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Daenerys 'Stormborn' Targaryen: The Breaker Of Chains, Mother Of Dragons Etc

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I hope that Jesus Christ Superstar scene outside of Yunkai in the Season 3 finale doesn't go to her head.

Oh, man, don't remind me.  The whitest girl in the world being held over a sea of brown people and being hailed as their "mother" made me puke in my mouth a little.

However, despite all that, I have a soft spot for the character of Daenerys.  It's hard not to root for her, after all she's been through.  I don't know if I want to see her on the Iron Throne, but I am fascinated by her journey.

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I like Dany and there's stuff that I don't think has been on the show yet that tempers the mighty whitey aspect of her story a bit, though whether the show can present it without boring us to death remains to be seen.

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Viserys had molten gold poured over his head and he burned like the little bitch he was so I don't think Targaryens are impervious to fire.  Dany may be a special case but it could be she was fireproof for the events leading up to and including that one dragon-hatching spell.  

Personally I'd like to see her get scorched a little.  I don't think she's any kind of messiah, just another teenager with (probably too much) power.

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Aerion Brightflame wasn't fireproof either, as Joffrey cheerfully reminded Margaery in season 3. 

I think Dany's fireproofing was mystical in nature, rather than a Targaryen trait. Whether it's permanent or not, I've no idea.

But I wish I liked her character more. I really, really like Emilia Clarke as an actress, but I just find Dany to be resolutely difficult to like, and getting worse. I often feel like Emilia is playing her as though she's on the fence regarding the Targaryen madness. Because that power does seem to go to her head, and she exhibits bouts of almost Joffrey-like tantrums, where she feels herself righteous and anyone else can go burn (literally).

So far, her rage has mostly been directed at slavers and murderers and the like, so she gets a bit of a pass, but I wouldn't be surprised to see her screech "dracarys" if someone thoroughly decent annoyed her enough.

I read an interview from the producers, saying that her storyline in season 2 was supposed to be frustrating for audiences, because we were watching Dany learn that she can't just have things her own way. My response to that? 'Huh?' I didn't see her learn anything of the sort. She stomped around demanding ships and then demanding her dragons back, she seethed about the impertinent merchant council who didn't immediately bow down to her awesomeness, and then watched as they were fortuitously killed by the Warlocks. She then killed Pyat Pree and Xaro, and swanned off with all the riches her Dothraki could pinch.

From that point, it's just been onward and upward for her, until she became White Girl Jesus to all the slaves.

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Other than the CWesque romance plots, I like Dany, but I do find that her story drags, particularly once it hits Mereen. I'm leaning towards none of the current contenders sitting the iron throne, so I'm going to say no, for now.

I actively can't stand Jorah and hope he gets eaten by a dragon along with all her other suitors. He gives me the Littlefinger creeps.

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Aww, I love Jorah, and I love Dany. 


She's been through a really incredible journey, though the show glosses over it. Can you imagine being her and having to go through the day to day? The filth, the death, the politics, the danger, the STANK? Seriously. 


She's no princess sitting high above everything. She may not have to scrounge for sustenance, but she once did. They had no water or food when they crossed the Dothraki sea. Don't forget what she's been through. She lost her husband, her son, her circumstance. Just because the show has her all Commando Dany, do not forget, she DID earn it. 

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The story in Meereen didn't become interesting to me until it was told from Barristan's POV, and I really wish there had been some POVs from Jorah.  He's not the most likable guy in the books but he fascinates me as a character.

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Yes but remember all it took for them to GET to Mereen. It's been huge, and epic. Filthy, hard, death all around. A journey rife with obstacles, blazing heat, desolation, starvation... and that's just the basics. 


Damn. I doubt I could have survived it. Dany, and Jorah, did.

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I liked that the Meereen storyline showed her how hey, it's hard to actually rule places, especially places where you know nothing

, Jon Snow

about the culture; the counterbalance to the scene from the end of season 3 where she's going and saving all the brown people that everyone (rightfully) was kind of squirmy about. That said, the scenes themselves kind of dragged, and I'm sure it'll be much abbreviated in the show.

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Willowy true, and I liked Dany and her story in the first few books (though she started to annoy a bit in ASOS).  Her chapter when she finds the abandoned city and gives her tiny group time to heal was one of the best ones.


When she's spouting off with such gems as, "I am the blood of the dragon, do not presume to teach me lessons!" I'm over her.  Especially when she refuses to leave her luxury pyramid and go out into society and really learn about the people she wants to rule; she derisively calls trying to relate to them as donning "floppy ears."   Her refusal to learn doesn't bode well for Westeros since she doesn't want to hear the truth about her father or the details of what brought about Robert's Rebellion or find out much about Westeros in general.  


I want someone to come along and remind her she needs to sit down and learn some lessons, and that she's not a dragon, she just another pink primate who can burn as easily as anyone else.

Edited by GreyBunny
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Dany definitely begins to buy her own press a bit too much, but this is GOT, I'm sure she'll get knocked down a peg or three before it's over.

She has been shown to be a pretty sucktastic ruler thus far, but I think she is capable of getting better, if she can ever move past this Targaryan fantasy she has going and she doesn't lapse into full blown Targy batshit crazy.

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I like Dany, and I think her heart's in the right place, but she is young and sometimes it shows. Her instincts about people are pretty terrible, and she's definitely too prideful and she pays for both. But as we've been discussing w/r/t Jaime in this episode, there are so few people in this series who truly want to do the right thing, and she is one of them. So I like her even if I find her sections in the latter books tedious.

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As was said above, I expect her to be taken down a peg or two... or three before the end.  I think it's Martin's end game to have her on the throne, but unlike the usual "happily ever afters" where 10 Years Later everything is okay, I think he will show Dany struggling with how to rebuild the kingdom and keep the peace.  He may even end the novel suggesting that the turmoil is far from over.

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I generally like Dany, and see her as a potential savior of Westeros (dragons vs zombies, it's a fantasy-lover's wet dream). My problem is that her current characterization makes it hard for me to see her ever leaving Slaver's Bay.

1. She sacked Astapor, and learned the lesson that "hey, that's not so good for the survivors". She picked up a train of freed slaves who didn't want to hang around for the aftermath.

2. She freed the slaves of Yunkai without sacking the city, and learned the lesson "antagonizing an enemy then leaving him behind just means he's going to come after you". She picked up even more hangers-on as a result, a bunch of "walking mouths" that she considers her children.

3. She conquered Meereen, and decided to stay so she could learn how to rule. The thing is, a ruler never stops learning, so when will she say "okay, time to move on".

She's so invested in the welfare of her "children" that, short of brain damage or or some magical mind-wipe, she won't abandon Meereen because she knows what will happen to the people who stay behind: re-enslavement and death. I don't think even Tyrion's idea that she'll want to go rescue her nephew will be enough motivation to overcome her savior complex regarding the freed slaves.

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At this point, I don't know what to make of Dany.  Part of me enjoys her journey/arc, the other part of me just wants her to get her ass to Westeros, already.  I don't think Martin intends to have her on the Iron Throne when all is said and done; in fact, I have a strong suspicion that she might die during a final, epic battle or something.  I'm still with her, though.  Even though she frustrates me, the character keeps pulling me back in.  Maybe it's the hair.

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I don't think she needs to be knocked down a peg, she's been knocked down her entire life until now. She's learning about her power as she goes along, she's committed to her valid birthright, and she's got a set of admirable ideals. Her firm sense of right and wrong is also a good trait for a leader to have, and she's shown she can be ruthless to violent assholes. 


I think the Iron Throne could do a lot worse than have her sitting upon it. While I ultimately want Tyrion, if something were to happen to him I believe she'd be a worthy successor. 


(whispers) Especially if she got together with Jon Snow. heh heh.

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It would suck if Dany came to Westeros, actually managed to inspire the downtrodden people, and then was stabbed to death in the final battle (by someone like Cersei, no less).  Yet I could see Martin being that cruel.  Hope I'm wrong, though.

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It would suck if Dany came to Westeros, actually managed to inspire the downtrodden people, and then was stabbed to death in the final battle (by someone like Cersei, no less).  Yet I could see Martin being that cruel.  Hope I'm wrong, though.

I think Martin will kill most everybody by the end of it.  Only Walder Frey will survive, 110 years old with a 16 year old bride.

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Dany will get out of Meereen when the plot is ready for it. At some point, presumably the supernatural elements of the story will collide with the political machinations. If he hasn't moved Dany to Westeros before that happens, then I can at least see her learning about the zombie invasion and heading to Westeros to deal with that.

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I forgot to mention my other irritation with an otherwise likeable character:  her infatuation with Daario Naharis.  I realize she's a teenage girl with a crush on the "bad boy", but it's so trite.  It reads like a Twilight fan-fic. 

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She IS a teenager, surrounded by women, old men, and eunuchs, and her husband is dead. So her options for sexual interactions are somewhat limited. Here comes this hot, brash, warrior who obviously can handle himself, has a little culture, and is no stranger to the ladies. Seriously, in Dany's position, what would you do? ;)


From a purely evolutionary aspect, it makes perfect sense. Of course the beautiful kids will be attracted to each other. Biology trumps station. 

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She's a bloodthirsty maniac and must be stopped.

When you can actually debate whether or not Joffrey is more merciful than you, you're doing it wrong.

When police start becoming their own executioners, where's it gonna end, Briggs?
Pretty soon, you'll start executing people for jaywalking
And executing people for traffic violations
Then you end up executing your neighbor cause his dog pisses on your lawn

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I often feel like Emilia is playing her as though she's on the fence regarding the Targaryen madness.


I agree with that.  Her manner can sometimes go eerily calm - like when she ordered all those masters killed.  I think Ser Barristan's response here was the first time the show has hinted that Daenerys might not be the ideal ruler.

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I confess I'm a little bored with Dany's storyline. How many episodes have revolved her wandering dry terrain, banging on various cities' doors, and then throwing their system into chaos and murder?

Does she HAVE a plan? Or does she intend to just collect grateful ex-slaves indefinitely? How does she feed and take care of these people? I don't even understand why, once the slaves have overthrown/killed their masters, they aren't just hanging out in the city once Dany's moved on. I mean, do they really wanna just wander after her in the desert forever and risk their lives for her?


I don't hate her because she does seem to be trying to right some wrongs, but girl has some entitlement issues and some vengeance issues. She's very much 'my way or the highway (or death)', and that's not indicative of a great ruler either, IMO.


I think I preferred the Dany who was still trying to find her footing and gaining confidence in herself. This Dany is all "bitch, I have dragons so fucking bend to my will or else.." while smugly condescending to the men who salivate after her. It's a little annoying.


Sometimes I want the dragons to ditch her ass and fly off...

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The fine citizens of Meeren made a decision to torture, murder and display the bodies of 163 children solely to send Dany a message that she should think twice before messing with them. 

I understand Selmy's point about mercy but if ever a city deserved an eye for an eye justice it's Meeren.  

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The fine citizens of Meeren made a decision to torture, murder and display the bodies of 163 children solely to send Dany a message that she should think twice before messing with them.

I understand Selmy's point about mercy but if ever a city deserved an eye for an eye justice it's Meeren.


Was it stated that they specifically did that to warn her off? I must have missed that; I thought it was sort of a 'welcome mat' to any visitor, indicating that Meeren don't take no shit from its slaves. And Dany has now answered that with let me show you how much "slave owners and child killers piss me off."  :)


I would like to know how Dany selected which masters were kept for display. Maybe I'm just naive but I like to think that not ALL masters in Meeren were total assholes who supported the murder and display of children along the road.


Regardless, I still think it's unlikely that such a city would allow its slaves to gather together in one place like that. Isn't that a prime opportunity for them to unite and plan a rebellion?


Anyway, I am ready for Dany to move on from her hobby of collecting humans to something more interesting. I honestly feel that I could have skipped over almost all her scenes this season and missed nothing of importance.

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Was it stated that they specifically did that to warn her off? I must have missed that; I thought it was sort of a 'welcome mat' to any visitor, indicating that Meeren don't take no shit from its slaves. And Dany has now answered that with let me show you how much "slave owners and child killers piss me off."  :)


I would like to know how Dany selected which masters were kept for display. Maybe I'm just naive but I like to think that not ALL masters in Meeren were total assholes who supported the murder and display of children along the road.


Regardless, I still think it's unlikely that such a city would allow its slaves to gather together in one place like that. Isn't that a prime opportunity for them to unite and plan a rebellion?


Anyway, I am ready for Dany to move on from her hobby of collecting humans to something more interesting. I honestly feel that I could have skipped over almost all her scenes this season and missed nothing of importance. 

I assumed the bodies were there for Dany's benefit.  The bodies seemed fresh.  You could be right; it might be something they do on a regular basis. 

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Was it stated that they specifically did that to warn her off? I must have missed that; I thought it was sort of a 'welcome mat' to any visitor, indicating that Meeren don't take no shit from its slaves. And Dany has now answered that with let me show you how much "slave owners and child killers piss me off." :)

I would like to know how Dany selected which masters were kept for display. Maybe I'm just naive but I like to think that not ALL masters in Meeren were total assholes who supported the murder and display of children along the road.

I think it's a given this was a "warning" just like the pissing champion, because Dany's Slaver's Bay opponents are just that stupid and 1-dimensional. What's really been missing in her post-s1 sl are nuanced enemies like Viserys and Mirri Maz Duur.

Big yes to your second paragraph, that is the question. Which masters were actually responsible for that? Was it the decision of 163 masters together, one murdering each child? The only question Dany asked was how many slaves they saw on that road. The way Ser Barry was talking about her "subjects", it seems plenty of masters survived the uprising and Dany just picked 163 at random. Another thing different prior to her adventures in Slaver's Bay was that her justice was always aimed at people directly responsible for the crime. What does her eye for an eye justice accomplish? If she ever leaves Slaver's Bay, her justice isn't going to ensure the fine citizens learn their lesson and get along peacefully. And as long as she sticks around how is crucifying 163 masters gonna quell resistance if destroying a city in dragonfire couldn't? I don't think it's madness so much as that Dany's do-gooding has gotten her into a quagmire with no exit strategy.

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What does her eye for an eye justice accomplish?


I guess that by her logic, people like that don't deserve a chance at redemption.So, a dead slaver is a slaver who won't repeat their crime. There is a certain logic to it - and it will increase her reputation - but it may result in some tough encounters ahead. It's one thing to free a bunch of slaves (there was nothing stopping her from having Grey Worm lead all the interested slaves out of the city via the sewers to avoid violence) but it's quite another to encourage slaves to kill all the masters. She's training them to kill. God help her if they ever view her as a master.


I would just like it if, occasionally, we were shown that some freed people didn't join her entourage. I mean, aren't there some people with family out there they'd like to re-join? Someone who would not like to trade one type of servitude (slave) for another (soldier)? I have trouble believing that these downtrodden people are eager to join her ever-increasing human marathon through the arid and inhospitable land of wherever.

Edited by NoWillToResist
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The fine citizens of Meeren made a decision to torture, murder and display the bodies of 163 children solely to send Dany a message that she should think twice before messing with them.


I understand Selmy's point about mercy but if ever a city deserved an eye for an eye justice it's Meeren.

I'm not sure how lowering herself to their level burnishes Daenerys's claim to lead.

Do we have any evidence that the citizens of Mereen unanimously agreed to crucify the children?

Otherwise, how do we know the masters selected for crucifixion were the most culpable?

Without that, it just comes of as an excuse to torture and murder people.

It's not looking good when Tommen appears to have better sense in the abstract than Daenerys, she self-righteously rebuffs Barristan's advice and flunks Tywin's test for good kingship (the single most important quality for a king is wisdom, and the wisest kings listen to their advisers).

Which is why I agree with


Which masters were actually responsible for that? Was it the decision of 163 masters together, one murdering each child? The only question Dany asked was how many slaves they saw on that road. The way Ser Barry was talking about her "subjects", it seems plenty of masters survived the uprising and Dany just picked 163 at random. Another thing different prior to her adventures in Slaver's Bay was that her justice was always aimed at people directly responsible for the crime. What does her eye for an eye justice accomplish? If she ever leaves Slaver's Bay, her justice isn't going to ensure the fine citizens learn their lesson and get along peacefully. And as long as she sticks around how is crucifying 163 masters gonna quell resistance if destroying a city in dragonfire couldn't? I don't think it's madness so much as that Dany's do-gooding has gotten her into a quagmire with no exit strategy.

I'm not sure if power is going to Daenerys's head, or she has the arrogance and ignorance of youth, or if she simply doesn't understand that perfection is the enemy of the good, or some combination.

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Daenerys entire story is boring because it's so isolated from every other story.  And I hate stories of "men follow pretty girl and do everything for her because PRETTY."  Other than Missandei, are there any other women in Essos?  The ratio of men to women appears to be about 10,000:1.  We see an occasional woman getting raped or a slave girl, but what happens to the freed women slaves?  And the children?  Are they straggling along after Dany's army?


I wondered how she's feeding them as well.  Essos seems a pretty hot arid climate, the amount of water needed alone is staggering.


I know they are trying to pull me in with Grey Worm and Missandei but it's not enough to make it interesting. 


It would help if we knew if Dany had any idea what's going on in Westeros.  Has she gotten word about the Red Wedding?  Does she know of Joffrey's death?  What are her thoughts on Stannis?  If she's going to take King's Landing, it would be a good idea to know what is going on in King's Landing first.  Has she even tried to make alliances with anyone?  Does she know about the reports of White Walkers at the Wall?


What's going on in Westeros is a complex tapestry of stories.  Dany is a throw rug of conquer/march/conquer/march off to the East. 

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I'm not sure how lowering herself to their level burnishes Daenerys's claim to lead.


I'm sure Dany doesn't see them as similar though; killing (presumably) murderous adults vs killing (presumably) innocent children. Problem is that she's making herself judge, jury and executioner. Hell, even KL is pretending to have a trial for Tyrion. Is this how she plans to rule from the Iron Throne? Her way or death? How is that better?

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Is this how she plans to rule from the Iron Throne? Her way or death? How is that better?


This is my main problem with Dany.  Her way, or else.  And she has three dragons to underline her point.  She's essentially an absolute ruler with terrifying weaponry and a family history of insanity


Daenerys entire story is boring because it's so isolated from every other story.  And I hate stories of "men follow pretty girl and do everything for her because PRETTY."  Other than Missandei, are there any other women in Essos?  The ratio of men to women appears to be about 10,000:1.  We see an occasional woman getting raped or a slave girl, but what happens to the freed women slaves?  And the children?  Are they straggling along after Dany's army?


I wondered how she's feeding them as well.  Essos seems a pretty hot arid climate, the amount of water needed alone is staggering.


I know they are trying to pull me in with Grey Worm and Missandei but it's not enough to make it interesting.


And this is my other problem.  When the action moves to her storyline - I feel less engaged.  It's not helped by the fact they're not actually answering any of the interesting questions you posed: like how are they feeding these people?  And while we're at it, how is Astapor doing?  Yunkai?  Are they now well-functioning allies, or in disarray?



It would help if we knew if Dany had any idea what's going on in Westeros.  Has she gotten word about the Red Wedding?  Does she know of Joffrey's death?  What are her thoughts on Stannis?  If she's going to take King's Landing, it would be a good idea to know what is going on in King's Landing first.  Has she even tried to make alliances with anyone?  Does she know about the reports of White Walkers at the Wall?


Totally agree.  She plans to invade at some point - but I have no clue if she is aware of what she will find when she gets there.  And what's her take on it?  I'd like to see her react to this stuff.


This week was the first time it got interesting for me.  Ser Barristan Selmy clearly felt she made the wrong move.  It's the first note of doubt we've really had in an essentially triumphant storyline.  More of that please.  I want to see her dealing with the same grey areas, weaknesses, and bad decisions that every other character has to navigate.

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I think it may be a bit of a stretch to assume that thre's a big problem with seperating the good masters from the bad in Mereen. Sure, not all slave masters are the same. Real life history gives us lots of examples of how grey it can get. But Mereen isn't real life. One reason there are still debates about the Civil War is that the south did not use crucified slaves as road-mile markers. And if it did, the more moderate factions of the upper class would have revolted, emigrated, or switched sides.

Anybody who lives in Mereen and is of the slave-owning class can probably afford to jump on a boat to a better city. If they've watched the system that is profitable for them to stick with get this nasty, they've had time to think about it, and have apparently opted to stay.

I was actually more bothered by the finale of Season 2 than I was by the masters of Mereen getting their gander sauce. In S2, on guy was locked in a vault and left to die of dehydration... because he was a liar? That's a bit rough. And the other girl, also got the same sentence for sleeping with Dany's not-actually-boyfriend? The whole thing seemed like a "Well, obviously he's not going to give me what I'm demanding, so let's just act like it's his fault I'm not ruling Westeros and kill him so we can make off with a lot of gold."

In seasons 3 and 4, I've actually liked her. Something which never ceases to amaze me.

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It would help if we knew if Dany had any idea what's going on in Westeros.  Has she gotten word about the Red Wedding?  Does she know of Joffrey's death?  What are her thoughts on Stannis?  If she's going to take King's Landing, it would be a good idea to know what is going on in King's Landing first.  Has she even tried to make alliances with anyone?  Does she know about the reports of White Walkers at the Wall?

They're only vaguely aware of her in King's Landing, and Dany doesn't have her own spider to provide news from across the sea. She learned the Usurper was dead and the Starks fought the Lannisters and the Baratheons were fighting each other while she was in Qarth, but she'd commanded Ser Jorah to find her a ship to go to Westeros at that time. I'm not sure how many ships have Westeros and Slaver's Bay as common trading points and can pass along the Westerosi gossip, but Dany doesn't appear to care.


I was actually more bothered by the finale of Season 2 than I was by the masters of Mereen getting their gander sauce. In S2, on guy was locked in a vault and left to die of dehydration... because he was a liar? That's a bit rough. And the other girl, also got the same sentence for sleeping with Dany's not-actually-boyfriend? The whole thing seemed like a "Well, obviously he's not going to give me what I'm demanding, so let's just act like it's his fault I'm not ruling Westeros and kill him so we can make off with a lot of gold."

In seasons 3 and 4, I've actually liked her. Something which never ceases to amaze me.

I think it was more that they gave her dragons to the warlocks, who planned to keep Dany chained up with them forever, and they killed the Dothraki Dany had left guarding the dragons. There's a deleted scene where we see Doreah

murder Irri

. Though the whole thing was such a stupid storyline that I wouldn't really care if they were only liars, that's how preferable ruthless executioner Dany is to WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS?! Dany.

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Ok, that's better. I watched it and walked away thinking that Duck Sauce was just lying his ass off to try to get into her pants, and that the Warlocks stole the dragons on their own. I was watching the episodes as quickly as I could in order to send them back to Netflix and get the next disc. (This is the first season that I've actually had a week to think about and rewatch each episode.) Apparently I missed a few nuances.

Screw it then. I'm Team Targaryan.

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Anybody who lives in Mereen and is of the slave-owning class can probably afford to jump on a boat to a better city. If they've watched the system that is profitable for them to stick with get this nasty, they've had time to think about it, and have apparently opted to stay.


But why would they, if they are wealthy, and powerful, and slavery is completely legitimate to them?  This is where Dany gets on my nerves.  It would be like turning up in Westeros and getting pissy about everyone's acceptance of feudalism.  It's normal to them. 


I assumed the bodies were there for Dany's benefit.  The bodies seemed fresh.  You could be right; it might be something they do on a regular basis.


I think the implication was that they had heard about Astapor and Yunkai, and wanted to put her off turning up at their door.  I'd really like an update of what has happened in those cities since Dany blazed through them.

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I assumed the bodies were there for Dany's benefit.  The bodies seemed fresh.  You could be right; it might be something they do on a regular basis.



I think the implication was that they had heard about Astapor and Yunkai, and wanted to put her off turning up at their door.  I'd really like an update of what has happened in those cities since Dany blazed through them.

I thought there were taunting Dany and her anti-slavery crusade by having the crucified slave children literally point the way to Meeren as if the masters were saying "This is the way to Mereen, bitch! What are you going to do about it?"

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I thought there were taunting Dany and her anti-slavery crusade by having the crucified slave children literally point the way to Meeren as if the masters were saying "This is the way to Mereen, bitch! What are you going to do about it?"


So, you're saying that they were stupid as fuck?  ;)


Guess they got their answer....

Edited by NoWillToResist
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Soo far, I like where her story is going. She is trying to be a good ruler and I like that.


While I have found her story this season (and much of last) rather boring, I do appreciate that she's not just steamrolling over the land and not giving a shit about the messes she's leaving in her wake. She at least seems to be savvy enough to realize that she won't get much support that way. Birthright doesn't mean shit. You need people to WANT you on the throne, so you have to show that you deserve it - and not just because of your name.

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