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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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A year or so ago she wore a very dark brown/ black wig.  It was stunning.  She told the audience not to get attached to this wig. The overwhelming positive response said they loved it, as did Suzanne and her boy producers.  She looked the best I have ever seen her.  More feminine, softer, prettier, natural and sexy.  She never wore it again. ?????   The blonde makes her look hard. 


What facial issues, meisje?  Her eyes look okay to me. 

I remember her wearing that wig and it really looked lovely on Wendy.  It took her all of five minutes to tell us and the rest of the staff that she would never wear it again.  She basically said everyone keeps complimenting her on it.  This is where I think Wendy gets into that territory of "only my opinion matters".  Not that she should wear things to please other people but that she has such a disconnect between what she thinks looks good on her versus what actually does.

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A year or so ago she wore a very dark brown/ black wig.  It was stunning.  She told the audience not to get attached to this wig. The overwhelming positive response said they loved it, as did Suzanne and her boy producers.  She looked the best I have ever seen her.  More feminine, softer, prettier, natural and sexy.  She never wore it again. ?????   The blonde makes her look hard.


What facial issues, meisje?  Her eyes look okay to me.


Oh, I remember that wig! She did look so good in that and I can only hope they donated it to someone who needs a wig since I'm sure it was worth well over the standard $5k. That's a good example of her taste level though; even if something else looks really good, she only wants what she wants.  


I noticed her eyes during the driving scene in the Nightline piece (apparently the entire thing is stamped on my memory forever...!). I'm guessing studio lighting is a really powerful thing, and then when she was not sitting down or in her studio, her eyes looked really prominent. To me it looks like classic Graves' disease, which several famous people have (like George Bush I and his wife Barbara), but thyroid illness is a mess so Wendy could be hypo- or hyper- thyroid (or a combo). It's probably only noticeable though if you've dealt with thyroid illness. 


Jason Hoppy & Bethenny... Wendy: read all the way down the cards given to you, no more skimming! This news has been out for days and all of the stuff she was judgy about and the things that had her all riled up weren't accurate. What's the point of having Suzanne, the two guys to the side and the lawyer there if no one will say anything? I'm pretty sure her crack staff got it wrong that they're officially divorced, it's only the custody that's been settled. From what I've read, Jason is still working as a rep and making the same income, so I don't know why she's shaming him for having legal bills equivalent to a year's salary? It irks me that Wendy keeps going on about being a man, walking away with nothing, being a deadbeat for staying in the apartment, etc. because there is a kid involved so he can't just walk away with his pride. If he hadn't have stayed in the apartment, he would have lost custody of his daughter and he would have been lucky to get twice-a-month weekend visits, not to mention that Bethenny would have dragged stuff out just like she's done for 2+ years and he would have spent those years being outspent in court and not seeing his kid. Why Wendy omits all of that info and completely ignores the whole kid issue is breaking my brain! And how is Sherri Shepard's situation similar?!?!

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Wendy had Melissa Rivers on her show today. I used to not have an opinion about Melissa until I saw her on Celebrity Apprentice with her mother. I cannot stand the entitled, spoiled, person that appeared on that show. Not that they care what I think, but I also lost respect for her mother after that appearance as well. I don't even beIieve Melissa saying to Wendy that her name was floated out to host "fashion police". Let's make Wendy feel good as I sit on this little couch and bullshit her. Beyotch pulease!!

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She just keeps getting worse and worse.

So apparently now Ashton Kutcher should not be allowed to watch Rumer on Dancing With The Stars. She says that relationship should have been cut off when he divorced her mom.

Plus Rumer had posters of Ashton on her walls when she was young. Watch out Mila!

Is she serious with this shit? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard come out of that mouth and I've heard some doozies from her.

That husband sure did a number on her. She's the most insecure woman I've ever seen.

Her husband must have some major, major dirt on her for her to stay with him.

Either that or she's just stupid. She seems to be the kind of woman who thinks any man is better than no man.

Edited by Maharincess
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She just keeps getting worse and worse.

So apparently now Ashton Kutcher should not be allowed to watch Rumer on Dancing With The Stars. She says that relationship should have been cut off when he divorced her mom.

Plus Rumer had posters of Ashton on her walls when she was young. Watch out Mila!

Is she serious with this shit? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard come out of that mouth and I've heard some doozies from her.

That husband sure did a number on her. She's the most insecure woman I've ever seen.

Her husband must have some major, major dirt on her for her to stay with him.

Either that or she's just stupid. She seems to be the kind of woman who thinks any man is better than no man.

Wendy really has a "hard on" for Rumer Willis and Ashton Kutcher's relationship.  I know that Wendy grew up in the quintessential nuclear family where her parents have been happily married and her and her siblings were raised in the burbs.  She seems to have a really hard time understanding complex family dynamics.


Ashton Kutcher was married to Demi at a point where all three girls were growing up.  From all standpoints he was a very dedicated step-father who had a great relationship with the three daughters.  Rumer has been very candid that she still communicates with Ashton and he always seems to come out and support her projects.  Why doesn't Wendy understand this?  Just because people get divorced you don't automatically cut them out of your life, especially children and that those relationships aren't as cut and dry as a spousal relationship.


For the love of God will she please stop mentioning that Rumer had a crush on Ashton when she was a pre-teen.  Yes Wendy, millions of girls Rumer's age had Ashton's posters on their walls, and had crushes on him.  Rumer obviously got over that crush once Ashton became her mother's man and later step-father. 


For a woman who has been around the block as much as Wendy, she really is closed off to different ways of life.

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She's so conservative and conventional when it comes to marriage.  Wendy does have Graves disease.  She's mentioned looking into the monitor to keep her eyes in check because she knows they bulge if she isn't paying attention, or something.


And she's seriously talked about how Janet Jackson should do Vegas and not make new music about 100 times by now.  Janet's 2008 song "Feedback" is one of my bops and I love it when I'm on a treadmill, so if her new CD has at least one good cardio song I'll be happy.  Wendy's so obsessed with age.

Edited by Morbs
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And she's seriously talked about how Janet Jackson should do Vegas and not make new music about 100 times by now.  Janet's 2008 song "Feedback" is one of my bops and I love it when I'm on a treadmill, so if her new CD has at least one good cardio song I'll be happy.  Wendy's so obsessed with age.


She's definitely obsessed with telling singers to put a cork in it! She's not wrong that many of the artists (some a lot more than others) are facing steep odds in trying to make money from record sales, but she's missing the point too. Not everyone feels fulfilled painting "Blimpy" (or whatever/whomever that weird NJ icon is named that she shows her painting of often) and being kind of stationary creatively. People have to evolve creatively or else it's usually a huge failure, even if it's a different kind of let down to their longtime fans. Haven't most of the women she declares should be working Vegas already been involved in some kind of product hawking (perfume, cosmetics, clothes, blah blah blah) anyway? It's true Ciara is gorgeous and maybe should be more well known, but maybe she's lacking the famewhore gene or something? I've only seen her being interviewed a few times so I'm not sure, but generally it's not too difficult for a gorgeous singer to be seen and get a lot of attention, so I have to wonder if she's just not interested.


Today's jumpsuit was way better than the one from last week, that's for sure. It was super flattering until they showed the weird overhead shot on the way to commercial where her chest stuck out from her body like an infant walking around with the upper part of their highchair still attached. I know she loves a jumpsuit, and rightly so, but the sleeveless, too-short, too-tight version was not flattering. The one thing a jumpsuit can do is create a balance of upper/lower body volume too, so I'm glad she got it right today. I thought the line about (little) Kevin saying she had cheated or shortcut her way to her body was an interesting glimpse into their family and made them seem a little more likable actually.

She looked stunning in that black jumpsuit; it minimized her bust.  She is very slender and would look fabulous with smaller implants.  


Good post JB.  Her conservative attitude is exhausting.  And Suzanne spinning that wheel, as she screams BIG MONEY over and over again, is equally annoying.  Well, Suzanne is annoying even off camera.  

Thinking Bruce should do his transition in private is ludicrous.  And of course the audience claps in approval!  They just love to agree with her on everything.  Suzanne can be blamed for that. 


She imitates how her husband speaks on occasion, when quoting him.  Oh my.  She openly admits her parents did not approve of him because he is rough guy or from the wrong side of the tracks.  I fail to remember how she phrased it.   I guess he hit pay dirt when he married Wendy!  

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   OK, so somebody please tell me how this grotesque looking woman has any business talking about any other woman's looks.

Does she actually think she is at all attractive???

   I agree with an earlier poster about her talking about Bruce Jenner.

  Yeah, you think he's wrong to be public about it and yet you talk about it pretty much salivating with relish at all the details.

  Andy why does she have such hate for Jennifer Anniston? A few days ago making some comment about her not being Angelina Jolie.  I'm pretty sure she's gotten over Brad and, if she hasn't, why is it funny to try to make an issue of it.

  Are her audience members paid to sit there and grin and nod and clap like robots with every little thing she says.  

  She asked it anyone disagreed with something she said yesterday they should clap and nobody did.  Was it because nobody disagreed or because they knew she would shame them in front of the rest of the audience if they admitted it.

   She is just a vile creature and I don't know why I watch any of her show.

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And Suzanne spinning that wheel, as she screams BIG MONEY over and over again, is equally annoying.  Well, Suzanne is annoying even off camera.


Ugh, I hate the spring cha-ching crap! It's way shittier than the Live with Kelly & Michael game since Wendy's picks are lucky to get $1-2k, and they have to memorize every second of the show to have a chance. It just seems like a pain in the ass. Why is Wendy encouraging Suzanne to shake her head like a maniac while spinning the wheel? It looks painful. Suzanne might end up with a worker's comp vacation if she doesn't chill down.


I can't remember which season of Talking Dead it was, one of the past 2 I think, where Suzanne and her husband (rabid fans of TWD, not sure if that's come up on this show?) were selected to ask a question by video chat. I was really shocked because she was totally different, super normal and low key and it only clicked that she was that Suzanne when I recognized her hair. Not sure if anyone else caught that appearance, but I'm not sold she's a total nutjob outside of this show. She looked a little Florida-retiree in the WW outfit. At first I liked Wendy's dress since it read like a vintage 70s maxi-dress to me, but once she showed the stretch I was not a fan. And it really lost me when she took her seat and one of the wrap sides showed the wrong side and it's some cheap white fabric. I'm sure the QVC collections are all like that, but it's too bad since some of the ideas are okay.

She has a lot of nerve. She constantly wears clothes that are too tight, too short and just plain bad a lot of the time.

During her stupid Ask Wendy segment she had the nerve to embarrass an audience member by telling her that she forgot to wear her pants.

Then the woman said she wants to get a little kinky in the bedroom and Wendy says "why am I not surprised".

I've said before that I really hope that women don't take her relationship advice seriously. She doesn't talk much about it but her marriage seems pretty fucked up to me.

Her husband seems like he's the Neanderthal "I'm the man and my word is law" type of jerk. And it seems like her son is becoming the same way. I bet they both treat her like shit as she runs around doing their bidding.

Does her husband earn his own money or does he leech off of hers?

Did you catch her in that shiny fabric leopardy looking jumpsuit the other day???

Does nobody tell her how she looks before she goes on stage?

That looked SO bad on her.


Her husband is her (cough) "manager".

Which mean, yeah, he's leeching off her fame.



She will not sell one of those.  It made her look like she had a big belly.  And it it does not look good on a thin woman 6ft tall it is a bad design.  I bet she saw that when she watched.  Not sure she does but I bet someone pointed it out to her.  Her mother is my guess.  


She has a lot of nerve. She constantly wears clothes that are too tight, too short and just plain bad a lot of the time.

Wendy has been wearing clothes from her collection. She should invest in a model to show off her clothes.

I could never look at her wearing a jumpsuit, pencil skirt, wrap dress, as cute as they are, and think I'm gonna buy that.

Wendy, just because it's your line, doesn't mean you have to wear it.

Girlfriend you do nothing, absolutely nothing for your "line" by wearing "your line".

Edited by CuriousParker
Fixed Quote Format

Today was new, right? (I only half-listened to it, sorry.) She was off the week of Memorial Day, which is not unusual. I imagine she can only do X number of shows per year due to various contracts and such - I get the feeling she likes working, honestly, and gets irritated when she has to do a long hiatus.

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Today was new, right? (I only half-listened to it, sorry.) She was off the week of Memorial Day, which is not unusual. I imagine she can only do X number of shows per year due to various contracts and such - I get the feeling she likes working, honestly, and gets irritated when she has to do a long hiatus.

It's not unusual to have the whole Memorial week off? I disagree. She was in Tampa doing her HSN clothing line appearance which of course she had to talk about during hot topics. She also doesn't work on Fridays. I just think she is all over the place and this show in not her #1 priority.  I don't ever remember any talk show host taking off this much time. Oprah never did. Rachel Ray doesn't. Dr. Phil doesn't.  I'm not talking about summer hiatus which I totally understand. It's everything else in between. 



It's not unusual to have the whole Memorial week off? I disagree. She was in Tampa doing her HSN clothing line appearance which of course she had to talk about during hot topics. She also doesn't work on Fridays. I just think she is all over the place and this show in not her #1 priority.  I don't ever remember any talk show host taking off this much time. Oprah never did. Rachel Ray doesn't. Dr. Phil doesn't.  I'm not talking about summer hiatus which I totally understand. It's everything else in between.


Wendy does 260 shows a year.  Dr. Phil does about 160-180.  Oprah did about 130-140.  Rachael Ray does around 170.

Edited by Morbs
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I must say, I don't always agree with Wendy---although quite frequently I do & I always have a big chuckle of recognition. What I do appreciate is her honest expressions of her feelings. It is so rare in tv & celebrity interviews to have someone be blatantly honest---most celebs are surrounded by yes men & overly pc reporters.

I think Wendy is pretty great just as she is; flaws & all. I think she knows she sometimes contradicts herself, but reserves that right as a woman, a person really. What I don't like is the audience being prompted to give their opinions & being obvious sycophants---it's the antithesis of the show! Even when I disagree, I enjoy listening to Wendy speak her own mind.

I tend to follow celebrity gossip from various websites (not proud of myself, but there it is), so Wendy's take on such things is usually a rehash. I always look forward to hearing her point of view. I guess I just like a woman who owns her flaws. It kinda makes me feel better about my own. And I admire a woman who can speak up for herself; it's something I'm working on in my own life.

Edited by NowVoyager
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Did her boobs get bigger during her week off? When she was in the audience on Monday's show they looked even more enormous than usual.

I wouldn't be surprised if she lost more weight.  And has she talked about this 30 day Cleanse she's on??



I can't recall hearing anything about the cleanse in the past several days, so maybe she put a stop to that? I hope so since it was clearly already affecting her ability to speak and think. It's such a stupid thing for people to cleanse for 30 days, and especially when they think they will still be able to do their normal schedule. Has she learned nothing from Goop-and-Beyonce style foolishness?


Damn, those boobs. I've tried to live and let live with her decision, but I couldn't even tell you what was on hot topics today because the okay-dress-she-was-wearing's pattern sort of made one of them look bigger and it was like one of those awful illusion puzzles. I was thinking about why it doesn't bother me with some people, namely Dolly Parton (but a few others I guess), and the best I can come up with is that they probably would annoy the hell out of me after awhile if I saw her each day, though even Dolly's chest is moderate in comparison. It's sort of like the Miley bullshit, it just gets so fucking tiresome after a certain amount of time. People can only swallow so much try-hard crap day to day... 


And though I appreciate her honesty about the whole choice and process, I'm just sick of the diversion. I don't want to equate them to Khlozilla's ass, because that is a horror show above and beyond what my brain can handle, but it's just disturbing that people go to a 10 when they choose plastic surgery. She shouldn't have a reduction for anyone else's sake, but sometimes it's just too much!

Edited by meisje

Is anyone else tired of Wendy copying Tamar Braxton? All of a sudden she's clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth (creating a popping sound) while pausing during her hot topics. She's also adding "tation" at the end of some words in order to emphasize a particular word in the way Tamar does. (example: cheat-tation)

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She's also adding "tation" at the end of some words in order to emphasize a particular word in the way Tamar does. (example: cheat-tation)

That bums me out! Guess I need to check out Tamar now.

Much better outfit today at least. It was comfortable looking but young and summer-y, and I didn't get a referred backache from watching.

I love Janet Jackon's new song, I wonder if Wendy will give it to her or hate it.  Wendy hated Bitch Better Have My Money, which I loved, but it flopped, so maybe Wendy was right about that one.


I feel like the Hot Topics have been a little more serious lately, with mentions of the big news stories.  I don't remember that happening so much before, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention.

Wendy hypocrisy:

Has an issue using the term "African-American", says people use it to be politically correct


has a problem with the CP in NAACP - saying "we haven't been colored people in a long time"

(Isn't that being politically correct on her part too?)

Another Wendpocrisy:

Has no problem with Rachel Dolezal lying about being Black, saying if she wants to be Black, let her be Black


has an issue with Chet Hanks' rapping and the way he talks (with Black affectation)

I mean, using her logic - if that's how he wants to be, shouldn't she be fine with it too? If he identifies with and feels comfortable that way like Wendy says about Rachel, why is Wendy throwing shade his way and not towards Dolezal?

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Wendy hypocrisy:

Has an issue using the term "African-American", says people use it to be politically correct


has a problem with the CP in NAACP - saying "we haven't been colored people in a long time"

(Isn't that being politically correct on her part too?)

Another Wendpocrisy:

Has no problem with Rachel Dolezal lying about being Black, saying if she wants to be Black, let her be Black


has an issue with Chet Hanks' rapping and the way he talks (with Black affectation)

I mean, using her logic - if that's how he wants to be, shouldn't she be fine with it too? If he identifies with and feels comfortable that way like Wendy says about Rachel, why is Wendy throwing shade his way and not towards Dolezal?

Wendy is just one big contradiction. I really don't care to hear her opinions and listen to the endless claps from the audience. Can't she just report on hot topics with a little of her funny shade thrown in ? I'm also getting tired of her saying lately that she is only reporting certain topics because we want to hear about them but she doesn't care about them. Really Wendy? Try to act like you give a shit while you sit in your purple chair raking in millions of dollars. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Wendy talking about Kim Fields. She totally overlooked the awesome role she had on that sitcom with Queen Latifa "Living Single". That show had a pretty good run if I remember. She just kept talking about her as Tootie. Once again, not doing her homework and her Hot Topics team sucks.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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Argh, just went to watch today's show (Tuesday), and stupid Directv had a glitch that kept the entire thing from recording. I wanted to see if the Ben & Jen news was covered! Did I miss anything or was it not official at the time of taping (or she chose to ignore it for some reason)? Stupid directv! 


I suppose this is only day 1 of their announcement but it's been tough to find even a mention of what a pos Affleck is in all of this and I really needed to hear someone rail at this sham marriage. Did Wendy even cover the Finding Your Roots part of Affleck's latest (disovered) asshole scheme?

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Argh, just went to watch today's show (Tuesday), and stupid Directv had a glitch that kept the entire thing from recording. I wanted to see if the Ben & Jen news was covered! Did I miss anything or was it not official at the time of taping (or she chose to ignore it for some reason)? Stupid directv!

I suppose this is only day 1 of their announcement but it's been tough to find even a mention of what a pos Affleck is in all of this and I really needed to hear someone rail at this sham marriage. Did Wendy even cover the Finding Your Roots part of Affleck's latest (disovered) asshole scheme?

I missed WW all last week. Today she talked about Ben & Jen, but didn't touch on any of the juicy points you mentioned. She showed the photo of them on vacation in the Bahamas, said she thought that was good for the kids, then mentioned Jennifer Lopez publicly said she had nothing to do with the breakup.


This woman is a moron.

Charlize Theron (a name Wendy still can't pronounce correctly), still has a friendship with Sean Penn's daughter. According to Wendy that is wrong. She says once the relationship is over with the man, the relationship with his whole family should end as well. Wendy thinks Robin Wright should be pissed off about this friendship and remind her child that SHE is her mother.

What? I'm sure these people are much more evolved than Wendy is and they're all fine with this.

I know this isn't the case with Theron, but this idiot thinks if a person has a long term, good relationship with their young step child, that relationship ends when the marriage ends.

What is wrong with this woman?!

My son is almost 30, he had his first love when he was 16 and his girlfriend was 18. They were together for 3 years before they broke up. He's been living with his girlfriend for 6 years and I have a great relationship with her but, I also still have a great relationship with his first girlfriend and her mother.

Guess what Wendy? Everybody is fine with it!

She also called her guest the wrong name to her face today. She called Kimberly Stewart Ashley which is her brother's name.

The best part if the interview was when Wendy asked about the father of Kimberly's baby. She asked if he was "anybody we would know". Kimberly gives her a look like she's an idiot and says no.

Wendy doesn't do her research. The father of Kimberly's baby is Benicio Del Toro. Shouldn't Wendy have known that?

Edited by Maharincess
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I love Wendy but I didn't get the marrying animals comment.  She was talking about splitting pets up in the divorce I think, and followed up by saying how much she loves her dog.  So I don't think she was comparing gay marriage to bestiality, but she didn't bother clarifying it.


Last week when she completely mangled the Orange is the New Black actresses names - that was embarrassing.  It wasn't even like they were complicated.

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