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The Grounder Gazette: the 100 in the Media


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Probably because she's still simply a "guest star," while the other folks are series regulars. 

Actually they gave Lindsey a contract when they finished filming the season. She's a series regular now.And this banner was supposed to be a Season 2 teaser.  Ricky Wittle(Lincoln) is a guest star and he's further up in that banner than she is.


This stuff doesn't usually mean anything. As far as I know, it's done by people who don't make any decisions about the writing.


Personally, I find the heavy eye make-up on Clarke the most annoying feature of this banner, even though I've seen this photo already. Thank god she's not wearing in on the show.


I didn't know Raven's a regular now. That's great! I'm looking forward to more of her, as long as they stop inserting her into stupid love triangles. She's better than that.

Edited by FurryFury

Wow -- the promo for next week's episode isn't even attempting to disguise the fact that new BFFs Clarke and Anya escape the chamber of horrors, somehow get all of their old shitty clothing back (which in reality should have been burnt because it was likely laced with radiation), get all dirtied up in a hurry, and decide to escape into the mountain where the Reapers live-- just for shits and giggles.  Were none of the other grounders in the chamber of horrors worthy of Clarke's help to escape ?  How many people did Clarke kill in Mt. Weather order to save Anya ?  Does she really not like chocolate cake ?  Because I really like happy and goofy version Jasper compared to the angsty vengeful Jasper at the end of last season.  Why doesn't Anya kill Clarke the moment she gets free ?



Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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And again 0.5. Well, at least it's steady, so it's something. But considering that Arrow has just got its best ratings in a while, it may not mean much - the show's losing more than 50% of the lead-in. Still, number-wise it's not the worst ratings on the network.

I'm really liking this season, and I would be really upset if the show were canceled. But then, it's the CW... they didn't even cancel Beauty and the Beast for some reason. Maybe it will survive. But overall, the network's doing better than last year, surprisingly, thus I'm worried - the competition's stronger this season.

Edited by FurryFury
Actually, at such low ratings you really could use a second decimal to compare ratings. A18-49 could easily have been 0.45 last week and 0.54 this week.


It's weird that the Nielsen people don't seem to grasp the concept of significant figures (or sigfigs) of meaningful data.  Maybe Nielsen figures are past their usefulness like the head of Viacom was saying the other day, not only for a lack of accuracy, but for the fact that they don't take into account other platforms to determine viewership.



A somewhat spoilery interview with the showrunner. I'm really hoping he's talking Finn up because he's going to kill him, because otherwise... WTF is wrong with you, Jason Rothenberg?



TVLINE | So Finn’s actions will damage his relationship with Clarke?

A: Well, the massacre is yet another thing to worry about and to blame Finn for. Can she get over that? We’ll see. I think she can, and that she’ll be able to put it in its proper place, which is that he thought he was saving her. There’s a version of Finn’s story that ends with him being the hero, if he was right and she was really there. In the moment, he thought he was dealing with the people who murdered his friends and the girl he loves. That contributed to him snapping in that moment.

Edited by FurryFury
A somewhat spoilery interview with the showrunner. I'm really hoping he's talking Finn up because he's going to kill him, because otherwise... WTF is wrong with you, Jason Rothenberg?


The other tidbit from that interview is that it is confirmed that the Reapers are being made by the Mt. Weatherites and

Lincoln is definitely being transformed into one


The 100 Post Mortem: Star Eliza Taylor Defends 'Brilliant,' Heartbreaking Twist


Brilliant.  Heartbreaking.  How about no to both -- they wrote Finn into a corner that there was no coming back from unless J and K from Men in Black showed up and flashied them back to before Finn went on his killing spree (do the 18 grounders Finn killed include the grounder in the sex bunker, or don't the grounders know about that ?).

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they wrote Finn into a corner that there was no coming back from

At least they recognized this and took the proper steps for his character rather than trying some stupid redemption arc or other lame plot. Randomly killing characters is one thing, but I have no problem with killing off a character who has run his course.

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This summary of a podcast discussion with one of the writers, Aaron Ginsburg, is kind of irritating.

On the topic of writers interacting with fans on twitter, Ginsburg admits, “I like to sort of tease and coax them into a fury, and then our show-runner likes to just berate them. Because they want certain things, [the fans] want certain characters to be together—you know, like Ross & Rachel style. And he basically is like ‘That will not happen,’ and he puts his foot down and mocks them for it.”


I mean, is JR a teenager himself? What a baby. You know, it is an option to just ignore the fans or not participate on Twitter or whatever. You choose the level of interaction, and responding to fans if you're going to be a dick is pretty sad.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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Earlier today, The 100 Writers official Tumblr account posted this response to the Ginsburg comments, and then Ginsburg himself posted one too. I appreciate the sentiments, and some of the clarification, but I reject the idea that you can just say, "No, JR doesn't mock fans" and have it magically be true. He does, and he does seem to at least feel like it's worth his time to argue with fans. And Aaron didn't pull that idea that JR would actively avoid writing Bellarke because the fans want it out of his ass. I guarantee it's come up in those terms in the writers' room or over drinks or something to that effect.


At any rate--Bellarke is so low on my list of concerns about this show and the writers who staff it (I don't actually ship them yet, personally), that I wish the focus of the apology wasn't toward shippers. I don't care whether they ever write that pairing. If the writers were teasing fans of a pairing I hate, I would be equally disgusted. I wish whoever mans this Tumblr account would respond to some of the other fan/critic complaints/concerns that have arisen this fall--like its racial problems, for one.

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People aren't upset that the showrunner/writers aren't writing Bellarke. (Well, I'm sure some are, but that's not specifically the problem with Ginsburg's comments.) People are upset that the writers tease, berate, and mock fans, period. Enough that this one joked about it on a podcast, and then tried unconvincingly to walk it back.


Shipping aside: it is unprofessional, petty, and just kind of mean to do that to fans--of any stripe. That's why I said I wish they hadn't addressed the "apology" or response in such a way that it seemed as though it was only Bellarke fans who were annoyed, or that the primary problem was that AG's comments made it seem like the writers won't go that direction out of spite. I'm sure those fans were annoyed, and I'm sure they're very, very vocal, like every other shipping fandom in the universe. But I was upset as a fan of the show who has witnessed JR or other writers respond nastily to fans/critics in general. It's a turn-off.


I don't want the writers to "pander" to any subset of fans. I want them to write their story as they envision it, and as a fan of that world and these characters, I hope that story is the best it can be. But along the way, it would behoove the writers/producers/cast/crew to be professional and mature with their tiny fanbase. They'll be lucky if they get more than this one season, and if they do, it will be because of that devoted fanbase. It won't be because of their stellar PR game, obviously.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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I don't want the writers to "pander" to any subset of fans. I want them to write their story as they envision it, and as a fan of that world and these characters, I hope that story is the best it can be. But along the way, it would behoove the writers/producers/cast/crew to be professional and mature with their tiny fanbase.


Well said. I totally agree that the writers shouldn't change anything in their writing just to pander to a portion of the fans, but why mock/berate them? These guys are the writers, they are the only one that have the stories in hand, if they don't want Bellamy/Clarke to happen, then they just have to never write it, simple as that. I don't give a fuck about the pairing (the story has far more to offer than romance, which was the lowest point of S1), but their need of being childish and immature by mocking some fans makes them look pathetic more than anything.

Edited by Coxfires
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Unfortunately, 'The 100' has been renewed for Season 3 -- which means that the show's title continues to be even more irrelevant.




So for Season 3, will Clarke be the new leader of the Grounders in the fight against the Mt. Weatherites ?  Will they go to Europe and ruin everything there as well (since travel isn't much of an issue) ?

I suspect they will kill off one of Abby/Kane/Jaha trio, the only question is whom? Clarke's already lost a person close to her, so I'm not sure if losing her mother as well wouldn't be too much - but it could be yet another step on her way to becoming a leader. Jaha has cheated death last season already, yet it's still unclear what was the purpose of saving him and moving to the others (maybe they just didn't want to lose the actor?) Kane is possible as well, I guess.

It's nice they aren't afraid of killing characters even after offing a main cast member (main love interest, to boot) in the middle of a season.

Edited by FurryFury
Yeah, but I hope that Lexa has an actual relationship on the show, because otherwise it's not much representation to just say she's queer and then keep her celibate. Based on her conversations with Clarke this episode, I'm concerned they won't really go there with her.


Or ....... Lexa and Clarke hook up (bom - chika - wow - wow), and then Clarke kills Lexa and becomes the new leader in a Riddick-like you keep what you kill sort of scenario.  Hey, they've been ripping off ideas from lots of other shows, why not this too ?

I've read that Lexa's actress has been cast in another show in a big enough role, so it's likely she'll be gone by the end of the season. Not enough time to have a relationship (especially not with Clarke, who's not in any real place for a romance anyway). And I don't think Lexa NEEDS to have an on-screen romance. How many on-screen romances have seen? Basically, two. And this season, one is sunk and the other is on down-low. The show doesn't really like romances, and doesn't do them well. 

Maybe they'll make Monty or Miller or anyone else gay and explore this topic with them. I think it could work better than with Lexa, I don't really want to see fall in love with anyone in this point, I'm more interested in other things about her.

Edited by FurryFury
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Jason definitely does mock fans. He's been playing Bellarke fans for the fool ever since they started shipping. He would tell them he wrote scenes from the Bellarke perspective then backtrack and tell them "Not really, jk". Can't say I feel sorry for them though since the loud ones on Twitter and Tumblr can be downright nasty and act entitled.

Jason definitely does mock fans. He's been playing Bellarke fans for the fool ever since they started shipping. He would tell them he wrote scenes from the Bellarke perspective then backtrack and tell them "Not really, jk". Can't say I feel sorry for them though since the loud ones on Twitter and Tumblr can be downright nasty and act entitled.


The ones on facebook are pretty obnoxious too. They act like this is Twilight or The Vampire Diaries and that the ship is the most important part. I can see why JR would be annoyed when it seems like the only feedback he gets from fans is about Bellarke.


Alycia Debnam-Carey has a role on the upcoming Walking Dead spin-off, but that show has not yet bee picked up. Even if it is picked up, we don't know how if the series' filming schedules will overlap. She may be able to do both. 

The ones on facebook are pretty obnoxious too. They act like this is Twilight or The Vampire Diaries and that the ship is the most important part. I can see why JR would be annoyed when it seems like the only feedback he gets from fans is about Bellarke.


Alycia Debnam-Carey has a role on the upcoming Walking Dead spin-off, but that show has not yet bee picked up. Even if it is picked up, we don't know how if the series' filming schedules will overlap. She may be able to do both. 

The fangurls are obnoxious but he as the EP still shouldnt be mocking the fanbase. Especially since the ratings for this show arent anything great.


If the role is contract and it gets picked up its moe likely Lexa will be getting killed off. 

IGN: Do we see Lexa in the finale or is this it for her for now?


Rothenberg: We do not see Lexa in the finale. I’m not sure that that’s a tremendous spoiler. Her story, essentially, is over. She made her choice and she’s not turning her back on that choice. She’s not going to have some sort of second thoughts and come racing back into the fray. That’s just not the way we do things. But she’s alive and she’s out there and you better believe I am already working on AMC to allow us to keep working with her because I love the character and I really do think that Alycia has been everything I wanted in that character. Negotiations are ongoing.



Nooooooooooooo! /Darth Vader


However they are only 6 episode seasons according to that article, so hopefully the shooting schedules line up nicely and Alycia can still be on this show :)

It actually does line up very well. Both shows are being shot in the same city, and when the shooting for the spin-off ends, it is around when the shooting for the 100 starts. The biggest factors for Alycia's return is probably if AMC will allow it, and any possible schedule conflicts that might arise from the storm of PR Alycia will be doing in connection with the spin-off.

Rothenberg: We do not see Lexa in the finale. I’m not sure that that’s a tremendous spoiler. Her story, essentially, is over. She made her choice and she’s not turning her back on that choice. She’s not going to have some sort of second thoughts and come racing back into the fray. That’s just not the way we do things. But she’s alive and she’s out there and you better believe I am already working on AMC to allow us to keep working with her because I love the character and I really do think that Alycia has been everything I wanted in that character. Negotiations are ongoing.



Given this uncertainty about Alycia's availability, I guess they had to find a way to wrap up her part of the story.  At least the way they did it didn't involve killing her off, so there is still hope we might see her again next season

Edited by viajero

Interview with Rothenberg about the finale and season 3: 


Rothenberg: "Clarke is f**king legendary. Clarke is Paul Bunyan. Everyone is going to know about Clarke of the Sky People. She got betrayed and she single handedly now goes and takes out Mount Weather. Last year, she single handedly [stopped the Grounders] - obviously she wasn’t single handed in either event but the way legends spread, that’s going to be interesting to play next season."

Edited by Lord Kira
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