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Season Two Talk: FFwSB

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1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

I'm okay with the bubbles and the scanning, but that's hackable, right?

Our readers are stand-alone machines, and are not connected online; the memory chips are removed and transported to the Board of Elex at the close of polls. The paper ballots are locked within the readers, which are rounded up by BoE the day after. What happens at BoE is anybody's guess.

Edited by attica
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18 hours ago, ganesh said:

The justice league theme of the interview was a good idea, but Sam was being too silly imo.

In general, I don't mind this type of interview since it is, after all, a comedy show, but when you sit back and examine the content, all the silliness resulted in the AG really saying almost nothing of substance.  Watching political comedy shows (FF, The Opposition, The President Show, etc.) do interviews, though, and seeing the interviewees struggle to process the sometimes nonsensical questions and play straight man often makes me uncomfortable enough to fast forward right through them.

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, ganesh said:

I have a serious problem with the speaker of the house saying "prayer works" as a policy position after 26 people, including kids and babies, were murdered. 

Were murdered IN A CHURCH. AT PRAYER. The nerve of anyone with the power to prevent this to suggest that PRAYER is what is needed in response to this slaughter is appalling.

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, meowmommy said:

Watching political comedy shows (FF, The Opposition, The President Show, etc.) do interviews, though, and seeing the interviewees struggle to process the sometimes nonsensical questions and play straight man often makes me uncomfortable enough to fast forward right through them.

I thought the attorney general did provide some substance. Sam interrupted a little too much for me and took away from more content. 

1 hour ago, Slovenly Muse said:

Were murdered IN A CHURCH. AT PRAYER. The nerve of anyone with the power to prevent this to suggest that PRAYER is what is needed in response to this slaughter is appalling.

Plus that it's the elected official 3rd in line for the presidency. 

  • Love 3

As a citizen of Indiana, the piece on the Pences was fucking brilliant.  I literally choked on my coffee this morning watching it.   

I LOVE Alana Harkin.  The climate scientist who brought up Bible verses to explain that "hey God wants us to take care of this wonderful gift He gave us" is brilliant. As is not yelling at people you disagree with to get them to come over to your side.     

8 hours ago, Delwyn said:

Sam is not wearing a blazer tonight. I am shook. 

That top was not doing her any favors. At first I thought it was an ugly Christmas sweater.  Hopefully it looked better in real life than what came across on camera. 

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There's nothing more disheartening than listening to these fools deny why the very island they're sitting on is sinking. Bright side? They won't be around much longer. (I know, that's cold, I don't care.) 


As is not yelling at people you disagree with to get them to come over to your side.     

We covered this a little over on the Overtime forum - the position almost suggests "you have to trick these people into agreeing with facts." Screw that. We shouldn't be in the business of tricking morons into believing in science. I'd much rather appeal to the people who already believe science and get them off their lazy asses and into the voting booths so morons like this don't control the outcome of elections.

Same goes double for the evangelicals who say the news about Roy Moore just makes them more supportive of him. Cripes.

Edited by iMonrey
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Ah, the 'mistakes of youth' excuse. They're grown men until they commit crimes and then they're just wayward boys who don't know any better. 

I don't see Moore stepping aside, and with the state GOP support, I think he's going to win, forcing the senate's hand. 

#Shallow: Allana's short haircut is gorgeous. 

I liked the piece on climate because we're super into science communication here (nuclear energy-related but it's the same approach).

6 hours ago, attica said:

"What if climate scientists are doing God's work?"  Oh, the deafening silence that followed. Man, that was good.

Talk about mic drop. 

Edited by ganesh
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I don't see Moore stepping aside, and with the state GOP support, I think he's going to win, forcing the senate's hand. 

I very much doubt the senate will do anything to eject Moore if/when he is elected for the same reason they don't do anything about Trump. They just want the numbers. Who was it Sam quoted that said even a pedophile was better than a Democrat?

  • Love 3

Among the people who say they'll vote for Moore are those who just don't want to vote for a Democrat. Can you write in candidates in Alabama? Why don't they pick another Republican guy and promote him as a write-in vote? I understand there are people who really believe Moore is being set up, that all the women and their family and friends and people who've worked at the Gadsen Mall and people who worked in the DA's office are lying; but for those who just don't want to vote Democrat, pick another Repub.

I need to replay that Meet the Pences theme song. It was hilarious. The lyrics AND the singing were cracking me up.

I liked the bit where Trump is Garfield the cat.

As far as the bit on Tangier Island goes, talk about heads-in-the-sand, the "eroding" sand. It was just about literally "LA LA LA LA! I can't hear you!" 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I very much doubt the senate will do anything to eject Moore if/when he is elected for the same reason they don't do anything about Trump.

Someone will initiate expulsion, but they need 60 votes to do it. My main point is that this will be a pr nightmare for the senate if they don't do something about it. 

1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

Can you write in candidates in Alabama? Why don't they pick another Republican guy and promote him as a write-in vote?

That's what McConnell has been floating, but you run into the sticky problem of Washington dictating to Alabama voters how they should choose their elected representative, potentially backfiring as AL voters seek to stick it to Washington fat cats. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

Why don't they pick another Republican guy and promote him as a write-in vote? I

The AL Republicans had a meeting about that yesterday, and officially declined to do that very thing. (Rachel covered it on her show.) Which doesn't stop a voter from a write in, but anybody written in isn't sanctioned by the party. They're dancing with the one that brung 'em.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, attica said:

"What if climate scientists are doing God's work?"  Oh, the deafening silence that followed. Man, that was good.

What was the correspondent's name? She deserves an award for that. Also, for burying a wine bottle and sipping it when stressed. And it turns out God isn't chill about people ruining His land, at least according to the Bible. I never heard that before.

Damn, Alabama and Tangier Island got roasted. Deservedly so, for the most part. As for the rash of allegations . . . I'm sure that by year's end, Samantha will break the news that Vice President Pence once spoke to a woman for three whole minutes while his wife was in the restroom.

  • Love 3

For your commenting, analyzing, speculating, and questioning pleasure -

Species of Comedy Penis List:

Pink Floyd Enthusiast
Aging Improve Lurker
Wad of Plaid
Talking Hipster Beard
Beanne Stand
Wannabe Tosh
Pile of New Balances
Nebbish Jizz Stain
Self Declared Genius
Pantheon to Delayed Adolescence
The Lone Truth-teller
Whiskey Soaked Jew Fro
Cloud of Vape Smoke
Mediocre Man-child
Fatter, Older Will Ferrell
Craft-less Hack
"Tim and Eric is Really Important to Me" Motherf**ker
Trust Fund Foxworthy
Guy Who Told Chris Rock He's the Reason He Got Into Comedy
The Lone Man that Can Separate the Art From the Person
Guy Owen Benjamin RT'ed Once
The UCB Graduate
Flannel Farley
Guy Who Pulled a lot of Favors to Get Twitter Verified
Auteur of Molestation
Unshaved Resentment Deposit
The Empty Chain Wallet
Guy Rebranding Himself as an Ex-male Feminist
Fart Joke In Flannel
Definitely A White Guy
A 'Well, Actually' Statue
The Devil's Favorite Advocate
Unweirdest Guy To Ever Say 'Maybe I'm Just Weird'
Demetri Martinete
The Self-declared Feminist Ally W\who has Definitely Assaulted Women
Year-round Knit Cap Wearer
Someone Who was Called A Nerd Once in 4th Grade and Never Forgot It
Perpetual Quoter of "Entourage"
Vine's Biggest Content Contributor
Human Converse Sneaker
Human Spinal Tap Quote
Guy Who Watched an Amy Schumer Special and Declared Himself Woke
Barfly With A Decent Excuse
If a Wes Anderson Movie  Were a Person
The Future of Late Night
Guy Who Questions Whether or Not You've Really Seen Star Wars
The One Guy Who Really Loves PBR "for the taste"
Mommy's Little Mansplainer
Guitar Comic Who Swears He's Not Just A Guitar Comic
Guy With an "SNL Used to be Good" Tattoo
Guy Who Prefers the Book to the Movie
Guy Whose Tinder Bio says "comedy writer" who has Never Written Anything
Yes Anderson
David Brenner of Bushwick
Edward PBR Hands
Hygiene-optional Basement Show Booker
Mr. @Midnight RT'ed Me Once
Drummer for Radiohead cover band
Themeless, Guestless Podcast Host
Aspiring Podcast Listener
Photocopy of a Photocopy of Seth Rogen
Holier Than House Team
Purveyor of Poop Jokes
Breathing Bringer Show
Guy Who Never Got Over His Parents' Amicable Divorce
Human Family Guy Spec Script
Funniest Guy Who's Taken Improv 201 Six Times in a Row
Guy Who Thinks "being raised on The Simpsons" Gives Him a Unique POV
Sentient Action Figure Collection
Rage Nerd Who Hosts a Bi-monthly at a Mall Bar
Flannel Shrine to Mediocrity
Career Long Island Feature Act
Living Breathing "What Else What Else"
Ironic Racist
Conservative Gay Guy Who Yells
Hoboken Roast Champion
PhD in Rape Jokes
Children's Strength Bill Hicks
Six Month Name-From-A-Hat-Mic Comedy Veteran
Grabby Demogorgon Who Books The Comedy Sack
Open Mic Host Who Hugs You And Then Rates The Hug
Doctor "Every Character Is a Gynecologist"
The Only Guy Who Really "Gets" Mr. Show
Guy Who Believes George Carlin Just, Like, Got It
Simpsons Dictionary
Christopher Hitchens
Guy Who Fancies Himself Depression's Patient Zero
Living Romanticization of Mental Illness
Woman who Hates Women
Guy who thinks it isn't harassment if she "admires" you
Keith "We Should All Kiss Just To Get Comfortable"
Mr. "Your Not Like Other Girls"
Boyfriend who hates it when you get more laughs
Host who has never pronounced a name more exotic than "Dave" correctly
Host who calls you "the lovely"
One-time open mic-er who "has some advice" for you
Mr. Silly Rape
Free speech martyr
"I can't believe you don't like 'Boogie Nights!'"
The Guy with Either a Tragic Ear Injury or Thinks All Women Talk Very High Pitched
Star Wars McGee
Third Sklar Brother
Monty Python Sideshow Freak
Will Actually

Apologies in advance for any omissions or transcription errors. The capitalization and spelling are a bit idiosyncratic in the original, but I don't think it effects anything.

  • Love 9

So when was Mel Gibson a part of Hollywood's liberal illuminati?

Samantha's suggestion to Alabama that they be better than Hollywood in keeping Roy Moore out of the U.S. Senate sounds like a good idea. In theory. I have a feeling many Alabamans would take that advise and vote in Moore so they can turn around and go "Haw-haw, look at all the butthurt libtard snowflakes! Haw-haw, their tears are delish!"

The idea of Mike Pence as the next president is frightening, as Samantha described. But if it's true that Pence was deeply involved with Russia's meddling in last year's presidential election, then he might not have that opportunity to be the 46th President.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, attica said:

The AL Republicans had a meeting about that yesterday, and officially declined to do that very thing. (Rachel covered it on her show.) Which doesn't stop a voter from a write in, but anybody written in isn't sanctioned by the party. They're dancing with the one that brung 'em.

Do you mean even if the majority of people write, say, John Birmingham on the ballot, he wouldn't win?

And the likelihood of a non-sanctioned candidate generating enough support to win a write-in is pretty low. There'd have to be some organization to marshal the possible voters. (For instance, when Lisa Murkowski got turfed in an AK primary, she still had the power of incumbency/name recognition/solid funding to propel her to write-in victory.) Which doesn't currently exist in AL, and it's hard to get it going in time before the election. Especially if the state party peeps oppose it.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, msrachelj said:

i love the cat top. i was hoping she would point out she was not wearing one of her ugly blazers and mention where she got the shirt. i want one! i thought she looked much better. less frumpy in ugly blazers.

Only $1300 CAD at Nordstrom. Start saving your nickels! The D&G collection also makes it in a girl’s dress if you need.

Interesting that nobody has commented on the most recent episode aired December 6th. I recently listened to an old podcast Sam appeared on in early 2016, months before the election. In the interview, she was asked the typical question at the time: won't it be good for comedians if Trump wins the election? Her reply proved to be very prescient: she said it might mean the death of comedy, because nothing would be funny anymore. 

  • Love 4
24 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Interesting that nobody has commented on the most recent episode aired December 6th. I recently listened to an old podcast Sam appeared on in early 2016, months before the election. In the interview, she was asked the typical question at the time: won't it be good for comedians if Trump wins the election? Her reply proved to be very prescient: she said it might mean the death of comedy, because nothing would be funny anymore. 

I think an inconsistent schedule has much more to do with it than the death of comedy.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Interesting that nobody has commented on the most recent episode aired December 6th. I recently listened to an old podcast Sam appeared on in early 2016, months before the election. In the interview, she was asked the typical question at the time: won't it be good for comedians if Trump wins the election? Her reply proved to be very prescient: she said it might mean the death of comedy, because nothing would be funny anymore. 


11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I think an inconsistent schedule has much more to do with it than the death of comedy.


7 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I'm not always bent on commenting on the series. This week? Two fun segments, a spotlight on unacknowledged heroines in Mexico, and Kristen Gillibrand casting premium shade on the president. What more can one ask for?

Yeah sometimes there just isn't much to say about an episode - it just isn't exceptional in any way good or bad. It doesn't really mean anything unless there is a long string of little to no response which indicates the show is running out of steam creatively and the audience is running out of steam. And I agree that it's way to early to pronounce comedy dead. In fact I'd even argue that the topical comedians have done a better job of responding the endless stream of absurd bullshit coming out than most journalists. In fact they've been doing so well it can be hard to comment here as sometimes the only things I would have to say are about the substance, which is off topic here, and not about the presentation or the presenter which is what these forums are here to discuss.

As far as this week is concerned I thought the first couple of segments were just OK, but I loved the interview which as I've said before has often been a weak point. This was something I hadn't heard before, played mostly straight with the laughs coming from the absurdity of the reality they were talking about more then prepared lines and bits. The scripted material was funny and added to the voices of the interviewees rather than overpowering them. I hope she does more like this as I find this a lot more interesting than most of her interviews with big name guests. The only negative was they felt the need to green screen a backdrop for some reason and it was distractingly fake. Why not just show them in the studio?

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Based on the issues that have been covered on the show, it's just not funny. The government is just doing what it can to ruin average people's lives. They cover a lot of good issues on the show, but it must be enormously difficult to find much humor. I mean, as Sam correctly pointed out, a democrat squeaked by over the child molester. 

  • Love 6

I think an inconsistent schedule has much more to do with it than the death of comedy.

True, but for some reason I'm having a harder time appreciating Full Frontal than other comical takes. I don't know why - I like Trevor Noah and I like Seth Meyers, but they only do about ten minutes and Sam Bee does a half hour. I think it's something to do with how she really nails it, getting to the very heart of the issue with cutting force, it's so visceral and real that even while she's delivering it in a sort of parody and with sarcasm, it's too brutal and true to laugh at. Or maybe there's just too much of it in a half hour. I don't know. For some reason Full Frontal depresses me in a way The Daily Show, Real Time and "A Closer Look" do not.

Edited by iMonrey
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You should check out Seth he has been doing stellar work.

1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

I'm not religious . . . but blessed are those that can squeeze humor out of unwieldy chaos. Sam would have to be in the top three, right? I know there's John Oliver, Trevor Noah, Colin & Michael at SNL, and others I don't know about, but Sam is so vicious, she is delicious.

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