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Life Sentence - General Discussion

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I like Gillian Vigman going back to MadTV. Plus, there's Sean from Nip/Tuck.

One of the real drawbacks of this show is that most of the characters are married, one is in a serious relationship and Aiden got a girl pregnant. Peter is the only one who's "free" to date and he's already had bad luck in that department. It's not exactly the ideal situation for a CW show that isn't about super heroes. On the other hand, the lack of SFX makes the show a relative bargain.

  • Love 2

Stella: As Lone Pine Hospital's newest volunteer, I vowed to make a big difference in patients' lives every single day. But so far, they just made me clean stuff.

Paul: By the way, I took your jeans out of the freezer.
Aiden: Why would you do that?
Paul: Because that's not where jeans go.
Aiden: Yes, it is. The freezer gets the stank out. Word of warning, do not use those ice cubes.
Paul: I don't know who raised you, but I hate them.
Aiden: Not pointing any fingers, but mistakes were made.
Paul: Are you going to put on clothes today?
Aiden: Are you?

Aiden: We're going to a bar, not small claims court.

Paul: Maybe I'm not ready to date.
Aiden: Whoa, who said anything about dating? We're talking about casual sex for morale purposes only. Dad, I'm gonna be your wingman tonight. I'm gonna teach you everything I know. Not to brag, but I have an almost 100 percent success rate with women.
Paul: That is the exact definition of bragging.

Aiden: Hot chick, four o'clock.
Paul: That's not four o'clock. Do you know how to tell time?

William: Are you always like this?
Stella: Yes. Are you always like that? 
William: Like what?
Stella: Like you know all the answers to everything?
William: Oh, that. Yeah, no, I've been like that since birth.
Stella: So is that why you became a doctor? So you can tell people what to do?
William: Okay, I'm offended by that because I became a doctor for one reason and one reason only - my high school emo band didn't get a record deal.

Paul: I'm Peter, Peter Abbott.
Bar girl: Peter Rabbit?

Stella: It's weird how often you're right, considering you still only wear slip-on shoes.

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, wonderwoman said:

clinical trials depend on more than funding: hospitals have committees; protocols must be approved. i get that shows often sacrifice reality for drama, but this is so far out there...

Apparently Stella takes a wormhole to Seattle Grace Hospital where you don't have to follow any kind of protocols or get approval for trials or even keep a patient's condition confidential due to HIPAA!

First episode where no one annoyed me. Still scared they are gonna drop  the hammer and have one of the husbands do something terrible... 


Oops looks like next week Wes' ex will show up.. Plz lord Beebo don't let me see riley Smith as an extra next week.. Cuz if I do.  I know what's prob gonna happen and I am not down for that

  • Love 1

Stella feels like she and Wes need to get back into a romantic rhythm, but things take a turn when Wes gets a surprise visitor. Aiden is torn over whether or not he should tell his father the truth about the woman he is dating. Meanwhile, Ida seems to be struggling with Peter's new relationship which starts to cause problems in her own life.


4 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

Hopefully this is the last time we hear her whine about having a twenty year old supervisor.

I'm sorry, but if you're getting your first job at 23, then a 20 year old with 4 years of work experience is going to be ahead of you. 

Seriously this.

Also,, I was hoping during the GED when she spaced out, she was going to have a touch of chemo brain. Nope, this show is going to act like once you are done with treatment and a doctor says there is NED or you are in remission, it is all sunshine, rainbows, and puppy dogs.

  • Love 2

Stella: Are you sure you don't want me to babysit?
Diego: The last time you did that, Fiona ended up in the hospital.

Stella: Omigawd, are you saying that I didn't graduate from high school?
Aiden: No. You're saying that but I am not disagreeing with you. I need another beer. You want one?
Stella: It's 10 am.
Aiden: I know. I can tell time. I graduated.

Aiden: I can't imagine what it would feel like to find out that all my accomplishments were fake.
Stella: Wait, what do you mean they're ALL fake? Is there anything that they didn't lie to me about?
Aiden: You are their biological daughter.
Stella: So I didn't really win the science fair?
Aiden: Stella, you kept a moldy potato as a pet.
Stella: What about this stupid pie eating contest? Did I win that?
Aiden: Oh, yeah. That's real, but I think the medical marijuana should have counted as a performance enhancing drug.

Paul: It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Aiden: That would be an awesome title for my autobiography.

Paul: I'm sorry we lied to you. Let's just apply that across the board.

Aiden: I would love to go to the sorority mixer. I gotta check on my baby mama real quick. How late is it going?

Stella: This is Marlene's house? Is she rich?
Aiden: Apparently. I had no idea. We always do it at our house or the bathroom at the place she gets her nails done.

Wes: What is kickball?
Diego: It's soccer mixed with baseball mixed with dodgeball mixed with beer.

Heidi: Sub particles are kind of my jam.

Stella: Really good seeing you!
Finley: Was it? Or was it soul crushing?
Stella; It was kind of bad. I can't believe the girl named most likely to eat paint is now a physicist.
Finley: That's a great story. You know who'd like to hear it? The dead rat in the bathroom.

Sadie: [Dr. Chang]'s on vacation.
Stella: Bummer. I was hoping she could write a recommendation letter for this manager position at the coffee shop.
Sadie: Do you need a recommendation for that?
Stella: You wouldn't think so, but yes.

Stella: What are you guys doing here?
Aiden: Marlene has an ultrasound appointment.
Marlene: Isn't he a doll for coming with me?
Stella: Well, he is the father so less a doll and more of a "duh, he should be here."

Stella: Don't you think it's a little soon to be shacking up with Marlene? A week ago, you were hiding from her.

Aiden: Do you want to get married?
Marlene: Omigawd, Aiden!
Stella: Omigawd, Aiden.
Marlene: Yes!
Stella: I can't believe this.
OB: I can. Proposals happen in here more often than you think.

Aiden: Look at us, getting our lives started, me with my oops baby, you with your GED.
Stella: We're just a couple of overachievers.

Wes: Do you know what's worse than doing a job I don't love just to support us? It's knowing you would resent me for doing that.

Diego: Wow, this is embarrassing. We all wore our dad pants.

Diego: Did you really buy [Marlene] a ring?
Aiden: No, she's keeping her old one. Super dope, right?

Ida: Aiden showed me Marlene's sonogram. He said he's known her for two months, but look at the gestational age in the corner.
Stella: This isn't Aiden's baby.
Paul: See? You are good at math!

Ida: Do you have any plans?
Paul: Just drinking alone and moping in the dark, but I can move that to tomorrow.

Stella: I just wish I had a dream or something to go after. The last time I even let myself think about my dream, I was fifteen and I wanted to marry Prince Harry.
Aiden: That is a handsome ginger. He's like the Mario Lopez of gingers.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

Stella gets a high five for being able to flip pancakes over her shoulder onto Wes's plate.

But overall I felt like too many people needed basic life lessons this week.

While it was a step forward for Aiden to stop avoiding Marlene, when he proposed I was like dude, slow your roll. His explanation to Stella didn't help. You can make an effort and be a good dad without being married. A piece of paper doesn't make you a good dad. There are lots of good dads who aren't married and there are a of shitty dads who are. You can commit to being a good father without marrying a woman you barely know.

I'm going to give Marlene the benefit of the doubt and assume that she wasn't deliberately lying to Aiden about the baby being his. With that said, one of the first things the OB tells you when you're pregnant is when the baby is due which tells you when the baby was conceived. Was Marlene too stupid to do math?

Then there's Stella. I get that she's emotionally stunted due to her long bout with cancer but she was being willfully ignorant this week.

First of all, why did she think she was at all qualified to be the manager at the coffee shop? She has worked there all of, what? Two weeks? From what we've seen, she's not very good at her job so what makes her qualified for a big promotion like managing a new location?

Instead of always complaining that a 20 year old is her boss, she should be reminding herself that someone with YEARS of experience is supervising a new employee who has no experience, knocks things over, discusses her personal life with strangers, gets visits from her family members during work hours, and can't even remember simple things like bringing her hat to work.

And her self-righteous indignation about Wes going back to his old job was too much. You have no work experience and you are making almost no money working at a coffee shop. If Wes doesn't go back to his job, how are you going to pay your rent? How will you buy food? I get wanting Wes to pursue his dream, but are you willing to be homeless so that he can do that? If you don't want him to go back to his old job, find another solution. Start listing his items on etsy. Find a store in a bigger city who would be willing to sell his items on consignment. Look for high end interior designers who would be interested in buying his pieces. Like, seriously, offer up any suggestion besides, "No, you can't go back to work!"

How long is this writing retreat that Lizzie went to? I was surprised that Aiden was so anxious to have the engagement announcement BBQ that he wasn't willing to wait until his sister got back to town.

Diego should look into getting a nanny share so that he isn't constantly dumping his kids on Ida. Or at the very least, he should work out a schedule with her so that he isn't always dumping the kids on her at the last minute. And what about Aiden doing some babysitting? He's good with the kids and he doesn't seem to have a job.

Despite my complaints, I still find this to be a sweet and light show. Aiden's comments about Prince Harry were hilarious.

I also like Wes and Diego's growing friendship. They both need someone to vent to right now.

  • Love 7

Also, since when do jobs actually demand you to bring in your paper high school graduation certificate? They ask if you graduated. You say "yes." If you did, the whole schtick just leaves you feeling like you wasted a few years of your life, because dropouts got have more fun, and can say "yes" just as easily as graduates. I have never actually heard of a manager who checked.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

With that said, one of the first things the OB tells you when you're pregnant is when the baby is due which tells you when the baby was conceived. Was Marlene too stupid to do math?

An OB calculates the due date by asking you when was the first day of your last period there is plenty of wiggle room.

Just now, biakbiak said:

An OB calculates the due date by asking you when was the first day of your last period there is plenty of wiggle room.

If Ida and Stella were able to tell by the gestational date on the sonogram that the baby was definitely not Aiden's then it wasn't just wiggle room like a matter of a week or two. He's only known her for two months and the baby's gestational age made it obvious to people who weren't having sex with Marlene that the baby isn't Aiden's. If it's that obvious to them, Marlene should have figured it out long before they did. You'd think that a pregnant person who's had sex with more than one person recently would want to determine when the baby was conceived so she would know who the father is.

2 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

Also, since when do jobs actually demand you to bring in your paper high school graduation certificate? They ask if you graduated. You say "yes." If you did, the whole schtick just leaves you feeling like you wasted a few years of your life, because dropouts got have more fun, and can say "yes" just as easily as graduates. I have never actually heard of a manager who checked.

I think her manager made her do that just to mess with her.

I just wanted to weigh in that I've been enjoying this show so far. I like that the whole family is starting to figure out their own lives, and I find it really humorous at times. Everyone has some great lines in there. I'm also glad Stella's finally taking what good things she does have and using them to figure out what she can actually do. 

On a shallow note, Wes making furniture while shirtless...

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

Also, since when do jobs actually demand you to bring in your paper high school graduation certificate? They ask if you graduated. You say "yes." If you did, the whole schtick just leaves you feeling like you wasted a few years of your life, because dropouts got have more fun, and can say "yes" just as easily as graduates. I have never actually heard of a manager who checked.

I was asked for my high school transcript for a job once. It's probably more important for an entry-level job like that where they have no idea if you have any level of competence.

Diego was driving me up a wall with his kids this week. Dude, watch your own kids! Or be better at planning. I couldn't believe when he just showed up at the grandma's house and was like "Hey, can you watch them right now?" Ummm, no. Can you sit in front of a google calendar and figure out your schedule a week in advance and then book babysitters with more than a second's notice? That whole storyline is so preposterous. His wife is on some sort of extended writer's retreat because once 10 years ago she wanted to be a writer? This is not how the world works. Is she any good? I mean, sometimes your dreams just don't come true and that's just normal. But the idea that she presumably quit her job, went off on some extended writer's retreat and her husband apparently can't figure out how to use care.com to book a nanny . . . the hell?

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, EdnasEdibles said:

Diego was driving me up a wall with his kids this week. Dude, watch your own kids! Or be better at planning. I couldn't believe when he just showed up at the grandma's house and was like "Hey, can you watch them right now?" Ummm, no. Can you sit in front of a google calendar and figure out your schedule a week in advance and then book babysitters with more than a second's notice? That whole storyline is so preposterous. His wife is on some sort of extended writer's retreat because once 10 years ago she wanted to be a writer? This is not how the world works. Is she any good? I mean, sometimes your dreams just don't come true and that's just normal. But the idea that she presumably quit her job, went off on some extended writer's retreat and her husband apparently can't figure out how to use care.com to book a nanny . . . the hell?

I keep wondering if the actress who plays the sister left the show for some reason and this is how they've decided to handle her absence. It's super awkward.

  • Love 2

Bad news for Life Sentence: it hasn't been cancelled yet, but it's moving to Fridays starting April 27th, switching timeslots with The Originals, which will now premiere on Wednesday April 18th. It being moved to Fridays with Dynasty probably guarantees its cancellation, not that it wasn't written in the cards from the poor ratings. 

Elizabeth has been gone so long I'm wondering if she isn't coming back and they're going to kill her off in a traffic accident on the way home from the writers' retreat or something. Surprise! You though Stella was going to die and spoiled her, but it was really her sister who didn't have much time left! I hope not, though. That would be a serious downer in my happy pleasant nothing-too-terrible-happens stress-relief show. Diego really needs to get it together, though. Hire a nanny! Compile a list of sitters to call! Organize your schedule in advance! Elizabeth was also working before Stella pushed her into taking up writing again. What did they do for child care then?


I like Stella's youthful energy (not quite believable for someone who was sick for so long and expected to die soon, but whatever), but she really needs to get a grip. She isn't qualified to be a manager. She hasn't even gotten the hang of being a barista yet. She needs to get more work experience, just learning to be responsible and take care of everything. Also, why is she so dire and fatalistic about Wes's career path? It isn't a forever choice. He could work in finance for another year or two to pay the bills and save up more money while Stella works on actually getting that GED and working her way up to a better job. THEN go back to furniture. Although it would be a real shame if he didn't keep making furniture on the weekends. Meanwhile they could be figuring out ways to sell the furniture, like commissions or shops in other towns or online or something. Or figure out a style that would sell that the other furniture makers in town aren't doing.

Also, if Stella didn't get sick until she was 15, didn't she have an idea before then of whether she was good at school? How she did on assignments and tests when no one was faking results to make her feel good?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Bad news for Life Sentence: it hasn't been cancelled yet, but it's moving to Fridays starting April 27th, switching timeslots with The Originals, which will now premiere on Wednesday April 18th. It being moved to Fridays with Dynasty probably guarantees its cancellation, not that it wasn't written in the cards from the poor ratings. 

That's really a shame. It's pretty rare for a network to move a show this early into its run, isn't it? I don't think that can mean anything good.

It's a sweet show and I've enjoyed the few episodes I've seen, but it's just not something that I'm seeking out to watch every week, and I think that's its biggest problem. There's no big draw for people to keep watching unless they really like the characters. There's no mystery or suspense, it's not funny enough to be a "Modern Family" type show where people tune in for the light-hearted humor, and personally I haven't felt any sense of "wow I can't wait to see what happens next!" 

I was so hoping it would do well for Lucy's sake, but I think it would have been better served as either a movie or sitcom. But who knows, it's too early to count it out for sure yet I suppose.

6 hours ago, Vince1178 said:

I keep wondering if the actress who plays the sister left the show for some reason and this is how they've decided to handle her absence. It's super awkward.

I was wondering that too, and I feel like the show may have went through some re-tooling or something. The other awkward part was when Stella voice-overed how she still had boxes to pick up at the house they already sold. It made me think they had shot that scene before they decided to sell the house and added the random voice over to explain using the footage.

But for the sister, why not just recast? I don't remember what she looks like and probably wouldn't even notice.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I was wondering that too, and I feel like the show may have went through some re-tooling or something. The other awkward part was when Stella voice-overed how she still had boxes to pick up at the house they already sold. It made me think they had shot that scene before they decided to sell the house and added the random voice over to explain using the footage.

But for the sister, why not just recast? I don't remember what she looks like and probably wouldn't even notice.

It's like there was a break between the pilot and the series where they decided to change things, but left them all in the first few episodes. I'd say the best idea is to have Elizabeth and Diego move away. The house is a whole other issue. It was sold, but the owners are letting Peter and Aiden stay in the garage? 

2 hours ago, possibilities said:

That site isn't reliable of a source. They make guesses based off of a variety of factors, but they aren't an official news source on cancellations or renewals. One of the more official sites to use for official renewals and cancellations are TvLine or Deadline.

  • Love 2

This must be the longest freaking writers workshop in history. Is her sister running off while she has a chance? 

I like Wes and Diego bonding, it seems like they need more people in the family to talk to. I also cracked up at the kickball game, and Diego's increasingly horrified expressions. 

I can get why Stella is freaking out so much, it must be crazy to have so much change in such a short time. Not just her life and future, and how she thinks about her past. Just make coffee for awhile, nobody's judging! Other than science mean girl, I guess. 

  • Love 1
On 3/31/2018 at 3:55 AM, ketose said:

It's like there was a break between the pilot and the series where they decided to change things, but left them all in the first few episodes. I'd say the best idea is to have Elizabeth and Diego move away. The house is a whole other issue. It was sold, but the owners are letting Peter and Aiden stay in the garage? 

That was weird. There was a scene where they were in the backyard and the new owners were inside the house and they waved, so I assumed they must have already moved in. But then Stella and Aiden were wandering through the house picking up boxes left behind? Huh? Maybe they hadn't closed on the house yet and the new people were there getting an inspection done or something? Even if the new owners wanted to rent out the guesthouse, it seems super weird and awkward to have the former owners there feeling right at home in your yard and being able to see everything you're doing to their old place. Not to mention the weirdness of living in the guesthouse at your old home and seeing new owners there making changes and living in your old home. It would be much better to make a clean break and rent a new place somewhere else.

It made a lot more sense to rent out the house for awhile for extra income...then it would make sense that they were still living there in the guesthouse. Or at least hold out for a better offer.

Edited by Enginerd
  • Love 1
7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

They did specifically mention the new owners were allowung them to stay in the guest house.


Yes, they mentioned it in S1.E3 (the episode after they sold the house).


Stella: And while I was struggling with my new position at work, my dad was struggling to get used to life in the guest house after the new owners agreed to let him stay.

It seems like the new owners haven't moved into the house yet. In the same episode, Stella's dad watched them testing new paint colors in the living room so it sounds like they're probably making any changes they want to do before actually moving into the house full time. I know if I bought a house, that's what I would do if possible. So much easier to paint when the room is already empty and you don't have to move the furniture to another room!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

Yeah i love Lucy Hale, adored her since Privileged, but much like PLL I think I am bowing out because the storylines are hackneyed and annoying despite liking 90% of the cast. Its probable cancellation makes me strongly suspect the last episode will piss me off.

I have stated repeatedly that I find the Dr. Unattractive but he also he has no chemistry Lucy, yes I know they are dating in real life, and sizzles with Wes who is hot as hell.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 3

I can sort of understand why Stella would answer the door to her mother in a towel but why would Wes come out in one? I'd think being naked with your in-laws is a thing you'd want to avoid. 


I still don't understand why they're insisting on the triangle. I don't mind Dr. Grant but I like Wes and Wes/Stella. I'd much rather they continue to explore Stella discovering herself and building her life with Wes now that they have a future.

  • Love 2

Wes: How are we flying to France when we have $37 in our savings account?

Stella: We will watch sexy French movies and we'll only take breaks to make love and eat cheese. We will turn off our phones. We will stay naked all day and drink wine.

Paul: How can we not have coffee? Or eggs? Or spoons?

Ida: I'm curious. Have you met this woman your father's dating? Your brother said he met her at a hotel bar. You don't think she's a hooker, do you?

[phone rings]
Stella: It's my mother.
Wes: Why is she calling my phone?
Stella: Well, I hung up on her when she asked the name of my dad's hooker.

Poppy: Is that the hooker?
Stella: She's not a hooker.
Ida: Of course not. She's wearing glasses.

Ida: Why is [Lauren] bathing [in the guest house] and not you? Omigawd, is she homeless?
AIden: Hardly. Her bathroom is awesome. Her shower's got three nozzles.
Realtor: That seems excessive.

Aiden: What do you think about me being an EMT? I like driving fast.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

Hey, William, since you're a doctor, this is a lesson you should learn sooner rather than later - if you have to ask someone who is in a subordinate position to you, whether it's a patient, an employee, or an unpaid volunteer, "Did I cross a line?" then the answer is most likely YES.

I understand that Stella wanted to find a way to connect with Wes and it suuuuuucks when you and your significant other are on completely different schedules, but I wanted to tell her to just chill out. Yes, it was a sweet idea to recreate Paris in their apartment but you know what else would be nice? Just ordering some food to be delivered (aka don't waste time grocery shopping, cooking, or washing dishes) and then get some good quality time together in the bathtub or snuggled up on the sofa. Your husband is clearly exhausted so maybe let him sleep instead of waking him up to tell him that you will be spending the weekend naked and awake.

I was shaking my head when Paul was so incredulous about the lack of coffee, eggs, and spoons in the guest house. Let me put it to you another way, dude - do you remember buying coffee or eggs since you sold the house and moved into the cottage in the backyard? No? Then why did you think fairies had magically delivered coffee and eggs to your kitchen?

I get why Stella was upset. Once again, someone she loves has kept a big secret from her. I also see why this secret was so upsetting to her. She believed that she and Wes had this fairytale romance, that fate brought them togeether, and now she feels like she was his rebound girl who was his second choice because Pippa dumped him.

I wanted to hear more details about how she left him at the altar. Like did she just leave the church without saying a word to anyone? I don't understand people who do that. If you are going to call off the wedding, then at least have the common decency to tell the other person to his face and then walk into the wedding and tell people. Don't let that other person stand around waiting for you to show up!

I'm kind of bummed that Paul dumped Lauren because she got him to put on clothes and stop obsessing about what the new house owners were doing. There's something to be said for that. But I'm glad that Paul finally found out that Aiden slept with her. The longer they kept that a secret, the worse it would have been when he finally found out. I think the most important thing that Paul learned from this is that he's ready to move on from Ida.

  • Love 5

NOTE: this is the first night that the show airs in its new timeslot on Fridays!


When Stella and Wes agree to always tell each other the truth, it becomes a problem for Wes when it comes to Dr. Grant. Stella helps Aiden get a job at her coffee shop, but she soon begins to notice Aiden is up to something. When Stella reaches out to Wes and her family for help with the situation, they all agree that Aiden needs to figure it out on his own. Meanwhile, Lizzie and Diego are trying to get things back to normal with the kids.


Edited by paulvdb

I like seeing people with credible problems working to take responsibility for themselves and to make a relationship last, rather than seeing people who are too immature to maintain a relationship creating drama in order to scratch a habitual restlessness, or break up a relationship just because they're bored. So, I like the show. I like that people actually do talk to each other and make an effort, instead of the usual TV convention of keeping secrets and acting stupid and being driven primarily be resentment and self-pity.

I think being an EMT is a good idea for Aiden. He's comfortable with drama and chaos, so it fits his temperament, and could channel his personality in a positive direction.

I liked Stella trying to make room for the possibility of being friends with Pippa, and I liked Wes telling Pippa no. Leaving someone at the altar and not telling him why is a really serious betrayal. Maybe their friendship could survive that, but he doesn't have to agree to that, and she was clearly coming back because she wanted something from him, more than to make amends.

I think Lauren was good for Paul but not long term. She wanted to party and play all the time and he had to work, and sleep, and not ONLY carouse.

Ida annoys me. Insisting Lauren's "a hooker" and then blurting about Aiden's hook up with her, was just really irritating behavior. I like that Poppy doesn't just sign off on every stupid thing Ida says.

Doctor flirty is out of line. He needs to dial it back. It's credible, but still not great. He could be a good character if he wasn't so thirsty.

No Diego this week.

  • Love 6

This show is cute, but man ... they only play one note.

I feel like every episode since the premiere has been basically the same. Stella feels insecure in her marriage. Wes needs to prove he is with her because he loves her. She gets indignant and laments about how hard life really is. He gets wet puppy-dog eyes. All's well in the end. Even the previews for the next episode hint at some variation on that theme. It's already old.

But, alas ... it may not matter. The show has been punted to Fridays where it will likely wither and die.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'm kind of bummed that Paul dumped Lauren because she got him to put on clothes and stop obsessing about what the new house owners were doing. There's something to be said for that. But I'm glad that Paul finally found out that Aiden slept with her. The longer they kept that a secret, the worse it would have been when he finally found out. I think the most important thing that Paul learned from this is that he's ready to move on from Ida.

I think the opposite is true. Maybe Ida doesn't want him back, but she was very judgmental and jealous about Peter finding a younger, attractive woman so fast. The main thing he learned that Ritalin is not the answer.

Also, even though IMDB says Paul, I think he's Peter on the show. There was a line a couple of weeks ago at the bar that helps me remember.

"My name is Peter Abbot."

"Did you say Peter Rabbit?"


9 hours ago, possibilities said:

I like seeing people with credible problems working to take responsibility for themselves and to make a relationship last, rather than seeing people who are too immature to maintain a relationship creating drama in order to scratch a habitual restlessness, or break up a relationship just because they're bored. So, I like the show. I like that people actually do talk to each other and make an effort, instead of the usual TV convention of keeping secrets and acting stupid and being driven primarily be resentment and self-pity.

I think being an EMT is a good idea for Aiden. He's comfortable with drama and chaos, so it fits his temperament, and could channel his personality in a positive direction.

I liked Stella trying to make room for the possibility of being friends with Pippa, and I liked Wes telling Pippa no. Leaving someone at the altar and not telling him why is a really serious betrayal. Maybe their friendship could survive that, but he doesn't have to agree to that, and she was clearly coming back because she wanted something from him, more than to make amends.

I think Lauren was good for Paul but not long term. She wanted to party and play all the time and he had to work, and sleep, and not ONLY carouse.

Ida annoys me. Insisting Lauren's "a hooker" and then blurting about Aiden's hook up with her, was just really irritating behavior. I like that Poppy doesn't just sign off on every stupid thing Ida says.

Doctor flirty is out of line. He needs to dial it back. It's credible, but still not great. He could be a good character if he wasn't so thirsty.

No Diego this week.

Another plus for Aiden becoming an EMT. Eight years of having a sick sister probably taught him a surprising amount about medicine.

No Diego, no Elizabeth, no kids. I wonder how long that continues.

Series finale?

Doctor Flirty is way out of line with his flirtatiousness. I like him alright as a character, except that him constantly batting his eyes at a woman who he knows is married and is also is kind of subordinate, and its weird. Plus, I like Wes and Wes/Stella and find them to be a much more interesting couple than any possible love triangle. 

I like that Stella tried to be friends with Pippa, and tried to be mature about the whole thing, and also that Wes told her to go. Leaving someone at the altar is an awful thing to do, especially to someone who you've known your whole life, and apparently hasn't talked to since. I dont blame Wes for wanting to just totally move on, even if he isnt mad at her anymore. I dont think I would want to be friends with someone like that either, unless they REALLY worked to earn forgiveness. 

The stories are pretty light weight on the show, but I really like most of the main characters, and I like seeing them move on with their lives after spending so much time in arrested development due to Stella's illness, and how they are really trying to do the right thing and be adults about these increasingly strange situations. 

Glad that the Aiden and Lauren thing came out. Its too bad things didn't work out with Lauren, but I can see why it wasn't going to work long term. Also, I can totally see Aiden being an EMT. As others have said, being both a prescription med drug dealer and having a sister with cancer, probably allowed him to be quite familiar with medications, and it would fit his personality quite well. 

  • Love 1

I am pretty close to giving up on this show. Each week there's just so much I don't like. I don't like that the mom kept calling the girlfriend a hooker after the dad has been pretty chill about her moving on. That was just mean to the dad, mean to the woman. Mean. Petty.  

And I honestly just hate that Stella is married. I'm not sure how they can move forward with her being married and being in a love triangle. I don't want to watch her cheat on her spouse. I don't want to watch a woman in her 20s go through a divorce. They should have just made him a boyfriend who lived with her. Because honestly I wouldn't object to a boyfriend not telling her that he'd been left at the alter, but a husband should have shared that. There are a lot of issues in their relationship that would not be a big deal if they were just dating but the fact that their married is worrisome.

And yes, I know Stella had cancer and was dying but the amount of "Who gives a shit?" about her brother's life up until now is really really terrible. 

  • Love 2

Ida is kind of the worst. She's petty and self-absorbed and stirs up drama for no good reason. Calling Lauren a hooker, repeatedly, was incredibly juvenile and mean. She's apparently been mostly ignoring her son for years. She's peeved at Peter for not being enough fun all these years he was worrying about his daughter's impending death and working full-time and stressing about finances to try to give them a good life. She bullied the family into selling the house to the first people who made a (low) offer instead of waiting for a better offer or renting it out, which would probably have worked out better for them financially. She had an affair with her daughter's godmother and didn't even have the grace to first inform the family she was moving on so Stella wouldn't have been shocked by just walking in on it. She threw a tantrum and made a huge hole in the wall (which apparently didn't have any wall studs, or if it did they were very widely spaced, which bothers me...fake it better!).

It doesn't bother me that Stella is married...it ups the stakes for sure. It does bother me that this stupid triangle with the stupid doctor is being presented as any sort of actual threat. Wes is awesome, however hastily they married, and he is very reasonable and they always work things out. He is seven million times as appealing as the doc, at least. No matter how attractive the characters keep insisting Dr. Creep is, I just don't see it. Looks-wise, he isn't ugly, but he's very...not to my taste. Although his looks would improve immensely if he got rid of that mangy facescaping. But his behavior is far more troubling. Yes, dude, you are crossing lines! He pings all my sensors as the sort of guy who trades on his charisma quite deliberately in order to get away with a little too much, who keeps pushing boundaries a little at a time, holding it just to a level of plausible deniability that he intended anything creepy, an emotional loan shark who pushes his target to trust him and feel bonded to him at an unnaturally fast rate, who will eventually turn out to be an abusive skeezebag.

Funniest thing in this episode was the very phallic tower in the hotel art behind Wes when he was talking to Pippa. Subtle, show.

I like this show because things turn out all right and the settings are pretty. Even poor Sadie seems awfully perky and robust for a cancer inpatient. It's a nice respite from actual life. So of course it isn't doing well and will probably get cancelled. :(

  • Love 4
On 3/8/2018 at 2:09 AM, bros402 said:

The cast is good, but I really hope this show tries to depict young adult cancer somewhat accurately. In real life, the doctor would not say cured - they would say there is no evidence of disease. Stella would also have a whoooooole lot of chemo brain and would probably be infertile (Though I bet they would've spent the money on fertility preservation). At the least, make her a bit fatigued, she's been in and out of treatment for 8 years. IRL it would take years to recover. They could at least make it take half a season of her needing to build her endurance back up.

Just started watching this (DVR'd the series but had too many other shows to watch!)

This was a bit of a sticking point with me, too. Like when they showed Stella in the hospital, she looked downright ROBUST! She had full, rosy cheeks, and even worse, her thick dark eyebrows prominently in view. Sticking a kerchief on her head doesn't mean none of the other details matter.

They did do a better job with the African-American cancer patient (sorry, I forgot her name! the girl who Stella met when she returned to the hospital toward the end). That girl actually looked the part of someone who was seriously ill. 

Overall, I liked the show, but I had some trouble with the premise. For instance, how could a family hide everything unpleasant and cater to their sick relative for EIGHT YEARS?? Yeah, I know people often try to make their loved ones' final days the best they possibly can, but that's typically when the person has six months or a year left. But if the years passed by and Stella was still hanging in there, you'd think the family would begin to loosen up a bit, right? I dunno, YMMV, but it just seems like a REALLY long period of time for that kind of thing. 

And while I can see the dad wanting to give Stella a trip to Paris or a dream wedding, why exactly was he paying for the rent on her apartment? Why was Wes incapable of working? 

Huh. Well, I'll definitely watch a few more episodes before deciding anything permanently.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, SnarkySheep said:

Just started watching this (DVR'd the series but had too many other shows to watch!)

This was a bit of a sticking point with me, too. Like when they showed Stella in the hospital, she looked downright ROBUST! She had full, rosy cheeks, and even worse, her thick dark eyebrows prominently in view. Sticking a kerchief on her head doesn't mean none of the other details matter.

They did do a better job with the African-American cancer patient (sorry, I forgot her name! the girl who Stella met when she returned to the hospital toward the end). That girl actually looked the part of someone who was seriously ill. 

Overall, I liked the show, but I had some trouble with the premise. For instance, how could a family hide everything unpleasant and cater to their sick relative for EIGHT YEARS?? Yeah, I know people often try to make their loved ones' final days the best they possibly can, but that's typically when the person has six months or a year left. But if the years passed by and Stella was still hanging in there, you'd think the family would begin to loosen up a bit, right? I dunno, YMMV, but it just seems like a REALLY long period of time for that kind of thing. 

And while I can see the dad wanting to give Stella a trip to Paris or a dream wedding, why exactly was he paying for the rent on her apartment? Why was Wes incapable of working? 

Huh. Well, I'll definitely watch a few more episodes before deciding anything permanently.

Doesn't get much better on the cancer front.

57 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Did I miss something? Did Mom and her girlfriend break up between episodes, or did they show us and I forgot?

I'm trying to figure out where I missed Stella becoming a volunteer at the hospital.

This episode kind of shifted me into neutral on this show. I'll keep watching, but I don't think I'm going to be broken up over it being cancelled.


With Aiden facing a growing problem, he keeps the faith that Peter will keep him out of trouble. Stella struggles with not telling Aiden the truth about who really tipped off the police. Wes is not happy when he sees Dr. Grant performing at the bar. Meanwhile, Lizzie and Diego struggle with making the right choice about the twins' academics.


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