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S34: Sierra Dawn Thomas

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Hi.  I'm from Worlds Apart.  And I talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk when it came to turning on the Blue Collars jerks who ousted my closest ally, Lindsey.

Seriously.  I don't see her making any big moves this time around, either.  She was in no way a "Game-Changer" in Worlds Apart, and she won't be this time, either.

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I never realized before, but her voice is kind of grating.

In her cast video, she kind of contradicts her own strategy: she wants to align with everyone, but she doesn't want to align with certain people, but she will if she has to, but she really doesn't want to.  It's like she can't even make up her own mind.

I'm still predicting her as being the biggest casting flop this season.  I don't care if she makes it to 5th place again, if she only does so because she was in an alliance and just following along without doing anything.

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She could end up winning and she still probably end up being a casting flop. Seriously, why her? I can understand feeling that a player had unrealized potential, but there was never a more open and shut case than Sierra that first time. One of the worst type of players in my opinion, those people who aren't willing to do anything because it wouldn't be, "nice." And I particularly hated how she was still acting pissy towards Mike in exit interviews, essentially because he wasn't willing to roll over and die. 

The explanation I've seen for her casting is that Natalie A. bowed out late and she was the alternate but SIERRA being the alternate for NATALIE is a pretty big indication of something going horribly wrong in Survivor. You could have probably found a hundred different female players who would have been willing to go at a moment's notice. I think Figgy would have been perfect considering the Michaela rivalry. 

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I can't remember everyone who was on Redmond's original list, and I know some probably were only considered because of the original theme idea of pre jury/jury/winners.  But still, out of all those people even, Sierra was still the best?  And if they were going to cast such recent seasons, I would have gladly taken someone from MvsGenX (since we have, what, 5 from Kaoh Rong?).  I don't particularly care to see Figgy again, but her inclusion would have at least made sense.  Hell, even second boot Mari would have made sense.  I'd also throw Hannah in there, but they already cast Aubry, and god forbid they cast two Survivor nerdy looking girl in the same season.

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The Survivor producers must have seen something in her that didn't show up in the edit on Worlds Apart. Once they got all the crap with Dan and Will and Shirin and Rodney, there couldn't have been much time left.

I hope so, anyway. To me she slightly resembles Kim Spradlin if you removed Kim's ability to play the game

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7 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

In her cast video, she kind of contradicts her own strategy: she wants to align with everyone, but she doesn't want to align with certain people, but she will if she has to, but she really doesn't want to.  It's like she can't even make up her own mind.

LMAO. She never could make up her own mind in WA either.

I actually sorta kinda defended Sierra through a lot of WA, but she is just such a waste of a spot. I mean almost everyone on this season sucks and she still sticks out as a bad choice.

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That will probably be something she claims she had a hand in, but really just followed her alliance.  Maybe they'll actually give her the TH of acting like she was the mastermind behind it, because they have to prove she won't be a total flop.  The question is, will she get her out for the sake of getting her out, or will it actually do something to benefit Sierra's game?  Big difference.

I think getting Sandra out is smart, but I don't want her to go.  So I guess I'll have a love/hate with whoever does it.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Yeah, that's brilliant strategy, Sierra. You know what's also brilliant strategy? Take strong players, preferably alpha male types, to the end of the game. That will make you look strong.  The jury will absolutely want to reward you for that. /s

The absolute most depressing thing about returning player seasons? Sandra will probably be the first voted out of her tribe while Sierra is almost guaranteed F8. 

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On 2/9/2017 at 2:11 AM, LadyChatts said:

I never realized before, but her voice is kind of grating.

In her cast video, she kind of contradicts her own strategy: she wants to align with everyone, but she doesn't want to align with certain people, but she will if she has to, but she really doesn't want to.  It's like she can't even make up her own mind.

I'm still predicting her as being the biggest casting flop this season.  I don't care if she makes it to 5th place again, if she only does so because she was in an alliance and just following along without doing anything.

Yeah, I can't believe that out of the presumably huge pool of people who have played before and want to play again, this is the choice they made. Literally the only thing I remember about her is the weirdness of her natural blonde eyebrows growing back over the black ones she had tattooed on. Otherwise, she was just a number in a large alliance. 


Sierra Dawn Thomas (Worlds Apart): I would love to take [Sandra] far and then be the reason she goes home, just to prove a point. It would be a huge move. I would love to do that.

Ha, I would love for Sierra to "take Sandra far" for this purpose only to be snaked by Sandra in the end. That's pretty much how she won HvVs, Russell thought he was dragging a goat and it burned him. 

Granted, I don't see anyone making that mistake again now that she has the supreme target of being the only two-time winner on her back, but it would be funny. 

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Yeah, you could have either Hallie or Sierra but not both. It's a stretch to think that one of them was a Game Changer let alone the both of them. They are filling the Parvati or Candice role of the young girl who didn't get to far in the game the first time. Then they come back and we know how that played out. I have no problem with that "role" but they didn't need the both of them on the same season. Of course, they will probably make the Final 2 just to piss me off. LOL!!!

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For all of those who are complaining about Hali and/or Sierra, what could either of them done differently? Hali was associated with Joe mostly because they were on No Collar originally, and Sierra never had the numbers to do anything but stay in her alliance? I think she wins if Mike is voted out at final five.

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2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Yeah, you could have either Hallie or Sierra but not both. It's a stretch to think that one of them was a Game Changer let alone the both of them. They are filling the Parvati or Candice role of the young girl who didn't get to far in the game the first time. Then they come back and we know how that played out. I have no problem with that "role" but they didn't need the both of them on the same season. Of course, they will probably make the Final 2 just to piss me off. LOL!!!

I keep saying she'll probably end up winning.  Hopefully with a different game than last time.  Otherwise Probst might finally put to rest his grudge with the KR jury and instead start slamming this season's jury about how they got it all wrong.  I do have to laugh that, for as unmemorable as Sierra is, her thread so far has more replies than anyone's.


For all of those who are complaining about Hali and/or Sierra, what could either of them done differently? Hali was associated with Joe mostly because they were on No Collar originally, and Sierra never had the numbers to do anything but stay in her alliance? I think she wins if Mike is voted out at final five.

I don't know if Sierra would have won if Mike hadn't been in the final 3.  The cast seemed to like Rodney, and I think he could have made a very convincing case for why he deserved it.  In addition, though Carolyn didn't seem well liked and might have been seen as a backstabber where Tyler was concerned, I don't know if Sierra beats her, either.

In terms of Hali, I agree she didn't really have the opportunity to play the game.  She did try and get alliances going away from Joe, but nobody from the BC group wanted to flip.  She thought she had Tyler and Sierra on her side, then got blindsided.

Edited by LadyChatts
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4 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I don't know if Sierra would have won if Mike hadn't been in the final 3.  The cast seemed to like Rodney, and I think he could have made a very convincing case for why he deserved it.  In addition, though Carolyn didn't seem well liked and might have been seen as a backstabber where Tyler was concerned, I don't know if Sierra beats her, either.

I've been seeing a few people saying the Sierra would've won if she'd made F3 without Mike and like no I don't see it. I mean maybe, maybe, if she had gotten to F3 with Will/Dan, but that would've been real hard to accomplish for her imo. I'm sure that's what she planned to do, but she'd have to have been good at challenges for that to have ever been a possibility.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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On 09/02/2017 at 10:56 PM, peachmangosteen said:

Sierra Dawn Thomas (Worlds Apart): I would love to take [Sandra] far and then be the reason she goes home, just to prove a point. It would be a huge move. I would love to do that.

Oh, honey.

We all know what would really happen: Sandra would be in her alliance, Sierra would give a confessional every episode about taking Sandra out but never do it, meanwhile Sandra gets to the end and wins.

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There are a couple of people I dislike more than I do Sierra (Brad and Sarah Lacina), but there is nobody I feel is more of a casting mistake for this purported theme, and nobody I feel more profoundly "meh" about.  Brad will annoy me, Sarah might surprise me and make my opinion go up, but I have a suspicion I'll feel "meh" about Sierra till she's out of the game.

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In case anyone was hoping Sierra would be up for a girl's alliance this season:


Holmes: Is there anyone you’re looking forward to working with?
Thomas: There are a lot of guys I’m looking forward to working with. Granted, I get along with guys better than girls usually. But Troyzan, Ozzy, Malcolm, those big players…I want to play with them.


Thomas: OK, first out is Debbie because I don’t think she’s going to like me. I just don’t think as women we would get along and I don’t think I could trust her and her many occupations. I’ll work with Tai. He’ll love me and we’ll get along. And I’ll take Malcolm to then end because I love him. He’d probably win. (Expletive deleted)

Why she changed the game:


Thomas: I think I changed the game in “Worlds Apart” because I wasn’t a loud player. I wasn’t rambunctious and all over the place. Sometimes the people who sit back are the ones you have to worry about. I played more of a quiet game. And the things that I did do went unseen. And I’m OK with that because it got me far. Now I’m going to have to do something…

I also hope she chose to ignore the advice from her S30 cast.  Being only nice and likable doesn't usually win seasons like this (or, she'll win because it'll be more against the other person rather than for her):


Thomas: Max, Tyler, Joe, and Mike…they all gave me really good advice. They said to play the same game I played before, but I need to make a move. People are going to love you, they’re going to want to keep you around. But, you’re going to have to do something if you want to win. I learned a lot about myself the first time. I learned what I’m capable of and what I can do. So, I’m really excited to do something big.

All I've heard from Sierra in her interviews is "I'm going to make moves!"  Which I hope she does, but I don't think she really gets it.  Hopefully this is all some big act she's playing up, because I would admit I was all wrong about her if she comes in the polar opposite of what her interviews are suggesting.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Granted, I get along with guys better than girls usually. 

Of course she does.

She is insufferable in all these pre-show interviews. I honestly liked her in WA, but I am losing all the affection I felt towards her. 

I am actually curious to see how she plays though.

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I also don't think she & Hali had any contact outside of the game. Obviously, they know each other so it will be interesting to see if they play for game sake. Although, I think Sierra really does get along better with the guys. It's not an awful strategy but it's done before. She might surprise me and go all gangsta on Game Changers. I doubt it but I'm willing to give her an episode or two before cutting her.

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Sierra Dawn Thomas (Worlds Apart): I would love to take [Sandra] far and then be the reason she goes home, just to prove a point. It would be a huge move. I would love to do that.


And I’ll take Malcolm to the end because I love him.

I see she's still delusional. This is more embarrassing than her tweet during Worlds Apart where she said of herself, "Girl's got game!" right after that episode where she did literally nothing oh wait that was all of the episodes.

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I still can't believe she was even in second running as alternate. How do you go from a winner like to Natalie to Sierra Dawn Thomas? That's quite a leap. It's bad enough you have another non gamer from Worlds Apart (and, I liked her) Hali but two? At least, you could have Carolyn on. Granted, Sandra has filled the Mom role but let's get serious here. It's not like I hate Sierra or anything but I hope she's an early boot.

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I remember all the people being talked about here but this Sierra. Eventually i will go look her up but for the life of me I can't remember who she is.  I was thinking, ike the person above has informed me is not so, that maybe she was Kim.  

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This is the one with the tattooed eyebrows, right?  So that she had the weird eyebrows growing in thing (spiky blonde eyebrows in the natural place over the eye growing over the tattooed arched black ones).  That's the main thing I remember about her.

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1 hour ago, ratgirlagogo said:

This is the one with the tattooed eyebrows, right?  So that she had the weird eyebrows growing in thing (spiky blonde eyebrows in the natural place over the eye growing over the tattooed arched black ones).  That's the main thing I remember about her.

That's her.  


I don't mind Sierra.  I'd rather someone innocuous come back than someone I hate.  Sierra made it deep so she must've done something more right than a lot of other women players.  (I'm glad it's not Figgy instead.  I was fine with Figgy until I listened to her RHAP exit interview then I kind of hated her.  She was I think the most bitter loser I've seen.)  

I'd love it if Sierra actually came back and was another Parvati or Wentworth.  Going in, she's going to have zero target on her, and no one will remember any sort of game that she had the first time.  She's actually in the best position if she wanted to do something.  Still, I would have much rather seen some of the other ladies that got cut over her that were at least more interesting than her the first time.  I agree about Figgy, though.  I might get her bitterness better, if she didn't seem to blame everyone but herself for her loss (and the whole "I'm Boston Rob, he's Amber", was way too much).  I dislike the girl so much, I'd love to see Taylor get another shot if I knew she'd be pissed about it.

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Interview with Josh Wigler.


She didn't find out she was on the season until 2 days before they flew out.


Sierra Dawn Thomas (Worlds Apart): I went through the whole [casting] finals process. I got the phone call, and it was a no, but they told me that I was an alternate.

Sierra Dawn Thomas (Worlds Apart): Friday comes around, and I’m at a rodeo. I’m a couple of hours from home. I get a phone call, and it’s a go. Flight leaves on Sunday. I have less than 48 hours to get my life together. Yeah, kind of intense!

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I still don't understand why if CBS wanted some young girl that looked good in a bikini they went with her as an alternate over someone else.  I'm still hoping she proves me wrong about her casting, but so far I'm not convinced. 

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21 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I still don't understand why if CBS wanted some young girl that looked good in a bikini they went with her as an alternate over someone else.  I'm still hoping she proves me wrong about her casting, but so far I'm not convinced. 

I still don't know how you go from Survivor Winner Natalie Anderson to Sierra?! First off, if she was the 3rd choice that would be downright sad but 2nd? WTF?? "Oh, Natalie backed out. She was a winner. Who can we get next to replace her and fill the spot? Obviously, Sierra!" <banging my head on the table>

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The fact that she not only found the Legacy Advantage but was shown finding it makes me think she'll be prominent this season.  But let's just see how prominent, and if she actually puts her money where her mouth is this time.

Edited by Vyk
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I'm guessing not.  I feel like the only reason she got screen time was because of the legacy advantage.  I don't know if Sierra will actually pull something off, or if they'll make it seem like she did so they can say she wasn't a complete casting dud.

i won't lie that I was disappointed she got the advantage.  Better than Brad, but was hoping anyone else would find it.

Edited by LadyChatts
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For all of you who say Sierra was not a game-changer, with all respect you are wrong.  She is the first Survivor ever to organize and lead an entire tribe in a log-rolling exercise during a challenge.  It worked, too, at least for a few seconds. 

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7 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I'm guessing not.  I feel like the only reason she got screen time was because of the legacy advantage.  I don't know if Sierra will actually pull something off, or if they'll make it seem like she did so they can say she wasn't a complete casting dud.

I don't know.  They showed her confessional in which she laid out her strategy for this season.  Those shown laying out their strategies do tend to last longer than those who aren't shown doing that.

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I think the Legacy Advantage gave her some confidence. She also did well in the oar challenge, too. I agree with Vyk. They did give her a confessional where she layed out her plan. It's too early for a winners edit (or is it....LOL) but TPTB must have thought it was necessary to air it. There's a lot of game to go. There is a swap next week and then the merge. I think if she makes the merge I might be looking at her a lot more closely. 

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I remember while watching that I had ONE POSITIVE view of Sierra during her first season: that challenge where the winners got to go to an orphanage, the winners were Sierra and two others that I'm zoning out on but who were not offensive. I remember at the time thinking how nice that was for the kids, given that the alternative was pretty bad (again, don't remember who composed the alternative, but it may well have included Dan). 

Edited by NutMeg
typo ;(
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On 3/10/2017 at 2:55 AM, NutMeg said:

I remember while watching that I had ONE POSITIVE view of Sierra during her first season: that challenge where the winners got to go to an orphanage, the winners were Sierra and two others that I'm zoning out on but who were not offensive. I remember at the time thinking how nice that was for the kids, given that the alternative was pretty bad (again, don't remember who composed the alternative, but it may well have included Dan). 

I remember that.  I think many posters here even said they were glad Dan, Rodney, and Will weren't inflicted on those innocent kids who had already suffered enough.  Then there was that puzzle challenge where Sierra was partnered with Dan and Rodney (the challenge no one could figure out what the puzzle said for almost an hour, despite Jeff practically giving them the answer), but the two boys didn't want any of Sierra's input.  IIRC, she was on the right track.


I think the Legacy Advantage gave her some confidence. She also did well in the oar challenge, too. I agree with Vyk. They did give her a confessional where she layed out her plan. It's too early for a winners edit (or is it....LOL) but TPTB must have thought it was necessary to air it. There's a lot of game to go. There is a swap next week and then the merge. I think if she makes the merge I might be looking at her a lot more closely. 

Lol well I don't know about that, but I guess we'll see at the end of the season.  I do wonder, since all she's talked about in her brief TH on the show and extra clip posted online, was making moves and changing her game up, if that will in fact lead to anything.  So maybe I'm wrong.  I think they had to give her something, and since she found the advantage, of course she's going to get air time for that.  But if she actually does make a move, will it be one move?  A pointless move like targeting someone obvious like Sandra or Ozzy that doesn't really effect her game?  Someone else's move that she tries to pretend she was a swing vote for, or gets credit for?  It shows how much confidence I have in her game play lol  Of course, she does continue to contradict herself.  She's playing the same game, according to her, except it's going to be different, and she's going to make moves...but she's going to play like she did last time.  Since it didn't work out for her, I would think she'd try and change it up.

Edited by LadyChatts
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According to Max Dawson, Sierra Dawn called Hali right before she left. Sierra was so last minute that Hali didn't know she was chosen. Basically, Sierra called her and Hali was, all like, "Who is this?". LOL!!! Max said Hali is just so different and off the grid. She's a lawyer and lives in a trailer park. She doesn't have internet or cable. Anyway, when they get out there Hali was still not connecting with her. He said they don't hate each other but Hali is so different that there isn't anything between them in or out of the game. I guess Sierra wasn't lying about them having no connection but it's not because of any real issue. Hali just dances to the beat of her own drum. I'm curious to see how it plays out between them two.

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Figures that the most interesting thing on Sierra's thread is something about Hali. Lives in a trailer park with no internet or cable? More and more it becomes clear why she was a no-collar. 

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Just to clarify I believe Max said it was a text message that Sierra sent Hali to which she responded "who is this?". Still funny though.  Maybe Hali was just having phone issues since according to Max she still uses a flip phone. 

Edited by LanceM
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I think it's common for people who aren't big texters to not have everyone they know saved to their contacts so their phone identifies who's texting them.  And for people with flip phones to not be big into texting.  One of my sisters in her late 50s used to always sign her texts.  I asked why and she said she gets texts all the time from people who don't and she has no idea who they're from.  Heh.  I had to tell her to save people to contacts because people aren't going to just start signing texts.  

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If there's any credit she should get at all for this week, it sounds like she was the one who suggested Malcolm for the boot.  That, and she scoped out what had been suspected by the tribe -- that she was Nuku's target at Tribal Council.

She still hasn't been all that visible, but what moves we do see her making do at least appear to be decent, reasonable ones.

I still wish any other woman had returned other than she, though.

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I find it odd she assumed she was Nuku's target even before the whole blow up.  Something was funny with the editing there.  And I guess to get screen time Sierra has to be a potential boot, because I doubt we would have seen anything of her last night again.

I'm still a little bitter that a boring player like her is still there over a better, more interesting player like Malcolm.  And she was saved.  She never should have been cast in the first place, and she could have been gone.  But nope, she got super lucky with her alliance.

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On ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 10:29 AM, LadyChatts said:

I find it odd she assumed she was Nuku's target even before the whole blow up.  Something was funny with the editing there.

I think she legitimately suspected it on her own.  She seemed to have picked up on it while Brad and Debbie kept trying to assure her that she wasn't . . . until J.T. basically ran his mouth to Brad and confirmed that she was.  If this is the case, then reluctant kudos to her for reading the room when the rest of her tribe wasn't.

Edited by Vyk
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On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 4:44 PM, loki567 said:

Figures that the most interesting thing on Sierra's thread is something about Hali. Lives in a trailer park with no internet or cable? More and more it becomes clear why she was a no-collar. 

Maybe she has a lot of debt from law school and is using the extra approx. $200-300/month to pay off loans.

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I liked her better when she was invisible.  A combo of cringe worthy, annoying, and laughable tonight.  She does realize if she was coming back for her great game play she wouldn't have been an alternate that got the call two days before, right?  Anyway, hoping the "sheriff" gets their badge taken away next week.  At the very least go back into the woodwork.  She's annoying to watch.

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56 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I liked her better when she was invisible.  A combo of cringe worthy, annoying, and laughable tonight.  She does realize if she was coming back for her great game play she wouldn't have been an alternate that got the call two days before, right?  Anyway, hoping the "sheriff" gets their badge taken away next week.  At the very least go back into the woodwork.  She's annoying to watch.

Don't like her much, either, but if she seems to be considered the one in charge of her alliance right now, then she has to be doing something right.  Which surprises me.

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Yeah I don't know why it's so "delusional" of Sierra to think she's in charge when other people say the same thing.  Just because Brad has the edit doesn't mean he's running the whole show, just that Probst and Mario Lanza and other man-crushin' dudebros have the keys to the editing machine.

Not that I like Sierra or anything.  She's so tall and blonde I always want her to be Kim but of course, she's no Kim at all.  Still she seems to be sitting pretty at present and it's very easy for me to see her in the final 3, though perhaps not to get credit for anything once she's there.

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Other than the Glaring Death Ray Eyebrows From Hell, I don't have any particular problem with Sierra.  And considering both Hali and Michaela were the prime targets of the first post-merge vote because both were considered loose cannons who could easily roll to the other side, I didn't sense any inherent shadiness in Sierra carrying that same line of thought forward to the next consecutive TC and lobbying for Michaela to be the next boot after Hali.

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I have a thin line of tattooed eyeliner.  I looked at her book of before and afters. I was curious about brows (don't need that) because the only others I saw were on Nicole on BB.  

Sierra did not go to a skilled tattoo artist.  None were just a solid line as she has.  They were tiny hairs skillfully executed, all in colors that were not as severe.  Apparently if you do want make up tattooed on, go to a tattoo artist and not someone trained only to do make up.  They are very different.   One is an artist, one took a short course.  

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I've said all along I think Brad is getting a better edit than he probably deserves, and Zeke kind of confirmed that last night with his comment about Brad falling on his sword at the merge feast to repair his rep from his previous season.  However, given the source that is Zeke, I'm not entirely confident about what he says, either.  This is probably giving Brad too much credit, but maybe he's going to take a backseat now, let Sierra and Debbie think they are running things and get their hands dirty, and play that up at the FTC, if he/they make it.  I don't know if he'd take Sierra, but he probably believes he'd have a good shot at beating Debbie.  I don't know that I believe Debbie or Sierra are the brains in that alliance.

My issue with Sierra last night was mainly attitude.  Hali is playing differently than last time and acting calm, so that must mean she has an idol?  I mean, how dare she not be begging Sierra for her life in the game and trying to take a different approach.  Caleb said that Sierra kept asking him why he wasn't asking her to try and save him, and he knew it was pointless.  Maybe Hali did, too.  And how dare Michaela keep interrupting her conversation's with people about voting her out.  I also think she has some revisionist history about how she played the first time-which she openly admitted during her post game interviews that season that she made no moves.  She admitted it in pre-game interviews this season that she wanted to correct that mistake and make moves this time.  She is good at contradicting herself.  Whether they were the right moves remains to be seen.  I can't argue with getting Ozzy out, as much as I hate it, but I think Hali was not a smart target.  And her "this game gets harder and harder every time you play it."  This is her second time playing.  I don't hear complaints from 4 timers Cirie and Ozzy.  I also thought she came across pretty cocky.  I don't know if she realizes alliances can fall apart, even if her blue collar alliance stayed strong and made a boring, predictable merge. 

That said, hopefully she's done getting screen time, but since her alliance is sitting pretty, I'm probably not going to be lucky with that.

Edited by LadyChatts
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