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First Dates - General Discussion

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Dantriell (black guy) said the he wanted a woman to be like fresh produce, an onion.  He wanted to peel back the layers and discover, integrity, beauty, love.   He got some produce that had NO layers!  She likes to dance on high surfaces.  ***eye roll***    Yes he was a jerk but so was she.  Good match in that respect!  

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Spoken like a true Wendy Williams watcher! (No shade intended)

Nope, not a fan of her politics. I had no idea that phrase was associated with her. Hmmm.


he clearly has a fetish, but a lot of people do.

I don't think there's anything wrong with having a fetish. I think the problem arises when you let the target know that's what they are. Unless they're deliberately putting themselves out there to be somebody's fetish it can be considered insulting and in the same bad neighborhood of objectification, IMO. Just because the blonde woman was apparently willing to objectify herself she might not want to assume everyone else is. But the guy was so into himself he probably didn't even realize it anyway.

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Episode 3: This can't be one of Chicago's most romantic restaurants. At the very least it's way too brightly lit for the cameras so there's no mood lighting.

I don't have much sympathy for 25-year-old single since college Kristen. I thought she looked a little sunburnt or maybe that's just normal for how much she's outside but it seemed like a lot of skin/sun damage for 25. Levi also looked older than 26. The conversation seemed a little dull. Not everyone's a natural communicator so I get that but it's harder for there to be sparks when you're not good at telling stories. I think Kristen was in a bland small talk place but she was good at it and Levi seemed to be struggling a bit. I'm also suddenly curious about where they were hiding the cameras and it if made any of the daters nervous if they could see them. I thought the producers did a nice job matching them up. Both relatively attractive. Both really into fitness and with that kind of mindset. I did think him moving his chair over was weird. I feel like when they started laughing together, things seemed to be going well but then we heard all about her dealbreakers. I do think some of it was cute... it reminded me of that app where you're matched on the things you both dislike. But then it got excessive. He's not a serial killer because he has a cat. It would be one thing as a joke but she actually seemed fixated on it. It all seemed very PG.

Mary Kay... I'm not sure if it's her chest so much as the fact that she's 65 and based on her appearance, she might be perceived as more desperate. Which is totally shitty, don't get me wrong. I appreciated that George was looking for someone in his age range, though I have to point out, he's still 8 years older than Mary Kay. Their conversation was boring to me but they seemed to be into it. There's a difference between what's entertaining to an audience and whether or not two people are engaged in their own conversation. Maybe I have the timeline wrong but what has she been doing for 20 years if not married or dating? That one date scared her that badly? I was surprised one of the older daters did the bathroom cell phone call. The entire time I've been dating, I sent a text to my best friend during the date one time. I get checking in after but during? George has been married 3 times! I felt like we needed to know more. I think the age difference created different priorities. He's ready to settle down and she's just getting back into dating. 

I think Nelson is really cute. But God, have I read that line about working out to eat more at least a hundred times on dating profiles. Stephanie seemed to have trouble walking in those high wedges. Why? Wear cute shoes or wear shoes you can walk in. Don't wear ugly shoes you can't walk in. Sorry. I don't drink, so maybe it's a good order but "whiskey sour with an egg white served up" sounds revolting. It sounds like a hangover cure, not something you drink when you have a choice. I think they did look like a very cute couple. He seemed really open and honest about his dating history but not in that weird oversharing Bachelor/Bachelorette way. Another bathroom cell phone call. I have to believe this was planned to some degree, to the point that there's a camera in there. I changed my mind about the oversharing when we got to him obsessing over the meal. Him talking about his weight loss seemed like a Bachelor thing. I will say again that they certainly looked like an adorable couple. Though they didn't give me the fluttery feelings of the gay couple in the past episode.

Am I going insane? Casey does not look 22 to me. Again with the sunburn, skin damage. Sunscreen is important! But there were other things like the wrinkles, etc. How much are you allowed to lie about your age on these shows? Benefit of the doubt, I think she was trying to be funny and coming off somewhere between awkward and offensive. Dantriell was listed as 30 but didn't look that much older than Casey. I don't want to say they were both creepers but they definitely seemed... ready and not put off by each other's forwardness. I got the sense she was downplaying the "party girl" thing and it might have been a bigger deal than she was letting on. Does anyone actually touch up their makeup mid-date? I might fix my eyeliner if it's smudged so I don't look like a raccoon or apply more lipstick but that's about it. Poly-enormous made it real gross, real fast. I love that Casey ended up saying no.

Jennifer looked familiar to me but I'm not sure if that's because she's been on other reality shows or because she just looks like people who have been on other reality shows. Do you know what I mean? Like with Nelson and Stephanie, they looked like a good match. I mean, to stereotype, they could have walked off the set of RHONJ. They already look like a couple. I think they fell into the boring to me but maybe engaging to each other conversation category. She gave off a lot of signs of being nervous while he was trying to be a little flirty without being too forward like Dantriell or having the conversation skills of Nelson. Poor Jennifer going out with two married men. I wonder how long it was before she found out. I didn't think it was suspicious like he has a girlfriend but again, I'm not into people who can't put their phones away for a few hours on a date. I feel like all those dating advice books are made for people like Jennifer. People who have all their shit together and who look fine and behave well but get pandered and told they're not believing hard enough or putting the right energy out there. I also totally got what she meant about not knowing more about him that when she first met him. But I wasn't suspicious about the texting until he got defensive in the talking head interview. If that wasn't staged, it was really dumb. Because I think he'd have to have been mic-ed at that point. Why take a phone call? 

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Thanks for saying that - as a male was afraid I'd get hammered for offering that.  I was okay with the sexual jokes, that's millennials these days.  But the shimmying on demand?  That right there screamed "bimbo" and "easy lay."   Granted, her date was a dick - but she opened the door wide open to his dickishness.  Things is, though the Blonde implied she was an exotic dancer, she came across as a pretty nice person looking for companionship.  She clearly has a fetish, but a lot of people do.

I didn't interpret it as her not looking for something casual but I did feel like they were both putting out an 'open to sex on the first date' kind of energy. Part of what was offputting was that he was already on a date with someone confident in her sexuality and he still felt like he needed to try and get the waitress' number. It was really disrespectful and I think it threw her openness back in her face. I didn't get exotic dancer at all. I was thinking she just likes dancing on bars and tables. Not like Coyote Ugly. In a non-professional capacity. 

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It's nice that the show is including seniors since they can hopefully bring a different perspective on relationships, life experience, dating and the importance of appearance. But ... that was one huge chin wattle on Mary Kay.

Then there's the older man from next week's previews whose tongue was, unsurprisingly, hanging out after meeting his put-together, attractive, slim date.

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6 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

It's nice that the show is including seniors since they can hopefully bring a different perspective on relationships, life experience, dating and the importance of appearance. But ... that was one huge chin wattle on Mary Kay.

Then there's the older man from next week's previews whose tongue was, unsurprisingly, hanging out after meeting his put-together, attractive, slim date.

Yes, she is stunning! 

11 hours ago, aradia22 said:

I didn't interpret it as her not looking for something casual but I did feel like they were both putting out an 'open to sex on the first date' kind of energy. Part of what was offputting was that he was already on a date with someone confident in her sexuality and he still felt like he needed to try and get the waitress' number. It was really disrespectful and I think it threw her openness back in her face. I didn't get exotic dancer at all. I was thinking she just likes dancing on bars and tables. Not like Coyote Ugly. In a non-professional capacity. 

They are both jerks, let's get that is out of the way.   He didn't like her from the moment they met and proceeded to make his TV appearance worth talking about.  I also figured the producer told the waitress to go to the table and engage him to see what would happen because they noticed him oogling her from the get go so decided to go with it. 

Edited by wings707
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 I also figured the producer told the waitress to go to the table and engage him to see what would happen because they noticed him oogling her from the get go so decided to go with it. 

I'm in agreement there. We already know there are plants (the maitre d', the bartender) to talk to the contestants. Insert old joke about actors/waiters but they're probably not making them work for tips. The waitress was putting up with way too much nonsense from him for that to be a real interaction.  

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On 4/21/2017 at 8:33 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

She also rude to be flirting with another woman's date right in front of her. I did think though that the blonde was trying too hard to prove she was all down with the swirl.

She made my skin crawl with all that "chocolate" nonsense and then he showed up and was equally horrible. Yuck on both.

That waitress. Side eye.  Years ago a waitress gave my husband her phone number while he and I were having lunch together. I got her ass fired. Made it uncomfortable for everybody without yelling and causing a scene. She did it sly. I didn't know until he turned red, flipped over the check, showed me the phone number with hearts above her name and asked me "Is this "b**ch" out of her mind?" 

We've talked about that lunch for over 20 years.

Anyway, the Asian guy was very handsome to me. Really liked him. He seemed open and truly ready for a relationship.  They were very cute together. She reminded  me of a grown up version of the little girl on Project Runway Junior who wore plant sprouts on her head.

That dude that got caught creeping before his date had a serial killer/abusive husband/bad guy vibe. There was something so dead behind the eyes, clueless and monotone about him. Still asking for her number after he got straight busted. Double yuck.

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I think the elderly gentleman was fairly lit up before he arrived at the restaurant. As the evening wore on and the booze or whatever wore off his behavior became less large and theatrical. His date had the patience of a saint.

The anti-gun woman seemed to me liked she sized the guy up negatvely as soon as she saw him. Then she proceeded to look for something concrete she could use to shut down the possibility of another date. But I also think the guy was a bit full of himself and his overdeveloped body.

The guy so proud of himself in his Italian suit apparently didn't bother to have it properly fitted/tailored. Then with his date something was odd about her face in the mouth area. She kept accentuating it by making the duckface. Good on her for just leaving though. There probably should've been nothing past when he asked her how old she was, almost as soon as he'd met her. Who does that?

I was glad to see that the anxious couple had continued dating. They seemed like a good fit because they understood each other's quirkiness.

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The Lyft driver and the giggle bucket will maybe work when their nerves settle.  They were an attractive couple.

Valley talking recycler was a mess but I liked her date and his relationship with his sister.

LOVED the girls!  

Major fails with older couple and the bossy blonde and tiger boy.  

I hope they do better next week.

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I find it funny that bossy blonde woman thinks that women don't age well, as the older lady was positively stunning! 

Edited by hula-la
I like the term bossy blonde that the previous poster used.
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I lost NBC a couple of days ago and still don't have it back.  A recap would be appreciated.  Does anyone know how long after the showing NBC will let me watch it on the NBC website?

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He should have asked her age because she looked way older than 34. Thought she was around 40 at least when she first appeared. He probably thought she was older than him. Also, he was sweet guy, a bit quirky but sweet. Her rejecting him so quickly, says a lot about her. She was extremely shallow and surface level. 

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11 minutes ago, Zahdii said:

I lost NBC a couple of days ago and still don't have it back.  A recap would be appreciated.  Does anyone know how long after the showing NBC will let me watch it on the NBC website?

It will be up tomorrow.   This show is hard to recap since there is no plot.  It is about personalities, body language, facial expression and conversation. 

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8 hours ago, eggsnbacon said:

He should have asked her age because she looked way older than 34. Thought she was around 40 at least when she first appeared. He probably thought she was older than him. Also, he was sweet guy, a bit quirky but sweet. Her rejecting him so quickly, says a lot about her. She was extremely shallow and surface level. 

Yes.  She came to the date looking for it to fail.  I call foul on the casting director.  Surely her dominant nature was very obvious during the interview.   My guess, not enough people who want to be on this show are available.  I assume they draw from the reality pool and most are hoping for something more meaty, like The Bachelor or another bigger name, so they decline the offer.  I assume these contestants are chosen from a video they have submitted. 

The sweet guy she was paired with deserved a shot at someone better.  I loved how he asked for her salmon dinner to be put in a doggie bag.  Loved that he ordered fried chicken and mashed potatoes!  

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10 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The guy so proud of himself in his Italian suit apparently didn't bother to have it properly fitted/tailored.

Right?! It was pulling across the back, loose in sleeves, and the lapels were starting to roll. He's one of those people who manage to look unkempt and slapdash no matter how much they spend on clothes and grooming. That benighted scruffy/unshaven look and lank hair didn't help.

My mind went on a trip with the Lyft driver ... why did he lose his damned government job? Change in administration? Sex scandal? Espionage!? I forget what he said he's studying, but it sounded kind of bogus.

Frankly, I want to date the sexy maitre D'.

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10 hours ago, wings707 said:

It is pretentious to be offended if someone asks your age, to me.  Stupid, really.   My guess is that she was in her late 40s and did not want that known. 

So what if she was trying to pass for younger than she was? A significant portion of our economy is based on people's desire to seem or feel younger. How was that any of his business? To me, in a social context that's just as rude as asking someone you just met how much they weigh. Wonder why he didn't ask to see her drivers license as long as he was determined to be judgmental. (And I'm not saying he'd never have a right to know her real age. If they kept dating and starting getting serious I think she'd need to tell him. But no way do I see someone leading with that question within minutes of meeting of someone unless there's an immediate legal or medical situation at hand.)

I'm now wondering how the showrunners match up the couples for dates. You'd think if someone had an age range preference the show would match them accordingly. Also, one would think these people are being vetted enough that they can't lie about their age. What would keep someone who's underage (for drinking) but looks older from lying about it to get on the show?

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12 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

So what if she was trying to pass for younger than she was? A significant portion of our economy is based on people's desire to seem or feel younger.

She could have been personable and coy in her response.  Her outrage, on phone to friend, was silly, to me.   Be proud of your age.  This is just my opinion.  

17 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I'm now wondering how the showrunners match up the couples for dates. You'd think if someone had an age range preference the show would match them accordingly. Also, one would think these people are being vetted enough that they can't lie about their age. What would keep someone who's underage (for drinking) but looks older from lying about it to get on the show?

I doubt much vetting goes on beyond criminal record.  Sure they look at ID if check drinking age but beyond that, probably not. 

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Fast Eddie was WAY too fast. Saying he had sex on his first date with his first date tells me he was hoping for the same this time. Big yuck. Guy doesn't understand women don't like the big fake rush, no wonder he's never been married. As for the guy asking a woman's age, BIG NO NO! And good on her for not telling. In college I dated a guy who thought I was younger than him. He was all Mr. Big Shot so eventually I let him know I was three years older. His attitude did a flip-flop in a heartbeat, even though I was the same person, I was now OLD. Men don't like when women are "older," even by one year. (I dumped the guy right after that.) Asking someone's age is like asking how much $ do they make. None of your business. Anyway, I did like the lesbian's brother, but WTH matching him with someone completely incompatible. The VO says people are matched, but in this case they were matched to cause conflict and controversy. I did like the guy telling his (older) date, hey, at least stay and have dinner. He did have a good attitude, I'll give him that. I would have stayed if I were that date. (She was pretty jerky though.) Liked the lesbian couple, just like the gay couple a few weeks ago. It seems same-sex people are more able to find a relationship than straights. I guess that says a lot about us as humans.

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I think the lesbian's malformed hand would have been a stumbling block for a lot of people but her former Christian puppeteer (!) date didn't even blink. I did chuckle a little when the short-haired one said she didn't consider herself butch.

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Fast Eddie was WAY too fast. Saying he had sex on his first date with his first date tells me he was hoping for the same this time. Big yuck. Guy doesn't understand women don't like the big fake rush, no wonder he's never been married. As for the guy asking a woman's age, BIG NO NO! And good on her for not telling. In college I dated a guy who thought I was younger than him. He was all Mr. Big Shot so eventually I let him know I was three years older. His attitude did a flip-flop in a heartbeat, even though I was the same person, I was now OLD. Men don't like when women are "older," even by one year. (I dumped the guy right after that.) Asking someone's age is like asking how much $ do they make. None of your business. Anyway, I did like the lesbian's brother, but WTH matching him with someone completely incompatible. The VO says people are matched, but in this case they were matched to cause conflict and controversy. I did like the guy telling his (older) date, hey, at least stay and have dinner. He did have a good attitude, I'll give him that. I would have stayed if I were that date. (She was pretty jerky though.) Liked the lesbian couple, just like the gay couple a few weeks ago. It seems same-sex people are more able to find a relationship than straights. I guess that says a lot about us as humans.

Actually a lot of gay people I know struggle to find and keep relationships. There are exceptions to the rule and we see it on the show. Many straight couples have worked out on the show.

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4 hours ago, saber5055 said:


Fast Eddie was WAY too fast. Saying he had sex on his first date with his first date tells me he was hoping for the same this time. Big yuck.


Yes.  In the epilogue he mentioned he stopped by her house to ask for a second date!  He was looking to get laid, clearly.  Shocking she gave him or he got  her address since she nixed a second date.  

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I didn't really blame the guy for asking his date how old she is.  When I saw her hair extensions, botoxed face, enhanced lips, the first thing I wondered was her age.  Though the show said she's 34, I would have guessed more like 44.

Then again, 60 year old Lana looked 70  to me.

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9 minutes ago, backformore said:

I didn't really blame the guy for asking his date how old she is.  When I saw her hair extensions, botoxed face, enhanced lips, the first thing I wondered was her age.  Though the show said she's 34, I would have guessed more like 44.

Then again, 60 year old Lana looked 70  to me.

They probably ask what age range or are you willing to date or a preference for someone younger/older in the interview.  That is most likely what prompted the guy to ask her age since he stated he did not want an older woman.  My guess.  You would only ask that question if you smelled a rat.  Her not answering, answered his question.  

The older woman was very unattractive, too much or bad work.    

Edited by wings707
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19 minutes ago, backformore said:

I didn't really blame the guy for asking his date how old she is.  When I saw her hair extensions, botoxed face, enhanced lips, the first thing I wondered was her age.  Though the show said she's 34, I would have guessed more like 44.

Then again, 60 year old Lana looked 70  to me.

Same.  She was SO precious to herself.  Trying to look and sound like she was 22. 

Women need to embrace their age with class.  Not try to effect a young persona. 

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The old Romeo was definitely a close-talker.  I would have been turned off by that.  I don't like someone I have just met trying to get in my space.

I think the only people worried about being asked their age are the ones trying to fake their age. 

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Older couple Eddie and Launa - He thought he was getting something before she even walked in.  Loved her!  For a woman who survived cancer twice she looks great.  Is she really only 60?  I give her credit for staying for the whole date.  She was trying to find common ground and he could have cared less.  He didn't ask one question about her.

Ommid and Candace - it's a first date.  Why wouldn't you answer a basic question about your age.  This is not a job interview.  Her not answering and then getting pissy about it would have been it for me.  She said, in a talking head, that she was 34.  34?  She looks way older.  I thought at first he was going to be the idiot.  I was wrong.  She was a mess.  Loved that he told her to just sit down and eat as friends and then when she left, he ate his dinner and took hers to go. My advice for people is to go on dates and you might not find the love of your life but you just may find a life long friend.

The siblings and their blind dates.  Molly and Rena and Austin and Colleen - The girls were just fine and very cute.  I could see that Molly, who has been out for years, was a bit apprehensive about Rena who just came out.  I get it.  Must be a lot of work and patience to "help" someone acclimate.  They both seemed to enjoy the date.  Austin and Colleen were a mess.  I too would not date a person who carries a gun.  I come from a family that hunts but our guns are disassembled and the ammo is kept separately.  I get it is a deal breaker for both sides.  He seemed to be negative from the start.  I was surprised to find out that he fights for low-income residents.  I was surprised to see her almost wanting a second date.  I saw the hesitation and the look in her eyes.  For the brother and sister to openly step aside and do a shot was disrespectful all the way around.

Sam and Rachel - cute couple and seemed well matched.

Edited by jumper sage
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I like this series.  But I hope the producers don't try to turn it into another Housewives-type show -- matching people who are NOT a match, manufacturing drama.  I would like to just go on the adventure with the daters (is that a word?).  More interaction, less sleaze.  And DEFINITELY fewer 20- and 30-something females who think they are all that, and their dates are lucky to share air space. 

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5 hours ago, Losemynumber said:

On the screen it showed Lana's age as 69. She did too  much plastic surgery and/or procedures to her face. Eddie was a creep.

She has fought cancer twice.  The chemical they use to fight the cancer ravages your body.  My friend has been fighting brain tumors for 5 years and they now just found a 4th tumor.  Her tumors usually slip down her spine.  She has been through 2 separate spinal surgeries and is not a candidate for another one.  The last tumor to slip down her spine they  put her through 40 sessions of radiation.  Her head blew up like a melon.  Her skin has changed.  While she has not lost her hair the texture and fullness has depleted.  I think Launa looks beautiful.

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12 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Ommid and Candace - it's a first date.  Why wouldn't you answer a basic question about your age.  This is not a job interview.  Her not answering and then getting pissy about it would have been it for me.  She said, in a talking head, that she was 34.  34?  She looks way older.  I thought at first he was going to be the idiot.  I was wrong.  She was a mess.  Loved that he told her to just sit down and eat as friends and then when she left, he ate his dinner and took hers to go. My advice for people is to go on dates and you might not find the love of your life but you just may find a life long friend.

Even if you don't find a friend, a date can be a way to get out and talk to someone about yourself, brush up on your conversational skills, maybe figure out what you are and are not looking for in a date.  If you're ON a date and find there's no connection, no future, stay and be polite, finish dinner, and consider it a rehearsal for when you're on a date with someone you like. 

7 hours ago, Losemynumber said:

On the screen it showed Lana's age as 69. She did too  much plastic surgery and/or procedures to her face. Eddie was a creep.

AH.  Ok, that makes more sense.  I swore I saw her age listed as 60. 

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20 hours ago, CatsAndMoreCats said:

I like this series.  But I hope the producers don't try to turn it into another Housewives-type show -- matching people who are NOT a match, manufacturing drama.  I would like to just go on the adventure with the daters (is that a word?).  More interaction, less sleaze.  And DEFINITELY fewer 20- and 30-something females who think they are all that, and their dates are lucky to share air space. 

I agree. What I love about the Canadian version (haven't seen the UK, but hear it's sweet and lovely) is that there's little manufactured drama.  There are some complete tools on the show, and not everyone is a match, but that's how dating goes.  I don't need to see manufactured bad dates--anyone who has gone on dates has had their own bad date stories to tell, (ooh, that would be a great thread for this show!).

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I agree that Ommid's date looks a lot older than 34. I'm 47 and she looks older than I do. That being said, I'm on her side that it's a rude question to ask someone you've just met.  I understand the curiosity, but use a filter. He said in his talking head moment that he looks younger than he is...um, no.  They were a bad match all the way around.

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On 5/1/2017 at 0:59 PM, jumper sage said:

I don't get the idea that asking a DATE their age is rude.  It would be my first question.  If someone was way out of range, why would you waste your time?

A woman not telling her age is playing into the idea construct that women have a shelf life and over 40 is shaky territory.  

Edited by wings707
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On 4/15/2017 at 3:28 AM, Lord Donia said:

Dylan, the man who dates by going to a bar with four beer bros and waiting for woman-manna to fall from heaven ... oh, dear. Like the pocket ballpoint pen nerd from last week, my heart went out to him. Seems like a good person but he could benefit from a few weeks with a real life Hitch.

I would never have matched bearded Woody with Southern Sara, but at least they could, if necessary, gnaw on body parts together. Weirdest dating criteria ever: no unadventurous eaters!

Good for the gay guys. I hope they have found a lot more in common than shared loneliness, mothers, and coming out stories.

Dylan looked like he was stoned off his ass from the minute he walked in.  Bad conversationalist, couldn't remember her name.  I felt sorry for his date!

Loved the gay guys, although the superficial person I am thought the salt-and-pepper one was handsome and could do better than who he was matched up with. But he sure seemed to like the match.  And they were so cute.

Hated Woody the first time.  Hated him the second time too.

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On 4/30/2017 at 8:20 PM, jumper sage said:

She has fought cancer twice.  The chemical they use to fight the cancer ravages your body.  My friend has been fighting brain tumors for 5 years and they now just found a 4th tumor.  Her tumors usually slip down her spine.  She has been through 2 separate spinal surgeries and is not a candidate for another one.  The last tumor to slip down her spine they  put her through 40 sessions of radiation.  Her head blew up like a melon.  Her skin has changed.  While she has not lost her hair the texture and fullness has depleted.  I think Launa looks beautiful.

I thought she looked freaking amazing!  To be her age and look so fit and elegant.  Loved her.

On 5/1/2017 at 3:59 PM, jumper sage said:

I don't get the idea that asking a DATE their age is rude.  It would be my first question.  If someone was way out of range, why would you waste your time?

Same here.  It's a very pertinent fact about life.  If you can't ask that on date 1, when is it appropriate?  And if I couldn't get a straight answer from someone on something so basic, I'd question every answer I get.

And Ommid and Candace were perfectly matched in terms of irritating AF voices.

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And another friend zone. Radio host was on the attack from the first minute and the alcohol (I lost count) probably didn't help either.

Um, pageant ladies do end up with presidents but not as first lady.

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Shorter guy ended nicely. Her first reactions were like WTF but nicely actually looked at him for him and not his size. Oops, chickened out or was just playing nice for the cameras.

I'm not a meathead (can't open door). lol

Referring to your date as first lady material is just creepy. No wonder nobody trusts politicians.

And 3 dog lady did imply that she had 3 kids and 3 dogs.

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I bet the pagent girl and the president may last awhile if not a love match.  I liked them both. Best match so far this season. 

The little guy and his date seemed to work well enough but she was being kind on camera and didn't Want to refuse a  second date. I loved the postscript.  It probably did t go down like that but funny.  

Loved the barber and colorist!  She was a tad annoying in her reluctance to trust him.  It is the first date, for cryin  out loud,  take it easy.  

Tequila shot was a mess.  How obnoxious!  Her date was adorable.  He deserved better. 

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

I bet the pagent girl and the president may last awhile if not a love match.  I liked them both. Best match so far this season. 

The little guy and his date seemed to work well enough but she was being kind on camera and didn't Want to refuse a  second date. I loved the postscript.  It probably did t go down like that but funny.  

Loved the barber and colorist!  She was a tad annoying in her reluctance to trust him.  It is the first date, for cryin  out loud,  take it easy.  

Tequila shot was a mess.  How obnoxious!  Her date was adorable.  He deserved better. 

I agree with you on pagent girl and president wanna-be.

The little guy called her at 4 am to go surfing and she hit the snooze - awwwwwww.

Barber and colorist = good match but she has so many issues and probably needs to work them out.  Even after he couldn't work the door, I really liked him.  He is a catch and she just might screw it up.

Oh tequila shot (perfect description, by the way) was a mess.  She came off so uppity and shrew and then tried to apologize and ask about him but he was already turned off.

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I agree that Shamara is, to use her own term, a blessing blocker, but I wouldn't be willing to take on a guy with four kids and two exes, either. I wanted to know why her date "used" to listen to her show.

The plumber was kinda skeevy (but oddly accurate) when describing how he imagined his date to have real breasts, long hair, taut thigh muscles, tight red bandage dress, etc. Otherwise he seemed genuine and honest. I thought he and his date were getting along really well, but turns out she was being fake nice. I guess he wasn't rich or good looking enough for her. She certainly walked unceremoniously out of their post-date interview and left him gaping. Rude!

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I agree that the colorist and her obsession with men as cheaters may ruin this match before it gets very far.  Too bad, it had all the markings of working out well.  

I forgot about the plumber.  He seemed like a nice guy.  Describing how he wanted his date to look was  coached since she looked exactly like that, red dress and all.  That was no coincidence.  

The insecure woman with 2 dogs and a cat was told to mention her fear of cheaters, too.  They pluck things from their interview and request they say them.  First dates are difficult and conversation strained so producers have to prime the pump.  

Again, I wish they would keep their names on the screen in the lower left corner so we can remember them. 

2 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

I wanted to know why her date "used" to listen to her show.

Since she is local (to him) and clearly known for her brash personality, many in the area have probably tuned in on occasion or at least familiar.   He couldn't say currently listened for fear of her talking about something up that happened recently.  

Edited by wings707
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Tequila shot was a mess.

Yeah, it was interesting the way she was throwing back so much liquor so quickly. She's not a kid in her 20s who can more easily get away with that. At first I was surprised she didn't throw up but then I thought maybe if she drinks like that all the time her body's probably used to it. So, possible alcoholic and apparent serial baby daddy. Wonder why the show thought that might be a good match? (Or were they just hoping for good antics for TV?)


The plumber was kinda skeevy (but oddly accurate) when describing how he imagined his date to have real breasts, long hair, taut thigh muscles, tight red bandage dress, etc.

I thought was really clever the way they did her introduction by having him describing pretty much how she looked as she walked up. It almost made me wonder if whether it was staged and someone had already clued her in on how to look for the date.


A woman not telling her age is playing into the idea construct that women have a shelf life and over 40 is shaky territory.  

A man asking a woman he just met her age is playing into the same idea construct unless he's concerned that she might be legally underaged. Why is the blame put on her and not on him? Or on the show for putting him with an older woman if they perhaps knew it was going to be an issue for him? Seems to me like they set her up to put on the spot and unfortunately for her she didn't handle it gracefully. (And none of us likely know that she is indeed older than she said. Maybe she's had a hard life and it's telling on her face.)

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