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S02.E06: Her Spy's Harmed

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Weller and Nas? Seriously? I'm supposed to watch this guy angst over Jane, brood over becoming a father with Allie, and now have irresponsibly timed sex with Nas?

Reade's story is interesting to me but it's not being done in an interesting way, if that makes any sense. Male victims of sexual assault are rarely shown on tv, they seem to be even rarer if they aren't white. But we haven't really spent any time with Reade about this, emotionally speaking; it's just been 'Reade goes here and does this thing' then 'Reade goes here and kind of learns something and we zoom in on Rob Brown's stunned face before ending the scene'. Like with Jane I feel like we've spent more time watching Weller brood over becoming a father. This show has weird priorities. Personally I'd say childhood abduction/forced assassin training and childhood sexual assault > becoming a dad on the What's More Traumatic scale.

Though I have no idea why Zapata thinks no one saw that tape or photographed it or something. At the very least they're going to find the other tapes and realize one is missing.

I wouldn't have thought Patterson's idea of a last-minute date would be sparring. Jane or Zapata, sure, but not Patterson. Would've thought she was a Netflix kind of girl. Totally knew she was going to call Borden 'David', poor guy; all the 'I CANNOT tell you about my classified work' fussing was telegraphing it. I still think he's the mole (though I know think 'Weller is the mole, he's been brainwashed and is a sleeper agent' is looking more credible).

Jane and Roman were the highlight of the episode for me. The fight scenes are just aces, I don't think I've enjoyed fight scenes like this in a while. Jane and Roman are beasts and they do a great job of tempering Jane's skill with compassion. But some of my favorites scenes of theirs was when they were connecting. The tension in Roman's body when he was watching Jane try (and fail) to open the puzzle box, Jane remembering more of their childhood together and the depth of their connection, Roman's face when Jane said she trusted him, and the scene when Jane was able to open the box. 

Also glad they clarified that Roman/Ian is her biological brother and that Shepherd's name isn't really Shepherd. As Roman said, that'd be a little too convenient.

Edited by slf
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I gotta watch this one again because I didn't quite understand everything that was going on... but another good episode.

Except for the random Weller/Nas hookup. That sucked. The only thing that might save that unnecessary development is if she wasn't being genuine. Like, she found out that Sandstorm's been tracking him for decades and that's when she decides to have a bonding sesh with him? We haven't seen them hanging out or talking much outside of the cases but she listens to his Mayfair Mumbles and is overcome with the desire to sleep with him? They tried to set it up with the "couple on vacation" cover and "honey" comments but it wasn't enough. He's got Jane all doe-eyed, Allie all knocked up, and now Nas is smitten? The actor may be a ladies' man in other roles but he's not here, so meh to that. But if it's her way of getting more intel, maybe getting into his apartment to plant a bug... well, Patterson put a wrench in that by telling Weller about the bug she put in Borden's office.

Oh good, so the Reade/Coach thing was a misdirect. I'm guessing it was his friend's doing, after getting kicked out of Reade's apartment? Maybe he took the broken knife that Reade threw out? So now Reade is in hot water because he just had to break into the house... and he didn't watch the tape and the guy is dead now so he still has no answers. I have no clue how he'll get away with this, everything they're doing makes him look more and more guilty. Little gratuitous nakedness with Reade and Zapata getting changed... either that's step number one toward putting them together or more proof that they're just bros. I'd prefer the latter, please.

I thought Roman (Ian!) was a lost cause but perhaps he can be turned. And we learned the history of that scar. I liked the scene where Jane told him she didn't like her old self, it was a good way to establish who she is now and to encourage him to get on board with that. It's really unfair to expect her to be who she was, though I also understand his frustration that she got to forget the horrible things they went through. I'm really enjoying the actor and their relationship, so I hope he does switch teams and maybe work on cases like Jane does (that may be pushing it, lol). That is, if Shepherd and her chip doesn't destroy the world first.

Patterson and Borden (Robert!) continued to be cute. I'm glad she was better about maintaining confidentiality, especially after receiving NSA level access, both because she needs to be better about that after David anyway and because Borden was a little too interested in hanging around while she worked. Good cover with the whole, "I love that you love your work" stuff, man... still got my eye on you. LOL. But I'm actually starting to suspect Weller, now that they've revealed that he knows Shepherd's voice. It wouldn't make sense to out him via the giant tattoo on Jane's back... I don't know. Maybe he's not the mole but knows Shepherd's voice from military training or something. Whenever he remembers her, I hope we'll learn her real name as well.

I don't really understand the whole Mayfair/Winter plot so I won't even go there, haha.

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Blah with Nas and Weller. Poor Jane still carries a torch for this jackass who has a baby momma and is now sleeping with someone who works wth them.

I'm really liking Roman. I like how he is a gray character and don't want to see him die. Maybe he will turn on Shephard instead of go the obvious route with Jane killing him.

No more cute Robert and Patterson scenes because then they will make one of them the mole and will crush all our shipper hearts. 

I like Reade and Zapata's friendship and hope they keep it this way and don't go the relationship route. I did like how they were angst free when they were talking to each other in their underwear. Score one for the writers.

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So, the mystery this time takes Weller and Nas to Bulgaria, where they hunt down someone who isn't Edward Snowden, but kind of is, but suddenly isn't again, since he was apparently a patsy by Sandstorm.  Oh, and then Weller and Nas hook-up.  Great.  That's really what I wanted, show.  More of Weller getting it on.  This alone now makes me hope Nas is the mole, because having alternative motives will be the only way I accept this twist.

Patterson and Borden have their first big tiff, due to her overworking, not admitting it, and then even calling him David.  But he already seems to forgive, so I'm back to wondering if he could be the mole.  Also, Patterson finds Nas' bug, so that will no doubt cause some distrust.

Totally think it was Reade's friend that killed the coach and he saw it, but is now covering up for him.  I wonder how long he and Zapata will be able to keep everything from flying off the handle.  The scene of them casually stripping to their underwear was interesting, since it didn't have any of the normal "secretly attracted or looking each other" thing that most shows.  That was refreshing.  But to now go down a more gratuitous path, holy crap, Audrey Esparza has a great body!

Jane and Roman go on a mission, get the chip, and beat some folks up.  And, hey, Roman even spared some of them!  Jane is rubbing off on him! I continue to think this heading towards her getting close enough, that she starts questioning which side he wants to be on.

Episode ends with Weller recognizing Shepherd's voice, so they seem to have some kind of history.  Hmm...

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3 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

But to now go down a more gratuitous path, holy crap, Audrey Esparza has a great body!

Kudos to wardrobe department for concealing it more than a full season.......

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I really like Roman and I like Roman and Jane/Remy together.  Their fight scene was great.

I really wish they would bring on another guy that Jane/Remy can be with because I hate that she may still end up with Weller.  I still miss her S1 boo.

This was a good episode.

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Why do women characters on this show want to screw Weller while no one (that I'm aware of) out here finds him attractive in the least, and think he's a huge jerk and a creep. And why do all computer "nerds" babble incessantly during their scenes, in this show and in others. Please, writers, spare us the "I'm so clever just listen to all my chatter" IT guys from now on.

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Well, only a couple of episodes but I already care a lot more about Roman than I ever did about Weller. The scenes between the siblings were terrific. And that bloody gum wrapper nearly made me cry.

Reade's plot could be intriguing but it feels like something belonging to another show. As it is not enough time can be spent on the emotional impact the abuse revelation had on him and yet it still feels as if that plot takes up too much time.

Patterson and Boden are way too cute together - obviously one of them must be the mole.

Weller/Nas was telegraphed from the get go. It's still boring as was all his angsting. Why the hell can't this show focus on Jane and everything she's going through? Sometimes I think when the show was pitched some suit insisted that a female lead wouldn't work and that there must be a male lead/counterpart and so they came up with Weller and all his adjacent drama. It worked for a while with the Taylor Shaw angle but now it starts to feel contrived. Jane was tortured for weeks in a CIA black site - never mind Weller's going to be a Daddy! Jane has conflicting feelings of loyalty - never mind Weller is a victim of Sandstorm too *gasp* Jane might be able to turn Roman - never mind Weller knows Shepherd *dun-dun-dun*

Edited by MissLucas
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I am curious about one thing (well, several things about this show confuse me, but for the purposes of this post...), Suppose Reade retrieved the tape as planned, and puts it back on the rack, as planned.  Cops eventually work their way down to the basement, where they notice a large supply of tapes with names on them.  Review of any tape reveals that they are child abuse tapes.  Cops write down all the names from the tapes, and one of them says, "Hey, this one says Reade.  Wasn't that the name of the FBI guy who was just here? And this kid looks like him.  Hmmm."  I think he should be glad that he took it with him.

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Let me get this straight. Kamal and Weller are in the middle of a mission. They are in the critical situation as they are on the run from opposing forces. It is in the middle of the day, yet they still have the time, and have the willing, to have sex? While their subject is in the next room? Does Weller not remember that he still has an ex-girlfriend that is pregnant with his child? I hope that this time he thinks contraception otherwise it will be funny for Kamal to get pregnant before Knight gives birth.

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I was only 3/4 watching while doing other things.  I have pretty much no idea what is going on.  I didn't follow what was going on with the Snowden like character at all.  But I didn't care.  All I know is that Jane and Roman/Ian together are awesome.  Loved their fight scenes and their interactions.   Luke Mitchell is great here.  His character is more interesting than his Lincoln on Agents of SHIELD, and he is bringing out something in Jane that is making me like her much more than I did last season.

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I think my favourite moment in this episode was when Jane told Roman to "Smarten up!" It was such a big sister thing to say, and the delivery was perfect. She might as well have been a normal person telling her brother to stop getting high at family functions. 

I love their scenes, but I also hate when the main characters exist in separate spheres. Reade and Zapata were doing their own thing, Nas and Weller, and Jane and Roman. For that reason, I do hope Jane manages to turn Roman and that he can be a part of her (so-called) life. 

I agree with the people who have asked why the show can't focus more on what Jane's going through. It's amazing that the notion of PTSD hasn't even come up. Three months of torture. No biggie. 

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That was by far the worst sex scene I have ever seen/endured on TV. NO set up, no chemistry, illogical timing.......

So Nas, Weller, and the red shirt local FBI agent (In Bulgaria?!) are able to take down a 10+ black ops team (who are wearing full body armor) with only hand guns? Right after sex?

The new evil assistant CIA director goes around "undercover" carrying his CIA credentials with him? What? I can't believe Weller asked him to prove he was CIA and that Weller believed he was CIA based on his ID badge. Like no one can make a fake CIA badge? Weller knows what a real CIA ID badge looks like?

The hypocrisy continues. Reade, Zapata, and Weller crucify Jane, yet they all commit crimes and cover them up. They can rationalize all they want, but Jane is the most innocent of the bunch.

Next week looks like a Halloween filler before resuming the Roman and Jane story line. Here's hoping the writer's forget about everything that happened in Bulgaria.

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29 minutes ago, snuffles said:

Right after sex?

It charged them up, I guess. 

I am so enjoying Ian/Roman & Jane. But it also makes me mourn the fact that they absolutely wasted  Luke Mitchell on AoS. But the show runners managed to waste Tahmoh Penikett so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. 

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Yeah, Weller having insta-sex with a co-worker while he has a pregnant girlfriend, ex or not, shows me what a scabby scab mc scab he is. Not that I didn't already think he's a waste of space before. And what does everyone think is on that tape? Reade didn't watch it. It would be hilarious if all those tapes were kid's birthday party scenes and the dead guy was a party magician or something. And Reade killed him because ... of nothing.

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40 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

Culinary Institute of America.  Make way, please.

But they are prohibited from working domestically.....unless cooperating with another federal agency...like the Fashion Branding Importers

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On 10/20/2016 at 1:15 PM, saber5055 said:

Why do women characters on this show want to screw Weller while no one (that I'm aware of) out here finds him attractive in the least, and think he's a huge jerk and a creep. And why do all computer "nerds" babble incessantly during their scenes, in this show and in others. Please, writers, spare us the "I'm so clever just listen to all my chatter" IT guys from now on.

I don't understand how the casting got so many of the guys right and failed with the main guy.  Oscar and Jane had great chemistry.  I'm loving the vibe between Ian/Roman and Remy/Jane.  And I loved David, I love Borden, Reade is fine and then there is Weller who is just so unattractive to me and charisma free, I just don't understand how they got it this wrong.

I re-watched the episode and honestly Roman/Jane were just great together, that moment in the lab where he gets upset with her saying the first night they met and then talking about how her looking at him like a sociopath and it just worked for me because I can imagine having a sibling who has forgotten you and all your experiences.  I seriously just flove them.

I have decided that Nas is just playing Weller, she knew he was vulnerable and this was her play to get closer to him.  Otherwise, I'll have to be disappointed by her and I love Archie to much, so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.

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I don't hate Weller the way many seem to here.  I do agree that his character suffers from whiplash syndrome in that he seems to go from woman to woman, but I also get that he's had a traumatic childhood.  I mean the guy had a murderous or pedophile for a father, and he murdered Weller's childhood friend.  Then he suckered Weller into allowing him to get close to him again only to confess that "Yeah, you were right, I did murder your friend all those years ago."  Throw in Jane's betrayal and Mayfair's murder, and I can find some sympathy for the character.  That being said, the writers are not doing him any favors.  As you guys mention, he seems to go from woman to woman, although it's not out of character for a man to do that when he's hurting.  It's just a little too random for me.  Regardless, I still like Weller and want to know his connection to Shepard and why they have been watching him for 20 years.

Reade and Zapada are great characters, but this side story of their's just seems so unnecessary.  It's completely separate from the rest of the storylines, and I feel like it slows down the other stories when we have to invest time in a "Did he kill him or didn't he?" drama.

I concur with everyone that the real prize of Blindspot right now is the Jane/Roman relationship.  THOSE two are riveting on screen because both characters are likable and sympathetic.  I never thought I would consider Roman likable or sympathetic, but he managed both of those things in this last episode.  He broke my heart, in fact.  When Jane said he loved killing, Roman quietly admonished her saying "I see the way you look at me, like I'm a sociopath," and then he basically lets her know that she made him what he was and after she left, Shepherd finished the job.  He demonstrated in the very next breath that he IS capable of mercy when he refused to kill any of the guards he was taking on in the hallway after Jane quietly reminded him that he was fighting innocent people who had no idea that they were in a war.  He got the point, and made a conscious decision not to kill.  This demonstrates that the guy is not a maniac or a sociopath.  It's also sad that he thinks so little of the value of his own life.  So I loved that Jane set him straight on that point, and their scene together at the end with the gum wrapper, Roman crying, and Jane consoling him was the emotional cherry on top.  When Roman told her that the old Remy would have made the mission her priority and not his life, Jane was stunned.  She's starting to realize that Remy was a ruthless killer.  Then she let him know that she hopes that other person never comes back.  Can we please get way more scenes of these two in upcoming episodes?  My only fear now is that Roman is going to die, which would be horrible because I think he is a fantastic addition to the show.  I would love to see him get turned.  I could see him and Patterson together at some point.  He's so serious, deadly, guarded, and damaged, and she's the total opposite - funny, nerdy, forgiving and endearing.

Edited by Bishop
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This episode had everyone paired off -- but I didn't necessarily think that was a bad thing.

Nas/Weller -- Well, I barely paid attention to this plot since I couldn't even remember the info about Winter/Orion/Mayfair they gave earlier in the season, but it didn't really matter since they summarized it at the end of the episode. Why does Weller (or anyone else) assume that Sandstorm has been watching him for decades just because of the academy(?) graduation video? Maybe that's just his history they were looking into. Nas and Weller hook up. Yawn.

Patterson/Borden -- Or should I say, Robert? I hate that they are potentially setting him up as the mole. Why can't we have nice things?!

Reade/Zapata -- I'm not sure I like where this storyline is going. Things can only spiral more out of control from here, right? I like these two, but not this arc.

Jane/Remy/Roman/Ian -- *sniff* I'm not crying, you're crying! Loved that they filled out a little more their relationship - past and present. My favorite line was *Jane handles situation*, to Remy: "See how I'm NOT covered in blood?" Jane/Jaimie are the main reason I still with this show. As long as they keep this part strong I can ignore Weller drama.

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11 hours ago, Trini said:

Jane/Remy/Roman/Ian -- *sniff* I'm not crying, you're crying! Loved that they filled out a little more their relationship - past and present. My favorite line was *Jane handles situation*, to Remy: "See how I'm NOT covered in blood?" Jane/Jaimie are the main reason I still with this show. As long as they keep this part strong I can ignore Weller drama.

I so agree with this. Being an unabashed Jamie fan she is the reason I started watching and also the main reason I am sticking around. I am loving the non-romantic chemistry between her and her brother. More of her and her past please.

This Weller stuff needs to stop before he end up with two women pregnant at the same time. Like Taub on "House." And I don't believe for a minute all these women are so into that werewolf caveman. I am convinced Archie's character is plaiying him, time will tell though.

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On Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 8:04 PM, Bishop said:

I concur with everyone that the real prize of Blindspot right now is the Jane/Roman relationship.  THOSE two are riveting on screen because both characters are likable and sympathetic.  I never thought I would consider Roman likable or sympathetic, but he managed both of those things in this last episode.  He broke my heart, in fact.  When Jane said he loved killing, Roman quietly admonished her saying "I see the way you look at me, like I'm a sociopath," and then he basically lets her know that she made him what he was and after she left, Shepherd finished the job.  He demonstrated in the very next breath that he IS capable of mercy when he refused to kill any of the guards he was taking on in the hallway after Jane quietly reminded him that he was fighting innocent people who had no idea that they were in a war.  He got the point, and made a conscious decision not to kill.  This demonstrates that the guy is not a maniac or a sociopath.  It's also sad that he thinks so little of the value of his own life.  So I loved that Jane set him straight on that point, and their scene together at the end with the gum wrapper, Roman crying, and Jane consoling him was the emotional cherry on top.  When Roman told her that the old Remy would have made the mission her priority and not his life, Jane was stunned.  She's starting to realize that Remy was a ruthless killer.  Then she let him know that she hopes that other person never comes back.  Can we please get way more scenes of these two in upcoming episodes?  My only fear now is that Roman is going to die, which would be horrible because I think he is a fantastic addition to the show.  I would love to see him get turned.  I could see him and Patterson together at some point.  He's so serious, deadly, guarded, and damaged, and she's the total opposite - funny, nerdy, forgiving and endearing.

Ok so I have a slightly different take on the bolded.  I actually don't think Remy was that ruthless of a killer when it came to her brother.  Something Roman said about how Remy told him that you have to hide the things you love so they can't be taken makes me think about their relationship.  I just don't buy that a ruthless killer goes back to retrieve a gum wrapper because of the significance to her brother, I think Remy was hard on him and she probably was a mess in so many different ways but I do think she loved her brother.  She protected his life the only way she knew and while I do think she was more ruthless than Roman, I also think that Roman may be remembering his sister through a Shepherd filter as well.

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My complaint with Weller isn't that he's jumping from woman to woman (not that I agree with that), it's that he's rude, gruff, has no social skills, and now is suppose to be in charge of this special task force yet he can't even have a polite conversation with anyone. As for him growing up all angsty, that's not true since he didn't find out Dad killed Taylor until last season, then he took it all out on Jane for no reason other than she/he both thought she was Taylor. I mean, WTH? The guy's just ... nasty. Plus he's not even good looking what with that germ-infested neck beard.

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On 10/24/2016 at 11:25 AM, sking24450 said:

Ok so I have a slightly different take on the bolded.  I actually don't think Remy was that ruthless of a killer when it came to her brother.  Something Roman said about how Remy told him that you have to hide the things you love so they can't be taken makes me think about their relationship.  I just don't buy that a ruthless killer goes back to retrieve a gum wrapper because of the significance to her brother, I think Remy was hard on him and she probably was a mess in so many different ways but I do think she loved her brother.  She protected his life the only way she knew and while I do think she was more ruthless than Roman, I also think that Roman may be remembering his sister through a Shepherd filter as well.

I have no doubt at all that Remy loved her brother.  That was demonstrated when he was being held down as a child and his face slashed, and she was desperate to get to him.  My point is only that of the two siblings, Remy is more ruthless and deadly.  Roman has been spoken about like he's a sadistic sociopath, a maniac.  The last episode proved otherwise.  He is damaged and alone.  I think he has a deep resentment of Jane for choosing to erase her memories - and him - for the good of the mission.  When she said to him "the first time we met, you killed six cops," Roman exploded and reminded her that it WASN'T the first time they met.  They have an entire history together - decades of memories - and she chose to erase it all, and him, for the good of the mission.  She was also able to be a more effective and efficient killer, even as a youngster.  Whereas Roman didn't come by it naturally.  It  had to be beaten into him.  In saying this, I am not saying that Jane is a sociopath or unfeeling.  Instead, I am saying that Jane's initial opinions of her brother have been turned on their head.  She sees him in a different light now, and I loved how she called him "Ian" at the end.  "I love you, Ian."  It was a personal moment between them that had nothing to do with their alias.'

On 10/24/2016 at 11:30 AM, saber5055 said:

My complaint with Weller isn't that he's jumping from woman to woman (not that I agree with that), it's that he's rude, gruff, has no social skills, and now is suppose to be in charge of this special task force yet he can't even have a polite conversation with anyone. As for him growing up all angsty, that's not true since he didn't find out Dad killed Taylor until last season, 

No, Weller ALWAYS suspected it was his father, which is why they hadn't spoken to each other in decades.  That's why they were estranged.  Also, did his mother die when he was young?  I don't see Weller being able to confront his emotions on his own, and if his mother wasn't around, and it was just his father, I can see why he has no social skills.  Also, yeah, Weller can be rude, but he has also shown a compassionate side.  I liked Weller a lot last season, and this season, the writers seem to be writing him differently - very hot headed, going from woman to woman, fighting with other people.  The writers need to get back to season one Weller, who I liked alot.  


then he took it all out on Jane for no reason other than she/he both thought she was Taylor.

It was a lot more than that.  Jane WAS lying to him the entire time, and she WAS responsible for getting Mayfair murdered.  How is Weller suppose to just ignore that fact?  We had the convenience of seeing both Weller and Jane's side of the story, but if you look at it purely from Weller's pov, he can only feel betrayal.  Heck, even Mayfair's reaction to finding out the truth about Jane was betrayal  - "I wish I could see his face when he finds out the truth about you." Weller didn't just "take it out on Jane" for no reason.  He had very valid reasons for his anger, and on top of that, he allowed his father to get back into his life because since he thought Jane was Taylor Shaw, Weller believed he had been wrong about his father the entire time.  Instead, Weller was right.  His father did kill Taylor, and because of Jane's deception, Weller lowered his guard, ignored his instincts, and he got betrayed all over again.  On a side note:  Was it ever established on the show if Weller's father was a pedophile?  I got that impression because part of why Weller was so angry was because he thought Jane was Taylor Shaw, he allowed his young nephew around his father too.

Edited by Bishop
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This week in Weller is really unprofessional: not two minutes after a mission has gone badly because his personal life got involved, he sleeps with Nas?

As for Nas it's hard to know if she was being unprofessional or just crossing a line to be a more effective spy/mole. I thought it was interesting she didn't call Weller out for letting CIA guy provoke him so easily by mentioning Jane. And he wonders why Sandstorm have been watching him? He's very easily manipulated.

I liked the Jane/Roman stuff in this episode but I am a bit weary of the plot structure (and Burn Notice used to do this) where they chase one lead (Douglas White) and it goes nowhere but there's another lead. I thought they might be going to do something more interesting with Douglas so that plot was a bit lame.

On 26/10/2016 at 7:43 PM, Bishop said:

 On a side note:  Was it ever established on the show if Weller's father was a pedophile?  I got that impression because part of why Weller was so angry was because he thought Jane was Taylor Shaw, he allowed his young nephew around his father too.

I don't think the actor playing Weller's dad has a line where he comes out and says it but it was pretty heavily implied and as you say it explains why Weller is so angry since he'd constantly been around Sarah's kid.

Edited by Beatriceblake
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