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Invite Only Cabo - General Discussion

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13 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Finally!  This show is so bad it's good.  The cast is truly horrible.  Why in the world would anyone have friends who haven't met each other?  The white girl was so gross!  She was double dipping and chewing her nails and even sneezing/coughing on the food.  That one guy still slept with her though.

Honestly, this entire show is gross.  I was creeped out by the all of the cast, but yeah, white bread, trailer trash girl made me physically ill.  I mean like I got nauseated watching her. Too bad, because the members that are posting here look to be a fun group...

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4 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

This show is one hot mess, just like the people on it.  Which is why I'm watching, of course!   ;-)

Heehee!  I was legitimately angry at myself for watching the first episode. So how did I punish myself?  By watching the 2nd episode, of course!  ;)

Seriously though, this show is terrible.  The people are awful.  The only one who seems somewhat normal is.... oh, I forget his name. But he has the curly  hair and I think he was the one in the boy band with Larry when they were younger.  The other guy (might be gay?) says some funny stuff now and then.  Larry himself though? Sucks.  Like, no personality - just a big old MEH. 

I did initially think Agu was handsome.  But after sleeping with Emily? Nope.  All the noping nopes in Nope-ville.  She is Nasty (and not the good kind ....)

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Same here @Duke2801  I caught the first two episodes on a lazy, boring Sunday.  I hated it and thought the people were awful, so what did I do?  Searched the guide so I could make sure to record any episodes I may have missed and any future episodes. 

I've noticed that Emily's accent comes and goes, that's the most (only) interesting thing about her. She is so gross. Why was she sitting in a restaurant biting her fake nails off and spitting them on the floor?! I thought it was nasty when they showed her just biting her nails, then they showed them on the floor, I about threw up.  She's always got her fingers in her mouth.  

The one bitchy not Bianca one gets on my nerves. She sure does think she's something special. 

Who are these people?   Is one of them supposed to be famous or something? 

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On Wednesday, May 31, 2017 at 6:26 PM, Michichick said:

Larry is allegedly a celebrity hairdresser or some shit. Never heard of him. 

I've watched all three episodes of this trainwreck and will probably continue. Because Bravo has my soul, apparently.

Same here.  I watched the first episode and was hooked despite how awful it is.  I don't mind the guys, except for Larry, who thinks he's the absolute coolest.  But I cannot stand the girls.  The one Larry has his non-relationship has been stank since the first episode.  Emily is just gross. And the other one isn't as bad, but there's something about her that bugs.

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Larry does a lot of African American actresses hair. Gabrielle Union was briefly on the first episode but also Kerry Washington, Queen Latifah, Tracee Ellis Ross, and Lupita Nyong'o. 

His relationship with Bianca is just weird, and yes Larry a friendship is still a relationship, they seem like they barely no each other and have zero sexual chemistry.

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I think I might be out this episode was so boring. And unless they are playing this up for the cameras Larry is a piece of shit but a dull piece of shit so it isn't even trainwreck tv.

Who wants chocolate cake first thing in the morning? Also, how random that he had everyone gather in his bedroom when they have an entire house where they could have "surprised" her.

How long is this vacation that he took a two day trip in the middle of it.

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6 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Who wants chocolate cake first thing in the morning?

I do!

I always hate when people think just because they are on vacation they can't get hurt.  Riding ATVs is very dangerous at times especially for those with no training.  I could feel her pain through the tv.

Larry leaving to go get a "surprise" guest and then the spoil their own surprise by bringing gross girl's boyfriend back with him in the end previews for next week.  Ha ha!

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, jumper sage said:


Larry leaving to go get a "surprise" guest and then the spoil their own surprise by bringing gross girl's boyfriend back with him in the end previews for next week.  

I think there might be two different "surprises" because Danni is wearing a different outfit when she expresses surprise at seeing him. 

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On 6/4/2017 at 9:40 PM, announcergirl said:

I've been watching- can't look away. I wish I had folks who do stuff like this trip. I only know fuddy duddys. Ok, this Larry dude...we sure he is into women? I'll be back after this new ep goes off.

I keep asking myself that.  He just pings to me, and the kisses between him and whatshername look so awful and uncomfortable.

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On 6/2/2017 at 0:13 AM, biakbiak said:

Larry does a lot of African American actresses hair. Gabrielle Union was briefly on the first episode but also Kerry Washington, Queen Latifah, Tracee Ellis Ross, and Lupita Nyong'o. 

His relationship with Bianca is just weird, and yes Larry a friendship is still a relationship, they seem like they barely no each other and have zero sexual chemistry.

He does Gabrielle Union's hair for Being Mary Jane.

Is Larry into women?

Who is this AJ person?  She looks like an old hag with a fugly weave on her head.

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AJ was brought there for one day to stir up more shit with Emily. Good lord, Emily is a trash heap and now this show is actually making me sympathize with her a little. But I'm not buying into all the "oh no, I sure hope nobody tells Emily's boyfriend about Agu." Come on now, of course he's going to find out about it since it happened on national fricking TV, so for sure one of the housemates will blab to make sure the fallout is captured on camera.

I like Malaku and Jermane. They are funny, seems like nice dudes, and gossip like I would but don't make themselves major players in all the drama.

On 6/5/2017 at 3:49 PM, biakbiak said:

I think there might be two different "surprises" because Danni is wearing a different outfit when she expresses surprise at seeing him. 

Who is Danni?

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, announcergirl said:

You remember her as Shereen or whatever on the movie House Party. She was Tisha Campbell's friend.

She looks horrid.


OH dear yes, she looks a hot mess. I've never seen House Party but I JUST remembered where I recognize her from.

That horrific reality show about Lindsay Lohan.  She was acting as her "life coach."  Yeah, I know. 

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On 6/4/2017 at 9:40 PM, announcergirl said:

I've been watching- can't look away. I wish I had folks who do stuff like this trip. I only know fuddy duddys. Ok, this Larry dude...we sure he is into women? I'll be back after this new ep goes off.

On 6/6/2017 at 7:55 AM, luckyroll3 said:

I keep asking myself that.  He just pings to me, and the kisses between him and whatshername look so awful and uncomfortable.

My guy walked in while I was watching this, watched Larry and Bianca fight over whether he was being mean to her and said "So this is a show about a girl that's in love with a gay guy?" 

AJ Johnson looks like she's taken one too many 'roids. She needs to add a couple of pounds to take the harshness out of her face. Some women can pull off chiseled features, but she isn't one of them.

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

WTF is wrong with Kamani?  I mean how long did she know Agu?  She acted like she was engaged to the guy.  Shit, she didn't even kiss him.  What a drama queen.

No kidding! I don't blame her for thinking he's a jerk and giving him the cold shoulder now, since he previously told her he doesn't find Emily attractive and wasn't going to mess with her anymore. But she's acting like her husband cheated on her or something. Just tell Agu to shove it, and continue enjoying your glorious vacation spot.

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AJ Johnson is a perfect example of the saying: " When a woman gets to a certain age, she has to choose between her ass or her face." I believe AJ is a personal trainer, so she made her choice. Her personality was so grating here; I remember liking her before.

Kamani is just.... dumb. Agu showed her very clearly what kind of person he is. Why didn't she believe her own eyes versus what he was saying? Duh! When that man gets drunk, he's fucking the nearest ho. Period. That's the person she chose to catch feelings for? Girl....

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So, the first time Emily and Agu get together, she's basically in a black out, (or is claiming it), but, I don't know that you could blame Agu for not realizing that.  While nothing should have happened between them in the first place, it was basically just a bad idea all around but not a fault or assault thing.  But this time, she's clearly passed out and he's got his hand up her skirt? Nope, Agu is a creeper.  And then attitude in the car is that he's wrong because it's messy, no one mentions that she's passed the fuck out?!?

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, smores said:

So, the first time Emily and Agu get together, she's basically in a black out, (or is claiming it), but, I don't know that you could blame Agu for not realizing that.  While nothing should have happened between them in the first place, it was basically just a bad idea all around but not a fault or assault thing.  But this time, she's clearly passed out and he's got his hand up her skirt? Nope, Agu is a creeper.  And then attitude in the car is that he's wrong because it's messy, no one mentions that she's passed the fuck out?!?

Was she actually passed out? I thought she had her head in his lap but she was still awake/conscious. Not that it makes a ton of difference, because she was 76 sheets to the wind, but, in everyone else's defense, I thought they didn't say anything because she was still able to make (bad) decisions.

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I hadn't watched the entire episode when I posted that, and at the time, I thought that she had laid her head down and then passed out.  Having watched to the end, I now think she was totally hammered (and not really in a position to consent, which he was clearly aware of), but, she did know what he was doing.  She said something about it the next day that makes me think she was aware.  

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Yeah, I really need someone to explain to me what it means to be black out drunk. Because I honestly don't get it.

I'm a woman. I have a personal history with sexual assault. Many times in my life (please don't judge me) I've drank to excess, but I've never ever been black out drunk. I thought it meant unconsciousness.

The scene in the back of the cab on this stupid, silly show was soo gross! Bleech!!! I thought Blondie was very, very drunk indeed but lucid enough to understand what was going on with her previous sexual partner.

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Black out drunk isn't passed out.  You appear normal and totally conscious, it's just that when some people drink too much it's like something in your brain shuts off and you have no idea what's going on, and then you suddenly "come to" in the middle of a conversation ( that's what usually happened to me....scary) but you lost maybe a few minutes or hours.

Edited by Neurochick
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4 hours ago, jalady said:

I assume Bianca knew all along and was only pretending to be interested in him for the show.  

Yeah as I noted earlier I barely buy they know each other much less have something deeper.

Kamani is straight up as ridiculous as Emily just in a different way. And agu is just awful.

Jermaine is in love with Larry.

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Larry's foot-stamping tantrum at the end of the episode was a total over-reaction. What a bunch of fakey bullshit.

Agu is just gross. Telling Kamani that it's her fault he fooled around with Emily because Kamani wouldn't give him any physical affection? Aww hell no! That's the kind of stuff abusers try to tell their victims. Beyond disgusting.

Edited by Michichick
Behind and beyond aren't the same thing.
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