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Daryl: Your Leading Man and Norman Reedus: the Actor

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There must have been some weird contest that day (episode "Pretty Much Dead Already"). Only moments after Daryl grabs Carol, Beth runs to cry over her dead mother, who is a walker still alive after the shooting. Beth is saved by Shane, who pulls Beth away by---you guessed it!---grabbing her not around the waist but around the boobs.

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I confess I was surprised by the...location of his arms. Usually someone is grabbed around the middle; it's easier to anchor them. Yet Daryl is all up in Carol's upper torso and boob area. Heh. Who grabs someone from behind ABOVE their boobs? 

Well, I would think if you have someone below the boobs they are going to have much more leeway to twist and squirm and get momentum going by lunging forward from the waist to get away. Held as pictured there's little room for upper-body movement. 

But for many, the midsection is the narrowest part of their body, so a clamped arm around that means that the wider ribs and wider hips make it difficult to wiggle out of it. But if someone's grip is focused up high, I'd think it would be easier to slip out of that grip (raise your arms up and slide down - though that's more difficult from a prone position I suppose - hey, maybe that's why Daryl spooned her from behind...not to get his freak on, but to prevent her from wriggling away).


Maybe I should see whether my husband is willing to volunteer for an experiment...  :D

Edited by NoWillToResist
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Daryl had a very strange expression on his face when he came out of the woods.  He looked sheepish or embarrassed or something; I'm not sure what.  Michonne looked so happy to see him (that smile!) and then she asked about Carol.  Is he embarrassed because he lost ANOTHER family member?  I have a good idea who's with him but I don't think that any reason to feel awkward.  Is he uncomfortable around Michonne?  I'm curious.

Moved from another thread:

I keep seeing suggestions that Daryl is gay, or asexual, or whatever else.


Because he's not actively trying to jump every female who wanders into his field of view?

Where I come from, that's called being a gentleman - and rough around the edges he may be, socially speaking, I always got the impression the character of Daryl was written to portray him as being a gentleman as well.

As of 2011, approximately 3.5% of Americans identify themselves as LBGT, spread pretty evenly across genders.

I guess I'm just bothered by the notion the general population apparently thinks the incidence of men demonstrating decent behavior is rarer than that, if it's easier to assume a man (fictional or otherwise) is gay vs. his being a gentleman.

Suddenly I feel like a dinosaur.

  • Love 8

Moved from another thread:

I keep seeing suggestions that Daryl is gay, or asexual, or whatever else.


Because he's not actively trying to jump every female who wanders into his field of view?

Where I come from, that's called being a gentleman - and rough around the edges he may be, socially speaking, I always got the impression the character of Daryl was written to portray him as being a gentleman as well.

As of 2011, approximately 3.5% of Americans identify themselves as LBGT, spread pretty evenly across genders.

I guess I'm just bothered by the notion the general population apparently thinks the incidence of men demonstrating decent behavior is rarer than that, if it's easier to assume a man (fictional or otherwise) is gay vs. his being a gentleman.

Suddenly I feel like a dinosaur.

Thank you!!!


Daryl is someone who offers to carry water bottles, brings a flower (in an old beer bottle but the options were limited) to a grieving person, does many things the guys in my family were raised to do like helping someone out, but now suddenly it means you're gay?


Whether Daryl is gay or not or asexual or not or heterosexual or not wouldn't be determined by manners or the fact that he hasn't jumped on any female.  (And considering that they are all dirty as pigs, have no privacy, and usually average a group population of about 12 to 17 people, most of which are males and some are children---does it really seem to people that he should be playing grab-ass like Shane?)


I think we all have fun discussing romantic scenes like Sasha and Bob, but Rick isn't jumping anyone either and no one questions his sexual orientation---uh-oh, forgot, Rick already proved his heterosexuality by having been married and fathering children...LOL. (If anyone thinks gay men haven't married women or been fathers in a relationship with a woman, well, those folks need to go on Ask.com or something.)


It's kinda funny, but kinda not.

I felt so bad the other day waiting in line at a store...these little girls about 8 or 9 were discussing the slumber party they were having that night--how cute---and then as they looked over "scary" movies to watch at the party one little girl said Sometimes when I get scared I freak out and grab someone's arm; I just want you to know so you don't think I'm a lesbian."

I suppose some would think that's hilarious...but I feel bad that we really--seriously?--have an environment where grade-school kids are worried about their sexual orientation being mistaken or being bullied or "unfriended" because they clutch a friend of the same gender while watching Halloween Part III ?

Are we really getting that expectation that you have to plant your sexual orientation flag fast and clearly because God forbid you aren't fulfilling expectations?

I mean, damn!

  • Love 6

Thank you!!!


Daryl is someone who offers to carry water bottles, brings a flower (in an old beer bottle but the options were limited) to a grieving person, does many things the guys in my family were raised to do like helping someone out, but now suddenly it means you're gay?


Whether Daryl is gay or not or asexual or not or heterosexual or not wouldn't be determined by manners or the fact that he hasn't jumped on any female.  (And considering that they are all dirty as pigs, have no privacy, and usually average a group population of about 12 to 17 people, most of which are males and some are children---does it really seem to people that he should be playing grab-ass like Shane?)


I think we all have fun discussing romantic scenes like Sasha and Bob, but Rick isn't jumping anyone either and no one questions his sexual orientation---uh-oh, forgot, Rick already proved his heterosexuality by having been married and fathering children...LOL. (If anyone thinks gay men haven't married women or been fathers in a relationship with a woman, well, those folks need to go on Ask.com or something.)


It's kinda funny, but kinda not.

I felt so bad the other day waiting in line at a store...these little girls about 8 or 9 were discussing the slumber party they were having that night--how cute---and then as they looked over "scary" movies to watch at the party one little girl said Sometimes when I get scared I freak out and grab someone's arm; I just want you to know so you don't think I'm a lesbian."

I suppose some would think that's hilarious...but I feel bad that we really--seriously?--have an environment where grade-school kids are worried about their sexual orientation being mistaken or being bullied or "unfriended" because they clutch a friend of the same gender while watching Halloween Part III ?

Are we really getting that expectation that you have to plant your sexual orientation flag fast and clearly because God forbid you aren't fulfilling expectations?

I mean, damn!


I agree with you.  I've always thought that Daryl has an old fashioned idea of how a man should treat women.  Probably because he grew up with Merle and was determined not to be like that.  Add that to his emotional issues (and all that survival and zombie stuff) and it makes sense that he hasn't been with anybody yet.


And I agree that it's ironic that Rick, who has had even less female interaction than Daryl, never has his sexuality questioned.  As if gay men don't have children.

  • Love 4


I've always thought that Daryl has an old fashioned idea of how a man should treat women.  Probably because he grew up with Merle and was determined not to be like that.


I'd like to know where Daryl got his manners from. I mean, it's one thing to say "my brother is a dick; don't wanna be like him", but the gentlemanly actions (offering to carry things, bringing flowers), don't strike me as something that someone would inherently KNOW to do, y'know? I'd argue that that's something you'd witness and want to emulate. So, I'm trying to figure out where (or from whom) Daryl learned these nice things 'cause it sure as shit wasn't from anyone in his family.


I think the whole 'gay' thing re: Daryl is mostly just a wish from those tired of the whole "Beth or Carol" debacle which seems to follow Daryl/Norman like the plague...

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I'd like to know where Daryl got his manners from. I mean, it's one thing to say "my brother is a dick; don't wanna be like him", but the gentlemanly actions (offering to carry things, bringing flowers), don't strike me as something that someone would inherently KNOW to do, y'know? I'd argue that that's something you'd witness and want to emulate. So, I'm trying to figure out where (or from whom) Daryl learned these nice things 'cause it sure as shit wasn't from anyone in his family.


I think the whole 'gay' thing re: Daryl is mostly just a wish from those tired of the whole "Beth or Carol" debacle which seems to follow Daryl/Norman like the plague...


Well, we know he's not a reader but maybe Daryl used to watch old movies on TV.  They used to play them late at night and if his mother was a drunk, regular bedtimes probably weren't a factor in his childhood.  Or perhaps there was a grandparent, who died early but taught him the way people SHOULD live.

  • Love 4

I think the fact that Darryl has never said anything about his love life or indicated interest in anyone is a mark in the "not mainstream heterosexual" column. A lot of folks seem oblivious to just how much information of that sort straight people publicy reveal in the course of their lives precisely because it's "normal" and thus so common it's taken for granted. Of course, the above could just as easily mean he's asexual as gay, or has some other inclination that's not approved of by society and thus merits silence.


Reedus himself is the source of the "prison gay" information, but in response to intense speculation about the character, and as he's changed his story since the early seasons I'm not sure how much weight to give it.

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I think the fact that Darryl has never said anything about his love life or indicated interest in anyone is a mark in the "not mainstream heterosexual" column. A lot of folks seem oblivious to just how much information of that sort straight people publicy reveal in the course of their lives precisely because it's "normal" and thus so common it's taken for granted.

I don't know if that's even something I see IRL but in the ZA? Nah. We don't even know what Tyreese's job was. Or anything "normal" that you would take for granted. Rick mentioned his brother (Points for you if you remember the episode or the context!), we don't know if these people had immediate families not counting romances, did any go to college, religions ( I thought it was an overlooked moment when Carl went from "if you believe in Heaven you're an idiot" to asking if Patrick was a Catholic when making his friend's grave marker.)

People are holding back in a world where you can't trust anyone...but I've already gone on record here that if Daryl liked anything, even a book or a song or one good shirt to wear, he would never tell or show it because Merle would pounce like a jackal. If Daryl had feelings for someone he would keep it secret better than Eugene's idea of classified, because unless you spent a childhood being tormented by an emotional vampire you can't imagine how much a reflex it would become.

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I agree with Kikismom regarding Daryl playing things close to the vest due to growing up with Merle.  I am sure a guy like Merle would take anything he saw that his little brother liked/received enjoyment from.  From the flashbacks, I cant imagine Daryl having any special lady in his life.  It seemed like he and Merle just drifted and had fun.  He was content as a follower (and still is).

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Rick mentioned his brother (Points for you if you remember the episode or the context!),

18 Miles Out, yes? He got stuck in the car for hours on his way to see his girlfriend at Georgia Tech (my alma mater!), listening to Lord of the Raaaangs on tape.




We got a few bits and pieces on people early on. Glenn was a pizza delivery guy, Jacqui worked for the city planning or something. Just a few tidbits. Little details we discuss now as chit chat, and we don't see them doing that much in TWD.

Edited by mandolin
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18 Miles Out, yes? He got stuck in the car for hours on his way to see his girlfriend at Georgia Tech (my alma mater!), listening to Lord of the Raaaangs on tape.




We got a few bits and pieces on people early on. Glenn was a pizza delivery guy, Jacqui worked for the city planning or something. Just a few tidbits. Little details we discuss now as chit chat, and we don't see them doing that much in TWD.

lmfao   tape?? Right? How old is his brother?!

Lord of The Raaangs;  The Return Of The Kaaaang. I believe that is a sigh-unce-fikshun/fannasaay classic.


You win the internetz!

Edited by kikismom
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As somebody - could have been a TWoP recapper - mentioned, all the towns and even the prison in this show look as though as they got stuck in the 1960s Mayberry era, so having tapes (maybe even 8-track!) would not be surprising.

Considering I still have two cartons* of 8-track tapes sitting around - as well as two functional 8-track players - I would be compelled to agree. :)

* Not cases - CARTONS. As in what apples are shipped in. Think banker's box size, or a little larger.

  • Love 4

It seems he watched "On Golden Pond" anyway, which kind of surprised me.



Well, we know he's not a reader but maybe Daryl used to watch old movies on TV.  They used to play them late at night and if his mother was a drunk, regular bedtimes probably weren't a factor in his childhood.  Or perhaps there was a grandparent, who died early but taught him the way people SHOULD live.

Yes, he mentions On Golden Pond, and asks "Am I the only one Zen around here?"


A couple of unexpected references! Intriguing man; will we learn more?

It can't be a writer's mistake...because...


In another scene, while looking for Sophia, Daryl says :  "It ain't ________!    It's Georgia!"

What unexpected location does Daryl Dixon refer to?

I know, right? I'm so ashamed. 


When I went to Grantville, GA (where Clear was filmed), the tour guide kept trying to trick me on show trivia. I was all, "dude, please."


Oh, random thing that's kind of cool. The new Dumb and Dumber movie (that I hope never to see) was just filmed there as well. I saw a preview for it, and it's on the same street where Morgan's traps were. You can totally tell it's the same place.

Edited by mandolin
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"Am I the only one Zen around here?"


I liked the exasperated "Good LORD!" that followed. So many great lines he used to have, but to me the best of all was: "Listen OLIVE OYL!" Ooops, or maybe it's, "Shut up!" *thunk*


If anyone hasn't seen the "Thrift Shop" video, it's funny as hell and worth a look:



  • Love 3

Moved from another thread:

I keep seeing suggestions that Daryl is gay, or asexual, or whatever else.


Because he's not actively trying to jump every female who wanders into his field of view?

Where I come from, that's called being a gentleman - and rough around the edges he may be, socially speaking, I always got the impression the character of Daryl was written to portray him as being a gentleman as well.

As of 2011, approximately 3.5% of Americans identify themselves as LBGT, spread pretty evenly across genders.

I guess I'm just bothered by the notion the general population apparently thinks the incidence of men demonstrating decent behavior is rarer than that, if it's easier to assume a man (fictional or otherwise) is gay vs. his being a gentleman.

Suddenly I feel like a dinosaur.


I never got the impression that Daryl was (in any way) a gentleman when we met him.  He's changed so much and Norman does such a good job, that I think we forget that Daryl wasn't that different from Merle.  I refuse to accept that Daryl was a blind follower - he needs to take responsibility for his part, and I feel Daryl did.  I don't think it's very gentlemanly of him to plan on robbing CDB - leaving small children and women without the means to survive or defend themselves.   He also immediately responded to Merle being left behind by attempting to attack someone - just like big brother Merle.  I think Daryl was so awkward giving Carol that flower because it very well was the first time he had done it.  Carol brought that out in Daryl.  And the trust and acceptance of the group (especially Rick) brought out the best in Daryl - I believe his racism is history, and he's filled with self-worth which allows him to respect others and act in ways that can be called gentlemanly. 


It also doesn't hurt that while the whole world has fallen apart, Daryl happens to have the particular skills to thrive in this new world.  That must give him self-worth as well.  But I have no delusions that, prior to the ZA, Daryl probably thought of most women as bitches and whores - and treated them accordingly.  I think it's a big disservice to the character not to acknowledge how much he's changed and overcome his past. 


I personally don't find implications that Daryl might be gay offensive, mostly because Norman has put some of that out there, but also because I find nothing wrong with being gay.  (And Nashville, I know that's not what you're saying).  Now I would find it offensive if it was suggested he was gay because he walked a certain way or was "limp-wristed" or some such nonsense.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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It also doesn't hurt that while the whole world has fallen apart, Daryl happens to have the particular skills to thrive in this new world.


Quite awhile ago I thought it interesting that some people, like the Merles and Daryls of this world are actually better off after an apocalypse.




Suddenly I feel like a dinosaur.


I've been feeling like a dinosaur, for awhile. I won't go into it, but I often feel not only archaic but as though I'm on the wrong planet.;)

Edited by AngelaHunter
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To me, it is more realistic to have characters stay romantically unattached when they are being chased by psychos and zombies everyday. It's the people who couple up like Glenn and Maggie in the middle of this that I don't understand. My vote is for a dateless Daryl. Keep those arrows flying towards the zombies. 

Edited by maplebrew
  • Love 4

To me, it is more realistic to have characters stay romantically unattached when they are being chased by psychos and zombies everyday. It's the people who couple up like Glenn and Maggie in the middle of this that I don't understand. My vote is for a dateless Daryl. Keep those arrows flying towards the zombies. 

I don't know- in the presence of death the instinct of many people is to affirm life and in lots of cases that involves ill advised hookups/affairs.

And it isn't a case of black or white, couple up or remain alone- there's a whole spectrum of activity possible  :)


In an apocalyptic situation of any sort I'd expect much more in the way of casual hookups than we've seen so far. My own opinion is that Daryl would be getting the odd piece anytime/anywhere he could- surely at least one of the women on this show has some libido left. God knows if I was one wrong move away from being zombie chow I'd find a lake, scrub him down, and hop on every chance I got :)

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I think one of the main detractions from sex - even among established couples - is the very real fear of pregnancy. Condoms/contraception are not infinite now and I don't think the ladies we're left with are interested in saddling themselves with a pregnancy during the zombie apocalypse. Medical care is virtually non-existent so even if the woman manages to carry the kid to term, she will be forced into natural childbirth, which is likely to be LOUD, and attract walkers. One is then stuck with an infant whose noise cannot be controlled and could potentially lead directly to their deaths.


I don't think Daryl is a virgin - no way would Merle allow that, IMO - but I don't get the sense that he's ever really initiated anything with someone before. Whether that will continue as he continues to open himself up emotionally to others is debatable...

  • Love 2

I think one of the main detractions from sex - even among established couples - is the very real fear of pregnancy. Condoms/contraception are not infinite now and I don't think the ladies we're left with are interested in saddling themselves with a pregnancy during the zombie apocalypse. Medical care is virtually non-existent so even if the woman manages to carry the kid to term, she will be forced into natural childbirth, which is likely to be LOUD, and attract walkers. One is then stuck with an infant whose noise cannot be controlled and could potentially lead directly to their deaths.

This, in spades.


I don't think Daryl is a virgin - no way would Merle allow that, IMO - but I don't get the sense that he's ever really initiated anything with someone before. Whether that will continue as he continues to open himself up emotionally to others is debatable...

I expect the only pre-ZA sweet nothings ever whispered in Daryl's ear were, "That'll be another fifty, hon...."

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As far as Daryl being coupled up with anyone, I have no objection to it, but I don't really need to SEE it, per se. No matter who the other party is. I don't need long, dreamy conversations by the campfire or schmoopy stares while digging the latrine. I wouldn't mind small moments, like Daryl and *insert name of preferred romantic partner* just automatically go to bunk down together or a nice smile here and there, or "Here, I saved the best squirrel for you". Whatever they do with Daryl on this front, I just want it to be true to his nature. 

Edited by PunkyMouse
  • Love 8

. I wouldn't mind small moments, like Daryl and *insert name of preferred romantic partner* just automatically go to bunk down together or a nice smile here and there,


Or it could be like Sasha and Bob...when you see one of the chicks wearing the leather vest with angel wings...we'll just know.


Although it would be better to do this before one of you is dead.

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Or it could be like Sasha and Bob...when you see one of the chicks wearing the leather vest with angel wings...we'll just know.


Although it would be better to do this before one of you is dead.


Dunno about that.

This is the post-ZA dating scene we're talking about. 

Lowering one's standards might be unavoidable.

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I would have guessed the only pre-ZA sweet nothings ever whispered in Daryl's ear were, "Thanks for the ride to the convenience store. Are we all square now?"


Don't forget what someone of Merle's towering intellect would've considered an appropriate "birthday present" when his little brother was in his teens.

  • Love 2

As far as Daryl being coupled up with anyone, I have no objection to it, but I don't really need to SEE it, per se. No matter who the other party is. I don't need long, dreamy conversations by the campfire or schmoopy stares while digging the latrine. I wouldn't mind small moments, like Daryl and *insert name of preferred romantic partner* just automatically go to bunk down together or a nice smile here and there, or "Here, I saved the best squirrel for you". Whatever they do with Daryl on this front, I just want it to be true to his nature. 

Totally agree. For me frankly, that hug Daryl gave Carol was about all I needed.

  • Love 5

I agree with those who feel that, even if Daryl continues to open himself up emotionally to others, he's not going to suddenly become totally comfortable being all demonstrative with the PDA.


I was floored by the hug he gave Carol. That was him as open and vulnerable as I've ever seen him and it happened in front of witnesses. Perhaps because he didn't really have time to school his reaction or downplay his response Carol's reappearance...don't know but it made me tear up a little.


I wouldn't expect to see Daryl suddenly all schmoopy with someone. I think an arm slung around someone's shoulders would be about as demonstrative as he'd get in front of other people in their day-to-day lives. I agree that him bunking down close beside someone might also be an indictor; he'd want to stay close and watch over them, but he probably wouldn't share a bunk with them, y'know? He seems very private and I doubt he'd want people sticking their noses into his very personal business.


That said, I do think it's funny that our gang seems to have taken note of Daryl and Carol's particularly close friendship. I remember when Daryl was going to leave with Merle and Glenn(?) was all "what are we supposed to tell Carol?" I found it interesting that she was the one highlighted to Daryl. And I was amused when Daryl came back to the prison after Carol had been banished...when he asked Hershel where she was, Hershel was all "oh the fuck I'm gonna be the one stuck telling him! Go find Rick." Heh.

  • Love 4

I completely agree with everyone who says they don't need to see a big huge romance between Daryl and Carol (or anyone else), dripping with PDAs.  I don't think it would be in character for either of them.


For a long time, I didn't want Daryl and Carol together; they seemed too strange a match.  But now I'm wholly intrigued by the special thing they have going on.  It's like no other relationship I've seen on TV,  IMO, all the show needs to do is "kick it up a notch", and they will be there.


While they were at the prison, I kept wanting to see the two of them walking out of the same cell in the morning, maybe dropping each other's hand as they emerged.  That kind of thing would be plenty for me.

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