and my ex split not just cause of the affection , one is cause he did not work for a very long time. This one wants to work but the US government wont let him.




This is such a train wreck. Mohamed must wonder what the hell he's got himself into.

Edited by essexjan
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Wow. She must have known how this "relationship" would end of when she brought him over. It was obvious that she isn't rich and it took her a long time to bring him over. She brought this on herself and I don't feel sorry for her. She needs to start thinking about her family.

This goes to show that one can not buy "love."

Edited by Suzy123
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Oh man.   She is messed up.   She thinks if just one thing were different, everything would be better.   Instead of realizing her piss poor decision making is what gets her into these messes.   If she hadn't spent all that money to bring her boytoy over, she would have had savings to tide her over when she lost her job.   Her family wouldn't be mad at her about being with a guy who clearly is just in it for the green card (no it is not religion or culture, it's your family sees the truth).   All these things would not be so bad to deal with if she just made better decisions instead of every decision being about getting a man and clinging to him like a limpet.


INtersting that the "friend" notes she left her husband, not he dumped her needy ass.   Wonder what the story there is?   

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From a site providing immigration info to people, in response to a question about the US citizen losing their job between the K1 and the application for the green card:


I am currently underemployed/unemployed. How will this affect the green card application process?

During the spouse green card process the sponsor must prove that he or she can financially support the foreign national spouse. If the spouse does not meet the income requirements, then selecting a co-sponsor may be an option. Once your case is opened, you can discuss your options with an immigration attorney.


So this is why Dani needs a co-sponsor. In a household of five people (Dani, Mo + the 3 girls), the income has to be at least 125% of the HHS Poverty Guideline, and for 2014 this is $34,887

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Her ex-husband isn't that bad looking really.  But good grief what a steaming hot, melting mess she is.  I do have a feeling he's a creep.  I don't think he's the polite guy he comes across as, I just think he's a quiet creep.  I also think he's way in over his head with this mess.  How is she looking for a job, being a mom, a wife. raising funds, eating all she does, making bad choices, seeing sunshine with all this time she's spending online?  She seems to spend all her time fighting with people on Facebook, INS message boards, comments of different stories from the show.  Good grief that woman is something else.  But I'm loving it.  I am.

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Clearly not #lessonlearned.   She is so going to out there to look for another user.    She just wants a man and will fall for any line.  Her lesson learned should be "maybe I should concentrate on raising my daughters not on having a man in my life."

She could find a man here in America.Maybe not a "Hunk" ,but someone s "Sugar Bear"-Honey Boo Boo.With teeth ...

Her ex-husband isn't that bad looking really.  But good grief what a steaming hot, melting mess she is.  I do have a feeling he's a creep.  I don't think he's the polite guy he comes across as, I just think he's a quiet creep.  I also think he's way in over his head with this mess.  How is she looking for a job, being a mom, a wife. raising funds, eating all she does, making bad choices, seeing sunshine with all this time she's spending online?  She seems to spend all her time fighting with people on Facebook, INS message boards, comments of different stories from the show.  Good grief that woman is something else.  But I'm loving it.  I am.

Who is a ex husband? Do u have a link ,pleeease?

https://www.facebook.com/mark.mullins.5 I found it!!!

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Cassia's ex boyfriend Paul Hollon posted a response to her facebook post about 6 hours ago...the one who wrote that blog that was posted upthread

Only looks about 40 years younger than her creepy new beau :/

Edited by Christi
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Cassia's ex boyfriend Paul Hollon posted a response to her facebook post about 6 hours ago...the one who wrote that blog that was posted upthread

Only looks about 40 years younger than her creepy new beau :/


What Facebook post?  Can you link it?


I looked up a man with that name and thought I had the wrong guy.  Maybe I didn't if you say he's younger because the one I found was in the Army and young. Assumed it would be an older guy.

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I don't remember where I gleaned this info but her ex is currently unemployed and appears to have been so for a while...


I think it was Danielle moaning on FB that she left a guy that wouldn't work for one that wants to, but legally can't.

Of course Mohamed wants to work. It's the best way to get away from Danielle and the girls for 8-12 hours a day. Plus....money! I bet he's really kicking himself by now. Seems in Tunisia he was at least moderately successful, but here he's got nothing and is stuck in podunk middle of nowhere with zero prospects. Miserable doesn't even begin..

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Good gracious, how am I just discovering this thread? Previously sleuths ain't no joke. I must admit I find Danielle and Mo's situation the most fascinating.


Danielle? Jesus take the wheel. These posts from her kill me:




Oct 2
You deserve to he happy not in the arms of someone who keeps you waiting, but in the arms of someone who will take you now, love you forver [sic] and leave you never.

Oct 3
It's not always about sex, sometimes the best type of intimacy is where you just lay back, laugh at the stupidest things, hold each other, and enjoy each other's company...


Says it all. Married 3 months and Mohammed is not throwing any peen her way. What a surprise - said no one ever! The last statement is a doozy. I would love to know what excuses he is giving her. Does his religion require him to conserve his energy for prayer? Is he on a sexual fast? 


She chose Mohammed for shallow reasons and has been deluded and lying to herself since she clapped eyes on him.


I just don't see how she can play herself like this in public and then turn around and say that she wasn't talking about Mo or her marriage but about other shit in her life. I would love to know what other shit besides her & her husband requires a post about sex does not equal intimacy. 

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I think that Mohammed is ugly. He has man boobs and a weird shaped body. Danielle definitely picked him because she thinks that he is cute. She is so stupid. If you need love and attention, why pick a Muslim guy who will use his religion as an excuse to not touch you!?!

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You deserve to he happy not in the arms of someone who keeps you waiting, but in the arms of someone who will take you now, love you forver [sic] and leave you never.



Hayzeus Christo Danielle. "Leave you never"? I haven't heard that term since Kenny & Dolly sang it on Islands In The Stream.  She obviously set out to find him with a fine-tooth comb.


She sounds like she's 17 with all these quotes and saying about love.  I'd love to see her Pinterest.

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Hahaha I was thinking that too. Even my 17 year old cousin is less delusional and sappy about her relationships...but at least from someone her age it's expected. Danielle should know better as a 46 year old woman with 4 kids....all 4 who seem to have better sense than she does.

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Hahaha I was thinking that too. Even my 17 year old cousin is less delusional and sappy about her relationships...but at least from someone her age it's expected. Danielle should know better as a 46 year old woman with 4 kids....all 4 who seem to have better sense than she does.

I agree. I almost can't stand watching her segments, her calf eyes peeping just under the eyeglass frame as she hangs onto his arm with both hands. I don't understand what would make a woman act this way, when she has kids that have obvious needs. It makes me feel very sad for her kids. I was equally upset when she went back to work and left him alone with her girls. She doesn't know him, (at least at the time). :( :(

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In reply, a barely literate FB friend says:  y did u say u guys?iam the only one who mentioned him that i can see and thats when all the emotional stuff started with him in june weeks before a special day he has done nothing but torture ur emotions since cuz u r not obediant enough thats not right or fair no matter how u justify it in ur mind even ur kid knows that by what she said saturday .no man who trully loved you would would be so cruel towards ur feelings and emotions and needs i only say what i say cuz i care

Jayzus!  How did this person even gain access to a computer.

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