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S05.E04: Penance

Tara Ariano
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When Oliver says "I couldn't write him off" is that just implying that Felicity could? Because I don't think I like that implication at all. Or am I reading into things?

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50 minutes ago, BadArcher said:

I'm sorry if you don't like our country, but we like it. ; )

I like Canada just fine.  But I can barely stand the cold in DC at the moment let alone imagine Vancouver chill right now.   And I'm sure Colton is enjoying his SoCal life style with what seems to be monthly trips to Hawaii and the Caribbean. 

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2 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

The fact that no one mentioned actually trying to clear his name drives me nuts. 

This was my biggest problem. I have a feeling Amanda Waller would have made a phone call and the entire situation would have been resolved. Come on, Lyla! What's the point of heading a super shady, quasi-government agency if you can't throw your power around and get your husband released from prison, name cleared, we shall never speak of this again?

I watched so that's an improvement over last week. I like Rory the best of the boobs but also noticed his high voice. I didn't dislike it - just noticed it. The other boobs are pointless and sorry Curtis, that includes you. The sidekick stuff worked much better with Roy and Thea. This all seems pointless and worse, boring. 

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2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

When Oliver says "I couldn't write him off" is that just implying that Felicity could? Because I don't think I like that implication at all. Or am I reading into things?

I think you're reading too much into it. I think it's a callback to the conversation about not letting Diggle (and Rory) do things they'd regret later. 

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22 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I think you're reading too much into it. I think it's a callback to the conversation about not letting Diggle (and Rory) do things they'd regret later. 

That's how I read it too. He couldn't leave Dig there, even if Dig felt he needed to stay there. Just like Felicity ultimately couldn't let Rory just leave without saying her piece to him (which was a great scene). Plus, I felt Felicity understood and appreciated what Oliver was saying about Dig, specifically. She cares about him too. She's glad that Dig has such a great friend who would go to such lengths to help him. 

Maybe Oliver will get a chance to do something similar for Felicity at some point this season. That'd be awesome. 

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35 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

When Oliver says "I couldn't write him off" is that just implying that Felicity could? Because I don't think I like that implication at all. Or am I reading into things?

I didn't like the implication at all. Like she wanted to, or wanted him to? But it'll just go into the "Ignore - nonsense" pile.

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52 minutes ago, Soulfire said:

A day late with my standard gif spam --



I love Lyla but boy did I scream "Noooo" at the TV when I saw her walking in. I was just hoping to get an actual conversation between Felicity and Oliver about Havenrock. I know Oliver's already defended her to Rory. But I need to hear him say it to Felicity, especially because he was actually the one who told Felicity she needed to divert the missile. But I never get what I want, right, Arrow?

On a shallow note, someone in wardrobe should get a better bra for EBR for the tight-fitting tops, like this one and the gray one from the premiere.

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I enjoyed watching this episode. It was not as strong as last week's episode but still good.

I loved Felicity with the Noobs thought. I liked her and Rory's coming to understanding as well. I wish they would explore the story more but I am just glad they at least gave us this. 

However, I did not like how they put Diggle just so they can do that escape scene. Even saying that, I am just glad to have Diggle back. I miss him being in the Arrow Cave. 

Edited by TwistedandBored
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4 hours ago, Chaser said:

The episode felt disjointed and too plotty, but I don't really get the whole throwing Felicity under the bus thing...

I really do think that they were going for Felicity siding with John about each deciding how they pay for their guilt.  I think that's why they didn't have her talk about proving his innocence, not once she found out John wanted to be there.  She at that point in the episode probably felt she deserved to be shunned by Rory, that was her penance.  By the end, both she and John were looking for healthier ways to channel their guilt.  

4 hours ago, diebartdie said:

I came here hoping someone could explain to me how the plane lift out of the prison worked because I seriously did not understand that. Only other thing I came here to say is....Wild Dog sucks and I hope he just dies also, while enjoy Ragman, I cant understand a word out of his mouth. I guess I'm finally of an age where vocal fuckery like that is not something I can easily discern so I hope he never says anything important.

I'm constantly using closed caption to understand his lines.  Sometimes CC can't translate them right.  The time Rory asked if it was the whispers that made it so creepy, CC said "whiskers"  lol  

3 hours ago, blixie said:

Really? I was so glad to see he had braids in, and I love that they are angled (I think?) It's practical and the mask/makeup definitely makes him more "disguised" than Oliver really. I do love Kellum's fro, but I also like that they thought practically about the need to not have his hair snatched in a fight.

Oh it's good for the disguise, I just think the other look is more flattering.

1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

When Oliver says "I couldn't write him off" is that just implying that Felicity could? Because I don't think I like that implication at all. Or am I reading into things?

I think he meant accept John's choice to be locked up for years and that wouldn't be around.  Write him off as in accept that he's not coming back to the team.   Oliver's been trying to get the band back together and in his mind was just waiting for Dig to come home.  Felicity was in a place where she could understand his desire to do penance and was willing to accept he wasn't coming back anytime soon, so in that sense I could get writing his help to the team off, but she clearly showed her continued love and concern for Diggle so in no way was she writing off him as a friend.  I suspect a lot got cut from that exchange that would have made it a more logical line.    

Edited by BkWurm1
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1 hour ago, looptab said:

I didn't like the implication at all. Like she wanted to, or wanted him to? But it'll just go into the "Ignore - nonsense" pile.

Same. I think the ignore/nonsense pile is pretty big for this episode tbh. LOL.

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The previous two seasons, the big bads were occultish assassins, and before that superhuman assassin. How is Church even a threat, let alone still walking around? I mean, we already had Brick, so team Arrow should be up on how to take out menacing, thuggish gang leaders.

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Perfect chance for Lyla and Felicity to talk about mutual jail breaks for their boys. Lyla this time and Felicity trying to get Oliver out of NP.

Im actually really disappointed in Lylas appearance this episode. 

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6 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Perfect chance for Lyla and Felicity to talk about mutual jail breaks for their boys. Lyla this time and Felicity trying to get Oliver out of NP.

Im actually really disappointed in Lylas appearance this episode. 

Same. I thought it was really odd how both Oliver and Lyla were so dismissive of Felicity at first, even though she had only been told about the plan 20 seconds previously. They didn't even give her much of a chance to react or to come around to the idea. Instead, Lyla basically ejected her from the discussion. Not impressed.

The whole prison break thing was actually very anti-climatic, IMO. Oliver just wandered around the prison and then magically found his way to Diggle's cell and then they cut a hole in the floor. There were just no stakes? IDK. With Lyla's prison break in 206 I actually felt the tension building - are they gonna get out in time? - but this was just...meh.

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The prison break was boring. Why were all cells empty?

What is the point of Oliver being physically abusive toward the boobs? They like to joke about it but I don't find it funny nor cool.

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I know I said that if someone has to be tortured, I want it to be Wild Dong but when I saw it, I want to take that back.  First, because I hate torture scenes in any shape or form but also because I don't want him to be redeemed and he will now because he sacrificed himself for Curtis.

Speaking of which, I can't believe  how badly they're messing up Curtis this season.  You'd think they would have learned that this show does worst when it tries to follow comics canon. That's not just in terms of Laurel but every time.  The best characters Arrow has created -- Diggle, Felicity, Thea, Moira -- did not come out of the comics.

17 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

And am I wrong, or is this the third or fourth time someone has mentioned the best, most trustworthy cops in the city and Mayo is nowhere to be found? Or did he just blend into the backgroud to the point where I missed him tonight?

I think what the DA said is that he took the most (only?) trustworthy cops with him when he went to question the guy and now they're all dead.

I"m guessing this leaves the Anti-Crime Team without anyone and so they recruit Mayo.  And we're supposed to believe that he's a good cop because he told the Green Arrow that Prometheus was after him but I'm really hoping he's either Prometheus or working with him.

17 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I was not a fan of her sending the boobs to stop Oliver, though I also doubt she told them to try and fight him.  Oliver didn't actually attack any of them.  They attacked him.   

That's why they're boobs.

17 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

One last complaint, are we supped to think that Oliver just grabbed a rope and hoisted himself and Diggle up to the plane as it flew by??

That looked very cool but made no sense.  Oliver handed Diggle a harness (from where) and suddenly they both were attached?

16 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I like Wild Dog although I didn't like his attitude at the start of this episode. However, I'm guessing this is going to be his changing point. The show really does seem to love him because he's getting all the big emotional stuff. 

I think Rory is getting more of the emotional stuff, while Wild Dog is getting the big action stuff.  (And we know which these shows value more.)  I still have no sense of who Rene is other than he's angry and reacting and thinks he knows everything better.

The one who is really getting short-changed is Evelyn.  As Bkwurm1 said, she's really only there to give Wild Dog the opportunity to speak his POV.

I just don't get the show's love for Wild Dog.  Does he have qualities I can't see yet?

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20 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Same. I thought it was really odd how both Oliver and Lyla were so dismissive of Felicity at first, even though she had only been told about the plan 20 seconds previously. They didn't even give her much of a chance to react or to come around to the idea. Instead, Lyla basically ejected her from the discussion. Not impressed.

OMG THIS. The way Felicity was cut out of that scene and the look on her face, the reaction, made me angry and sad all at once. I can appreciate that Lyla was reacting emotionally to Dig being in prison but at the same time, COME ON. Felicity is more than just a regular member of this team. She deserved a bit more respect than she got in that scene. 

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That was a bit weird. I get that the show wanted Oliver out of the way of the noobs have to handle Church all by themselves plot but it shortchanged both plots to do the Diggle-prison-break and the stop-Church-mission simultenaously. Each one could have easily been an episode with more care devoted to it.

Not liking what they did with Wild Dog here. The entire episode they make him WAY too abrasive and macho-posturing - Roy was a teenager and he came off more mature - and then ended with him in a torture session. I found it manipulative and jarring. All episode I was enjoyed because they went overboard in making him prickly and then I felt bad for him because, well, he didn`t deserve THAT. Urgh.

I do like Rory though I agree that his making peace with Felicity felt too pad and fast. But I do like that apparently he is the only recruit that Oliver actually respects. Maybe because he across as more subtle and mature than the others.  

Artemis has... nothing really to do so far. Curtis came off much better last year. When the team stood up to Oliver and he was the one to deliver that ridiculous line, it made it twice as stupid. Though it was fun to see how Oliver just beat them in under 5 seconds, casually got on the motorcycle and drove away. Dig, Thea, Roy and even Laurel would have put up a much better fight.

What I did like was the bromance between Oliver and John. I think they were a bit heavy-handed here with the parallels. John felt bad for killing his brother and being duped by him. And it has been established before that he came to see Oliver as surrogate or other brother. Well, for all Oliver`s faults, he is a known quantity to John by now. A brother he can rely on and still help and protect. That`s why he doesn`t want him to change all that much.       

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Despite the fact that this was a prison break in, which I would have expected to be cool and exciting, I thought the episode was very boring.

For me, the biggest problem continues to be the new recruits.  I don't like any of them.  The girl archer is useless... to the point where until this episode, I didn't even realise she was an archer.  For some reason I thought she was the Baby Canary character from last year that was shown in the background looking in on Laurel's memorial service.  Curtis is useless... what skills does he have exactly?  He's a tech guy with little training.  Are they really calling him "Mister Terrific" for his code name?  Ridiculous.  Wild Dog is brash and harsh and I just don't care for him.

As for Ragman... I am not caring for him.  I like the concept of the character but I hate this actor.  I hated him as Patterson's boyfriend on "Blindspot" and I'm not liking him here.  He looks and acts very effeminate, and has a very odd way of speaking.  If I'm supposed to feel his conflict because of his dead Havenrock family versus helping the team, it's not working.

Can they please find some "real" heroes for Oliver's team?  Better yet, just find a way to bring the sensational Katrina Law and Nyssa Al Ghul to town permanently as Oliver's partner.  He wouldn't need anyone else.

Edited by blackwing
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I am still open to the boobs, but they're starting to wear on me. Curtis is annoying ( and I loved Curtis last season as Felicities work best friend), Rene is an asshole who keeps learning lessons than forgetting them, and Evelyn seems to be here just to be the token girl. I do appreciate that they're showing that the boobs arent just awesome right away, and they shouldn't be, but they seem pointless. Oliver always had some kind of connection with the people on his team, and these guys are just randoms he literally found on the street (except for Curtis). The only newbie who works is Rory, because his actor is solid, his powers are cool, and he actually gets stuff to do besides quip and bitch. 

Oliver and Lylas prison break seemed pretty freaking easy. It was kind of stupid, but not as stupid as Johns whole "I need to atone for killing my evil brother by hanging out in prison" thing. It just makes zero sense, and seems totally out of character. And, arent the real bad guys still out there? Shouldn't John want to bring them to justice? 

They can keep on saying that Olicty isn't a thing, but the heart eyes they keep shooting each other says something else entirely... 

I continue to like the flashbacks this year, even if it means the return of Olivers terrible flashback wig. Yeah its a little contrived that his flashbacks always have something to do with whats actually going on, but at least its interesting. 

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56 minutes ago, blackwing said:

The girl archer is useless... to the point where until this episode, I didn't even realise she was an archer.  For some reason I thought she was the Baby Canary character from last year that was shown in the background looking in on Laurel's memorial service. 

She was the Baby Canary. This episode was the first time we saw her with a bow.

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59 minutes ago, blackwing said:

The girl archer is useless... to the point where until this episode, I didn't even realise she was an archer.  For some reason I thought she was the Baby Canary character from last year that was shown in the background looking in on Laurel's memorial service.


She is the Baby Canary character from last year that was shown in the background looking in on Laurel's memorial service.  For whatever reason, this season Arrow has decided to call her Artemis and give her a bow.  


Edit: Whoops, Jinx!

Edited by quarks
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5 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

On a shallow note, someone in wardrobe should get a better bra for EBR for the tight-fitting tops, like this one and the gray one from the premiere.

The new company that Oliver sets up to save Star City...Felicity`s Secret...

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2 hours ago, blackwing said:

Better yet, just find a way to bring the sensational Katrina Law and Nyssa Al Ghul to town permanently as Oliver's partner.  He wouldn't need anyone else.

She would make a much better Olicity triangle...where she convinces Felicity to play for the other team...or switch hit...or.....

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I thought Thea saying that Oliver has gout was the funniest line of the episode because gout is considered an old man's disease so it was Thea ragging him for being old.

19 hours ago, SleepDeprived said:

And whoever reads fanfic in the writer's room needs to stop making Wild Dog call Felicity "Blondie." Roy can get away with doing that in fics because it's usually said with affection/teasingly. But Rene is too much of a cocky boob (heh) that I feel like he's being very dismissive and mocking her whenever he uses that nickname for Felicity.

That's at least twice that Felicity has asked him to stop calling her "Blondie" and he doesn't.  It is dismissive and erases who she is as a person. Continuing calling her that against her wishes makes it bullying.  Am I supposed to be impressed with him that he has no respect for someone who can't beat him in a fight?  Because right now I'm hoping he's the n00b who gets dropped first.

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In addition, this seems so irrelevant however it bothers the hell outta me but when Oliver was like, dude you're ex navy you should have this.   His response, "I was DD'd" , like, what the fuck?  Does he or the writers have any idea what that actually entails?  Was he pillaging,  raping people,  go AWOL?  And he said it in such a boastful, bragging tone, like he was cool for having received a dishonorable discharge. Ick.

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

That's at least twice that Felicity has asked him to stop calling her "Blondie" and he doesn't.  It is dismissive and erases who she is as a person. Continuing calling her that against her wishes makes it bullying.  Am I supposed to be impressed with him that he has no respect for someone who can't beat him in a fight?  Because right now I'm hoping he's the n00b who gets dropped first.

Felicity grates the most, but he does it to the other noobs as well. Short Stop, Olympian, Rags. I hope the other noobs vote him off the island promptly.

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I didn't like this one as much as the first three episodes.  Overall, I just find too many holes in the plot when I look too closely at the story, which is frustrating since I feel they sacrificed characterization for plot quite a bit.

I like Ragman, and I'm happy with how Felicity's arc is moving, more or less.  I would have loved some additional conversation between her and Oliver regarding Havenrock, particularly something that hinted at prior conversations.

Is Rory a sculptor as his main profession?  The AfterBuzzTV crew seemed to think that it was his job, not only a hobby.  In which case, wow, he's getting more character work than even Felicity or Curtis at this point!  I agree that they should just have the two of them open a small consulting firm in Oliver's old campaign offices.  It would reuse the set in a credible way (since Felicity bought/rented the space), provide cover for the team's coming and goings, and give each of them something to tell their S.O.s regarding where they are working.

I can't believe they had Oliver walk through the doors of the office in his GA suit, with the hood down.  Where is the stealth?  I've assumed there is at least one other entrance to the lair since they can bring motorcycles in and out... shouldn't he be using THAT when he's in full get-up?

I liked the fight between Oliver and Felicity because I was behind both of their arguments.  However, it is pretty frustrating that Felicity was given SECONDS to process the break-out plan before being asked to fish or cut bait with them.  I'm pretty sure, if she'd been given the day's notice that Oliver should have given her, that Felicity could have come up with a better way to get Diggle out or to talk some sense into him.  It was a little frustrating to have Diggle say that he knew Felicity wouldn't be part of the mission because he "knows her" when (1) I don't think such plans are out of character AT ALL (drugging Oliver, blowing up Applied Sciences, etc.) and (2) it implies that Diggle knows Felicity better than Oliver does and I just don't buy that at all.

They knew that Evelyn was going to be Artemis since the start of the season, right?  WHY haven't they shown her training with a bow and arrow before now?  It is NOT an easy weapon and they have a ready made trainer in Oliver.  I can hand-wave her taking a prepared snipper shot with Wild Dog as a failsafe after three weeks of training with a bow... But this is literally the first time she's had one and it's in the field?  Come on, Arrow, where is my water slapping?

At first I thought the fact that Mayo didn't make Chase's cut of "trustworthy" cops was a second inditement of his character (after being passed over for Oliver's special force earlier), but then I realized that they seemed to be implying that Chase was prepared to begin torturing Church's guy right their in front of some of these "good" cops, so I think Chase's definition of quality is a bit skewed.  This is a pity, since I like having reasons to hate on Mayo.

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9 hours ago, blackwing said:

Despite the fact that this was a prison break in, which I would have expected to be cool and exciting, I thought the episode was very boring.

For me, the biggest problem continues to be the new recruits.  I don't like any of them.  The girl archer is useless... to the point where until this episode, I didn't even realise she was an archer.  For some reason I thought she was the Baby Canary character from last year that was shown in the background looking in on Laurel's memorial service.  Curtis is useless... what skills does he have exactly?  He's a tech guy with little training.  Are they really calling him "Mister Terrific" for his code name?  Ridiculous.  Wild Dog is brash and harsh and I just don't care for him.


That's her - she was Baby/Fake Canary in Season 4, and now she's Useless Artemis, who pulled archery skills out her ass. She's a terrible actor - her reaction and line delivery when Wild Dog said he was staying behind was hilariously bad, and that's just the one example.

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39 minutes ago, TrueMyth said:

.  It was a little frustrating to have Diggle say that he knew Felicity wouldn't be part of the mission because he "knows her" when (1) I don't think such plans are out of character AT ALL (drugging Oliver, blowing up Applied Sciences, etc.) and (2) it implies that Diggle knows Felicity better than Oliver does and I just don't buy that at all.


My fanwank for that is that Oliver actually knew she wouldn't e okay with  the plan. It's the only in-story explanation I have for her not knowing about it until then - besides the need for last episode to end in a cliffhanger, haha.

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2 hours ago, looptab said:

My fanwank for that is that Oliver actually knew she wouldn't e okay with  the plan. It's the only in-story explanation I have for her not knowing about it until then - besides the need for last episode to end in a cliffhanger, haha.

Seems reasonable since he'd not told her anything beyond that Dig was in jail and jumped really quickly to being sure she wasn't going to help.  

I do like that at least the show never had him directly ask or say they needed her help and still have her say no, cause that would have been unbearable.

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Regarding Evelyn's age, here's what Madison McLaughlin said in this recent CBR article:


McLauglin touched on where her character Evelyn Sharpe has been since her introduction in the Season 4 episode “Canary Cry,” saying, “We get a bit of that story. They do explore all of our newbies’ backstory a bit, their lives and stuff before Team Arrow. It’s cool to see how, basically, Evelyn’s been wandering around and hasn’t had a home, hasn’t had a family — total teenage orphan. It’s nice for her to finally find her place, to finally find a family and a home, so it’s really special.”

Evelyn is still a teenager, but she’s been through so much that she’s a bit more mature than your typical fifteen/sixteen/seventeen-year-old, but it is definitely cool to see the dynamic of being a teenager, of being ‘I know everything, I know what’s the best,’ and having these adults come in and be like, ‘That’s cute. It’s cute that you think that,'” she added. “So there’s definitely a lot of fun stuff about that."

Edited by tv echo
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11 hours ago, Delphi said:

In addition, this seems so irrelevant however it bothers the hell outta me but when Oliver was like, dude you're ex navy you should have this.   His response, "I was DD'd" , like, what the fuck?  Does he or the writers have any idea what that actually entails?  Was he pillaging,  raping people,  go AWOL?  And he said it in such a boastful, bragging tone, like he was cool for having received a dishonorable discharge. Ick.

Well, the dishonorable discharge does explain why he doesn't seem to have a regular job and he's out on the streets. So there's that.

Plus, I'm assuming that Diggle is about to have a dishonorable discharge on his record, too, unless for some reason the U.S. military decides that escaping from prison through the use of molecular destabilizers (STILL NOT OVER THIS, ARROW) and questionable escapes on ARGUS jets is cool enough to justify an honorable discharge instead. Which, ok, yes, does sound remarkably unlike the U.S. military, but you know, a) it's Arrow, so maybe, and b) for all I know the Army does have some sort of "awesomeness" clause when determining that sort of thing. Or at least the Army in the Arrowverse does.  So maybe Diggle and Wild Dog will start bonding over their dishonorable discharges, or maybe this will be another unfair thing for Wild Dog to resent. 

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I absolutely found the anti-molecular compound stored in an aerosol can to be hilarious and completely ridiculous.  It's one thing if the compound is supposed to react with tile flooring material, but I think by the nonsense name it is supposed to eat through anything.  I mean, how is a compound that is supposed to eat through any material stored in that can - what's the container made out of?
Not to mention, the aerosol would release toxic particles into the air - so not good for breathing in!

Edited by ComicFan777
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I can't stop laughing at the plane. Seriously, if I randomly think about it I start laughing out loud.

I liked the Rory/Felicity scenes and the flashbacks. I'd also like if they wrote EBR in the role of the daughter of someone in the Bratva so she and Oliver can have the tragic love story the FBs are lacking and entertain me more.

The rest was pretty bad IMO. Oliver seems perpetually angry/annoyed. He is cold and rude to almost everyone. (No sex maybe? LOL)

Wild puppy is arrogant and rude and I can't stand him. At the second time he called Felicity "blondie" I wanted her to punch him. So annoying. The rest of the newbies are okay I guess..nothing special. Artemis doesn't do anything, Curtis is even more useless and I don't understand why he is in the field but they seem nice people so in time of crisis I can live with them. Rory is sweet and useful so he is my favorite.

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I like Joe Dinicol and he has a nice chemistry with both Stephen and Emily. And I like Rory, too. But magically powered rags don't belong on a show that's supposed to be grounded in realism. He's more powerful than GA, which should never be the case, IMO, in a show where GA is the star. As much as I like him, he and the rest of the newbies need to go.

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On 10/27/2016 at 11:47 AM, Soulfire said:

A day late with my standard gif spam --






Rewatching this scene again, what I got was Oliver knowing what he did wasn't exactly right and this is sort of him not really seeking forgiveness but trying to make Felicity understand (that maybe it's less about John and more about Oliver). And she knows it and she kinda gives her, well, not really approval but an OK, it's done, we'll figure it out from here. At least that's what the last GIF said to me. 

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3 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Rewatching this scene again, what I got was Oliver knowing what he did wasn't exactly right and this is sort of him not really seeking forgiveness but trying to make Felicity understand (that maybe it's less about John and more about Oliver). And she knows it and she kinda gives her, well, not really approval but an OK, it's done, we'll figure it out from here. At least that's what the last GIF said to me. 

I got the same impression from her..that she was saying "I understand" but I find him hard to read. He seems distant all the times.

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9 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I got the same impression from her..that she was saying "I understand" but I find him hard to read. He seems distant all the times.

I was watching some S4 Olicity clips the other day (Olicity Queen's YouTube channel is a blessing) and there's such a marked difference in how SA has been playing Oliver then and now. I'm seeing the involuntary heart eyes but Oliver's also keeping himself physically distant from her, except when he forgets and invades her personal space. There's also a bit of stiffening in his posture (get your minds out of the gutter!) when SHE gets closer. 

Or, I could just be seeing things with my shipper eyes, LOL!

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19 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I was watching some S4 Olicity clips the other day (Olicity Queen's YouTube channel is a blessing) and there's such a marked difference in how SA has been playing Oliver then and now. I'm seeing the involuntary heart eyes but Oliver's also keeping himself physically distant from her, except when he forgets and invades her personal space. There's also a bit of stiffening in his posture (get your minds out of the gutter!) when SHE gets closer. 

Or, I could just be seeing things with my shipper eyes, LOL!

I always see the heart eyes (because they exist) but in this episode he only seemed pissed to me..like someone peed on his cheerios. It was probably wild puppy, LOL

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