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Happy! - General Discussion

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1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

Do cats really eat balls of yarn?

Sigh. I wish I could say it is not so (at least for some). My boy has a thing for anything string-like, and in certain moods, will start chomping them down. It's icky.

In other news, I continue to have a totally irrational crush on this show, even as it grows ever more freakish and unthinkable. I can't seem to help it, despite it seeming, on paper, the kind of thing I'd scurry away from at a brisk pace. The look, the pacing, Chris Meloni, and the skill with which Happy is done...it's all gruesomely, head-spinningly, wickedly, hilariously fucking awesome. I really loved Debi Mazar tonight, too; Isabella is pitch-perfect. In any other show, tonight would have been Just Too Much, but I kind of feel like here it manages to hang on by just that (unraveling red!) thread...

Can't wait for the finale. I'm a little terrified that with the death toll in this show, Hailey isn't guaranteed safe, but I want to see the rescue, even if Sax mows down half the city to do it.

Those kids all toy-boxed was one of the more horrifyingly creepy visuals ever. Brrrrr... 

  • Love 4

Smoothie: I told him children are bad business - messy, obnoxious, germ-ridden little migraines not worth the aggravation.

Nick: You know, at a certain point, sticking a gun in my face kind of loses its specialness. Laws of diminishing returns and all that. If you want me to take you seriously, at some point you're going to have to pull that trigger.

Blue: I needed gangsters and you gave me Spandeau Ballet.

Happy: There it is Nick - home of the rainbow castle.
Nick: Well, if that doesn't scream perv, I don't know what does.
Happy: When I look at it, all I see is "let's play!"
Nick: Exactly.

Smoothie: I knew this day would come. Our destiny is in the stars. You do see that, Sax, don't you?
Nick: You're not going to ask me my sign, are you?
Smoothie: The universe, it conspired to bring us back together so that a movable object could finally meet irresistible force.
Nick: Which one am I?
Smoothie: The dumb one.

Happy: Dumb as a soup sandwich.

Blue: I'm an errand boy for psychopaths.

  • Love 2

The shoot out between Nick and Blue's men with Blue's wife strapped to the front of Nick and Blue's kid waving his finger guns while Feliz Navidad played was hilarious.

In contrast, the bug orgy/rave was so freaky.

I'm going to be sad when this season is over because I love all the Christmas music and decorations contrasting with everything else.

Loved Smoothie's undisguised disgust for kids as annoying germ factories. I cracked up when he got Kenji all boxed up and then the kid said he had to go to the bathroom. I knew that it was not Kenji's last minute escape plan. He was a kid who really had to go to the bathroom. Smoothie's exasperation and "I TOLD you to go to the bathroom before we started packaging!" was very dad-like.

I was yelling OMG when Smoothie revealed why he's named Smoothie!

I'd be okay if Merry shot Blue.

The music video at the beginning with Merry's mom was so perfectly retro with the spandex and the lame dance moves and the cheap set.

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5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

The shoot out between Nick and Blue's men with Blue's wife strapped to the front of Nick and Blue's kid waving his finger guns while Feliz Navidad played was hilarious.


I'm going to be sad when this season is over because I love all the Christmas music and decorations contrasting with everything else.

When I caught that the kid was doing that, I cracked up and could only think damn, that kid is one young sociopathic twisted piece of work. Also, totally agree on the musical contrasts--I couldn't stop singing along to Feliz Navidad, heh.


I was yelling OMG when Smoothie revealed why he's named Smoothie!


The music video at the beginning with Merry's mom was so perfectly retro with the spandex and the lame dance moves and the cheap set.

Couldn't quite believe they went there--are going there--on Syfy! Smoothie is a Ken doll, yikes (which elevates the kids-turned-dolls to even higher levels of disturbing).

And, was that actually Smoothie in the music video? Maybe before he was Smoothie? Or was it just Patrick Fischler being the--was it keyboardist?--randomly, for the sake of weirdness?


I'd be okay if Merry shot Blue.

Ditto. Kinda think she should. A lot.

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, cuppasun said:

was that actually Smoothie in the music video? Maybe before he was Smoothie? Or was it just Patrick Fischler being the--was it keyboardist?--randomly, for the sake of weirdness?

It was definitely Patrick Fischler but I was also undecided as to whether it was supposed to be Smoothie in the music video. Like did he have this whole other life as a musician before he started working for the bug guy? Heh or better yet, was he a wannabe actor who got cast in a music video even though he couldn’t reallybplay an instrument? Inquiring minds want to know! Merry’s mom didn’t seem to remember him or recognize him when he was at her house, so maybe it was just a weird fever dream/fantasy sequence? I mean, this show is so weird that anything is possible. 

  • Love 1
54 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I mean, this show is so weird that anything is possible. 

"You just have to let art wash over you" (or something like that). I quit analyzing and questioning this show about 5 minutes into it. I love it to pieces and I don't think there is any way to continue it after the initial run. It's a perfect little 8-course meal, with each course hitting so many WTH moments and subtle notes that if they tried to replicate it, it would feel forced. 

I will miss Nekkid Meloni though.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

I will miss Nekkid Meloni though.

Ah, but like Bryan Cranston, Meloni loves getting naked, so you probably won't have to wait long for the next vision.

Such a bizarre show, but it's so entertaining in a very strange way. I agree that it will be difficult to keep the premise going. I only wonder, who will Happy end up with? Hailey or Sax or both?

Edited by Ms Lark
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On 1/25/2018 at 12:07 PM, flyingdi said:

Is this a limited run series?  I don't see how it can keep going once they find Haley.

I looked up the comic book this is based on and it is only 4 issues or 1 graphic novel long. I am guessing the TV series is mostly original material. If they want to keep the series going, there is the password and demons storylines. This might lead Nick Sax to becoming the biggest crime lord in the city or stopping a supernatural crime syndicate. Also Smoothie is still alive (or for now) and Nick owes him some back pay.

Edited by AnimeMania
Change "or" to "for"

When Blue's Psycho Son triggered the explosion did it kill him and his mom? I wasn't sure, it was a huge explosion but, i didn't know for sure.

I'm really interested in the mystical stuff, the Italian Medium/witch, Mikey being possessed. Also whatever she said about the Old Don not giving him a password for Blue. I'm guessing that the old Don was passing on a demon or curse or something that would give Blue power?

2 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I looked up the comic book this is based on and it is only 4 issues or 1 graphic novel long. I am guessing the TV series is mostly original material. If they want to keep the series going, there is the password and demons storylines. This might lead Nick Sax to becoming the biggest crime lord in the city or stopping a supernatural crime syndicate. Also Smoothie is still alive (or now) and Nick owes him some back pay.

They only showed Smoothie getting shot in the eye--he's definitely gonna be back.

The showrunner said in an AMA that he already has plans if they get a season 2, and SyFy is advertising the next episode as the season finale, so there's a small sliver of hope!

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

When Blue's Psycho Son triggered the explosion did it kill him and his mom? I wasn't sure, it was a huge explosion but, i didn't know for sure.


Did Blue even find out about the explosion? If he did, I'm blanking out on that scene.

Nekkid Meloni,Nekkid Meloni,Nekkid Meloni,Nekkid Meloni,Nekkid Meloni,Nekkid Meloni,Nekkid Meloni! I can never get enough!

I love this show, in all its bizarro glory, and I'd like to see it continue. At first I was startled with hearing F-bombs on SyFy -- but in a world where CNN can quote the president's "shithole" remark, what can you do?

Dreading what might happen to Hailey's mom. I'm not a "Furry" or anything similar, but if I were, this show might offend me. 

On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 1:00 AM, cuppasun said:

The look, the pacing, Chris Meloni, and the skill with which Happy is done...it's all gruesomely, head-spinningly, wickedly, hilariously fucking awesome.

Perfectly stated.

On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 3:19 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'd be okay if Merry shot Blue.

Only if Amanda gets to kill Sonny Shine.

23 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

"You just have to let art wash over you" (or something like that). I quit analyzing and questioning this show about 5 minutes into it.

I will miss Nekkid Meloni though.

My wife asked how Mikey could possibly be alive.  I said "Magic" and pointed out it was the least unrealistic thing about this show.

I wonder if Meloni had a flashback to his Oz days while taping that scene...

  • Love 3

I am definitely weird sick twisted because I love this damn show and hope it goes on and on and on.  It is definitely the most far-out thing on the tube, IMO.  It's weirder than Lost's final season, and that's saying something.

On 1/25/2018 at 2:07 AM, AnimeMania said:

Do cats really eat balls of yarn?

Oh, yes.  And string. And ribbon. And tinsel.  The image of kittens playing with wool and string is cute, but in actuality, it's deadly.  Cats can eat string and it can literally twist their intestines up, which can kill them unless it's surgically removed.  I've never had to deal with that, thank heavens, but I've heard the horror stories.  It's traumatic for cat guardian, cat and said guardian's bank account.


On 1/28/2018 at 6:04 PM, revbfc said:

Did anyone notice that the blood from that  Teletubby-looking thing was the same color as imaginary friend blood?

Yes.  Bring on the weird! 

And we all know children's entertainers can be strange critters, but the bug thing/orgy was just ... just ... words fail me.

On a totally shallow note: nekkid Meloni (who is in amazing shape, really). Always a plus. 

  • Love 1

Seriously, I shed a tear for Very Bad Santa at the end, when his imaginary friend curled up in his hand, after we learned why he was so fucked up? 

I was sorry to see Hailey not need Happy anymore, but figured he would show up at Nick's side, precisely because of Nick's anxieties about being a father. 

In the opening, when Sonny Shine auditions, I thought he was channeling a demented Richard Simmons.

11 minutes ago, Philbert said:

Oh, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase say there's going to be a season two. This is the only show more batshit crazy than "Gotham." And that's saying something.

Yes, it was renewed. I figure it's going to be about the demons Mikey babbled to Nick before he died, and probably what Zombie Mikey transferred to Blue at the end.

And I can't believe that's the end of the bug cosplayers and the pedophile ring.

  • Love 3

Blue: You've probably got a lifetime of psychosexual therapy bills headed your way.

Happy: I'm thinking footsies are just about the most ticklish things ever. I wonder if that goes for stinky socks too.

Happy: We're all imaginary friends, a brother and sisterhood of strawberry frosting and dreams.

Nick: I want to remind you we're here on the word of a sock puppet.

Merry: You look like your cruise ship got torpedoed with Liberace's corpse.

Nick: Hocus pocus, motherfucker!

Nick: California? It's not my kind of dirty. Besides, I hate avocados.

Merry: You might want to slap a little aftershave on. You smell like you murdered a hooker.
Nick: That obvious?

  • Love 1

I guess I’m just a softy, because I was hoping that hailey would accept and forgive Santa and he would turn into a “real” one.  I felt sorry for sock puppet.   Sorry we didn’t get any Meloni running scenes, although I guess that might have been difficult with a bear trap attached

glad there will be a season 2    No rapes, please   

  • Love 2

I love this twisted little show!

On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 8:38 PM, SmithW6079 said:

I can't believe that's the end of the bug cosplayers and the pedophile ring.

Sonny is still in his impervious castle, so Merry, Amanda and Not-Nick will have their work cut out for them dealing with that as well as whatever Blue is.

On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 11:27 PM, AnimeMania said:

I am not really that fond of Blue, I would rather Season 2 be about Sonny Shine and his Army Ants and Smoothie.

It can't be about Smoothie -- he's dead.

Edited by jhlipton
  • Love 1

Man did I love this show!  Can't wait for season 2.  

The lobotomized kids were so sad and I did an audible gasp when I figured out how he was getting them to "stay kids forever" a couple minutes before the reveal.  

I also had a slight allergy attack when the green sock puppet nestled up under bad santa at the end.  Although I still don't quite understand what happened to make bad santa bad santa.  I know he was traumatized after his dad died, it just wasn't clear to me how because I felt the descriptions were vague. 

And Sonny is creepy as fuck. 

Edited by luckyroll3
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