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S03.E05: Part 28

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Boy John's wife has sure changed over the seasons. She comes drunk to his hotel room, admits to going on a date and then when John goes home she isn't there...plus he notices that his liquor stash is getting low (entertaining much?).  They had me fooled when Janey went off and didn't make her councililng appointment. I thought for sure she was meeting some new boyfriend, not her cousin-ish. She's also acting out by smoking pot. 

Wow.  Those guys from Cuba. For sure I thought that Kevin was going down because they just weren't controlled.  Not in the boat, not with their partying, and not at the strip joint. It was dark in that club. Did anyone get a good look at what happened while Kevin was in the bathroom steeling himself up so that he wouldn't partake? I'm assuming that one of the girls cut one of the Cubans for touching her inappropriately. 

Id love a new vehicle as a job perk but nah..it's not worth that job!! 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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38 minutes ago, wait.what said:


Or one if the DA's?


They were on a stakeout together at the bar so I think she was a detective. I got the impression that they didn't actually sleep together. That John was impotent, in that moment anyway. Kind of symbolic of how he's feeling overall with his life, I guess.

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Police harassment of an innocent woman, is not okay. That was horrible to watch, and I figured it would send her over to her brother's side - which is rightfully where she should be, considering.

I haven't felt that sorry for John, until the last two episodes, when I realized that he was worried about Eric, and that he is trying to help in some tiny way. 

I haven't hated Kevin this whole time, but this episode? I loathed him. He's happy and letting an innocent man sit in jail, rubbing in his brother's losses (you're a murderer, Kevin!). 

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I find it hard to have sympathy for Eric O'Bannon because wasn't he providing gas so that immigrant smugglers could torch a boat full of humans if they didn't pay extra to land in the States? Yeah. Eric gets no sympathy from me.

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27 minutes ago, BlackberryJam said:

I find it hard to have sympathy for Eric O'Bannon because wasn't he providing gas so that immigrant smugglers could torch a boat full of humans if they didn't pay extra to land in the States? Yeah. Eric gets no sympathy from me.

I don't remember. Kevin, John, and their mother are just awful. I said in another thread: I don't care if he's a criminal, I don't want to see him get punished for someone else's crime. Get him for what he did, sure. Not for what John and Kevin did, though. 

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I'm not saying he should be punished for someone else's crime, but the S1 story about the man whose daughter was found floating in S1E1 from the, are they called coyotes?, who smuggled immigrants from Cuba? That got dropped. And Eric had been providing cans of gas along the shoreline for the coyotes should they need to torch the boat full of poor Cubans. At one point, Danny was helping him with that work.

Eric doesn't deserve to go to prison for the crimes committed by John and Kevin, but Eric was complicit in the murder of innocents, so he can burn in a fiery hell for all I care. 

Edited by BlackberryJam
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These are the most selfish people ever.  Seriously, they don't really care that John Killed Danny, they just care about how it affects them,  Even Sally's biggest problem was they lied to her.   Kevin I would just like to throat punch. The others i can take or leave.  Except OZZY, the man creeps me out, someone kill him please.


Did they ever mention that John dropped out of the race?

PS I love Kyle Chandler and Sissy Spacek. 

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27 minutes ago, gymratgrandma said:

Did they ever mention that John dropped out of the race?

The lady detective (that he was in bed with) came into his office saying that it was a good thing that he didn't win the appointment as she was running for next term and he would have to have gone against her (in a nice warning way saying that she would have beat him). 

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5 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

I'm not saying he should be punished for someone else's crime, but the S1 story about the man whose daughter was found floating in S1E1 from the, are they called coyotes?, who smuggled immigrants from Cuba? That got dropped. And Eric had been providing cans of gas along the shoreline for the coyotes should they need to torch the boat full of poor Cubans. At one point, Danny was helping him with that work.

Eric doesn't deserve to go to prison for the crimes committed by John and Kevin, but Eric was complicit in the murder of innocents, so he can burn in a fiery hell for all I care. 

I haven't re-watched the previous seasons - can't believe it's been so long since last September, when I caught up with it before - but that's what I can't understand about Marco. He was so eager to convict his partner, that he let someone like that have immunity? He knew how awful Danny was. You would think he would have understood if something happened. They were like his family, and suddenly, he wanted to put them in prison. He definitely didn't deserve to die, but I have trouble believing that he would go that far, when the victim was one of the people responsible for those poor girls burning alive. 

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Exactly!! It's like Marco became so obsessed with punishing the Rayburns because Meg cheated on him. Sorry that his ego got crushed, but you don't give immunity to someone like Eric O'Bannon to convict your partner. At best, you give immunity to Eric O'Bannon if he testifies against the smugglers who actually set fire to a boat full of human beings.

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That guy wasn't Marco's father, he's Marco's older brother Raul. I think.

Biggest laugh of the episode was Kevin saying "I'm not a fucking idiot!" Did anyone else yell back "You are a fucking idiot"? He has some gall blaming John for fucking things up.

I felt bad for Chelsea, but I still don't care what happens to Eric, as much as this episode tried its damnest to make him sympathetic. "He was a good brother to Chelsea... when they were kids!" You're really reaching for a reason for Eric to be worth saving, show.

Sally and John were damn slick talking Marco's family into taking the plea deal while avoiding seeming like they're trying to talk them into taking the plea deal. Honestly, 30 years isn't that harsh considering he helped burn a boatful of people (I forgot about that!) I know the 30 years is a sentence for a crime he didn't commit, but, hey, sometimes karma works in roundabout ways.

John is pretty much living in his own personal hell right now. He might not have gotten caught for his crimes, but he is still paying for them, in a way. I don't see this ending well for him, but somehow I still feel like it wouldn't be satisfying to see John get caught. I'm not sure how the show can wrap this up in a satisfying way.

Is half of this show just people trying to get each other on the phone?

Nolan is back? I didn't miss him, but okay.

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I haven't seen anyone mention this, but the editing drives me crazy. So many quick cuts, scenes that last 10 seconds and then cut to another, and then back. It doesn't add suspense. It just seems like a tease.

This may be the most unpleasant show I've watched. There is no one to sympathize with, there is no good ending. It's getting harder and harder to psych myself up for the next episode.

Also, I heard they had to hurry things up because the show wasn't renewed. Couldn't prove it by this episode. Hardly anything happened, and it took so long not to happen.

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The scene of Kevin trying to dock and John repeatedly kicking his boat was unintentionally funny, even if they ended up beating the crap out of each other right after that.  Those are the scenes that give interesting insight into how they might've behaved towards each other as kids.

The fact that Kevin thinks everything is just swell while John is two seconds away from a breakdown is fascinating to watch.

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All his adoring gazing at his son, seems like a portent of doom for Kevin. I keep thinking his Beau Bridges "associates" are going to off him. If he manages not to screw up the trial , & something goes haywire with their drug running, Kevin will clearly be set up as the fall guy. There are a whooole lotta strings attached to that fancy truck. God, Kevin's an idiot!

And seriously, NO ONE in that family has even questioned what happened to Meg after she was last seen sailing in open water? Why would they all assume she's just "gone away"?  There had better be some sort of reveal about that in future episodes.

In case you haven't heard it enough, Kevin's an idiot.

Edited by Cheezwiz
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John kicking the boat away from the dock and then just causing Kevin to fall into the ocean was hilarious.  They're both grown-ass men, but they really do turn into children around each other at times.  But at this point, I almost can't even blame John.  Kevin is the worst.  And sorry, Kevin, but you are a "fucking idiot."  Just accept it.  It was almost hilarious watching how easily Gilbert manipulated him into doing what he wanted.  He could probably convince Kevin that jumping off a cliff would be a good thing.

So, it looks like the trail is going forward because O'Bannon refuse a plea deal after Chelsea talked with him.  Who did that because she was harassed and possibly threatened by a cop.  Interesting that they were this close to pulling it off, but it just took one incident to change the game.

Diana seems to be moving on, and John tried to do something with his partner, but it.... didn't seem to go very well.

Oh, Nolan's back.  This should be fun!

Five episodes left.  Can't wait to see what fuck ups the Rayburn Clan causes next!  Especially Kevin.

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Re Eric's original crimes, IIRC the gas cans were to be used for boat fuel for smuggling. I'm not sure if Eric knew if the gas would be used for human or drug smuggling. The smugglers set the boat on fire when the authorities got near. This isn't to absolve Eric, but he didn't know people were going to be deliberately burned alive. 

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4 hours ago, missy jo said:

Re Eric's original crimes, IIRC the gas cans were to be used for boat fuel for smuggling. I'm not sure if Eric knew if the gas would be used for human or drug smuggling. The smugglers set the boat on fire when the authorities got near. This isn't to absolve Eric, but he didn't know people were going to be deliberately burned alive. 

Exactly.  The stolen gas cans were to fuel the boats illegally transporting the girls.  The purpose for the extra gas was not to intentionally kill the immigrants as a retaliation for unpaid ransom.  Those girls were not kidnapped.  I think they were trying to get to the US (illegally).  That boat got torched b/c the Coast Guard got too close to the operation one night on the water.  The smuggler guys panicked and set the boat on fire to cover their tracks, killing the people locked in below deck.  Idiot Eric & Dummy Danny were just making illegal money by getting the gas to the pick up point.  They probably knew the bad guys were dealing in drugs or human trafficking, but I don't think they ever thought they'd kill those girls.

Kevin needs to go ASAP.  He is too stupid to breath on his own, and has no concept that he has literally sold his soul to the Devil by acting as Roy Gilbert's lackey.  He is a danger to anyone in his circumference, so Belle and baby Rocky (ugh) need to get the hell outta the Keys. 

Where is John's son?  Did he go off to college?  Is he on the show anymore?  I know he wasn't a major character, but it's weird that he hasn't been mentioned (other than John during his soft sell to the Diaz family re. plea deal).  They have mentioned the rough time Janey is having with her parents, but what about Ben?

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On 5/30/2017 at 2:49 PM, Bec said:

Biggest laugh of the episode was Kevin saying "I'm not a fucking idiot!" Did anyone else yell back "You are a fucking idiot"? He has some gall blaming John for fucking things up.

Loud and long. Then we replayed it again.

12 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

Where is John's son?  Did he go off to college?  Is he on the show anymore?  I know he wasn't a major character, but it's weird that he hasn't been mentioned (other than John during his soft sell to the Diaz family re. plea deal).  They have mentioned the rough time Janey is having with her parents, but what about Ben?

Gone where all the other tv siblings who no one wanted to write for went, I guess. I counted him, Belle, and Chelsea as the people I didn't hate. But I couldn't hate him because he's more or less an extra.

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14 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

Exactly.  The stolen gas cans were to fuel the boats illegally transporting the girls.  The purpose for the extra gas was not to intentionally kill the immigrants as a retaliation for unpaid ransom.  Those girls were not kidnapped.  I think they were trying to get to the US (illegally).  That boat got torched b/c the Coast Guard got too close to the operation one night on the water.  The smuggler guys panicked and set the boat on fire to cover their tracks, killing the people locked in below deck.  Idiot Eric & Dummy Danny were just making illegal money by getting the gas to the pick up point.  They probably knew the bad guys were dealing in drugs or human trafficking, but I don't think they ever thought they'd kill those girls.


The people got torched the first time, when it was just Eric. And then, after that, Eric and Danny left more gas for the smugglers. Again, these guys aren't complete idiots. "Oh, smugglers needed gas just for the boats and then when a boat full of burnt people happens that has NOTHING to do with the gas cans I left for the smugglers. It's perfectly fine to leave more gas cans. No one will be burnt alive with that gas. No, not MY smugglers. They wouldn't do that." My eyes are rolling here.

Petty criminals like Eric and Danny are stupid about life, but pretty savvy about crime. 

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11 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Loud and long. Then we replayed it again.

Oh I laughed and laughed. I literally said "YES YOU ARE!" at that, and I'm pretty sure John was about five seconds from joining me. I also loved him shoving the boat off the dock and making Kevin fall into the water. It was so immature, but man that must have felt amazing.

I knew things would go bad with the Cuban guys, but wow, Kevin really is just the easiest person to manipulate on the planet, isn't he? He didn't inherit much from John and Sally when it comes to being able to work people. Sally using the "both our sons were murdered" card with Marcos mom was cold as hell. John might also be apt at getting people to look in the wrong direction, but he clearly hates all of this and feels like he is in his own personal hell. It just seems wrong that his personal life and even his mental state is falling apart, while Kevin, who arguably did a worse thing than John, feels no remorse and dances around with glee that he wont face consequences, and than rubbing Johns issues in his face.

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On 5/29/2017 at 7:21 PM, gymratgrandma said:

These are the most selfish people ever.  Seriously, they don't really care that John Killed Danny, they just care about how it affects them,  Even Sally's biggest problem was they lied to her.   Kevin I would just like to throat punch. The others i can take or leave.  Except OZZY, the man creeps me out, someone kill him please.


Did they ever mention that John dropped out of the race?

PS I love Kyle Chandler and Sissy Spacek. 

Sissy Spacek's bangs drive me crazy!   Kyle Chandler gets better looking with age, OMG.

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19 hours ago, SnarkAttack said:

Sissy Spacek's bangs drive me crazy!  

I'm glad to read that someone else is bothered by her hair!  I have actually searched Google to try to see if anyone else had a comment about it.  It is not just her bangs, but her entire 'hair style'.  Does Sissy or anyone working on the show have a comb or a mirror?  I understand it is a casual place down there, but c'mon messy and unkempt is way beyond casual. 

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I did notice that in the flashback scenes from the first season, her hair wasn't quite as messy - she had it in a thick braid and I don't remember if the bangs were quite as annoying. Maybe it was a deliberate choice to make us annoyed with her.

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18 hours ago, freeser said:

I'm glad to read that someone else is bothered by her hair!  I have actually searched Google to try to see if anyone else had a comment about it.  It is not just her bangs, but her entire 'hair style'.  Does Sissy or anyone working on the show have a comb or a mirror?  I understand it is a casual place down there, but c'mon messy and unkempt is way beyond casual. 

This has been Sissy's hairstyle for.... pretty much ever.  I don't think she lets them change her hair for any of her roles.  Her hair even looks like that when she's all dressed up for award shows! 

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On 6/1/2017 at 2:20 AM, Cheezwiz said:


And seriously, NO ONE in that family has even questioned what happened to Meg after she was last seen sailing in open water? Why would they all assume she's just "gone away"?  There had better be some sort of reveal about that in future episodes.

I think that just because that was the last time WE saw Meg doesn't mean that it was also the last time her family saw Meg. She has left the island, and her family doesn't know where she is now, but that doesn't mean that the last time anyone saw her she was cruising off into the sunset in a tiny sailboat.

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