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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, urusai said:

Jess considering putting Alex up against Josh.

Yes.  That is a good move.  We get chaos AND Josh flipping the fuck out.  Perfect.  

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11 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Yes, happens in Survivor all the time.  The muscular guys fail at more than endurance.  

Jessica is telling Cody that she is considering maybe using the veto taking Ramses off and putting Alex up.

Oh god, yes, please do it. I mean, I don't mind Josh because he brings the drama, but I totally want to see the backlash to them doing this. It's a damn shame Alex won't be voted out, though. 

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Just now, urusai said:

Jess is reasoning if they get put up next week, she can use the hex.

Well no matter what, at this point, everyone is targeting Jody next week anyway. Even if they don't know that, they'll figure it out next week so might as well do something crazy this week.

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LMAO!!! Cody said, if they fuck this up for us I will put the fear of god in them!!   Oh booga booga 

1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

I really don't like Jessica or Cody, so I hate rooting for them to avoid being blindsided, but it's better to mess with Paul's plans

Yes, put up Alex in place of Ramses please!!  

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And Jessica just talked to Elena, the person who doesn't know the plan, and she was reassured that Josh is being voted out.

Damnit, Paul. I am looking forward to this blowing up in your face when you hopefully have four people gunning for your ass next week. Hopefully, he can't talk his way out of it.

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

What would you put the odds of it actually happening? 10%? 15%? 

If Jess does it, will she even be smart enough to try to get Ramses to pledge loyalty or whatever?

There's probably a higher percentage of alcohol in near beer than Alex going on the block. 

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I am so glad that Ramses talked to Jess and at least tried to get her to use the Veto.  One of the frustrating things about this season has been how PASSIVE the nominees have been.  Dom basically rolled over and died after being placed on the block last week.  Jillian did nothing.  Cody at least managed to stir things up by throwing Dom and Mark under the bus on his way out.  It's nice to see that Ramses isn't accepting defeat and is willing to fight to stay.

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Ramses told Jessica that he knows she was the first one everyone wanted out and he was the 2nd (before Cody came back) so he thinks they will get him out since he was their plan B originally. 

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Jessica: I am considering maybe using the veto, pulling Ramses off, and putting Alex up.
Cody: I would rather you not do anything else, just because what's done is done. Let it ride out.

Jessica: I don't know if I am being paranoid or if I'm seeing something.
Cody: Sounds very paranoid, especially last minute.

Ugh Cody why are you ruining this?!

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Jessica: I am considering maybe using the veto, pulling Ramses off, and putting Alex up.
Cody: I would rather you not do anything else, just because what's done is done. Let it ride out.

Jessica: I don't know if I am being paranoid or if I'm seeing something.
Cody: Sounds very paranoid, especially last minute.

Ugh Cody why are you ruining this?!

The question is why is she going to listen to him. She told him they are doing it her way from now on. 

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I wish Elena wasn't the one she chose to talk to about it because Elena has no idea what's going on lol. Although I do understand why Jessica would ask her because I think she's the person she trusts most besides Cody. I need someone to let it slip to Elena that Ramses is going so she can let Jessica know. 

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I mean I can see why Elena told her it was fine. Elena legitimately thinks that it is lol. Plus, she probably would like to keep any of her people from being a replacement nom. But I do think that if she found out before the veto meeting that she'd tell Jessica. Maybe. Actually, never mind, she won't do shit.

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Cody wants to keep it the same so they know where people stand. If Ramses leaves they know they can't trust anyone. 

But he thinks Jessica's work to gain trust from everyone has worked. 

How are the have nots finding all these extra blankets to use for padding? 

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Big Brother 101- ALWAYS put up 2 people you don't care about leaving. If you don't want Ramses to go- pull him down- he will owe you one & put up Alex. Then if Alex ends up going, oh well. She put you up last week and it's clear you both don't like eachother that isn't going to change. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Jessica was saying that if it comes to the last week for her to use the Halting Hex and her and Cody aren't nominated she could make a deal with the nominees to use it to save them, but Cody shot that down. She said they need to have numbers, but he said they'd be vulnerable if they did it.

Alex is constantly telling Jason's he's stupid when he has such a better read than she does. Ugh I want him away from her. ETA: And Alex is once again talking about how Paul can't go back on his word. Right now he is lying to Jessica and Alex knows it! Alex is so dumb it's actually hilarious.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Cody asking Jessica if she wants him to take Alex out or if she wants to take Alex out herself when the time comes.  She says she would love for Cody to take Alex out now.  And Cody thinks Amy Schumer is an ultra fucking liberal fat pig in case anyone was wondering.  I do wonder what end of the political spectrum Jessica lies on.

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This is Big Brother 101. "I trust Jessica, I'll let her make the call. Oops, wait, I forgot that I'm a guy so I obviously know best, despite my plan fucking us over three weeks ago and NOTHING HAS CHANGED SINCE THEN." 

Fucking typical sexist BB assholes. 

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Cody asking Jessica if she wants him to take Alex out or if she wants to take Alex out herself when the time comes.  She says she would love for Cody to take Alex out now.  And Cody thinks Amy Schumer is an ultra fucking liberal fat pig in case anyone was wondering.  I do wonder what end of the political spectrum Jessica lies on.

He is such an ugly man.  He is besotted with her but I don't think it will work for her on the outside.  She is racially mixed and I will bet her family is sensitive to bigotry.  She was raised in a affluent town.  I have forgotten what and too lazy to find it again.  

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Cuz apparently they have a line for laundry. Someone's bag was sitting there and Christmas was after that bag. Ramses said he asked who's bag was first and no one answered so he asked Christmas if she wanted her stuff in and she said no because she knew a bag was ahead of her so I guess Ramses took that as he could go ahead of both of them.  

Edited by gunderda
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That's it? Christmas went into full entitled, condescending mode over laundry? LOL wow. Although maybe Ramses will use this to get Jessica to see that he's the one getting evicted and she'll listen to her instincts and take Ramses off.

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Just now, wings707 said:

He is such an ugly man.  He is besotted with her but I don't think it will work for her on the outside.  She is racially mixed and I will bet her family is sensitive to bigotry.  She was raised in a affluent town.  I have forgotten what and too lazy to find it again.  

I have my doubts about their relationship post BB.   He told Jessica she just might fall in love with him once she meets his daughter because Jessica will be proud of his breeding skills.  He went on to say that girls meet a guy and immediately think about what their babies would look like.  He does that with girls.  He wants his kids to be genetically superior.  To Jessica's credit she said that the fact that he was saying this while sitting in bed eating Reeses Puffs with crumbs all over himself  was comedy gold.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

That's it? Christmas went into full entitled, condescending mode over laundry? LOL wow. Although maybe Ramses will use this to get Jessica to see that he's the one getting evicted and she'll listen to her instincts and take Ramses off.

Man, these people really fight over the stupidest things since they can't really fight about anything else. It's stupid and I also don't like Christmas when she's like this. Although...is she irritable maybe because of her meds/foot? It shouldn't necessarily give her a pass on her behaviour, but that could explain where some of her rage is coming from. Again, not excusing her behaviour because girl, calm the hell down. It's just laundry. 

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Jessica asked Cody if he told Paul that he wasn't close to his parents.  Codybot said that initially he was going to tell everyone that his parents were dead because he didn't want them to be something that could be used against him emotionally or something to that effect.  Her response: "Everyone has parents, babe." 

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The only thing Jessica and Cody seem to understand are big scenes, so maybe Ramses can play that big fight off as proof he's going ("Nah, Christmas might dislike him, but no one cares about that - she doesn't even have as penis!")

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Man, these people really fight over the stupidest things since they can't really fight about anything else. It's stupid and I also don't like Christmas when she's like this. Although...is she irritable maybe because of her meds/foot? It shouldn't necessarily give her a pass on her behaviour, but that could explain where some of her rage is coming from. Again, not excusing her behaviour because girl, calm the hell down. It's just laundry. 

She is a feisty one.  For this game it can come in handy.  Looks like everyone is winding down.  Most are in bed and they are on a loop.  

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10 minutes ago, zorak said:

He told Jessica she just might fall in love with him once she meets his daughter because Jessica will be proud of his breeding skills.

"Breeding skills?"  Did he seriously say the words "breeding skills?!"  My God, what kind of man is this guy?!

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Jason said Alex is sexually frustrated so she uses him as a punching bag.  Christmas yelled at Ramses about the laundry. I guess earlier he took his laundry out to the washing machine, hers was ahead of his, so he asked if he could put her laundry in for her. She said no and took a nap. So he put his laundry in. When he was taking it out, Christmas woke up and yelled at him for putting his laundry in ahead of hers.

Jason said he lost his teeth due to meth mouth. Then he said, just kidding, I just sold it. Then he says, just kidding again, he's never taken any.

Edited by Lamb18
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Why is Christmas coming at Ramses? I hate her when she's in condescending bitch mode.

I doubt she gives a shit about politics.

Earlier tonight Jessica mentioned to Paul that she'd been an intern for an Attorney General in Providence, near Las Vegas. So the gal might very well give a shit about politics but doesn't feel the need to advertise it.

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did Elena get lip implants?? filler wont blow them up like that...they are so gross, especially when she chews on them...ugh

Edited by Christi
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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Heh. Kevin just told Ramses about the blindside and how he'll be evicted. 

Maybe it's time to turn on the feeds...

Strange move by Kevin. Unless he doesn't trust Josh going forward to not be a total moron?

Edited by Brian Cronin
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16 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Earlier tonight Jessica mentioned to Paul that she'd been an intern for an Attorney General in Providence, near Las Vegas. So the gal might very well give a shit about politics but doesn't feel the need to advertise it.

I may be misreading this but could you clarify? Because, of course, Providence is nowhere near Las Vegas. 

Rhode Island is dominated by an entrenched Democratic political machine and the Republicans tend to be of the classical moderate Northeastern/Rockefeller variety.

The AG of Nevada pre-2014 was a Dem (from a party dynasty, I think) as well. 

Of course, lots of people intern in public agencies just for government experience in general. 

Anyway, per Jess's scolding of Cody for the tucking commentary; her time in LA; and geographic origins, I'd conjecture she's moderate to liberal to whatever extent she has ideological views. 

Edited by lunastartron
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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

He is such an ugly man.  He is besotted with her but I don't think it will work for her on the outside.  She is racially mixed and I will bet her family is sensitive to bigotry.  She was raised in a affluent town.  I have forgotten what and too lazy to find it again.  

Well her bio says she was from Cranston, Rhode Island (I live in Rhode Island as well).  I would not really consider Cranston to be affluent, I mean yes there are some sections that are upper middleclass but nothing that in my opinion would be classified as affluent.  Granted I am from the northern part of the state, so I am not that familiar with it.

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Kevin really has issues with Josh's behavior. The day of the hot tub fight Kevin was really not impressed with the way Josh acted towards the girls. I don't think Kev wants to vote out Ramses to keep Josh in there.

Edited by Artsda
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Ramses decided to go talk to Josh since Jody is preoccupied/banging. Josh is basically going over how he's walking out and he wants his head held high, etc etc. If Ramses dismisses Kevin's warning and buys this from Josh, then he probably deserves to go.

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6 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Well her bio says she was from Cranston, Rhode Island (I live in Rhode Island as well).  I would not really consider Cranston to be affluent, I mean yes there are some sections that are upper middleclass but nothing that in my opinion would be classified as affluent.  Granted I am from the northern part of the state, so I am not that familiar with it.

Oh, I live in RI too. She's from CrANNNNston? That explains a lot.

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