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2017 Tryouts and Training Camp: Candidates Included


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On 8/15/2017 at 5:15 PM, ByTor said:

I still say it would be a real kick in the ass if Madeline were, in fact, the bad influence :)

I have several questions about this "Holly underage drinking" issue that I have not seen posted or addressed in this forum.

1. How was Holly caught drinking alcohol? Did someone approach her at the establishment? Was a cop or bouncer on hand to attend to such things? Was she asked to leave the establishment? 

2. If she broke the law via her underage drinking at that establishment, WHY was she not arrested and WHY was the bar/bartender not charged or alcohol license revoked? 

3. If she wasn't arrested then, and with so much about it on social media now, why has there not been an official legal investigation into this incident???? 

4. How did K&J find out? 

It angers me beyond measure that the questionable activities and behavior of people at this caliber level can be totally overlooked and hush-hush while the rest of the world has to follow the rules or be subject to a court hearing. 

  • Love 1
28 minutes ago, cpope said:

It angers me beyond measure that the questionable activities and behavior of people at this caliber level can be totally overlooked and hush-hush while the rest of the world has to follow the rules or be subject to a court hearing. 

I don't know the answers to all your questions. The poster who saw the incident knows more and may respond. That there were plenty of people with social media accounts in the club, including Cowboys' players fans who would definitely recognize the cheerleaders is a given. Someone could have tipped off Kelli. Nothing is private anymore, especially not for a DCC in Dallas.

But to your last comment - thousands of underage youths drink daily and don't get arrested. So if Holly was drinking, not getting arrested and handcuffed isn't a shocker/special treatment. Sadly, she's just one of hundreds.

Was Holly let go, did she quit, did she resign for a better offer? We won't know till the episode airs. What we do know is both she and Jenna were put on probation which resulted in their not going to the HOF event. So something major happened.

Edited by KatebytheSea
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32 minutes ago, Tootie said:

The Cowboys website has some new pics!

z Gina uniform.jpg

z Kalyssa uniform 1.jpg

z Miranda uniform.jpg

z Savannah uniform.jpg

z Tara uniform.jpg

Awwww!   They all look so pretty!  I'm happy for them!

I think Miranda is a doll, and I feel bad about all of the negative comments about her chestal regions.  I am sure that she didn't want to look like that, and that is not what she had in mind at all!  It will be  very painful to fix, expenisve, and take weeks out of her life, so can we just give her a sympathetic break?  I'm sure some contouring and shadowing will make everything look better!  If we can embrace scars and stretch marks and cellulite,  I know we can get past a doctor's lack of skill.  Her chest is her own, and lord knows it's none of my business, but I am sure she is highly aware of it, and it's not her fault.  All I know is she is rockin' that lil uniform!

  • Love 14
12 hours ago, SanLynn said:

This always confuses me. Paige's first year her makeover resulted in curly hair which Kelli (and Paige) seemed to really like yet she still straightened it after the makeover. 

Then last year Tess ended up with natural curl and was back to straightening it at practically the next practice. Now Milan. 

@ShellyB do you have any insight on why some girls don't stick with the makeover hair they receive during training camp? I understand if not as it really is a personal decision for them. I'm just insanely curious about it. LOL


ETA: I'm sorry, that glass frosting on the windows isn't hiding anything. I would be hella distracted by lookie loos if I was a DCC trying to rehearse. I vote for the pictures being up all the time.

What does ETA mean?

7 minutes ago, KatebytheSea said:

I don't know the answers to all your questions. The poster who saw the incident knows more and may respond. That there were plenty of people with social media accounts in the club, including Cowboys' players fans who would definitely recognize the cheerleaders is a given. Someone could have tipped off Kelli. Also, DCC staff routinely monitor social media accounts of those in the organization. Nothing is private anymore, especially not for a DCC in Dallas.

But to your last comment - thousands of underage youths drink daily and don't get arrested. So if Holly was drinking, not getting arrested and handcuffed isn't a shocker, nor is it special treatment. She's just one of hundreds.

Was Holly let go, did she quit, did she resign for a better offer? We won't know till the episode airs. What we DO know is both she and Jenna were put on probation which resulted in their not going the the HOF event. So something major happened.

Thank you for your response, KatebytheSea.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Taryn Tempestwind said:

Awwww!   They all look so pretty!  I'm happy for them!

I think Miranda is a doll, and I feel bad about all of the negative comments about her chestal regions.  I am sure that she didn't want to look like that, and that is not what she had in mind at all!  It will be  very painful to fix, expenisve, and take weeks out of her life, so can we just give her a sympathetic break?  I'm sure some contouring and shadowing will make everything look better!  If we can embrace scars and stretch marks and cellulite,  I know we can get past a doctor's lack of skill.  Her chest is her own, and lord knows it's none of my business, but I am sure she is highly aware of it, and it's not her fault.  All I know is she is rockin' that lil uniform!

It is definitely one of the worst cases of the breast augmentation complication "Symmastia" that I have ever seen.  While it is so very sad, and I can't imagine what that must be like, it is a major distraction and IMO, very unattractive (just bc it gives me the creeps thinking about what's going on under that cleavage medically).   That being said, I give her mad props for totally rocking it!  And I'm happy for her that it didn't hold her back thru the judging process and uniform fittings.  

2 minutes ago, bk10 said:

I'm a little annoyed that the audition process is 3 episodes long. I want to get to the good stuff like Holly quitting and Jenna staying home. 

I have to admit, this is a frustrating year to get more episodes! Lol. I'm enjoying finding out more about the audition process, but I'm DYING to know about Holly, Jenna, Jenn getting called back (temp? permanent?), losing Erica ... what's going on?!?!?!  lol

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Domino9062 said:

I'm part of the curly hair club.....  I straighten it when I can ( takes about an hour to do a good job) but if I workout it becomes a hot mess. If I workout with curly hair it's the same! I look at these ladies and they look so freakin pretty when they are dancing and obviously getting a work out. If I did that I'd look like a shaggy wet dog!  I know there exists great long last makeup - but the hair! Mine would be a sweaty mess! 


@ShellyB as not only a part of the organization now but also a DCC alumni - what do they do to keep looking amazing during the games? 

I'm wondering why/how they don't sweat? My outfit would be soaked and sweat running all over my face. 

  • Love 4

Drama drama drama for everyone on the show this year . Maybe Mandy actually quit to start a rival dcc and took Holly and Jenna with her. The final episodes will be a show down Bring It On style. Maybe the Bring It On dancer came back to rally it.Or maybe Holly was abducted by aliens. Or Erica left to be a Vegas showgirl. Hopefully the show will address it but I for one, will continue to lean towards the plausible speculation. Hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised but by golly, if they are going to shroud this season in mystery, I am going to entertain myself by trying to solve it.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, HollyFan said:

lol see you are taking RUMORS and making them fact. the reason fo her "departure" is not known by you only speculated so you can't say she didn't quit because of a wardrobe malfunction.

actually it appears like most of people aren't saying they are rumors and that everything said here is fact.

I will agree to disagree because I am not going to chase this topic in circles. I don't see what you see, point blank. 


1 hour ago, HollyFan said:

well they can ignore my opinion and "insiders" mean nothing to me. As I have read one person posted they saw holly late at night in a night club with a player. no other proof and this RUMOR because fact so as I see it there are no "insiders"

Actually, some people scoffed at the poster who said they saw her at the club. Another poster pointed out there were no actual pictures. I see lots of grains of salt, even with our insiders. And if you don't consider ShellyB an insider, since she WORKS with DCC, then I don't know what your definition of an insider is. Granted she has not (and will not) address the Holly situation, but you said you see no "insiders" so I am just offering that fact up for you.

Two facts we all agree on. Holly is not on the team anymore, and we don't know the reason yet.

  • Love 7
54 minutes ago, Rita J said:

It is definitely one of the worst cases of the breast augmentation complication "Symmastia" that I have ever seen.  While it is so very sad, and I can't imagine what that must be like, it is a major distraction and IMO, very unattractive (just bc it gives me the creeps thinking about what's going on under that cleavage medically).   That being said, I give her mad props for totally rocking it!  And I'm happy for her that it didn't hold her back thru the judging process and uniform fittings.  

Makeup can create the illusion of separation in her cleavage area until the doctors of Botched can fix her up.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, cpope said:

I have several questions about this "Holly underage drinking" issue that I have not seen posted or addressed in this forum.

1. How was Holly caught drinking alcohol? Did someone approach her at the establishment? Was a cop or bouncer on hand to attend to such things? Was she asked to leave the establishment? 

2. If she broke the law via her underage drinking at that establishment, WHY was she not arrested and WHY was the bar/bartender not charged or alcohol license revoked? 

3. If she wasn't arrested then, and with so much about it on social media now, why has there not been an official legal investigation into this incident???? 

4. How did K&J find out? 

It angers me beyond measure that the questionable activities and behavior of people at this caliber level can be totally overlooked and hush-hush while the rest of the world has to follow the rules or be subject to a court hearing. 

This is getting kind of blown out of proportion lol. Holly isn't in any legal trouble whatsoever. I simply saw her at a 21+ club, and yes, drinking alcohol. This is exactly what happened with Caila two years ago, but at least Holly wasn't dumb enough to take a photo at the establishment and post it on social.


Regarding the wardrobe malfunction, I don't see this as THAT big of a deal. I mean, sure, it would be embarrassing right after it happened, but she was obviously laughing and fine a couple hours later and agreed to have it shown on the show. It's just boobs; it's not like her coochie came out to play. If it were me I'd actually find it hilarious rewatching it. This is also amazing exposure (no pun intended) for Holly because she will definitely garner the attention from online blogs and news outlets (hoping they actually feature her on Tosh.0 or Barstool tbh) and any PR is good PR. 

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, countrygirl1689 said:

Is the girl on the far right in the first picture Holly?! So hard to tell from this pic but it kinda looks like a face she would make. Warriors Dance Team auditions...


Nah!!  Not her.  A long lost cousin perhaps

8 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I don't think one person on this board respects her less because her top came undone.

I'm not a Holly fan and I certainly don't...I can't imagine who would!


8 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

We all have nipples.

I can't help but think about the Seinfeld where Elaine's nipple was exposed on her Christmas card & Kramer and Jerry show her we all have nipples...


8 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

I seriously don't even remember most of it.... I'm OLD! And it's not a problem running rampant through the organization. It's just happened throughout the years from the get go... I just meant that I think it's more obvious these days when it does happen due to social media!!!

I don't care where you work, there are always some bad apples, I don't doubt that the DCC is no exception.

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 4

If Holly was still on the team there would be picture proof and not radio silence from her. She snapchatted all kinds of stuff from training camp last year, waiting outside for the girls after their office talks. The silence on her social media speaks wonders about Holly, and I absolutely love Holly so that's not a put down of her.

31 minutes ago, HollyFan said:

I see that holly is still likely on the team and she has not been dating any of the players

Except Shelly stated there are 36 girls who made it and she listed the rookies that made it. Taking that into account 2 vets were cut. The only vets to not post about dcc in the past week are Erica and holly. Look holly was one of my favorites but it isn't looking good.

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

The thing is, professional dancers are accustomed to being bare ass naked in the dressing room in front of each other. Granted this is a professional audition and I have no doubt she was very embarrassed, but in the grand scheme of things really not that big of a deal.

I agree.   Most dancers would not be as embarrassed of this as a regular person.   Incidents like that happen, especially when there are a lot of quick changes going on and things don't get fastened well enough.   What sucks in Hollys case is there was a TV film crew filming and it was a solo, but still...it's just boobs.

12 hours ago, Jess14 said:

Yikes at the Holly wardrobe malfunction!! 

I'm really curious as to why Katelyn did not make training camp. She appeared to be one of the best dancers there and has amazing kicks. I really hope there's something more than just her hair. 

I agree, I thought Katelynn was great.  Hair and makeup can be fixed. 

2 hours ago, ByTor said:

In and of itself I don't think it's a big deal either.  But when the rules are "date a player you're gone", then expect to be gone when you date a player.

Too bad that cheerleader rules don't apply to players, just sayin.

  • Love 3

THERE IS NO TITLE IX IN PRO SPORTS. Cheerleaders are not football players. They don't have the same duties, pay, earnings potential *DING DING DING DING*, and therefore rules.

Also, nobody - football players, cheerleaders, etc. - has been drafted, forced or even tricked into this. They know the rules. If they choose to break them. they face the consequences.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, HollyFan said:

I see that holly is still likely on the team and she has not been dating any of the players


1 hour ago, WichitaStateShock said:

Except Shelly stated there are 36 girls who made it and she listed the rookies that made it. Taking that into account 2 vets were cut. The only vets to not post about dcc in the past week are Erica and holly. Look holly was one of my favorites but it isn't looking good.

Time will tell. As much as I am a fan of the show, it's times like this where I don't see it as a good thing. When asked directly, Kelli's response was "stay tuned!". I can remember being so young, and my responsibilities were not nearly as much as Hollys. And I wasn't filmed (thank the LORD!). I feel a lot of sympathy for Holly having what must be a stressful time being scrutinized and televised. She's a kid, she'll make mistakes and emotional choices, as we all did. The fact that at the moment it's being leveraged for ratings just seems so wrong.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Jess14 said:

Thunderstruck definitely seemed a bit lackluster there, but I think some of it had to do with the formation being much wider than it usually is. With that said, this may be blasphemous here lol, but I don't think Kashara is an ideal point girl, dance-wise. She looks good, and I have no issue with her staying in that position (not that my opinion matters to K&J), but I actually find my eyes drifting to Cersten in that clip. 

Agree about Kashara, I thought I was maybe the only one LOL

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, countrygirl1689 said:

Did anyone watch Michelle Keys's insta story from last night? Someone who either is Holly or looks like her was there. You can't ever see her face though. This is a bad screenshot but...


Watched it but don't think it's her, for a brief second she turns and they don't have the same features. She's a little shorter I think than her too. 

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, countrygirl1689 said:

Did anyone watch Michelle Keys's insta story from last night? Someone who either is Holly or looks like her was there. You can't ever see her face though. This is a bad screenshot but...


just looked at the video and while the hair looks similar I didn't think the movement looked anything like holly's ability. I also was able to pause it when she spun around and it doesn't appear to be her but I was in able to get a screen grab and keep the video paused 

  • Love 1

Hello everyone- I have been lurking here forever, however I finally decided to join in on the fun! I know it seems crazy, but is it possible that Holly knew that vets don't get much air time on the show so therefore decided to go the kardashian route and planned all of the drama? I tweeted her right after finals and she did not seem upset at all about the wardrobe malfunction. It is even possible that she hired an agent who recommended that she get this publicity and then use it as a platform for her future tv/entertainment career. I love Holly and I will miss her, however I do think she loves the spot light and wouldn't mind having a tv career. 

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, cpope said:

I have several questions about this "Holly underage drinking" issue that I have not seen posted or addressed in this forum.

1. How was Holly caught drinking alcohol? Did someone approach her at the establishment? Was a cop or bouncer on hand to attend to such things? Was she asked to leave the establishment? 

2. If she broke the law via her underage drinking at that establishment, WHY was she not arrested and WHY was the bar/bartender not charged or alcohol license revoked? 

3. If she wasn't arrested then, and with so much about it on social media now, why has there not been an official legal investigation into this incident???? 

4. How did K&J find out? 

It angers me beyond measure that the questionable activities and behavior of people at this caliber level can be totally overlooked and hush-hush while the rest of the world has to follow the rules or be subject to a court hearing. 

God lord. No one has the time or inclination to look into an underage drinking accusation of one person. Call the cops with that and they will laugh at you.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Tootie said:

The Cowboys website has some new pics!

z Gina uniform.jpg

z Kalyssa uniform 1.jpg

z Miranda uniform.jpg

z Savannah uniform.jpg

z Tara uniform.jpg

The last one seems just as "mousey" as Heather H.

13 hours ago, cpope said:

I have several questions about this "Holly underage drinking" issue that I have not seen posted or addressed in this forum.

1. How was Holly caught drinking alcohol? Did someone approach her at the establishment? Was a cop or bouncer on hand to attend to such things? Was she asked to leave the establishment? 

2. If she broke the law via her underage drinking at that establishment, WHY was she not arrested and WHY was the bar/bartender not charged or alcohol license revoked? 

3. If she wasn't arrested then, and with so much about it on social media now, why has there not been an official legal investigation into this incident???? 

4. How did K&J find out? 

It angers me beyond measure that the questionable activities and behavior of people at this caliber level can be totally overlooked and hush-hush while the rest of the world has to follow the rules or be subject to a court hearing. 

As another poster said, this happens everyday. If anything, the only reason we are even discussing this is that Holly is "famous".


isn't it strange that Erica hasn't said anything about leaving, or even just a good luck to her sisters? 

  • Love 1
On 8/16/2017 at 7:31 AM, heatherrrrz said:

I don't think it's fair to judge Miranda's dancing on her horrible boob job so I'm reserving my comments about her being a DCC until I get to know her more. 

I agree! From the videos I have seen on her IG I like the way she dances, but I also know that the DCC style is totally different. 

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