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Good Omens - General Discussion

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I'm another one who finally just watched this, and I really enjoyed it! Very funny, very inventive, and I like that it had some interesting things to say about religion, faith, and good/evil. I also really appreciate that, especially at first, the signs of the apocalypse were born out of Adam's attempts to SAVE/fix the world, like the Kraken emerging to attack the whaling ships.

And obviously, Crowley and Aziraphale. David Tennant and Michael Sheen brought their beautiful connection so wonderfully to life. They were hilarious together while also being really tender and genuine (with Tennant, I swear I've seen his Tenth Doctor give that exact same smile to Rose, bless.) Loved in the last episode when Aziraphale knew that the way to motivate Crowley into action was to threaten never to talk to him again.

Also, QUEEN! Loved the constant Queen music for Crowley - it immediately conveyed so much about him, and each song was perfectly chosen for the scene.

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Just watched episode 1 and I was surprised just how faithful it was to the Book: I think the first 5 minutes were pretty much direct quotes. Martin Sheen and David Tennant are almost perfect casting (DT seems to be modelled directly on Neil Gaiman himself, though that may be written in from the start) - loved the little touch that when saying it was going to rain Az shelters Crowley under his wing but Crowley doesn't, because angels are altruistic but demons aren't (well... mostly). I was slightly surprised they had the traffic warden's book catch fire because neither Aziraphale nor Crowley comments on it - the point of the gag is that Aziraphale did it because he assumes traffic wardens are a creation of hell when they were a purely human invention (which foreshadows the end of the story). Also slightly surprised that Pepper got the race lift for the TV adaption, considering she's the equivalent of War who is explicitly red (well, flame) haired - I guess the want a slightly less whitewashed cast, but it would make more sense if it was Brian or Wensleydale who were changed IMO, though they are smaller parts, I guess (though kudos for making Adam and Eve black, however Renaissance artists portrayed them). And on the subject of artists, the title animations seem very Terry Gilliam-esque.

On ‎6‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 1:29 PM, Dbolt said:

Wasn’t it the Chinese digging the tunnels in the book?  That would make more sense than the Tibetans digging spy tunnels

Definitely Tibetan. Adam read about the Tibetan Secret Masters in Anathema's copies of the New Aquarian Digest so he summoned them into being.

Episode 2: Still extremely faithful to the book. The only definite addition was Gabriel (who is referenced but never seen on the page) who was hilarious at fitting in ("I'm here to buy pornography, like humans do!"). The major change was making Anathema American... which I was OK with. The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter was meant to be a legacy for her descendants (great cameo by Josie Lawrence there), so it would make sense that they actually made money off it (enough to buy a sweet pad somewhere in California(?)). I did think that War wasn't striking enough (her hair should have been way more OTT - maybe they could have borrowed Melisandre's wig from Game of Thrones?) but I liked the way that as soon as Aziraphael opens the Book he gets a prophecy about himself (because of course Agnes would see that). Also slightly disappointed that we get no mention of Greasy Johnson and the Johnsonites, because that ties up the loose end of "What happened to the third baby?" (they wouldn't even need to appear onscreen: they're barely in the Book) - they're kind of important to how the story ends (metaphorically at least).

Episode 3: OK, so we get a few non Books scenes: Crowley meeting Witchfinder Sergeant Shadwell for the first time to heist the Holy Water and the formation of The Agreement between Aziraphale and Crowley (which is referred to but only vaguely described) - which I was fine with. Adam should really be blond ("Like a prepubescent Greek God... thatched with golden curls that glowed"), but I guess you have to work with what you can actually find among teen actors. And wow, nuclear inspectors must have astounding eyesight if they can spot a sherbet lemon at the heart of where a nuclear reactor isn't!

Episode 4: OK, so the Four Horsemen are gathered (no mention of Pestilence retiring because of Penicillin? It seemed an easy line to include). Liked the idea of a "back channel" between Heaven and Hell (again, hinting at the ultimate resolution to the story) which is what tips off Hell to Crowley's screw up and not the fact that he's been lying for millennia - whether it's on Heaven, Hell or on Earth bureaucracy apparently exists not to actually confirm what's happening but for its own sake, which as anyone who has ever come into contact with a large organisation can attest, is probably true. I initially wondered if the "Content warning" for this episode was for the unedited "Fuck!" from Aziraphale at the, before remembering this also featured a character being dissolved in Holy water and tastefully shot sex scene between Newt and Anathema (which I didn't believe either - it's his first time and she's aware of her great great… grandmother watching and all her relatives commenting on it, which has to put a dampener on your ardour)! Also liked the way Adam was shot at the end with a flapping red sheet behind him, somewhat suggestive of either wings, horns or a crown - all of which would fit.

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Episode 5: Weird pacing on this episode - they've made it through most of the plot so I guess next week is mainly wrap up? Thought the degrading make up of the Four Horsemen - I mean, Bikers - of the Apocalypse looked just bad, as opposed to reflecting how their inherent nature is over-riding their outward human forms. Did like Adam's realisation of his inherent humanity and how it led to him seeing how he'd wronged his friends (even Dog abandoned him!) and Aziraphale's possession of Madam Tracey was nicely handled, but otherwise I think they've probably stretched what could have been finished in 5 over 6 episodes.

Episode 6: Well, I guess I was right -  they really had wrapped up most of the plot last episode! OK, they did add the trials of Aziraphael and Crowley (and - called the body swap!), but other than that there just wasn't enough left to stretch it to another episode. And was that Tori Amos playing the piano at the Ritz? I know she sang the theme tune, but the way they avoided showing the pianist's face led me to think they were deliberately being cute there (can't say I'd particularly recognise her torso, though).

Edited by John Potts

Oh my God! This show was so funny! Tennant and Sheen were the best part. I could watch those two all day. The two of them at the paintball place. Aziraphale is so adorable and so funny. I love him giving his flaming sword to Adam and Eve and everyone asking about it throughout the series, his "sorry right number", his love of food, giving Crowley the Holy Water, tippy-idy boo, insisting they give Anathema a ride home by putting in the bike rack, the radio playing Bicycle, not realizing that Shadwell's other members weren't real he even sent flowers for milkbottle's funeral and money for his family, his dancing, his gardener disguise, practicing how to explain to his superiors they didn't know where the Antichrist was.

Crowley is so cool and funny.  And surprisingly "good". I loved his reaction to the Ark first calling it a traveling circus and then shock at God drowning everyone. Especially the kids. Of course his "Shem that unicorn is making a run for it. Ah, too late." Him agreeing to get people to come to Hamlet for Aziraphale, saving him from the guillotine and Nazis. I loved him hopping around in the church because it was burning his feet. His shock that the holy water wasn't guarded. But still planning a big caper to break into a church to get it. Apparently just asking or paying someone to get the water never occurred to him. Driving the Fire car.  Pretending he was testing the demon and he passed before his "So long sucker" and disappearing in the phone, pretending he saw the Hellhound, his nanny disguise. Scaring his plants. His crazy driving. 

The Sound of Music references. The Satanic nuns. The baby mix up. Agnes Nutter and her gunpowder and roofing nails, the prophecies about Apple and Betamax. The Hellhound being turned into a cute dog, trying to scare the cat who attacked. Abandoning Adam along with his friends. Adam telling Satan he wasn't his dad and his dad was the one who was always been there for him, Newton being pulled over by aliens, Shadwell not thinking that was anything important and telling him he was a witchfinder and not an alien finder, the British Inquisition. How quickly things turned at the peace treaty. The mailman not finding it odd that he walked into the tent with guns pointed at everyone. 

The only downsides were the Four Horsemen. They started off cool but then filtered out. I wish the battle was more then what it was. I did like Aziraphale's sword turning up. I loved Crowley and Aziraphale switching places. Asking for a rubber ducking and getting Michael to miracle up a towel. 

Edited by andromeda331
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On 7/30/2020 at 3:06 AM, andromeda331 said:

Oh my God! This show was so funny! Tennant and Sheen were the best part. I could watch those two all day.

They have such delightful chemistry. I have consumed any clips I can get from their new BBC show, Staged (since I can't get it here).

There is some hope we will get more Good Omens. https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a33355458/the-sandman-neil-gaiman-good-omens-david-tennant/

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5 hours ago, The Companion said:

They have such delightful chemistry. I have consumed any clips I can get from their new BBC show, Staged (since I can't get it here).

There is some hope we will get more Good Omens. https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a33355458/the-sandman-neil-gaiman-good-omens-david-tennant/

That's great! I hope it happens! 

On 8/6/2020 at 11:58 AM, The Companion said:

They have such delightful chemistry. I have consumed any clips I can get from their new BBC show, Staged (since I can't get it here).

There is some hope we will get more Good Omens. https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a33355458/the-sandman-neil-gaiman-good-omens-david-tennant/

Interesting. Gaiman has previously always been adamant that Good Omens was one and done, that he did it for Terry, and there could be no more. He was quite vocal about finding it quite a strain to be a showrunner, taking time out from his writing career. I wonder how serious he was in those quotes, or if he actually is changing his mind. 

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13 minutes ago, Anduin said:

New season? It's not officially confirmed yet. It may fall through. But I'm intrigued. I wonder if something just clicked in Gaiman's brain and he suddenly had an idea. Maybe it's just a Crowley and Aziraphale spinoff.

I doubt anyone would mind that. The rest of the cast were fine, but those two were the stars for a reason.

Hmm. Intriguing if true. I won't believe it just yet, though. Gaiman has always been adamant that there would only be the one season, created as a labour of love because of a promise to a friend. There is no more original material to mine.

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I watched the series during last Christmas and absolutely loved it. But my reaction to seeing this was "Please, no." I'm just too afraid it would not be good enough and somehow ruin it for me.

If it is indeed true, I wonder if the success of Staged may have helped, showing that Tennant and Sheen have so much comedic potential left...

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On 6/11/2021 at 12:22 PM, andromeda331 said:

I hope so. It would be great to see them again. I'd be happy if it was just the two meeting up through history like the third episode.

Those were honestly my favorite parts of the series. The best.

I don't know if they can do another season or not, but I would love to see more of the adventures of Crowley and Arizaphale (sp?)!

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7 minutes ago, Anduin said:

It's official!

I have no idea what to expect, and I'm nervous.

Honestly was not expecting that! Gaiman has always been so adamant that this show would be one and done, that showrunning took him away from his writing too much. But I guess the popularity of S1 changed his mind. So many questions about the content, about what it will be like to see a Good Omens without any real Terry Pratchett input...

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9 minutes ago, Llywela said:

Honestly was not expecting that! Gaiman has always been so adamant that this show would be one and done, that showrunning took him away from his writing too much. But I guess the popularity of S1 changed his mind. So many questions about the content, about what it will be like to see a Good Omens without any real Terry Pratchett input...

I know exactly what you mean. He started work on a sequel with Terry, though it never came to fruition. Some of the material came from that source.

Wait, just found an article! Douglas Mackinnon will be co-showrunner, John Finnemore will be co-writer. Tennant and Sheen are back, filming starts in Scotland later in the year.

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21 minutes ago, Anduin said:

I know exactly what you mean. He started work on a sequel with Terry, though it never came to fruition. Some of the material came from that source.

Wait, just found an article! Douglas Mackinnon will be co-showrunner, John Finnemore will be co-writer. Tennant and Sheen are back, filming starts in Scotland later in the year.

Interesting. Not surprised that Gaiman isn't showrunning again - or that he's having support with the writing, to be honest, since the whole thing will pretty much have to be written from scratch. Be interesting to see how it turns out.

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28 minutes ago, Anduin said:

I know exactly what you mean. He started work on a sequel with Terry, though it never came to fruition. Some of the material came from that source.

Wait, just found an article! Douglas Mackinnon will be co-showrunner, John Finnemore will be co-writer. Tennant and Sheen are back, filming starts in Scotland later in the year.

That's great! I can't wait!

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24 minutes ago, Anduin said:

Wait, just found an article! Douglas Mackinnon will be co-showrunner, John Finnemore will be co-writer. Tennant and Sheen are back, filming starts in Scotland later in the year.

I'm excited to see John Finnemore join the writing team. He is  quite good at writing witty comedy from different angles and for very different personalities.

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Eh, I don't want a second season of this. Good Omens was a work of love for Sir Terry and Neil Gaiman, and the idea of coming up with a second season just to make money doesn't appeal to me.

This is what American TV execs do - 'we need more! Who cares if you had a good, single season idea, we want five seasons! We need more money!' And, invariably, they run everything into the ground.

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I am really surprised, I have no idea what a second season could possibly be like. The first season was so good and such a great adaptation of the novel, I am pretty apprehensive, but it at least makes me feel better that it will be based on an outline of a possible sequel that Neil and Sir Terry had worked on.

Edited by tennisgurl
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Good Omens 2 Wants You This October- If You're In Scotland, That Is

Good Omens 2 is set to begin filming in Scotland on October 18, 2021 and wrap on March 11, 2022. The next chapter finds our duo getting back to easy living amongst mortals in London's Soho - that is, until an unexpected messenger presents a surprising mystery. The co-showrunner, director & executive producer is Douglas Mackinnon is looking for several people to work on the production, so if you happen to be in Scotland on those dates, feel free to apply. Neil Gaiman will executive produce and serve as co-showrunner with Douglas Mackinnon. Rob Wilkins, John Finnemore, and BBC Studios Productions' Head of Comedy, Josh Cole, will also executive produce. John Finnemore is co-writing alongside Neil Gaiman.



Neil Gaiman wrote in the blog post above about the time, he and Sir Terry Pratchett, thirty-two years ago, lay in our respective beds in a Seattle hotel room at a World Fantasy Convention, and plotted where a sequel to Good Omens might go.

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9 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I think these are photos from the set.



Those are stills from season one. Season two just started filming yesterday. 

Also, I don't think David Tennant is on set yet, since his wife just posted that they've both had covid and just finished quarantine, also yesterday.

Edited by Llywela
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Photo from Season 2.


LONDON and CULVER CITY, California - November 2, 2021 - Production has begun in Scotland on the second season of the Amazon Original series Good Omens, starring award-winning actors Michael Sheen (Quiz, Staged) and David Tennant (Des, Staged), who return in the leading roles of the angel Aziraphale and demon Crowley. Supporting Sheen and Tennant are many of the key cast from the first season, who return for Season Two with some reprising their roles, and others playing new characters. Good Omens will stream exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide; a premiere date will be announced at a later time.

Originally based on Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's international best-selling novel, the new season will explore storylines that go beyond the original source material to illuminate the uncanny friendship between Aziraphale, a fussy angel and rare book dealer, and the fast-living demon Crowley. Having been on Earth since The Beginning, and with the Apocalypse thwarted, Aziraphale and Crowley are getting back to easy living amongst mortals in London's Soho when an unexpected messenger presents a surprising mystery.

Returning cast, some who are featured in new roles for Season Two include:

· Paul Adeyefa (Bancroft, Ransom)

· Michael McKean (This Is Spinal Tap, Better Call Saul)

· Gloria Obianyo (Dune, High Life)

· Miranda Richardson (Stronger, Rams)

· Maggie Service (Quiz, Red Dwarf XI)

· Reece Shearsmith (Inside No. 9, The League of Gentlemen)

· Nina Sosanya (Red Joan, Killing Eve, Last Tango in Halifax, Screw)

The specific characters each actor plays will be revealed at a later time.

Writer and co-showrunner Neil Gaiman commented: "I am so happy to be back here on the streets of Soho, watching, every day, the glorious performances of Michael Sheen and David Tennant. I miss having Terry Pratchett's genius, but it does feel like we are still all walking around inside his head. It's been an absolute pleasure to have the brilliant John Finnemore co-write this season's story shenanigans with me, and to work with director and my co-showrunner Douglas Mackinnon as he steers the ship, along with our astonishing crew, who have returned to do it again. In this season we get to have new adventures with old friends, to solve some extremely mysterious mysteries, and we encounter some entirely new humans (living, dead, and otherwise), angels, and demons. We were lucky in the first season to have so many outstanding actors taking part, so I took pleasure in inviting people back, wherever we could, some in the roles they played originally, some in new parts written just for them."

Co-showrunner and director Douglas Mackinnon said: "Having a company of players reuniting for this second season of Good Omens is like bringing a family back together, this time in Scotland. Not only the cast, but also many of our Good Omens Season One crew have reassembled. Our team is being enriched with new talent on both sides of the camera so I am excited to be at the helm for six more episodes of what we hope will be heavenly entertainment."

Neil Gaiman continues as executive producer and will co-showrun along with executive producer Douglas Mackinnon, who will also return to direct. Rob Wilkins of Narrativia, representing Terry Pratchett's estate, John Finnemore, and BBC Studios Productions' head of comedy Josh Cole will also executive produce, with Finnemore serving as co-writer alongside Gaiman. Good Omens is based on the well-loved and internationally best-selling novel by Terry Pratchett (Hogfather) and Gaiman. The new season is produced by Amazon Studios, BBC Studios Productions, The Blank Corporation, and Narrativia.


Edited by AnimeMania
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Interesting to finally see what other actors are returning. Hope this is not a definitive list, I would like to see more characters returning. The one character I don't need to see ever again is Shadwell, so I am a bit wary seeing Michael McKean's name, hope he is one of those playing other characters. Anyone else has some wishes regarding returning characters/actors?

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I really like Michael McKean but I am with you on Shadwell. Hopefully they will have him play someone else. I have to look up the kid's names but are they coming back? I liked them but I also kind of hope not. I feel like that story finished well and I'd like the "happy ending" of Adam and his friends going back to their childhoods be left alone. 

Edited by Maren
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9 hours ago, Maren said:

I really like Michael McKean but I am with you on Shadwell. Hopefully they will have him play someone else. I have to look up the kid's names but are they coming back? I liked them but I also kind of hope not. I feel like that story finished well and I'd like the "happy ending" of Adam and his friends going back to their childhoods be left alone. 

I liked them too, but I guess they will probably not, since at their age, 4 years is a big difference and from the summary that was released, it seems that the story picks up immediately after the last episode, so unless there is a timeskip later, I don't see how they could believably play the same characters.

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16 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

I liked them too, but I guess they will probably not, since at their age, 4 years is a big difference and from the summary that was released, it seems that the story picks up immediately after the last episode, so unless there is a timeskip later, I don't see how they could believably play the same characters.

Thanks, I didn't catch that that it sounds like it picks up shortly after the last one. Yea, no way they could use the kids then! Lol.

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8 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

A dodged bullet, if I ever saw one:

Johnny Depp was originally considered for Crowley

A bullet dodged indeed. Although I highly doubt there were ever any serious negotiations with him. Surely, his Fantastic Beasts franchise contract would've prevented him signing onto something in a similar genre.

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Michael Sheen Declares Himself A “Not-For-Profit Actor”, Will Donate Future Earnings To Social Causes


Michael Sheen says that he has turned himself into “a social enterprise, a not-for-profit actor” who will donate the majority of proceeds from his acting work to promote social causes.

“I’m at the stage of my life and career where I have a window of opportunity that will probably never be this good again. I’m able to get people in a room, I can open doors. I don’t want to look back and think, I could have done something with that platform. I could have done something with that money.”

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6 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Michael Sheen Declares Himself A “Not-For-Profit Actor”, Will Donate Future Earnings To Social Causes


Michael Sheen says that he has turned himself into “a social enterprise, a not-for-profit actor” who will donate the majority of proceeds from his acting work to promote social causes.

“I’m at the stage of my life and career where I have a window of opportunity that will probably never be this good again. I’m able to get people in a room, I can open doors. I don’t want to look back and think, I could have done something with that platform. I could have done something with that money.”

Wow that's really cool.

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