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I think it was Italian since she claimed that David was conceived in Positano while the song played. 

More Ted undressing, please!

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11 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

I think it was Italian since she claimed that David was conceived in Positano while the song played. 

More Ted undressing, please!

I thought it was Italian then doubted myself because I understood it.  [I don't speak Italian, but I do speak Spanish.] 

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I don't understand this show anymore at all.

Tonight's episode was amazingly good. It had several LOL moments (well, to be fair, I guess they were LOL moments for me and may not be for you), and I thought the writing and acting were amazingly heads and shoulders above most other episodes and especially above the first five episodes of this season.

I won't remember all the LOL moments. But some of them were:

"I want to talk to you about something that is not really a bad thing. But it's not a very good thing either."

Johhny-"Who was that on the phone?"  Moira-"I don't know"

David-"But how long will we really be gone."  Stevie-"The important thing is that you have to give them all some hope."

After Roland & Johhny gave each other golf tips and Stevie was taking some pictures, Johnny-"Delete those immediately!"  Roland-"Can I get some copies of those?"

Those were just some golden moments. Pure comedy gold, IMO.

I posted the above quotes to the best of my recollection. I know I didn't get them perfect. But I only got about 3 of the LOL moments so far. There were many others.  I'm sorry I can't remember any more now. I'll update this post later after I rewatch the episode.

But I want to also say that I thought they missed some really good comedy opportunities in tonight's show.

When Stevie and Johnny showed up at the golf course, I got a thought that although Stevie was playing for the first time in her life, she could have proven herself to be some kind of amazing "Golf Savant" and played most every hole to perfection - well, maybe a birdie on most every hole and an eagle on a few. Then she could have kissed the motel goodby and joined the Ladies' Golf Tour.

I also had a thought when Johhny was on the phone with the golf course. I thought maybe he could have discovered some way to do some kind of big business by combining a golf course with a motel and then he could have fallen into some big business opportunity that would return him to the mutli-million dollar corporate status. It's fairly easy to make that happen when you do all the writing. I figure this show is ready for some big comedic development that will take it to the stratosphere.

In any case, "Well done tonight, Schitt's Creek! You really rocked it tonight."

BTW, it seems to me they are finally giving Twila some serious dialogue. It seemed to me that she spoke for longer during this epi than she did in all the other epis this season - all put together.

Edited by LauraAnders
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For me the funniest part of the episode was David & Alexis discussing whether or not you have to pay a mailman in order to receive your mail, especially since they both seemed to think they were right but weren't completely sure.

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At first I thought Alexis was putting off going to school because she didn't want to upset David about the fact that the local college wouldn't let him enroll, but I am not at all surprised that Alexis never got around to finishing high school because she was busy doing things like meeting Beyoncé in Mykonos. Meanwhile, Ted missed school for the American Idol tour? Dude.

I like the growing friendship between Stevie and Johnny. I don't know that I love them working at the motel together, but I like that their interaction is now more than Johnny asking her for extra towels or telling her that the sink is leaking.

I thought it was sweet of Moira to help Twyla get people to her party (and even guilted David into going), but I love that Moira still didn't go.

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I really wanted to see more of Twyla's Murder Mystery party!  It looked like people showed up and were mingling, so I hope Twyla's reputation for bad parties has been repaired. 

Also loved that Johnny has been carrying around a stranger's graduation picture all these years.

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Did they say Stevie's last name is Bud? So when David and Stevie get married her name could be Stevie Rose-Bud?

I didn't think this one was that funny, I only really laughed at the end when she told her parents she didn't finish high school and her dad was carrying a picture of Jen Chang around! Poor David not getting to go to high school on Switzerland.

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I thought the writing and acting were amazingly heads and shoulders above most other episodes and especially above the first five episodes of this season.

Strange - I found it to be a rather weak episode, especially after last week's. That's the thing about this kind of Christopher Guest/Second City/This is Spinal Tap/improv type humor. It either hits you, or it doesn't, and it's extremely subjective. I also think you have to be in the right mood for it as well.

I did get a good laugh out of Moira saying "I don't know" when Johnny asked her who called. But I found the whole bit with Johnny expecting to play a round of golf at the local club very sad, and while it was sweet of Stevie to get him a day pass or whatever it just made me feel even sorrier for him.

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Strange - I found it to be a rather weak episode, especially after last week's. That's the thing about this kind of Christopher Guest/Second City/This is Spinal Tap/improv type humor. It either hits you, or it doesn't, and it's extremely subjective. I also think you have to be in the right mood for it as well.

I did get a good laugh out of Moira saying "I don't know" when Johnny asked her who called. But I found the whole bit with Johnny expecting to play a round of golf at the local club very sad, and while it was sweet of Stevie to get him a day pass or whatever it just made me feel even sorrier for him.

Yes. The writing of the Johnny character does seem very odd. It's as if the person who writes that character has absolutely no idea how it feels to fall on hard times. I would guess that person has led - for the most part - a charmed life. I'm guessing they have never known any real failure and their life has been one long and big good time.  It's impossible to know. But I'm guessing that person has led a charmed life.

If Eugene Levy is the one who is the primary writer for Johnny, do you think it would be fair to say that he has led one long happy life - almost never knowing any heart ache or failure? Eugene Levy was born in 1946. He started working in SCTV in 1976 and that would be around the age of 30.

He went on to a part in the great movie National Lampoon's Vacation in 1983 and followed that with another great part in the movie Splash that was directed by Ron Howard in 1984.

If you look at his history, it seems like he's been busy working in Hollywood films for most of his life and many of those filrm were real smashes. You referred to the Christopher Guest/Second City movie "Spinal Tap". There were also some movies that had sequels. I remember something called "American Pie" or some such that had a few sequels (I think?). I'm guessing he came away from those with a pile of money and success which he undoubedly was well deserving.

I've always thought the vast majority of actors lived lives full of hardship and unemployment and they were always chasing after demeaning jobs in restaurants as wait staff. But, Eugene Levy seems to be an exception. He certainly deserves his success because he is really talented. Very enjoyable to watch.

But I wonder if his mostly "charmed life" has made it difficult for him to give us an accurate portrayal of someone who lives their life after some major failure and has a family that they must feel guilty about disappointing.

Of course, I could be all wet and he could know more about failure than I could imagine. But I wonder.

What do you think?


Edited by LauraAnders
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If Eugene Levy is the one who is the primary writer for Johnny

Actually his son Daniel has written several scripts for the show. I don't think Eugene himself has written for the show. But a lot of it seems to be improvised. Both he and Catherine O'Hara have backgrounds in improv, having started out together in Second City. 

I don't think the writing for Johnny is a problem, though. I think they deliberately conveyed his sense of loss and the fact that he expected to play a round of golf at a fancy club like he used to back in the old days when he was still rich. And that he was quite humbled at missing the opportunity, and watching sadly as the golfers left the course, trying to make small talk with them as if he were still one of them. It's just that it was remarkably poignant and sad for a show that deals primarily in absurdity and humor. I tune to laugh at these characters, not to feel bad for them.

Edited by iMonrey
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This is the first ep of the entire series where I actually thought "wow what a bad episode". I really don't want to stop watching because I have really found it unique and enjoyable up until now.

The Rose children seem to be permanently coasting with no dialogue other than their supposed sibling shorthand squints, whines, moans and uptalks. Not enough any more. It was funny the first few times. Enough.

Even if it is partly or even entirely improvised (Curb Your Entusiasm, all the Guest films etc) there was a basic storyline followup lacking this week. 

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I will be very interested to hear what people think of this Epi.

I thought it was just terribly flat. Nothing to laugh about. Not even a chuckle. But in the past, whenever I have felt an episode was poor, many other people seemed to love it. I guess I may just be out of the times. I don't understand very well. I loved the first two seasons. But I feel something is wrong with this season.

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I agree that something is off this season and I'm not entirely sure what it is either. 

For me, David and Alexis are my favourite characters, they never fail to crack me up, and I feel starting with the city council stuff last season, and now the motel, the focus has shifted to the parents. I do enjoy them, but they don't make me laugh like the kids do. I miss their adventures. I hope the general store means some good David hi-jinks in the next few episodes. 

The only part of this episode that stood out was the conversation between David and Moira when she kept repeating his questions back to him, and also the last scene with the cinnamon buns. 

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Poor David! Not only did his parents give him the start up money for the galleries but they paid people to buy the art. While I mostly side with Stevie, I can see how upsetting this must be for David to know that his parents didn't have enough faith in him to let him sink or swim on his own.

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9 hours ago, weightyghost said:

the focus has shifted to the parents

I think the point of this season is to show what terrible parents they've been over the years.  Now that they can't hide behind money it's all coming to the surface. Alexis never finished high school, Johnny had a picture of some other girl in his wallet, all the stuff with David.  It's been touched on in the past seasons but it's really coming up now.  

I think Alexis at high school was hysterical.  And the whole thing with being accepted by the high school girls was fantastic. Oh Alexis.  But aside from some amazing facial expressions David isn't really making me laugh this season.  Seems like he's taking over Johnny's sad sack role this season.

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On 2/16/2017 at 10:17 AM, Arynm said:

Did they say Stevie's last name is Bud? So when David and Stevie get married her name could be Stevie Rose-Bud?

Thanks for giving me one more reason to pathetically ship Stevie and David. 

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I agree it was a somewhat weaker episode but that might be because I wasn't particularly interested in Ivan and Twyla - I don't remember seeing Ivan before, even though he apparently appeared in at least one previous episode. And he also seemed too old for Twyla. I also don't get who exactly Johnny is offering a "continental breakfast" to - does this motel actually have guests other than themselves? Up until Johnny partnered with Stevie to run the place, I was under the impression it did not.

I did get a kick out of everyone stealing the cinnamon buns at the end, and Johnny trying to explain the concept of a "continental breakfast." Also loved Moira repeating back to David everything he was saying, and the opening bit where Moira and Johnny keep pointing out how David was bullied.

Also, did we know before this that Jocelyn was a high school teacher? How many students are in that school? It looked pretty big. 

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44 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I agree it was a somewhat weaker episode but that might be because I wasn't particularly interested in Ivan and Twyla - I don't remember seeing Ivan before, even though he apparently appeared in at least one previous episode. And he also seemed too old for Twyla. I also don't get who exactly Johnny is offering a "continental breakfast" to - does this motel actually have guests other than themselves? Up until Johnny partnered with Stevie to run the place, I was under the impression it did not.

I did get a kick out of everyone stealing the cinnamon buns at the end, and Johnny trying to explain the concept of a "continental breakfast." Also loved Moira repeating back to David everything he was saying, and the opening bit where Moira and Johnny keep pointing out how David was bullied.

Also, did we know before this that Jocelyn was a high school teacher? How many students are in that school? It looked pretty big. 

Yes, In the first season she implied she was the "hot" teacher.

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I'm laughing because I loved this episode and so many didn't. I actually teared up during the scene where David finds out his parents paid for his clients. It obvious played a huge role in how he defined himself, the thing he could always go to when he needed to feel good about himself. I thought the acting was great from both actors too.

I actually thought Stevie's reaction to David's telling her about this revelation and how much it was hurting him was really insensitive. She was just seeing everything through the lenses of her cultivated bitterness. You can coddle and buy things for your children, even (especially?) your adult children to the point where it actually harms them. Why diminish David's right to be devastated about the lie he'd been living?

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I have to agree that Jocelyn is one of the most appealing and attractive characters. I really like her as well. I think she's talked about being a teacher and/or we've seen her in that role several times. Remember when David was invited to the school to "help" a young man who was having problems fitting in with the other kids? Some of the cast seemed to think he was having gender identity problems but he didn't seem to think so. I think a great episode could be one that explains how in the world Jocelyn and Roland ever found each other and decided to marry. They seem like a most unlikely pair.

I have to admit that after every episode, I find Moira's outfits to be just amazing. I'd love to know who provides her costumes (in the theatrical sense) because they are fabulous. If there is an award for "best costumes in a sitcom", the person who dresses Moira deserves to win that hands-down - IMO. On the one hand, it is incredible style and taste. But on the other hand, it has to be completely inappropriate in SC. It would be impressive in Paris. But not in a little town like SC.

I'm intrigued by Twyla. I can certainly understand why Ivan "likes" her. I can understand how any man would feel that way. But she just seems so completely oblivious to any kind of romantic adventure. It's as if the "romantic" part of her brain has been permanently shut down.  I really wish they would do more with Twyla. So many ways that she could be utilized to bring more to this show. I think they should use Twyla more than they use Alexis. I'm just really fed up with Alexis and I'd really like to see more of Twyla and learn more about her instead.

I wonder if anyone else is finding that Alexis' mannerisms have become repetitive and annoying? Especially when she holds both her hands out in front of her mouth and moves her jaw up and down in a way that many people do when they try to imitate a rodent. Like a rabbit or a mouse. I think she does this in an effort to try to look "cute". But, it's really getting on my nerves. It may have been cute the first time. But after seeing this so many times, it's really  not at all cute anymore. It was especially pronounced during this episode.

Edited by LauraAnders
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4 hours ago, LauraAnders said:


I wonder if anyone else is finding that Alexis' mannerisms have become repetitive and annoying? Especially when she holds both her hands out in front of her mouth and moves her jaw up and down in a way that many people do when they try to imitate a rodent. Like a rabbit or a mouse. I think she does this in an effort to try to look "cute". But, it's really getting on my nerves. It may have been cute the first time. But after seeing this so many times, it's really  not at all cute anymore. It was especially pronounced during this episode.

YES! So much yes to this. She's using shorthand and it's becoming unbearable to me. She's not even a person anymore. This can be a comedy and still show actual human beings!

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I actually thought Stevie's reaction to David's telling her about this revelation and how much it was hurting him was really insensitive. 

Agreed. The crack about his parents paying her a stipend to hang out with him was uncalled for. I get that she mocked him on having parents who were so rich they could over-indulge him, but he's been there for her quite recently, with the death of her aunt, and she could have tried to be a tad more supportive.


I wonder if anyone else is finding that Alexis' mannerisms have become repetitive and annoying? Especially when she holds both her hands out in front of her mouth and moves her jaw up and down in a way that many people do when they try to imitate a rodent. Like a rabbit or a mouse. I think she does this in an effort to try to look "cute".

I think she's hysterical. She's doing a brilliant impression of every empty-headed debutante socialite in the world. Annie Murphy commented on a "growth arc" for her this season and just now, I'm beginning to see it, with her decision to finish high school and maybe apply for college classes. But she's still using the same basic tools she's always relied on.


 I think they should use Twyla more than they use Alexis.

The problem with Twyla is that she serves as a contrast to the outrageous characters in order to make them look even more outrageous by comparison, so she's stuck playing straight man to all the comical people. There isn't much more for her to do that react to the craziness going on around her. 

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I rewatched this episode over the weekend and I think my favorite part was when Jocelyn tells Moira that at last year's murder mystery party Twyla just walked around and winked at every one.  And the year she forgot to pick a murderer.  

There are so many excellent secondary characters on this show. Twyla is up there in my book.  


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Okay, this episode may have been my favourite this season. The voicemail scene killllllled me. I love when the episodes end with the family together - tweeters will now go in the books with the hangover diner scene and the cinnamon rolls as one of my favs.

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My favorite of the season too, and probably one of my top 5 episodes of the series. Any time Catherine O'Hara gets to let loose on a random irritant, you know you're in for a master class in comic acting. And the David/Patrick interaction was priceless - I love how flustered David was by Patrick, and how amused Patrick was in response. There really wasn't any indication of it in the dialogue, but I'll be very surprised if something isn't explored between those two.

Edited by giovannif7
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Johnny and Jocelyn fear that their spouses are keeping secrets from them; David and Patrick ready the store for opening; David is jealous that Alexis is flirting with Patrick.

Edited by The Crazed Spruce
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I don't know why but when Ray said, "Ciao", I had the biggest LOL moment of any previous show.

Catherine O'Hara showed some true star quality IMO. She was just wonderful.

Eugene Levy can deliver "Comedy Gold" as well. He's not as consistent as Catherine, but when he's "on", he's just one of the very best in the business.

One of the best episodes ever.

Edited by LauraAnders
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It really feels like the show is building momentum after a sluggish start to the season. My family and I completely agree that something is brewing between David and Patrick. 

I loved the voicemail scene as well, largely because he sounded pretty much like me (sober) trying to leave a voicemail. I also loved that the motel review made reference to Moira's unidentifiable accent.

Excellent facial expressions from Annie and Dan, as always. I particularly loved the moment when Jocelyn demanded that Alexis look at her.

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22 hours ago, LauraAnders said:

I don't know why but when Ray said, "Ciao", I had the biggest LOL moment

Same here.  David's expression was fantastic too as he realized he had actually said that.  And Ray heard it.  

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One of Mr. EB's older technophobic relatives once said something about "tweetering on the spacebook" so Johnny's coasters (and the reactions from Alexis and David) were especially hilarious to me.

Loved that Alexis was so adamant with Johnny about plagiarism and cheating. Heh and I cracked up when Jocelyne initially accused her of it and Alexis took one look at the paper and said that she didn't choose that ugly font. Did Johnny print her plagiarized paper in Comic Sans?

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There really wasn't any indication of it in the dialogue, but I'll be very surprised if something isn't explored between those two.

Me neither, and the episode description said "David meets a new friend" yet there wasn't any indication of that. I love whenever David says "I don't know what that means" in response to someone so I totally cracked up when Patrick said "We're really batting a thousand here" and David goes "I don't know what that means."

Moira with the motel guest was pure gold, and I'm assuming the story she told him was a plot from Sunrise Bay.

OK - this town is getting to be ridiculously big. When they showed an exterior shot of the school, there was a sign on it which plainly read "Schitt's Creek High School," and the building itself is fairly large. 

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