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Helix - General Discussion

David T. Cole

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Apparently Helix has been renewed for a second season by Syfy.  Why exactly ?  Because it is pretty bad.

According to the online preview of the now season finale episode,

There has been an outbreak of Narvik in Puerto Rico, Balleseros has made it back into the base, the 3rd Ilaria Ninja guarding the box (with Julia's mom in it) is killed, Julia releases her mom, and Balleseros appears to be playing for neither side (CDC or Ilaria), so who is he working for ?

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On the EHG podcast I thought David had bailed too early on the show, but nope! If he thought it was bad a few episodes in, I can only imagine what he'd think to see it now. I just watch it to see how mindbogglingly stupid it can get.

It's a shame, I like the broad ideas of the plot and the atmosphere of a remote arctic base. But the characters are the WORST.

It is bad.  But yet I keep watching it every Friday.  Mostly I guess because I want to know what the stupid Willas hypothesis is before I quit on it, and it airs on Friday nights when there is nothing else on anyway.  Sigh.  So, I watched it again.  I'm not proud.  I did not realize there was going to be another season -- I thought the Show was one season only and that therefore they would wrap everything up.  Alas, they did not.  Very frustrating. 

The Ridiculous-meter was off the charts. All they needed was a surprise marriage proposal, an invisible floating alien that only Hatake could see and access to a time machine to have made it perfect.

-- Spencer escapes with Peter's help and blows up the entire Arctic Biosystems facility
-- Anana and Miksa show up with a fleet of snowmobiles to rescue everyone
-- Peter was working for Ilaria all along, and he was responsible for getting Narvik off site so that Puerto Rico could be infected
-- Peter is sad because Julia likes Alan again, and basically treats him like he's invisible.
-- Dr. Tighttop PerkyTits is pregnant.  Will it be a normal human child or a Narvik virus immortal baby (since she was treated with Julia's spinal fluid AFTER the conception) ?
-- Julia gets to spend minutes of quality time with her mother, Jane, before she is killed by Spencer at the end of the episode
-- Spencer kidnaps Julia, complete with virus and cure canisters, into a recently arrived Ilaria helicopter and handcuffs Julia to the helicopter
-- Alan distracts Spencer by throwing the head of his dead mother (Constance) into the helicopter, Alan then jumps into the helicopter, unsuccessfully frees her and she gives him one of the canisters and then pushes him out of the rising helicopter
-- Balleseros should enter the Ironman triathlon (or at least become a postal worker) as neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor driving winds nor dark of night will prevent him from completing his task (that task would be crossing the wastelands of snow and getting the list of kidnapped children out of Hatake's head and onto paper).

Meanwhile, back on the Planet Zeist ... correction, fade to cue card indicating 235 days later. 
Alan is drinking coffee in a cafe in Paris, reading about a Narvik outbreak (Le Narvik) in the paper, and stealthily leaves to meet Peter after carving an 'X' on the cafe wall (very X-files-ish).  He meets Peter and tells him that he has found Julia through surreptitious methods that he would rather not relate.  But I find that 

Julia is apparently the head of Ilaria now (at least Ilaria's office in France), dressed very nicely complete with a metal prosthetic finger (so I guess I was wrong about her finger regrowing in previous posts elsewhere) and exposed white eyes as she chairs a meeting of high-up Ilaria officials (ostensibly -- 'The Board' that has been mentioned many times by Hatake).  I guess Julia really enjoys being an immortal.

I guess Helix Season 2: The Quickening will backfill what happened between Day 13 and Day 235.
How in the hell did this get renewed ?

ETA: Discovered on the PVR that I missed the first 2 minutes, and so missed Alan beating an immortal with a steel rod for information on Day 235.  The Immortal indicated that Alan had failed getting anyone in the US gov't to believe him because Ilaria had people everywhere (kinda of like the Quantum Conglomerate in 'Quantum of Solace').
The newspaper Alan was reading at the cafe indicated the virus was transmitted by black saliva and black blood, and the virus turned humans into predatory humans.  So yeah, pretty much like Narvik A in the lab.  And Alan paid his coffee tab with several hundred euros, which seems odd.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

Well, I'm back next year. I love SciFi that contains mysteries. This show has enough to keep me interested.

Love Alan as a badass who doesn't believe in torture but was ok throwing 7 of 9's head to her son.

Peter is still a traitor 325 days later, right? 

Julia, is the corporate head now (no pun intended) Stockholm Syndrome or spy? 

And we have a baby on board! Who've thunk? That wasn't obvious at all:/ They can ditch that story line and perky tits. 

Love Hatake. Such a complicated character.

And if Under the Dome can be renewed, this one can. At least Helix is bad hard science fiction-they try...

I think the several hundred Euros was for the Ilaria card, i.e., information. Alan wasn't that scary a torturer, but it was an amusing contrast to his protestations of "not sinking to their level."

Hatake, or rather Hiroyuki Sanada, just killed it again this episode. I just want to know that he'll be back in Season 2. Also Balleseros, Anana and Tulok. Perhaps the last three will be tracking down the stolen children. Please, please let them get rid of Sarah. Sadly, she probably become the scripted counterbalance to Julia, not only immortal but with another miracle child to be hidden. Alan will need to consult Hatake for advice on that.

One question: what's to become of the Head of Hvit?

Iad. But yet I keep watching it every Friday. Mostly I guess because I want to know what the stupid Willas hypothesis is before I quit on it, and it airs on Friday nights when there is nothing else on anyway. Sigh. So, I watched it again. I'm not proud. I did not realize there was going to be another season -- I thought the Show was one season only and that therefore they would wrap everything up. Alas, they did not. Very frustrating.


Willis formed the Age and Area hypothesis during botanical field work in Ceylon where he studied the distributional patterns of the Ceylonese vascular plants in great detail.[3] According to his hypothesis the extent of range of a species may be used as an indication of the age of that species. He also maintained that the "dying out" of species occurs rarely, and that new forms arise by mutation rather than by local adaptation through natural selection.[4]. Wiki

I think the several hundred Euros was for the Ilaria card, i.e., information. Alan wasn't that scary a torturer, but it was an amusing contrast to his protestations of "not sinking to their level."

Hatake, or rather Hiroyuki Sanada, just killed it again this episode. I just want to know that he'll be back in Season 2. Also Balleseros, Anana and Tulok. Perhaps the last three will be tracking down the stolen children. Please, please let them get rid of Sarah. Sadly, she probably become the scripted counterbalance to Julia, not only immortal but with another miracle child to be hidden. Alan will need to consult Hatake for advice on that.

One question: what's to become of the Head of Hvit?

Perhaps the Head if Hvit will meet the same fate as the Face of Boe!

Julia/Kyra Zagorsky in her business outfit: damn!, Alan, you were a moron to let her get away from you.  Julia>Sarah any day of the week.  I can't way to see potentially Evil Julia next season!

I'm pretty all of our "main" characters were at the edge of the base when it exploded, so I'm assuming they're all alive.

Great performance from Hiroyuki Sanada.  Oh, and also from Jeri Ryan's head!

I wonder how long it will take them to figure out that Peter is a traitor....

Glad there is a new place to snark away on this show!

Thank you for that explanation -- so as applied to the show, does that mean that Julia is Hitake's Willis hypothesis made real -- she is a mutation of whatever the Ilaria people are in some way (a human-Ilaria hybrid)?  Ok.  I still don't understand their goals, other than broadly as world domination by sowing disease and chaos and positioning themselves to provide the cure, rendering them great power.  Or something. 

LOL moment: When Julia's mother said she thought Hiroshi would change. After 500 years? Honey, you can't ever change a man, and certainly not a 485-year-old.

So Alan tortures some guy to find Julia, and the guy scoffs that neither the military nor the FBI nor Fox Mulder believe him when tells them about Ilaria, and yet there's a skyscraper in France with 12-foot-high letters declaring this is where Ilaria lives.

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Thank you for that explanation -- so as applied to the show, does that mean that Julia is Hitake's Willis hypothesis made real -- she is a mutation of whatever the Ilaria people are in some way (a human-Ilaria hybrid)? Ok. I still don't understand their goals, other than broadly as world domination by sowing disease and chaos and positioning themselves to provide the cure, rendering them great power. Or something.


I have no idea what their goals are; but, that's part of the attraction to the show in my opinion. 

I looked up the Willis Hypothesis after the second time they mentioned it. I also remember something about a species being limited in number. Aren't Ilaria's limited to 500? (or am I getting my Sci-fi shows mixed up) 

Edited by Rhetorica

The writers will have to work overtime next season to explain Peter's behavior. When did they decide to make Peter a traitor and Ilaria mole?

First, we see Peter signaling danger to Alan in a video on his computer, presumably because he actually cares. Later, the implication was that Peter was hired by Hatake to lure Julia there when he got infected. Now it seems that Hatake didn't trust Peter from the beginning and that's why he had him doing animal necropsies rather than important work, and that the last thing Hatake wanted was for Julia to come near Arctic Biosystems.

How are they planning to explain Peter's motivations? Because Peter's short and he's overcompensating? Is that why he teamed up with The Sickler, another overcompensating little boy? Certainly Peter cares about Julia, so how could he help the Ilaria sociopaths take her? Did he make a deal for immortality in exchange for his help? When the other vectors took him from the cryolab and revived him, they immediately started bowing and obeying him. Does that mean that Peter is another Immortal?

This brings us to Julia, and the new possibility that she's been another Ilaria mole all along and known to be so by Peter. Otherwise, how could Peter effectively sell her into eternal captivity? The writers are also going to need to explain how Julia could watch The Sickler slash her mother's throat and then become Ilaria's Chairman of the Board 8 months later. I don't think Stockholm Syndrome is enough to wave that switch away. At the very least, I'd expect her to be demanding the head of Sickle Boy. Or will the writers say that Julia's a double agent, and was playing Ilaria long before she got to Arctic Biosystems?

Poor Hatake. He's been outmaneuvered on every front. I want to see him badder than badass next season, methodically hunting down the Ilaria 500 one by one.

If they're picking up 235 days later, we can expect that the boring Sarah will be about to give birth to a miracle baby, probably by the end of season 2. Bleah. How many ways can I not care about her? One speculation I read was that Alan is actually searching for Sarah, not Julia. If Julia is really in the Ilaria camp, then the first thing she'd do is keep tabs on Dr. Tighttop and scoop her up at the first sign of pregnancy.

Regarding The Head of Hvit ("Bring me the Head of Hvit!" is often heard in my house), the Syfy Helix website has a section of questions and answers wherein they claim "Dr. Hvit's head was the source for the DNA for the virus." Read the rest for a lot of "presumably because of ..." answers that might be revisited.

Edited by BungalowSummer
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For me, this Show is so bad that it isn't even on my "hate-watch" list (like "The Blacklist" and "The Following" are).  Perhaps it really is a parody, with the huge gaps in plot and story arcs done on purpose. Still not worth my time or attention. Billy Campbell was particularly disappointing. I thought that all the scenery chewing he did in "The Killing" was due to the writing there, or lack of good direction, but he seemed to exhibit similar heavy-handedness in this Show as well.

Renewed? Crazy!

I'm quite disappointed by what's been shown so far. The Helix Syfy site has a short video on the characters in Season 2. No mention anywhere I can find of either Hatake or Balleseros. They were two of the three reasons to watch Season 1. They killed off the third, Daniel/Miksa.

Now there's a "cult" on an island, with a mysterious cult leader played by Steven Weber? (He's a totally lame substitute for Hatake, IMO.) An infection on a cruise ship? More of the awful and BORING Sarah and her babeh?

I doubt this will hold me through the first episode.

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They killed Daniel!  The bastards.

Just finished watching on Netflix last night.  Somehow I never got a chance to watch this when it was on and then I thought it was just a limited series but then I saw the previews for Season 2 so was quite excited to see it on Netflix.


LOL moment: When Julia's mother said she thought Hiroshi would change.


Tee hee.


I'll be interested to see who comes back for season 2.

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New promo photos for the premiere episode of Season 2 -- 'San Jose'




Where's Sarah's baby ? How come Julia isn't all evil in a corporate boardroom as seen at the end of Season 1 ?

Peter is completely back to normal after all he went through and working with the CDC.

 I forget exactly how long the time jump was for the final scene of the first season, but I think it was long enough where Sara would have had baby (if she didn't miscarry or terminate the pregnancy) and there's probably been another time jump between that and season 2.   Peter was shown as cured by the end of the first season.  Julia doesn't make much sense.  Maybe they're going to reboot the show and ignore the first season completely.  


I am not at all happy that the show got rid of all the POC characters from last season and failed to cast any for this season.


It's not only getting rid of POC, it's getting rid of almost every interesting and/or sympathetic character they had. WTF? Are these showrunners insane?


Hataki? Gone. Balleseros? Gone. Anana? Gone. Daniel/Tulok? Dead/Gone.


The only tolerable or interesting character left is Julia.


But the showrunners seem to believe, judging from any of the previews, that focusing the show on the godawful Sarah and her dreary, overaged paramour Alan is just what the doctor ordered. Throw in the improbable and creepy brother Peter and the whole thing gives me a sinking feeling. The additions of Steven Webber and Matt Long to the cast do nothing to improve matters imo.


Even worse, it looks like they're not even going to be chasing the same disease. New locale: new disease! So what happened to all those mysteries about immortality, the 500, the board of creepy directors, silver eyes, the two engineered viruses and all that? Are they going to pick up any of that beyond a by-the-way?


I was so looking forward to seeing Hataki, et al again, and now I'm just bummed. My only hope is that the writers are keeping a surprise twist up their sleeves and that some of these characters reappear mid-season. The question is whether I could tolerate Sarah and Alan front and center for that long.

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Episode Synopsis:


15 months after the events at Arctic Biosystems, new CDC team with the addition of biotoxicologist Kyle Sommer respond to a potential outbreak on a Windjammer in the Northern Pacific. Their search leads them to an island occupied by a mysterious cult led by the charismatic Michael. Meanwhile, 40 years in the future, Walker arrives at the same island searching for Alan Farragut.


But the showrunners seem to believe, judging from any of the previews, that focusing the show on the godawful Sarah and her dreary, overaged paramour Alan is just what the doctor ordered.

This dreadful storyline is why I gave up on this show midseason, was thinking about watching the new ep, but now no POC characters, no thanks.

They'd better not kill off Texas guy, he's the only one with a sense of humour. Also, why was he the only one with a gun? You go to the creepy ass island of creepiness with no hope of escape for at least two weeks, YOU TAKE MORE THAN ONE GUN.


Why are controlling cult leaders always men. It's as though no writers have ever heard of She Who Must Be Obeyed.

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Help me out here.  I know being immortal means they don't age and heal better then the norm, but does it also help with pain? Because Sarah's  foot was impaled by a fucking spike, but she was acting like it was just a little splinter.  She seemed almost more annoyed, then in pain.


So, basically, there almost going for a reboot on some levels.  New location, new potential baddie (bye  Hatake, hello Steven Weber as creepy cult guy), new virus (reminded me of the infected on that video game, The Last of Us), and a new team, with Peter in charge, Sarah, and this Matt Long character.  But, wait!  Alan is on the island too, and is apparently part of the cult!  What a twist!


Meanwhile, in the future, Julia is at the island and trying to find a cure, since the virus is apparently going to spread into the mainland.  And it's even taking out immortals.  Sure, I'll go with it.  I mean, the main reason I'm here is because Kyra Zagorsky is so, so pretty.


I still wonder how the cast credits work.  Both Sarah and Peter are still only guests, despite being in almost all the episodes last season.  And I noticed the actor playing Balleseros is still a regular, but no sighting of him, yet.

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...And I noticed the actor playing Balleseros is still a regular, but no sighting of him, yet.

Oh, goodie! Hope for more pretty!

They'd better not kill off Texas guy, he's the only one with a sense of humour...

Amen to that!

ETA: They used the melody to "Do You Know the Way to San Jose?" during the intros all last season, and now they have this season begin with the first episode titled "San Jose," they actually do the lyrics, and they have some guy in a scary mask yelling, "Do You Know the Way to San Jose?" at his hostage to try to get her to tell him something. But we still don't know whether there's a character who is a Burt Bacharach or Dionne Warwick fan or what.

Sidebar: I was jolted awake by the song because I had forgotten during the hiatus that they used that song, but, having been a teen when it was popular, I had taken to humming it to myself recently when walking on a slightly treacherously snowy/icy beach--probably because I also used to hum it to myself when I had an internship in San Jose in the days before GPS when I lived in Sacto, and I found the traffic and signage a bit confusing.

Edited by shapeshifter

Meanwhile, in the future, Julia is at the island and trying to find a cure, since the virus is apparently going to spread into the mainland.  And it's even taking out immortals.  Sure, I'll go with it.  I mean, the main reason I'm here is because Kyra Zagorsky is so, so pretty.




I'm still trying to figure out how much of a reboot this is. The last time we saw him, wasn't Peter selling out mortal humans to Illyria? They referenced Sarah's pregnancy in the previously, but no mention of it during the show. It's been more than nine months, right? Do immortals have the gestation time of an elephant?


I didn't like Tex. I think he suffered from the same thing that undermined Sarah's character last season in that they emphasized other stuff (young and pretty for Sarah, wisecracking TEXAN! for uh. . Tex) over their capabilities as researchers.


Having parallel story lines in the present and future is interesting, but I don't have a whole lot of faith that this writing staff can pull it off.


I'd forgotten how batshit crazy the show got by the end of season one. 


Hatake was in the promo for the upcoming season, so he's not gone yet.

So many questions.


Where's Sarah's baby ?  The scenes from the end of last season were 235 days after the start of the events of last season, so she wouldn't have given birth yet by the end scene from last season, but the way she's acting now I don't even think she has ever given birth.


Is this virus completely unrelated to the Narvik A and B virii ?  Because the title sequence makes me think that it's somehow related to plants (the black drip has been replaced by a green drip from the letter X). Plus, the dead people on the boat, in addition to the boils on their skin, seem to have something growing out of their mouths.


How did they get out of the Arctic safely after the explosion ?  Did Anana and her people save them ?


It's Day 1 again -- but how long after last years events ?  It definitely takes place after the scene with Alan in Paris from last season, and Sarah hasn't seen Alan in over a year.  How could she develop a reputation such that her nickname is Hot Zone while pregnant for the bulk of that time ?  How convenient that the Coast Guard won't be back on the island for about 2 weeks (just in time for Day 13) ?


How did the CDC find out about the virus on the boat ?  Who called it in ?


Did the Narvik outbreak just burn itself out or did they find a cure ? Obviously the CDC are still on the lookout for Narvik outbreaks.  But apparently it's not Narvik that is the pandemic killing everyone in the world (including immortals), it's this TXM-7 virus that may have originated on this island.


The new doc tosses a couple of stitches into the massive hole in Sarah's foot -- that spike was a 1/2 inch in diameter, Sarah shrugged it off like it was a hangnail.


That was a lot of skulls that they all seemed to have completely missed while running through the woods -- how many people have died on this island ?


Couldn't someone have put a leash or a bell on Layla ? Oh well, doesn't matter, she's dead.


Seriously, has that dude, Caleb, never taken contact lenses out ?  You just use your fingers, you sure as hell don't use rusty tweezers.


Julia is 30 years in the future.   Ok then.  With the leap forward in time for Julia's sub-plot, does that mean that she was in the Ilaria building when Alan blew it up ?  Were all the other immortals killed ?  And how did she get to be part of the board of Ilaria that quickly ?


How did it get so dark so quickly on the island in present day ?  When they entered that cabin it was early afternoon, but suddenly it was pitch black outside, so much so that Dr. Sommer could see those torches in the distance.  And how was Layla butchered and strung up so quickly ?


Two species of Black Bear and a Labrador Wolf ?  Where is this island supposed to be -- southern Alaska ?  The Queen Charlotte islands (or Haida Gwaii) ?  Because that's about the only thing that fits the 20 hours from Seattle by Coast Guard cutter.


When Brother Michael caressed Sarah as he walked by, that was really effing creepy.   Is Brother Michael banging all the cult "sisters" in the compound ?


Is Caleb the remnants of the cult ?  How does he know about immortals ?  The compound seems to have taken quite a shit-kicking after 30 years.


So are these cultists cannibals and they were just making their own version of Peking Duck in that scene at the end ?


How did Alan get to this cult compound, and did he cross the Narvik virus with a Kudzu vine ?  Or was the virus already there and had been killing people for years (to produce that many skulls in the forest) ? Or were the skulls in the forest the remains of the construction crew that built the cult compound and were killed by the cultists to the keep the place secret (and where are the rest of the bodies) ?  Or were they eaten by the cultists ?


Why was Caleb demanding Julia answer the question "Do you know the way to San Jose ?" ?  Obviously it was a code word challenge that expected an appropriate countersign, but why those song lyrics ?


I like Dr. Sommer.  He's got a good sense of humor and is a proud Texan:

"I'm from Texas. We don't go to the bathroom without a gun."

"Coast Guard food was terrible. Beans in the chili -- I mean, that's just wrong"


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Damn it. The dual timeline thing has sucked me in just where I thought I was free of this show.

I still love the sarcastic music choices.

This is reminding me of LOST a little bit. Creep island cults will do that, I guess.

I'm assuming that Sarah had an abortion when Alan left her to chase after Julia and become a suspected terrorist. We're probably going to have to sit through a whole lot of angst about that. I wouldn't be surprised if Caleb turns out to be their next try at a kid - hence why he's immune to the island virus.

In the future, the immortals are 'out', so something big obviously happens there.

I guess nobody from main cast is getting out alive this year, except maybe Peter (obviously not buried with his brother) and future-Julia. That's interesting. They cheated, not showing Alan's death date, though. That was some convenient lichen.

Man this show really wanted to start off exactly how it ended.  ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE!


It is like thirty years into the future.  Julia can't be all that surprised that he's dead.  He wasn't exactly young when the show started.  Also did Julia use the same boat as Peter and crew to get to the island 30 years later? Did the Coast Guard not update their equipment?


Are Immortals like Sebaceans?  Can Sarah put her embryo into stasis?  It was incredibly stupid to put the whole pregnancy storyline in the "Last time..." if they weren't going to address it in some way.  People who suffered through the first season are certainly not going to forget about it and newer viewers are also going to be like "What about that baby thing?".  Also I still don't really care for her character.  Or even Peter really.  I am interested to see where he's at with his traitorous self though.  They'll probably drop that storyline though.


The new virus definitely gives me a Last of Us vibe.  Unfortunately I don't think the quality of writing is going to match.


Saying all that I'm still going to watch.  Oh god help me I'm still going to watch.  I don't even know why I'm interested but I am.  And the previews made me even more intrigued.  I want to know what happens with Alan. I want to know what happened/happens(since we're going crazy with timelines this season) to Julia.  I want to see Hatake and he was in the previews looking like he may have lost it a bit.

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