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Vicki Gunvalson: Her Love Tank Runneth Over

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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Can the RHOC get worse if Briana brings on the drama as a HW? Remember who she brings with her--Ryan. Now he's a nice quiet guy, no drama from him, lol. To tell the truth with all the drama Briana has brought this and in past seasons, regarding Brooks, I wouldn't be surprised if Andy and NBC Universal rewarded her. It wouldn't surprise me in the least.

  • Love 3

Briana is hardly a "real housewife of OC" on par with the likes of Shannon or Heather. She and Ryan may actually be decent folk, but they are simply a middle class young couple with a young family. There is nothing particularly interesting or different and certainly not glamorous about her or their lives. Her interactions with Vicki are tiresome and ultimately boring.

  • Love 7

Briana is hardly a "real housewife of OC" on par with the likes of Shannon or Heather. She and Ryan may actually be decent folk, but they are simply a middle class young couple with a young family. There is nothing particularly interesting or different and certainly not glamorous about her or their lives. Her interactions with Vicki are tiresome and ultimately boring.


Exactly.  Briana is only brought on to bash Brooks.  No Brooks, no need for Briana.

  • Love 5

They're not going to ask Brianna to be a housewife.  It's just not going to happen.  The only story she has is the relationship with her mother.  And her mother being brought back is not a given at this point, but I think they will bring her back.  The person with the biggest chance of being a housewife next season is Jeana, especially if Vicks is back. 

  • Love 3
I do not buy Crookes hitting on Brianna under any circumstances. Maybe she believes it though.



I believe it.  I've known several guys like him and they'll say almost anything to females--especially when they're drinking.  Often they think they're such charmers and so desirable  that they'll just give the little lady a thrill with a much-needed proposition.  My best friend told me my ex-husband hit on her at my son's wedding reception.  I think she was a little pleased.  I answered, "I don't doubt it.  He has hit on every female I know."  He never did it around other males...too smart and too practiced.

  • Love 14
I do not buy Crookes hitting on Brianna under any circumstances.



I've said my piece on this, but it does amaze me that so many of these creeps get away with all their shenanigans all their lives. Has no one beaten Brooks to a pulp?  Has no one threatened...REALLY threatened his life?  He has probably left a long string of women (starting with a mother, I'd bet) who have made excuses for him and protected him.  

  • Love 4

I believe it. I think he did it knowing Briana would tell Vicki and knowing Vicki would take his side, causing more of a rift between Vicki and Briana. He wants Briana out of Vicki's life.

Based on what we've seen on the show, I don't agree with that statement at all. He's offered to sit and speak with them (Brianna and Ryan), he's tried to win each of them over with his cheesy lines, he's been nothing but polite to her, and he dumped Vicki at one point because he said he didn't want to be between them anymore and he's not trying to date Brianna, he wanted Vicki. Hate to say it but he may be a grifter but he never seemed a horrible person trying to keep Vicki from her friends and family (but I'd bet money Ryan is a big part of the reason Brianna doesn't have much of a life outside their home, based on what we've seen on tv).

  • Love 3

I've said my piece on this, but it does amaze me that so many of these creeps get away with all their shenanigans all their lives. Has no one beaten Brooks to a pulp? Has no one threatened...REALLY threatened his life? He has probably left a long string of women (starting with a mother, I'd bet) who have made excuses for him and protected him.

Probably not because he hasn't really done anything all THAT bad. He's not living off of the millions he's swindled from poor unsuspecting old ladies. He's got a bunch of kids that he sometimes pays for, sometimes doesn't (ok but so do millions of other men and they don't seem to be scrutinized the same as Brooks). He's made some inappropriate comments while drunk (ok who hasn't at some point in their lives), but has never acted on them. He's tried to help Vicki capitalize on her HW fame (albeit failed attempts) with vodka and diamonds and whatever else. But i still don't see where he's some super con artist taking advantage of poor innocent Vicki that he needs to be strung up and whipped as Brianna would like to do.

Now if he's faking cancer for the show, then yes, he's the piece of shit everyone claims he is. Till then I can totally see how's he gotten by without an ass beating thus far in life.

  • Love 2

FormerNun- telling you your husband hit on her, and being pleased about it doesn't sound very "best friend-y" ! Kudos for getting rid of the man, maybe think about dumping the friend? Brooks used to get sloppy when he was drunk, and in his pinhead, drunken mind he probably thought he was extolling his own virtues when he offered to show Brianna his junk. As if Brianna would celebrate that her Mama's man was well endowed. Just....yuck!!

  • Love 3

I have no words. But I don't need them, because the writer of this article and the oncologists who chime in in the comments section say it all.



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  • Love 2
FormerNun- telling you your husband hit on her, and being pleased about it doesn't sound very "best friend-y" !



JulieGirlj, you're right.  She has been my best friend since 1948 and I have to overlook almost everything she says.  She's the pretty one.  I'm the smart and funny one, yet SHE says she's jealous of me.  She misses the point often. She tries to be funny and then whines that "non one gets it."  She doesn't get jokes, yet she repeats them.  She learns something new and then discusses it inappropriately.  Look up "Dirty Sanchez."  She learned that term and then had expensive coasters made for me...which I opened at a family Christmas.  She said, "Oh, I didn't remember exactly what it meant."  So...I continue to overlook--but I am getting more irritated these days because I'm OLD!

  • Love 1

That is an interesting article but the comments were really, really interesting. If the Oncologist, especially the first 1, are legit......Brooks is still lying big time. This poster even gives the AMA link to understand how NHL is rated/staged and what each stage means. Thanks for the link.

  • Love 5

That is an interesting article but the comments were really, really interesting. If the Oncologist, especially the first 1, are legit......Brooks is still lying big time. This poster even gives the AMA link to understand how NHL is rated/staged and what each stage means. Thanks for the link.


I'm so sick of Brooks' BS but I followed that link just to read the oncologist's comment and it did not disappoint.  Brooks should have done his homework before making such a stupid statement. 


"As a practicing oncologist, the statement “he begins by announcing that his cancer is down from ‘stage three to stage two’” is a huge red flag. Staging is done up-front at diagnosis and is never re-evaluated or changed during treatment. You can be cured or die from both stage II and III non-Hodgkins lymphoma, but your lymphoma doesn’t get reclassified from stage II to III if it progresses, or from III to II if it responses to treatment. The stage remains at what it was at the time of diagnosis for the remainder of therapy and remission."

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 6

I watched the entire interview zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  That being said, the cancer stuff is uncomfortable, Brooks is clearly struggling with something.  I think he had cancer and I think he was all well and good after the January treatment.   What I did find interesting was him describing his relationship with Vicki.  At all times he was kind, revealing at Christmas he sent Ryan and Briana a one and half page letter apologizing and received no response.  I hope Briana will be able to live with herself if her mom is alone or lonely for the rest of her life.  Somehow I don't think Briana thinks in those terms.  Brooks was pretty clear Briana was the deal breaker.  Vicki took the break up hard and he has moved on.  He claims Vicki wants to know about his new love interest but he has little interest in hers.  He wished her the best which I thought was appropriate.  


Briana having dinner with Donn and announcing he is still mad at Vicki but misses the home cooked meals he enjoyed with Briana and Vicki is odd.  Exactly how much cooking did Briana do?  It sounds as if Briana needs to be top dog.

  • Love 6

I watched the entire interview zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  That being said, the cancer stuff is uncomfortable, Brooks is clearly struggling with something.  I think he had cancer and I think he was all well and good after the January treatment.   What I did find interesting was him describing his relationship with Vicki.  At all times he was kind, revealing at Christmas he sent Ryan and Briana a one and half page letter apologizing and received no response.  I hope Briana will be able to live with herself if her mom is alone or lonely for the rest of her life.  Somehow I don't think Briana thinks in those terms.  Brooks was pretty clear Briana was the deal breaker.  Vicki took the break up hard and he has moved on.  He claims Vicki wants to know about his new love interest but he has little interest in hers.  He wished her the best which I thought was appropriate.  


Briana having dinner with Donn and announcing he is still mad at Vicki but misses the home cooked meals he enjoyed with Briana and Vicki is odd.  Exactly how much cooking did Briana do?  It sounds as if Briana needs to be top dog.

 IMO, he is "struggling" to remember his lies. I would be interested to hear from either Vicki, Michael and/or Briana IF he actually sent Briana/Ryan a letter because I am NOT willing to accept his word that he sent a letter. Also, blaming Briana, who lives out of state, is ridiculous IMO. She has been back how many times since she left, 2? 3? And how much control could she have had over Vicki, afterall, Vicki kept dating him and even moved him into her home despite how Briana felt. I think he got caught lying about having cancer to begin with and got out when he knew the jig was up and is blaming Briana because of how many viewers feel about her. The guy is a lying liar that loves to lie IMO. LOL


ETA, I thought Donn was referring to when Vicki would cook, NOT Briana. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5

 IMO, he is "struggling" to remember his lies. I would be interested to hear from either Vicki, Michael and/or Briana IF he actually sent Briana/Ryan a letter because I am NOT willing to accept his word that he sent a letter. Also, blaming Briana, who lives out of state, is ridiculous IMO. She has been back how many times since she left, 2? 3? And how much control could she have had over Vicki, afterall, Vicki kept dating him and even moved him into her home despite how Briana felt. I think he got caught lying about having cancer to begin with and got out when he knew the jig was up and is blaming Briana because of how many viewers feel about her. The guy is a lying liar that loves to lie IMO. LOL


ETA, I thought Donn was referring to when Vicki would cook, NOT Briana. LOL

From what Brooks said once Briana moved away things did not change.  I agree with Brooks it is hard to be a family if your mom's significant other can't be in the same room.  He said it was the deal breaker.  I don't think Briana's feelings ever changed towards Brooks.  He sais he dated Vicki for a full year before he met her and felt the only reason she capitulated was because she had eloped and Vicki was mad.   If I were Vicki I would not want to deal with such rancor in my life and even with her massive ego it is unrealistic to expect any love interest to contend with an adult child who is so adamant.   What I don't understand is why Vicki continued to talk about Brooks to Briana?  I think the cancer and the show added to it.


The part that made me laugh was Brooks describing moving out and Vicki calling to say he left some things.  Vicki asked him not to come that night because she had a date with a doctor.  I wonder if it was the same doctor who came to visit Brooks when he was ill and needed an IV?

  • Love 3

From what Brooks said once Briana moved away things did not change.  I agree with Brooks it is hard to be a family if your mom's significant other can't be in the same room.  He said it was the deal breaker.  I don't think Briana's feelings ever changed towards Brooks.  He sais he dated Vicki for a full year before he met her and felt the only reason she capitulated was because she had eloped and Vicki was mad.   If I were Vicki I would not want to deal with such rancor in my life and even with her massive ego it is unrealistic to expect any love interest to contend with an adult child who is so adamant.   What I don't understand is why Vicki continued to talk about Brooks to Briana?  I think the cancer and the show added to it.


The part that made me laugh was Brooks describing moving out and Vicki calling to say he left some things.  Vicki asked him not to come that night because she had a date with a doctor.  I wonder if it was the same doctor who came to visit Brooks when he was ill and needed an IV?

I have no doubt that every time Vicki and Brooks fought, had an argument, Vicki called Briana and cried to her over the phone....which only made Briana dislike him even more, it would with most kids. even adult kids. That said, if Briana only came back 2 or 3 times after moving to OK, how could she wield the power Brooks claims she did? IMO she could not and she is just a convient excuse/scape goat for Brooks to use/blame.


As for his "cancer", I even question if he has ever even had NHL. Much like the claim of "nose cancer" and Pancreatic cancer, when given hard questions, he seems to change stories or back off rather quickly. Just a month or so ago, he was saying that he would be returning to the OC area to restart chemo in Oct, yet that has NOT happened!!!! Not only did he not return to California for chemo, he hasn't even started it in Florida either. Heck, even his story about going to NI for his PET Scan has changed, he NOW claims they sent him elsewhere but then sent him a report on a NI letterhead anyway, which would never happen. The report would come from the facility that did the scan, NOT a different facility and notice that he did NOT name this NEW facility this time. LOL 


I think we will find out that NO Dr. ever came to Vicki's house at any time for any medical reason connected to Brooks/chemo/cancer....ever.

  • Love 6



What does Gunvalson really know?

Posted on Oct 23, 2015 @ 17:18PM


Vicki Gunvalson is afraid to reveal the truth about Brooks Ayers’ cancer diagnosis because he has threatened to sue the Real Housewives of Orange County star, RadarOnline.com has learned.

“Vicki and Brooks signed a legal document stating they would never speak negatively about each other in the press when they started dating,” an insider told Radar.


Disclaimer: This is an "insider" story could be false.

Edited by talula



What does Gunvalson really know?

Posted on Oct 23, 2015 @ 17:18PM


Vicki Gunvalson is afraid to reveal the truth about Brooks Ayers’ cancer diagnosis because he has threatened to sue the Real Housewives of Orange County star, RadarOnline.com has learned.

“Vicki and Brooks signed a legal document stating they would never speak negatively about each other in the press when they started dating,” an insider told Radar.


Disclaimer: This is an "insider" story could be false.

Not that I necessarily believe this but I noticed on Don't Be Tardy, Shun asked a potential date to sign an agreement that he would not release images and texts between the two of them.  I would say reality TV are and should be getting smarter.



I have no doubt that every time Vicki and Brooks fought, had an argument, Vicki called Briana and cried to her over the phone....which only made Briana dislike him even more, it would with most kids. even adult kids. That said, if Briana only came back 2 or 3 times after moving to OK, how could she wield the power Brooks claims she did? IMO she could not and she is just a convient excuse/scape goat for Brooks to use/blame.


As for his "cancer", I even question if he has ever even had NHL. Much like the claim of "nose cancer" and Pancreatic cancer, when given hard questions, he seems to change stories or back off rather quickly. Just a month or so ago, he was saying that he would be returning to the OC area to restart chemo in Oct, yet that has NOT happened!!!! Not only did he not return to California for chemo, he hasn't even started it in Florida either. Heck, even his story about going to NI for his PET Scan has changed, he NOW claims they sent him elsewhere but then sent him a report on a NI letterhead anyway, which would never happen. The report would come from the facility that did the scan, NOT a different facility and notice that he did NOT name this NEW facility this time. LOL 


I think we will find out that NO Dr. ever came to Vicki's house at any time for any medical reason connected to Brooks/chemo/cancer....ever.

I don't doubt Vicki bared her soul to Briana.  The evidence of Briana's control and power has been evident for four years.  She does have the power and wields it mightily to keep Brooks out of her life and to cause her mother to "lead a double life".  Take the five day visit to do nothing more than dump on Brooks-he had to move out.  Although accommodating, it is not really a normal thing to have someone do.  Granted Ryan and Briana wanted a hotel (on Bravo's dime, I am certain) but Vicki wanted them under her roof.  People can control from 10,000 miles away.  I think Vicki and Brooks have both said Briana was the deal breaker.  To me, it was simply a case of Vicki not being able to have it both ways.  Brooks lived with Vicki for less than a year before deciding and it was his decision it was time to move on. 


As to the cancer, I agree way too many inconsistencies.  I can no longer support he or Vicki's cries of invasion of privacy regarding the medical records.  During the interview Brooks said the information regarding his cancer had somehow leaked out.  Yeah, it is called giving interviews and taking on an endorsement.  Brooks also claims that Vicki was with him during the infusion in October.  He said because she got there once he was already on the IV she could not attest to it being chemo drugs vs. saline.  I may be wrong but I highly doubt when receiving an infusion the provider walks over and presents a bag, like a wine sommelier, and tells the patient you are about to receive.  Usually it is CHOP (an acronym for a combination of chemo drugs).  I just don't think you can book a space at City of Hope in the infusion room and receive a saline infusion.  So either Brooks and Vicki are lying or he received some sort of IV chemo drug in October. 


Because Vicki and her kin tend to leave out the middleman I question if Briana ever grilled Brooks about his treatment and cancer.  Conveniently when she was around him for a very short time between November of 2011 and the pass in March of 2012, I am certain she probably asked her mother plenty.  Briana even tried to get Brooks and Donn's girlfriend eliminated from the wedding guest list.  Vicki said she was misbehaved at Donn's girlfriend.  When asked why Brooks could attend the wedding Vicki said she had paid for it. Brooks said he has only spoken with Briana 5-10 times in his life.  We saw the one where they met and subsequent appearances at the Reunions. 

  • Love 1

Newport Imaging is part of a larger medical group called Newport Harbor Radiology Associates Medical Group, Inc.

There are other practices in the group who perform PET/CT scans a patient can be referred to if another practice does not offer the service.


 Brooks NOW claims in his E interview, that he went to NI and they sent him elsewhere to get the scan, so the report would have been on THAT facilities letterhead, NOT NI. Oh, and Brooks does NOT name that facility in his interview. LOL

  • Love 6

It really doesn't matter who does Pet scans, because it was Brooks and Vicki who said WE went to N.I.


The whole point of the matter is that they said they went to N.I. which does not do Pet scans.


Brook's lame explanation as Wirewrap pointed out would never happen, one facility sending a report of another imaging facility to then give to the patient. 


The bottom line is the patient does NOT make this kind of appointment in the first place. It is ordered by his oncologist and their office makes the appointment for the patient.

      Then the results are sent to the oncologists office, NOT the patient.

       Perhaps most important, I highly doubt the oncologists office would sent their patients to a facility where the test ordered is NOT performed.

  • Love 7

 Brooks NOW claims in his E interview, that he went to NI and they sent him elsewhere to get the scan, so the report would have been on THAT facilities letterhead, NOT NI. Oh, and Brooks does NOT name that facility in his interview. LOL

Brooks gave such a strange run down-I went to MD Anderson  in Houston originally then to Orange County (Hoag) and then City of Hope in Duarte.  It would be interesting to find out who exactly remembers Brooks living in Houston in 2009.  He claimed he went in for chemo two or three times a week.  Then there was his spike in 2013 and of course Stage 3 in 2014.


I believe the latest smoking gun is Shannon had a scan and her report from Newport Imaging is on different stationery than the report Brooks showed Tamra.  If one were to believe Brooks about having the scan at Hoag and the report coming from Newport Imaging (entirely possible) it may not explain the stationery change.  Now if Shannon's scan is from years earlier then Brooks gets a pass.

  • Love 2

It really doesn't matter who does Pet scans, because it was Brooks and Vicki who said WE went to N.I.


The whole point of the matter is that they said they went to N.I. which does not do Pet scans.


Brook's lame explanation as Wirewrap pointed out would never happen, one facility sending a report of another imaging facility to then give to the patient. 


The bottom line is the patient does NOT make this kind of appointment in the first place. It is ordered by his oncologist and their office makes the appointment for the patient.

      Then the results are sent to the oncologists office, NOT the patient.

       Perhaps most important, I highly doubt the oncologists office would sent their patients to a facility where the test ordered is NOT performed.

I totally understand an oncologist ordering a PET/CT scan and sending Brooks to Newport Imaging.  Newport Imaging might send him to another facility for the test and the scan read by a Newport Imaging, radiologist,  That would make the report on Newport Imaging stationery.  The report would be sent to Brooks' oncologist and Brooks as a patient would have the right to the report.


What I don't understand is Vicki saying, in mid-April, the cancer has spread, and by Brooks most recent admission his inflammation and lesions are gone and they are working on normalizing his numbers.  As Wire Wrap pointed out he claims he was headed back to California for more chemo.  Now the cancer is gone, all without benefit of chemo.  If it is true wonderful, if it is false then Brooks and Vicki are doing a great disservice with their exaggerated claims.  Forget the stationery and where he had the scan - the miracle cure is the questionable issue.  I understand because no one has access to Brooks medical records these  inconsistencies are all that is available to them.  To me, Brooks medical records would only be viable if they were procured by a third party records service.  Usually these companies go in and copy the records with their own copy machines and deliver them directly to the adversarial parties.  Happens in law suits everyday. 

  • Love 2

Babbling Brooks never said his cancer was cured. He said he went fr/ Stage 3 to Stage 2, or something like that. I took that to mean his cancer had been Restaged.

I don't recall Vicki saying Babbling's cancer had spread.

I do recall Tamra lying when she told Shannon and Heather at lunch, Vicki told her the cancer had spread. Tamra said Vicki told her that during Tamra's intellectual struggle over the scan report. Vicki never said any such thing.

"I totally understand an oncologist ordering a PET/CT scan and sending Brooks to Newport Imaging.  Newport Imaging might send him to another facility for the test and the scan read by a Newport Imaging, radiologist,  That would make the report on Newport Imaging stationery.  The report would be sent to Brooks' oncologist and Brooks as a patient would have the right to the report."


Your explanation while valid and I am sure others might have the same opinion makes no sense to me.

         Its like a doctor sending a patient to have blood work done at a facility that does not do blood work.  

The oncologist is going to send the patient to the correct facility.   Besides, Hoag or any other facility that does do Pet scans will have their own radiologists to read their own findings.

  • Love 3

This is from cancer.org.       Cancer is NOT restaged, except in a most rare case.


A cancer’s stage does not change
An important point some people have trouble understanding is that the stage of a cancer is determined only when (or soon after) the cancer is diagnosed. This stage does not change over time, even if the cancer shrinks, grows, spreads, or comes back after treatment. The cancer is still referred to by the stage it was given when it was first found and diagnosed, although information about the current extent of the cancer is added (and of course, the treatment is adjusted as needed).

For example, let’s say a woman is first diagnosed with stage II breast cancer. The cancer goes away with treatment, but then it comes back and has spread to the bones. The cancer is still called a stage II breast cancer, now with recurrent disease in the bones.

If the breast cancer did not go away with the original treatment and spread to the bones it would be called a stage II breast cancer with bone metastasis. In either case, the original stage does not change and it’s not called a stage IV breast cancer. Stage IV breast cancer refers to a cancer that has already spread to a distant part of the body when it’s first diagnosed.

This is important to understand because survival statistics and information on treatment by stage for specific cancer types refer to the stage when the cancer was first diagnosed. The survival statistics related to stage II breast cancer that has recurred in the bones may not be the same as the survival statistics for stage IV breast cancer.

At some point you may hear the term “restaging.” Restaging is a term sometimes used to describe doing tests to find the extent of the cancer after treatment. This is rarely done, but it may be used to measure the cancer’s response to treatment or to assess cancer that has come back (recurred) and will need more treatment. Often the same tests that were done when the cancer was first diagnosed (such as physical exams, imaging tests, biopsies, and maybe surgery) will be done again. After these tests a new stage may be assigned. It’s written with a lower-case “r” before the new stage to note that it’s different from the stage at diagnosis. The originally diagnosed stage always stays the same. While testing to see the extent of cancer is common during and after treatment, actually assigning a new stage is rarely done, except in clinical trials.

  • Love 4

Just to toss this out there...

I go to Kaiser HMO and could have had a procedure done at their hospital or at a facility with which they had a contract. I chose the facility because it was easier. My results came from Kaiser.

So as I've mentioned before re Brook's messed up document it could have been because it was an e-mail attachment that was printed by the holistic doctor or Brooks and it was a formatting issue.

All that said I still buy in on Brooks having something in the past and it become a story for whatever reason this season. Lots of the speculation and reasons on that could be true and probably are. Was he going for cancer treatment while living with Vicki? I don't believe it.

eta: deleted double post

Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 3

"I totally understand an oncologist ordering a PET/CT scan and sending Brooks to Newport Imaging.  Newport Imaging might send him to another facility for the test and the scan read by a Newport Imaging, radiologist,  That would make the report on Newport Imaging stationery.  The report would be sent to Brooks' oncologist and Brooks as a patient would have the right to the report."


Your explanation while valid and I am sure others might have the same opinion makes no sense to me.

         Its like a doctor sending a patient to have blood work done at a facility that does not do blood work.  

The oncologist is going to send the patient to the correct facility.   Besides, Hoag or any other facility that does do Pet scans will have their own radiologists to read their own findings.



Babbling Brooks never said his cancer was cured. He said he went fr/ Stage 3 to Stage 2, or something like that. I took that to mean his cancer had been Restaged.

I don't recall Vicki saying Babbling's cancer had spread.

I do recall Tamra lying when she told Shannon and Heather at lunch, Vicki told her the cancer had spread. Tamra said Vicki told her that during Tamra's intellectual struggle over the scan report. Vicki never said any such thing.

Good point.   We don't know if Brooks physically went to Newport Imaging only to be sent to Hoag.  I can't read that into his statement.  Again we have Vicki texting the ladies about NI-it is not coming from Brooks and it seems Vicki did not accompany Brooks. It may very well be that the test is ordered by the oncologist and Brooks is told where to go for the scan and the scan sent to a radiologist at NI.  Radiologist don't necessarily conduct the scan.  I have a lot of problems when Vicki gets into the re-telling of events.


Brooks may not have used the term "cured" but by claiming all the inflammations and lesions are gone and he feels great it is certainly implied.  I rarely hear people say their cancer is cured -I usually hear "in remission" or "cancer survivor".  He is not pursuing any further treatment only lifestyle changes and 40 vitamins a day.  Oh and the only drinks he has had are the ones on camera.  Except of course the ones he had in Florida recently before the interview.

  • Love 3

Good point. We don't know if Brooks physically went to Newport Imaging only to be sent to Hoag. I can't read that into his statement. Again we have Vicki texting the ladies about NI-it is not coming from Brooks and it seems Vicki did not accompany Brooks. It may very well be that the test is ordered by the oncologist and Brooks is told where to go for the scan and the scan sent to a radiologist at NI. Radiologist don't necessarily conduct the scan. I have a lot of problems when Vicki gets into the re-telling of events.

Brooks may not have used the term "cured" but by claiming all the inflammations and lesions are gone and he feels great it is certainly implied. I rarely hear people say their cancer is cured -I usually hear "in remission" or "cancer survivor". He is not pursuing any further treatment only lifestyle changes and 40 vitamins a day. Oh and the only drinks he has had are the ones on camera. Except of course the ones he had in Florida recently before the interview.

I didn't feel Babbling Brooks implied his cancer was cured.

If I recall correctly, he stated his stage went fr/ stage 3 to stage 2, which to me does not imply cured or even remission.

I undestand and appreciate what you are saying, however.

  • Love 1

"I can't read that into his statement.  Again we have Vicki texting the ladies about NI-it is not coming from Brooks and it seems Vicki did not accompany Brooks. It may very well be that the test is ordered by the oncologist and Brooks is told where to go for the scan and the scan sent to a radiologist at NI.  Radiologist don't necessarily conduct the scan.  I have a lot of problems when Vicki gets into the re-telling of events."


Vicki and Brooks were sitting in her living room when the statement was made by Vicki to Tamra that WE went to N.I.


As for radiologists not conducting the actual scan, ANYTHING like a scan or a medical test while done by a tech, is ultimately done under a doctors supervision/responsibility/signature.    The radiologist is the bottom line.    

 For instance a pharmacy tech fills a prescription and its given to a patient.   There has been a mistake made and the patient brings it back.   The pharmacist and only the pharmacist by law is responsible for that mistake.   Each prescription is only released for dispensing AFTER being checked by the pharmacist. Same goes for any medical test.  There is always a doctor that is ultimately responsible whether they did the actual test or not.

             Again, there would be no reason for results to be sent to N.I.         

  • Love 4

"I totally understand an oncologist ordering a PET/CT scan and sending Brooks to Newport Imaging.  Newport Imaging might send him to another facility for the test and the scan read by a Newport Imaging, radiologist,  That would make the report on Newport Imaging stationery.  The report would be sent to Brooks' oncologist and Brooks as a patient would have the right to the report."


Your explanation while valid and I am sure others might have the same opinion makes no sense to me.

         Its like a doctor sending a patient to have blood work done at a facility that does not do blood work.  

The oncologist is going to send the patient to the correct facility.   Besides, Hoag or any other facility that does do Pet scans will have their own radiologists to read their own findings.

There are a number of Imaging centers in my area,I have used several of them, they are all part of a very large Hospital here but when I get the reports, the letter head always says the exact facility I had the scan done, not the hospitals name. If Brooks had the scan done at Hoag, the report would have said that, not NI.

Good point.   We don't know if Brooks physically went to Newport Imaging only to be sent to Hoag.  I can't read that into his statement.  Again we have Vicki texting the ladies about NI-it is not coming from Brooks and it seems Vicki did not accompany Brooks. It may very well be that the test is ordered by the oncologist and Brooks is told where to go for the scan and the scan sent to a radiologist at NI.  Radiologist don't necessarily conduct the scan.  I have a lot of problems when Vicki gets into the re-telling of events.


Brooks may not have used the term "cured" but by claiming all the inflammations and lesions are gone and he feels great it is certainly implied.  I rarely hear people say their cancer is cured -I usually hear "in remission" or "cancer survivor".  He is not pursuing any further treatment only lifestyle changes and 40 vitamins a day.  Oh and the only drinks he has had are the ones on camera.  Except of course the ones he had in Florida recently before the interview.

Vicki used the term "We" when telling Tamra about the PET Scan done at NI and Brooks, who was sitting right beside her, did NOT correct her. It was only in his latest interview that he NOW says that the scan was done else where. IMO, he is making it as he goes/gets caught.  AND he did NOT name the facility he now says he actually went to for the scan.


"I can't read that into his statement.  Again we have Vicki texting the ladies about NI-it is not coming from Brooks and it seems Vicki did not accompany Brooks. It may very well be that the test is ordered by the oncologist and Brooks is told where to go for the scan and the scan sent to a radiologist at NI.  Radiologist don't necessarily conduct the scan.  I have a lot of problems when Vicki gets into the re-telling of events."


Vicki and Brooks were sitting in her living room when the statement was made by Vicki to Tamra that WE went to N.I.


As for radiologists not conducting the actual scan, ANYTHING like a scan or a medical test while done by a tech, is ultimately done under a doctors supervision/responsibility/signature.    The radiologist is the bottom line.    

 For instance a pharmacy tech fills a prescription and its given to a patient.   There has been a mistake made and the patient brings it back.   The pharmacist and only the pharmacist by law is responsible for that mistake.   Each prescription is only released for dispensing AFTER being checked by the pharmacist. Same goes for any medical test.  There is always a doctor that is ultimately responsible whether they did the actual test or not.

             Again, there would be no reason for results to be sent to N.I.         

EXACTLY! Lets say NI has several satellite facilities, as does the largest hospital where I live, the report would then say NI North or South, or West.....whatever the name of the actual facility is that did the scan.

  • Love 3

According to noted medical and science guru, and expert on everything, Gwyneth Paltrow, if Babbling Brooks just stopped wearing underwire bras, he wouldn't have cancer/not cancer.



Edited by Scrambled Fog
  • Love 5

In California-one of only five states there is a law prohibiting hospitals from employing physicians.  Something I had heard but was reluctant  to mention.  So I found this:  http://oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-01-91-00770.pdf  That is why the physician can order a test and the reader (radiologist) is most likely in private practice.  So regardless of where Brooks  had the test the results would have been provided by someone not employed by the hospital.   That is why Newport Imagining, where the radiologist practices would be on the letterhead.  I don't really care because first I would have to be convinced he actually had the PET/CT scan much like the bone marrow aspiration Vicki ditched out on to go shopping with Tamra.  http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/bone-marrow-biopsy/basics/what-you-can-expect/prc-20020282  That would seem like a good thing to accompany the love of your life to-better yet with a film crew,

  • Love 4

In California-one of only five states there is a law prohibiting hospitals from employing physicians.  Something I had heard but was reluctant  to mention.  So I found this:  http://oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-01-91-00770.pdf  That is why the physician can order a test and the reader (radiologist) is most likely in private practice.  So regardless of where Brooks  had the test the results would have been provided by someone not employed by the hospital.   That is why Newport Imagining, where the radiologist practices would be on the letterhead.  I don't really care because first I would have to be convinced he actually had the PET/CT scan much like the bone marrow aspiration Vicki ditched out on to go shopping with Tamra.  http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/bone-marrow-biopsy/basics/what-you-can-expect/prc-20020282  That would seem like a good thing to accompany the love of your life to-better yet with a film crew,

No matter if the DR/Radiologist is not employed by the Imaging Center/hospital or not, the report would have stated the name of the facility where the scan actually tookplace. Since NI does not do PET scans, the report would have come from and been generated by Hoag (if it was done there), NOT NI. All of this does beg the question as to whether or not he even had a PET Scan done anywhere and then the next logical question is does he currently even have NHL or is this nothing more than fabricted storyline he and Vicki used for the show. I don't think we will ever know.

  • Love 2

No matter if the DR/Radiologist is not employed by the Imaging Center/hospital or not, the report would have stated the name of the facility where the scan actually tookplace. Since NI does not do PET scans, the report would have come from and been generated by Hoag (if it was done there), NOT NI. All of this does beg the question as to whether or not he even had a PET Scan done anywhere and then the next logical question is does he currently even have NHL or is this nothing more than fabricted storyline he and Vicki used for the show. I don't think we will ever know.

The location where he took the test could be part of the report.  What Brooks was showing was the radiologist report from the scan.  So it would be on the radiologist's letterhead not the site where the test was performed.  It is the radiologist report. The radiologist is not necessarily a part of the hospital.  There is most likely a report prepared at the time of the test documenting time in time out, when and if the patient was asked to move and that would be part of Hoag's report and file and forwarding the scan to Dr. So and So at Newport Imaging .  This is where Meghan fails in her question-it is not if Newport Imaging performs the test - although she was on the right track and she did so before hearing of Tamra's reading of the report, the follow up question would have been does Dr. So and So (whoever signed the report)  read  PET/CT scans?  Had that answer been in the negative then Meghan's case would be ironclad.  I am only mentioning this because I think by design at times there are questions asked that beg for a follow up.  The best example was Meghan asking Brooks if he told Tamra about the conversation between he and Jim.  A better question would have been did you tell anyone that only two of the four months of our marriage were good?  In fact a better question would have been what Vicki actually said, "two of the four months have been challenging."  Again as these women get their time in the trenches I just feel as if they are learning to phrase that provides much wiggle room.

  • Love 3

95% of everything Brooks and Vicki have said is suspect, contradictory or both.   

        Vicki was so obviously medicated at the reunion, Andy went as far as saying so and saying he did not believe her when she said she wasn't.


        Its so classic, in that each time they lie, it gets worse and worse.


        Brooks could of easily shown a bill, NOT a medical record to prove he was being treated for cancer.  He didn't.

           He does not have cancer.


 Its one thing to play their white trash games, but this crossed so many lines.      If I had an interest in Club Detox, I would be suing Brooks and Vicki for fraud.

      Wouldn't be the first time either.......because they are both dishonest and lawsuits seem to be as normal as eating lunch to them.

Oh, this is directly from Hoag.

 Notice they word OUR.



About Radiology & Imaging

Our Radiologists
Radiology / Imaging plays an often critical role in the correct diagnosis and treatment of many conditions, so the experience and training of the radiologists interpreting studies and performing image-guided procedures is paramount. Our radiologists are all board certified, fellowship trained, and sub-specialized. Many hold academic and teaching appointments at California medical schools, are involved in clinical research projects, and are asked to lecture at local and national conferences.

A Higher Standard
Unlike many other Radiology / imaging centers, Hoag hospitals and outpatient centers meet the strict requirements set by the DNV NIAHO Accreditations Program. Hoag Breast Care Center is the only breast center in Orange County, and one of few nationwide, to be designated a Certified Quality Breast Center by the NQMBC. Our Picture Archival and Communication System (PACS) allows every study to be reviewed by sub-specialized radiologists no matter where or when it is performed. We utilize 100% digital imaging systems including 64-slice CT, CT-PET fusion, 3T MRI, digital mammography with computer-aided detection (CAD), and high-resolution ultrasound.

All Radiology & Imaging can be scheduled through our centralized call center and Hoag's locations throughout Orange County offer added convenience. Our technologists and support staff are dedicated to patient-centered care. Reports are typically available within an hour of scanning, and referring physicians can choose to receive reports by fax the moment they are finalized. Critical results are always called to the referring physician immediately.

  • Love 6

Call me crazy ("You're crazy!") but I find this lying - and I firmly believe both Vicki and Brooks are lying - so much worse than David Beador's lying. 


I read about this couple, where the wife to a very young child really does have cancer and has stopped chemo, earlier today and felt so sad.  Whatever the motivations, Vicki and Boroks have been just despicable.



  • Love 4
Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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