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Small Talk: Coffee at Luke's

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Many of us are aware that The Waltons  and Gilmore Girls have a connection through a structure. Lorelai's Dragonfly Inn is the same building (or building shell) as the Walton home. But  I recently noticed another link. I was watching part of an early episode of The Waltons (stop judging me). Grandpa and the Baldwin sisters go to a neighbouring town and enter a drug store. Lo and behold, the pharmacy was instantly recognizable as Luke's diner!

Admittedly I have never watched The Waltons, but I find it so impressive that you can recognize the sets. I hear of sets being identified from other projects, but I don't think I would notice unless it was left identical and even then I'm not sure it would jump out at me. 

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Admittedly I have never watched The Waltons, but I find it so impressive that you can recognize the sets. I hear of sets being identified from other projects, but I don't think I would notice unless it was left identical and even then I'm not sure it would jump out at me.


Gilmore Girls is filmed on the WB backlot, so you will end up seeing the various houses and town reappear in a lot of different shows.   

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I've always been so curious: Which other TV shows and/or movies are favorites of yours?!  


At the time that I originally watched GG, I was the same age as Rory. The only other show I remember watching with any consistency at that time was Friends. My parents were very restrictive about the amount of TV I could watch, though. 


My taste varies and I only just got a PVR this year so my viewing habits are changing, but for the last couple of years I have just marathoned shows on Netflix (I had a total of 24 months off for maternity leaves in the last 5 years, so I had a lot of time to watch before baby was alert enough to require my undivided attention). Highlights for me were Buffy, Psych, House, Master of None, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt, The Good Wife, Homeland, How I Met Your Mother (early seasons), Jessica Jones, and Daredevil. 

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You guys have such high quality taste in TV shows! This probably isn't the right moment to mention that I'm still totally obsessed with...Charmed. (Stop judging me!!! Actually, go right ahead...I don't blame you :) ) 






Northern Exposure


Can I just say that finding other fans of these shows just made my day?! 


I had my first mammogram today. This has been a very rough couple of years for my family's health (especially my mom, who was diagnosed with cancer last year but is currently in remission), so I was especially relieved to have been declared "normal." (An adjective with which I'm not very familiar, haha). I'm trying to figure out how to celebrate, but I'll probably just order even more Chinese food than I'd been planning to and watch a bunch of DVDs. I'm quite the party animal like that ;) 


Do you guys have any exciting plans for the weekend?!

Edited by amensisterfriend
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You guys have such high quality taste in TV shows! This probably isn't the right moment to mention that I'm still totally obsessed with...Charmed. (Stop judging me!!! Actually, go right ahead...I don't blame you :) ) 





Can I just say that finding other fans of these shows just made my day?! 


I had my first mammogram today. This has been a very rough couple of years for my family's health (especially my mom, who was diagnosed with cancer last year but is currently in remission), so I was especially relieved to have been declared "normal." (An adjective with which I'm not very familiar, haha). I'm trying to figure out how to celebrate, but I'll probably just order even more Chinese food than I'd been planning to and watch a bunch of DVDs. I'm quite the party animal like that ;) 


Do you guys have any exciting plans for the weekend?!


Oh I also watched Charmed during my maternity leave. I really enjoyed it too! 


Congratulations on the "normal" results. I hear it's not the most comfortable procedure but at least it gave you some peace of mind. 


I spent the weekend attending a 5-year-old's birthday party, getting thrown up on by my younger son, and cleaning the house. Party animal here!

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Hi, guys! I heard the rumors about the revival a couple of months ago (or longer?) and immediately told my husband, "This is a great excuse for a rewatch!"

We did a rewatch back at TWoP, but I'm not sure if one has been done here yet.

So, is anyone up for a group rewatch? I'm thinking 3-4 episodes per week...we could pick a probable date for the renewal release (I just read later in 2016?) and see if the math would work out to be done by then. We could have a rewatch thread and just comment, reflect on that week's episodes including any possible ways it would relate to the revival.

(Jay in Chicago....I'm working through MASH on Netflix too. They've been notifying me it leaves Netflix on April 1. Good thing I'm at the end of season 10. Boy, that show really went downhill after Radar left, IMO.)

Edited by cantbeflapped
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I'd be down for a rewatch. I always have an informal one going on, and I'm one episode away from Season 7, so I welcome an excuse to skip it. :)

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This'll come back to GG, I promise...

So Mr. Tak and I only recently started watching Game of Thrones. For reasons that aren't worth getting into, I happened to read an article about how a certain character (Tommen) was recast with an actor who had already played a different role on the show. So many of the people were incensed over this in the comment section.

And I just had to chuckle because all I could think about was Mick/Kirk, Drella/Celine, Sasha/Anna, Trix/Marilyn. Clearly GG has desensitized me to such antics.

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Anyone watching reruns on the "UP" channel? Not sure where this network came from, but their bleeping is ridiculous! They bleep "hell" and "damn". Even ABC Family didn't do that. The only thing I remember them bleeping out is "dime bag". Is it some kind of fundie channel?

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Okay, on UP today they ran the episode where Lorelei tells Rory about the guy who tried to sell her a dime bag, and they didn't bleep it! They did bleep some damns and hells. Are their censors so clueless they don't know what a dime bag is? Too funny.

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Okay, on UP today they ran the episode where Lorelei tells Rory about the guy who tried to sell her a dime bag, and they didn't bleep it! They did bleep some damns and hells. Are their censors so clueless they don't know what a dime bag is? Too funny.

I had no clue what it was until I just looked it up!!!

Though I probably could've figured it out from the show context.

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THIS IS DEVASTATING TO ME........................


Shondaland Stars Liza Weil and Paul Adelstein File for Divorce


I was really shocked to see this after having only found out they were married after her GG interview. I'd always wondered if Paul was similar to the d-bags (IMO) he often plays, but when I heard her describing how they met and their relationship, I was glad to hear that he sounded like a decent partner and guy. Liza came across as very protective and invested in their marriage, so I can't help thinking her filing so soon after the interview means it's likely she was given a really good reason and did not see it coming. I hope to see more of Liza and wish her well.

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On 3/16/2016 at 5:14 PM, walnutqueen said:

I don't do Netflix or DVDs, but I have been rewatching later seasons on UP.  They just started all over again today.

Aaaaand, I was sucked in yet again, only intending to rewatch the early episodes I'd missed.  I'm done now, deleted from my DVR until the next time I get sucked in to a marathon mood.

But I just have to say, sappy as all shit and slightly embarrassed, Lorelai's karaoke serenade to Rory/Luke is one of my favorite moments.

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Have you guys heard of the "Coffee at Lukes?"  Today about 200 coffeeshops nationwide partnered with Netflix and are giving out free coffee from 7-12 and becoming "Luke's Diners."  (but coffee only, no menu or anything)  Apparently, there was also some "surprise" under the coffee sleeve.  I went to the one closest to my house today on the way to work and the parking lot was completely full and the line wrapped around the building.  As I didn't think my boss would be impressed at me arriving an hour or more late to work so I could get a free coffee, I had to leave.  If anyone was able to go to one, I'd love to hear about it!

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I thought about going to the one near me, but after hearing from a friend how slammed it was and that the "Luke's Cups" were not actual mugs available for purchase, but that the coffee was being served in paper cups with a quote from the show printed on them, I decided to skip it.  It was at least a half-hour drive.  If it had been closer, I might have braved it.

I always assumed that the Trix/Marilyn casting was on purpose as an inside joke.  As in, "well of course you'd have a cousin who looks kind of like your mother."  I have a cousin whose daughter looks shockingly similar to my great-grandmother's pictures.

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While waiting for the revival, I've had my ups and downs about what I think will happen with my favorite characters and plot lines.

Last night I saw Bridget Jones' Baby. If GG Seasons has half the quality, fun, laughter and tears that BJB has, I will be happy.

For the past several years I've hated new rom coms. One place they went frequently was in the use of direct sexual terminology. I blamed that for the poor quality of the rom coms. 

I was wrong. BJB has tons of this language and was still empathetic, loving and funny. For me BJB has brought the rom com back. 

The actors have aged appropriately. No one looks too weird. I do have to give the looks edge to Luke Danes 2016 over Mark Darcy 2016, mostly because I prefer dark-haired men. LOL. Colin Firth still has it.

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Is anyone else gonna have to delay watching the revival eps?

Absolutely.  Not that high on my list of priorities and have a full weekend of family activities planned. Plus need to bake and pack boxes this weekend for the soldiers I support in Afghanistan (need to be mailed soon for Christmas).  I'll watch it eventually.

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8 hours ago, JayInChicago said:

Is anyone else gonna have to delay watching the revival eps?

My un-laws are coming here for thanksgiving and I'm gonna be running the whole show so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sleeping at 2 am Friday morning. -__-

Was this a hilarious typo, or hilarious play on words? Either way, I love it and may start using it as well.

I definitely won't be watching at 2 am! But I might delay past Friday as well. I'll also have family over, and I'm not surrounded by diehard GG fans who could accidentally spoil something or just peer pressure me to watch with their impatience to discuss.

I was considering doing some Girls Nights to watch it with my friends over time. If we were all diehard fans who made a pact to watch them together unspoiled, I would. But they're all non-diehard fans, so I'll probably watch them myself before I get around to the parties ;)

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Ah! I thought it referred to in-laws you wish you weren't related to, because I have a few of those.

And Jay, I'm sorry you're living with uncertainty with your future marital options right now. It's not right. I won't go on a diatribe, because preaching to the choir. But I just wanted to say, this sucks. 

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We had our Canadian thanksgiving last month. But it will be a busy time at work, plus it is the weekend. My eldest daughter and I agreed to watch the first episode together while talking on the phone but I doubt I'll be able to watch the entire revival in one weekend. Spoilers don't bother me so there's no rush to barrel though, and I think watching 90 minutes at a time is a good plan. Let it sink in, and think about what happened. Watching 5 episodes a week for the rewatch was a lot for me. 

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I'm not so much migrating, because I was only an occasional poster on the IMDb boards, but I stopped by today and I see what you mean. (They're closing the message boards, for those who are like me.)

I actually don't mind the closure much, because sites like this one do a pretty good job. IMDb had a tendency to have a lot of trivial questions and comments from newbies, while here we don't often have to repeat the memes of "who's the best boyfriend for Rory?" questions. 

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I occasionally looked at it but the level of comment was not as thoughtful as I have found here or on TWoP.  There were times when members just spent time attacking each other rather than sticking to the point, something that is not allowed here which makes discussions more civil.  Just my opinion, of course.

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Hi Perfect and Kathy! I tried to go tonight and they were already gone! Thought we had the rest of the day, since it's still the 19th. 

Hi junienmomo! You actually know me too. I'm Musical Redhead on FF.net. Thanks for sharing links to my stories over on the fic thread here!

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