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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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I'm on the west coast here, so I'm following along. A tip of the hat to all of you suffering for us who can't watch for a few hours ;) I can't wait to read what you all think of the jury Q&A, and speeches! This thread has been far more entertaining than the show itself :)

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God Bless time shifting channels. I've got Big Brother on, I've got Swiss Chalet delivery headed my way (cook on finale night? Pfft!), the cat has been de-coned and is running around. Life is fucking good, y'all. Now to see Paul lose.

By one vote.


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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I have to give Canada Day credit for one thing: at least I can stand listening to her DRs. Josh and Paul get on my nerves so, so much.

I can't. She's so measured and controlled and fake about it but you can see the smarm bubbling under the surface. She's just as detestable in all ways to me as the other two. 

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Manson wants to ease the burden on his poor family?  Gag me.

National String Cheese Day is buying mama a log cabin.  Barf.

Josh wants to save his poor immigrant Cuban family.  The trifecta of pandering.

Production prompting, anyone???

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1 minute ago, PaperTree said:

Manson wants to ease the burden on his poor family?  Gag me.

National String Cheese Day is buying mama a log cabin.  Barf.

Josh wants to save his poor immigrant Cuban family.  The trifecta of pandering.

Production prompting, anyone???

I mean, America isn't even voting for the winner, so I don't know why the scripted DRs.

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Cody nails the evictee.  Alex Raven are dumb as posts Mark tears it up. Matt is less than useless.

knock his teeth out!  They are both scum!  The cripple pass.  Cody kicks butt.  Nasty Alex. Raven is  words I can' describe.

Elena Mark nails it.  Manson has others doing dirty work.

Alex is so vile.  

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Raven's hard defense of Paul might be his demise.    Whatever her opinion is....you want to disagree with it.   

I personally agree with it and think Paul played the best game and deserves the win, but I think he might once again come in second.   

I do love how much the jury HATES Raven.   It's delicious.  

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