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Future Dance Stars, or Abused Pawns?: The Girls


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owSIpLjtcVA - Kendall's new video. They have many videos on youtube of the girls dancing to it and there is no sign of Nia in either the video or during the tour of Ireland or Australia - who's the new girl and what's going on?  She's calling herself Kendall K - of course Abby is involved with this as we've already had Mac Z 

OK - from looking further the girls in the video are Kalani, Addison, Payton and Ryleigh - one of which is Kendall's sister - funny that they went for older girls and not more of the ALDC.


Found Nia's Melbourne performance but I can't hear the words due to all the screaming  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q37SfdXJvYo  Jojo did well and I'm glad they allowed her to be part of the performance.  But how soon before she gets her own video with autotune off course.

Oh god... where are the intelligent adults in these kids lives to advise them to stop with the crappy music videos.  I can kind of understand why 12 year olds think they can/should be pop stars... but shouldn't they have mothers, fathers, publicists, producers, etc. around that let them know better?   


I will say though that Nia looks much more comfortable on stage playing the role of a "pop-star" then I think Mackenzie ever does/did.

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It's going to be interesting to see if they drop this entire "Mack-Z" thing with Mackenzie soon. It's obviously not going anywhere and sadly to say I just don't think Mackenzie has that "it" factor. She's just a normal kid, which there's nothing wrong with, but her mother and Abby just won't rest. In addition while having more studio time seems to be working for Maddie with the homeschooling thing, Mackenzie hasn't shown any noticeable improvement. They should really let that child go back to school and just chill out. I also believe that being in her sister's shadow is starting to show; in that video re: JoJo in Ireland she was particularly nasty. 


Regarding Nia, her little song is cute but I just don't think that Nia has the following to make it solely on her Dance Moms fame. She's going to have to get really, really lucky and snag someone's attention to have any sort of "stardom" after her time on Dance Moms. I have to believe that whether or not Dance Moms continues after this coming season (which is already filming) Nia won't be along for the ride. Based on age ( 14 this year) and storyline I think they'll phase her out. 


In general I think that either Dance Moms is going to end after this next season (the one currently filming) or they are going to have to make some sweeping cast changes. Kalani will be 15 this year and Nia 14. Maddie and Kendall will be 13. For the next season the avg. group age will remain the same as this current season (since age divisions are calculated by 1/1 of the year) but after that they would have to move up to teen as only JoJo and Kenzie would remain juniors. 

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It's going to be interesting to see if they drop this entire "Mack-Z" thing with Mackenzie soon. It's obviously not going anywhere and sadly to say I just don't think Mackenzie has that "it" factor. She's just a normal kid, which there's nothing wrong with, but her mother and Abby just won't rest. In addition while having more studio time seems to be working for Maddie with the homeschooling thing, Mackenzie hasn't shown any noticeable improvement. They should really let that child go back to school and just chill out. I also believe that being in her sister's shadow is starting to show; in that video re: JoJo in Ireland she was particularly nasty.

Regarding Nia, her little song is cute but I just don't think that Nia has the following to make it solely on her Dance Moms fame. She's going to have to get really, really lucky and snag someone's attention to have any sort of "stardom" after her time on Dance Moms. I have to believe that whether or not Dance Moms continues after this coming season (which is already filming) Nia won't be along for the ride. Based on age ( 14 this year) and storyline I think they'll phase her out.

In general I think that either Dance Moms is going to end after this next season (the one currently filming) or they are going to have to make some sweeping cast changes. Kalani will be 15 this year and Nia 14. Maddie and Kendall will be 13. For the next season the avg. group age will remain the same as this current season (since age divisions are calculated by 1/1 of the year) but after that they would have to move up to teen as only JoJo and Kenzie would remain juniors.

It doesn't help that Abby wants to keep them in juniors. So unless they bring in some younger kids, the show should end. It's ridiculous to see teens act like this. Especially Kalani. She looks like a grown woman. She has a mature face and body. She looks stupid dancing with this team.

Honestly, I think some of the moms will have a more difficult time than the kids when the show ends. Particularly Jill (she likes the perks of the show more than the other moms based on what I've heard re: behavior at the comps), Kira (seems to have alienated her son in her quest for fame) and Holly (she destroyed her career for this mess).

I wonder how they're going to go back to normalcy. Probably not. Melissa and Jill will try to pimp every last drop of their kids out. Holly I could see taking a break but I still give her the side eye. Kalani and jojo are still going to ride the dm bus ride.

While I'm not excusing any of this mess and I obviously can't hear Nia, she looks pretty comfortable on stage there.  Girl has some stage presence and performance chops, or at least potential.  With Kendall I'm expecting the opposite.  Kendall is lovely and gorgeous, but she fades into the background even in regular ALDC numbers so I really can't see her having the it factor for a pop career either.  Almost seems like Abby keeps picking the children who have the least chance at being successful for the whole pop star thing.  While I don't expect anything to come of Nia's venture either, at least I can understand why somebody would try and make her a pop star.  Kendall and Mack Z are never going to happen.

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gim - most times when there is an minor injury to a growth plate - there is no problem but depending where the injury was and how severe - there is a possibility that the injury could have stunted her growth. No different if there is an injury to a growth plate of a knee that hampers growth - the child may always have a slight limp on that side due to the injury. It's great to keep your kids active, otherwise many sit in the house on their latest tech device. But parents often go to the extreme with too much activity and the kids end up hurting themselves - which actually can damage their sports involvement in later years - we see this more and more.


I couldn't really understand the words to Kendall's video either - but it reminded me of Cher and "If I Could Turn Back Time" It's been done before. In my mind - better to keep the teen-age girl idea ( aka Britney ) than go mature at her young age.

I've kept my promise to myself and not watched the show since Chloe left, but I follow the discussions (and links) here.

What are these people drinking that leads them to think these girls have futures as pop stars? The "pro dancer" story is questionable enough, but singers? Really?

Acknowledging they seem to be perfectly lovely, normal, talented girls with more drive than many of their peers. But these wild fantasies, apparently driven by parents and/or producers, just seem bizarre - and ultimately disappointing to the girls.

Edited by RealityCowgirl

I think at least the older girls are aware and know most of it is unreal.   They know most of the competitions are staged and fudged and that the videos and such are done just for the show. The younger girls probably know, but may not fully comprehend it.  I think sometimes in the heat of the moment it's a lot harder for the children to separate the drama from real life.  We've seen the mothers go off the deep end and it has to be tougher for children.  

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I think at least the older girls are aware and know most of it is unreal.   They know most of the competitions are staged and fudged and that the videos and such are done just for the show. The younger girls probably know, but may not fully comprehend it.  I think sometimes in the heat of the moment it's a lot harder for the children to separate the drama from real life.  We've seen the mothers go off the deep end and it has to be tougher for children.  

Yes, I can tell the older girls like Nia know it's fake.  I think the videos are just something fun to do.  As long as they don't get ideas that they are going to be some great big pop star then it's something fun to put in their blogs/journals.  However, I do agree that the young ones like Sarah are the ones that worry me.  The other Christy is CRAZY and you can tell that Sarah was affected by the drama.  I'm also glad that Chloe is gone because she did seem affected by the drama even though she's older.  She looks so much happier now.

Mackenzie just landed a guest role on Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn. A Nickelodeon sitcom about four mischievous 10 year old quadruplets. Hopefully her acting isn't as terrible as Maddie was on Austin & Ally and if she's gonna do any dancing or just be a normal character.



Mackenzie just landed a guest role on Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn. A Nickelodeon sitcom about four mischievous 10 year old quadruplets. Hopefully her acting isn't as terrible as Maddie was on Austin & Ally and if she's gonna do any dancing or just be a normal character.



I'm going to deep dark places once I die because of this comment; but I am very glad Mackenzie was given the role over her sister. While I do believe Mackenzie has the potential to act better than Maddie, this is also something she did over her sister---with so few moments to shine over Maddie, at least this is one. 

  • Love 6

I'm going to deep dark places once I die because of this comment; but I am very glad Mackenzie was given the role over her sister. While I do believe Mackenzie has the potential to act better than Maddie, this is also something she did over her sister---with so few moments to shine over Maddie, at least this is one. 


Here's another photo of Mackenzie on the back lot set with the cast


Funny that Mack is filming a Nick show now.  Just yesterday I caught a little bit of Maddie's stint on Austin & Ally because I was curious about her acting abilities, and girl is not a natural actor.  It's a Disney show so it was fine and not remotely the end of the world, but she's not natural at all.  If acting is something she is interested in pursuing, girl needs to get working with an acting coach.  In particular her voice is fairly monotone.

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Wow, this is a bonus scene from a recent episode. I hadn't seen this. Makes Kira look horrible.

I don't think she looked that bad, tbh; she owned to it. She also made these comments after leaving the first time and was open on twitter about how she felt about the whole show. If anything it's probably one of the rare truths we get from this show. 

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She bitched about the show and ran back to Abby first chance she got. I think that makes her look like an idiot.

I agree that going back doesn't look like the brightest mood, but there is something about Kira that is so..."I don't give a bleep" about the show that it makes me like her when she's truthful. And being honest, she's not wrong...Kalani dances circles around all of the ALDC kids. Frankly, she should as the oldest. 

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Did anyone else see Maddie on Tuesday's Dancing With The Stars show?  I have barely been watching Dance Moms so I hadn't seen her in awhile other than various TV appearances. She looked really pretty and it was great to see her wearing more normal looking dance clothes, plus no creepy wig. It was interesting though, I know those who aren't big fans always complain about her "falling out" of her turns and I never understood what that was exactly.  I finally saw it in her DWTS performance, after watching all the adult pros dancing. I still think she's a very good dancer, but I could see what people were talking about.


I hope she's really enjoying all of these amazing experiences she's getting to have, in case they fade away for her. It seems like she does appreciate it.

The video was a little odd - nice to see the musician, but there are ways that the vid could have been done that would have allowed us to see more of Chloe. 


I too think she needs to work on the flexibility in her back, but I think its improved since the last video. Hopefully she's getting good instruction where she is now. 

Loved the video! Although there are a couple of Sia songs that I like ( I was clueless that I was listening to Sia songs awhile ago until another poster informed me of some of her recent hits ) I don't enjoy her videos or her appearances on these shows. To some it's artistic and impression - but I just want to listen and watch for enjoyment - I don't want to have to think about what a musician is trying to say or convey.

Go Chloe!  Another Shannon Mathers production. ;)


Back flexibility is something that is sort of a gift, it can be increased as in all flexibility but - you start from what you are born with, and what's sort of strange about it because it's all related to the spine - some dancers have amazing forward flexibility but so much going the other way and vice versa.  Any anatomy experts around to explain this?


So, if I were allowed to choose my daughter's wedding dress, ha! which would never happen - it would be much like this - she's already prepared me that she wants vintage cap sleeves and lace so I lose.


Finally - why the heck is Chloe wearing those filthy jazz shoes?  Are they a symbol of something?  I mean for years I was dumbstruck by the beautiful costumes accompanied by ugly jazz shoes in lyricals on the show... does somebody know if this is an East Coast thing?  Here in the midwest Pirouettes (for the last 8 years or so) and before that all the previous iterations of foot thongs were de rigueur for costumes and choreography like this, and if one had to hide ugly feet in a group, ballet slippers, Bellas or Pedinis.

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Abby is a bitch! So apparently they were at Nationals this weekend. Abby is also opening up her California studio.

Abby called the competition a joke and said she will never come back. The ALDC won best studio but they all got up and left except Holly and Jessa Lynn. ALDC didn't place well. Abby is also very demanding and difficult to work with.

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Shows you the class ( or lack of ) some people. They feel they're beyond the actual competing and being judged stage and just deserve first place due to their position in the entertainment community. So sad - because those that can actually make a difference in these kids lives after the show goes off the air are going to be left with a sour taste in their mouths.

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Honestly, I haven't watched that much Dance Moms, the whole show really irks me for some reason.  The biggest reason is, their costume choices.  They're practically naked and gyrating most of the time.  It's not artistic to put little girls in tiny outfits.  Seeing other dance competitions, it's not like professional dancers need to wear practically nothing to dance.  It's sickening to me.  This show is like a pedophile's dream.

16 hours ago, LissFirefly said:

Honestly, I haven't watched that much Dance Moms, the whole show really irks me for some reason.  The biggest reason is, their costume choices.  They're practically naked and gyrating most of the time.  It's not artistic to put little girls in tiny outfits.  Seeing other dance competitions, it's not like professional dancers need to wear practically nothing to dance.  It's sickening to me.  This show is like a pedophile's dream.

I guess it's all subjective, but in the 5 years this show has been on, I've only seen a few times where the costumes were questionable or inappropriate.  Although, I tend to view costumes for what they're intended for, and would be much more concerned if their street wear resembled their stage wear.

I have a lot of problems with this show but I've never had the impression Abby, Lifetime or the producers have exploited the girls in a sexual manner. They, including their mothers, have really tested and pushed the limits, and crossed the line in other areas for controversy and to create a buzz, but I've never feared sexualizing the girls as a recurring theme of Dance Moms.

Although danger exist, it exist everywhere. There are definitely sickos out there, and that should be everyone's concern.

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

There was this fan dance.....

Yes, (pink feather fans, burlesque-ish?) and as I said, there were a few others that I can recall. However, I always thought there was far more potential for harm to come to the girls by way of being in an abusive environment, and by the very people who should have their best interest at heart and be protecting them, choosing, instead, to engage in the chaos.

On Wednesday, November 02, 2016 at 5:58 AM, LissFirefly said:

Honestly, I haven't watched that much Dance Moms, the whole show really irks me for some reason.  The biggest reason is, their costume choices.  They're practically naked and gyrating most of the time.  It's not artistic to put little girls in tiny outfits.  Seeing other dance competitions, it's not like professional dancers need to wear practically nothing to dance.  It's sickening to me.  This show is like a pedophile's dream.

Pedophiles are everywhere. I really hate that argument it's a pedophiles dream. Two pieces are common at dance comps. The electricity dance the dm girls did had similar costumes to the dingle ladies girls. On the west coast this is common. Now the dance moves completely different story. Grinding and humping isn't dance.  

Next - I watched your links and have to agree that despite the dances being winning numbers - they were totally inappropriate - especially for youngsters. Showcased to the side of the link were a couple of video's of a young Ukranian pole dancer - and despite that pole dancing is usually associated with strippers - both of her routines were done with class and were beautiful - especially the lyrical piece. I enjoyed them much more than any of Abby's pieces lately and couldn't see either Brooke or Mackenzie with such precision and beauty doing something similar.



On 11/5/2016 at 3:25 PM, Darknight said:

Pedophiles are everywhere. I really hate that argument it's a pedophiles dream. Two pieces are common at dance comps. The electricity dance the dm girls did had similar costumes to the dingle ladies girls. On the west coast this is common. Now the dance moves completely different story. Grinding and humping isn't dance.  

It doesn't help matters when you put little girls in teeny costumes and have them dance as if they were performing in Vegas. The minis are gorgeous dancers and can pull off lyrical and contemporary with no problems, why have them do all those silly sexualized movements? Like it or not pedophiles are going to find that attractive.

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On Monday, November 07, 2016 at 11:36 AM, Clemgo3165 said:

It doesn't help matters when you put little girls in teeny costumes and have them dance as if they were performing in Vegas. The minis are gorgeous dancers and can pull off lyrical and contemporary with no problems, why have them do all those silly sexualized movements? Like it or not pedophiles are going to find that attractive.

So blame kids for being molested? A pedophile doesn't care what a kid wears. 

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On February 21, 2017 at 4:53 PM, Darknight said:

So blame kids for being molested? A pedophile doesn't care what a kid wears. 

It would be the parents, not the kids fault. But I don't believe pedophiles care about clothing either. It's just tasteless to dress children in bras and underwear with sparkles. Tacky, no better than toddler pageants. 

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So has no one been watching Dancing w/ the Stars Jr?  Mackenzie has been competing and Maddie has shown up to dance a few times.  I keep expecting someone to mention it here but so far... crickets.  I personally hate that Mackenzie is on and find her extremely annoying but whatever.  She looks way older than any of the other contestants and then just to further try to tip the voting to her favor she brings out Maddie I find the blatant pandering appalling.  

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