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S12.E01: Auditions Begin


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Not a fan of the comeback girls, exception: Christina. She has worn me down with her improved technique. Go girl!


(For the serious dancers-please don't apply to the mom and bucket list audition folks)WHY.  AUDITION. IF. YOU. CAN'T. KICK. AT. DCC. LEVELS. LIKE. BRUH. 

Edited by Cappuccinagina
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* Tasha and Stephanie were called into the office in the opening scene before it started - giving them weight warnings??
* Christina was first in line at auditions
* Tara and Savvy are super precious
* Already love Lauren Parker and that she's a nurse going through this! What a schedule!
* Kalyssa is gorgeous
* Charlotte's skirts get shorter every season and I swear she's lost another 10 pounds
* I really liked that red/cranberry color on Kelly and it actually looks like she's a little trimmer
* Kelly Sherwood spent $1000 on her outfit for auditions, I don't understand
* Eh to the ballroom Dancer story
* Dayton is just gorgeous!!! Love her and Shelly's relationship 
* Brianna just came off timid and a little immature. She just needs some time :)
* I really liked Christina. I liked her makeup and hair. They showed a clip of her with brown long hair and this chop just suits her so much better
* Judy talking about the mother daughter team made me tear up a little not gonna lie ha!

  • Love 13

Omg - so they are splitting up the prelims and semis this season???  This sucks having to wait and entire week to know who makes finals :(.

I knew the ballroom girl didn't have a legit shot based on looks, but was surprised they didn't let her go to semis - especially when they let the daughter of the mother daughter duo through.  

That tall brunette young NJ girl is gorgeous.

The two jets cheerleaders were cute.  The Thunder girl was cute, but her technique isn't the greatest.

Christina annoys me - makes sense she'd get through to semis though.

Edited by MyFavShows
  • Love 7

Liked the new opening but still miss the girls I have known for many years in the previous ones.  I just wish Charlotte would dress age appropriate.  She always does "bless her heart" type of comments concerning people living in the past and trying out when in their 30's and 40's yet that comment reflects poorly on her trying to hang on with her fingernails to her youth which has slipped away.  Kelli and Judy are wonderful at embracing their age yet not acting old.  I loved that Judy was talking about the rating system using some different terminology than Kelli used to do.  Great moments with Dayton and Shelly especially when she found out she made it to semi finals.  Oh my gosh, we are aging Phil as I remember his hair being a different color when we first saw the show.  Anthony Ramos was much more appropriate with his interviews etc.  So wondering if next week it is semi's and then 3rd week finals?

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I'm indifferent towards Christina. I'll be interested to see her during this season. Wasn't her biggest fan her last go round in training camp.

i admire Whitney for coming back repeatedly. It almost seems as if they don't like her. I think they let her go to the next round knowing she wouldn't even make training camp let alone the team. 

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

I'm indifferent towards Christina. I'll be interested to see her during this season. Wasn't her biggest fan her last go round in training camp.

i admire Whitney for coming back repeatedly. It almost seems as if they don't like her. I think they let her go to the next round knowing she wouldn't even make training camp let alone the team. 

Yeah, I hope it's a legitimate dance concern and not meangirling people. Does that make sense? 

Edited by Cappuccinagina
Can't spell tonight.
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4 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

Absolutely but my thinking is they just don't like her look. 

See - my theory is they think her personality is too strong/harsh for the DCC.   Maybe dance style a little too, but I think it's more a personality issue.   Other judges probably like her look and dancing just fine which is why she keeps making it far in early rounds.

Edited by MyFavShows
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I hope the DCC producers or whoever makes the decisions know they have made it worse by basically going radio silent with the candidates. Like many people have mentioned, I feel like we know zero people, really. I wanted to root for them like in prior years. Maybe they wanted everyone to have an equal chance? I saw someone who made it to semis but we didn't get to see her audition at all (beautiful black girl, did I just miss her or something?) Idk.  I hope they give us more of what we need, not what we want haha :) we need people to root for!


Kalyssa and Brianna (sorry if sic) are my faves so far!! 

Edited by Cappuccinagina
Typing on my phone too fast I AM SORRY! ?
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Has anyone who didn't make it past pre-lims EVER come back and made it to finals or at least semis? I thinks if you don't make it past the freestyle it aint happenin.

6 minutes ago, mcmrdh said:

I think it is Whitneys attitide that they have a problem with. 

Yes she said she choreographed the moments of style into her routine.  LOL  

  • Love 1
39 minutes ago, Cappuccinagina said:


Not a fan of the comeback girls, exception: Christina. She has worn me down with her improved technique. Go girl!

(For the serious dancers-please don't apply to the mom and bucket list audition folks)WHY.  AUDITION. IF. YOU. CAN'T. KICK. AT. DCC. LEVELS. LIKE. BRUH. 

This is why the 1st episode is my least favorite each and every season - and what season nbr are we on 12 ? .I think the producers go out of their way to invite the "ain't-no-way-in-hell" auditioners to get though the door let alone get filmed. They keep portraying themselves as "world class" and "best of the best", but they allow people who aren't qualified to get in the door, just so they can say 100s of women try out. If you don't have a DCC body, turn them around when they leave the "fluff-n-puff" room. If they don't have a basic and current dance resume or skill, don't accept their applications. And if the kick line and splits, are a deal breaker, do those cuts 1st round.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 3

Ballroom dance girl can stay off my screen. So can the OK sequined shaker. Whitney? Why do you keep coming back?

Lauren has a hell of a lot of hair. I need her to be there through makeovers so she can lose the volume. It's overwhelming her head.

Was kind of wild to see "our" Shelly on the screen. Dayton was cute, hope she goes far.

I've got a vested interest in Brianna since I live in NJ.

Lots of other teams cheerleaders showing up, tons more than previous years.

  • Love 2

Composing my thoughts while rewatching parts from DVR...

-Brianna needs to go to college, get on a team, and get several years of power pom to complement her studio background. She is a beautiful dancer but I will never understand a dancer that shows up to DCC audition who is fluid with no power and who CAN'T KICK (see episode 2 preview). Go to youtube and you can find the entire kickline in 2 seconds. This should be the easiest part of your audition. Come back in 4 years with power pom and maturity and you will slay it.

-Madisyn from Edmonton OK has good technique and a cute figure (orange, auditory deficiencies). 

-Celinda has not improved at all. Same old moves. Only noticed on the replay Kelli said "cute but clumsy." Agreed

-Brennan looks okay, in the short clip her kicks are high but not great technique. She's kicking to her shoulder, not her forehead and she's kicking with her leg bent and doesn't fully straighten it until it's almost all the way up. It's bad and ugly.

-Whitney take the hint. I know it's a dream but close the door.

-Christina is THE ONLY comeback girl that took the time and truly looks improved (last audition 2014). How much can girls really improve technique in less than one year?

-Girl in black PUMA bra "I'm not gonna lie you're not gonna see any sweet moves from me up here" keepin' it real

-"My face is going to express what I'm feeling on the inside" Tara from Alvarado, Texas red top work it!

-I spotted former DSIG Madi dancing once but it was behind someone in the "bad dancers segment." she was wearing pink and white. She was not very dynamic unfortunately and what she was doing was not very creative. Certainly enough to get through the freestyle round but not enough to wow anyone. Someone in another thread mentioned she had a back injury this summer, I'm wondering if that was before or after DCC prelims.

-"Nasty in a good kind of way." Kalyssa Kalyssa... it's easier to tone it down than to teach to turn it up I guess. What's with the Hollys and younger girls being overtly sexy? You really don't have to shimmy with sparkled out bra to exude it, really.

-Alexandria was a group leader for the Patriots, I want more on Savannah

-Katelynn really did not put on her left eyelash well... great technique though (all purple, long black hair, Kelly says she needs the makeover. I think a light brown would look good)

-They really needed to cover the DMDs more and didn't. They showed Lexie for like half a second and that's it. 

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, sATL said:

This is why the 1st episode is my least favorite each and every season - and what nbr are we on 12 seasons . I think the producers go out of their way to invite the "ain't-no-way-in-hell" auditioners to get though the door let alone get filmed. They keep portraying themselves as "world class" and "best of the best", but they allow people who aren't qualified to get in the door, just so they can say 100s of women try out. If you don't have a DCC body, turn them around when they leave the "fluff-n-puff" room. If they don't have a basic and current dance resume or skill, don't accept their applications. And if the kick line and splits, are a deal breaker, do those cuts 1st round.

I do think it's nice of them to let it be open audition so as to give everyone a fair chance (no ageism and body type is different for every woman so give every type a chance) but like you said - if it isn't to just mark it off your "bucket list" and you want to be taken seriously, you need to have the fitness, technique or ability to learn and KICKS.  Can't get kicks in 8 weeks and MacKenzie will be the only exception, I'm sure! I wouldn't even audition unless I could do splits in every direction and have extensions to OMG. 

Edited by Cappuccinagina
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I wa surprised that ballroom dance girl didn't make it to the next round - she clearly has the dance background and I was curious to see her in DCC choreography. I thought her look was very harsh, but to Kelly's point, she looked fine in her photos.  And they let the daughter from the mom/daughter through sooooo...

i think Dayton is super cute and I'm glad she's getting extra story with Shelly. She is a bit on the thicker side and maybe a bit off technique wise, but curious how she'll do with DCC style. She seems like a young 19, so I can see her rocking this in a year or two. 

I loved Brennan's costume, such a pretty top! And the girl from Nashville too. Great seeing something just a bit different.

OKC girl really is smoking hot. I'm curious what her job will be if she makes DCC, since she doesn't have an interest in college and doesn't seem to have the technique to teach dance. I guess I appreciate her honesty! I thought she was going to tell us she moved to LA or NYC to dance professionally when she said she wasn't going to school, but there she is still in Oklahoma with poms on a basketball court.

I found myself liking Charlotte's outfit much better on camera than on pics we saw back in May...not sure why exactly. Could be the vodka talking. 

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This year, it seems the dancers were pretty strong, like they did their homework.  For those auditioning and not familiar with the DCC style (sigh), couldn't a simple internet search have helped those without classical/comp/college dance experience? I could have made a better audition dance and I am hardly fit. I would have studied prior candidates and modeled what I would show on that day off of the prior years' auditions. 


Sorry for being queen of the judgey peoples. I just don't get why it's 2017 and certain folks aren't prepared.  I'd have the signature dance and kick line memorized JUST IN CASE Kelly and Judy and company thought what I brought was the crispy bacon to their omelette of cheerleaders ?


Ahhh, delusions of a 36 year old. Don't mind me...

  • Love 5

Oh forgot the leggings and rhinestones on the face were a NO from me!!


Another thought with the mother daughter duo when they played we are family!  It reminded me of ?Gloria, an African American girl from years ago who was so into the dance that they rest of them stopped dancing and they just watched her from a minute or more.  Very refreshing!

Edited by cherryblossom
Added more info
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If anyone on here still hasn't seen the show and is concerned about being able to purchase it ..... below is a chat I had several minutes ago regarding purchase on Amazon



Vish: Season 12 will premiere on August 3, 2017. ‎11‎:‎52‎:‎32‎ ‎PM

Vish: It will be available on Amazon in 24 to 48 hours after the TV premiere. ‎11‎:‎52‎:‎32‎ ‎PM

Me: Are you sure? ‎11‎:‎53‎:‎01‎ ‎PM

Vish: Well, That's the Policy we have at Amazon. ‎11‎:‎54‎:‎15‎ ‎PM

Vish: Any Series which Amazon provides will be available online 24 to 48 hours after the airdate.

  • Love 1
29 minutes ago, DCCroutineFAN said:

Has anyone who didn't make it past pre-lims EVER come back and made it to finals or at least semis? I thinks if you don't make it past the freestyle it aint happenin.

Yes she said she choreographed the moments of style into her routine.  LOL  

AmyL from Rockford, IL. 5 yrs and got cut on the last night - before rehearsal. Actually, I though she would have popped in just to see if 6 was her lucky number.

Several seasons ago, one of the 1st round-comeback dancer said, that she spent the next year, getting a professionally choreographed routine for the freestyle - a routine that shows off your skills/talent/what your best at, that can be adapted quickly to any "danceable" song. Now if I remember that and never was a dancer... why on earth can't these women do that? You just can't come in shaking your ass , flapping your arms , fist pumping, and spinning ..

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, sATL said:

AmyL from Rockford, IL. 5 yrs and got cut on the last night - before rehearsal. Actually, I though she would have popped in just to see if 6 was her lucky number.

Several seasons ago, one of the 1st round-comeback dancer said, that she spent the next year, getting a professionally choreographed routine for the freestyle - a routine that shows off your skills/talent/what your best at, that can be adapted quickly to any "danceable" song. Now if I remember that and never was a dancer... why on earth can't these women do that? You just can't come in shaking your ass , flapping your arms , fist pumping, and spinning ..

Seems to be working for Jinelle! I like Jinelle for the most part, but at this point, I could do her audition routine. 

  • Love 6

28 returning veterans. total squad will be 36. Let the blood bath begin.

I know you have to have a number that equals to locker room , budget and dance formations, but as large as the stadium is I do think they can push out from 36 a little.

TN-Titans Brianna ( link ) : I like her spirit and personality, but I think she is going to get out danced in the next round. I'm trying to figure out if its age and/or dance experience/training. Yes, coming from other professional teams can be a plus , but each team style /sport is unique.  Maybe Kitty's class can bring something out  of her. as Kelli would say "dial it up" !

Who was the 2nd legacy daughter ?

When this show 1st premiered, I thought Phil was a "everyone's fun grandpa" type. Now, I want to call the man for a date. {feeling old}

Edited by sATL
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, mcmrdh said:


I cant delete this box  UGH

lol  lol   That happens to me all the time it's even funnier when you try to quote someone but the wrong text gets quoted so you erase the text since you can't delete it and now you're left with a box with nothing in it that you posted from someone else.  lol  

1 hour ago, cherryblossom said:

Oh forgot the leggings and rhinestones on the face were a NO from me!!


Another thought with the mother daughter duo when they played we are family!  It reminded me of ?Gloria, an African American girl from years ago who was so into the dance that they rest of them stopped dancing and they just watched her from a minute or more.  Very refreshing!

Her name was Sophia Swan glad to be there ashy ankles and all-  is what she said - She was adorable that was season 2 I think.

  • Love 6

Dayton: I like what I saw. She makes me want to root for her to make the team. The show had the mother more involved than usual parents.  

Whitney:  Kelly's response to Whitney made me pause and reflect on past audition, and I could not think of anything that matched her off-putting.  I wanted her to spit it out if she was going to strongly criticize compared to other returnees. To me, the scale of dislike matched Vivian or close to it.  I did not find it fair.

Kalyssa:  On looks, I liked her instantly.  Her dancing, hmm, questionable.  It could be good or needs some work.  I think she will be a fun storyline.

Madisyn:  I found her cute, but not looks ready and polished.  Her picture and public appearance were two different people. LOL 

Christina:  She was a returnee that I thought had the best and fair shot. 

Briana:  I don't think she will make the team.  I wish her the best, and I hope I'm wrong.

Kate:  I did not know how her style of dance would fit the team, but I found her likable and relatable.  I understood the judges' criticism, but I thoughts the looks critique was kind of harsh.  I thought she looked prettier with darker hair.

Caroline:  Her storyline was too gimmicky for me.  I was not impressed and was distracted by the mother's presence on the show; I needed to see more. I felt she advanced because of storyline.  Her appearance was fine, but she does not have a good side profile.

Brianna:  She is pretty, but the show did not show me any standout dancing to match the judges' hype. I assume I will see it on the next episode.  

Katelynn:  I can see her on the team.

Lacey: I would give her a maybe too.  I don't strongly like her style. 

Alexandria: I liked what I saw.  

I laughed at how the show put all the bad dancers together.  The discrepancies in talent between the bad and talented groups were quite obvious that it made me question how some thought they had a chance.  I would have known what time it was and left. LOL

Edited by DaisyFields500
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Is this the wrong place to ask does anyone know how or where to watch this current series in the UK without having to sign up to download the episodes etc? (Only asked because I used to do that to some shows that was only shown in USA and somehow also managed to get keylogger so I try to stay away from sites that requires me to sign up and download the episodes incase they have keyloggers on it etc and if I asked this in the wrong thread I'm sorry and I would be happily post it in the right thread if I posted this in the wrong thread that is)

7 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

Omg - so they are splitting up the prelims and semis this season???  This sucks having to wait and entire week to know who makes finals :(.

I knew the ballroom girl didn't have a legit shot based on looks, but was surprised they didn't let her go to semis - especially when they let the daughter of the mother daughter duo through.  


I know, I really wanted to see the semis... but I guess this will make next week even more exciting.  UGH!! :)

The ballroom girl did not have the DCC look, but she could dance and had a nice figure.  I wonder how she would have been received if she did her own makeover in Dallas.  She has such a long face if she could have copied some DCC styling tips AKA Jinelle Esther she maybe could have gotten through.  I remember Jinelle had some long chin length bangs in the front that always had to "flair out" her first season to better balance her face.  The makeup was too harsh, but I also think that look could have been completely toned down and improved.  It would have been nice to see if she could do DCC choreo at all.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, cherryblossom said:

Liked the new opening but still miss the girls I have known for many years in the previous ones.  I just wish Charlotte would dress age appropriate.  She always does "bless her heart" type of comments concerning people living in the past and trying out when in their 30's and 40's yet that comment reflects poorly on her trying to hang on with her fingernails to her youth which has slipped away.  Kelli and Judy are wonderful at embracing their age yet not acting old.  I loved that Judy was talking about the rating system using some different terminology than Kelli used to do.  Great moments with Dayton and Shelly especially when she found out she made it to semi finals.  Oh my gosh, we are aging Phil as I remember his hair being a different color when we first saw the show.  Anthony Ramos was much more appropriate with his interviews etc.  So wondering if next week it is semi's and then 3rd week finals?

Yes to everything CherryBlossom ^^.  But the big comment you made that I want to mention is  I really could not stand Charlotte's outfit.  She is such a pretty and refined lady and she needs to approach her age with some grace.  Even my tween said "Oh no, Miss Charlotte...this is not your look!"  

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, ByTor said:

This is one thing I will never understand.  These are women who pretty much had their entire lives to work on flexibility, yet somehow a relatively short amount of time in TC is going to turn them around?

I don't think high kicks and a jump split are a "new skill", solely copyrighted for the DCC's usage. Isn't your basic neighborhood dance studio teaching the skills - long before age 18? If these women have "dreamed" to be a DCC, shouldn't they (or their mothers) sought out the training long before auditions?

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, DaisyFields500 said:
8 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

Loved the "we are family" tribute.

I thought Kelly did look substantially thinner. 

I loved the "We are faily tribute too!"  Normally I like Judy's choices but that dress overpowered her and made her look dumpling sitting down which I know is very far from truth.  I think Kelli looked great and it appears she has slimmed down from previous years.

2 hours ago, DaisyFields500 said:

Whitney:  Kelly's response to Whitney made me pause and reflect on past audition, and I could not think of anything that matched her off-putting.  I wanted her to spit it out if she was going to strongly criticize compared to other returnees. To me, the scale of dislike matched Vivian or close to it.  I did not find it fair.


If I remember from past season, her dancing was underwhelming and they were making corrections.  And then this year they edited it and cut off the discussion they had with Whitney, but she was somewhat agressive/combative in her statements  towards Kelli when she was letting her go from TC and it was downright uncomfortable to watch.  There is one thing to have confidence and fight for your spot and another to look Kelli in the eye and basically tell Kelli she is wrong and refuse her assessment.  And first thing I said was "She told her she was not right for the team" and not an encouraging "We hope to see you back".  I don't know that Kelli has ever openly commented on that before, but I did notice in seasons past she and Judy do that.  So I think her freestyle dance looked good and got her through this round.   But did you see Judy's face about this one?  Normally if she is a strong dancer Judy will say something to Kelli like "She has strong technique" or something to combat Kelli's negative impression.  I think Kelli is being genuine saying if she sees the same dancer/person this year Whitney will not make it. 

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, sATL said:

I don't think high kicks and a jump split are a "new skill", solely copyrighted for the DCC's usage. Isn't your basic neighborhood dance studio teaching the skills - long before age 18? If these women have "dreamed" to be a DCC, shouldn't they (or their mothers) sought out the training long before auditions?

Yes, I hope Christina worked on her flexibility and kickline because she was annoying Judy last TC with doing it all wrong.  Sometimes I wonder what runs through Judy's mind when she sees these things..."what the heck?  how did you get into this any years of dance without turnout from the hip?"

  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, Mardo2044 said:

If I remember from past season, her dancing was underwhelming and they were making corrections.  And then this year they edited it and cut off the discussion they had with Whitney, but she was somewhat agressive/combative in her statements  towards Kelli when she was letting her go from TC and it was downright uncomfortable to watch.  There is one thing to have confidence and fight for your spot and another to look Kelli in the eye and basically tell Kelli she is wrong and refuse her assessment.  And first thing I said was "She told her she was not right for the team" and not an encouraging "We hope to see you back".  I don't know that Kelli has ever openly commented on that before, but I did notice in seasons past she and Judy do that.  So I think her freestyle dance looked good and got her through this round.   But did you see Judy's face about this one?  Normally if she is a strong dancer Judy will say something to Kelli like "She has strong technique" or something to combat Kelli's negative impression.  I think Kelli is being genuine saying if she sees the same dancer/person this year Whitney will not make it. 

With her dancing from last audition, I thought it was not powerful enough and forgetting steps. Thanks for reminding me about the office visit.  It was painful for me to watch; I actually forgot.    Many girls plead and cry to stay on the team. I found Kelly's behavior mean girl but at least now I understand.  She did not handle the office visit right with the coach and not a standout dancer for her team.  Yes, Kelly was trying to discourage her in the office, too bad she did not catch on before trying out.   To me, she did not give her a fair shot, and no she will not make the team.  Many people tryout again because it's their dream.  The judges gave many similar dancers second chances who are not standouts.  

Edited by DaisyFields500
  • Love 2

It was so nice to see Bri last night. I loved listening to Charlotte get so excited discussing her:) All three of them loved her. Best of the night! I really like Alexandria...it is cool to see them talking and performing verses to just seeing photos. I like that she did not drop the fact she went to the ProBowl game and cheered on a Super Bowl winning team. It shows she does not brag. Looks like according to Kelli she was a group leader for the Patriots.... she will bring not just her dance ability but her leadership ability as well....I was cool to see people we have been following throughout the show. I loved Dayton...she looks so much like Shelly..and is a good dancer as well...Loved that Christina was first in line;)

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, DaisyFields500 said:

Many girls plead and cry to stay on the team. I found Kelly's behavior mean girl but at least now I understand.  She did not handle the office visit right with the coach and not a standout dancer for her team.  Yes, Kelly was trying to discourage her in the office, too bad she did not catch on before trying out.   To me, she did not give her a fair shot, and no she will not make the team.  Many people tryout again because it's their dream.  The judges gave many similar dancers second chances who are not standouts.  

On this ^^ we do agree.  They definitely have given second chances to girls who are not standouts.  Hopefully she will make the most of it this time around.  This is why I love MTT we can all watch the same girls and have different thoughts and favorites.

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