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Happy! - General Discussion

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I can't lie - the Sirens of Sussex intro at the beginning of the episode had me cracking up.

The most interesting things I learned in this episode were (1) you can only see Happy if you believe in him and (2) Blue answers to a giant bug.

Smoothie's idea of me time is terrifying, but at least he made sure to give Merry's mom something to do so she wouldn't hear any of it. I guess the torture tips on hot wax were just an added bonus?

Izabella's conversation with her nephew about becoming a hit man was funnier than expected.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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1 hour ago, AuntiePam said:

I haven't watched the episode yet, but the recap at the AV Club says the messenger told her where it was.

The messenger told her it was a dead drop, which I think means that someone calls him and tells him were the package is and what it looks like. That place doesn't have to be Bad Santa's lair. You use dead drops so that the delivery person doesn't see your place or your face.


The messenger actually knows very little about this gig, but he does give Meredith the location of the dead drop, which leads her to the basement of Gimbel’s department store (aka VBS’s lair).

Quote from the recap (which I should have included before).

So something at the dead drop led Meredith to Gimbel's.  ?? 

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2 hours ago, arachne said:

When Nick was fighting off those Chinatown guys, I thought, did we wander into some Quentin Tarantino movie? That said, I enjoyed the shout-out to the Polanski film.

BTW, does anyone know if this show is a one-shot, or will there be another season?

I got a Big Trouble in Little China vibe from that sequence and I loved it.

This show is mind bendingly crazy. In a show with an actual imaginary friend you'd think I wouldn't find it so hard to believe this show has demons and magic. Yet, every time this mystical stuff happens I always question if it's real or not. ?

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Is Mr Bug an actual giant bug, and was the room he went into filled with giant bugs being blown by human hookers? Is that what Mikey Scarmucci was babbling about before he died in Nick's arms?

Was Smoothie having "me time" in Merry's mom's apartment? Poor chubby evangelical. You knocked on the wrong door. 

This is such a fucked up show, but I'm in for the duration. The only issue was there was no naked Meloni.

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5 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

Is Mr Bug an actual giant bug, and was the room he went into filled with giant bugs being blown by human hookers? Is that what Mikey Scarmucci was babbling about before he died in Nick's arms?

Dont think it was clearly a Costume/Fetisch and the People in the Room are more of the same,

But from the Talk you they did  you dont need Supernatural to get Evil Deeds.

Only the Trea of the Mill Human Lowlife.

I think Mikey know about the Childtrafficing thats enough for a normal Human to talk about Evil things.

7 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I got a Big Trouble in Little China vibe from that sequence and I loved it.

"That's Chinatown, Jake", right down to the slit nostril.  The only question is who is whom's sister?

2 hours ago, Zanne said:

Is the Plushie thing an important plot point or is it just another indicator we're in the world where there's an imaginary, bilingual flying blue unicorn?

It sounded kind of important -- at least two kids were kidnapped there.

(I would have thought that an imaginary friend would know all the languages, but only imaginary versions of them...)

I am loving this show. I thought the Mafia Bug was a supernatural being but my hubby thought he was part of a group of Furries (or whatever the insect equivalent of Furrie is but I don't want to do down that rabbit hole and - ooops - we are back to Furries!) and hadn't thought about the youngest brother's remark in the 1st episode about how the world is run by demons until someone brought it up in a prior episode thread and now that brother is missing from the morgue. Good stuff and I can't help but admire the bravery of Christopher Meloni's acting choices. I also loved Mrs. Claws.

Edited by TresGatos
'Cause it's Claws, not Claus, according to the IMDB.
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3 hours ago, TresGatos said:

I am loving this show. I thought the Mafia Bug was a supernatural being but my hubby thought he was part of a group of Furries (or whatever the insect equivalent of Furrie is but I don't want to do down that rabbit hole and - ooops - we are back to Furries!) 

I wasn't sure either. There does seem to be a theme of evil people in costume. Mr. Bug, VBS, Crazy Lobster Dude (pilot). I'm not sure what it all means but, it's a recurring theme so I assume it will be explained at some point.

On 12/29/2017 at 7:51 PM, Zanne said:

Plushies = stuffed animal looking types, like a toy (often literally), whereas Furries = more anthropomorphic, like animals with human attributes. Plushie = Barney, Furry = Disney's Robin Hood fox

At least, that's what I gathered. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

There's a bit of cross-over -- some Furries do plushy cross-play, but I think you have the basics.,

3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I just randomly watched this because it was on after The Magicians, and I am intrigued. It looks super weird, but in an interesting way. Is it based off of anything? It seems like the kind of show adopted from a quirky Indie comic or something. 

Yep, a graphic novel. It's certainly different!

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On 12/27/2017 at 10:51 PM, saoirse said:

Hailey and children are introduced to a far more terrifying prison.

While I'm enjoying (if that's the right word) the weirdness of this show, the scenes with the kids really bother me. I can't help thinking how damaging it might be to the child actors to be exposed to the darkness of their scenes.

I kind of wish Nick had told Amanda that Happy sent him. She knows he's Hailey's imaginary friend, but how would Nick know? That might have given him some credibility. 

Was Amanda a cop too? She can hold her own in a street fight/attempted assassination.

So Dead Mikey appears next to Nick and starts whacking it. Sure, why not?

Edited by SmithW6079
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This is the first episode where the main characters felt real to me. The connection between Sax and Amanda felt like a real relationship with love and all its dysfunction. Meloni and Medina Senghore have great chemistry. I want to see more of that from Nick and would like Amanda's role to be more prominent.

Edited by SimoneS
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Little Bo Peep: It's not monsters under the bed. It's penises - great big nasty penises! Also, fuck Judy Blume! Two weeks with those books and now my friend's knocked up and her water's breaking in Algebra 1.
Happy: Was it Freckle Juice?

Raspberry: Just one marshmallow? They're free, you know.
Happy: I only deserve one. It's not hot chocolate without it.

Raspberry: Smoke?
Happy: After all the cocaine I had this week, I don't think so.

Isabella: I can't take any more of this, you running your fat Botoxed cannoli holes like it's any other day! Can't you understand? This is not some show. This is reality!
Anna-Theresa: Sweetheart, you got a hundred year old witch menstruating into a red sauce to bring your bambino back from the dead. We ain't even in the same zip code as reality.

Nick: Those tasers will really clear your sinuses out.

Nick: You listen to me, you little blue jackass. The Sacks family crest is two lions holding a banner reading, "Death before intimacy." What I'm about to say is very difficult and I'm only going to say it once. I believe in you.

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The apple doesn't fall far from the psychotic tree, at least not in the Scaramucci family. That kid is a complete wack job.

The Imaginary Friends support group was hilarious. "Fuck Judy Blume!" Happy guessing that the book to blame was Freckle Juice cracked me up.

So is it a coincidence that Happy is blue?

The costumes those poor kids were wearing - horrifying, all of them, but the Jon Benet one that Hailey was wearing was extra creepy.

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At the IF support group, I was thinking that the color on the three-headed dog was too bright. The other IF's were dull and depressed, but he/they were vibrant. Then it turns out his connection with his psycho kid is going strong -- love the attention to detail on this show :)

The kids costumes were pretty creepy. It's amazing how docile the kids are. It seems like they would be whining and resisting more. Their costume makeup stayed perfect.

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