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S03.E02: First Blood

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Megan sounds super Canadian lol. I don’t usually notice Canadian accents, they generally sound American to me (non French Canadians) but damn her accent was strong when she was stuck in the quick sand. She was also making such a complicated ass fishing trap (Zach too) while everyone else just threw a line in the water and caught a fish. I'm guessing she tried the obviously easy way and it didn't work (I hope).

I’m liking Britt, calm and collected. Need to see what he is eating (which we saw in the previews for next week, I think he might go far).

Dave is so skinny already, I’m concerned.

I liked Greg's shelter in between those two humongous trees, looked cool. We know he doesn't die lost in the forest since we are viewing the footage lol, but it doesn't speak very highly of him to get lost in the first place.

Zach you loser! jk I felt he was looking for a reason to leave, I was regretting putting him as the winner after 2 mins with him.

  1. Carleigh
  2. Jim Day 3
  3. Britt
  4. Megan
  5. Dan
  6. Greg
  7. Fowler
  8. Callie
  9. Dave
  10. Zach Day 8
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I'm a little confused...didn't we see Zach hauling bamboo for hours and hours? then why did he need to go get more for his smoke screen or whatever? Where was all that bamboo?

I liked Greg's shelter too and I'm wondering why more of them aren't doing more with them, they know it's getting colder, right?

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Why do these people screening for the show Alone, allow contestants that miss their family on the first day and quit , or others that tag out for cuts that are less than what I have had shaving, to join the cast?  My God there are people out there that could go much longer even if they were just coming out of a coma, give me a break peeps and tighten up!

Moss bed is a true contestant!

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Finding this guy Dave to be a little off. Not sure what it is about him. Zach doesn't like the bird sounds in the am. Hey, you can habituate to the noise! Just chill. I would rather hear birds than bear, wild hogs, cougars, or Pumas outside my tent. Seems like one of the female contestants got a prime fishing spot (the one from last week), similar to Nicole last year. I hope that it is not purposeful by the producers to have a female have a better chance at staying a little longer. 

Why doesn't Zach place the bamboo in the opposite direction when he is bringing it down to his camp? The foliage would flow with his directions instead of against it. Same idea behind the how you bring a Christmas tree into a house. Trunk end first. You can actually drag it that way. There has been almost no video of building first fire or water. This group must have accomplished that easily therefore, no need to cover it. Remember season 1? It was a massive issue!  (OT: Zach reminds me of the Jesus character on Walking Dead when he has his knit hat on). 

Definitely like Megan. Just like Nicole from last year. I feel like I learn something watching her. 

Already on Day 8 and no other taps? These guys may be here for a while. Spoken too soon. I think Zach was being a little careless with walking and the ax. Maybe because of lack of food he wasn't thinking clearly. Fowler is my pick to win. I really love him. He is positive, and from Maine AND a red head. I am a Mainer and lots of my relatives are red heads too. 

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Greg's shelter has a Tolkienish, Middle Earth quality about it.

Zach's not much of a wilderness teacher running around on uneven terrain with an unguarded axe. And why didn't he pull his buff down to protect his neck when carrying the bamboo?

I like Megan. I hope she can preserve her berries.

Edited by LittleIggy
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@riverheightsnancy just remeber we are in a different hemisphere and climate and fire is prolly not an issue in Patagonia.  We can't compare prior climates or contestants to the current ones.  As Far as the fishing goes let's see what it is on the next show as trout tend to spawn at certain seasons, maybe some get lucky and some don't.


Just always be in the right time at the right place, so to speak?

@riverheightsnancy sent with love and compassion!

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13 minutes ago, Henry243 said:

@riverheightsnancy just remeber we are in a different hemisphere and climate and fire is prolly not an issue in Patagonia.  We can't compare prior climates or contestants to the current ones.  As Far as the fishing goes let's see what it is on the next show as trout tend to spawn at certain seasons, maybe some get lucky and some don't.


Just always be in the right time at the right place, so to speak?

@riverheightsnancy sent with love and compassion!

I think that you might be new to this thread, but those of us who have been here for the last two seasons did a ton of comparing of contestants and seasons, everything, that is the fun of this. Those who watched the first two seasons, will know that making fire and water was a MAJOR issue in Season 1, even for the seasoned professionals. It was merely an observation regarding editing as well. My observation is that since these newer contestants have seen the last two seasons they are better prepared and better overall perhaps. Respectfully, the point of this board is for people to express what they think, If I want to compare prior contestants to current one, I can. The moderators are the ones who should advise as to what is ok or not ok to compare. 

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Why didn't Megan pick the rose hips?  They can be dried and are a good source of vitamin c.  I also couldn't believe how lackadaisical (sp?) Zach was being with his axe and knife.  But then I remembered that the little blurb said he'd been 6 days without animal protein, so I figured he was kind of loopy and hangry, what with all the swearing and everything.

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3 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

Remind me never to hire a survival expert to teach me how to survive in the wild. Especially if his name is Zach. Even I know to keep an axe blade covered unless you're using it.

But I think he was using, or was about to use it. He was using his knife to try to cut his way through to the bamboo (which, again, confused me because he had already been seen hauling bamboo around for hours without doing that) and I think he was about to use the axe in the same way, instead of a machete.

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By the end of the episode, I was really, really ready for Zack to go.  IMO, you shouldn't be allowed to say "Everything in my life has led to this" when you're only 22, FFS. You haven't lived yet. We can't know for sure what he did after he cut himself (he did have a bandage on it by the time the rescue crew got there), but the first thing I would have done would be to go down to that nice cold lake and put it in the water and like the EMT said as soon as he got off the boat, put pressure on it.

Dave and Greg are both a hoot, I hope they go far. I thought the rumored injury was the one they showed in the first minute, which was Dave (I think?) falling down.

Have we only seen Megan so far and not either of the other 2 women?

I am missing the lovely drill-down on planet Earth that they always gave us the first 2 seasons.  I would like to see where each person is in relation to the others. Are they all along the same lake?

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I had to watch late tonight, so I'll just make notes as it plays.  :)  I didn't yet read the posts and I'm looking forward to doing that!

Really liked Dave on the episode telling us about the contestants, but I'm not so sure now.  It's almost like he's trying a bit too hard.  Aw well, we'll get to know him better I suppose.  Oh, he just caught a great fish, and it looked delicious!  

On to Zach now.  Too funny about the bird sounds.  It's lucky he never lived on a farm or ranch with roosters and/or peacocks.  

Britt is feeling motivated, ambitious and stinky.  lol!  Now this is what I like.  Shelter building.  

Well, I'm glad Megan got out of the quicksand.  She's talking about her kids already, uh oh.  Nice berries!

Greg is burning his nose hairs?  That's new!!  He sort of looks like Capt. Phil before he died (Deadliest Catch).  His shelter is interesting, and it looks like he was thinking about the different issues he might run into.  

Back to Zack.  I wonder if he already tried to fish and it didn't work, or did he go straight to the fish trap?  Why isn't he dragging the bamboo the other way around?  It seems like it would be less work, but what do I know?  I'm not too impressed with him so far.  He seems a bit.......whiny?  It could just be his age.  

Megan is making soup, and preparing to get fish.  Her ideas sound interesting!

Back to Zack.  He's still complaining.  *snooze*  Okay, he just fell and supposedly cut himself, which is not surprising considering the way he was carrying that ax, if indeed it was the ax that cut him.   Yep, it was his ax.  It doesn't look all that bad does it?  Well, apparently it was, a boat is coming.  Okay, he's out.  Can't say that I'll miss him.  Good luck, young man. 

Oh, here's Fowler.  Isn't he the only one who didn't take extra rations?  Or am I thinking of someone else?  He sure loves his shovel.  :)  

I hope Greg gets his pig, as long as I don't have to see it alive, the gutting, the squealing, or any thing but little pieces of meat being smoked or something.  Oh, he's lost?  That's odd.  

 Now I'll go back and read!

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1 hour ago, riverheightsnancy said:

Seems like one of the female contestants got a prime fishing spot (the one from last week), similar to Nicole last year. I hope that it is not purposeful by the producers to have a female have a better chance at staying a little longer. 

The producers don't pick the locations for the contestants, the contestants randomly select the spots they are given. I think they do this by drawing a number associated with a predetermined spot to be dropped off at, we learned that last season in the thread. So no, the producers aren't able to influence the game or who has a 'better' spot.

10 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Have we only seen Megan so far and not either of the other 2 women?

This is the first time we saw Megan, last week we saw Callie. Megan is a Canadian wild life biologist worker with a husband and two small kids. Callie lives alone with no electricity and has no husband or kids, Callie built the chair in episode one. We have not seen Carleigh who is young from Alaska and can be seen in the beginning ep season previews saying she misses home it appears.

1 hour ago, Henry243 said:

@riverheightsnancy just remeber we are in a different hemisphere and climate and fire is prolly not an issue in Patagonia.  We can't compare prior climates or contestants to the current ones.  As Far as the fishing goes let's see what it is on the next show as trout tend to spawn at certain seasons, maybe some get lucky and some don't.

I agree with you Henry, I have to remind myself that comparing seasons 1 to 2 was very easy but now the contestants are in a completely different place with different resources. I actually like that we are learning about Patagonia along with the contestants because they didn't have a prior season to see what other contestants went through, it's sorta like a season 1 all over again. I criticized a lot of the contestants who brought weapons with them because Vancouver Island didn't have any game to catch on land but this season seems much more promising with all the wild pigs roaming about. I want to see Greg get to use that bow and arrow. Can't wait to see what the weather brings as well, that should be interesting.

For some reason I feel Zach's injury was not something he needed to quit over, he just wanted to save face and have to leave vs. quitting. That cut didn't seem bad, though it might have been deep, but I feel he could have wrapped it up and kept going. If it looked like it might be getting infected in a few days (hot, painful to touch, secretions) then call for help.

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First off, tonight's disappointments. Still have a couple folks who haven't made an appearance: Dan the Penn trapper/outdoorsman and Carleigh the small community Alaskan carpenter - both of whom I have picked to do well.

For me, two of last week's stars were Fowler and Callie. Callie was a no show tonight, while Fowler appeared, but most of his time was about his shovel. No complaining about his shovel - like he said it is proving to be a good choice so far. Bet Zach wishes he had it when he was trying to use his knife as a machete.

Two very different survival/wilderness instructor types. Started the night out with Dave, kind of wacky but showing great attitude, sort of reminds me of Justin from season 2. I like what I saw of his camp setup. At the other end of the spectrum we have/had Zach. For someone who is supposed to be a wilderness instructor, experienced in solo wilderness living in Canadian forests, he certainly was a disappointment. Very haphazard handling of his ax and knife (as previously noted by more than a few). Can anyone explain just what he was trying to accomplish swinging his ax at that tree limb while it was bouncing up and down on that brush? Not only wasting most of the power of his swing, but a really good way to chop your leg. Especially as there was wood lying on the ground almost at his feet. When I saw that I was expecting that to be the accident we were warned about, but no he manages to trip and fall on his ax later on... which as someone said, he was carrying through the woods without the blade cover on. And, as riverheightnancy pointed out, he has evidently never carried cut brush. What a pissed poor attitude! Dude, really, lying in your bag yelling at the birds for singing in the morning! Here's hoping the cut isn't that serious, but won't miss his complaints. At least F*ing Larry was entertaining last season, Zach just made want to tell him to quit crying.

I had Britt as my first tap out, but he's growing on me. Don't think much of his open sided pavilion shelter, but then maybe he has plans to add sides later on. Looks like he's getting plenty of fish in the previews.

Next to appear tonight was Megan, who I'm loving. I like her foraging skills, and hope her fish spring traps work to get her needed protein. Like that she is thinking of stockpiling food for upcoming bad weather.

Greg, the Canadian drywaller, moved up in my rankings. Like his shelter, well except that it looks like his moss bed is on the ground. Course, I thought Jim was making a great bamboo platform bed, and he quit on day 3. I like that he's looking to hunt, but willing to fish and trap if the hunting doesn't work out. Really, though, I hope he's giving thought to what he would do with a 100 lb  (or more) pig, as he hasn't mentioned smoking or drying the meat. Is that a fish net he made with bamboo by his shelter while he's talking about setting his snare before he gets lost?

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48 minutes ago, jvr said:

For some reason I feel Zach's injury was not something he needed to quit over, he just wanted to save face and have to leave vs. quitting. That cut didn't seem bad, though it might have been deep, but I feel he could have wrapped it up and kept going. If it looked like it might be getting infected in a few days (hot, painful to touch, secretions) then call for help.

Totally agree. It didn't appear that bad or in a location where it would cut tendons/veins/arteries. I would expect a wilderness instructor, or someone whose bio claims solo wilderness experience, to know to apply pressure and elevation to stop bleeding. Assuming they have the same type of first aid pack as last season, he had disinfectant and bandages. Again, assuming the contestants are checked by medics every 3-4 days when they receive camera batteries as in previous years, why not clean the wound, apply a bandage, and try to stay. Have to wait and see what we hear in the future, but my feeling now is he wanted to quit and the medic gave him an out after a cursory inspection of the wound site. 

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And there goes Zach.  

Day 6 and his eyes are already glazed over.  When he said he thought the land was rejecting him I knew it was over for him, a statement like that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.   He hadn't eaten any real protein, he's punchy from the lack of food, and he's wasting a lot of energy stumbling around in the tripwire forest cutting and hauling bamboo for a non-essential project being careless with both his axe and knife...a recipe for disaster.

5 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Greg's shelter has a Tolkienish, Middle Earth quality about it.

It has the potential to become a charming hobbit hut.  I liked the idea of his moss bed, but it needs to be up on a platform and wider.  Speaking of accents, whenever Greg spoke I kept waiting for Rick Mercer to jump out and do a segment.

This season a bow and arrows look like they'd actually be useful.  I hope Greg can get himself a pig.

I'm really enjoying Britt and Fowler.  I loved how Britt deadpanned that he's ready to face the day (and be stinky), and Fowler looked like he was about to propose marriage to his shovel.

Edited by GreyBunny
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8 hours ago, riverheightsnancy said:

Those who watched the first two seasons, will know that making fire and water was a MAJOR issue in Season 1, even for the seasoned professionals. It was merely an observation regarding editing as well. My observation is that since these newer contestants have seen the last two seasons they are better prepared and better overall perhaps.

I totally agree!  

Remember that guy in season one who drank salt water and hallucinated?  Of course, in season 1, production showed many people trying to make fire.  For *days*.  

Then, the ferro rod.  Lose it (season 1(?),  burn it  (season 2)....it's a deal.  

I assume, right or wrong, that the new contestants have practiced making fire with their ferro rod from the time they even *thought* about applying to Alone.  So........perhaps making fire is not a big accomplishment anymore.  

Both environments seem to be extremely wet.  Patagonia underbrush seems even thicker.  

Looking at the 10 items they chose, I'm just going to assume that most of the contestants realized that gill nets were not going to be a thing this year because they are on a lake with smaller fish vs the ocean.  Interesting.  

As opposed to season 2 on the island (when they learned from season 1), a couple of the season 3 contestants realized that hunting larger game might be possible.  

I still wonder why Fowler didn't choose rations.  I *think* he was the only one?  

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Zach is a ridiculously handsome kid. He looks a lot like the actor who plays Jesus on The Walking Dead. I see @riverheightsnancy pointed that out too :)

Greg is a badass. I know he gets lost but I'm sure he finds his way back next episode. He has the skills to pay the bills, as they say. The women this year seem better than last year, which is good. I'd like to see a bit more about the creation of the homesteads and fire-building and stuff. It seems like they are repeating "ooh, puma scat! Ooh, the terrain is rough! Ooh, let's try fishing" over and over, but we are only two episodes in.

Edited by ClareWalks
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9 hours ago, jvr said:

I agree with you Henry, I have to remind myself that comparing seasons 1 to 2 was very easy but now the contestants are in a completely different place with different resources. I actually like that we are learning about Patagonia along with the contestants because they didn't have a prior season to see what other contestants went through, it's sorta like a season 1 all over again. I criticized a lot of the contestants who brought weapons with them because Vancouver Island didn't have any game to catch on land but this season seems much more promising with all the wild pigs roaming about. I want to see Greg get to use that bow and arrow. Can't wait to see what the weather brings as well, that should be interesting.

For some reason I feel Zach's injury was not something he needed to quit over, he just wanted to save face and have to leave vs. quitting. That cut didn't seem bad, though it might have been deep, but I feel he could have wrapped it up and kept going. If it looked like it might be getting infected in a few days (hot, painful to touch, secretions) then call for help.

Yes, you are correct. I should clarify: I know that producers don't pick who goes to what location (but many will ponder if there is producer interference regardless-we hear all the time on Survivor), but there are locations that are worse than others and that is very likely known to them as they have already scouted locations and have to know the best way to get into each location should an issue occur, and that is the comparison part. Look at where Larry set up (originally) last season. It was a bad location, until he made a huge effort to move (swearing the whole time). Mitch in Season 1, made a tarp/leaf boat and floated across a body of water to get to a place with clean water based on experience and the "sound" of running water. I think that there is a lot of justification for comparison, why? Because regardless of where they are, we see the same psychological things come up again and again. It is practically archetypal. For myself, it is less about where they are but WHO they are. I guarantee that if you put Alan in Patagonia or VI or some other place, he would succeed. It is not about where, but the nature of the person that rises in adversity or crumbles. I was a huge proponent of Mike and Jose last year based on their experience and ability to make things. And both were a bit of a disappointment. It was not their prior education/experience that helped them in the long run, but their attitude, outlook, innate qualities (whatever you want to call it) became their reason to tap out. I think Fowler will be the same way in terms of positive attitude and wonderment about being there (maybe Brett, and a couple of the ladies, but I don't know enough about them yet to comment and I missed the preview show). While the backdrop (the location)  and that is always interesting. For myself, this show is all about the psychological and most of the tap outs will say that as well (first tap this season did). I will say that the growling and noises in the bushes are just as scary as in Season 1 with the Bears and Cougars. However, after they get acclimated and get their shelters set-up, we may see less of that fear as the editors focus on other things. 

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I thought Zack looked a little like Orlando Bloom. 

It almost felt like he was there, because his parents told him it would be a good idea, not because he really wanted to be there.  They probably thought it would be a great way for him to promote his skill as a wilderness teacher, not realizing that he would be the second one to tap out.  The odds were on his side, with him having the skill set and a youthful body that can take much more punishment, when compared to a middle aged person. 

This show is one of my favorites, because you can never predict who is going to succeed.  Last season very few people expected effin Larry and Mr. Gloomy pants to outlast Mike, Jose, and Nicole.  Maybe calm collected accountant, Britt, will take it all ( I just hope his wife is not named Barbara).

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Wow, add me to the list of people who are disappointed with the way Zach turned out.  In the first episode, I really thought he would go far.  Turns out he's just all talk, no ability.  He just seemed to try and take the easy way out in everything he was doing, except that one stupid day of endless trekking around with bamboo; that he appeared to make as difficult as possible.  He did so much wrong!!  And I do think he was just looking for an out, when he happened to cut himself.  Definitely not someone I'd want as a wilderness instructor.  Seems like a typical Millennial.

Edited by Canada
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From looking again at Zach's life before the show, I have to question his solo camping adventures.  I feel like he lives in the woods in the back of his parents' big fancy house and uses the luxuries offered there on a regular basis.  So, yes, he 'lives' outside for extended periods, but spends large amounts of time in the house!

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Zach: "I do not want to go home." "I do not wan't to go home." 

Me: You totally want to go home, dude. 

They aren't issuing Purple Hearts, people. Man up and push your button. No need to hurt yourself for the "dignified" exit. 

Hope David goes next if he doesn't dial back the ecstasy. Felt like I was watching a nature porno. 

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I haven't posted here but have watched from day one.  I feel Zach studied seasons 1 and 2 and studied the people.  He looked like he wanted more airtime.  Maybe he thought the manbun would get him into Hollywood.  Something about him... trying be a philosopher like Allen,  creative like Lucas and F***king Larry (although Larry didn't whine as much curse the universe. ) he was auditioning.  Right down to where he gets "cut" like whatshename. He totally was trying to get hurt.  He wasn't pale and shaking,  he was not trying to do anything that would help himself..  who runs with two sharp weapons when there is nothing to from??? JMO.

Pretty boy manbun thought he would be discovered. 

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I'm disappointed in Zach :( I was rooting for him and Dave, and the girls. Zach's swearing fest reminded me of larry

I'm so happy when Megan started stockpiling for winter. She's this season's Nicole, they both know their greens and plants except Megan stockpile food for winter unlike Nicole. 

I love what I've seen so far from Fowler.

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Warning sign #1 from Zach: The comment about the birds singing in the morning and that he came out into nature to get away from alarm clocks. Anyone who does any type of camping (like he says he does) KNOWS this is nature's alarm clock, but it isn't a horrid noise like real alarm clocks are. As a non-camper, just having the windows open in the spring/summer, you hear the birds. I can proudly say that I can identify a bunch of birds just from their songs now. On what planet does he do wilderness training where there are no birds singing? Wouldn't it be more of a concern if you don't hear them? Don't the animals get quiet when there is a pending storm or something like that? I would notice that at my bird feeders, a flurry of eating before a storm and then they all hunker down. 

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7 hours ago, riverheightsnancy said:

Warning sign #1 from Zach: The comment about the birds singing in the morning and that he came out into nature to get away from alarm clocks. Anyone who does any type of camping (like he says he does) KNOWS this is nature's alarm clock, but it isn't a horrid noise like real alarm clocks are. As a non-camper, just having the windows open in the spring/summer, you hear the birds. I can proudly say that I can identify a bunch of birds just from their songs now. On what planet does he do wilderness training where there are no birds singing? Wouldn't it be more of a concern if you don't hear them? Don't the animals get quiet when there is a pending storm or something like that? I would notice that at my bird feeders, a flurry of eating before a storm and then they all hunker down. 

I didn't think about it before your post, but remember when Nicole from Season 2 talked about how the birds were her friends because they would let her know if a predator was around? My initial thought was who would be annoyed when they heard birds singing in the woods? But I have to admit some birds are more gifted musically than others.

Edited by SRTouch
Wording changed
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What sets Greg apart from Jose and Mike is his lack of a wife luring him to quit and go home.

Mike had Barbara on the brain and his longing for her caused him to tap.

Jose held out as long as he could but even the award of the big $$$ couldn't overcome is wanting to go home to his wife.

Greg has a daughter who is supportive of her dad's TV adventure so Greg is unfettered when it comes to having a spouse at home waiting for him.

Nose hair trimming by snorting fire is good to know-Greg's grooming tips are like Gallagher sledge hammering a watermelon to get a bite or two of the fruit.

Zach missed his comfy home life and cute gf, he was loopy from not having food after 8 days.

Alone producers probably looking to cast a millennial but he was not in the same league as our friend from Season 1, Sam I Am.

Appreciate that Megan didn't go on and on about her wet boots from getting stuck in the mud like the woman who sliced her tendon in Season 2.

Edited by humbleopinion
additional nonsense
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On 12/15/2016 at 10:17 PM, Henry243 said:

Why do these people screening for the show Alone, allow contestants that miss their family on the first day and quit , or others that tag out for cuts that are less than what I have had shaving, to join the cast?  My God there are people out there that could go much longer even if they were just coming out of a coma, give me a break peeps and tighten up!

Even though that cut didn't look as bad as I expected, I wouldn't be dismissive of minor wounds when in the wild.  The possibility of infection is a lot greater when you're in the bush.  Also, the medic said he would need stitches so I guess it may have been serious enough to drop out.

One thing that confuses me was Zach acting shocked when the medic told him they were pulling him out.  Isn't pushing the emergency button an automatic "I quit"?

As for better screening of the contestants, I'm not sure the show wants to screen out the cowards and whiners.  They can make for some good tv.  The cowards provide some entertaining freak out footage when they start hearing noises in the bush.  Whiners tend to annoy me but they can turn out to be a lot stronger than those who claim to have a "positive mental attitude".  The two biggest whiners of last season were the last two standing.   


17 hours ago, Tara1665 said:

I haven't posted here but have watched from day one.  I feel Zach studied seasons 1 and 2 and studied the people.  He looked like he wanted more airtime.  Maybe he thought the manbun would get him into Hollywood.  Something about him... trying be a philosopher like Allen,  creative like Lucas and F***king Larry (although Larry didn't whine as much curse the universe. ) he was auditioning.  Right down to where he gets "cut" like whatshename. He totally was trying to get hurt.  He wasn't pale and shaking,  he was not trying to do anything that would help himself..  who runs with two sharp weapons when there is nothing to from??? JMO.

Pretty boy manbun thought he would be discovered. 

Heh.  I did feel like he was trying to mimic one of Larry's epic curse rants.  Not nearly as entertaining though. 

I never considered he was trying to hurt himself but I have to admit there was a lot of foreshadowing in his dialogue.  The way he was complaining how rough the terrain was and then noting how it was even worse now that it's wet.  Then the shot of him walking through it with his unsheathed ax.  I immediately thought that seemed dumb.  

Edited by maczero
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Zach screaming the F word pales in comparison to Larry's swearing performances complete with facial contortions, stomping , pirouetting and body English needed to convey his displeasure.

Spoiler alert: tease of night vision camera clip show some animal jumping up to take hanging bait so maybe Greg does get his boar with the snare he describes using dangling fish guts. Can't wait....

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19 minutes ago, maczero said:

Even though that cut didn't look as bad as I expected, I wouldn't be dismissive of minor wounds when in the wild.  The possibility of infection is a lot greater when you're in the bush.  Also, the medic said he would need stitches so I guess it may have been serious enough to drop out.

Without doubt it could well have been worse than it appeared in the short glimpses we had - and I'm mindful of just how deadly infections from even minor cuts and scratches can be. Still, as I said in an earlier post, we know that in past seasons they received first aid kits with disinfectants and bandages as well as periodic health checks when visited for resupply of camera batteries. So unless it was worse than it appeared, why not clean and bandage it the best he could and monitor it. He could always tap out if it showed signs of infection and probably be picked up in a couple hours.

19 minutes ago, maczero said:

I never considered he was trying to hurt himself but I have to admit there was a lot of foreshadowing in his dialogue.  The way he was complaining how rough the terrain was and then noting how it was even worse now that it's wet.  Then the shot of him walking through it with his unsheathed ax.  I immediately thought that seemed dumb.  

Sort of prophetic that during the "Making the Cut" intro show he mentions something about his reaction to a possible bad cut, and how that would show that it was "real."

Bottom line, I was less than impressed. He seemed to have plenty of survival "booklearning" but was short on practical experience... just as was said in the intro. He made a neat little fish trap, but even as he was setting it up I questioned the location and commented to a friend I was watching with that I hoped he was also actively fishing and not relying on the trap.

Oh, lest we forget, I think he's only the second person in three seasons to choose a sharpening stone as one of his ten items. After those noisy birds woke him, he probably spent the morning putting a razor edge on his blades... yep it was those confounded birds! 

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4 hours ago, riverheightsnancy said:

Warning sign #1 from Zach: The comment about the birds singing in the morning and that he came out into nature to get away from alarm clocks. Anyone who does any type of camping (like he says he does) KNOWS this is nature's alarm clock, but it isn't a horrid noise like real alarm clocks are. As a non-camper, just having the windows open in the spring/summer, you hear the birds. I can proudly say that I can identify a bunch of birds just from their songs now. On what planet does he do wilderness training where there are no birds singing? Wouldn't it be more of a concern if you don't hear them? Don't the animals get quiet when there is a pending storm or something like that? I would notice that at my bird feeders, a flurry of eating before a storm and then they all hunker down. 

Fair point.  Birds are the radar of the forest, listen to them to know what else might be going on.

That said, sometimes songbirds wake me up early in the morning and I just want to throw rocks at them to make them shut up.  (Don't worry, I don't actually do it.)

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There are 2 clues that lead me to think Zack did have a serious injury.  First, on his way back down the slope he mentioned losing the functioning of his hand and second, when he called the medics he said he couldn't get the wound to stop bleeding.

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Fowler is on some survival forums talking about the show. I'm gonna guess he won just because last year David was on survival forums too, discussing about the show and defending the contestants lol

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53 minutes ago, Joan Z said:

Fowler is on some survival forums talking about the show. I'm gonna guess he won just because last year David was on survival forums too, discussing about the show and defending the contestants lol

In season 1 Chris Weatherman was on survival forums doing the same thing. Who? Exactly ;)

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3 hours ago, Joan Z said:

Fowler is on some survival forums talking about the show. I'm gonna guess he won just because last year David was on survival forums too, discussing about the show and defending the contestants lol

Jose (Season 2) had videos blogs of each episode and he did not win.  Can you provide the link for Fowler? I would love to hear what he has to say ! ( My mom lives about 30 minutes from Fowler and I bet that we each know people who know each other due to the proximity of the location). In retrospect, I think that Jose's videos were an indirect form of building up to justifying why he tapped. To save face, if you will (and I say that as a Jose fan). I think that he was really disappointed in himself and believed that he SHOULD and MUST win. I remember Jose's videos, in that the very first one he started out by defending everyone and saying that the home audience doesn't understand how hard it is. Again, I think it was building up for his ultimate tap out. Really rooting for Fowler. But I like Brett (Britt?) and the lady who is the naturalist. I think that Greg (Drywall guy) can go far unless he keeps getting lost. I think Dave is odd. Can't put my finger on it, need to see more of him. Not sure about the rest, I never saw the preview show and purposely did not look at their bios.  

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Why haven't we seen everyone yet?  *grumble*  I like Britt but we saw him last week.

I like the woman who was talking about plants (can't remember her name yet).  I really enjoy those teaching moments, very interesting. 

Zach was not having fun, LOL.   Most people have introspective moments - even F'n Larry last season had a lot of those, it would be swear-swear-complain-contemplate - but Zach started off complaining and kind of never stopped.  Dude, birdsong is nothing like an annoying alarm!  Oh well, bye Zach.

3 hours ago, riverheightsnancy said:

I think that Greg (Drywall guy) can go far unless he keeps getting lost.

Thanks, couldn't remember his name either, but thought he would do well (didn't he say he spent 44 days alone somewhere?) but then he goes and gets lost, come on dude!  No wonder his daughter worries about him, heh.


22 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Alone producers probably looking to cast a millennial but he was not in the same league as our friend from Season 1, Sam I Am.

Very true, wasn't Sam 22 I think?  The weather finally got him IIRC but he had determination and staying power, all the way to number 2.

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So far the editors have showed us people catching fish fairly easily so it's quite a shock for the screen to say this person hasn't had any animal protein in 4 days or 6 days, etc.  Either the fish are not as plentiful as we're being led to believe, or a lot of people are depending on their emergency rations right away.  Anyhow, I am wondering about mice, which came to be a major food source for several contestants in both previous seasons.  No one's mentioned mice, much less set any traps for them. I thought mice were fairly ubiquitous around the globe, does anyone here know if there are mice where they are in Patagonia?

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1 hour ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Anyhow, I am wondering about mice, which came to be a major food source for several contestants in both previous seasons.  No one's mentioned mice, much less set any traps for them.

From what I recall, mice only have a few calories each, so they aren't even worth the effort it takes to set/check the traps. The folks in previous seasons were just so desperate they'd take anything. Hopefully these folks won't have to resort to mice, but yeah, they aren't showing them set too many traps (except Britt's boar trap), which is odd.

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Was watching Sam from season 1 (2nd place) videos on youtube for this season, he gives short commentary on what he thinks but doesn't really criticize the contestants, mostly compares VI to Patagonia (he thinks Patagonia is easier, more resources.) Anyway, in the comments Callie North from this season (shown in episode one, made the chair) popped in when people were questioning whether Zach could stay, this is what she said:



Unfortunately it's not a as simple as 'could he have fought through it'. They require us to call if we have an injury and then it's completely in the medic's and productions hands. They cannot medically intervene AT ALL. Basically if they touch you it's a tap. We are also given extremely limited first aid supplies that are not replaced at any point during the journey. What you are given is all you get. We had 10 bandaids and 2-3 gauze pads, some first aid cream and then a few other random things. At the end of the day it has nothing to do with Zach wanting to stay or go, it's completely production making the call. Remember there is a lot more going on behind the scenes.

There is a lot you don't see in the editing process, for instance Zach got two fish that a king fisher had pulled out of the water but didn't eat. No joke. For some reason that wasn't shown. He also had his food ration he brought as one of his ten items and was foraging. He was not starving.

Just a few inside views to help clarify what was going on. I have read a lot of crazy things about Zach and it's unfortunate because trust me Zach was devastated to be pulled. That is just about the worst thing possible especially after only a week in. That first week is mentally all over the place, for everyone. It takes a minute to drop in. I think Zach would have ended up being incredible had he not injured himself.

Some dude called The Wooded Beardsmen questioned her take:


Thanks for adding here Callie. Two fish still wouldn't be much. I ate a lot of fish inside of 5 days, an embarrassing amount and pounds of wild edibles, but it did nothing to save me. Our metabolism might be different, but being low, you really notice it. If you get a cut, I'm sure you don't have to report if you get it cleaned up yourself? I get that they can't help you, that makes sense. But there must be a line between the two. Is Zach going to offer more details? I'd be happy to set the record straight. I only live 45 minutes drive away from him and have a platform for him to speak his mind, if you are talking to him, I'd be happy to help. He'll have to face it down at some point and from my track record you will see that I have done nothing but look for the truth. I was wrong about Nicole from season 2 and we had some good exchanges. Let him know that the offer is good. Many people would enjoy hearing the rest of the story.

And she responded with:


Yes I am quite aware you notice it when you are only eating fish and wild edibles ;)

If you can dress the cut yourself, then of course you can stay but if it seems bad they need us to call.

I don't know but I don't think Zach has much interest in explaining himself nor should he have too. There isn't much to explain, he had a cut that wouldn't stop bleeding, he called the medic per our rules, they chose to pull him. He does not have to face it down ever if he doesn't want too. If he feels compelled to go further in detail I am sure he will do it on his own terms. :)

Interesting info, I still think he could have went on with the injury, she backs down from saying he HAD to call when he got injured to he could have dressed it and waited it out. So maybe he panic dialed? Or wanted to quit and took this out? Or it was a serious injury that needed aid right then. We may never know...but Zach was whiney and wasn't going to win injury or not.

Sam Larson Youtube video:

Edited by jvr
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