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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Ok, one unlikely scenario before commercial break ends.

Josh takes Kevin and Alex aside, and lets them know that Paul planned this. He promises to use veto on Kevin if Alex puts up Paul. Kevin/Josh vote out Paul. 

Never going to happen, but I'm going to dream for a second.

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5 minutes ago, Machiabelly said:

She literally put up the two people who had nothing to do with Jason leaving.  Kevin on the block and Raven voted for Kevin

No, Raven voted to evict Jason.

Edited by Michichick
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When Alex won she said, "Jason, this is for you" then she noms Kevin and Ravin.  How the frack is that for Jason.  Xmas did the deciding vote.  Alex, queen of the dumb asses.

the only good thing is I am able to watch this episode in its entirety because I don't give a damn! 

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 Was Jason really blindsided?  I thought he was being told right before.  But I also thought he was over it and ready to go yet he was begging for votes in his speech.

 Was Alex really blindsided?  If so, why nominate Kevin and Raven  Kevin definitely had nothing to do with Jason going and Christmas definitely did so that's just dumb.

 Was the Josh/Paul fight staged?  Because otherwise, just strange.

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Just now, Maverick said:

 Was Jason really blindsided?  I thought he was being told right before.  But I also thought he was over it and ready to go yet he was begging for votes in his speech.

 Was Alex really blindsided?  If so, why nominate Kevin and Raven  Kevin definitely had nothing to do with Jason going and Christmas definitely did so that's just dumb.

 Was the Josh/Paul fight staged?  Because otherwise, just strange.

It looked like Jason/Alex weren't told, because they looked stunned. Or Jason was told right before the live show. Alex didn't have a clue, from what I saw, because she was happy until the tiebreaker.

Josh/Paul fight was staged.

Aww, Kevin got changed into a suit! Good for him! He looks spiffy! 

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