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S02.E07: Resolves Eleven Myths

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Oh no, I hope that Roman doesn't lose his shit now that he knows that Remy is not all in.  When Naz was shooting Jane down regarding telling Roman, I envisioned a fantastic show of Roman/Remy roaming the world kicking ass and avenging wrongs.

I like Rich Dot Com and I'm happy he didn't outsmart them again.

Weller/Naz, whatever, as long as it keeps him away from Jane I will deal.

Is Patterson the mole or Borden, I vote Borden because I think anyone in the know has to realize that Jane is waffling and not completely anti-Sandstorm.

Reade was harsh with Zapata, and I didn't realize he knew about her gambling problems but I wonder if that isn't part of it because he repeatedly said he didn't do it and I think he would have admitted it so why did she risk anything to go steal the knife.  Wonder how that is going to bite them in the ass in the future.

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Aww I like Oliver, but maybe because I have a soft spot for the actor since he was in the Mistletones movie. Maybe they can show him karaoke one episode. 

Zapata/Reade gave me the feels. I don't want her to get in trouble but she is doing stupid shit.

I am probably the only person still shipping Jane and Weller, so him and Naz getting it on makes me ill. 

Patterson having the one up on Rich was pretty awesome. It sucks that agents had to die for his dumbass.

I guess Jane and Roman are no longer going to have their happy ending, which I'm not happy with. I don't want her to have to kill another loved one to protect the FBI again. 

Edited by twoods
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I was just waiting for Rich Dotcom, during his plea to Weller to avoid jail, to make mention of catching the world's worst criminals.  A blacklist of bad guys, as it were.

Attention FBI agents:  When you're hunting an extremely adept assassin, it's probably best if you leave the personal issues behind and focus on the job.

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OK, so can that please be the last time we see Rich Dot Com? They kind of joked about it ("let's make it a weekly thing!") but I really couldn't deal with that. No offense to the actor, he's excellent, but the character is infuriating. (Though it was cool to have two L.A. Complex actors in the same episode.) At least give us a break until S4, if the show is that lucky. I'm just so thrilled they got him good in the end. I knew he was full of shit with that death story but I didn't quite catch that it was a Potter reference, haha.

So Jane's having Weller dreams, huh? I'm over the "Weller's such a catch" thing but I sympathized with her, wanting to have a normal life with Weller and Roman. Kind of cool, the Old Jane vs. New Jane fight. For a second, I thought "Old Jane" looked a bit like the actress who plays Eleanor on The Royals. I don't know what to make of Weller stabbing the guy similarly to how Old Jane stabbed New Jane. Was that supposed to mean something? I'm disappointed that she left her date with Oliver early but I understand; her life is so complicated and she couldn't possibly tell him about it. I really, really like him though, so I hope that's not the last we see of him.

Reade and Zapata... there's definitely something going on with her, maybe Reade wasn't so off with his assessment of her. After that last talk of theirs, she still goes down to the station to steal evidence. She's making him look worse. And confirmed, it was Reade's friend with his own knife. Was it a continuity error or a character goof that she touched the knife with her bare hands?

Roman's gonna lose his shit, y'all. There may have been a sliver of hope for him if Jane played her cards right but now that's likely gone. And I don't think he'll tell Shepherd about it, which isn't comforting at all. Man, I really hope they figure out a way to turn him and/or keep him around because I'm enjoying him and the Jane/Roman relationship. But I have a bad feeling it'll end with him dying in Jane's arms (probably not on a beach, though, lol).

For some reason I thought the mole didn't quite know they were the mole (or that they didn't know what to be leaking until they were instructed), so I was surprised that they activated themselves. Why now? Because Jane started talking about turning Roman? Does that mean that the mole was in the room when she was trying to convince Nas? Or is there another bug in the room and maybe the superintendent guy (or whoever that was) who was in the montage of potential moles has been off-screen but listening in? I've been on the "Borden is the mole" train but now I'm thinking it's Patterson or Nas.

Nas talked a lot about being too guarded and not wanting to lose anymore people, which would certainly appeal to Weller, who's dealt with those things. I wonder if she's pretending to be vulnerable (something Weller responds to) to get information... they said the mole is FBI but if NSA also counts, maybe she's trying to finish Jane's original job: get close to Weller. She's had several conversations now about Jane wanting to turn Roman, so she'd know that Jane's turned, and she could be proficient enough to access the partially download code and send it to Roman.

Patterson is the one who was receiving the download (could have salvaged what she could and sent it to Roman) and talked about not getting enough to use, and was in the room when Jane was talking about turning Roman. She would also be very unexpected. It would be quite shocking, seeing goofy, nerdy (and extremely crafty) Patterson turn around with a devilish glint in her eye, all ~bad~ and such. She's one of the few characters on the show with personality and joy in their performance, so I'd be upset to see this happen. Unless we get to watch her on the Sandstorm side, we'd have to lose her, wouldn't we? Man, if this is the case, I'm so curious to see how they explain it... why she risked her position by bringing home classified documents and getting someone killed.

ETA: Oh, I just thought of this... in the last episode, Roman asked Shepherd if Jane remembered Chris... we still haven't learned what Patterson's first name is. What if it's Chris, as in Christina? Also, I can't remember if that ring Jane remembered was connected to "Chris" but if it is, she asked Patterson to look into it, who said, "sorry, couldn't find anything about it". Maybe she was lying... maybe she and Jane go wayyy back. Oh, I'm excited.

Edited by omgsowicked
Got another idea about Patterson being the mole
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Ah, Rich Dotcom.  I get a kick out of him, but I enjoyed watching the team finally take him down for good this time.  Never underestimate Patterson!  I'm sure this will be temporary though.  Either he'll escape again someday, or the team will need him for some reason, and then he'll manage to escape again.  The show does seem to want him to be a recurring thorn in their side.  I'm pretty sure him offering to form an alliance and wear a hat, was suppose to be a reference to The Blacklist.  At least he didn't mention it by name, because I still can see that and this show crossing over, since NBC loves their crossovers and shared universes.

Weller and Nas are actually going to become a thing now, huh?  Yeah, that's what I always wanted to see.  More of Weller, the world's most stiff, humorless ladies man.

Jane really is being drawn more and more to Roman, compared to the other team.  Of course, this means Roman finds out that Jane is still feeding the FBI info, so who knows what he will do.  Since it looks like the other mole mailed him her partial download from the drive, I'm now leaning more towards Nas or Patterson as the mole.

Sure enough, it looks like it was Reade's childhood friend that killed the coach, and he's covering for him.  He was right, though.  Zapata can't stop herself from jumping headfirst into this.  I just hope this doesn't end with their partnership destroyed, or worse, one of them in jail.

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I'm all for the Ric Dotcom episodes. The show is much in need of some levity, and Rich delivers. I'm all good if he's Blindspot's Sang Min or Pontiac Bandit.

This team needs to sit down and have an honesty circle. Everybody's working with about 40% truth at this point. Maybe they can all do it in their underwear, that seemed to work last week.

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Patterson would be great - and unexpected - as the mole but, since that would mean that she would leave the show eventually, I'm against it. She is by far my favorite character. How about if Weller is the mole -- and is replaced by a non-stiff actor who doesn't have a strange way of speaking. I like Nas so I hope she sticks around. Whatever happened to Dylan Baker's character?

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22 hours ago, sking24450 said:

Oh no, I hope that Roman doesn't lose his shit now that he knows that Remy is not all in.  When Naz was shooting Jane down regarding telling Roman, I envisioned a fantastic show of Roman/Remy roaming the world kicking ass and avenging wrongs.

Remy, Roman, and Patterson.  I officially decided, while watching this ep, that if we lost Weller, Zapata, Reade and Nas, leaving only Jane and Patterson, I would like this show 1000% more. 

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18 hours ago, omgsowicked said:

OK, so can that please be the last time we see Rich Dot Com? They kind of joked about it ("let's make it a weekly thing!") but I really couldn't deal with that. No offense to the actor, he's excellent, but the character is infuriating. (Though it was cool to have two L.A. Complex actors in the same episode.) At least give us a break until S4, if the show is that lucky. I'm just so thrilled they got him good in the end. I knew he was full of shit with that death story but I didn't quite catch that it was a Potter reference, haha.


Yes, I'm in the "no more Rich Dot Com" camp as well. I can see what they're trying to do with him (a somewhat more competent Harry Mudd) but it's not working for me. Part of it, I think, is that he doesn't play off of the members of the team, he just sort of motormouths all over the place and everyone else just sort of quietly stands around waiting for him to finish. One egregious example of this was when Nass said something like "We should leave him alone in the room [ridiculously placed pause, allowing Rich Dot Com to express his astonishment] for a few seconds while we loop the video of him alone." Nobody would put a pause there in that sentence. In fact, most people would start with "hey let's loop the video...".

Headquarters both hacked and infiltrated (again.)  What must all the other people in that building think is going on with Weller's team?

When the water cooler came down in the elevator, and Weller walked over to it, I have expected him to start interrogating it: "Where is the Acadian! Talk!" :-)

Not sure why the infallible super assassin would let Zapata see which vial was the real antidote. Especially since he couldn't count on her losing the power of speech (and the ability to point?) before they found her.

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Jane's dream of a normal life was heartbreaking. 

I do worry that Patterson could be the mole. A week or two ago, when Jane came to her about the ring, I thought Patterson's reaction as soon as Jane said the word 'doctor' was a little too stunned and invested. Then in this episode, Patterson seemed awfully eager to get her hands on Jane's phone. Maybe I'm grasping with those details, but it's also really weird that Patterson acts like nothing ever happened. I love that she still treats Jane like an old pal, because I love their friendship, but it's still weird. She has nothing at all to say about all that went down? It makes me worry that she's intentionally staying close to Jane. 

I don't think this show would give up Patterson, though. (Unless maybe the actress wants out, I guess?) So there would have to be some way to keep her around. Maybe it's ultimately Patterson (or whoever the mole is) that Jane and the team will have to turn. They'd need Patterson's skills on their side. 

I still really, really wish that somehow Allie could be the mole. I know she's not FBI, but neither is Nas. We've been told she has a new boyfriend. I'd love it if the baby isn't even Weller's and she's just trying to stay close to him to keep an eye on Jane/the team. 

We so rarely see more than the neck and hand tattoos these days that seeing Jane's arms/chest after she woke up from her nightmare was kind of striking. 

I generally manage to love Zapata despite her hypocrisy, but man alive, she was unlikeable in that scene where Jane admitted to aborting the upload to save Roman. All sneering and attitude. Blech. 

Speaking of that scene, they had a picture of Jane's nude body on that screen with all the other images, which seems unnecessarily cruel. There's no need for it to be there. After the camera passed by it, there was a shot of Jane looking uncomfortable. I don't know if that was supposed to be a reaction to noticing the picture, but regardless, could Patterson or Nas or whoever is putting together these visual displays not do the decent thing and keep Jane's naked body out of sight? 

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I got through this by mostly fast-forwarding the scenes with Rich.Com talking.

Props to the stunt team for the Jane vs. Remy fight in the opening dream sequence! It should have been Oscar instead of Weller in that fantasy, though.

Never really had a problem with the actor who plays Reade; but this episode it was like he was saying lines, instead of acting... just me? One scene I thought was bad was when he yelled at Zapata about gambling.

Speaking of; why, Zapata?? Why? I knew this story arc would only get worse. :(

I wonder if they'd have the mole be someone he haven't met yet. In any case, I think it's safe to rule out (for now?) Weller, Reade, and Zapata as suspects.

It was sad that Jane couldn't finish her date. But I was a little surprised that he was only introduced as a temp love interest. I thought he might be a way to find out more about Shepherd.

The plot thickens with Roman; I'm dreading the next meeting between him and Jane.

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This seemed like a filler episode to me.

The brief appearance Roman made interested me more than anything Weller did this entire episode. I'm actually struggling, two days later, to remember anything Weller did. I liked the guy well enough in the first season but I really don't care for him at all this season. So Jane's dream in the beginning was especially sad to me because I think she could do better.

Carrying on the tradition of such fine shows as Battlestar Galactica and Orphan Black, Jane fought herself! It wasn't completely seamless but I enjoyed it. Highlighted, though, how they tend to lower Jane's level when she's fighting with Weller so as not to overshadow him too much. I much prefer when she fights with Roman, herself, or other members of Sandstorm. Tends to be more brutal and what I'd expect of someone who's been trained since she was a child. Overall the fights have been better this season (like her takedown of the CIA agents in the premiere or that awesome body slam thing she did to a security officer in 2x04).

Zapata is a dumbass. I can't tell if Reade read her right or if she is, in her own idiotic way, actually trying to help him. Either way, stealing the knife after he said not to was just galling. Girl. If he was guilty he'd be panicking; he's not, buy a clue. Not Reade really is going to be a suspect when he might otherwise have avoided suspicion especially since, as the investigating officer pointed out, not all of the tapes in that closet were of abuse. If Reade really didn't watch the tape, he might not have been abused. 

I can take Rich or leave him. He gets in some good one liners but, as @Latverian Diplomat pointed out, "he doesn't play off of the members of the team, he just sort of motormouths all over the place and everyone else just sort of quietly stands around waiting for him to finish." This is really, really true. As such while his appearance didn't bother me I do hope that's the last we've seen of him this season. At least the show writers recognized that having him beat the team again would really make them look stupid. (I did get a chuckle out of Patterson realizing he was lying because he was quoting Dobby.)

The Acadian wasn't as threatening and badass as I would've expected.

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Best part of the show was the opening dream, except that Weller was Jane's counterpart. So sad, that. It would have been cool if it were Oliver, the guy she met at the party. Or anyone. Anyone but gross Weller. Next best part of the show was Patterson knowing Dobbie's scene and beating Dot Com.

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On 10/26/2016 at 10:36 PM, omgsowicked said:

Patterson is the one who was receiving the download (could have salvaged what she could and sent it to Roman) and talked about not getting enough to use, and was in the room when Jane was talking about turning Roman. She would also be very unexpected. It would be quite shocking, seeing goofy, nerdy (and extremely crafty) Patterson turn around with a devilish glint in her eye, all ~bad~ and such. She's one of the few characters on the show with personality and joy in their performance, so I'd be upset to see this happen. Unless we get to watch her on the Sandstorm side, we'd have to lose her, wouldn't we? Man, if this is the case, I'm so curious to see how they explain it... why she risked her position by bringing home classified documents and getting someone killed.

ETA: Oh, I just thought of this... in the last episode, Roman asked Shepherd if Jane remembered Chris... we still haven't learned what Patterson's first name is. What if it's Chris, as in Christina? Also, I can't remember if that ring Jane remembered was connected to "Chris" but if it is, she asked Patterson to look into it, who said, "sorry, couldn't find anything about it". Maybe she was lying... maybe she and Jane go wayyy back. Oh, I'm excited.

Well, shit, you've certainly convinced me. I was kinda thinking that for maximum impact on viewers, the mole has to be Patterson, but I didn't think of the possibility that she's the doctor from Jane's memory. That makes so much sense.

I really don't want the mole to be Patterson, but OTOH I agree with the poster upthread who says the show can't want to lose Patterson unless the actress wants out. So there'll probably be some kind of deeper explanation, like she's actually doing a triple agent thing same as Jane is. Maybe Patterson and Nas know each other too and the sniping Patterson did at her early on was just for show.

I really want to know why it took Patterson's first date so long to stop crying. I loved the look on Jane's face when Patterson said that. Of course they got interrupted before Patterson could explain. She probably kicked his ass in something.

I love the Rich Dotcom eps! As much as I enjoy them, I know they shouldn't occur too often, but a couple of times a season is good with me. I love how the entire team hates him, and of course, I'm down with anything that annoys Weller and makes him the butt-monkey. (Sure, the team beat Rich this time, but that had nothing to do with Weller so far as I could tell - it was all Patterson and Nas.)

I felt so sorry for Jane in her scene with Oliver. And yet it made a brutal sense - as Jane told Patterson earlier, she's never been on a date (that she can remember). So she had no idea of the questions she was going to get. She's never had a normal life, she made a brief stab at normalcy and found out that that is an avenue closed off to her on account of never having had a normal life. I usually hate it when TV characters whine about not having a normal life, however justifiable their unhappiness - listening to Piper whine for eight seasons of Charmed used up all my patience for this trope - but I don't think I have ever seen a character as fucked over in this regard as Jane has been. I could listen to her complain for quite a while without getting irritated, but she barely does.

I wonder if Zapata was really sure about which vial held the antidote, or being a gambler (which the show purposely reminded us of just minutes earlier), she just wanted to be the one to choose. I know she saw the Akkadian with the vials, but it didn't seem like her view was that unrestricted or really confirmed exactly which vial held the antidote - especially since her vision was all blurry, too.

Weller/Nas - ugh. Show, stop trying to make Weller happen!

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Whatever happened to Dylan Baker's character?

He is probably off working with competent, non emotionally compromised agents. Or, not enough money in the budget to pay for him.

I hope the writers drop the holier than thou attitude Reade and Zapata continue to display towards Jane. They aren't any better than her in terms of morality. Please give Jane a break. Unless the end game is to show Jane turning back to Sandstorm because the FBI are a bunch of weeny heads. My autocorrect keeps changing FBI to FIB, lol.

I guess I have a different take on the mole. I don't think Roman specifically said the mole is a FBI agent or worker. Just that the mole knew the FBI or something. Sandstorm is playing the long game. The FBI team's attention was drawn towards Rich Dot Com in the first place by Jane's tattoos. I am beginning to think Rich Dot Com is the mole. I got the sense he had an "ah ha" moment when he was accessing the FBI computer. I also get the feeling the team really did not get the better of his boyfriend and him. Both of them seemed to be expecting the FBI to catch them. I felt like they were putting on a show again.

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On 10/27/2016 at 0:23 AM, twoods said:

I am probably the only person still shipping Jane and Weller, so him and Naz getting it on makes me ill. 

Glad to know I sm not the only one watching this who feels that way.

On 10/27/2016 at 7:22 PM, Impish Dragon said:

Remy, Roman, and Patterson.  I officially decided, while watching this ep, that if we lost Weller, Zapata, Reade and Nas, leaving only Jane and Patterson, I would like this show 1000% more. 

Hell, some of the characters I can't stand so much I would be happier just watching Jane fight herself in more episodes.

On 10/27/2016 at 11:28 PM, Mack said:

I still really, really wish that somehow Allie could be the mole. I know she's not FBI, but neither is Nas. We've been told she has a new boyfriend. I'd love it if the baby isn't even Weller's and she's just trying to stay close to him to keep an eye on Jane/the team. 

Ohh, I like this theory. A way to get rid of Allie, who I never liked and any future baby/ familt crap with her and Kurt. 

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I always enjoy Rich Dotcom episodes. I like the character and the actor - and I like how he manages to get under everybody's skin. Too bad they cut the scene short where he was about to catch on to Nas and Weller (I guess he did but did not have time to drop the bomb - maybe next time). His crazy shenanigans always remind me of 'Leverage' and how much I miss that show. I tend to think of him as this show's Sterling - i.e. no matter how many times they catch him he'll manage to escape sooner or later. He's the guy who always wins in the end. That said I do understand why some folks don't like the character, ultimately he does not fit the show's general mood. I wish they'd give him a spin-off.

I'm with all those who are tired of Reade's and especially Zapata's holier-than-tou attitude. I wanted to kick her during that team meeting. Also tired of their sub-plot and Weller not catching on what sort of trouble is brewing there - but I guess he's somewhat distracted. Talk about another plot I'm already tired of: Nas and Weller doing the deed *yawn* Also tired of Nas and her 'I trusted the wrong person'-stick.

I loved Patterson and Jane failing the Bechdel-test, he! It was a great scene - at least one person on the team does not behave like a complete a** towards Jane. Which of course just raises the chance she's the mole, that would be awesomely heart-breaking but I doubt the show is going there. Of course things will not end great for Roman. Either Jane or Weller will have to kill him at some point. Man, this show is depressing - no wonder I crave some Rich Dotcom from time to time.

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I like Rich's energy and sense of humour but I could do with less of him talking total rubbish constantly.

My main takeaway from this one was that I hope they aren't going to do the mole plotline all season and they'll just reveal who it is soon.

Also I still don't buy Nas' attraction to Weller so I'm hoping she's playing him.

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