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14 minutes ago, Padma said:

Someone, somewhere is going to have to ask why Trump is so irrationally resistant to the evidence and conclusion of 16 intelligence agencies that Russia hacked the election for their own benefit--which they saw as him being elected over HIllary?

Easy. He instinctively gets that it's better for his ego. This is a guy who's now constantly repeating that he won in a landslide when he lost the popular vote and was nowhere near as big an electoral victory as he claims. He constantly tells even little lies for self-aggrandizement. If people are suggesting Putin's help is bad, then it's a lie. I doubt it even occurs to him that the intelligence agencies should have any authority on the subject because the only way he sees the world is through his limited view. He didn't uncover this evidence and doesn't care about it--he likes to imagine it was Hillary or a fat guy or China. So that's as far as it goes. It's like him saying he can't see any reason for things generals do and therefore they're stupid. He's every blowhard uncle at Thanksgiving pontificating on the state of the world and knowing more than the WSJ about business, the generals about the economy, the IC about intelligence, world leaders about their own countries. Nobody calls him on this shit to the point where he's had to stop.

And his followers will think right along with him or pretend to. I guess by now the story is that Russia actually wanted Hillary to be president and Trump somehow foiled the plot through his awesomeness. He's always rubber, everyone else is always glue.

Edited by sistermagpie
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2 minutes ago, Padma said:

It's probably not denial. There's a good possibility not that "he knows and doesn't care" but that he was actually coordinating it--maybe with Manafort as the go-between. 

(Also, small thing, but I don't think you should edit someone's quote without consent even if its just changing Tubby's name to something you like better.)


I double checked. I'm wondering if it's part of the 'Make Donald Drumpf' app (it shows up as Drumpf after I quoted it)? I don't remember changing it. If I did, I'm sorry. I'll requote just to check on it.

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From here on I'm just going to assume that any politician who doesn't want to look into this further is being blackmailed. And not with ordinary crap like they had an affair, either - I figure it's got to be career-ending stuff at best, but more likely stuff that would put them in prison.

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20 minutes ago, Padma said:

Someone, somewhere is going to have to ask why Trump is so irrationally resistant to the evidence and conclusion of 16 intelligence agencies that Russia hacked the election for their own benefit--which they saw as him being elected over HIllary?

His complete resistance to looking into this AT ALL is very strange.  When is anyone going to ask why? And, if he is actually trying to cover up for Putin ordering this?

From there, it would be nice, helpful, to know when Trump knew about it and if he was a participant all along. The email attacks on her were CENTRAL to his campaign against her as a crook and someone who should be locked up.

Were Trump and Putin coordinating this in any way?  Republicans and Democrats alike deserve to know. 

Yep. That's what it is. It shows up normally now. Again, sorry Padma. I just double checked via turning the app back on and requoting the post. It's just how the app itself works. It automatically does it so people don't have to see his name.

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14 minutes ago, random chance said:

From here on I'm just going to assume that any politician who doesn't want to look into this further is being blackmailed. And not with ordinary crap like they had an affair, either - I figure it's got to be career-ending stuff at best, but more likely stuff that would put them in prison.

I think you're giving them all too much credit. Sure, some of them might be making decisions due to blackmail. But I have no doubt that some of them really don't care because they still feel they won and will be able to manipulate humpty trumpty (or one of the other great names) to do whatever they want. Winning is more important than the country or its people to some. I've suspected for a long time now, but recent events give pretty definitive proof.

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26 minutes ago, callmebetty said:

Who do we look to come Jan 20th to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution ?  That frightens me.

The Supreme Court, and Congress. 

Otherwise, it's we, the people, who have to do it.   So I'm donating to the ACLU this year.  I have a feeling they're going to need a lot more resources to defend people against the coming onslaught on our rights.

Edited by izabella
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On 12/10/2016 at 10:51 AM, galaxygirl76 said:

I don't understand anyone believing this landslide bullshit. I grew up in freaking Europe and I knew about the Reagan '84 election.  That was a landslide. This is barely a win (if at all...) 

Don't tell the Donald. He'll be tweeting all night.

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26 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Yep. That's what it is. It shows up normally now. Again, sorry Padma. I just double checked via turning the app back on and requoting the post. It's just how the app itself works. It automatically does it so people don't have to see his name.

Oh, okay, thanks for checking and changing it. I've never tried that app--makes sense that it does that across the board, as promised. And I definitely approve of the sentiment! (If there was only an app for television that could make me never SEE him that would be even better. I know he didn't start Trump TV yet, but it still seems like he's all they talk about on every news show 24/7.  Guess it will be that way for the next four years. (No, Tubby, not eight. In 2020 hopefully you will see what a REAL landslide looks like, even with help from Russia, the FBI and all the crooks in your crooked, crooked government.)

ETA: re above post from Allan West:  "Mattis fired to please the Muslims.... and hired by Trump to exterminate them."  Wow, no pretense there, is there? Not "radical Islam" not "fight" them. 

No. It's "Muslims" and "exterminate"--like the Nazi posters showing Jews were just like rats who needed to be exterminated.   Hopefully the blowback against that is huge (not holding my breath).

Also hopefully the press can concentrate on two things at once and get focused on "Tubby = Putin" as well.\

Re: suspecting for the Republicans who don't want to investigate that it's because they being blackmailed. It's not necessarily that they are.  But following their kind of logic and strategy, since we don't know that they aren't, we might as well assume it (esp. because it makes them look bad). Sauce for the goose! (Or rather,  get on board and show some patriotism or at least some concern for your right to a free election in a democracy!)

Edited by Padma
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3 minutes ago, fastiller said:

Regarding that Teen Vogue article, I posted this on Facebook:

Something to keep in mind here: this is likely what his presidency will look like. Black is white, up is down, water is made of sand.

Despite everything else, the idea that anything goes instead of the truth is what bothers me the most. I'm so afraid this will continue to permeate and we are in for a long line of administrations that will make the truth whatever they want it to be. I absolutely hate that facts don't mean anything anymore. 

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42 minutes ago, Padma said:

Oh, okay, thanks for checking and changing it. I've never tried that app--makes sense that it does that across the board, as promised. And I definitely approve of the sentiment! (If there was only an app for television that could make me never SEE him that would be even better. I know he didn't start Drumpf TV yet, but it still seems like he's all they talk about on every news show 24/7.  Guess it will be that way for the next four years. (No, Tubby, not eight. In 2020 hopefully you will see what a REAL landslide looks like, even with help from Russia, the FBI and all the crooks in your crooked, crooked government.)

ETA: re above post from Allan West:  "Mattis fired to please the Muslims.... and hired by Drumpf to exterminate them."  Wow, no pretense there, is there? Not "radical Islam" not "fight" them. 

No. It's "Muslims" and "exterminate"--like the Nazi posters showing Jews were just like rats who needed to be exterminated.   Hopefully the blowback against that is huge (not holding my breath).

Also hopefully the press can concentrate on two things at once and get focused on "Tubby = Putin" as well.\

Re: suspecting for the Republicans who don't want to investigate that it's because they being blackmailed. It's not necessarily that they are.  But following their kind of logic and strategy, since we don't know that they aren't, we might as well assume it (esp. because it makes them look bad). Sauce for the goose! (Or rather,  get on board and show some patriotism or at least some concern for your right to a free election in a democracy!)

You're welcome. Yep. It just edits every version of the name. Word. That would be awesome. What would we see instead? 

I hope so too. Without falling for the fake news. And speaking about that, found this good article via Smithsonian Magazine that mentions about history teachers being a good defense against fake news.

This is me after seeing any fake news:


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Well it looks like there may be enough to get a Bipartisan Investigation going about exactly WHAT Russia did and why.  Devils advocate, if it were Clinton, I'd want answers too.   Still hate the orange and I believe the NYT and WaPo reports but this is still very oblique in a lot of ways.

Republican Supporters of Investigation are:

John McCain, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Collins and Flake.  Combined with Democrats I believe that's enough to get an strong investigation going and they are supposedly going to be grilling Orange's cabinet picks.   Now just hoping the republican's don't fold.  Bastards.

You know it's crazy if crazy Joe Walsh is screaming at Republicans about how they need to help push the investigation or resign because they are not looking out for American Interest.

And scuttlebutt says that some Congressional Republicans might be insisting on an investigation as well.

Edited by Advance35
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11 minutes ago, Advance35 said:

Well it looks like there may be enough to get a Bipartisan Investigation going about exactly WHAT Russia did and why.  Devils advocate, if it were Clinton, I'd want answers too.   Still hate the orange and I believe the NYT and WaPo reports but this is still very oblique in a lot of ways.

Republican Supporters of Investigation are:

John McCain, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Collins and Flake.  Combined with Democrats I believe that's enough to get an strong investigation going and they are supposedly going to be grilling Orange's cabinet picks.   Now just hoping the republican's don't fold.  Bastards.

You know it's crazy if crazy Joe Walsh is screaming at Republicans about how they need to help push the investigation or resign because they are not looking out for American Interest.

And scuttlebutt says that some Congressional Republicans might be insisting on an investigation as well.

Thing is with Walsh, is that he threatened Dems before. So I don't trust him. 

But this is definitely crazy though. I hope that this ends up being more than a show and finds out what happened.

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<shrug> Color me cynical, but I still assume not much will come of this.  There will be hearings--a dog & pony show.  The GOP will allow a few people (Graham, Paul, McCain, for example) to act out for impression's sake.

Things are getting walked back, and it's been barely 48 hours since the story broke.  Speaking of which, ****I continue to side eye the fact the story (was allowed to) broke on a Friday night.****  

--Joe Scarborough is already tweeting about how Rex Tillerson cannot possibly be a Putin stooge because Condoleeza Rice is the one who recommended Tillerson to Trump.

--I might let my cynicism abate if this story, which should be viewed as the equivalent of Watergate, is more than a mere footnote a week from now.  I can't stomach watching network nightly news, but I wonder if they'll even cover this in the A-block tomorrow (Monday) night.

--Hell, even Chuck Schumer's call for an investigation didn't have the feel of urgency to it (I know, we're in mid-December, but he referenced an investigation sometime "next year").

Anywho...yeah, the batshit crazy conspiracy b.s. from the Trump camp has addled my brain.

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7 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

<shrug> Color me cynical, but I still assume not much will come of this.  There will be hearings--a dog & pony show.  The GOP will allow a few people (Graham, Paul, McCain, for example) to act out for impression's sake.

Things are getting walked back, and it's been barely 48 hours since the story broke.  Speaking of which, ****I continue to side eye the fact the story (was allowed to) broke on a Friday night.****  

--Joe Scarborough is already tweeting about how Rex Tillerson cannot possibly be a Putin stooge because Condoleeza Rice is the one who recommended Tillerson to Drumpf.

--I might let my cynicism abate if this story, which should be viewed as the equivalent of Watergate, is more than a mere footnote a week from now.  I can't stomach watching network nightly news, but I wonder if they'll even cover this in the A-block tomorrow (Monday) night.

--Hell, even Chuck Schumer's call for an investigation didn't have the feel of urgency to it (I know, we're in mid-December, but he referenced an investigation sometime "next year").

Anywho...yeah, the batshit crazy conspiracy b.s. from the Drumpf camp has addled my brain.

Oh I'm just as skeptical about this as you are. Could be the case. Honestly, it'll make the US look even worse. The fact that we haven't seen much else come from the Republican side and the walking back now.

I wonder as well. It's ridiculous that people are falling for the other sides load full of horse hooey. They (Drumpf and co.) shouldn't be able to have as much sway as they do.

As for Schumer, I wonder if they got to him some how. Waiting until next year. Really? By then it'll be far too late. Drumpf will be in.

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14 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

<shrug> Color me cynical, but I still assume not much will come of this.  There will be hearings--a dog & pony show.  The GOP will allow a few people (Graham, Paul, McCain, for example) to act out for impression's sake.

What's sad is they don't even need to leave that impression. People who support Trump are I guess the ones who control the GOP now, and they seem to have this relationship where they think any win for him means they're getting away with something too. So if Trump avoids any negative attention for Russia working for him because he'll do what they want that just means they win--even if by "winning" they means they helped America be a chump. They who complain that Obama makes them look "weak" by not punching world leaders in the face just to show them who's boss. (Okay, I'm exaggerating. I mean he's respectful to them.) And there's plenty of sites on the internet to reassure them that they're the clever ones.

Sure Trump's already screwing them over but they've dubbed him the smart one so they're always smart to agree with him. If one of their own calls him out (be it John McCain or that Union President) they're the traitor.

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And still, Trump voters fail to acknowledge (care??) that the Transition's appointments, across the board, fly in the face of doing the things he promised.  They don't care that his Labor Sec pick hates workers; that his SoS is Putins butt buddy & his Dep SoS (Bolton) is a Neo-Con who would advocate dropping bombs the moment he is moved into his office; Commerce & Treasury will be loaded w/ Wall Street/Goldman Sachs people (yeah...I know, Hillary would've had Wall Street people too, but the point is, Trump swore to "drain the swamp"); Sec of Ed. is a billionaire who would gut public schools, ensuring only the financially-able can receive basic education.  The fools are still out in force, defending him on social media (also IRL from my experience).

It's fucking bizarre.  I get it--cult of personality and all of that.  But so many people are enthralled by this douchebag????  I mean, it's like when my sister brought home a fuckwad from college declaring him her boyfriend, writ large.

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20 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

Dep SoS (Bolton) is a Neo-Con who would advocate dropping bombs the moment he is moved into his office;

Bolton apparently just did an interview where he accused the Obama administration of "maligning" Russia with a false flag operation. Yes, Obama is behind the intelligence about Russia--with the entire intelligence community either duped or in on it, I guess. Because intelligence is all "politicized" under Obama. (As opposed to Cheney, I guess.)

It's like the rule is always going for the most short-sighted personal gain you can get. Why not completely throw 17 intelligence agencies under the bus to protect Russia? That's what a real American would do, right? That's how we get great again!

20 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

It's fucking bizarre.  I get it--cult of personality and all of that.  But so many people are enthralled by this douchebag????  I mean, it's like when my sister brought home a fuckwad from college declaring him her boyfriend, writ large.

That's what surprises me. I know they're out there, but it's amazing how many seemingly normal people embrace the incompetence and blatant corruption. Because it is so very very blatant. But yeah, out there defending it. And it's not like they're the guy who stands to make a 500 billion dollar oil deal out of it. They're working really hard for people to make money by taking it out of their pocket.

ETA: Oh, and KAC says Trump's just going to "appoint his own people" into the intelligence agencies. Let that sink in. US intelligence literally destroyed so that Trump hears what he wants to hear. Makes the Cambridge 5 and fallout seem quaint.

Edited by sistermagpie
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5 hours ago, Duke Silver said:



'A model for civilization': Putin's Russia has emerged as 'a beacon for nationalists' and the American alt-right

This has a couple interesting tidbits about alt-right leader Richard Spencer.

Oh, and I forgot to add a thought when I posted this earlier:

Our officials (especially looking at you GOP), had better recognize, and quickly, the point McMullin is making.  There is a direct linkage between white nationalist/supremacist movements and anti-democracy dangers.  It's not about wanting "libtard safe spaces for colored people."  It's about ensuring American democracy.  Why can't those fools understand this???  Don't any of them understand history?  Don't they recall the time when segregation in the U.S. negatively impacted America's standing on the world stage during the Cold War???

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^^^ I'm just trying to figure out what that would look like....  I mean, in the General, Russia hacked DNC & gave everything to Wikileaks (Assange HATES HRC, so it was an easy sell).  Unless there's evidence of actual hacking at the voting booth...and as much as I want to, I just can't buy that (that sounds as paranoid as the "millions of fraudulent HRC voters" claim by lard ass Trump)...what is it exactly they would've done during the primaries to help Trump to the exclusion of the Bush, Cruz, etc?

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Maybe they/Donald could have used hacked RNC info to blackmail Priebus into helping Trump and resisting the #NeverTrump folks?   He could have waited until the convention but shut everything down within hours of the Indiana results and concessions, even though other Republicans were still planning a run at the convention delegates in a fight and were strongly #NeverTrump. 

At every point--including when Reps were saying "just give money down ballot" Priebus was strongly for Trump, even touring with him and going on stage.

Not saying it happened, but blackmailing the head of the RNC might have had some benefits for the end game.

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51 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

HOLY SHIT!!!  Go read this thread...it's brilliant:



I also shared this with friends, and two of them have responded saying they can't/won't finish it....one called it a "painful fever dream", and another just found it way too negative.  I promise.  Read the while thread.  It is inspiring, in addition to gaming out the roadmap for how we got here as a nation, with a Toddler In Chief.  

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Just found out about this via another forum I'm on.

But their words don't mean a damn thing if they don't act. I'm concerned about the waiting until next year. Unless it's to try to impeach Drumpf.


“Congress’s national security committees have worked diligently to address the complex challenge of cybersecurity, but recent events show that more must be done.  While protecting classified material, we have an obligation to inform the public about recent cyberattacks that have cut to the heart of our free society. Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyberattacks.

“This cannot become a partisan issue. The stakes are too high for our country. We are committed to working in this bipartisan manner, and we will seek to unify our colleagues around the goal of investigating and stopping the grave threats that cyberattacks conducted by foreign governments pose to our national security.”

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14 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

Oh, and I forgot to add a thought when I posted this earlier:

Our officials (especially looking at you GOP), had better recognize, and quickly, the point McMullin is making.  There is a direct linkage between white nationalist/supremacist movements and anti-democracy dangers.  It's not about wanting "libtard safe spaces for colored people."  It's about ensuring American democracy.  Why can't those fools understand this???  Don't any of them understand history?  Don't they recall the time when segregation in the U.S. negatively impacted America's standing on the world stage during the Cold War???

Wow. This all makes sense now. I did not understand why anyone, even the alt-right, would be fine with Russia's interference but I get it now. I am starting to hope a case gets made for McMullin to be elected by the EC. As much as I do want Hillary to be president, I feel like we need someone fresh and above the fray.

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Just now, ChromaKelly said:

Wow. This all makes sense now. I did not understand why anyone, even the alt-right, would be fine with Russia's interference but I get it now. I am starting to hope a case gets made for McMullin to be elected by the EC. As much as I do want Hillary to be president, I feel like we need someone fresh and above the fray.

As much as I do want HRC as president, I'd fear for her safety.  I am still in fear for President Obama's safety.

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5 minutes ago, random chance said:

I assume they'd have to choose a Republican, so I'd accept any Republican who hasn't caved in to Trump.

Is this true?  Especially since millions more people actually voted for Clinton? 

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17 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:


Source: nytimes.com

Welcome to the goddamned party, McConnell. Too bad the only thing left to do is clean up the vomit on the floor and dump the congealed pizza, but here's a rag and a bottle of Lysol. Let's see some elbow grease, you vile piece of shit. 

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3 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

Welcome to the goddamned party, McConnell. Too bad the only thing left to do is clean up the vomit on the floor and dump the congealed pizza, but here's a rag and a bottle of Lysol. Let's see some elbow grease, you vile piece of shit. 

Yea as far as I'm concerned a lot of them are just a bunch of rats and now they're trying to jump ship. As for No Lips, no amount of elbow grease will get rid of all of the shit. He's as guilty as sin as the rest of them are.

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2 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

Welcome to the goddamned party, McConnell. Too bad the only thing left to do is clean up the vomit on the floor and dump the congealed pizza, but here's a rag and a bottle of Lysol. Let's see some elbow grease, you vile piece of shit. 

This was my reaction:


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18 hours ago, fastiller said:

Regarding that Teen Vogue article, I posted this on Facebook:

Something to keep in mind here: this is likely what his presidency will look like. Black is white, up is down, water is made of sand.

And we've always been at war with Eastasia.  : (

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5 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

Is it still too early to very cautiously get slightly optimistic about an actual way out of this Russia induced hell? 

On January 20, Trump will be sworn in as Commander In Chief.  He also will not be later impeached by a GOP controlled Congress.  Sorry to be a wet blanket.  I'm just saying here what I say to my friends/family:  rather than cling to such hopes, prepare for autocracy, do what you can to slow its pace (volunteer, give $, help fundraise, stay educated on issues, try to positively impact kids if you can--promote education).  I know that sounds so damn preachy....

Edited by Duke Silver
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1 hour ago, potatoradio said:

Welcome to the goddamned party, McConnell. Too bad the only thing left to do is clean up the vomit on the floor and dump the congealed pizza, but here's a rag and a bottle of Lysol. Let's see some elbow grease, you vile piece of shit. 

Ever since Mitch the Turtle's wife, Elaine Chao, was tapped by Drumpf to join his swamp as transportation secretary, I finally understood McConnell's price for bowing down at Drumpf's feet.  Now, he wants to act as if he's taking a principled stand.  Puh-leeze!

McConnell was apprised of this issue months ago and didn't fix his putrid mouth to protest or demand an investigation.  The only reason he's suggesting he's on board with an investigation now is because he's been publicly outed as favoring his and his party's interests over the interests of the country.  I would also imagine that his office received a large number of complaints when his skepticism about the CIA's report became widely known.  His obstructionist ass was already a despicable piece of human refuse.  However, his willingness to wallow around in the trough with Drumpf all but ensures that the taint will stick to him like flies to shit. Just ask Christie, Ghouliani and other loyalists who thought they would have a seat at the trough exactly how that worked out for them.  Oh, and just so you know, Senator McConnell:  You don't get a pat on the back, an amen, or an Aunt Esther holy dance for doing what you should have done in the first place.  It's like guys who beat their chests and blurt, "I PAY child support and take care of my kid!"  So what the fuck?  Isn't that what you're supposed to do?  

Prediction:  McConnell will go along with the investigation but will do everything in his power to ensure that his party is exonerated.  That's why I don't want Congress investigating itself; this calls for a special prosecutor.  What say you, Secretary Lynch?

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So much for McConnell http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/309936-mcconnell-rejects-special-committee-for-russian-hacking-allegations

and as people have referenced regarding the electors wanting info http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/309938-electors-press-for-intelligence-briefing-on-russian

I'm frustrated by mentions that the electors voting Hillary or any other unprecedented thing would be a constitutional crisis. It already IS a constitutional crisis in my mind! But if Hillary actually should have won/did win, then she should be president and I don't care if the shit hits the fan. Although I know that is unlikely to happen anyway. I'm with the ex-CIA dude that we should vote again.

Edited by VMepicgrl
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53 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

Welcome to the goddamned party, McConnell. Too bad the only thing left to do is clean up the vomit on the floor and dump the congealed pizza, but here's a rag and a bottle of Lysol. Let's see some elbow grease, you vile piece of shit. 

I was listening to Jonathan Schwartz on WNYC-FM yesterday and he went on a five minute tirade about how much he despised McConnell.

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