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In a marriage, if your "help" isn't working and the other person won't seek personal professional help, you can either insist on couples counseling or go yourself for yourself ... "the only person you can change is yourself" and sometimes all you can change about yourself -- to some degree -- is your attitude about the situation. 


The interminable child care crises have begun to annoy me terribly ... hire an au pair from an agency, even move into a bigger house if need be ... absurd to have a physician and patients constantly intruded upon because there's a baby in the house, unfair to Louisa's colleagues to be forced to be "understanding" ... and also bad for Martin to use the baby as an excuse to avoid socializing ... It's not just unprofessional for a doctor to be interrupted so often, it's dangerous distraction and its also likely to make patients self-conscious, feeling they're keeping they're imposing on "more pressing matters" ... then they clam up and don't ask questions or mention concerns when they should ... 


They also really need to get on the same page about drinking alcohol. This has been an issue for Martin since the beginning, and Louisa childishly drinking heartily with guests "to spite him"  exacerbate trust issues.  I hadn't realized that his penchant for fish was at least in part to avoid the blood present in "red meat" -- again, after the amount of time they've been together, it's just a "good manners" to avoid squicking your partner.... again, it would really help if either of them had a sense of humor or the humility to just apologize because the other is seething or hurt or whatever. 


You'd think that "as a teacher" Louisa would be better able to see that Martin is flummoxed and unable to see what he's doing wrong, much less what else he might do / have done instead.  If your husband forgetting your birthday ruins your whole year ... make it impossible for him to do so by making plans that include him for that day ... If he buys you lousy presents, allow him opt-out of failing at that miserably every birthday, Christmas and anniversary ...  nuf. 


Yeah, Louisa's gotten sour and judgemental ... and much too quickly, judging from size of the kid. The writers do Martin no favor in scenes like the library parent/kids' groups where his level of rudeness and superiority veer beyond Aspi territory and into unnecessarily and unforgivably HOSTILE.  

Edited by SusanSunflower
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I agree about the childcare issue, SusanSunflower.  I've commented on it on another thread. And in addition to the problems caused for patients and Louisa's colleagues, all the disruptions are likely not doing James Henry any good either. As a GP and Head Teacher, surely they must be among the top earners in the town and could well afford a qualified nanny or some other type of proper caregiver. It is not like either one is unaware of the importance of giving a young child a good start in life.

Actually, I commented on this thread prematurely (got episode number/title wrong) and have just finished the season this morning ... oy! I'm glad there will be a long interval between the next season being available to me ... via Netflix ... because I was left really not liking many of the characters I've always liked ... and having developed a "suspicious nature" about anyone they might introduce next.  Mrs. Tishell is cringe-worthy ... either she's embarrassment or a restraining order needs to be placed ... Louisa was robbed of whatever intrinsic quality made to attracted TO Martin in the first place ... without that ever being explored. Did she find his odd toddler "center of the universe" quality endearing ... I never got the feeling she wanted to "save" him, more that she was drawn to his solidity, the reliability and safety of his stoicism.  What's her backstory of dysfunctional family that she was drawn to such an un-fun, unemotional father-figure?  It's like loving someone because they are reliable, sensible and cautious  and then being dissatisfied when you find they're not "spontaneous" ... and it's not like Louisa isn't -- in her own way -- a control freak too. 

She's annoyed/freakedout/shamed?  by the babysitter's OCD while Martin seems to accept it, even bemused by it and how nice "order" feels ... Nevermind. The writers seem to have lost touch with these characters' and this couple's history ... better luck next season. 

SusanSunflower, Louisa's parents were what we in North America might call "poor white trash" ;) Her father was a known thief and jailbird. If I recall correctly, he stole from the Lifeboat Society collection box, a heinous offense in that maritime  community. Her mother was not an involved parent and rather feckless, moving from man to man and job to job. My sense was that Louisa raised herself with the support of Portwenn.

and they could have used that ... Louisa raised herself (we met her floozy of a mother -- who was actually rather chaste) and became a school teacher "model of rectitude" and married the dullest safest man she could find (Is it fair to suspect that most of the riff-raff at the pub aren't really "her type" or has she been sobered by experience?)  It makes sense for Martin to be closed-mouth about what he thinks and feels, he has no casual friends, doesn't relax or even just go to the pub for a pint or two. Lousia has or at least had friends and co-workers. Yes, being married to someone like Martin would be VERY lonely ... particularly if you have to keep up the pretense with myriad acquaintances in the absence of 1 or 2 close friends. If only they'd let us know what her issues are ... rather than having her demand Martin "support" her at the Athletic Day by expecting him to make impromptu remarks ... which she must have known he could.not.do ... whatever. 

With respect, Martin had agreed to "do" Athletic Day sometime earlier - but he had forgotten about the commitment. Louisa did offer to let him out of it, but he decided to go ahead. That he had nothing prepared for his talk to the children was on him.


And really, how much effort would it have taken for him to write up a few short notes on  Roger Bannister the noted British runner  and physician who broke the four-minute mile barrier when he was a young doctor? Martin could have then spoken to them of the need for perseverance and hard work - qualities he usually found wanting in the residents of Portwenn.


Martin has a lot of issues and a problematic marriage. And clearly he had a ghastly upbringing. But in this particular situation, in my view, the fault was his.

Part of my problem here is that Martin remains such a black-box ... I don't know if he "forgot" because he didn't want to participate (his subsequent rush to arrive, knocking down children in the sack race, would suggest otherwise, but?) or if he somehow concentrates so fully he loses track of time (endlessly) or he's a selfish lout who needs a number of different colored rubberbands on his wrists to remind him that he is more than just a GP in a small town ... he's a husband and a father ... and a son, and a conspicuous member of the community etc. 


He doesn't even wince when he makes the same "mistakes" or "lapses" over and over again ...  Knocking over the children in the sac race, like locking the surgeon/assistant in the closet are not acceptable and IRL would not be "without consequence" regardless of how brilliant he was ... parents don't like having their children knocked over,  locking someone in a closet can be charged as a serious crime, false imprisonment, or at least assault, goodbye hospital privileges, goodbye medical license, hello psychiatric evaluation. 

Edited by SusanSunflower

Like other British series, "Doc Martin" will broadcast Series 7 in the UK before it starts to appear in the U.S. -- and AcornTV will start making these episodes available as of October 5 (see article below), continuing with one new one each week.  I have not seen these episodes yet, but will post links to articles about each episode as they appear (if my time holds up!).  Here are a few articles about the first episode, and we can assume there are spoilers in the articles:








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I just started watching again via Acorn TV and have seen E1 and E2.


To Tom, I'm pretty sure you're going to get your wish, as Clunes has been on record stating this is the last series. I think many people, myself included, might have wished that Series 6 was the end after watching S7 so far. This is something I hate to say because I'm a huge fan of the show.


Maybe there's some adjustment to be made after being away so long from watching, but so far the stories and acting seem more stilted than earlier seasons. 


Yes Penhale has become a parody of himself it would seem. (Bert had a good line about him being sure he was meant to have been delivered a Taser.)


Ichbin, I'm curious why you're done with Louisa? I would say I am kind of over her not knowing what she wants, especially how Martin is now being written colder than ever. He showed at least SOME humanity in earlier seasons, but now is barely likable. Come on, his character should be at least a LITTLE likable. No hug or ANY show of affection at all when she first returns? Really? Give something for Louisa to hold onto, writers.


Maybe it's from expecting too much, but the writing in general seems more labored this series. One bright spot though in E2 is when Martin opens up to Dr. Timoney about his past and his feelings about himself. I don't recall him ever giving that much information to anyone. That was refreshing to hear.


I'll be watching for better or worse, and hope that the rest of the series presents an enjoyable story.

Edited by shaggydawg

This episode is picking up the series, IMHO...


Some interesting developments:


  • Bert loses the restaurant and Jennifer "Dear John"'s him all in the same day. Wow. Poor Bert, I wish him better in the future.
  • Al can't seem to drum up ANY business for Portwenn Fishing Holidays.
  • Louisa decides to attend couples counseling after Martin once again demonstrates what an extraordinary doctor he is. It's good to talk.


Patiently awaiting E04!




Louisa isn't very bright, is she? First demanding that the therapist "fix" Martin first before she would consider couples counseling as if she herself weren't part of the whole problem, then getting manipulated by Ruth into changing her tune at the prospect of being able to vent, no doubt seeing an opportunity to heap more accusations and blame onto Martin in front of his therapist. That's not going to go well for her, I hope.

  • Love 6

Boring episode. It was on the local PBS station in St. Louis last night (12/3) during a pledge drive, so not only was it boring, but I had to sit through a couple of pledge appeals to get to the end.


It was like a filler episode to me. Nothing noteworthy or cute-and-quirky or new-and-different happened. Seriously. You could skip this episode. The only thing you need to know is that Martin is going to start seeing a therapist.  

Edited by adhoc
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Ok, I know you can't injure actors when filming, but that lifeboat crash scene was laughable. They crash into rocks at a seemingly high rate of speed, both girls are thrown from the boat, yet they have no injuries, no lacerations from rocks, no bruising and the guy was not thrown from the boat although he had passed out, had no control of his body and only had a broken leg. Couldn't they have dabbed some purple paint on the girls or had one of them limping? I guess going forward in my life, I will never fear crashing into seaside rocks head-on. I had more bruising while helping my sister move a piece of furniture from one room to another. Thanks, show.

The only thing you need to know is that Martin is going to start seeing a therapist.

My crystal ball tells me said pretty therapist will be a hiccup in the doc's and Louisa's reconciliation. Yawn.

  • Love 1

I have not had a chance to watch this first episode yet, but will be desperate enough for viewing over the holiday to watch it!  Where I live, they broadcast the first episode on December 3, and are not showing the second episode until the middle of January!  


I do believe this will be the final season (series), because Clunes said all along that this would be the end.  I guess they could decide to regroup in a couple of years if they have funding and need the work.  I'll have to start watching from the start sometime after I have seen the end of this series.  I did like the early years, and hope they will seem as fresh. 

SPOILERS! If you don't want to know anything about series (season) 7--even just one person's opinion--stop reading here.




I just finished watching Season 7, courtesy of our county library.  I have to say, it was very disappointing for me.  It felt like a retread of series (seasons) 5 and 6. If you loved those series, and you just want more episodes in the same vein, you will probably enjoy season 7. 


If you were looking for forward movement in Louisa and Martin's relationship, OTOH, I fear you will be disappointed. There is virtually no progress until the final episode, and even most of that comes in the last few minutes. Moreover, the "couples counseling" for Martin and Louisa is insultingly laughable. And every time they attempt to have an intimate moment - e.g. a date or whatever, to make some progress in their relationship--they get interrupted. 


Yeah, sad to say, but I would not mind if this does prove, indeed, to be the last season.

Edited by adhoc
  • Love 1

SPOILERS! If you don't want to know anything about series (season) 7--even just one person's opinion--stop reading here.




I just finished watching Season 7, courtesy of our county library.  I have to say, it was very disappointing for me.  It felt like a retread of series (seasons) 5 and 6. If you loved those series, and you just want more episodes in the same vein, you will probably enjoy season 7. 


If you were looking for forward movement in Louisa and Martin's relationship, OTOH, I fear you will be disappointed. There is virtually no progress until the final episode, and even most of that comes in the last few minutes. Moreover, the "couples counseling" for Martin and Louisa is insultingly laughable. And every time the attempt to have an intimate moment - e.g. a date or whatever, to make some progress in their relationship--they get interrupted. 


Yeah, sad to say, but I would not mind if this does prove, indeed, to be the last season.

Thanks for the report -- although I will still watch it!  I had been curious about whether it really felt like a finale for the show.  As I said in another thread, I would not be surprised if they decide to film a few more episodes in a few years, but it sounds like Clunes really wanted to shut the door on continuing, so who knows what effect that had on the writing and energy of Season/Series 7.  I never needed the ongoing angst of Doc/Louisa, and would have been fine with a fascinating case of the week mystery diagnosis.  

It was like a filler episode to me. Nothing noteworthy or cute-and-quirky or new-and-different happened. Seriously. You could skip this episode. The only thing you need to know is that Martin is going to start seeing a therapist.


I saw the episode in my online guide and stared at it a while, debating whether or not I cared enough to push Record. I had lost all patience with Martin and his neurotic assiness by the end of last season, and was bored with pretty much everyone else in Portwenn except Aunt Ruth. In the end I did watch but it was just more of the same. I have some small interest in seeing where all the characters finally end up but can get that by reading online synopses.


So goodbye, show. I used to really like you.

My PBS station aired it last night for the new season.

I think the therapist might come between Louisa and Martin somehow. I miss Louisa. Their dynamic was interesting.

The examinations for the two men was both awkward and funny at the same time. I love the fact that he is so professional and serious all the time while everyone around him act the way we all would in that situation.

I didn't know that Clunes has said this would be the last season. I'll miss the show. Has anyone ever seen him in anything else? I saw him on a travel show and Clunes is so personable and quick to laugh and smile.

Liked it.  Lots of funny stuff.  I knew they were going to taser the B&B wife and still laughed when it happened.  (I also can't believe I just wrote that I laughed at the sight of a woman being tasered but it was Hangover-esque stuff.)


Martin's meeting with Dr. Timoney was probably the standout scene of the episode.  We'd been told he was seeing her for his blood phobia, and when he went in and volunteered that whole synopsis of his life, beginning with "I was an unwanted child . . .", I was deeply impressed.  The actress playing Dr. Timoney likewise did some great work simply through her facial expressions, especially when Martin stressed that he wanted Louisa to be happy.  


Speaking of, glad she's back.  I'm a fan.


Perhaps it's also always been obvious to everyone else, but this season really seems to revolve around Martin and the various women in his life -- Louisa, Morwenna, Dr. Timoney, the chemist with the neck brace (I can never remember her name) and his aunt.  They all have good chemistry with him, IMO, and the encounters work well.  


I wasn't bothered about Penhale or the taser.  To me, he's always been like that.

  • Love 1

This was so sad...I really don't care about Bert or his restaurant or the ridiculous lobster story line. or the taser...it was Martin and Louisa I wanted to see, and got precious little of that....if this continues, it's going to be one disappointing heartbreak of a season....I am not expecting lollipops and puppies and instant happily ever after for them....BUT....I would like to see...hope...so sad

It's weird, though, because Martin is so objectively awful to people that turning this couples therapy into a thing about Louisa's problems is a bit hard to stomach.  She's got her own faults, as do we all, but they're much more of a standard nature.  Martin has issues.  And so her whole reluctance to even get into a discussion with the therapist smacks false.


Otherwise I thought it was a very solid ep.  Though I cringed at the radio station surgery scene.  Holy cow!

It's weird, though, because Martin is so objectively awful to people that turning this couples therapy into a thing about Louisa's problems is a bit hard to stomach.  She's got her own faults, as do we all, but they're much more of a standard nature.  Martin has issues.  And so her whole reluctance to even get into a discussion with the therapist smacks false.


Otherwise I thought it was a very solid ep.  Though I cringed at the radio station surgery scene.  Holy cow!

I agree it's weird. It's all weird. Still I love these people so much I don't care that they're weird. There's a bit of something with Louisa or she wouldn't be in love with Martin and she is. I'm glad she really loves him, but it suggests she's different herself. So, it's fun to see her probed a bit. It's all fun to me, actually. 

Edited because I do know words other than "bit."

Edited by mbutterfly
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I live in the northeast, New Jersey and we have 3 PBS stations available. Does anyone know when the new season

starts in my area? They seem to be re-running the end of last season's eps and I haven't see any ads for this

latest season yet. They did run a special, Seven Grumpy Seasons which was enjoyable but never mentioned when

the new (latest) season will be airing.

I live in the northeast, New Jersey and we have 3 PBS stations available. Does anyone know when the new season

starts in my area? They seem to be re-running the end of last season's eps and I haven't see any ads for this

latest season yet. They did run a special, Seven Grumpy Seasons which was enjoyable but never mentioned when

the new (latest) season will be airing.


I can see both West Virginia and Kentucky public television stations.  WV is playing season 7, episode 4 this weekend, but KY is just starting season 7.  It seems to be very depend on the scheduling of your local stations.

My PBS station aired it last night for the new season.

I think the therapist might come between Louisa and Martin somehow. I miss Louisa. Their dynamic was interesting.

The examinations for the two men was both awkward and funny at the same time. I love the fact that he is so professional and serious all the time while everyone around him act the way we all would in that situation.

I didn't know that Clunes has said this would be the last season. I'll miss the show. Has anyone ever seen him in anything else? I saw him on a travel show and Clunes is so personable and quick to laugh and smile.


Aside from Men Behaving Badly, which was a hundred times funnier than the US version, I've watched several of his animal and nature documentaries (his love for dogs and horses gives me warm fuzzies) and one about the Islands of Britain. Some of them are available on Acorn.tv - if you're in the US you can try out the first month free. And $4.99 a month is still a good price if you enjoy any kind of British TV.

Thank you, J5. I'll just have to keep my eyes peeled.


Thank you, Hyacinth. I'm not working right now so even $4.99 is more than I can afford at this time,

but it's good to know for future reference. I love your screen name. I'm a huge Hyacinth fan.

Fortunately I do not have to rely on PBS for my KUA pleasure, I have the entire series on DVD.

It's actually the show that started me out on my love of British television.

The first ep of season 7 finally aired here (northern NJ) tonight
& will repeat again tomorrow night.


Doc told Aunt Ruth that Louisa left 3 wks ago and she hadn't
called him (this was in the beginning of the ep) so we seem to
be picking up about 3 wks after the last ep of the last season.


Morwenna, as usual, had a very interesting outfit on at work. Her
wardrobe cracks me up. I've never seen anyone anywhere dress like
she does. She was cute at the end offering to help Al and offering
Penhale's help too.


OUr showing didn't have pledges which is a relief so I mostly
enjoyed this ep. Typical Port Wenn. Penhale was hilarious in
the beginning of the ep following the doc "the dynamic duo rides
again" and then he knocked over some poor woman and her groceries
and caused a traffic snarl up.


So far I'm not liking Janice too much. Morwenna's flatmate. I
didn't like how she mugged for the camera's after they were
rescued. Or how she flailed around helplessly when they were


I'm looking forward to the doc seeing the therapist.


At first I thought they'd crashed onto the rocks and that when
Morwenna lifted her head her face would be all scraped up. So
I know what you mean, Spunky. It was kind of lame.


I'd figured that Bert and whats her name broke up (the one he
proposed to last season), but he said that she was away taking
a course. I wonder if she'll be back. Somehow I don't think so.
Bert looked cute in his blue wool hat.


According to Seven Grumpy Seasons, a special shown here recently,
they do not know if they're coming back. They will if they come
up with story ideas. I didn't catch anyone saying that this would
be the last series.


I didn't mind Louisa's absence. I don't say this in defense of
Martin but sometimes she's a pain in the ass.

Yes it's actually episode 5 but let's go for it! Last night I noticed how beautifully this show is filmed. Like a French art film. And how outlandish the hipster girls dress. The dog should get an Emmy. We may be the only people in the US watching the new Doc Martin, but I'm enjoying this season more and more.

Also did you notice Louisa wore kitten heels and a dress to go sit in the most uninviting looking beach. Poor Cornwallians.

You will eat the Scotch egg Martin! Doctors order.

I can't keep track of episode #s. LOL


Yes, I did notice Louisa and her heels. She didn't look comfortable either. No sandy beaches in Cornwall I guess.


I had to look up what a Scotch egg was. I'm hooked on Coronation Street too and many times I've had to look up words and phrases. Part of my learning experience and I enjoy it.

  • Love 1

This was a sad ep. I just saw it tonight. I'm upset about Ruth.


But that woman's reaction (or the actor's acting) was hilarious when she got tazed. Penhale has always been this annoying and I usually cringe at his parts. It was agonizing the season that his wife was there as there were too many eps about him and her.


Most of the time I don't mind seeing what's going on with the other characters. Louisa kind of bugs and I can only take so much of Martin. I enjoy the other characters. Not Mrs. Tishell though, much. And I'm always forgetting her name too. I like that we're seeing a bit more of Morwenna this season. I really like her and I hope she and Al finally get together. It was cute when she asked him how the hotel was going, how she tugged on his sleeve and tried to cheer him up.


Al was funny in this ep & I love Ian McNeice so I never mind seeing Bert's latest hairbrained scheme. He did mention saving for his wedding so I hope that's still on. Maybe we'll be invited. I do hope this isn't the last season. I'm enjoying this season as much as the past ones I just really like this show, these characters, the village. I don't need Martin and Louisa all the time.


I do wish Mike would return as the baby minder though. I'm not too crazy about flatmate Janice so far.


I also enjoy seeing the Doc see patients. Those scenes are always entertaining.


I never thought I would say this but I think I'm liking Auntie Ruth better than Auntie Joan.

Edited by kat165
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I'm loving this season. And loved this episode. I'm noticing the comedy more.

NOT liking Louisa as much, though.


She's an actual bitch at times. Why would she think it's funny to tease him about having a party and expecting him to make a speech?

Not funny. Passive/aggressive actually. Not pretty. And not the way you treat someone you love.

Edited by selhars
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