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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 1 (09/28/2016 - 10/04/2016)


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Well they aren't going to show us production so obviously they won't so BB giving them instructions on how to run the comps.  lol 

I think it's a neat first HOH.

Shane is already freaking out because he doesnt want Krissy to get HOH because she's really strong so he wants to give her the bug first but he thinks that will put a huge target on his back so he's trying to find a round about way for Krissy to get the bug without her getting pissed at him or his boys lol

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So, it seems like Kryssie's becoming a target this week with her abrasive personality. Alex/Morgan were also discussing targeting her because she would target girls. Danielle's also been thrown out as a target because of her closeness with the guys. 

Granted this is just for the HOH comp, which is fun. I just hoping that we hear some of the guys' names being thrown out. I think Monte/Shane could get far and they need to be split up soon. 

It's definitely not the competition I was expecting, but I think it's interesting in concept, even if it's not exactly exciting to watch. But at least it gives them a reason to start strategizing and talking game. And I am curious to see how it's going to play out. Although I also hope that we're going to get real competitions soon and it's not all going to be things like this.

I have not committed yet and just reading here for now.   I just arrived home from a short trip so I am in the dark other than what I read here.  It was said that the challenges would not be as grand but quite simple on OTT.

So are you all enjoying it so far?  I just don't think I can stay awake until 10 and beyond.  Is Flashback a feature? 

Another question.  Can I access Periscope interviews thru FB or do I have to sign up on the site?  

Edited by wings707
3 minutes ago, flipflopdiva said:

It's definitely not the competition I was expecting, but I think it's interesting in concept, even if it's not exactly exciting to watch. But at least it gives them a reason to start strategizing and talking game. And I am curious to see how it's going to play out. Although I also hope that we're going to get real competitions soon and it's not all going to be things like this.

I think we will. I assume the department who creates the competitions, both in terms of the initial process to the actual building, needed more time to get ready. I mean, they've had less than two weeks since their last HOH comp to do a turn around on a new season. Sure, they're great at what they do, but they even need time to adjust to a completely new season. Plus, I'm sure they wanted to try out some new comps for this online season, and this particular one is very strategic and mental. People will be wondering why a certain person targeted them for the bug, or if it was just a coincidence. Why did the infected track down a particular person instead of going for the first person they saw? How can the infected play it off as a simple "you were right here"? Should a houseguest volunteer to be infected to not get HOH, or will that put a target on their back later? Why is there so much time to strategize? Is there a secret plan to get someone out?


Now that I'm talking it out, it's actually a very good first HOH comp. It already puts paranoia in the house, even if these houseguests aren't fully aware of it yet. But yeah, it is boring to watch. 

I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO SPLIT OFF INTO SMALLER GROUPS. I want to hear strategy, not conversations about people's lives! 

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34 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO SPLIT OFF INTO SMALLER GROUPS. I want to hear strategy, not conversations about people's lives! 

THIS X1000. Hearing all of them chattering at once drives me NUTS and the whole group being together brings the conversation down to the most inane level possible.

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This comp might be boring to watch but I give it a thumbs up for being different.  I can't fault BB for trying something new. 

I probably won't watch the live feeds very much this first week.  Since everything is new to them, they're all going to talk a mile a minute over each other's conversation.  After a week or so, that should start the settle down.  

Wonder if the girls will get their shit together and form an alliance this time around.  They already outnumber the guys so now's the time to do it.

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, it seems like Kryssie's becoming a target this week with her abrasive personality. Alex/Morgan were also discussing targeting her because she would target girls.

I can't say I'm mad about Kryssie being a target because I don't like her and I'd rather not listen to more of her sex stories, but Alex/Morgan wanting to target her because she'll target women is so annoying. Guess who else will target women, ladies? Every single man! So maybe, just maybe, consider targeting the men first. Sigh.

34 minutes ago, CheetaraThunder said:

Danielle gave the infection to Justin.

I thought Danielle and Justin were eyeing each other up?  Why did she give the infection to him?

Why do I a have a feeling that this is going to go boy, girl, boy, girl...

Also, wasn't Justin the one that essentially mooned America?

Edited by zenithwit

Justin volunteered for it when Danielle asked. If she's really smart, Danielle will realize that she can use Justin because he's easy to manipulate. I truly think he'd do anything for her.

Justin gave the necklace to Shelby so she's out of the running too.

I really need Shelby to give the necklace to Monte next. 

4 hours ago, bbaddict said:

Missed your Nicole love. I don't know if you heard but Natalie and James are doing a Periscope in about 8 days. If you haven't seen the one with Natalie and Michelle you should and it will give you an idea what it will be like.

Very nice! Loved Nat's reaction when James came out of the packing case! 

7 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Why do I a have a feeling that this is going to go boy, girl, boy, girl...

I hope so. That would mean a girl would get HOH, which would be very nice.

But I fear someone will break the pattern and we'll get Stalker Dead Eyes (Monte) as HOH. Unfortunately, with the last few Alpha Males (Paulie/Corey/Derrick) that we've had, and the gut feeling I have about Monte, I really don't want him winning HOH. It's not that he's even a bad guy at the moment! He hasn't even done anything, but he gives me seriously weird vibes and I'm not sure whether my feelings are legit, or the fear of him being another Paulie or Corey is projecting. 

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25 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I hope so. That would mean a girl would get HOH, which would be very nice.

But I fear someone will break the pattern and we'll get Stalker Dead Eyes (Monte) as HOH. Unfortunately, with the last few Alpha Males (Paulie/Corey/Derrick) that we've had, and the gut feeling I have about Monte, I really don't want him winning HOH. It's not that he's even a bad guy at the moment! He hasn't even done anything, but he gives me seriously weird vibes and I'm not sure whether my feelings are legit, or the fear of him being another Paulie or Corey is projecting. 

I can only go by his cast photo, but he looks like a typical Grodner douchebro jock to me.

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I really like the idea behind this first HOH but it feels so slowed pace.  I think this comp would be just as interesting if there was only 5 minutes between infections and we would probably see more scrambling.  Maybe I'm just too used to the tv shows.  

I kinda would like to see a abbreviated schedule - kinda like Survivor.  Ok maybe it would be too aggressive to eliminate someone every three days like Survivor but maybe having two evictions every week or so would be reasonable for production.  

Edited by zenithwit

I actually don't mind the HOH comp because I've wanted them to do some unorthodox comps for years. They should have comps that are unthrowable (I would even be ok with something that was basically drawing straws for that reason.) and they should have comps that don't require any type of physical prowess, memory, etc., just to further randomize comp winners. With that said, I think this comp was a bad choice for the first comp on the feeds-only version. For people who (unlike me) don't have a sick obsession with BB, I would think it was incredibly boring (and off-putting) to tune in for the first "live comp" only to have it be-- a bunch of people sitting around making small talk. Even as the comp is playing out now, I don't know who these people are or what their allegiances are, so there's no, "Wow, I can't believe X opted to infect Y! Way to show where your true loyalties lie!" They should have done something more engaging for the viewers for the first comp and saved this one for later. 

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Yeah, it's tough to tell who is in an alliance and who is just making small talk. The only alliance I know that is almost for sure is Monte/Shane. Everyone else is just friendly and basically anything but an alliance (Jason/Danielle, Whitney/Alex, Justin/Danielle, Neeley/Kryssie). 

Unfortunately, the guys are the only ones actively strategizing. I'll give props to Monte and Shane, who are playing the game. They have their bromance, they have Cornbread/Scott, and they have friendly interactions with people. Danielle's already trusted Shane and spilled her thoughts, and Cornbread is doing the same to Monte. 

But at the same time, I don't know if Monte and Shane are being truthful to each other. It's only been less than 24 hours, though, so we'll see how things play out, especially with who wins first HOH and who America puts up as a third nominee. 

Cornbread (I honestly feel stupider every time I type it as a name) wants to put up Shelby, Shane wants Kryssie up, Monte says he wants Jason up, Alex wants Jason or Neeley up and her and Whitney are suspicious of Shane, and Shane wants people to play the game and not in a group. It might have swayed me to Shane's side a bit there. 

So it looks like if Jason doesn't win HOH, he has a good chance of going up as a target. 

  • Love 1

Scott infected Neeley. 

Alex/Whitney were talking to Monte, who reassured them about Shane (of course he did) and the target is for sure Jason. If not Jason, then it'll be Neeley. 

People trust Monte, so he's probably safe this week if he doesn't win HOH. 

Well, I give Monte credit for playing the game, at least. I guess this'll be a season of watching Monte on the feeds. At least, for now. 

  • Love 1

Kryssie infected Morgan.

I'm positive that Morgan will infect Jason, and hopefully Jason can infect Monte,because he'll then infect Alex or Whitney, who should infect Cornbread, if Alex/Whitney are close enough. 

But this all falls on Jason infecting Monte and not anyone else. 

Alex/Monte/Shane are talking. It looks like they're forming something. Monte keeps calling Neeley "Keeley". 

Either way, I've been reading Twitter and some Tumblr, and it seems like Monte would be the one voted as the third nominee. People HATE him. If it's not him, then it'll be Shane, probably to deliver a message to the boys that they're not loved by America. 

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2 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

They should do this comp after people have started hooking up, so we can make "infection" jokes.  Yes, I am easily amused.

Oh, I've already been doing that to myself. Helps that I'm in the middle of a West Wing marathon with Mr. Callaphera and we hit an episode talking about STDs.

  • Love 2

Yes, please don't let Monte get the HOH. Agree with LC, America voting him as third nominee would send a very strong message to the HGs.

Whitney can go too. She's conniving.

I get bad vibes from both Monte and Shane.  Shane's tells are more subtle, but scarier (to me).

Looks like Shane, Scott, Cornbread, Whitney, Monte, Shelby, and Alex want to target Neely/Kryssie/Jason.

43 minutes ago, LordBowen said:

Looks like Shane, Scott, Cornbread, Whitney, Monte, Shelby, and Alex want to target Neely/Kryssie/Jason.

Yep, and social media outlets are freaking out because "White Alliance is targeting the minorities!". Or....here's a thought. They're targeting three strong, entertaining players to get them out of the way, all because everyone knows America is voting for the winner and they suspect America likes Jason/Neeley/Kryssie?

I desperately hate the Big Brother fandom sometimes. It's literally day 2 and racism and misogyny and body shaming is already being thrown out there. 

Well, Monte or Shane will be nominated and then most likely getting an eviction vote, and it COULD change people's alliances come next week. 

23 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Scott is a smoker.  Interesting.

And Jason probably still smokes. Which makes me very happy. I realize that's a funny thing to say about someone, "Yay! You're a smoker!" but really, the smoking couch in the backyard has always been a great place to catch strategy and gossip so I'm all for this. I really miss smokers on the show. Just not the Evel Dick type of smokers.

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4 minutes ago, LordBowen said:

With Danielle and Justin next on the list after those three, there's bound to be thoughts along that line though.

With all the different things America gets to vote on, I hope the HGs pay careful attention to the outside input they're given.

I hope so too. I don't like Monte; I've already expressed my uneasy feeling with him, in particular (I like everyone else, even Shane at the moment), so I definitely want him gone sooner rather than later. And hopefully with Jason leaving this week (I do think Jason's a goner unless he wins veto), Monte/Shane will be exposed and they won't have the power next week. These people are playing for America, so they will be taking the hints. They know their fellow houseguests have almost no say in the game, and they have no say in the winner. If they don't take the hint when Shane or Monte go up (Monte will if he doesn't win HOH), then I'll have to call these players idiots.

Besides, I think they're playing too hard with too many side alliances. They're going to get caught; neither of the seem smart enough to keep it hidden.

Jason is probably going to use the bug on Cornbread and that makes me sad. No, Jason, nobody will put up Monte! Use it on Monte because nobody else will! I mean, unless Alex or Whitney decide to give the win to each other, but since Monte wants HOH and it'll give them no blood, I'm pretty sure Monte's the first HOH this season. The only hope I have is that his ego grows even more and people are turned off by him. 

Beginning about 4:45 a.m., Justin told a story to the group in the backyard that involved him taking mushrooms and wandering into a bar that happened to be full of white supremacists. It went on for at least 10 minutes, and the group was rolling in laughter, along with the person I was chatting with. I'm not watching on CBS All Access so I don't know how to grab it in a clip. Those of you who have access may enjoy it. 

So far, like:

Shelby!  So much potential.

Justin, a southern accent that is actually less grating to me than others.

Scott is growing on me, when he hangs out with the late night crew anyway.

LNC from more interesting than daytime people so far.  Justin, Jason, Scott, Kryssie, Shelby.

Can't stand Kryssie in the daytime.

I like Danielle too, but bummed she's apparently hooked up with the Jevovah's Witness Shane that segregated the bedrooms the first hour and is bonded with my least favorite player of all, Monte.

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1 hour ago, Umbelina said:

Justin, a southern accent that is actually less grating to me than others.


Justin has a classic New Orleans accent though I think he sometimes is playing it up but its still pretty unique to certain neighborhoods.   I'm curious to know where he grew up but after Katrina lots of kids moved around so his might be a combo one.

My favorites right now are Alex and Shelby but I'm open to still liking others since its early in the season.   

Scott is now a founding member of both the OTT Jamboree and the Shane/Monte/Cornbread/Scott as yet nameless alliance. Wonder what he's thinking.

For those without feeds, OTT Jamboree consists of: Jason, Kryssie, Justin, Scott, and Shelby. They are also going to try and pull in Neely.

Jason keeps referring to Cornbread as Cornfed.  Cracks me up every single time.

NOTE: I thought earlier Shelby was with the guy alliance because she was in the Safari Room with them. But it turns out she only went in there after hearing her name mentioned and stayed for just a moment.

Edited by LordBowen
18 minutes ago, LordBowen said:

Scott is now a founding member of both the OTT Jamboree and the Shane/Monte/Cornbread/Scott as yet nameless alliance. Wonder what he's thinking.

Scott is clearly trying to play the middle.  We'll see how he does and if he has the social prowess to handle playing both sides of the house.

I think even if Jason gave the infection to Cornbread, there is a chance that Monte won't win HOH.  Cornbread obviously won't give the bug to Monte so he will have to choose between Alex and Whitney - which means whoever he gives it to will ultimately decide HOH.  It seems that Alex/Whitney have gotten close and there is a chance they won't pick each other.

Of course Cornbread/Monte probably have already realized this and might try to talk Jason into infecting one of the girls.  We'll see.

I believe both Alex & Whitney said they are here to play the game in their intros.  Let's see how true that is.

It's good to see the dividing house. It seems like it's Monte/Shane/Cornbred/Alex/Morgan/Whitney vs Justin/Jason/Danielle/Kryssie/Shelby/Neeley with Scott in the middle. At least, that's how I see it going. Scott is in an interesting position, but I do think he'd choose the OTT Jamboree since he seems friendlier with them. 

It's why no matter who wins HOH now, Jason and Kryssie are going up for sure. Well, Jason and one of Kryssie, Shelby, and Neeley. "America" will put up Shane (as I truly believe that Monte will get HOH, unless one of the girls really wants it, as one of them should be the deciding factor), though it won't make much of a difference yet. At least Monte will be put up next week by America, and maybe by then, the tides will shift, so to speak.

I'm not attached to anyone in particular, so I say Morgan infects Whitney and let's see something interesting happen! 

Also, Morgan, Whitney, and Alex have claimed to be scared to go after Jason/Cornbread/some other guy and I HATE when people at least claim to be scared. Hide it, girls! Please, because I am not here for you girls to play scared. That's one of my pet peeves, so if I have to hear "I'm so scarrrrrrrreeeeeeeeedddddd" (Fuck you, Nicole!) too often, I'm going to have to drop these girls from my list. 

Let's say America does pick Shane to be the third nominee. Do the houseguests know that that's America's vote? Ok fine, America hates Shane. They'd be smart to keep him in the game so he will likely be America's vote the next week and so on. I doubt America's vote will never get evicted. 

The small amount of time I've been trying to get into the feeds, I do enjoy Justin's stories, but wish Krissy would shut up, since her voice carries over everyone else, so I sometimes can't hear what Justin's saying. I missed the shrooms and white supremacists story, but heard about his drink getting drugged in a bar and waking up in an ambulance and growing up at his grandparents funeral home, playing on the piano surrounded by  dead people. 

I don't have much time to spend following all the feeds, so if you hear some good conversations could you post the date/time so I don't have to post through boring stuff. Thanks! 

15 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So it looks like if Jason doesn't win HOH, he has a good chance of going up as a target. 


13 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Either way, I've been reading Twitter and some Tumblr, and it seems like Monte would be the one voted as the third nominee. People HATE him. If it's not him, then it'll be Shane, probably to deliver a message to the boys that they're not loved by America. 


12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I desperately hate the Big Brother fandom sometimes. It's literally day 2 and racism and misogyny and body shaming is already being thrown out there.

Well considering misogyny and racism rear their ugly head every single season, can you really blame them? 

33 minutes ago, aurora296 said:

Let's say America does pick Shane to be the third nominee. Do the houseguests know that that's America's vote? Ok fine, America hates Shane. They'd be smart to keep him in the game so he will likely be America's vote the next week and so on. I doubt America's vote will never get evicted. 

That's true, but also people might be worried that America will start hating them if they keep in the person America wants evicted. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out. 

The only person I really care about right now is Shelby. I kinda hate that she's aligned with Jason and Kryssie because those two along with Shane and Monte are the ones I really can't stand right now.

Edited by peachmangosteen
Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Well considering misogyny and racism rear their ugly head every single season, can you really blame them? 

I really can't blame them. And I'd love a season where the minorities stuck around longer than the straight, white men. How glorious would that be? But in this case, the America voting for the winner aspect is going to cause rifts with the houseguests and America, because they'll want to eliminate anyone remotely popular for America, so that they're left with the lesser of two evils (but in the HGs' minds, it's the gunning for being loved by America). Jason's a vet who got voted in by America. They might suspect it and realize that he can get to the end and win, hence why he's going first. As for Kryssie and Neeley, I'm not quite sure why they're targets, other than Monte/Shane think that they're going to be popular with America with their loud personalities. Now, for them I will accept that there's ulterior motives, if only for Shane wanting Kryssie out because "gut feeling". But again, these people have known each other for 36 hours. We've known them for 36 hours on the feeds. I just think there should be more evidence before screaming racist or misogynist.

Except with Monte. Fuck that guy. He's the only one I actively dislike. I haven't listened to the other houseguests long enough to form an opinion, to be fair. 

4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

That's true, but also people might be worried that America will start hating them if they keep in the person America wants evicted. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out. 

It'll go one of two ways for sure: either Shane/Monte's nomination/eviction vote will scare the houseguests into turning on that particular person out of fear that America will hate them, which will shift the house dramatically; or Shane/Monte's nomination/eviction vote will make the houseguests realize that if America hates this person, they can be carried to the end. Except this can't work if America decides to shift their nomination and eviction votes onto another player the next week. Plus, superfans should realize that someone who's a target at the beginning that gets to the finale because people think they can win against them can actually backfire. It's a delicate situation and if they're really playing for America, they should be thinking about what America wants, unfortunately. This season is definitely America's Game, not the houseguests. They're playing for America in a way. 

I do not like monte.  Monte tells Shane that he is going to pre-pack his clothes the night before for the next day but then adds that he'll be upstairs tonight, meaning he is winning hoh.  So arrogant and thinks he is running the game.

edited to add this is the first time I've seen their battery changes and they do it themselves.

Edited by Visby
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2 minutes ago, Visby said:

Monte tells Shane that he is going to pre-pack his clothes the night before for the next day but then adds that he'll be upstairs tonight, meaning he is winning hoh.  So arrogant and thinks he is running the game.

And unfortunately he's right, which makes it even more annoying.

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So far I can't get into these people. Seem so boring. Missing my Natalie and James. That could be part of the problem I guess. Thank god for YouTube. They need to close that backyard for 3 days or so to push these people to go crazy. That will be when it might get really interesting. Will keep trying.

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