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Daryl: Your Leading Man and Norman Reedus: the Actor

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I think Daryl's attitude in this episode is as much an act as Carol's or Rick's.  In fact, I think

the 3 of them have made this plan so that they can scope out this new place and size up the people. Daryl will act feral and draw people to spy on him. Meanwhile Rick will find out where the weapons are stored and who is able to use them, and Carol will blend in with the older people and those at the bottom of the rung and get some really good gossip and find out where the skeletons are hidden.


Very nice spec.  Could totally see that.


- - - - - - - -


Daryl Dixon; Emotional Possum Poacher who hates soap and shampoo, & razors and scissors, & smiling.

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Haven't seen this mentioned yet - Norman was interviewed by Entertainment Tonight.


When asked if he plans on shaving his facial hair, Norman responded:


This takes a good year to grow these five little hairs right here. But I actually have Andrew’s beard in my refrigerator in a Ziploc bag in Florida. I don’t know [what I'm going to do with it.] He’s kind of my dude.


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Same here. I always liked the idea of Daryl being the one bringing people into the prison. I'd actually like to see some of that in action. I definitely agree he's in a much better place now. He's still our standoffish, snarky Daryl - but having a purpose and building a friendship with someone new gives him life. 

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Daryl as a recruiter for Alexandria is not going to entice anyone to come visit unless he takes a bath, he looks dipped in oil and grime still - and that's with me thinking he looked marginally LESS dipped in oil and grime this week.  If I'm out on the roads, fighting off zombie hordes, I have to say, I'd think more than twice about going anywhere with him in the state he's currently in.

Edited by TallulahBelle
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If I'm out on the roads, fighting off zombie hordes, I have to say, I'd think more than twice about going anywhere with him in the state he's currently in.


If I'm out fighting zombies, I'll be thrilled to see anyone. Zombies = certain death. Humans might be be either good or evil. Way better odds.


During the several months between seasons 3 & 4, Daryl recruited people to join the prison. That's why he was such a rock star in the season 4 premiere, "30 Days Without an Accident."

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During the several months between seasons 3 & 4, Daryl recruited people to join the prison. That's why he was such a rock star in the season 4 premiere, "30 Days Without an Accident."

He was also cleaner though.  (Marginally.  But there was less grime.)  I don't know, I'd still be VERY hesitant about believing him "Really.  You have access to a lovely gated community with electricity and running water and SHOWERS?  Are you somehow then allergic to water yourself??"  ::side eye::


Honestly, I wouldn't believe a word out of his mouth!

Edited by TallulahBelle
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At the beginning of the show (seasons 1 and 2), I expected Daryl to be a Sawyer-like character--gruff and hyper-sexual. I fully expected him to hit on various women and have an Andrea-and-Shane-in-the-car moment. I have been  surprised, however, that he has been characterized as somewhat childlike and apparently asexual, especially considering that Daryl/Norman Reedus is so popular among the female fans.


Selfishly, I was hoping to see the more sexual side of Daryl because I find Daryl sexy (or, I used to, before he colored his hair), but I am impressed that the show has taken a unique turn with his character. 

Edited by Hava
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Who knows? Daryl may clean up a bit before going out. Maybe he's been avoiding it because he didn't really feel at home in ASZ. Now he seems to be feeling marginally more comfortable, so he might groom himself a bit. I say "a bit", because Daryl has never been a paragon of cleanliness. But, honestly, if you're running into people on the road at this point in the ZA, they probably don't look/smell a whole lot better. 

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Who knows? Daryl may clean up a bit before going out. Maybe he's been avoiding it because he didn't really feel at home in ASZ. Now he seems to be feeling marginally more comfortable, so he might groom himself a bit. I say "a bit", because Daryl has never been a paragon of cleanliness. But, honestly, if you're running into people on the road at this point in the ZA, they probably don't look/smell a whole lot better. 


Daryl cleaned up nice to go sulk outside the Alexandria meet & greet. He took a shower & put on a shirt with sleeves. (Of course, he later wiped spaghetti sauce on his sleeve, but hey. Baby steps.)

Edited by editorgrrl
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Darryl cleaned up nice to go sulk outside the Alexandria meet & greet. He took a shower & put on a shirt with sleeves. (Of course, he later wiped his spaghetti-ed mouth on his sleeve, but hey. Baby steps.)

This Sunday, have the Kleenex ready, as Aiden holds Daryl's hands under the water faucet, until Daryl's face suddenly radiates with comprehension and he runs around touching things for Aiden to teach him the words

"Soap! Antiperspirant! Yes, yes...toothbrush! Good! "

Edited by kikismom
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He took a shower & put on a shirt with sleeves.


Did he? How could you tell? I was trying to figure it out, since I couldn't imagine him still so filthy in that nice clean house, but I didn't see any difference in his appearance.

Aiden holds Daryl's hands under the water faucet, until Daryl's face suddenly radiates with comprehension and he runs around touching things for Aiden to teach him the words

"Soap! Antiperspirant! Yes, yes...toothbrush! Good! "


Hehehehhehhehe! Managing to drag Helen Keller into the ZA - Priceless!

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You mean he found a patch of sand to flap around in? Probably.

Thanks for the laff! Heehee those are quite the visuals. Although I'm a bit sad that Daryl is a bit of a laughingstock with his personal hygiene now which I also find strange --the first thing I'd do upon setting foot in ASZ is take a shower-- even grubby greaser Clutterbuck got in there ASAP. Has Daryl been reduced to a beloved pet dog who simply will not abide a bath, even with treats thrown in?

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Has Daryl been reduced to a beloved pet dog who simply will not abide a bath, even with treats thrown in?


I was picturing him being cross-tied in a shower stall, as my brother had to do to give his dog a bath.


If the "treats" involve a scrawny blonde with a sufficiently small pair of -ah- scissors, you might have a shot at getting him in. ;>


If he didn't have the cojones to make that happen in the shack when they were both oiled on moonshine, it was never happening.

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Depends. If the "treats" involve a scrawny blonde with a sufficiently small pair of -ah- scissors, you might have a shot at getting him in. ;>


Maybe the CDB crew can talk some sense in to him that way.  "Even though she's gone, Daryl, you have to do it; Bathe for Beth."


I'm sure there's a fangirl out there who would just die to be the campaign manager for a "BfB" effort - for nothing else than to see Daryl 'nekkid', in the shower.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Poor Norman. That scene is going to haunt him for eternity (even as the Rick-weeping-over-Lori's-death memes eventually faded out).


As someone who doesn't mind the Carol and Daryl relationship, I can't help being amused that in fanon he's seen as being enraged and jealous over her, and in canon...he's chilling with his bros. 

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Thanks to the inspiration from a post in another thread (thanks Nashville!), I just realized that Daryl would make a horribly ineffective walker.  While trying to shtamble after food, he'd keep slipping and sliding around in his own grease. 


One bright side, the smell his decaying body gave off wouldn't be quite so different than while he's still alive.

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I wish they could give Daryl development that isn't about other characters dying so he'll feel sad. It doesn't bother me as much with Denise as it did with Beth, because his scenes with Beth were so isolated and interminable, and there was all the fan war and shipping melodrama, but I still think Denise deserved better than to be there for this purpose.

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There WAS a lot of "glowering" going on tonight. But with all that greasy hair in his face, I couldn't make out if his expression was fear, anger, sadness, or confusion. 



Is it just me, or do other people fantasize about ways the plot could get around to Daryl taking a shower? Clearly when they were at Hilltop there was a direct order to "freshen up" (which he obviously did not follow). But I'll try to think of ANY reason the plot could call for a shower. I so wanted Denise's dying wish to be, "Daryl, you remind me so much of my brother. All but one thing. He showered. If you could do anything for me, after I'm gone, it would be taking a shower. Please." 

Edited by ghoulina
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His hair looked almost marginally less greasy, but that still does absolutely nothing about it hanging in his face.


I took Rosita's "Daryl, look out," about the tree in the road directly in front of the truck as an in-show acknowledgement that they know we know it's an issue (Thank you, Phoebe Buffay) but he's a popular actor who apparently wants to look that way and whattya gonna do?


They were in a pharmacy.  All I could think was pharmacies do sell bobby pins and barrettes.  There's probably a whole aisle to pick from if they'd just look.

I took Rosita's "Daryl, look out," about the tree in the road directly in front of the truck as an in-show acknowledgement that they know we know it's an issue (Thank you, Phoebe Buffay) but he's a popular actor who apparently wants to look that way and whattya gonna do?


Cute, but nonononono. :) The tree in the road was a very specific plot device to illustrate the insane degree of situational awareness survivors must maintain at this point in the ZA if they intend to remain survivors. Both Daryl and Rosita went into high alert at first sight of the tree:

  • The tree still has green, unwilted leaves; it went down very recently - like within the past day or two. Is it a fall, or was it cut? Are they driving into an ambush?
  • Rosita investigates and determines it's a fall, which greatly alleviates the risk of it being staged as an ambush site. Either way, they (apparently) still can't drive around it, so it's time to walk.
  • Daryl is still suspicious, however; might somebody take advantage of the natural fall, and stage an ambush further on down the obvious alternate path - the railroad tracks? Hence his immediate kneejerk negative reaction to Denise's suggestion for the obvious alternate route, and the ensuing walk through the woods.
...during most of which Denise sits like a lump in the truck - not faulting her (Daryl told her to stay in the truck), but illustrating the difference between seasoned survivors v. rookies. Denise was eager to demonstrate she could be more than baggage to be carried, but her inexperience led to the exposure which resulted in her death.
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Well, sure, if you're going to go with the serious well thought explanation ...  Yours is a good one but mine makes me laugh.


...which, in the long run, is probably more important.  :D


ETA: Wasn't trying to Debbie Downer you - your comment just reminded me of some of the particulars of that scene, and i had to articulate them to get them out of my head.  That happens to me a lot, donchaknow.

Edited by Nashville
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