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Grimm Spoilers and Spoiler Discussion


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Well, if it says that he will be suspend then it's definitely not for personal leave. Suspension is used as a form of punishment, but if Renard wants him to take leave then I guess he can force him to take a "leave of absence" due to personal matters. 


To be fair, suspension was my word.  It could be a forced leave of absence.

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I'm not sure that's assuring that David doesn't know, it most likely means the writers don't know themselves.


This is true.  I saw a tweet go out on 10/26, that said (putting my cutting a pasting skills to work):

User Actions  


56The Grimm WritersVerified account


Premiere in 5 days.

Start shooting 511.

Finish prepping 512.

513, 14, and 15 are all being written.

We're Grimm-ing pretty hard this week.


So, they are writing only 2-3 episodes ahead of filming?  Yes, they should have the plot of the season mapped out--but if season 4 taught us anything it is that the show runners and writers won't blink an eye at throwing it all out the window if another "brilliant" (blech) idea comes into their heads.


Another thing to keep in mind when reading social media or even these "interviews" with the cast...these are not casual comments. What they say (regarding the show) is pretty carefully prepped and regulated.  I don't know if this is addressed in their contracts, but I'm sure there would be severe ramifications if they let anything slip and I'm sure they are "encouraged" to keep up the marketing line of dialogue, which may or may not contain several "untruths", misdirections, or red herrings.


Edited to fix all the spelling and grammatical errors.  Cold Medicine and typing do not work well together....

Edited by OtterMommy
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Better not be Monroe or Bud.



ETA: Maybe it's *really* Juliette this time.


I'm pretty sure it's not Monroe.  Bud...well...that I can, unfortunately see (I could also see it being Wu).  As for Juliette...I don't think so, only because they're (we think) going to all this trouble to make us think (ha!) she's dead to build up to her big comeback.

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If it's somebody who's been on from the beginning, not Rosalee then.  When did Bud and Wu come on the scene?  I'd really only like to see Adalind go.  Wouldn't miss her a bit, whereas any of the others' absences would be a loss for me. 

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If it's somebody who's been on from the beginning, not Rosalee then.  When did Bud and Wu come on the scene?  I'd really only like to see Adalind go.  Wouldn't miss her a bit, whereas any of the others' absences would be a loss for me. 


Wu has been on since the first episode while Rosalee came in mid-way through the first season.  So, if they are getting rid of one of the "originals," it would have to be Wu (or possibly Hank, I guess).


I don't know how I feel about that.  It really should be Adalind...they've already lost any sense of direction with her, so it would be to the show's benefit.

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I think the death will be Hank. If Nick is going in a new direction and doesn't return to his job there is no need for Hank anymore. Wu still has high entertainment value as the wise-cracking supporting character but Hank working cases with his nondescript partner not so much.


Or maybe Sasha Roiz has other offers and wants to move on.

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I think the death will be Hank. If Nick is going in a new direction and doesn't return to his job there is no need for Hank anymore. Wu still has high entertainment value as the wise-cracking supporting character but Hank working cases with his nondescript partner not so much.


Or maybe Sasha Roiz has other offers and wants to move on.


I don't think it is Renard, for 3 reasons:

1 - He's a fan favorite, and the creative team knows (at least I hope they know, or they are more delusional than I thought) that they can't afford to lose more viewers.

2 - It actually looks like he might be somehow involved in the uprising plot.

3 - Sasha Roiz is very involved here in Portland and I can't see him leaving the area yet.


Other than that, I'd put the odds on Hank more than Wu at this point.  Wu seems, from what I can tell, to have more pull with the viewers and, thanks to his photographic memory, might be more useful to Nick going forward.


Plus, there is the fact that Wu's character has grown over the series whereas Hank's, with a few little blips here and there, has stayed pretty stagnant.  I wouldn't be surprised if Russell Hornsby wants something a bit more career-advancing.

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What with the ever expanding Marvel universe and DC also producing live-action versions of their comics, it's not out of the realm of possibility that Sasha could get a lucrative offer for something. He's raised his profile with this show and certainly has the physical presence for those kind of roles. People relocate for their jobs all the time and then get involved in their new community.

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I'm pretty sure it will be one of the cops.  It makes sense with the uprising, and all hell breaking loose in Portland.  I really hate it though, when shows just kill off popular characters.  Because it's in vogue and shocking or whatever.  A cop killing could fit in the plot, but then again any one of them could have been killed prior to this given the extraordinary danger they deal with.  I'll be an unhappy camper, but I have a feeling this will be the final season anyway.  And if it does happen with Hank, Wu or Renard, Nick will display the same level of emotion he has with Kelly and Juliette.

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And if it does happen with Hank, Wu or Renard, Nick will display the same level of emotion he has with Kelly and Juliette.


It'll have the same impact as their 'deaths' if Juliette stays dead.


It'll just be a repeat of Nick's angst which already wore thin.


I'll be an unhappy camper, but I have a feeling this will be the final season anyway.


Honestly, it should seeing the way the series is heading.

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They're going to wait until ep 100 to bring her back and act like a big surprise aren't they?



Well, what I've heard is that she shows up at the end of episode 8 (which I think is episode 96?), which should be the last episode before the holiday break.  Now, that being said, the person who is saying this won't say how they know it (it showed up in reddit).  So, take that with whatever faith you think it deserves.


But, I will add this...BT went unusually social media quiet during at the time they would have been filming this episode.  She does still post things, but not to what she was doing before.  Plus, she's posted at least two set pictures since then...


But, back to those pictures from the 100th ep party (in the media thread, by the way...).  Did you notice that Jacqueline Toboni was NOT in any of them?  Well, what is weird about that is that there are "unofficial" pictures (cell phone pics from cast members and people who attended the party) showing that she was there.  So....what does that mean?

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Did you notice that Jacqueline Toboni was NOT in any of them?  Well, what is weird about that is that there are "unofficial" pictures (cell phone pics from cast members and people who attended the party) showing that she was there.  So....what does that mean?

It looks like all the press pictures were taken from the same vantage point, so she might have just been standing in the wrong place. And/or the press photographer didn't recognize her to know to try to get a picture of her. And/or she managed to avoid the press photographer but couldn't sidestep all the cell phone cameras. It may not have anything to do with the story. I'm in exactly one "official" photo from my brother's wedding, and that one's from the very end of the reception when the photographer realized the groom had a sister he'd taken no pictures of and insisted on posing one, but I'm in photos the other guests took. It didn't necessarily mean anything, just that the photographer didn't think to focus on me and I tend to avoid photographers. I'll admit that it might be odd for an actress to deliberately avoid a press photographer, but it depends on her personality -- she might have thought it would be weird to be front-and-center for the 100th episode party when she wasn't there from the beginning (or at least the first season) like all the others and when she's still in "guest star" status, and so she stayed off to the side. So I'm not sure it has anything to do with the plot. I'm a bit more "hmmm" about Bitsie Tulloch's presence, but since she's in town, even if she weren't coming back, it would have been kind of tacky to exclude her when she was there from the beginning and was only recently written off.

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Well, what I've heard is that she shows up at the end of episode 8 (which I think is episode 96?), which should be the last episode before the holiday break.  Now, that being said, the person who is saying this won't say how they know it (it showed up in reddit).  So, take that with whatever faith you think it deserves.


But, I will add this...BT went unusually social media quiet during at the time they would have been filming this episode.  She does still post things, but not to what she was doing before.  Plus, she's posted at least two set pictures since then...


But, back to those pictures from the 100th ep party (in the media thread, by the way...).  Did you notice that Jacqueline Toboni was NOT in any of them?  Well, what is weird about that is that there are "unofficial" pictures (cell phone pics from cast members and people who attended the party) showing that she was there.  So....what does that mean?


That sounds likely.  Does that mean Truble might be the 'death' that was mentioned in a spoiler?

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That sounds likely.  Does that mean Truble might be the 'death' that was mentioned in a spoiler?


I hope not...I've had trouble (ha ha!) seeing her as a regular in this show--I just don't see how they can tie her to the central story long-term, but as a character that sorts of comes and goes, she would be great.  I mean, I guess it could be, but we'll have to wait and see (my first choice is still Adalind, although I think Hank is the most likely....)

It looks like all the press pictures were taken from the same vantage point, so she might have just been standing in the wrong place. And/or the press photographer didn't recognize her to know to try to get a picture of her. And/or she managed to avoid the press photographer but couldn't sidestep all the cell phone cameras. It may not have anything to do with the story. I'm in exactly one "official" photo from my brother's wedding, and that one's from the very end of the reception when the photographer realized the groom had a sister he'd taken no pictures of and insisted on posing one, but I'm in photos the other guests took. It didn't necessarily mean anything, just that the photographer didn't think to focus on me and I tend to avoid photographers. I'll admit that it might be odd for an actress to deliberately avoid a press photographer, but it depends on her personality -- she might have thought it would be weird to be front-and-center for the 100th episode party when she wasn't there from the beginning (or at least the first season) like all the others and when she's still in "guest star" status, and so she stayed off to the side. So I'm not sure it has anything to do with the plot. I'm a bit more "hmmm" about Bitsie Tulloch's presence, but since she's in town, even if she weren't coming back, it would have been kind of tacky to exclude her when she was there from the beginning and was only recently written off.



I guess...but with the number of pictures taken, it is odd that she didn't show up in *any* of them, especially when there were several cast shots from different angles.

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I hope not...I've had trouble (ha ha!) seeing her as a regular in this show--I just don't see how they can tie her to the central story long-term, but as a character that sorts of comes and goes, she would be great.  I mean, I guess it could be, but we'll have to wait and see (my first choice is still Adalind, although I think Hank is the most likely....)

Possibly, if the death actually sticks.  I don't think it's Adalind because they've just dumped another baby on her and named her Nick's mom, not to mention them pushing Nick and Adalind in the show.

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Well, what I've heard is that she shows up at the end of episode 8 (which I think is episode 96?), which should be the last episode before the holiday break.  Now, that being said, the person who is saying this won't say how they know it (it showed up in reddit).  So, take that with whatever faith you think it deserves.


But, I will add this...BT went unusually social media quiet during at the time they would have been filming this episode.  She does still post things, but not to what she was doing before.  Plus, she's posted at least two set pictures since then...


Just came across a tweet from the Grimm writers...someone asked when we'll find out what's in the cell.  The answer?  "before 512."

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They updated the article to the link I posted in the media thread.  Here's the link (again):




This part I found interesting:




For fans of the show, the presence of Bitsie Tulloch at the celebration feeds more speculation that her character, Nick's girlfriend Juliette, didn't actually die at the end of Season 4.

Tulloch chose her words carefully when asked if Juliette is really dead. "Yes," she said, "We have seen the last of Juliette. Juliette is dead."

But Tulloch had enough of a gleam in her eye to make it seem that Juliette may come back in some other form.



I knew it...they're going to rip off The Winter Soldier....

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I knew it...they're going to rip off The Winter Soldier....


I had to look that up.  So, Juliette survived but has no memory, and is reprogrammed?  Great.  Then no doubt the intrepid gang has to find a way to re-reprogram her.  Swell.

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I had to look that up.  So, Juliette survived but has no memory, and is reprogrammed?  Great.  Then no doubt the intrepid gang has to find a way to re-reprogram her.  Swell.


Well, since Carpenter, Greenwalt, and Kouf think they've "used up" all the fairy tales, I guess they thought they'd just start using Marvel plot lines.  Sigh.


(Actually, I loved the Winter Soldier..but it is one of those things that works...once.  I think an attempt to re-tell it/rip it off will just come across as shoddy).

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Oh, I am sure that there are lots of fairy tales/folk tales to use from. Didn't they just find more unknown Grimm tales not too long ago? I do think that the relationship/Hexen Juliette/baby angsts have been eating up too much time. 

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There have got to be lots more fairy or folk tales to pull from.  I would not mind revisiting some previous Wesen we've met and who didn't bite the dust.


There are HUNDREDS of fairy tales they haven't even touched.  There was even a collection of fairy tales that came out last year by...ugh...can't remember the name.  Anyway, he was a contemporary, or at least close, to the Grimm brothers but his stories are more "natural" (the Grimm brothers "cleaned things up" as they went along).  I have it and I've read through some of it--and there are plenty of episode opportunities in it (and some fun gender-based things...the damsel saves the prince, a Cinderella-esque story with a male Cinderella, etc).


And, even if they did all those, there are *millions* of folktales across every culture.  I think one of the most successful episodes they did was the Aswang one--not only because it gave Reggie Wu a chance to actually act, but because it pulled in the cultural element...and the Aswang was probably the only truly "scary" Wesen I've seen.


Speaking of that...in that episode the Aswang leaves a bit of a calling card--its claw leaves 4 marks on trees, windowsills, etc--and they look just like the four lines they're talking about now.  I don't know if I can look forward to a return of the Aswang (let's face it...a huge Wesen uprising led by elderly Philippine women is, at the very least, unexpected!) or they just FORGOT THEY ALREADY USED THAT MARK!!!


Sadly, I think its the latter.

Oh, I am sure that there are lots of fairy tales/folk tales to use from. Didn't they just find more unknown Grimm tales not too long ago? I do think that the relationship/Hexen Juliette/baby angsts have been eating up too much time. 


We must have replied at the same time!  I think the collection of fairy tales you're talking about is the same one I'm talking about.  I'll go look for my copy when I have the chance.


ETA: Found my copy!  (It was on my bookshelf!  The nerve!) It is "The Turnip Princess and Other Newly Discovered Fairy Tales" by Franz Xaver von Schonwerth.  The o in the last name as an umlat (the two dots?), but that surpasses my typing abilities.

Edited by OtterMommy
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ETA: Found my copy!  (It was on my bookshelf!  The nerve!) It is "The Turnip Princess and Other Newly Discovered Fairy Tales" by Franz Xaver von Schonwerth.  The o in the last name as an umlat (the two dots?), but that surpasses my typing abilities.



Yeah, I think that was the thing that I remember happening. 

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I saw the Xaver von Schoenwerth book at Powells. I think that most of them are cinderella type stories, and also frog prince stories  - the latter has potential because it is a witch putting a spell on someone turning them into an animal, and only people with special qualities can reverse it. The writers could do something like explain the type of relationship between witches and wesen

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But, back to those pictures from the 100th ep party (in the media thread, by the way...).  Did you notice that Jacqueline Toboni was NOT in any of them?  Well, what is weird about that is that there are "unofficial" pictures (cell phone pics from cast members and people who attended the party) showing that she was there.  So....what does that mean?



Just a correction...I found a list of the airdates on wikipedia and 5.08 (where it is suggested BT will reappear) is slated to air on January 15, 2016.  The 100th episode, where it appears Nick and Monroe have their European vacation, will be February 12, 2016.

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Promo pics for 505. 


I don't plan on watching because of rapey romance, but I'm hoping that there will be full reports (and I'm hoping that Meisner and Adalind coming face to face puts this Nick and Adalind thing behind us all.  Ugh...who am I kidding?  Get ready for a love triangle...)


ETA: Corrected the episode number.

Edited by OtterMommy
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I checked out Carlson Young on IMDB, googled images.  Her face shape is wrong.  Her mouth is wrong.  And somebody has taken those captions as truth & posted those Toboni pics on IMDB as Young.  Googled Toboni images, too, and there's one of her playing around for the camera with that big ol' honkin wound on her face. LOL.

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Just checked the pictures again and I have to admit something that will pretty much show you all what a shallow person I really am.  When I saw that picture of Nick carrying Trubel, all I could think was, "Girl, you need to reconsider your underwear choices."

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OtterMommy, sometimes I wonder if you are me, posting in an amnesiac haze.


It's true....I slip into people's mind, steal their inane thoughts, and then post them on fan boards and claim them as my own.  It is my superpower.




I guess this is a spoiler, but maybe not...it's the preview for 5.05.  I can't post on that thread yet, so I have to do it here.


If you haven't seen the preview yet, go over there and watch it.  Did it?  Okay?




(Pardonnez ma francais, but CRAP!)

What the ever-living hell are these people thinking?


My new theory is that the creative team just really wants to do something else, thought "Nadalind" would piss everyone off and, when that didn't happen (because, yes, there are a surprising number of people who think rape is just so romantic) were at a loss.  So, they all decided to get stoned together, popped a copy of Ghostbusters in the DVD player and thought, "You know what would be really great?  A giant marshmallow man.  Wait, we can't do that--Melissa McCarthy would sue us.  Oh, I know!  A rat!  Let's use an EFFING 20-FOOT TALL CGI RAT!  Yeah...that will DEFINITELY get us all some extra vacation time!"


ETA: Fixed some typos...apparently the rat messed with my brain.


ETA: Okay,I felt bad about the f-bombs, so I felt compelled to go and PG-13 this post....

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Well, then, looks like they'll have to get that kid from season one - the pied piper kid - to deal with the rat.

I'm sorry, but that would involve something that is total anathema to these writers: continuity. They'd shrivel and die, like vampires in the sun.

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And it looks like my one wishlist item regarding Trubel and Adalind is not happening...boo!!!!


Well Trubel doesn't seem to be looking at Adalind with any fondness so there's that I suppose. I recognize the actor in the 1st photo as someone I enjoyed in Scrubs so that's a plus


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