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Is it just me or is Lois written as noticeably dumber in recent episodes? I mean she's still smarter than Peter (talk about a low bar!) but we seem to get more jokes at her expense these days.  


"I'm glad you're finally getting your hair cut, Peter. You were starting to look like that Bongo from The Beatles."

"You know, I always thought that peanut allergies just went away when you became an adult. You know, like tonsils. Tonsils go away, right? I thought I read that. What are tonsils?"

On 5/2/2021 at 7:15 PM, M. Darcy said:

It took 21 years but Meg finally made it to Brown University.

When I was busy Olivia Jade-ing my college applications, we knew whether we got in by the thickness of the envelope.  You got a huge one when you were accepted, and a single page (like Meg got), when you weren't.  Has that changed nowadays with that newfangled Internet thingie?

Also, I  liked the Moby Dick quote when Brian was carrying Doug down the stairs (and he can only count up to "this many"!).  Nice when they pull one out of the air like that.


Edited by Lone Wolf

Yeah, parents really love those dumb HGTV shows. Mine love all those House Hunters shows.

I, too, judge shows by their lack of Kermits.

Yeah, love Brian acting like a dog towards the new cat, and the cat not giving a damn. Especially since the cat chose Meg as its Human. I have a cat, and everything was accurate. Including how Crazy Cat Ladies are born. Wasn't a fan of all the cat violence, though.

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As soon as I saw this episode had the family getting a cat, I knew would be worth a watch. The in-joke of course is that Seth loves cats and can acknowledge that they can be jerks.

Love that Meg told Brian she got a cat because he was never there for her while everyone else treats her like crap. But of course Pouncy was just using her to turn her into a crazy cat lady.

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On 4/20/2021 at 10:03 PM, Perfect Xero said:

Currently in the timeline of the show Chris and Meg are still teenagers, so they're Gen Z and Peter and Lois are in their mid 40s, so they'd be Gen X.

Yeah, as I understand it, the last baby boomer year was 1964, so the youngest baby boomer right now would be 56.  I don't see either Peter or Lois as being that old.  

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I knew where this episode was going from the outset. Cats are Evil, Cats are Jerks, Cats don't give a crap about anything ever. It hit all the cliche cat bullet points it possibly could. As someone who has owned up to 3 cats for well over a decade, I can confirm that none of these things are true. It hit just enough "it's funny because it's true" points about cats and dogs to be entertaining.

12 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Technically, Peter was 42 in season 1. I take the point though. 


Homer and Marge are also 42 and now technically Gen X which sometime wrecks havoc with the continuity on the Simpson, particularly the "Marge had no choice but to be housewife and give up her life" stories.

I think Family Guy is much more fluid but could have the same issues.

47 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

Was certainly not expecting a 9/11 joke during the tennis bit. Also appreciated seeing Freight Train in Cleveland's segment.

The Rocky segment was the best one. I liked seeing all the pun fighters (Sugar Ray Leonard Nimoy was my favorite)

What was the second serve? 

No on Freddy Mercury joke. I mean, it was good, not its a joke where you go, no. No. 

I can't recall an episode so full of jokes as this one, what the heck are they feeding the writers?  I almost lost it at the Cuban national anthem and that was just at the beginning.  That 9/11 joke, though.  Yikes!  At least they didn't run it this coming September, it being the 20th anniversary.

Castro's chronic fatigue syndrome, ha!

I'm probably going against popular opinion, but I didn't think it was that great of an episode compared to others this season.  

It seemed that the zingers at the end of each act (before they went to commercial), weren't that funny.  Also, maybe I was comparing Quagmire's story to a much earlier season when Stewie was a McEnroe-esque tennis player at the Quahog Racket Club, but that plot line seemed a bit warmed over.  Finally, it seemed like every character's voice-over narrating their story was flat - short sentenced, kind of monotone... 

A couple of the puns and jokes you that you guys mentioned went over my head while I was watching, so I might go back and watch again to see if anything changes for me.

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Something actually happened with Doug, the baby voiced by Chris Parnell. Even as a cocky baby, he still managed to embody other characters he voiced, like Cyril (hell, HJB even cameos as his Archer voice!) and Jerry.

Even blind, Lois manages to be the worst. And of course Lois manages to get her eyesight back, and lied to keep up her charade. Seems to be a beat in these plots.

Got a laugh out of the Burbank video, and the cutaway with Peter and the Orangutan at the Bananarama concert. I wonder how long they were trying to insert that drawing into an episode.

Okay, love that Cleveland has a daytime judge show now.


"LASIK Instinct". With her vision waning, Lois elects to get LASIK surgery, but exploits her new disability for monetary gain. Meanwhile, Peter, Chris and Stewie must partake in all the activities with Doug that his father neglects.

This one was adequate, but I lost interest by the time Lois appeared on the Helen Disingenuous Show. Heh. I cannot remember much else, other than thinking Lois has done this before.

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It's another anthology episode this week, this time the cast are different band biopics.

"I'm sorry, but this is the one time in history where astronauts are cooler than rock stars." I did like the Doors segment.

Every guy in a vintage music store is a stock meme photo of a white guy. Accurate.

I shouldn't have been surprised that the Muddy Drawers segment turned into a Green Book spoof. Really liked the ending where Muddy knew his story was ending when the screen turned sepia.

Stewie's segment was, of course, the Elton John segment. Loved that Elton John's dad was flamboyant, and that he had to play in the Dodgers game.

Aww, Norm tribute.

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Honestly liked everyone's costumes. Lois was Marge Simpson, Peter was Matt Foley, Meg was in a Scoops Ahoy costume from Stranger Things.

Sam Elliot imitating Borat. What a time to be alive.

"No cat owner knows where their cat is." Too true. I liked Brian gradually making Quagmire's life as painful as possible before he stopped lying to himself. You'd think Carrie would've been upfront with all the rescue dogs she has. I did like that in the end, Brian still acted like a dog around "walks."

"From The Marvelous Mrs. Mazel Tov. You should know this, Lois."

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"Must Love Dogs". Quagmire meets an avid dog lover, and pretends Brian is his dog in an attempt to win her over. Meanwhile, Chris helps Stewie track down the culprit who stole his Halloween candy.

I enjoyed this one. It's been awhile since we've seen Quagmire and Brian together. I knew how thew Chris and Stewie story was going to end, but it was amusing. to see it play out.

Edited by Gharlane

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