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Finding what was in the safe deposit box made Marisol cry for two hours? Two hours? Two hours? Sure, writers. Sure. Again, why is she still involved? Get a divorce. Heck, it wasn't consummated. Get an annulment. She does not get to slap Nicholas and reprimand him. Go away! This is not your business anymore, lady. And now you're championing Dahlia and Opal? Let's not put all the blame on Nick. It's not like they were awful people just because he set off a chain of events. I cannot believe Nick is even listening to her. Why would you do anything she tells you to do? She's not going to forgive you and stay married to you. You get nothing from going to the Powell's or the police. So he started the chain by first going away on business to earn money to support Dahlia and their lifestyle and then accidentally killed Barrett because Dahlia decided to tell him a unnerving piece of information while he was driving. Yes, all his fault. Bad, bad man.


Nope, I don't care a thing about Rosie and Spence. They ruined it last season with the goofy oversexed behavior and they continued to ruin it this season with the alcoholism and the increasingly silly writing for his character. Nothing about the way they've written him makes me think, yes, marry that guy.


No one could have seen Valentina's terrible drawings and honestly offered her an internship because of her talent. What nonsense was she wearing to the wedding? Are we to believe she designed that?


Oh, thank God the police aren't as stupid as Marisol. I was worried about you, show. So you're not stupid. You've just written Marisol to be brain dead. That's good to know.


I like the addition of Sebastian to give Carmen someone to play off of. It would be nice to get Odessa back but this works.


I'm confused. I thought Ty didn't actually have issues but that they staged his suicide. So did he actually take the pills? Did he have issues before getting involved in the gang of thieves? 


"Why do you have to be so damn wonderful?" Javier really is the best boyfriend ever.


The scene where Rosie fired Carmen was hilarious.


Yeah, Michael Feinstein, I think even "kind of famous" is being generous. Sorry!


OK, Helen, it's a little late to be calling someone a lying bum when you knew that he was married when you started having an affair.


Wait, what? Valentina can't even ask her dad to reconsider? I get not wanting to pressure him but she can't even ask? 


"I think of Valentina as a daughter." "Oedipus would be so proud." I love the Powell's.


Stage combat lol. Did Adrian push Marisol or did she leap to the floor? That was ridiculous. At least the Powell's didn't kill another person. I don't care how rich they are, there are only so many people who can die at your house.


Rosie did look really lovely. A bit too couture bridal but whatever, it goes with the whole spending too much money story line. Also, after the marriages they've entered into, why are Carmen, Marisol, and Zoila so eager to push Rosie into marriage when she has legitimate doubts? I LOVE that Ernesto is still alive. If he's as wonderful as Javier, I hope Rosie leaves Spence and ends up with him. I wonder if it'll be a bigamy situation or if, because he's been declared dead, there won't be an issue.


How old is Valentina supposed to be? How is Zoila pregnant? Pablo better not be the father.


As to the shooting... how did Ty, the amateur thief, think he was successfully going to pull off a driveby shooting into a crowd of people? Nonsense. For reference...Spence was right in front, sort of trying to shield Rosie but she was equally exposed. Pablo and Rosie's son were off to the side. The second row consisted of Marisol, Zoila, and Javier. The back row was Remi and Valentina.


Option 1: Spence is shot. If he dies this opens the door for Rosie and Ernesto with the added bonus of completely cutting ties with Peri and the unresolved hit and run. If he lives, Rosie will probably feel guilty about him taking a bullet that could have hit her, complicating her desire to go back to Ernesto.

Option 2: Pablo is shot because the writers are hilarious. 

Option 3: Valentina is shot because the writers want to apologize for all the time they wasted on her character.

Option 4: Javier is shot and he dies because the writers hate me and don't want me to be happy.

Option 5: Marisol is shot because her character has become ridiculous and it's too hard to find ways to fit her into the story.

Option 6: Zoila is shot, taking care of the pregnancy story line after they talk about and realize it's a stupid idea.



I was stunned at the turn Pablo has taken.  He seemed like a nice guy last season and even seemed to have a least an understandable reason for leaving Zoila (other than the BS with cheating, but that alone doesn't make someone a worthless human being).

Yeah, they seemed to drastically rewrite the character from the sad, slightly embarrassing sad sack who stood by Zoila knowing she thought Henri was the love of her life to the awful person he's become in season 2. I mean, I'm fine with it because we got Javier and even though he's too perfect, it's been fun to have a nice guy on the show.


While I like Adrian and Evelyn forgiving each other, I thought Adrian's anger came because Evelyn supposedly didn't keep her eye on the boy for a second.  How does knowing who the hit-and-run driver is change that?

I guess you could argue that he thought she allowed Barrett to ride his bike into the street into traffic whereas now he knows that Nick was distracted and could have avoided hitting Barrett if he had been paying attention to the road. Rachel's explanation also makes sense. I think they just ultimately decided to forgive each other for everything.


My guess as to the shooting... I think if there's only one hit, it's one of Zoila's men. (Both were there, right?) If it's Javier, he dies and if it's Pablo, he lives but Zoila has to take care of him. I think this because it's exactly what I don't want to happen. I can't imagine that Valentina is hit because that would mean Ty actually achieved a goal.

Oh, I completely ignored the fact that Ty could have hit multiple people. I think I'm so convinced of his incompetence that I assumed he'd only be able to hit one person (seriously, why a drive by?). How many bullets did he fire? Three? 

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OK, Helen, it's a little late to be calling someone a lying bum when you knew that he was married when you started having an affair.


Yeah, my thought was: "How surprising that a guy you knew was willing to deceive his wife turned out to be a liar!" 



As to the shooting... how did Ty, the amateur thief, think he was successfully going to pull off a driveby shooting into a crowd of people?


In fairness, Ty has been shown to be pretty stupid when it comes to crime.  He returns to crime scenes, tries to stage robberies involving dozens of people and doesn't put on his ski mask until he's right in front of the church leaving him at risk for being recognized. 



Also, after the marriages they've entered into, why are Carmen, Marisol, and Zoila so eager to push Rosie into marriage when she has legitimate doubts?


Contrivance?  My only guess is someone on the writing staff finds Rosie's citizenship issues to be fascinating because they keep setting up situations where it becomes a plot point. 

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I'm confused. I thought Ty didn't actually have issues but that they staged his suicide. So did he actually take the pills? Did he have issues before getting involved in the gang of thieves?

Ty needing to be "on his meds" has been mentioned more than once, so he obviously already had issues well before the robbery group and all of that.


Looks like his issues flare up when he is not medicated.

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Ty needing to be "on his meds" has been mentioned more than once, so he obviously already had issues well before the robbery group and all of that.

I don't know. I feel like this show has no problem rewriting characters. Didn't they mention something about the rest of the gang going to Ty because he was the smart one who could help them plan the robberies? Cut to him being the worst criminal ever and one of the other kids having a lawyer for a father and telling everyone else what to do. I stand by the theory that Ty wasn't supposed to be suicidal. But then they were really playing up the Ethan/Valentina thing and didn't want him to be too evil and they also decided, hey he's pale and a bit weird looking, let's make him a creepy stalker obsessed with Carmen. I think they were genuinely just friendly and then the writers jumped into making him crazy because they felt like that worked better. 

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I just wanted to scream: "You are marrying a guy right out of rehab with no job, no money and who is clearly living a lifestyle he can't afford."  Rosie needs much better friends.


She did seem a bit more aware than the rest of them, but to be fair, her friends know if she doesn't marry Spence she'll most likely be sent back to Mexico because of Reggie. So they're probably overly eager for her to marry and resolve the immigration issue.



So he started the chain by first going away on business to earn money to support Dahlia and their lifestyle and then accidentally killed Barrett because Dahlia decided to tell him a unnerving piece of information while he was driving. Yes, all his fault. Bad, bad man.


I think the worst of it is that he and his wife were apparently pretty good friends with the Powells, and while it was certainly an accident, it was no accident that he was too scared to own up to it, and let the Powells - his supposed friends - suffer without any kind of closure. That's deliberately cruel, and extremely cowardly on his part. 


Also, Marisol spent the entire first season trying to clear her son's name in a crime he didn't commit, so now she's got this righteous indignation thing going on, determined to make guilty parties pay for their crimes.

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The fact that the season is over and we aren't hearing anything worrys me. The rumor that it could be due to contract wrangling aggravates me to no end. The show hasn't been on near long enough for that crap to start. They are going to screw around trying to get a bunch of money and they will end up negotiating themselves out of a job and leaving us without a show. Jeeez

Edited by missbonnie
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The ratings were down in the second season.  I'm not sure how it compares to the rest of Lifetime's lineup but I was surprised how often the episodes weren't rerun.  (Maybe only once after a second airing on the night it premiered.)


If it's a contract issue, it's probably not directly related to the talent.  It's not like this show is a runaway hit and they're in a position to ask for an extension/bump in their contracts the way that usually happens when shows are hits. It's likely due to Lifetime not wanting to pay as much for it as they may have paid for it in the past. 

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See, I don't get that. This is a perfectly entertaining little show yet may or may not be picked up for another season yet that crap, Honey Boo Boo, which I absolutely loathe, continues to be renewed.

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Ratings aren't fantastic. But they are easily good enough for Lifetime.


It's definitely a contract issue, and part of the problem is that the actors who would save money are the ones who the audience cares about and the opposite is true. Having five leads is just too many for a cable show (that's not a Walking Dead style hit) and that's not including the other members of the main cast (Lucci, Wiscoscky, Irwin, and Van Acker). Writing off Ganem and Van Acker would be easy. and it would also give Van Acker the opportunity to be in a show that wants to use him. But they are probably the cheapest actors, and despite the fact that both characters are useless, I'm not sure Lifetime would be willing to have zero characters under 30.

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Still nothing out of Lifetime on this. I wonder if they are waiting to see how Witches of East End pans out (which I hope it does), & The Lottery (which I could care less) and then they'll announce what's getting picked up?

Edited by missbonnie
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Still nothing out of Lifetime on this. I wonder if they are waiting to see how Witches of East End pans out (which I hope it does), & The Lottery (which I could care less) and then they'll announce what's getting picked up?

I honestly don't think so. I can't imagine they expected some massive increase in ratings for WoEE in its second season and even if The Lottery were some break out hit, which it's not, it's not like Lifetime's schedule is so packed with successes that one hit would squeeze something out. And by now, there is no reason to believe that there will be some dramatic change in the last half of their seasons. If this decision was based on ratings alone (of all the shows), then Devious Maids would have been renewed already. It has to be the bloated cast.

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Well I'm certainly glad for those of you who stuck it out and found something to enjoy in this second season.  By the fifth show Cherry and the writers had completely ruined it for me to the point that I pettily hoped it would be cancelled as some kind of (futile I suspect) lesson to not just shake a show that worked as it did and simply re-arrange everything nonsensically and decide that is clever plotting.


Hopefully he doesn't use the same approach that I found he did going from first to second in going from second to third and the fans of both seasons don't find themselves in my shoes come the fourth or fifth show of the third season.

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Well I'm certainly glad for those of you who stuck it out and found something to enjoy in this second season. By the fifth show Cherry and the writers had completely ruined it for me....

Oh but did you not like the Powell's? I could watch a entire show devoted to those two goofballs.

Edited by missbonnie
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Their Facebook page said something about counting down to Devious Maids Season 3 this summer.  For what it's worth (and I'm not sure how accurate it is), IMDB lists the season starting in July of 2015.  That's around the same time the first season debuted.  The second season debuted earlier.

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So, we are getting a third season, does anyone know when? I have not heard a peep out of the network or anyone else for that matter.


Their Facebook page said something about counting down to Devious Maids Season 3 this summer.  For what it's worth (and I'm not sure how accurate it is), IMDB lists the season starting in July of 2015.  That's around the same time the first season debuted.  The second season debuted earlier.


Season 3 premieres Monday, June 1

Edited by Chrissytd
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The bigger news is that Marc Cherry is out too. This is a total repositioning of the network to only care about W25-54. 


I can't say I'm sorry to see Valentina go, but Remi/Genevive was one of the things I liked about S1. Why couldn't they have gotten rid of that busybody Marisol? Of course, if ratings decline again like they did between S1 and 2, they will all be gone.

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Hi there, I'm a former Devious Maids fan: I watched since halfway through season 2 and then dropped out because of the repetitive love triangles and mysteries/plot points whose resolution you could see coming from a mile away. I happen to think Marc Cherry's creative juices completely and irreparably dried up back in 2008 (when he did the time jump on DH), so I switched to the (also disappointing) PLL.

Since the latter is on hiatus for the moment, I was thinking about catching up on DM. So I've read that Marc Cherry is out of the game? Where does it say that? If so, you can figure out how ecstatic I am (he should've even been replaced by Bob Daily towards the end of DH's run if you ask me, but oh well...).

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I love them too.  But what I'm shocked about is how resistant Evelyn was to being a dominatrix.  She seems like she'd be a natural!


I liked the premiere.  It wasn't splashy but it was a decent start. 

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I can totally see Evelyn as a dominatrix.  


The rest of the episode was sort of blah to me.

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I was sure Spence was going to be one of the shooting victims. Was surprised it was Rosie. At this point, only Zoila and Valentina are still working as maids. I supposed Rosie and Carmen might have to go back to working as maids given their financial situations, but Marisol isn't going to be a maid anymore and they're sort of moving away from their own premise. Especially since Taylor and Evelyn seem more Desperate Housewife.


I'm also surprised they brought back the Stappords. They wrote them off in season 2 and were easily the most expendable of the employers. I'm not sure what to make of their "kid" either. That child is strange. I guess this is supposed to be the big mystery of season 3? And is that the same kid who played Eva Longoria's younger daughter on Desperate Housewives?


At the end of last season, Adrian arranged for Valentina to work as an intern for some famous designer in New York and she was going to live in the Powell's NY apartment. It's four months later and she's still here - did the writers just forget about this?


Much as I'm glad to have the show back, it feels like it's sort of following the same trajectory as Desperate Housewives. Good, solid first season, but then the quality starts falling off immediately afterwards. It seems like Marc Cherry has good ideas for one-season shows and then doesn't know how to keep them going for multiple seasons.  

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Much as I'm glad to have the show back, it feels like it's sort of following the same trajectory as Desperate Housewives. Good, solid first season, but then the quality starts falling off immediately afterwards. It seems like Marc Cherry has good ideas for one-season shows and then doesn't know how to keep them going for multiple seasons.  


But isn't the showrunner someone else nowadays, a certain Brian Tanen or something like that? Could someone please clarify to me the job description and responsibilities of each professional figure there? Thanks! :-)

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DVR cut off as the new maid went to see the mess in the living room. What happened?

Was the male nurse impressed or UNimpressed with Spence's porno performance?

He said, "No wonder you went into a coma for 4 months!"

Edited by PattyorSelma
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DVR cut off as the new maid went to see the mess in the living room. What happened?

Was the male nurse impressed or UNimpressed with Spence's porno performance?

He said, "No wonder you went into a coma for 4 months!"


Evelyn stepped out of her mansion the next day and spotted a dog crawling though the bushes. So she walked up to it to shoo him away and she noticed a bloody human leg on the ground, hence she fainted. Sorry for my English, I'm Italian XD

Anyway I do agree with you on Alec Mapa/male nurse... it wasn't really clear! Sometimes they try too hard to crack a joke to the point it goes completely over your head (especially Marc Cherry)!

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So the scene cut from the new maid going into the living room to a human leg being found?

Glad I'm not the only one who was confused by the nurse, although he must have been a fan because he had the film on his phone.

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When the new maid walked into the living room, there was blood (presumably, it was dark red) splattered everywhere - couches, walls, floors. Literally looked like a bloodbath had gone down in there (I think they showed the little girl just standing around, too). Then it cut to Evelyn shooing away the dog, spotting the human leg amongst her prize roses, and then fainting epically.


The Powells are so twisted but oh-so-entertaining. Definitely the best part of the show!

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Brett Culllen is listed as a "guest" this season so I'm assuming he's the murder victim missing the leg.




Was the male nurse impressed or UNimpressed with Spence's porno performance?
He said, "No wonder you went into a coma for 4 months!"


I took it to mean he was impressed. However, it is extremely rare to see male frontal even in the raunchiest "soft-core" Cinemax type movies. That's what makes them "soft core" (for one thing). 

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I have a hard time seeing Marisol and Evelyn as BFFs considering how much Evelyn looked down on Marisol when she was a maid. 


A merciful Dog would have gotten rid of Remi and Valentina.  Aside from their hideous storylines, they are two of the worst actors I've ever seen.  Compared to them, Susan Lucci is Meryl Streep.


My DVR cut off, too.  I have no idea why it chose to record the midnight showing instead of the 9 pm, so thanks for the ending.

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I took it to mean he was impressed. However, it is extremely rare to see male frontal even in the raunchiest "soft-core" Cinemax type movies. That's what makes them "soft core" (for one thing). 


Absolutely. Not once did I come across it in all of the so called "soft-core" porn movies I've watched my entire life... and then I discovered Redtube XD

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Remind me why Pablo was even at the wedding in the first place?  Of course he got shot so Genevieve could live, but did he even know Rosie and Mr Spence?


I do love the Powell's.  I think Evelyn was angry that it took the dominatrix to get her husband going again after all that she had tried.


I like having the Stappord's back, but am not liking the crazy kid they drug along.  


Carmen was once again the weak link for me, well, her and Valentina.

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At the end of last season, Adrian arranged for Valentina to work as an intern for some famous designer in New York and she was going to live in the Powell's NY apartment. It's four months later and she's still here - did the writers just forget about this?


I would guess she probably never took the internship.  You could probably chalk it up to the shock of her father being murdered. 


I rolled my eyes at Rosie and Mr. Spence.  It takes a special kind of person to wake up after four months in a coma, and get pissed off because you were doing what you had to do to support her kid.

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Well, that was kind of a let down for me. Outside of The Powells, the rest of it was seriously lacking the fun of the first two seasons. Oh and creepy kid? Seriously, did absolutely nothing for me except for leaving a wtf? thought in my mind. I don't want to see kids on this show except as an occasional family member. Definitely NOT as a plot line. I will give it a couple of weeks and then I will punt if it doesn't pick up.

On a side note, I am still really, really missing Witches of East End, damn you Lifetime.

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I'm kind of disappointed with the way they wrapped up a lot of the plotlines. I've seen the actor playing Pablo pop up different places so presumably he just wanted out. But putting Rosie in a coma and sending Ty to jail, etc. It left us with plotlines no one cares about. Does Marisol still fit in with her friends? Remi has become this overprotective goofball in unfunny comedic relief (and Valentina is no better at acting). They're lowering the stakes instead of raising them. 


The mystery child and the return of the Stappords has some promise but not much. Oh, and if you needed any confirmation that something's wrong with her, you only have to look at the way she ate the string cheese. 


I hope they find a good use for Naya Rivera because she could be a real asset.


The Powells continue to be the best part of the show.

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