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S07.E12: Feeding A Need

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30 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Me too a little--not when I thought it, but when I saw it typed it out. Good morning, everyone; here's a little random profanity! I swear, I didn't even feel that annoyed when I typed it. I must just cuss a lot.

Whatever, thighs, shmighs--they look fine to me.

Hah!  I remember getting a call from a hospice nurse about my Mum's unacceptable (and unrepeatable) use of profanity ... I was imagining the worst, since I swear more than the characters on Deadwood, and am a bad influence.  I finally got the head nurse to repeat what had everyone's panties in a bunch wailing about a "safe workplace law" ...  Mum said "Jesus Christ"!!!  I laughed and laughed.      :-D

Those high cut bathing suits may have had their detractors, but they did give the illusion of longer legs to the many women who weren't naturally blessed with them.  I think Kyle looks fine - then and now.

  • Love 15

Long ago, I had a boss at a dry cleaner who was pretty notorious for yelling at him* customers if they pissed him off. Once he was on the phone and yelled, "F you, motherfucker!" I wondered why the second instance of "fuck" was OK to him to say, but the first (and less "bad" as far as implications go) was abbreviated.

I feel like those bathing suits were a wedgie waiting to happen! I did have one-- a yellow and black one piece with a zipper up the front--that I loved because I thought it looked like a wetsuit. Maybe I wanted people to think I was a super-cool surfer chick with my rad Sun-In hair (which was not only not cute but also completely unnecessary because I'm blond anyway--or was at the time).

On WWHL, Andy showed a nude Tweet from Rinna (parts and pieces blurred, of course). Not that I could see it that clearly but I paused tried to get a good unbiased gander, and I really don't think she looked "bad skinny" (I just don't know what to call it anymore). She looked good. Of course, maybe she used a filter that made everything all smooth and shit? 

Also, who does that?!

* Yes, I see my typo up there but it made me laugh so loud! (Why, yes, me am a editor as me real job--why does you asks?)

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 12
12 hours ago, lololol said:

She doesn't look AMAZING - big thighs are NOT attractive.

What really bothers me are ice cream toppings. Chocolate is just disgusting period, luscious caramel is so much better. How could anybody like sour strawberry but most of all marshmallow loving people, God they have no taste.

Oh, look ponies are by the pool!

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I don't think Kim lied. I just think it was just a part of the scene back then and it makes sense that she as well as Kyle had their share of wild nights (wild as in partying drinking and whatever else the basics in the 80's) not saying it's something scandalous just something likely. I doubt Kim reflects on it as anything relevant to share cause it was most likely just good old fashioned fun plus she probably wouldn't associate that carefree partying with when she started to self medicate to escape due to bigger triggers in her life. I'm guessing she looks back and see the difference between drinking to socialize and party and when her real dependence began so she describes those days as her not being a drinker in comparison to what her drinking turned into.. either way I just think she has a longer history with it that's all. 

My impression is that people try really hard to make a person's success or failure to fit a certain set of facts.  Forget about people on forums or people who write sensational attack books, I am thinking Eden.  Eden it seems has the picture painted in her head of what she and her sister lived through and think it automatically applies to Kim and Kyle.  Looking in from the outside I can see people in party situations, who don't partake to excess, or decline illegal drugs.  I don't think Eden can, maybe because of her mother's history or what she feels inside.

To me there are more differences than similarities between the two sisters.  The greatest two is Kim is alive and Kyle isn't an alcoholic.  The flaw in Eden's approach, and let's face it, it was very aggressive, is she is so busy trying to be "right" and impart her experiences, she doesn't listen or observe to see if it is being accepted.  She is just illiterate when it comes to reading people.   (In the traditional sense not the RHOA use of the word.)   When she finally had her big moment with Kim at the Gatsby party, it starts to sink in, that she has failed to view the entire situation.  Just when one thinks Eden might have a moment of clarity she writes "However, I am still trying to get these women to understand me. #NoOneCares."  She continues with, "I have a lot in common with these ladies but no one sees it yet."  I just see it as Eden trying to force things.  Most people would say, "I am trying to get to know these women and them to know me."  The use of the word understand makes it to me seem as if the others have some duty to Eden.  Right out the gate with Erika and Rinna she went the Kim route.  Instead of saying, "my sister first movie role was in the movie "Tuff Turf" that starred Kim Richards," she went on the attack route with Kim. 

  • Love 11
25 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Hah!  I remember getting a call from a hospice nurse about my Mum's unacceptable (and unrepeatable) use of profanity ... I was imagining the worst, since I swear more than the characters on Deadwood, and am a bad influence.  I finally got the head nurse to repeat what had everyone's panties in a bunch wailing about a "safe workplace law" ...  Mum said "Jesus Christ"!!!  I laughed and laughed.      :-D

Those high cut bathing suits may have had their detractors, but they did give the illusion of longer legs to the many women who weren't naturally blessed with them.  I think Kyle looks fine - then and now.

This totally destroys my fucking opinion of you Walnut. 


Fuckin A!

Edited by Giselle
It was Walnut's fault.
  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, Giselle said:

This totally destroys my fucking opinion of you Walnut. 


Fuckin A!

You aren't the only one who has said this about me, G.  Sometimes, I am a disappointment, even to myself.  :-)

Marshmallows are yucky.  "Those who disagree?  Suck cock by choice!"  [/Al Swearengen]

{My favorite term of endearment is not allowed in these parts, or I'd be calling you a loopy fuckin' something-or-other, also an Al Swearengen/Deadwood quote.  Suffice it to say, I'd share my can of peaches with you, any day of the week}.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Little ponies, little ponies, come love me!

Got a problem with butterscotch?

It's not caramel. It will do in a pinch but it's not caramel.  

5 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

You aren't the only one who has said this about me, G.  Sometimes, I am a disappointment, even to myself.  :-)

Marshmallows are yucky.  "Those who disagree?  Suck cock by choice!"  [/Al Swearengen]

{My favorite term of endearment is not allowed in these parts, or I'd be calling you a loopy fuckin' something-or-other, also an Al Swearengen/Deadwood quote.  Suffice it to say, I'd share my can of peaches with you, any day of the week}.

Heart of fuckin' gold you have there Walnut, heart of fuckin' gold. 

  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Yeah! And anyone who likes chopped walnuts IS NUTS, and that is just a cold hard fact!

Dear Teeny, You're leaving alot out. 'Slpain yourself so we can pick you apart. ;-)


Pecan Girl 


What is nuts... Rinna trying to fly the same flag for the third season in a row. Guess it's the hill she wants to die for.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Giselle said:

It's not caramel. It will do in a pinch but it's not caramel.  

Heart of fuckin' gold you have there Walnut, heart of fuckin' gold. 

Yes, but "my vagine is platinum" (and can crack walnuts!) - if you stoop so low you sometimes watch "The Bachelor".   ;-)

Could someone tell Eden that when people she hugs are patting her back, they are not comforting or encouraging her - they are TAPPING OUT?

And while I'm all about Eden - my favorite Trashtalk tv moment was a pic of Eden at Dorit's house trying to communicate with Jagger.  The caption read: "Hi.  My name is Jagger and I'm an alcoholic.  SAY IT!".  I died.

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

It is MY TRUTH and I OWN IT! All bad shit is forgivable if you OWN IT. Now excuse me; I'm gonna rob a bank, cuss out my neighbor, and get publicly drunk and disorderly...while owning it so I do not get in trouble!

Because you're having a MOMENT.  And in that was your TRUTH in that MOMENT.  You're not proud of it, but you OWN it, because it's part of your JOURNEY.

  • Love 7

It seems Kim got around to watching the show and Tweeted this little goodie:

She uses people! Just like@lisarinna@sasseden.  They don't care about anyone but themselves! #storyline#getyourown

Eden responded:  OK NOW WE HAVE SERIOUS ISSUES. . .  oh right we always have (stupid, irrelevant emojis inserted) anyone who knows me knows I care to (sic) much.  I'm DONE!

Another response from witty Eden to Kim:

hahahahahaha OMG are you seriously saying this!

Maybe it is me, but I don't think in terms of caring too much, you call a person a bitch, abrasive or  rude.

  • Love 7
20 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I am sensing that Eden has a very stubborn streak in her and is determined to haul Kim off and have a one on one with her.  From what Kim has been tweeting, Eden is going to be very disappointed in the level of connection Kim had with her sister.  Eden phrases things in such a way that it seems Kim was somehow close to Catya, instead of the reality they worked together on a film for thirty days.  Kim denies ever having met Eden until filming RHOBH.  It kind of reminds me of when Brandi, after slapping LVP, was so upset that LVP wasn't wanting updates on her father's health.  LVP was a bit curt and simply mentioned she had met him for just a few minutes. 

Eden's frustration with not being able to assert herself in Kim's recovery has been transferred to an extreme and unfounded dislike of Kyle.  Had Eden watched past seasons, she would realize Kim is very guarded in who she interacts.  Kim is the one who wants to pick people on her team for Game Night.  Attacking Kyle is probably not going to make Kim run to Eden.  

Ok - is it wrong that now this is ALL I am dying to see!!!  

14 hours ago, lololol said:

She doesn't look AMAZING - big thighs are NOT attractive.

I am a stumpy-legged woman like Kyle and around her age, and that style DID look good on us back in the day.  What looks good on practically no one, however, is squatting and smooshing your thighs together for a photograph :). I think she looks great anyway.

1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

On WWHL, Andy showed a nude Tweet from Rinna (parts and pieces blurred, of course). Not that I could see it that clearly but I paused tried to get a good unbiased gander, and I really don't think she looked "bad skinny" (I just don't know what to call it anymore). She looked good. Of course, maybe she used a filter that made everything all smooth and shit? 

Also, who does that?!

Is this a recent thing?  I'm at a loss for words here.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, princelina said:

Ok - is it wrong that now this is ALL I am dying to see!!!  

I am a stumpy-legged woman like Kyle and around her age, and that style DID look good on us back in the day.  What looks good on practically no one, however, is squatting and smooshing your thighs together for a photograph :). I think she looks great anyway.

Is this a recent thing?  I'm at a loss for words here.

Here it is:  3D6DF6B900000578-0-image-a-72_1487546823


Because you're having a MOMENT.  And in that was your TRUTH in that MOMENT.  You're not proud of it, but you OWN it, because it's part of your JOURNEY.

Speak your truth, girl! Unless you forgot ever saying it.

All I know is this means more chocolate, butterscotch, and chopped walnuts for my next serving of ice cream.

Marshmallows are gross. Except in fresh home made hot chocolate that's been splashed with Bailey's or whatever your weapon of choice is.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Speak your truth, girl! Unless you forgot ever saying it.

All I know is this means more chocolate, butterscotch, and chopped walnuts for my next serving of ice cream.

Marshmallows are gross. Except in fresh home made hot chocolate that's been splashed with Bailey's or whatever your weapon of choice is.

I forgot the part about @Tattleteeny MOVING FORWARD and using this JOURNEY to RAISE AWARENESS.


Peppermint Schnapps is yummy in hot chocolate.

Edited by SweetieDarling
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

It is MY TRUTH and I OWN IT! All bad shit is forgivable if you OWN IT. Now excuse me; I'm gonna rob a bank, cuss out my neighbor, and get publicly drunk and disorderly...while owning it so I do not get in trouble!

Don't forget to post a nude selfie! ( * ) ( * )  ( Y )

Edited by Giselle
Makes me feel powerful
  • Love 5
20 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I have often expressed my displeasure with how these women bodies get picked apart.  Kyle Richards=back fat. However, when it comes to Rinna, who I have stated looks really good in most everything, she kind of invites comments by posting nude photos, "look at me in a bikini at 53" photos, the ridiculous lets have a few strands of zucchini and call it a meal routine, her kids talking about Medford, Oregon being full of chub-chubs.  I don't like the look of obvious implants.  Yolanda carried hers off for years always attractive.  BH is just chock full of gorgeous women, and handsome husbands more so than any other franchise.  Currently, I rate the always gorgeous Camille, Yolanda and Dorit as having stellar bodies and great legs.   Mostly I suffer from upper arm envy of these women.  They all seem to be able to wear sleeveless at any age. 

As to the men getting a pass, what about PK?  So many comments about his physical unattractiveness.  There is plenty to pick apart about PK other than his looks. 

Yes, this is the kind of stuff that triggers eating disorders in people reading such comments. I hate seeing this kind of shit, especially after nearly dying from anorexia myself (and still struggling with its grip on me). Especially people picking on Kyle--what the actual fuck? Many women would love to look like her and then people come along and call her fat? Nothing's ever good enough for some people. Hope the nitpickers don't have daughters because they're probably in the toilet purging after every meal.

I suppose Rinna invites comments by posting such photos, but for me It's her personality that bugs me, not her physique. She kinda looks like an elite marathon runner to me. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Lisa Rinna looks like an adolescent boy.


Mama June looks like a beached whale.

There. Everyone should be sufficiently offended.

But the Internet says Mama June is a size 4 now.

Marshmallows are a vital component to smores and therefore have a place in the food chain.

Nuts on the other hand ruin desserts.  As do raisins.  

This was a boring episode. 

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

Someone explain to me please what was going on with Ken in the preview.  What I heard can not be what I heard and I've rewound it several times and I swear it is. 

Ken: I saw it. Its etched in my brain forever.

Lisa (shocked whisper): Vampire pussy.

Ken {weeping}: Its terrible

A Brandi Glanville sex tape


  • Love 10
23 minutes ago, Runnergirl said:

Yes, this is the kind of stuff that triggers eating disorders in people reading such comments. I hate seeing this kind of shit, especially after nearly dying from anorexia myself (and still struggling with its grip on me). Especially people picking on Kyle--what the actual fuck? Many women would love to look like her and then people come along and call her fat? Nothing's ever good enough for some people. Hope the nitpickers don't have daughters because they're probably in the toilet purging after every meal.

I suppose Rinna invites comments by posting such photos, but for me It's her personality that bugs me, not her physique. She kinda looks like an elite marathon runner to me. 

So sad to hear you had to deal with anorexia and wishing you continued success and improvement. 

I don't have a problem with Rinna's physique, I have a problem with her personality and how is so desperate for attention she posts photos provoking comments.  To me, it feels like she is deflecting from her behavior as the episodes air.  Just like skipping out of her appearance at PUMP Tuesday but well enough to fly to Milan where she gets a warm welcome from Dolce & Gabbana.  It wasn't too long ago Andy Cohen and LVP went on air to denounce Dolce & Gabbana for their hate speak   http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/lisa-and-andy-weigh-in-on-the-dolce-gabbana-scandal Rinna is truly someone who won't get out of her own way.

I have been so desensitized to comments about her lips and size because she always seems to put them at issue.

8 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

A Brandi Glanville sex tape


You outdid yourself with this one!!!! Bravo.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Here it is:  3D6DF6B900000578-0-image-a-72_1487546823

My eyes!  I do wonder how recently it was taken - her face looks kind of different - it could be makeup and lighting or it could be that she's had more plastic surgery stuff done since this was taken.

For the record, I think she has a nice body and looks great in the majority of what she chooses to wear.  But a woman in her fifties should not be posting nude selfies.  (Neither should women of any age, IMO, but with age should come wisdom :(

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

A Brandi Glanville sex tape


Somewhere, the part of my brain that was damaged, is screaming:


5 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

So she's in a hotel room (suitcase in back, desk chair) and all of a sudden decides "Now would be the perfect time to take a nude selfie" - what could possibly go wrong.

Lack of Pantygate 2?  

Where Eileen finds a new dead horse to beat .

  • Love 9
25 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Somewhere, the part of my brain that was damaged, is screaming:


I’m not even going to front. I watched lots of reality TV on VH1 and STILL DO. VH1 had a Flava Flav marathon recently, I didn’t watch but for 2 weeks when I greeted my friends the first words coming out of my mouth was Flava Flav!!! Then we’d all crack up.



PS watched Rock Of Love back in the day …I felt the post was appropriate as I think vomit girls name was Brandi too

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, dosodog said:

It was!  Season 1, final four date.  Brandi got trashed, oysters were served for dinner and voila! 

A gif is born.

Oh how I miss those trashtastic VH1 shows.  

On Rock of Love wasn't there another girl who was puking all day that Bret then went and made out with?

They still exist watch Love and Hip Hop franchise or the Black Ink Crew franchise.

If they bring back Rock Of Love or Flava Flav maybe Brandi Glanville will be a contestant

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Yes, but "my vagine is platinum" (and can crack walnuts!) - if you stoop so low you sometimes watch "The Bachelor".   ;-)

Could someone tell Eden that when people she hugs are patting her back, they are not comforting or encouraging her - they are TAPPING OUT?

And while I'm all about Eden - my favorite Trashtalk tv moment was a pic of Eden at Dorit's house trying to communicate with Jagger.  The caption read: "Hi.  My name is Jagger and I'm an alcoholic.  SAY IT!".  I died.

You should give the writer of the trashtalktv blog a try - he does a weekly audiobook that you can find on the trashtalk site. He basically reads his blog out loud - so he does his version of each of the ladies voices. He is hilarious.

I love his Dorit and Ericka voice

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, princelina said:

Ok - is it wrong that now this is ALL I am dying to see!!!  

I am a stumpy-legged woman like Kyle and around her age, and that style DID look good on us back in the day.  What looks good on practically no one, however, is squatting and smooshing your thighs together for a photograph :). I think she looks great anyway.

Is this a recent thing?  I'm at a loss for words here.

Kyle - stumpy legged is RIGHT. Big butt.

6 hours ago, Runnergirl said:

Yes, this is the kind of stuff that triggers eating disorders in people reading such comments. I hate seeing this kind of shit, especially after nearly dying from anorexia myself (and still struggling with its grip on me). Especially people picking on Kyle--what the actual fuck? Many women would love to look like her and then people come along and call her fat? Nothing's ever good enough for some people. Hope the nitpickers don't have daughters because they're probably in the toilet purging after every meal.

I suppose Rinna invites comments by posting such photos, but for me It's her personality that bugs me, not her physique. She kinda looks like an elite marathon runner to me. 

MANY women would love to look like KYLE? LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, dosodog said:

Somewhere, the part of my brain that was damaged, is screaming:


Lack of Pantygate 2?  

Where Eileen finds a new dead horse to beat .

I'm so glad so many of us share a love (?) for RHOBH and ROL (and I too often flash back to Rock of Love: Bus. (Apparently Duff Goldman loved ROL as well; he said "Don't threaten me with a good time" on one of the cooking contest shows.)


  • Love 3

I'm remembering of Sir Mixalot and Meghan Trainor! Read them if you dare.



I guess artists throughout history got it all wrong and the museums of the world should burn and destroy all artwork depicting large women.

Thank God men love women's bodies in all their different manifestations . Too bad we sometimes don't love the variety of nature's beauty in each other.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 9
23 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

How was the acting of James Spader and Robert Downey, Jr?  Or more importantly Catya Sassoon?  I think it was one of those coming of age films aimed at a certain audience.  Had Spader and RDJ not gone far it would probably never be a film worth mentioning.   I saw Kim on an episode of Magnum PI and she nailed the part of spoiled young tennis star.  Almost as if she wasn't acting,  she was 18 at the time.

Supposedly Kim kicked Rinna, but since it has never been mentioned again, and Rinna tends to the dramatic, I am wondering other than the annoyance of being around someone high why she would feel in danger.  This is Rinna who uses terms such as, "this close to death", kicking could mean Kim made contact crossing and uncrossing her legs. 

ETA I would think if there was significant threats or bodily contact they would have showed the footage. It reminds of Brandi screaming at Kyle about hitting people.  Upon review Kyle had not hit anybody Brandi came up with some hand movements that bothered her.

I might be biased, because I have always admired the work of James Spader and Robert Downey, Jr., but I thought that they were both very good in Tuff Turf. They both came across as very comfortable and natural. If Catya played the character I think she played, she doesn't stand out. Her performance is rather broad, caricature-ish. But again, I only watched a few scenes.  Maybe she excelled in a scene I haven't viewed. The entire movie is available on youtube, if you have the time.  

Ha, ha with regard to kicking could mean Kim made contact crossing and uncrossing her legs!!!

7 hours ago, Giselle said:

I'm remembering of Sir Mixalot and Meghan Trainor! Read them if you dare.



I guess artists throughout history got it all wrong and the museums of the world should burn and destroy all artwork depicting large women.

Thank God men love women's bodies in all their different manifestations . Too bad we sometimes don't love the variety of nature's beauty in each other.

This is one of the sweetest posts I've seen on these sites.

I've honestly forgotten what happened on the episode.

Was it a 45 minute discussion over who is too ugly, who is too fat, and who is too thin?

These women cooking for the homeless was pretty eye-roll inducing. Kyle, who I normally enjoy, was acting a little bratty during that lunch making session. Yes, Kyle there are people that can't afford better quality fish.  Also why did the women who showed up late not have to wear full hairnets? Kyle just wore a hat, and she has some thick long hair.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 2
On 2/24/2017 at 2:58 PM, wings707 said:

Bingo.  This is it!  Good detective work.   I worked in dog rescue for many years in FL and will continue here when I find the right fit for me.  I have cried many tears over the years.  Nothing gets to me more.  Nothing.  I   I also cry tears of joy when a dog finds their forever home.  It amazes me how the dog picks you without you even knowing it so many times, so many.  I have some very funny stories about this. 

This is right-on. I went to rescue a kitty and knew exactly what I wanted. A one year old black cat literally grabbed my arm as I passed his cage. He has now lived with us for years. Never regretted it. He knew better than I did where he belonged.

  • Love 7

Kim denies ever having met Eden until filming RHOBH. 

In their first scene together, it didn't seem like that was the first time they had met. Though, I guess Kim could've been feeling some kind of way in that moment because of Catya.


But just because she is very thin (and has ALWAYS been thin) doesn't automatically point to an eating disorder.

Nah, Rinna wasn't that thin on Melrose Place. She obviously works hard at being so lean (as opposed to naturally being that way), so more power to her that she thinks she looks good. Same to those who think she doesn't.

Edited by jaync
4 hours ago, Granimal said:

This is right-on. I went to rescue a kitty and knew exactly what I wanted. A one year old black cat literally grabbed my arm as I passed his cage. He has now lived with us for years. Never regretted it. He knew better than I did where he belonged.

That's how I got my "soulmate" cat years ago! He clawed at my coat and that was that. He now lives on as a tattoo on my arm. 

  • Love 9

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