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Bonus Episode: Ask Me Anything

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All can say WOW! 

The one that really hit home hard was the journalist that was not even an ex-member wrote her book about "them" and how they tried to destroy her and this WAY back in the CULTS beginning stages.

All of the other guests that came on camera to tell their personal truths about this CULT were also very informative and compelling.

Can't wait until some brave person starts posting online more documents and policies and possibly internal memo's between the higher members.

I hope Leah and Mike keep the spotlight glaring on the CULT. I hope that they know that there are more of us supporting them out here in the REAL world than the CULT has members!

Isn't it ironic that the only way to CLEAR and a free mind is not be involved in this CULT!

Edited by mbaywife123
Like Mr. Cruise I forgot to insert a WORD!
  • Love 10

Paulette Cooper, the journalist who wrote the first book on these people, really went through hell.  She is the very definition of hero.

All the other interviews were intense too.  That poor woman who first got disconnected from her only son then had him, at age 25, die because they refused to take him to a doctor was beyond belief.  That the cult leaned on the funeral home NOT to allow her to even see his dead body one last time ... what?!. 

Scientology is making "Dear Leader's" brainwashing techniques in North Korea look like child's play in comparison given these people live in a relatively free country where they have other options.  Yet they keep the lion's share of their victims under control year in and year out.

But with everyone finally not seeming to be afraid anymore -- could you imagine A&E putting on a show like this a decade ago even? -- this group is about to implode big time.  When people no longer fear petty small fry tyrants they lose their power which was illusion in the end.  Leah declaring that the emperor wears no clothes on the largest mass media examination of Scientology to date is going to start a massive cascading effect.

  • Love 22

I really hope this show causes the government to take a closer look at the abuses in Scientology. David Miscavige deserves to be in prison. 

This episode was really intense. I was struck that Leah didn't even know she had given the church the right to take her out of the hospital if she needed mental help. 

Tony Ortega's book on Paulette Cooper is on my Amazon wish list. Might need to make that my next read. 

  • Love 13

That as an odd woodsy room they were filming in. Somebody's house? Zen center?

I wouldn't have minded if the episode was just Leah answering questions. Maybe she feels unqualified on certain subjects but they pre-selected the questions so they could have been tailored to suit her knowledge. I'm kind of getting Rinder-ed out, is the thing.

I'm not sure what Chris Shelton's presence added to the show since they whipped him in and out so fast. Coincidentally, I discovered his blog this weekend and spent a while listening to his series of videos (88 so far!) called Critical Q&A where he answers viewer questions about Scientology. Pretty interesting, as the questions run the gamut.

I'm not sure if it's deliberate but I don't recall any of the defectors on this show explaining what they're doing now. (Same with people who run some of the anti-Scientology websites I've been reading.) I'm very curious what their lives are like since they left and how they picked themselves up, especially the Sea Org members who had no work history and very little education. What was that process like? How are they supporting themselves?

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Almost 3000 said:

I don't think he is but I keep getting a duplicitous vibe from him like he is a CO$ informant that's there to monitor Leah.

Rinder raises my hackles, he just does. Great that he's participating in the show, but my gut/instincts tell me something is off with him. 

Hope I'm wrong. Even though Leah isn't exactly a fave of mine, I don't get the strange vibes like I do from Rinder. 

  • Love 3

Just watched on West Coast feed.

Paulette Cooper's story is chilling.  19 lawsuits?  That there is a church of love and fellowship, alrighty pardner.

I had to pause repeatedly to read the onscreen documents, especially Leah's Knowledge Reports.  Straight out of 1984 with kids tattling to Big Brother on their parents.  There was one line saying that Leah said the COB (ruling midget) told her Tom (Davis) and Jessica (name blurred) were no longer in Sea Org.  I'm still curious about that pair.  Wasn't Jessica (Feshbach - we all know her name so not sure why they fuzzed it out) Katiebot's handler during the fairytale marriage?  Anyway, I Googled around and found some interesting stuff on Mike Rinder's blog:


As for that honking huge blue monstrosity they kept showing - it ought to be enough to keep any potential recruit away.  Yuk.  Xenu's no architect for sure.

The last pair of escapees were certainly interesting looking.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, lordonia said:

I'm not sure if it's deliberate but I don't recall any of the defectors on this show explaining what they're doing now. (Same with people who run some of the anti-Scientology websites I've been reading.) I'm very curious what their lives are like since they left and how they picked themselves up, especially the Sea Org members who had no work history and very little education. What was that process like? How are they supporting themselves?

I agree.  Have they gone to school-gotten a GED for those that dropped out, pursued higher education, etc?  Are they members of another religion now, like Leah?  Is there a former Scientology job network out there for those that have left the church?  I'm sure some of them might actually have a decent resume, depending on what they did in the church-PR, event planning, etc.

  • Love 3

I could've easily watched three hours of this.  I thought it was fascinating when they were talking about Xenu and how that's not really a big deal to most Scientologists.  It was brilliant when Rinder (I think it was him) said people need to focus on the crazy stuff the church DOES, not the crazy stuff their teachings say.

I just wish Rinder had been allowed to answer more in-depth when Leah asked about Shelley.  He talked about where she had been for a long time, but they got off on some other topic before he said where he thinks she is right now.

I've honestly never cared about Leah one way or the other - never watched King of Queens, The Talk, her reality show, etc. - but my respect for her grows with every episode of this show.  It really struck me when they asked if she was afraid of what might happen to her and she said that her only fear was that nothing would be done about the Church.

  • Love 19

*Bringing this over from another thread



   16 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

,The money is obviously at the center of this thing. I do wonder why some members don't speak out and protest about the unfairness when they reach the top of the Bridge and are told there was a mistake and they have to go back down, take some more classes, pay more money, work back up again......I think I would blow a gasket.  lol  I suppose that fear and intimidation prevents it.  Still......they must not have many attorneys.  I'd be be making some legal arguments to them about breach....lol.

I am now wondering if Scientology has a hold on these celeb members by maintaining certain secrets.  I've heard rumors for years, but, I wonder if this group, is holding these secrets as a means to hold the celebrity to their so called church. Maybe, they are not all that into Scientology, but have to say they are due to fear of having their secrets exposed. 

Based on what Leah said recently about alcohol.  Does anyone know if Tom C., John T. and Kirstie A. drink socially? 


Cannot remember if I read it in Leah's book or if it was in an interview, but she did say that she knew Scientology would put all her dirty laundry out there once she decided to leave.  It was a price she was willing to pay in order to get her family out and to bring awareness (and hopefully justice) to this horrible cult.  I really admire her for not being intimidated by their tactics.  During last night's episode, she even showed some of the notes taken during her auditing sessions that Scientology had released.  Dirty tactics, and yet she is still practically screaming for them to BRING IT ON!   I truly believe she is their worst nightmare.

  • Love 17

If nothing else comes of this show, I hope it re-opens the case to find out what happened to Shelly Miscavige.  I find it bizarre that no one really knows if she's dead or being held against her will.  How does the wife of a cult leader go missing for - what - 10 years now?  And no one is clear where she is?  Did I hear right that somehow the COS paid off the people that were looking for her?  How is it that she's not being looked for, and Miscavige isn't being questioned?

  • Love 12
13 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

If nothing else comes of this show, I hope it re-opens the case to find out what happened to Shelly Miscavige.  I find it bizarre that no one really knows if she's dead or being held against her will.  How does the wife of a cult leader go missing for - what - 10 years now?  And no one is clear where she is?  Did I hear right that somehow the COS paid off the people that were looking for her?  How is it that she's not being looked for, and Miscavige isn't being questioned?

I think they were just speculating that cops/authorities were paid off, I don't think they had confirmation of it.  

And did I hear correctly that it was a representative of the Church who "confirmed" that Shelley was okay, and no cops actually saw her or spoke to her themselves?  That's just nuts.  Isn't the whole point of a welfare check for the cops to actually check on the person IN person?

  • Love 11
22 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks for calling!"  As someone stands there holding a gun to her head or something...

And I found the whole thing with Heber Jentzsch interesting, because I'd never heard of him before.  Was he in line to take over the Church after Hubbard's death and then Miscaviage somehow usurped him? 

Ol' Heber is a trip alright.  Hasn't been seen since 2004.  It's impossible to condense the nuttiness in his Wiki entry, so here's the link:


  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Jade Foxx said:

Rinder raises my hackles, he just does. Great that he's participating in the show, but my gut/instincts tell me something is off with him. 

Hope I'm wrong. Even though Leah isn't exactly a fave of mine, I don't get the strange vibes like I do from Rinder. 

He's been in the cult more years than he's been out of it.  I'm sure he has PTSD and doesn't know how to process it because for so long he was brainwashed that psychiatrists/psychologists were the devil so he comes across as "off".

  • Love 17
8 hours ago, Jade Foxx said:

Rinder raises my hackles, he just does. Great that he's participating in the show, but my gut/instincts tell me something is off with him. 

Hope I'm wrong. Even though Leah isn't exactly a fave of mine, I don't get the strange vibes like I do from Rinder. 

The guy has a more analytical mind than most so he talks in a more dispassionate, logical way.  I like that feature of him because I can only take so many weepy, heartfelt stories in a row on this show and am happy for the breaks from them to just get the facts from him.  And he seems to be doing real well for a kid that was brainwashed from the age of 6 up.  Walk a mile in his shoes and see how you act if you were brainwashed from that age up.

2 hours ago, wings707 said:

The 15 yr old who was having sex with a 40 year old woman was shocking.  Predators are everywhere. The most shocking is that this was not stopped by COS. I tend to believe it was known by some but they feared punishment if they reported it.  If his mother knows more she decided not to say.  

Actually they said he was 12 years old, not 15.  The woman raped him period.  No other word will suffice.  He was the kid left to die at age 25 with that 104 degree fever too.

People keep asking how these people get employed.  They aren't exactly illiterates.  Their schooling inside that organization was enough for them to read tomes of Hubbard-speak books and overpriced lesson notebooks etc.  They all seem well spoken and probably have decent level IQs and above.  And people like Rinder probably get a lot of schooling since they were part of the public face of the group and have to deal with the outside world a lot.  Leah came in at age 14 so she already went through junior high on the outside and would only be missing some higher math and science and history classes but already had the basics in same.

Edited by green
  • Love 13
34 minutes ago, green said:

The guy has a more analytical mind than most so he talks in a more dispassionate, logical way.  I like that feature of him because I can only take so many weepy, heartfelt stories in a row on this show and am happy for the breaks from them to just get the facts from him.  And he seems to be doing real well for a kid that was brainwashed from the age of 6 up.  Walk a mile in his shoes and see how you act if you were brainwashed from that age up.

Completely agree. I can see how some people might not like him but I don't questions his motives at all.  He is also the one with the most actual working knowledge of what happens in Scientology so I enjoy hearing from him.  Also in Jenna Miscagive's book I felt like he came off as a somewhat sympathetic person. Unlike his wife who seemed awful.  

People keep asking how these people get employed.  They aren't exactly illiterates.  Their schooling inside that organization was enough for them to read tomes of Hubbard-speak books and overpriced lesson notebooks etc.  They all seem well spoken and probably have decent level IQs and above.  And people like Rinder probably get a lot of schooling since they were part of the public face of the group and have to deal with the outside world a lot.  Leah came in at age 14 so she already went through junior high on the outside and would only be missing some higher math and science and history classes but already had the basics in same.

All of this I think is true. Also if you are talking about Sea Org members I think it's important to note that these people are accustomed to working at least 14 hours a day 6 days a week. It's actually not that hard to rise up in a company and make good money with that kind of work ethic.  At the very least if you are the one always working for overtime you can make some good money.  

  • Love 6

I forget the back story on Rinder and if he joined as a child. I give a lot more leeway to child members committing crimes as they know nothing else.  While watching I do have to step back and ask myself "if a gang member committed the same act would I absolve personal responsibility?"  I guess that is what bugs me about Rinder is that he didn't turn himself in, or maybe he did but I don't know about it.  So while I can sort of forgive the crimes, I do see people who do other similar things having to be punished in legal system.  Like for example, if some of the members who have raped left the cult would those crimes be so easily forgiven due to being brainwashed? It is an interesting thought  process in my head.

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, fountain said:

I forget the back story on Rinder and if he joined as a child. I give a lot more leeway to child members committing crimes as they know nothing else.  While watching I do have to step back and ask myself "if a gang member committed the same act would I absolve personal responsibility?"  I guess that is what bugs me about Rinder is that he didn't turn himself in, or maybe he did but I don't know about it.  So while I can sort of forgive the crimes, I do see people who do other similar things having to be punished in legal system.  Like for example, if some of the members who have raped left the cult would those crimes be so easily forgiven due to being brainwashed? It is an interesting thought  process in my head.

He did join as a child after his parents joined in the 60's. I'm not sure what actual crimes he committed that he would need to turn himself in for.  Scientology almost always managed to stay on just the right side of the law. He wasn't a part of the Ms. Lovely stuff in the 70's.  As far as I can tell he did a lot of harassing and character assassination which while despicable is not illegal.  Not to mention he has certainly had his fair share in return which he knew better than any would happen.  He just doesn't come off as some nefarious figure to me.  I think he spent almost his entire life in servitude to a machine that fed him lies and abuse and now he's out to expose it.  That's my take on him anyway. 

  • Love 18
13 hours ago, WInterfalls said:

Tony Ortega's book on Paulette Cooper is on my Amazon wish list. Might need to make that my next read. 

I've had it on my Kindle for a few months now and it is moving to the top of the queue post-haste. I was riveted by her interview. 

When I first heard about this show I was kind of "eh, I think I know what I need to know" having read Going Clear, Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman, etc. Like, I got the receipts. But this show has really sucked me back in. I am learning things I never knew (the 8 components of life for example) and the folks they have been interviewing have just blown me away. So compelling. 

Leah is great. I'll always remember her fondly from her stint on Saved By the Bell as the daughter of the beach club owner (anyone?). 

  • Love 14
14 minutes ago, veronicamers said:

I've had it on my Kindle for a few months now and it is moving to the top of the queue post-haste. I was riveted by her interview. 

When I first heard about this show I was kind of "eh, I think I know what I need to know" having read Going Clear, Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman, etc. Like, I got the receipts. But this show has really sucked me back in. I am learning things I never knew (the 8 components of life for example) and the folks they have been interviewing have just blown me away. So compelling. 

Leah is great. I'll always remember her fondly from her stint on Saved By the Bell as the daughter of the beach club owner (anyone?). 

I honestly can't recommend "Beyond Belief" by Jenna Miscavige Hill enough.  Inside Scientology is on my wishlist too, but I think my next book is going to be "Ruthless" by Little Davy's dad.  I've got a few on women who've escaped FLDS groups on there as well.   

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, veronicamers said:

I've had it on my Kindle for a few months now and it is moving to the top of the queue post-haste. I was riveted by her interview. 

When I first heard about this show I was kind of "eh, I think I know what I need to know" having read Going Clear, Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman, etc. Like, I got the receipts. But this show has really sucked me back in. I am learning things I never knew (the 8 components of life for example) and the folks they have been interviewing have just blown me away. So compelling. 

Leah is great. I'll always remember her fondly from her stint on Saved By the Bell as the daughter of the beach club owner (anyone?). 

Oh, yes.  And as Carla's daughter on Cheers.  I liked her sass from the beginning, and she was (and still is, IMO) adorable.

  • Love 5

Regarding Mike Rinder and his demeanor: I listened to a podcast from "Ross and Carrie" after it was recommended in another post. The two were interviewing Chris Shelton, a former Sea Org member. As I understand it, the hosts did try to join Scientology as part of programming for the podcast but once that was discovered, they were no longer welcome. But they did interact with members of the organization at multiple levels. They found those who had not managed to make it far along the "bridge" (those mainly in Sea Org) to be more natural and relaxed but they said interactions with those higher up were decidedly different - almost emotionless and robotic.

Mike Rinder comes across like that to me and I would imagine it's a side-effect of the years he spent in Scientology. However, I do respect him for what he's doing now especially as vicious as the organization is toward anyone critical of it. 

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, fountain said:

 Like for example, if some of the members who have raped left the cult would those crimes be so easily forgiven due to being brainwashed? It is an interesting thought  process in my head.

My uneducated (on this topic)  yet informed guess is, no. Rape and child molestation are not a product of brainwashing.  They are violent and perverse crimes.  Predators and felons are in every part of our culture.  COS is not immune.

I cut Rinder a lot of slack since he knew nothing of the real world before COS and still had what it took to see the light, free himself, losing everything and survive to work to with others to bring this madness into the harsh light of public scrutiny.

I like him and his level headed and solid contributions. 

Leah is a catalyst for many.  I have known for decades that COS was horrific but it was not until her book that I really explored it in more depth.  I knew a lot as many do but her story lit a fire in me. I think that may be true of others and probably the first step in learning about COS for many. 

I have respect for who are working to bring the place down.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 15

This show has started me on SUCH a nonfiction tear...I read Leah's book at a dead run, then Ron Miscavige's book followed by Jenna Miscavige Hill's memoir. Right now I'm about 1/3 of the way through the book about Paulette Cooper and I may re-read Going Clear. It is all so weird and creepy but this oddly feels like the right way to ring out 2016, an entire YEAR of weird and creepy.

Edited by PrincessSteel
Fixed Jenna's name
  • Love 19
5 hours ago, green said:

The guy has a more analytical mind than most so he talks in a more dispassionate, logical way.  I like that feature of him because I can only take so many weepy, heartfelt stories in a row on this show and am happy for the breaks from them to just get the facts from him.  And he seems to be doing real well for a kid that was brainwashed from the age of 6 up.  Walk a mile in his shoes and see how you act if you were brainwashed from that age up.

It's not even being brainwashed, it's that you've been educated that you have to separate feelings from facts. Hours ad hours of audition and of :
Auditor : "what's that ?"
Audited : "A chair"
Auditor : "Thank you"
Auditor : "what's that ?"
Audited : "A wall"
Auditor : "Thank you"
Auditor : "what's that ?"
Audited : "A book"
Auditor : "Thank you"
Etc...  for hours... (but, if 5 minutes of that kind of "exercise" can really help to get back in a "now and there" mood, not that way ! It's like a hypnotic state, if that makes sense)

ETA because I didn't read your last post before posting mine : yes ! Exactly @green

Edited by Diane Mars
  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, green said:

In short he is the victim here.  Sorry but I have a hard time when victims get blamed for being victims.  I mean he is like the child soldiers in Africa.  He was an innocent that was violated and turned into the troll he became for awhile.  If people can turn kids into killers they can easily turn them into trolls.

This analogy is perfect I think.  There is no doubt that before he left Rinder did some shitty things but in the end he was a victim plain and simple.  

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Diane Mars said:

It's not even being brainwashed, it's that you've been educated that you have to separate feelings from facts. Hours ad hours of audition and of :
Auditor : "what's that ?"
Audited : "A chair"
Auditor : "Thank you"
Auditor : "what's that ?"
Audited : "A wall"
Auditor : "Thank you"
Auditor : "what's that ?"
Audited : "A book"
Auditor : "Thank you"
Etc...  for hours... (but, if 5 minutes of that kind of "exercise" can really help to get back in a "now and there" mood, not that way ! It's like a hypnotic state, if that makes sense)

ETA because I didn't read your last post before posting mine : yes ! Exactly @green

You just illustrated a part of brainwashing.  Google brain washing, COS Sea Org is a prime example of extreme techniques.  Chilling. 

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, wings707 said:

... Google brain washing, COS Sea Org is a prime example of extreme techniques.  Chilling. 

If you say so....

(sorry, nothing personnal aginst you, but I really know what I'm talking about, regarding CO$, the separation of your mental and your true feelings, etc. And no, in my example, it's not brainwashing. Not here. Let's agree to disagree, then.)

Edited by Diane Mars
16 hours ago, PrincessSteel said:

This show has started me on SUCH a nonfiction tear...I read Leah's book at a dead run, then Ron Miscavige's book followed by Jenna Miscavige's memoir. Right now I'm about 1/3 of the way through the book about Paulette Cooper and I may re-read Going Clear. It is all so weird and creepy but this oddly feels like the right way to ring out 2016, an entire YEAR of weird and creepy.

I have the book Going Clear on hold at the library, and after that I think I need to read Jenna's book.  I've already read Leah's book, and I really need to figure out how I can watch the Going Clear documentary - I have cable, but not HBO...wondering if I can somehow get it On Demand.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Diane Mars said:

If you say so....

(sorry, nothing personnal aginst you, but I really know what I'm talking about, regarding CO$, the separation of your mental and your true feelings, etc. And no, in my example, it's not brainwashing. Not here. Let's agree to disagree, then.)

My comment was not directed at you. It often happens when one quotes a post then adds something not directly related.  I meant, those who have not done so, google brain washing techniques.  What they do to the Sea Org kids is right out of the text book.  

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I have the book Going Clear on hold at the library, and after that I think I need to read Jenna's book.  I've already read Leah's book, and I really need to figure out how I can watch the Going Clear documentary - I have cable, but not HBO...wondering if I can somehow get it On Demand.

I saw you can watch it on youtube for like $5 I've never paid to watch anything on youtube so I don't know how that works.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

I have the book Going Clear on hold at the library, and after that I think I need to read Jenna's book.  I've already read Leah's book, and I really need to figure out how I can watch the Going Clear documentary - I have cable, but not HBO...wondering if I can somehow get it On Demand.

You might see if your library also has the DVD.  That's how I was able to get a hold of both the book and the documentary.

  • Love 2
On 12/20/2016 at 1:18 AM, spiderpig said:

As for that honking huge blue monstrosity they kept showing - it ought to be enough to keep any potential recruit away.  Yuk.  Xenu's no architect for sure.

I think the blue building is the old Cedars hospital. 

I haven't decided how I feel about Mike Rinder. I don't think he's nefarious or a spy, but I think he hasn't necessarily taken responsibility for his actions when he was in the CO$. I need to watch Going Clear again and see how he was in that. 

  • Love 2

I have the book Going Clear on hold at the library, and after that I think I need to read Jenna's book.  I've already read Leah's book, and I really need to figure out how I can watch the Going Clear documentary - I have cable, but not HBO...wondering if I can somehow get it On Demand.

Netflix has it on DVD and I think they have it streaming too.

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