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First Dates - General Discussion

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I like the dates that go well. I found myself smiling and happy for the people who got along well, like Mr. President and Pageant Woman. Maybe a pageant queen isn't first lady material YET, but a foreign model currently is the US first lady. I'd rather have a pageant queen who can answer an intelligent question than a woman who got where she is on looks alone. I liked the guy with the goal to be president, I'd date him in a heartbeat, and be right there with him on campaign trail. I thought the short guy was good looking and smart. Too bad he surfs in the pre-dawn hours ... aren't there good waves at dusk or during the day even? The barber guy was off-putting at first, like a goomba, until he started talking and I got to know him better. He was a catch IMO, and his date needed to calm the heck down, it's just one first date. She was pretty and reminded me of Rosie Perez. I hold to never letting anyone know your age because attitudes will CHANGE BIG once people know you are older/younger than they think. Look at online dating sites ... men who are 50 are looking for women 35-49. Men who are 60 are looking for women 35-59. Women ALWAYS have to be at least one year younger for a man to feel manly. I was a college freshman at age 25, and the grad students I dated (age 22) were freaked when they found out I was "older." It's a strong, self-assured man who doesn't care if the woman is older, and there are not a lot of self-confident men out there in the dating world. Trust me. Just yesterday a long-time male friend asked me how old I was and I would not tell him. That's not something ANYONE needs to know. Judge me on what you see, what I say, how I act, not on a calendar year. If that guy thought his date looked SO OLD that he needed to ask her age, then don't ask her out again. PERIOD.

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Episode 4: I wonder how much they're instructed to interact with the maitre d'. I don't go to a ton of places (or really eat out that much) where it's necessary but when I do I might say one thing to be polite but it seems like these daters know that they're supposed to talk to him.

Sam is not unattractive but his voice is irritating. Comes off confident? No. He seems riddled with anxiety. Rachael and Sam look good together. They're around the same level of attractiveness. Rachael's voice didn't bother me that much but I can see where her sort of slow slurring would be irritating. I was into the idea of it. He moves a little faster. She moves a little slower. Not quite opposites attract but I thought they could find a balance. They also seemed to interact with all the cameras and production aspects in a normal person kind of way... not like they want to be actors. I thought they were cute together. I loved that she asked if he remembered her name because so many people have already forgotten their dates names. I did think Sam was sharing a lot but it seemed more like his personality than that TV-dating overshare. Maybe like 75/25 vs. the Bachelor contestants who come with a sob story. He was a bit much but she seemed to like it and it was sweet. They both seemed like giggly weirdos and I was grinning a lot at the end of their date.

Sibling double blind date seemed like an awkward concept. I'm glad she left him at the bar. Rena has an adorable look. She looks like the kind of person whose style is genuinely a little outside of the mainstream but not forced hipster-y or quirky. They said Molly was 23 and Rena was 26 but they looked pretty close in age. It's not my experience but it's a bit weird that this is our second gay couple and they're also discussing coming out. I guess it makes more sense for Rena because of her work and the lack of support from her parents. But I hope this doesn't happen with every gay couple. It's not like all the nonwhite couples talk about racism. I totally didn't notice that Molly was a congenital amputee until she brought it up and showed her hands to the camera. I feel like Molly and Rena could be really supportive for each other in a wonderful way. I don't know if there was romantic chemistry but they could be great friends.

Oooh, Colleen is 28. And Austin is 26. I think this is one of our first couples where the woman is older, not that there's a big difference in 2 years. I do think she looks a little older but that might be makeup, sun damage, etc. Austin isn't unattractive but he seems like one of those guys where the face doesn't really match the body... and maybe that's part of the reason he bulked up. With some of what he said and what Molly said about his type, I was curious if he'd be shallow about Colleen. I feel like maybe he thought he was being normal but he came across a little confrontational from the beginning. Tequila shots? I mean... OK, but that doesn't seem like a sit-down dinner in a well-lit restaurant kind of a drink. They didn't seem to have chemistry long before that but she seemed to be getting a little tipsy and then he was "disappointed" in President Obama (which I am not here for right now) and then he was like... surprise I'm a concealed carry licensed gun owner. Neither of them behaved great but I think it's tough. I wonder if they give them a minimum time they need to stay on the date. 

It was weird again when Molly and Austin took a break to talk to each other. This is a dumb gimmick. And then he got his sister to do a shot of whiskey... why?

Edited by aradia22
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I did wonder why pageant queen gave that as her occupation. I get that competing can take a lot of time and effort, but if she already lost at her state pageant, does she just plan to enter again next year? Or switch to other pageants? Why not just say she's a student? I also thought her "I'm a centrist" response to political affiliation was a pageant answer cop-out. Kentucky requires that voters be registered as either Dem or Repub in order to vote in the primary (not general) elections.


I shouldn't be judging these people based on whether or not I'd date them, yet I do. No way would pagent have made my cut for a second outing.

What's going on with having daters supposedly be living several states apart? Are they being flown in to Chicago just for the show? If they're "originally from" the state in question, then say that. Is the little person really doing a lot of surfing on Lake Michigan or is he actually living in California like he mentioned?

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I thought the short guy was good looking and smart. Too bad he surfs in the pre-dawn hours ... aren't there good waves at dusk or during the day even? 

It depends on when the tide is coming in.  That happens at different times of the day during its full cycle.  Apparently it was high early the next day!  

1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

Four kids, two baby-mommas, color me gone!!

Me too.   I doubt Tequila shot gave a green light to kids in her interview.  

46 minutes ago, Lord Donia said:


I did wonder why pageant queen gave that as her occupation. I get that competing can take a lot of time and effort, but if she already lost at her state pageant, does she just plan to enter again next year? Or switch to other pageants? Why not just say she's a student? I also thought her "I'm a centrist" response to political affiliation was a pageant answer cop-out. Kentucky requires that voters be registered as either Dem or Repub in order to vote in the primary (not general) elections.


Smart money is on production telling her to lead with the pageant.  They wanted his reaction straight away.  Her tip toeing around her political affiliation made sense, he did that, too.  

Edited by wings707
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6 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I like the dates that go well. I found myself smiling and happy for the people who got along well, like Mr. President and Pageant Woman. Maybe a pageant queen isn't first lady material YET, but a foreign model currently is the US first lady. I'd rather have a pageant queen who can answer an intelligent question than a woman who got where she is on looks alone. I liked the guy with the goal to be president, I'd date him in a heartbeat, and be right there with him on campaign trail. I thought the short guy was good looking and smart. Too bad he surfs in the pre-dawn hours ... aren't there good waves at dusk or during the day even? The barber guy was off-putting at first, like a goomba, until he started talking and I got to know him better. He was a catch IMO, and his date needed to calm the heck down, it's just one first date. She was pretty and reminded me of Rosie Perez. I hold to never letting anyone know your age because attitudes will CHANGE BIG once people know you are older/younger than they think. Look at online dating sites ... men who are 50 are looking for women 35-49. Men who are 60 are looking for women 35-59. Women ALWAYS have to be at least one year younger for a man to feel manly. I was a college freshman at age 25, and the grad students I dated (age 22) were freaked when they found out I was "older." It's a strong, self-assured man who doesn't care if the woman is older, and there are not a lot of self-confident men out there in the dating world. Trust me. Just yesterday a long-time male friend asked me how old I was and I would not tell him. That's not something ANYONE needs to know. Judge me on what you see, what I say, how I act, not on a calendar year. If that guy thought his date looked SO OLD that he needed to ask her age, then don't ask her out again. PERIOD.

Yeah I was saying why can't she be first lady material when Melania is a model. By the way Melania is no dummy, she has a successful accessories business and speaks five languages. 

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Episode 4 continued...

Ommid 34... on the shallow side, not cute. I feel like he waxes what is probably a unibrow. (So mean, I know.) That super gelled hair. That suit. Maybe I wouldn't be as critical if he hadn't been making those excuses for why he's been single so long and bragging about the money. Ohh... Candice 34. That was not the voice I was predicting. Her look reminded me of Jennifer (woman who went out with the guy who took a call before the date). The makeup was a lot. She looked painted... like a doll, in her TH. She looked more natural in person. Well, still a lot of makeup but more neutral. I thought her description of herself also came across a little fake but for different reasons. She felt like a Bachelor contestant. That was a real weird string of small talk questions. It wasn't like they flowed into each other at all. It didn't get better. He continued to ask random questions (not inappropriate, just not in any way facilitating a conversation) and she seemed to have shut down. 

HAHAHAHA. "I love my animals. And I want to be home with them." (Let me leave this date now.)

Lol at the camera guy continually catching her playing with her shoe.

Bathroom phone call + dining table phone call!

"I look younger than my age"... so I should get to date someone younger (and presumably prettier by his standards). Gross.

I do appreciate Candice just cutting to the chase and telling him that she didn't think they were a great match. Even the way he responded... I feel like he's playful while she has to think of the realities of her biological clock. She didn't come across as desperate for a husband or child. Just practical. Putting biology aside, yeah, at that age, why waste your time on someone you don't see yourself with longterm? Go home and be with your animals. :) He complained that other woman he went out with left without saying goodbye but then he kept arguing with Candice when she was trying to leave. Guy, if this keeps happening... it's you. Ugh... Snapchat.

OOF, the post-date interview with Colleen and Austin was awkward. I'm glad they didn't make Candice and Ommid film one.

Eddie 68 came across as a bit of a Casanova at first... not in a good way. Women are like cars. Pfft. Launa 69 is stunning. "I miss kissing with my mouth open." Adorable. I felt like Eddie was leaning a little close and looming over her a bit. His backstory sounds a bit off. It didn't feel like much of a love connection. If they'd been younger, I don't know if she'd put up with as much. 

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Episode 5: Chris 33 was relatively cute. There's a slight edginess to his looks, like a little more Christian Slater than Christian Bale. Or maybe Cillian Murphy.I don't know how I feel about flowers on the first date. Especially a blind date. On the one hand, it is nice to get flowers. And he does know it's for TV so it's not an ordinary blind date and presumably they've matched him well-ish. Though yellow roses are a definite choice. I swear I've seen that a couple times in fictional stories as the heroine's favorite flower. Also daisies. I'm glad there was a purpose and he knew they were for friendship. 

"What are you looking for in a woman?" Only describes physical appearance...

Jyl 27, I'm sorry but what kind of a name is that? My first impression was knockoff Emma Stone. She looked a bit orange. Fake tan? But she hadn't piled on the makeup. I wonder what instructions they give them. They look different enough that I think they mostly do their own makeup but it seems like some of them are trying to overcompensate for TV. 6 years... I don't think he looks old for his age but he definitely looks older than her. 

How long was Chris hiding that gum in his mouth? Ooh, text check in! Maybe they all get the option of calling one friend? I'm surprised. I feel like she was playing along enough that the few turn offs weren't a big deal to her but then she told her friend the date wasn't going well.

"I'm down to be friends." Oh, God. Laughing so hard. That was mean. The editors really drew out the awkwardness.

Shamara 40. Girl, why are you wearing those heels you can't walk in? That also cut off your legs. If I'm going to my myself through the heel of heels, they better look good and improve my walk. She's pretty though. I love her hair and her dress was a great color. Cory's "damaged in the right way" spiel was weird. Right? It was weird. I feel like at a certain age you must be unfazed to learn that your date was married before or has kids. But... WHAT? He has four kids by two different women and he's never been married!?! And I don't listen to radio so I don't know how famous Shamara is but you'd think they would have asked Cory if he knew her. Poor girl. I feel like she shut off (like, am I being punked right now) when he heard about his family and also that he knew her radio persona and already had preconceived notions. I don't know if she would have been drinking as much if she liked him.

I'm curious about the other couples in the restaurant. Are some of them actors? Did they film them and they didn't make the cut? Did they set some people up who they had no interest in filming for the show? It seems like if you're on the show, you're sitting at one of three tables which lowers the chances of us ever meeting all the other people in the restaurant on those nights. 

Christophe 35. Relatively attractive. He looks like some actor but I can't place it because I'm distracted by the baldness. I keep thinking of Michael Chiklis. I understand how dating would tough as a little person, especially as a guy. I'm short and I'm not looking for anyone shorter than I am. I don't need to date a giant... 6 feet is a lot, I'd have to wear heels all the time to reach him. But yeah, I do want someone a good bit taller than me like 5'7 to 5'10. Marianne 28 looks older than 28. Sun damage, wrinkles, thin brows, heavy eye makeup, bleached blonde hair. Is it possible she's 28? Sure... anything's possible. Marianne's face when she was talking about all the sizes she produces as a designer didn't really make it seem like she cared, if you know what I mean. The dark lipstick she wore on the actual date didn't help her look younger. LOL, Marianne's face one he left. I think she was trying to be polite but I'm not sure she was happy about his height. Oh, here we go with that same waitress who let Dantriell flirt with her. Is she joining the maitre d' and the bartender as a regular plant now? I think there's a male waiter too but he doesn't say much beyond actually being a waiter... the one Shamara kept calling "boyfriend." I think he's the same guy who got the watermelon joke in another episode.

Wait, now there's a girl for Shamara to talk to in the bathroom? Get your wait staff extras together, First Dates. I like the idea of the maitre d' and bartender being in on the plan to make matches. Like Beauty and the Beast furniture/servants. But the wait staff seem like a weird combo of production plants and minimum wage extras. I would like them to just be waiters or to be fully in on trying to make good matches. I like that she took responsibility for how she'd been behaving and tried to course correct. But I also definitely get the weirdness in them setting her up with someone who knew her radio persona. It's weird. It's not an equal power dynamic. If there's a fan mentality or some kind of antagonism, that's there. And that person already knows more about you than you know about them. I just don't think all the blame should be on her. 

Nick 27. An aspiring politician going on a reality TV dating show? Pfft. OK. Well, I guess that doesn't rule anything out these days. I thought he was gay. Taryn 23 has huge, gorgeous eyes. She was wearing a lot of makeup but doing it right. She still looked older than 23 but her makeup was balanced where some of the other women looked harsh. She doesn't have that soft kind of prettiness. Again, she reminds me of someone. Someone other than Princess Atta in A Bug's Life. It'll come to me. An aspiring politician and a pageant girl seem like they could both carry a conversation well so it was tough to gauge how the date was going based on that alone. I liked Taryn. I do feel like she ended up proving herself to Nick but he wasn't doing much to prove himself to her. It was like Legally Blonde. I don't know, I thought she could do better.

Saverio 29. Looks his age, but oof, that sun damage. I don't know if I'm just used to seeing people with more makeup on TV but I just want to give them all sunscreen. Isabel 36 is adorable. That's quite an age difference for the girl being older. There are practical concerns if you haven't had any kids by that age. I was curious to see how he'd take her age if/when he found out. I do like the idea of a barber and hair colorist, though. I liked the coral dress. I like a nice bright color that isn't red or a safe cobalt. To me, he was too traditional but maybe she'd be into that. The TH went weird at the end. I didn't see all that coming from her. I thought she'd just say, yes, sure, second date. Was there something we missed. She said it was "a lot." 

I wasn't surprised that Nick and Taryn went out again though I did think he was a bit dull. Also, not surprised that Marianne didn't go out with Christophe once it was off camera. I do think Saverio and Isabel could be a good match.

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4 hours ago, aradia22 said:

Episode 5: Chris 33 was relatively cute. There's a slight edginess to his looks, like a little more Christian Slater than Christian Bale. Or maybe Cillian Murphy.I don't know how I feel about flowers on the first date. Especially a blind date. On the one hand, it is nice to get flowers. And he does know it's for TV so it's not an ordinary blind date and presumably they've matched him well-ish. Though yellow roses are a definite choice. I swear I've seen that a couple times in fictional stories as the heroine's favorite flower. Also daisies. I'm glad there was a purpose and he knew they were for friendship. 

"What are you looking for in a woman?" Only describes physical appearance...

Jyl 27, I'm sorry but what kind of a name is that? My first impression was knockoff Emma Stone. She looked a bit orange. Fake tan? But she hadn't piled on the makeup. I wonder what instructions they give them. They look different enough that I think they mostly do their own makeup but it seems like some of them are trying to overcompensate for TV. 6 years... I don't think he looks old for his age but he definitely looks older than her. 

How long was Chris hiding that gum in his mouth? Ooh, text check in! Maybe they all get the option of calling one friend? I'm surprised. I feel like she was playing along enough that the few turn offs weren't a big deal to her but then she told her friend the date wasn't going well.

"I'm down to be friends." Oh, God. Laughing so hard. That was mean. The editors really drew out the awkwardness.

Shamara 40. Girl, why are you wearing those heels you can't walk in? That also cut off your legs. If I'm going to my myself through the heel of heels, they better look good and improve my walk. She's pretty though. I love her hair and her dress was a great color. Cory's "damaged in the right way" spiel was weird. Right? It was weird. I feel like at a certain age you must be unfazed to learn that your date was married before or has kids. But... WHAT? He has four kids by two different women and he's never been married!?! And I don't listen to radio so I don't know how famous Shamara is but you'd think they would have asked Cory if he knew her. Poor girl. I feel like she shut off (like, am I being punked right now) when he heard about his family and also that he knew her radio persona and already had preconceived notions. I don't know if she would have been drinking as much if she liked him.

I'm curious about the other couples in the restaurant. Are some of them actors? Did they film them and they didn't make the cut? Did they set some people up who they had no interest in filming for the show? It seems like if you're on the show, you're sitting at one of three tables which lowers the chances of us ever meeting all the other people in the restaurant on those nights. 

Christophe 35. Relatively attractive. He looks like some actor but I can't place it because I'm distracted by the baldness. I keep thinking of Michael Chiklis. I understand how dating would tough as a little person, especially as a guy. I'm short and I'm not looking for anyone shorter than I am. I don't need to date a giant... 6 feet is a lot, I'd have to wear heels all the time to reach him. But yeah, I do want someone a good bit taller than me like 5'7 to 5'10. Marianne 28 looks older than 28. Sun damage, wrinkles, thin brows, heavy eye makeup, bleached blonde hair. Is it possible she's 28? Sure... anything's possible. Marianne's face when she was talking about all the sizes she produces as a designer didn't really make it seem like she cared, if you know what I mean. The dark lipstick she wore on the actual date didn't help her look younger. LOL, Marianne's face one he left. I think she was trying to be polite but I'm not sure she was happy about his height. Oh, here we go with that same waitress who let Dantriell flirt with her. Is she joining the maitre d' and the bartender as a regular plant now? I think there's a male waiter too but he doesn't say much beyond actually being a waiter... the one Shamara kept calling "boyfriend." I think he's the same guy who got the watermelon joke in another episode.

Wait, now there's a girl for Shamara to talk to in the bathroom? Get your wait staff extras together, First Dates. I like the idea of the maitre d' and bartender being in on the plan to make matches. Like Beauty and the Beast furniture/servants. But the wait staff seem like a weird combo of production plants and minimum wage extras. I would like them to just be waiters or to be fully in on trying to make good matches. I like that she took responsibility for how she'd been behaving and tried to course correct. But I also definitely get the weirdness in them setting her up with someone who knew her radio persona. It's weird. It's not an equal power dynamic. If there's a fan mentality or some kind of antagonism, that's there. And that person already knows more about you than you know about them. I just don't think all the blame should be on her. 

Nick 27. An aspiring politician going on a reality TV dating show? Pfft. OK. Well, I guess that doesn't rule anything out these days. I thought he was gay. Taryn 23 has huge, gorgeous eyes. She was wearing a lot of makeup but doing it right. She still looked older than 23 but her makeup was balanced where some of the other women looked harsh. She doesn't have that soft kind of prettiness. Again, she reminds me of someone. Someone other than Princess Atta in A Bug's Life. It'll come to me. An aspiring politician and a pageant girl seem like they could both carry a conversation well so it was tough to gauge how the date was going based on that alone. I liked Taryn. I do feel like she ended up proving herself to Nick but he wasn't doing much to prove himself to her. It was like Legally Blonde. I don't know, I thought she could do better.

Saverio 29. Looks his age, but oof, that sun damage. I don't know if I'm just used to seeing people with more makeup on TV but I just want to give them all sunscreen. Isabel 36 is adorable. That's quite an age difference for the girl being older. There are practical concerns if you haven't had any kids by that age. I was curious to see how he'd take her age if/when he found out. I do like the idea of a barber and hair colorist, though. I liked the coral dress. I like a nice bright color that isn't red or a safe cobalt. To me, he was too traditional but maybe she'd be into that. The TH went weird at the end. I didn't see all that coming from her. I thought she'd just say, yes, sure, second date. Was there something we missed. She said it was "a lot." 

I wasn't surprised that Nick and Taryn went out again though I did think he was a bit dull. Also, not surprised that Marianne didn't go out with Christophe once it was off camera. I do think Saverio and Isabel could be a good match.

I couldn't stand Taryn!  She was so full of herself.  She thinks she's incredibly good looking, not to mention the most intelligent person around.  She may be intelligent but she was very average looking at best.  She looked much older than her age.  She won't age well.

Didn't think I would love Saverio at first but he was sweet.

Cristophe was actually very cute.  I kept thinking he could do a lot better than her.  She looked more like a dried up porn star.

The plumber guy...I really questioned whether he is an actor.  Great looking guy, seems sweet, but really -- gum?  "Gotta pee"?  And then it looked like he was working up tears when he was rejected.  

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On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 10:59 AM, jumper sage said:

I don't get the idea that asking a DATE their age is rude.  It would be my first question.  If someone was way out of range, why would you waste your time?

I'm not single, but if were dating, I'd think that part of asking "how old are you?"  would be making a connection.  We are shaped by the events that happen to us, and asking someone's age can lead to discovering shared experiences - politics, movies, music. 

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On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 4:00 PM, SayMyName said:

Referring to your date as first lady material is just creepy. No wonder nobody trusts politicians.

It really was weird, wasn't it?  There are thousands of men and women in the country who think "some day I could be president."  that doesn't mean it's going to happen.   Looking at a date in terms of "first lady material"  is like you're a movie producer casting an actress for a role.  Just be real, and try to find someone who's right for YOU, not someone to be married to the  president.

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I couldn't stand Taryn!  She was so full of herself.  She thinks she's incredibly good looking, not to mention the most intelligent person around.  She may be intelligent but she was very average looking at best.  She looked much older than her age.  She won't age well.

I didn't get that. She said she liked makeup and things like that. I don't remember her thinking she was gorgeous, just that people pre-judged her for her appearance and the pageant thing. As I said, I don't think she has the soft, conventionally pretty look I associate with pageant winners. But I feel inclined to defend the women who seem to bear the brunt of the criticism. 


It really was weird, wasn't it?  There are thousands of men and women in the country who think "some day I could be president."  that doesn't mean it's going to happen.   Looking at a date in terms of "first lady material"  is like you're a movie producer casting an actress for a role.  Just be real, and try to find someone who's right for YOU, not someone to be married to the  president.

It really reminded me of Elle and Warner in Legally Blonde. Especially the musical version. It seemed to go along with the way she needed to impress him on the date and prove her intelligence while he seemed to sit back and not make much effort to charm her or win her over. 

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This: "It's ... a bit weird that this is our second gay couple and they're also discussing coming out. I hope this doesn't happen with every gay couple. It's not like all the nonwhite couples talk about racism." How and when one "comes out" is a common-ground topic for gay people, something they all can understand and relate to. Many gays go through life NEVER coming out, or are in a so-called "straight" marriage. Being gay can be kept hidden. An African-American can't hide the fact that he/she is indeed black. So, no reason to say, "Hey, when did you decide to let your family know you are black?" And Wings, thanks for the surfing lesson. My knowledge of the sport comes from Baywatch reruns, when all surfing is done by the light of day. I didn't think anything of Pageant Queen having that as her occupation. I watch too much Bachelor, where occupations are as diverse as "Dog Lover." I give props to the Four Kids Two Baby Momma guy for not wanting a second date. But his date commented on how good looking he was, broad shoulders, nice personality, etc. Yeah, that's why the four kids, so no second date was a big save for you, girl. Oh: And the short guy and his date both lived in LA. Hometowns are put on screen when people are first introduced, like Fast Eddy and his date were from LA last week. Although people have surfed Lake Michigan when big storms roll in!

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58 minutes ago, saber5055 said:


This: "It's ... a bit weird that this is our second gay couple and they're also discussing coming out. I hope this doesn't happen with every gay couple.


Coming out to your family is a monumental moment in their lives.  It makes sense that would be discussed on the first date.  It is a good way to start getting to know each other.  

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This: "It's ... a bit weird that this is our second gay couple and they're also discussing coming out. I hope this doesn't happen with every gay couple. It's not like all the nonwhite couples talk about racism." How and when one "comes out" is a common-ground topic for gay people, something they all can understand and relate to. Many gays go through life NEVER coming out, or are in a so-called "straight" marriage. Being gay can be kept hidden. An African-American can't hide the fact that he/she is indeed black. So, no reason to say, "Hey, when did you decide to let your family know you are black?"

I think it's perfectly understandable that it would come up. But I'm also aware that this isn't a normal dating scenario and there's a production team involved who could be influencing things. There are also editors who are very selective in how much of the dates we get to see. I don't think it's anything offensive or stereotyped but I would hope that with all the couples, they show that they talk about more than their identities. 

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21 hours ago, aradia22 said:

I didn't get that. She said she liked makeup and things like that. I don't remember her thinking she was gorgeous, just that people pre-judged her for her appearance and the pageant thing. As I said, I don't think she has the soft, conventionally pretty look I associate with pageant winners. But I feel inclined to defend the women who seem to bear the brunt of the criticism. 

It really reminded me of Elle and Warner in Legally Blonde. Especially the musical version. It seemed to go along with the way she needed to impress him on the date and prove her intelligence while he seemed to sit back and not make much effort to charm her or win her over. 

I'd have to go back and look at the tape but she alluded so many times to the burden of being pretty.   Enough that I thought wow, you're not as pretty as you seem to think you are.

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I'm really liking this show, especially last night since no dates were OTT one-sided. The black guy who works for MLB, I'd date him in a heartbeat. (Call me!) When I saw the two gay men, I thought, "Oh, no, they will talk about when they came out!" But they did not, at least not that was shown. Did the one fellow say he thinks relationships should be open? Yikes. And too funny that the other guy said a shrimp jumped up and bit him in the face. The waitress should have said their shrimp wouldn't do that. The 80-something woman was beautiful. If she colored her hair, she could pass for much younger. Her date, however ... is it because old people don't care any more that they just come right out and say they want sex? I find that creepy, and it doesn't make me look forward to dating when I'm old(er). I still remember creepy Fast Eddie from a few weeks ago. I don't even know what to think about the guy who brought Jenga and edelweiss, but his date was a good sport and a good catch IMO. She deserves better, and from the ending credits, looks like she might have found it.

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

I don't even know what to think about the guy who brought Jenga and edelweiss, but his date was a good sport and a good catch IMO. She deserves better, and from the ending credits, looks like she might have found it.

I was thinking he was trying way too hard. She had it right asking him to be himself and not "on" all the time. You could tell she didn't want a second date but was being nice for the cameras. The bow tie, suit, plant and Jenga screamed that he always wants to be the center of attention.

And the tape for the "not first date" questions and covering the Jenga logo (why did they even bother?) would definitely interfere with the playing of Jenga.

This show seems to have the best batting average for the gay and older couples.

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The bespoke suit guy seems like he only needs to date women named Muffy or Peaches. Way too invested in his preppy lifestyle. On the other hand, his date was overly put off off by his singing and guitar. Unusual for a first date, maybe, but this isn't a normal situation and his voice and playing were fine.

I agree the MLB guy seemed very genuine and nice. Cute, too! His date is missing out.

Maybe seniors feel they need to put it out there if they expect sex to be part of relationship because a larger percentage of oldsters are no longer interested? A friend has four requirements for dating in her retirement community: liberal political views, no more than 3 medications, no oxygen tanks, and no sex.

I thought it was a little rude to push a non-seafood eater to try shrimp, of all things. It has an odd texture to begin with, and those were huge! Since they were served whole, were they even deveined? (I eat shrimp but sometimes they can bring to mind those large grubs and weevils that people eat. Shudder!)

Drew's narration and mannered way of speaking is starting to annoy me.

Edited by Lord Donia
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"Bespoke Guy" was way too pretentious!  He couldn't say "custom made?"  And if that suit was really custom made, why did it fit so badly?  Is it the fashion now to wear a suit that looks too small?  What was the splash of red for on the one shoulder?  Was it to offset the red carnation he forgot to wear?  It all looked very odd to me.  He belonged to a 'gentleman's club' and was the youngest member, I think he said.  Dude wants to come off as having old world manners and charm, but couldn't pull it off in the least. 

His date was definitely over the whole experience at the end.  She couldn't feign polite interest anymore, but wasn't to the point of cutting him down and walking off, so she settled for saying a second date was a possibility if he relaxed a bit.  She seemed enthusiastic about pulling off his bow tie, peeling off his jacket, and unbuttoning his top shirt button, but she maintained control enough to pull back and simply ask him if he felt more relaxed now.  He looked more relaxed, but I wonder if part of it was him being worried she'd cut him with her nails when she was digging around for that top button.  He actually looked the most real at that point, where he slumped back and said "Thank you, I feel better now."  Did he finally realize the 'show' he was putting on was the reason he couldn't seem to get past the first date, or was he just glad he'd made it out of this date unscathed?  Maybe the gents back at the club would know.

I was surprised the older couple continued seeing each other.  They didn't seem like a good fit, but we weren't there for everything they said to each other.  Or maybe they talked later and without the pressure of being on a show they came to an understanding.

I didn't like the one guy making his date eat shrimp.  Whether or not to eat shrimp should not be a deal breaker in a new relationship.  I sense control issues ahead.  What I would have liked to have seen was "Shrimp is your kryptonite?  I'll have the steak."

It would have been better if it had gone like this:  My youngest was ten when she made friends with a girl from S. Korea.  We were new to Seattle, and they'd immigrated the year before.  The other girl's parents wanted to do something nice for my daughter because she was the first friend their daughter had made in America. 

They invited her to dinner.  And served octopus.  We're not big seafood eaters, so my little girl was not thrilled.  If I'd served it to her, she knew she could have refused to try it, but she also knew that as a guest she should try her best to make the meal a pleasant time for everyone. 

The hosts realized that she was uncomfortable with the octopus (because most ten year olds aren't good actors), so they immediately offered to make her a grilled cheese sandwich, which they knew she liked because we'd had their daughter over for lunch and both girls bonded over the realization that grilled cheese was their favorite food.  The knowledge that she could have something else gave my daughter the courage to try the octopus.  She didn't really like it, but she was thrilled that it wasn't as bad as she'd feared.  There was a little bit of showing off involved, but she ate her whole portion.

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The date with the people from Tennessee -- I really liked his ready sense of humor and easygoing manner. Good for the woman for losing so much weight, but I thought she was kind of self-absorbed and from what we saw, never shut up.

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14 hours ago, A.Ham said:

MLB guy's date was a fool. That was a good man she let go there. I guess she'll keep on her bad boy quest. Good luck with that.

I immediately check out mentality when i here someone talking about wanting bad boys. Obviously date who you want. But, that just screams immature to me. I don't have time for it. I understand not wanting a pushover, someone who challenges you, etc. But, bad boys are generally just assholes. As you said, good luck with that. 

The line he said about he's my idiot hit me hard for some reason. Like I totally get what he means. It would be really lovely to be me at my silliest and the woman I love, while aware that I'm a silly idiot, still loves me and my silliness. I can always be me and for her its still awesome.

Edited by Racj82
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Nate 33... I'm not sure "type A, alpha males" dress like that and bring plants and question cards but OK, sure. I can believe he's 33 but it's like a balance between all the sun damage and the baby face. It's like OK... that evens out to 33, I guess. Nice body. Country club. Uses the word golddigger. Oh, boy. Jen 33 looks older than 33 to me. Sun damage. But I also think the heavy makeup and her natural features don't help... thinner lips, etc. And the haircut and center part look more severe on her. When she smiles, her face lights up and she looks younger so if she is 33, she should really be making some different hair, makeup, styling choices. She's doing herself up like a Real Housewife. Edelweiss... so hopefully anti-Nazi? 3 sisters but he says stuff like he's "generous and you'll be well taken care of." God, I can't get a read on this guy. Jen being married for 5 years makes sense at 33 (or older). I think Nate only having had a 3 month relationship is a little more worrisome. Maybe they were together a lot those three months but likely not. Nick brought a guitar... and he didn't sing the song from The Sound of Music. Get out. I still don't know what his deal is but he's very actor-y and gimmicky. I don't know if he was trying to meet someone as much as get camera time. Also, not a great singing voice. Insert joke about "white guy with acoustic guitar" or "guy who brings a guitar to the party." LOL, Jen's face when she says she would go on a second date. 

Carlos 24... he does not look 24. Maybe 26. Not being able to say "I love you" even to family is a bit weird. OK, Leo 27 looks like he's 27. Based on what Carlos said he wanted, Leo does seem like he's physically a good match. I don't love the idea that you meet someone and your walls come down. I feel like obviously you have to find the person who's worth letting in but you also have to do work on yourself to build a door in that wall. You can't just expect that finding the right person will fix everything if you have some unresolved issues. I'm not into Leo but for Carlos... I thought he was pretty charming. "Avert thine eyes" and all that. He was being cute and playful. Carlos is weird to me. How are "exclusive" and "boyfriend" different things? I was not really sure what Leo was saying because he was dancing around it. Does "there's still going to be an attraction to other people" mean I'm going to act on that attraction or... don't be jealous if I'm attracted to other people but don't do anything about it? Generally I thought Carlos has his own stuff he needs to work on but if he's 24, he's young so I get it. And Leo was generally pretty great. Also, good job on the editors not having them exclusively talk about their sexuality/identity. Yay! It felt like a good first date... like, not an immediate connection but there was potential.

Renelle 26 is gorgeous. Stanten 24. I believe he's 24 but even though he doesn't look young he seems young. At least the way he presented himself, he comes across very sweet. Aw, I liked what Renelle said about her dad. 2 years... it seems like it still affects her. She looked a little choked up at the end. They seemed to have a fine date. I wonder how Renelle would feel if he wasn't a "bad boy" but if he was a couple years older and more settled. Like, what if he still seemed kind and romantic and responsible but in a more mature way? Would she still want a athletic guy who would probably undervalue her? I did really like him. He seemed sweet and genuine but I also totally get if she didn't feel a romantic connection. It's there or it's not. He's better off finding a girl who's so happy to have him as "her idiot."

Susan 82. I'm not sure I would have gone with such a wide pant leg but she looked nice. So that's what it's like to age into a baby voice. Russell 85... I'll agree, they're both fairly attractive. It's funny they already know each other. I wonder how tough things were with his hearing aid. It seems like it was impeding the flow of conversation. "Maybe when he's 90, he'll change." XD I like Susan. Playing with her glasses... I wonder how many of those tricks are holdovers from her younger days. It would be fun to see an older couple where one or both them still plays by those old dating book rules. Curious at the end there that Russell also feels like Susan has a lot of "suitors."

Bethany 26, I'm not sure the long, straight hair is doing her any favors. Good for her for losing all that weight. She looks great. It's a little glamorous and heavy on the makeup though. The dark lipstick doesn't scream approachable. Looks 26, though. Chad 22, looks a little older than he is but still young. I'm not sure about these older women/younger guy couples this episode. I think it's tougher when you're young. When you're older the age difference probably feels less significant. But 22 and 26 can be very different places in life. Not sure about all the preening shirtless for the camera. Comedy website had me a little nervous but he didn't seem to be cracking a lot of jokes and "on" just a little easier to talk to and more charming than the normal guy, which was nice. She has a very cute laugh. They seemed fun and giggly at the end and I had no idea if they felt a connection or not. It wasn't like Renelle/Stanten (sure, let's chill) or Carlos/Leo (first date with potential). I have no idea what hanging out meant to the two of them or if they were attracted to each other or anything. Close to the vest those two. I wonder how hampered they are by the number of applications they get by people out of state. 

I wasn't that excited by any of the couples this episode but I think there's probably a good match out there for Stanten, Bethany, and Chad. It was nice to hear that Susan and Rusell are dating. 

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14 minutes ago, aradia22 said:


Nate 33... I'm not sure "type A, alpha males" dress like that and bring plants and question cards but OK, sure. I can believe he's 33 but it's like a balance between all the sun damage and the baby face. It's like OK... that evens out to 33, I guess. Nice body. Country club. Uses the word golddigger. Oh, boy. Jen 33 looks older than 33 to me. Sun damage. But I also think the heavy makeup and her natural features don't help... thinner lips, etc. And the haircut and center part look more severe on her. When she smiles, her face lights up and she looks younger so if she is 33, she should really be making some different hair, makeup, styling choices. She's doing herself up like a Real Housewife. Edelweiss... so hopefully anti-Nazi? 3 sisters but he says stuff like he's "generous and you'll be well taken care of." God, I can't get a read on this guy. Jen being married for 5 years makes sense at 33 (or older). I think Nate only having had a 3 month relationship is a little more worrisome. Maybe they were together a lot those three months but likely not. Nick brought a guitar... and he didn't sing the song from The Sound of Music. Get out. I still don't know what his deal is but he's very actor-y and gimmicky. I don't know if he was trying to meet someone as much as get camera time. Also, not a great singing voice. Insert joke about "white guy with acoustic guitar" or "guy who brings a guitar to the party." LOL, Jen's face when she says she would go on a second date. 

Carlos 24... he does not look 24. Maybe 26. Not being able to say "I love you" even to family is a bit weird. OK, Leo 27 looks like he's 27. Based on what Carlos said he wanted, Leo does seem like he's physically a good match. I don't love the idea that you meet someone and your walls come down. I feel like obviously you have to find the person who's worth letting in but you also have to do work on yourself to build a door in that wall. You can't just expect that finding the right person will fix everything if you have some unresolved issues. I'm not into Leo but for Carlos... I thought he was pretty charming. "Avert thine eyes" and all that. He was being cute and playful. Carlos is weird to me. How are "exclusive" and "boyfriend" different things? I was not really sure what Leo was saying because he was dancing around it. Does "there's still going to be an attraction to other people" mean I'm going to act on that attraction or... don't be jealous if I'm attracted to other people but don't do anything about it? Generally I thought Carlos has his own stuff he needs to work on but if he's 24, he's young so I get it. And Leo was generally pretty great. Also, good job on the editors not having them exclusively talk about their sexuality/identity. Yay! It felt like a good first date... like, not an immediate connection but there was potential.

Renelle 26 is gorgeous. Stanten 24. I believe he's 24 but even though he doesn't look young he seems young. At least the way he presented himself, he comes across very sweet. Aw, I liked what Renelle said about her dad. 2 years... it seems like it still affects her. She looked a little choked up at the end. They seemed to have a fine date. I wonder how Renelle would feel if he wasn't a "bad boy" but if he was a couple years older and more settled. Like, what if he still seemed kind and romantic and responsible but in a more mature way? Would she still want a athletic guy who would probably undervalue her? I did really like him. He seemed sweet and genuine but I also totally get if she didn't feel a romantic connection. It's there or it's not. He's better off finding a girl who's so happy to have him as "her idiot."

Susan 82. I'm not sure I would have gone with such a wide pant leg but she looked nice. So that's what it's like to age into a baby voice. Russell 85... I'll agree, they're both fairly attractive. It's funny they already know each other. I wonder how tough things were with his hearing aid. It seems like it was impeding the flow of conversation. "Maybe when he's 90, he'll change." XD I like Susan. Playing with her glasses... I wonder how many of those tricks are holdovers from her younger days. It would be fun to see an older couple where one or both them still plays by those old dating book rules. Curious at the end there that Russell also feels like Susan has a lot of "suitors."

Bethany 26, I'm not sure the long, straight hair is doing her any favors. Good for her for losing all that weight. She looks great. It's a little glamorous and heavy on the makeup though. The dark lipstick doesn't scream approachable. Looks 26, though. Chad 22, looks a little older than he is but still young. I'm not sure about these older women/younger guy couples this episode. I think it's tougher when you're young. When you're older the age difference probably feels less significant. But 22 and 26 can be very different places in life. Not sure about all the preening shirtless for the camera. Comedy website had me a little nervous but he didn't seem to be cracking a lot of jokes and "on" just a little easier to talk to and more charming than the normal guy, which was nice. She has a very cute laugh. They seemed fun and giggly at the end and I had no idea if they felt a connection or not. It wasn't like Renelle/Stanten (sure, let's chill) or Carlos/Leo (first date with potential). I have no idea what hanging out meant to the two of them or if they were attracted to each other or anything. Close to the vest those two. I wonder how hampered they are by the number of applications they get by people out of state. 

I wasn't that excited by any of the couples this episode but I think there's probably a good match out there for Stanten, Bethany, and Chad. It was nice to hear that Susan and Rusell are dating. 

I love your focus on their compared to how they look. I can't really read any of these differences, especially with a possible 2 to 3 years difference but that's just me.

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Maybe seniors feel they need to put it out there if they expect sex to be part of relationship because a larger percentage of oldsters are no longer interested? A friend has four requirements for dating in her retirement community: liberal political views, no more than 3 medications, no oxygen tanks, and no sex.

Actually wasn't there some statistic floating around about STDs on the rise above a certain age or in retirement communities? It was something like that. Probably widowed but with no real incentive to pair up again I can see how there would actually be a lot of sex in senior communities if they were so inclined. 

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On ‎5‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 1:09 PM, Zahdii said:

Bespoke Guy" was way too pretentious!  He couldn't say "custom made?"  And if that suit was really custom made, why did it fit so badly?  Is it the fashion now to wear a suit that looks too small?  What was the splash of red for on the one shoulder?  Was it to offset the red carnation he forgot to wear?  It all looked very odd to me.  He belonged to a 'gentleman's club' and was the youngest member, I think he said.  Dude wants to come off as having old world manners and charm, but couldn't pull it off in the least. 

Right.  He's never had a long term relationship, probably because he has to try so hard to be entertaining, that he's never just being himself.  After a few weeks he runs out of gimmicks, and has to find a new woman to show off to.    He brought a version of an ice-breaker game that you use for a therapy group.  It just all reeked of "aren't I clever?  Look at all these clever games and songs I have for you!"   I would hate  being on a date with someone who over-prepared like that. 

On ‎5‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 10:54 PM, A.Ham said:

MLB guy's date was a fool. That was a good man she let go there. I guess she'll keep on her bad boy quest. Good luck with that.

Yeah, she starts out by talking about how she wants to find a real relationship by not dating the kind of guy she always dates.  Then she gets fixed up with a genuinely nice guy, and he's "not her type."   Yeah, because your "type"  wasn't working for you! 

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17 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I immediately check out mentality when i here someone talking about wanting bad boys. Obviously date who you want. But, that just screams immature to me. I don't have time for it. I understand not wanting a pushover, someone who challenges you, etc. But, bad boys are generally just assholes. As you said, good luck with that. 


A lot of women go through a "dating bad boys"  phase, which ends when they want to settle down.  It's like something clicks, and suddenly you're looking for different qualities in a guy, like stability and communication.   I agree with you that Ranelle is immature.  She says she wants to make a change, but for some reason she finds nice normal guys to be boring.  Don't say you want marriage and children, if you're only letting yourself be attracted to "bad boys."

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On 5/14/2017 at 8:12 AM, Racj82 said:

I immediately check out mentality when i here someone talking about wanting bad boys. Obviously date who you want. But, that just screams immature to me. I don't have time for it. I understand not wanting a pushover, someone who challenges you, etc. But, bad boys are generally just assholes. As you said, good luck with that. 

The line he said about he's my idiot hit me hard for some reason. Like I totally get what he means. It would be really lovely to be me at my silliest and the woman I love, while aware that I'm a silly idiot, still loves me and my silliness. I can always be me and for her its still awesome.

My heart lurched against its cage when he said this.   That and the fact that he was so obviously enamored by her made me want to alternate beating her over the head with a nerf bat and begging her girlfriends to hold a:  you dumbass! style intervention.

On 5/15/2017 at 1:41 AM, backformore said:

A lot of women go through a "dating bad boys"  phase, which ends when they want to settle down.  It's like something clicks, and suddenly you're looking for different qualities in a guy, like stability and communication.   I agree with you that Ranelle is immature.  She says she wants to make a change, but for some reason she finds nice normal guys to be boring.  Don't say you want marriage and children, if you're only letting yourself be attracted to "bad boys."

Idris Elba syndrome.  Super stupid.   I think bad boys is a euphemism for men she finds not just garden variety pleasant to look at, extraordinarily handsome.   He was tall, athletically built, polite, sweet, compatible sounding interests - didn't she say she'd played softball for years?  Neither of them have kids or have been married......man?  He was a keeper from the door, to me but then again, I'd be slayed by a man who was a genuine sweetheart AND found me so stunning as to be robbed of the ability to form a coherent sentence.   This show was the best thing that could've happened to Cory, he'll be engaged in another month lol. 

When Miss Lana said she knew her date I was like, wow, it really is a small world.  Do either of them even live in the city where it's being taped?  I laughed at his hearing aid's selective efficiency.   Also super surprised to read that they were dating, he seemed way too self absorbed and invested in his player ways to want to be exclusive.   Maybe I just don't like hoes no matter how old they get lol!  I thought she was a class act though.

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1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

When Miss Lana said she knew her date I was like, wow, it really is a small world.  Do either of them even live in the city where it's being taped? 

The show is filmed at MK restaurant in the north side of Chicago.   They must both be from Chicago.  I know some others have been.  

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You have to watch the chyrons carefully when the introduce the daters.  It's filmed in Chicago, but all of the matches, whether they're local or not, are from the same geographic area.  For example, in this episode the girl who had lost all of the weight and her date were both from Tennessee.  They've had matches from Seattle, LA, Philadelphia, Kentucky/Cincinnati, etc.

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5 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Idris Elba syndrome.  Super stupid.   I think bad boys is a euphemism for men she finds not just garden variety pleasant to look at, extraordinarily handsome.   He was tall, athletically built, polite, sweet, compatible sounding interests - didn't she say she'd played softball for years?  Neither of them have kids or have been married......man?  He was a keeper from the door, to me but then again, I'd be slayed by a man who was a genuine sweetheart AND found me so stunning as to be robbed of the ability to form a coherent sentence.   This show was the best thing that could've happened to Cory, he'll be engaged in another month lol. 

I was struck by the fact that he didn't mention that he had played minor league baseball.  She seemed to have a thing for athletes.  I wonder if she would have let him slip categories if she had known that.  Instead she thought of him as a nice office type.  pretty silly.

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On 5/6/2017 at 4:31 PM, aamankwah said:

Yeah I was saying why can't she be first lady material when Melania is a model. By the way Melania is no dummy, she has a successful accessories business and speaks five languages. 

I disagree.  LOL.  Not unusual for Europeans to speak other languages.  I doubt she is fluent in all 5.  I smell a PR stunt on that one.  It isn't hard to have a successful business when your husband is rich and can hire people to create and manage it.  I do not believe, for one minute, she had a hand in making that business successful.  She or her husband had the idea for her to have a business and someone researched and found an opening in accessories and thought that the best way to go.  She is not smart.  

Edited by wings707
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On ‎5‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 6:29 PM, Lovecat said:

You have to watch the chyrons carefully when the introduce the daters.  It's filmed in Chicago, but all of the matches, whether they're local or not, are from the same geographic area.  For example, in this episode the girl who had lost all of the weight and her date were both from Tennessee.  They've had matches from Seattle, LA, Philadelphia, Kentucky/Cincinnati, etc.

Yes, that's something that this show does well.  On the Bachelor/ette franschise, one  (of the many)  reasons couples don't last is that they are often from very different areas of the country.  To make a go of it, someone has to be willing to give up everything and move. 

The older couple knowing each other didn't strike me as too unusual.  If I heard it correctly, they both belonged to a elderly social group.   I'm thinking that single 80- year olds living on the north shore in Chicago, who are still active and interested in dating, might be a small group.

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If you don't want the Jersey Shore stereotype, how about not unbuttoning your shirt to your waist with a big chain?

Telling your date you don't think you are good enough for them isn't ever going to end well.

I would have also had to question the medium. So much BS. And who was he on the phone with? I missed that if it was mentioned.

Poor Stanton. You could see that she could have eaten him alive. It seemed like she was testing him the entire date and he wasn't passing.

The last couple seems like the most compatible.

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I missed the first part of the episode. Why did that guy not feel like he was good enough for his date? He was nice looking and seemed normal, from the little I saw. Did he just lack confidence? Was he divorced?

i liked the last couple. 

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I took notes as I watched so I could remember and get their names down. 

Justine and Kyle.  Italian couple, with the cocky guy focused on looks with a woman who was berated in HS for being ugly, website and all.   And she tells him she was bullied and had a nose job.  Oh no.  You don't mention you had plastic surgery on the first date!  They opted for a second date but I didn't see the postscript on these two.  No way.  And who thought these two would work?  

Jennifer and Doug.  Married to Bill Gates sister for 21 years and didn't want the divorce.  Now that is one hell of an act to follow.  They both have been hurt.  He learned something important from her if he can take that in.  I don't believe he is happily dating someone else.  Not enough time elapses to claim that. 

Logan and Jacob.  Ohhh, a medium.  Oh this is not going well.  Several drinks later and he is not buying the medium stuff.  Major fail!  

Stanton and Bria.  What is up with her?  She came in looking for a fight.  Shocking they opted for a second date. ???  Epilogue says it was a no go.   Of course!  

Matt and Marie.  Oh please don't tell her you are a burn victim.  Oh gawd, he did.  What is the matter with these people?   Oh good grief, she gives the 'I don't want to bring kids into this corrupt world' rap.  What is she 18?   And they go on a second date.   Who would figure.  

This show lacks substance (understatement).  

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New Jersey Kyle, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...I think he's too shallow for her, plus he's the type who'll always be making little digs at her but when he's called on it claim that he was just being sarcastic or joking. Her self-esteem probably doesn't need that.

Jacob seemed to know he was dealing with a joke and was just barely playing along. His date seemed like he was performing to me, too "on". And OMG, 24 is old in gay years? That's brutal.

I think Bria might be too young and still into the fairy tale view of romance. And good grief, a black napkin to match her dress? Princess much? Poor Stanton, two swings and two misses. He might too earnest for these fast Chicago women.  ?

I thought Matt had a good personality but was kind of pushy (or over-assertive), and Marie looked older than 24 to me. I wonder why they were matched, other than they both seem like the walking wounded? They don't seem to want the same things but Marie in the post-date interview sounded like she was willing to be flexible. I got the sense that Matt has a narrow range of expectations and the woman has to show that she can fit into them.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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10 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

And good grief, a black napkin to match her dress?

She was very aggressive and just too much, but I thought this was because then she wouldn't get white fuzz on her dress from the white napkin.

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this was because then she wouldn't get white fuzz on her dress from the white napkin.

Yeah I know that's what she said. In my decades of eating in restaurants I have never encountered a non-paper napkin that left lint on my clothing. I think she just wanted to have herself a moment to act like a special snowflake. Restaurants can provide an easy stage for such people to put on their little routines.

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The black Chi Sox guy was so completely unsure of himself... he has alot going for him yet keeps putting himself at the mercy of every woman he meets. Don't get it.

And the divorced guy that was married to Bill Gates daughter didn't think he was good enough for her because she traveled alot?...lol what? Who cares... not everyone wants to travel the world and it doesn't make one that does better than another. Your brother in law was one of the richest, most famous people in the world, how about shes not good enough for you!...lol

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The guy who was a medium (as opposed to a large) was a twin for Miley Cyrus. I thought he was fun, while his "older" 24-year-old date was a little bitch. I can't say "little bitch" enough about that guy. What a (drunken) little bitch jerk. Then StantenPoint2! Yeay! But he's paired with a big bitch. WTH, show? The divorced man's date, I actually teared up at the end of that. He was sweet, good looking (shallow, I know) and wounded and needed a boost. He was articulate and wow, a great catch IMO, from the few minutes he was on my tv. I was glad to see he is dating someone now. He was a huge contrast to the Jersey guy ... man, another goomba, only this one was real to the core, unlike the nice Jersey barber last week. Hated this snarky guy who was hiding his jerkiness behind being "sarcastic." And yeah, WTH pairing him with someone with self-esteem issues. And the white napkin/black napkin was so her "beautiful gorgeous hot" black dress outline wouldn't be ruined by a white napkin, she wanted everyone in the restaurant to be able to admire her hotness. Heh, I actually typed "notness," which, IMO, is closer to the truth about Napkin Girl. And napkins don't leave "fuzz." On anything.

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