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Season 7 First Looks etc.

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Rinna's tears at Kim giving back the bunny was not sorrow.  It was inner freaking that she was unable to sweep their conflict under the rug and have things move on.   She thought she 'owned it' with the gift and assumed all was well.  She is uncomfortable living the consequences of her actions (most of us are) but a genuine heart felt apology is the only thing that will resolve it along with believing she was wrong. She never she does from where I sit.  She apologizes for her mouth, thinking that is enough.  Her mouth is something she hides behind as if it has a separate identity.  And, of course, her poor memory.   

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Regardless of how much Rinna deserves to be treated as nasty as she treats others, Kim returning that stuffed bunny was tacky and rude. If she didn't want to pass along a gift from Rinna to her grandspawn she should have either declined it when it was given, or, in the spirit of generosity and class, donated it to charity, and said nothing about it to Rinna. Yes, people will feel sorry for Rinna and her crocodile tear, and Kim will look bad. Backfire for Kim. 

If that's the so called big scene that is suppose to bring Rinna down, it will work in her favor, not Kim's.  Especially when you see Rinna's nemesis like LVP and Eden comforting her. 

Kim has always been nasty and messy and people couldn't wait to get her and her bestie Brandi off the show.  She did herself no favors here and I can already see the backlash piling on her when this airs.

  • Love 6

If Rinna were able to read a room she would accept the bunny back, and not act out or leave the set.  It is reflecting poorly on Kim (right in front of your face!) so let that lie and bask in taking the high road by not reacting beyond your tears.  She is not able to do that.  The actor inside commands her to go for the drama. 

I don't see Kyle stiffing a laugh, not at all.  I see her nervous and bracing for what may come.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 9

I also feel bad for Kim's kids, and any kids who have to grow up with an addicted parent. But imo, that "Don't cry, Lisa" was because Kim thinks Rinna and her single tear are phony.  I also think they were (most likely) phony, but as insincere as I think Rinna is, I will say that most of it is Kim's mess - she accepted the gift and then returned it at the reunion of all places. Very childish move.  I agree that it'll probably backfire, but she's responsible for her choices. Next time, just do what everyone else does Kim and give it away or throw it out. Or return it off camera. 

I might feel sorry for after though, because I have really grown to dislike Rinna and it kinda pains me to see her win anything.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, IKnowRight said:

How many times at the reunions for all these real housewives shows have we all wanted to shake Andy Cohen?! For some crazy reason, I like Andy, well...I have a love/hate thing for him, but he's a terrible moderator.  Grrrrr. We should have a contest to come up with the best reunion moderator for Bravo to fill in for Andy on occasion.  Too sad for us, it won't be Joan Rivers, but how about the snarky blogger from Trash Talk tv?  Now, no one would be snoozing!!  Kenya? Tamra? Bethenny? Someone to cut to the chase?

I'd be fine with Jeff Lewis. Wendy Williams might be fun, too.

5 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

I've always said bring Cat  RHODC would be a great moderator. She wouldn't tip toe around. She would call them all out on their chit.

And this! But we'd never see Luann again.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, steelcitysister said:

I'd be fine with Jeff Lewis. Wendy Williams might be fun, too.

And this! But we'd never see Luann again.

As much as I can't stand this guy, I have to say Perez Hilton did an amazing job with the "Bad Girls Club" reunions. He was well studied on the show, did not mince words and really held everyone accountable for their actions. It pains me to give him kadooz, but he was a great host. At least for the season I watched.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

Kyle clearly knew Kim was returning the bunny. She couldn't barely stop herself from smiling. Had my sister done that I would have been mortified. 


6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Kyle is not responsible for Kim's behavior or words any more than she is Dorit's.  For any of the other RH to hold Kyle to that impossible standard is just ludicrous.  If the other side of the couch can tell people to get the fuck out of there, shut up, high five and act out then it is very hypocritical for the same people to hold Kim and especially Kyle to a higher standard.  Having prior knowledge does not necessarily make one complicit.  BTW Kyle not stopping or intervening in Kim's return of the bunny is not enabling.   

I agree that I would not call Kyle's behavior "enabling" but her reaction bugged me because it looks like an adult who completely disregards her family situation. I have always gotten the impression that addiction is not the crux of Kim's demeanor and that reality TV is not the place for her. Since the first season I have thought Kyle ignored Kim's behavior because having both sisters on the show would give Kyle more air time and be a better "get" for her position on the show. If Kyle was more reflective about Kim's behavior she might behave more honestly. 

5 hours ago, IKnowRight said:

How many times at the reunions for all these real housewives shows have we all wanted to shake Andy Cohen?! For some crazy reason, I like Andy, well...I have a love/hate thing for him, but he's a terrible moderator.  

And oy with the "viewer questions". 'Trixie from Wichita Falls wants to know what Kim did with the bunny that I have absolutely no idea is behind this couch!' 

2 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Let's go further in dissecting it. Not only did Kim jump into a conversation that had absolutely nothing to do with her, but she then completely twisted Lisa's words. Lisa had clearly said, "My father's death was not the reason or excuse for any of my behavior," and Kim then promptly came out with, "You act out and then use the death of your father as an excuse!" And then, on top of that, Kim pulled the old, "I never said a word about your husband," and that's when Lisa finally "went low." I do understand Lisa's frustration that everyone remains so tight-lipped when it comes to Kim's delicate ego but then has no problem piling onto her for her "low blow." And, yes, LVP - who has been no stranger to combative Kim in the past, and whose very own husband has made digs about Kim's alcoholism in the past - clearly loved being able to dig into Rinna a bit on that one.

However, that said...

Lisa Rinna does have weird issues when it comes to Kim. I don't know why this crazy woman gets under Lisa's skin so much. Lisa obviously has some work to do to explore why Kim constantly drives her to such reactive, messy, impulsive behavior. She needs to take a cue from LVP's past friction with Kim - LVP never let her feathers get ruffled by Kim. And Lisa is on this pendulum - she is either trying too much, too hard (with the rabbit) or going way overboard in retaliation. If those two were in group therapy together, they would be each other's biggest teachers, that is for sure...

Yes and yes. Kim is difficult but she says she doesn't need anyone's help; then when she has a completely inappropriate response she can say that people won't mind their own business. Rinna completely went off the rails this season but damn! Was that a perfect Melrose Place shot with the tear?!

I know Eileen annoys when she speaks up but here's the thing - I think the bond with Rinna over dealing with the nuttiness that was Brandi/Kim and also being actresses is pretty strong. In the preview I can't fault Eileen for speaking up b/c LVP does her "Rinna" thing and I find it SO passive aggressive. WE call her Rinna for clarity and brevity - she's not on the boards with us! (That we know of?) You're trying to actually speak to another grown woman then call her by her given name.  

Edited by chick binewski
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

It absolutely isn't appropriate to continue to insult the addict and attack her family for their efforts.  Rinna isn't helping-she is shaming Kim and Kyle and then trying to say she relates because of a sister who od'd when Rinna was six years old.  Standing back and doing nothing is what one should do after their offer has been declined.  And it really was never an offer of help by Rinna or Eileen more of an inquiry as to where Kim could go and if she had tools in place.  Rinna talks big words like intervention and she had neither the closeness to Kim or was it any of her business to embark on such a road.   Then she failed to back Kyle up after giving her misinformation.

This exactly. I never felt Rhinna was sincere from the get go. Kim is not family nor is she a real friend of Rhinna. It's none of her business. I'm convinced everything she does is to further her relevance on the show. I don't think she is a kind or sympathetic person. She was callous even to her parents. As you said, Kim has a support system of family that cares about her as well as professional help. She doesn't need Rhinna or Eden forcing themselves on her. I was never a Kim fan - even she said it's hard to love an addict. But it's not cool to attack someone who is struggling with addiction. And I hope she wins her battle because I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

If the other side of the couch can tell people to get the fuck out of there, shut up, high five and act out then it is very hypocritical for the same people to hold Kim and especially Kyle to a higher standard. 

But if you are Kyle and going to out your own sister on TV - you better be prepare to live with the consequences.  Also, if you are Kim and decide to choose someone like Brandi over your own sister, you better be prepare to have people question your credibility.  Remember it was Brandi who had initially accused Kim of being high on crystal meth and said that Kyle actually wanted to see her sister fail.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, dosodog said:

OK.  Bases on the last several posts, I should give up on watching RHONY and start on RHOBH season 1.

Because there's a ton of backstory that I have no clue on.

I'm a little scared for my girl crush on LVP.

My crush is still solid and I have been with this from day one.  Do not fear, she is a classy woman.  Love her. 

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, chick binewski said:


I agree that I would not call Kyle's behavior "enabling" but her reaction bugged me because it looks like an adult who completely disregards her family situation. I have always gotten the impression that addiction is not the crux of Kim's demeanor and that reality TV is not the place for her. Since the first season I have thought Kyle ignored Kim's behavior because having both sisters on the show would give Kyle more air time and be a better "get" for her position on the show. If Kyle was more reflective about Kim's behavior she might behave more honestly. 

And oy with the "viewer questions". 'Trixie from Wichita Falls wants to know what Kim did with the bunny that I have absolutely no idea is behind this couch!' 

Yes and yes. Kim is difficult but she says she doesn't need anyone's help; then when she has a completely inappropriate response she can say that people won't mind their own business. Rinna completely went off the rails this season but damn! Was that a perfect Melrose Place shot with the tear?!

I know Eileen annoys when she speaks up but here's the thing - I think the bond with Rinna over dealing with the nuttiness that was Brandi/Kim and also being actresses is pretty strong. In the preview I can't fault Eileen for speaking up b/c LVP does her "Rinna" thing and I find it SO passive aggressive. WE call her Rinna for clarity and brevity - she's not on the boards with us! (That we know of?) You're trying to actually speak to another grown woman then call her by her given name.  

Perfectly stated! (sorry, I forgot to do the quotes earlier.) I'm still trying to wake up. Over did it a bit last night :)

  • Love 2
On 4/14/2017 at 7:33 PM, Lady of nod said:

Rhinna speechless? There's a first. And Eileen stfu. She always has to insert herself in other peoples drama. (because she has none of her own)

Maybe I am watching a different clip, because in the one I saw, LVP inserted herself first, and Eileen had an excellent response, which LVP had no come back for. 

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, steelcitysister said:

I'd be fine with Jeff Lewis. Wendy Williams might be fun, too.

And this! But we'd never see Luann again.

Yessssss!  Jeff Lewis!  Thank you.  Can you imagine?  Can you imagine working for Jeff Lewis?! As a moderator, that would be must see tv.  My only beef with Jeff is that he might not be tough enough on Vicki G.  He seems to give her too much slack.  I would love to see Jeff moderate RHOA, NY and NJ.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, dosodog said:

From now on I will comment in the early seasons thread. I just have to say this. 

The husbands are everywhere.  Everywhere!

It's weird watching Russell. He's the one who committed suicide?

I'm not liking Kyle.

I'm REALLY not liking Camille. 

Portia is the cutest thing ever!

BH is one of the few franchises that has a majority of married women.  It seems if they are married and become single they don't return in a full time role.  Adrienne, Taylor, Yolanda, Camille all seem to become single and are side lined.  Now Carlton is divorcing.  Kim was the only single woman on the show Season 1, then it became, Camille, Taylor, and Adrienne.  I think the husbands add an extra layer.

  • Love 2

I'm not sure how true that is. Camille stayed on for a couple of years after her divorce. Taylor stayed on for a year after Russell's suicide. Adrienne seemed to be let go more because Andy was pissed she didn't attend the season 3 reunion. Both Kim and Brandi had long runs on the show while always single. Was Yolanda let go or did she quit?

Edited by AndySmith
12 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

I'm not sure how true that is. Camille stayed on for a couple of years after her divorce. Taylor stayed on for a year after Russell's suicide. Adrienne seemed to be let go more because Andy was pissed she didn't attend the season 3 reunion. Both Kim and Brandi had long runs on the show while always single. Was Yolanda let go or did she quit?

It is true they left after becoming single.  I did not say it was immediately.  Camille and Taylor filmed one season after becoming single and have had numerous cameos over the years.  Adrienne quit, Andy can call it whatever he wants but she said no more.  Adrienne had no desire to go back as she was barred from talking about her divorce and they wanted her to talk about her divorce.  Later she would return and even hosted a season finale party.  I never said Yolanda was let go.  There just seems to be a pattern in this franchise vs. Orange County, New York and Atlanta.  Once single the women seem to remain on the other franchises, this one not so much. 

I don't know why this is even an issue it is about husbands on the show.  They come on the show married and exited single. All of them had there marriages play out to a divorce filing during the season.  (Even Taylor had filed.)   I have always thought Brandi was a horrible fit for the show.  After she left she said in interviews, not having a husband worked against her as she didn't have anyone at home (as the others do) to lend her support.  This may be the franchise that prefers married.  NY seems to prefer single.   

  • Love 1

Actually, Camille filmed 2 seasons, one as a Friend of, so she was still around. It's hard to say how much longer any of those women would have stayed if they were still married. While being married does help, it didn't do much for Carlton, Joyce, and Kathryn. Whether or not Brandi fit in, she and Kim still lasted longer than some of the other women who were married and/or married then single.


  I never said Yolanda was let go

I assumed that is what you meant since you lumped her in with the sidelined group...also, sidelined seemed to suggest she was let go, since these women wouldn't sideline themselves.

On Orange County last season, 5 of the 6 women were actually married. In fact, most of the women on that show over the last 4 years have been married, versus the number of single women. Atlanta and New York...yeah, they have seen a reversal on the number of married HWs, but I'm not sure if that is a choice by the producers or just the luck of the casting more than  anything, and the real drama that goes on the lives of the women. And even in the cases of NY and Atlanta, some of the women have outlasted their divorces and are still on the show.

While the argument can be made that this franchise is a marriage killer. I don't think there is a set formula anymore for a HW longevity in the eyes of Andy and the producers, other than them bringing the drama. Having a husband does make it easier for a HW since she more of a "story" going on, but it isn't a requirement anymore. Some of the shows currently have married women outnumbering the singles, some of them have it the other way around. Who knows where they will all be in a few years.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

Actually, Camille filmed 2 seasons, one as a Friend of, so she was still around. It's hard to say how much longer any of those women would have stayed if they were still married. While being married does help, it didn't do much for Carlton, Joyce, and Kathryn. Whether or not Brandi fit in, she and Kim still lasted longer than some of the other women who were married and/or married then single.

I assumed that is what you meant since you lumped her in with the sidelined group...also, sidelined seemed to suggest she was let go, since these women wouldn't sideline themselves.

On Orange County last season, 5 of the 6 women were actually married. In fact, most of the women on that show over the last 4 years have been married, versus the number of single women. Atlanta and New York...yeah, they have seen a reversal on the number of married HWs, but I'm not sure if that is a choice by the producers or just the luck of the casting more than  anything, and the real drama that goes on the lives of the women. And even in the cases of NY and Atlanta, some of the women have outlasted their divorces and are still on the show.

While the argument can be made that this franchise is a marriage killer. I don't think there is a set formula anymore for a HW longevity in the eyes of Andy and the producers, other than them bringing the drama. Having a husband does make it easier for a HW since she more of a "story" going on, but it isn't a requirement anymore. Some of the shows currently have married women outnumbering the singles, some of them have it the other way around. Who knows where they will all be in a few years.

As to Camille that is what I am speaking of-she is sidelined.  Coming out each season for cameos.  No Reunion appearance after the second season.  Kim and Brandi were hired single and have never had a change in marital status. 

Again my point was to reinforce what the poster said about a lot of appearances by husbands in the early seasons.  BH to me has done more to film with husbands over the years trips to Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Paris.  It is a huge bonus if you have interesting husbands, Ken and Mauricio have been around since Season 1 and keep going, especially if they like to film.  Early seasons had the men at the Reunion and now they only trot them out if they have a significant participation during the season.  Atlanta has husband trips, but the number of husbands keeps dwindling. 

The impression I get from Andy is some of the sidelined RH are available to call in for appearances at any time.  Some of them appear at RHOBH functions and aren't featured (Joyce Girard was at the Yulin March and the Daily News White Party) my guess is Bravo is too cheap to pay an appearance fee. 

I believe newly coupled Camille wants to come back next year.  She has said she wanted to be part of the Reunion this year because she was present during a lot of conversations.  After the season is over it would be interesting for her to reveal her take but I think she is forever frozen in Season 2 Camille, the PR perfect lady.

  • Love 3
On 4/15/2017 at 7:36 PM, sarivon said:

Sure they do. All this "off limits" stuff just creates confusion. If Kim screwed up taping, if Kim was nasty to another HW, if Kim was her standard asshole self, they have every business getting involved. imo


Yeah, Kim's an easy 2 points. The ladies love piling on the easy ones. So classeh. I wish WISH Eileen could shut up just ONCE when Kim is asserting herself. Nope, Kim's a loser, not allowed. Pile on her. Shove your fist in her mouth. So disgusting.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, AndySmith said:

I'm not sure how true that is. Camille stayed on for a couple of years after her divorce. Taylor stayed on for a year after Russell's suicide. Adrienne seemed to be let go more because Andy was pissed she didn't attend the season 3 reunion. Both Kim and Brandi had long runs on the show while always single. Was Yolanda let go or did she quit?


I get the impression Yo was "released from her contract" (fired). There does seem to be a pattern with married HWs in BH. Meanwhile, in NY all of the HWs are single.

  • Love 6
On 4/16/2017 at 11:01 AM, motorcitymom65 said:

Maybe I am watching a different clip, because in the one I saw, LVP inserted herself first, and Eileen had an excellent response, which LVP had no come back for. 

LVP was trying to create an opening for Rinna and Kim to move on, soften the "blow" of getting a stupid stuffed animal returned. Eileen was just being a stupid cow. "Put it in the mail". So dismissive. Kim is not allowed to have a perspective when it comes to Rinna. She has to accept the treatment she gets because she's a "loser".  If Kim says one word, Eileen pipes up to defend Rinna's random, nasty treatment of Kim, of which there is zero logical defense. How is this ok? We're watching a woman get bullied again and again by this loser and her boring wingman season after season with no end in sight.  

  • Love 10
On 4/13/2017 at 4:25 PM, Jel said:

My God, that clip! Welp, for me, it's official -- the RHoBH Reunion Show has jumped the shark. The shocked looks! The soap opera close ups! The single tear / close up for Rinna. And Andy, quietly saying he wanted to hear from Rinna.  Like it's important that despite our collective pain over it, we get to the bottom of bunnygate.  Andy will muddle through the horror and anguish of it because, integrity.


I agree with Eileen -- she should have mailed it back.  


Bunnygate. bahaha!

  • Love 2

I guess every season has to have ONE issue that gets beaten to death.  We emerge from Yolanda's "illness" to deal with the pantie issue.   Groan.   Not one viewer, at least on the internet, cares one iota about Erika's crotch.   And yes it is called crotch it is not a vagina!  Drives me nuts.  




the muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus in women and most female mammals.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 7

Meanwhile, in NY all of the HWs are single.

Technically, the NY are pretty much divorced or widowed (or in Dorinda's case, both)...


LVP was trying to create an opening for Rinna and Kim to move on, soften the "blow" of getting a stupid stuffed animal returned. Eileen was just being a stupid cow. "Put it in the mail". So dismissive

Nah, I think Eileen just realizes that Rinna and Kim aren't going to be friends any time soon, so why pretend anything else? And she knew why Kim decided to return the bunny then and there.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Dutchgirl said:

LVP was trying to create an opening for Rinna and Kim to move on, soften the "blow" of getting a stupid stuffed animal returned. Eileen was just being a stupid cow. "Put it in the mail". So dismissive. Kim is not allowed to have a perspective when it comes to Rinna. She has to accept the treatment she gets because she's a "loser".  If Kim says one word, Eileen pipes up to defend Rinna's random, nasty treatment of Kim, of which there is zero logical defense. How is this ok? We're watching a woman get bullied again and again by this loser and her boring wingman season after season with no end in sight.  

IMO it's just perception based on who someone likes. In the scene that ran across my IPad, LVP was the one to insert her opinion into the Rinna/Kim bunnygate saga, but there are several posts on here about how Eileen inserted herself. I think it's just because many don't like Eileen. If Eileen would have been inserting herself to defend Kim, some would have thrown her a parade. Suddenly her voice would be a welcome one. How strange is that? And why wouldn't Eileen point out the obvious? That Kim is clearly doing this for attention and to be nasty. Wouldn't most people defend their friend? And certainly mileage varies on who has been more nasty to the other - Kim or Rinna. Both are wrong, but we are just sitting on our couch with our opinions. Luckily for most of us, we've never met Kim Richards, or her dog, but Eileen has. She has been snarled at by Kim, talked to like shit by Kim, had a party ruined by Kim. She sat on a reunion stage 2 years ago with that nutter Kim while she minimized her dog attacking her niece, mocking Kyle with words like "it was just a bite on her fucking finger". Eileen was there for that. She saw that nastiness in person. Kim Richards is the nastiest person to ever be on this show (IMO worse than Brandi), so I am pretty much OK with Eileen having an opinion that points out what an overall lousy person Kim Richards is. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

Nah, I think Eileen just realizes that Rinna and Kim aren't going to be friends any time soon, so why pretend anything else? And she knew why Kim decided to return the bunny then and there.

I agree.  And she also knew that production probably suggested it. 

22 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

IMO it's just perception based on who someone likes. In the scene that ran across my IPad, LVP was the one to insert her opinion into the Rinna/Kim bunnygate saga, but there are several posts on here about how Eileen inserted herself. I think it's just because many don't like Eileen. If Eileen would have been inserting herself to defend Kim, some would have thrown her a parade.

I don't like Eileen and thought her comment made sense.  I adore LVP and her observation was just not accurate LOL!  She tried to smooth the situation and failed.  

  • Love 3
59 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

IMO it's just perception based on who someone likes. In the scene that ran across my IPad, LVP was the one to insert her opinion into the Rinna/Kim bunnygate saga, but there are several posts on here about how Eileen inserted herself. I think it's just because many don't like Eileen. If Eileen would have been inserting herself to defend Kim, some would have thrown her a parade. Suddenly her voice would be a welcome one. How strange is that? And why wouldn't Eileen point out the obvious? That Kim is clearly doing this for attention and to be nasty. Wouldn't most people defend their friend? And certainly mileage varies on who has been more nasty to the other - Kim or Rinna. Both are wrong, but we are just sitting on our couch with our opinions. Luckily for most of us, we've never met Kim Richards, or her dog, but Eileen has. She has been snarled at by Kim, talked to like shit by Kim, had a party ruined by Kim. She sat on a reunion stage 2 years ago with that nutter Kim while she minimized her dog attacking her niece, mocking Kyle with words like "it was just a bite on her fucking finger". Eileen was there for that. She saw that nastiness in person. Kim Richards is the nastiest person to ever be on this show (IMO worse than Brandi), so I am pretty much OK with Eileen having an opinion that points out what an overall lousy person Kim Richards is. 

LVP's comment came from a place of hopefulness.  What is true is Kim isn't going away any time soon on the show.  She may not be full time but she will always be lurking. 

I find Eileen  simplistic in her comments.  The write a letter, rip it up, write another letter rip it up, mail it.  It is funny Eileen does not apply any of this when she is offended but it would be the right thing to do for another.  It is fairly obvious Kim returning the bunny, albeit bizarre was symbolic of Kim not trusting or forgiving Rinna for repeatedly going after her.  Why did Eileen feel the need to once again try and cut someone off from expressing their feelings?  It is now a pattern.

What Eileen did say this year, at least to Kyle, is that she had not seen Kim not sober except the one time at her home.  Kim said she could almost like Eileen.  If Eileen can't move past Kim and her behavior two years ago that is on Eileen.  Eileen looks her worst when she emulates Erika and RInna with interruptions and the rubber/glue approach.  Understand for a long time I had held out hopes that perhaps Eileen's next move would be as a family counselor, psychologist like Kathryn Harrold (a former soap actress who when she moved up the food chain her role was taken by Kathleen Turner) or Holland Taylor who got her degree while working on "Two and Half Men" in spiritual psychology.  Then I watched Eileen  at work and she  is too biased and too inconsistent.

She claims to have forgiven Kim and the past two seasons she has raised Kim to Kyle, much nicer this season.  I am kind of hoping these shows don't just become discussions of awful another person is as it doesn't make for believable TV.  (RHONY is getting pretty close to be needed to be split off.)  I saw a pretty nasty person in Erika towards Eileen and all Eileen could say was how sweet it was for her to apologize to her again. It just came of retchingly fake.   

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, wings707 said:

I don't like Eileen and thought her comment made sense.  I adore LVP and her observation was just not accurate LOL!  She tried to smooth the situation and failed.  

Eileen's comment made sense and she inserted herself into the discussion after LVP did so first.

Kim receiving the bunny as a gift occurred on cheesecake tasting day. There is a significant amount of time that passed until they filmed the reunion.

Why hold on to a gift that exudes bad energy?

  • Love 7
33 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

LVP's comment came from a place of hopefulness.  What is true is Kim isn't going away any time soon on the show.  She may not be full time but she will always be lurking. 

I find Eileen  simplistic in her comments.  The write a letter, rip it up, write another letter rip it up, mail it.  It is funny Eileen does not apply any of this when she is offended but it would be the right thing to do for another.  It is fairly obvious Kim returning the bunny, albeit bizarre was symbolic of Kim not trusting or forgiving Rinna for repeatedly going after her.  Why did Eileen feel the need to once again try and cut someone off from expressing their feelings?  It is now a pattern.

What Eileen did say this year, at least to Kyle, is that she had not seen Kim not sober except the one time at her home.  Kim said she could almost like Eileen.  If Eileen can't move past Kim and her behavior two years ago that is on Eileen.  Eileen looks her worst when she emulates Erika and RInna with interruptions and the rubber/glue approach.  Understand for a long time I had held out hopes that perhaps Eileen's next move would be as a family counselor, psychologist like Kathryn Harrold (a former soap actress who when she moved up the food chain her role was taken by Kathleen Turner) or Holland Taylor who got her degree while working on "Two and Half Men" in spiritual psychology.  Then I watched Eileen  at work and she  is too biased and too inconsistent.

She claims to have forgiven Kim and the past two seasons she has raised Kim to Kyle, much nicer this season.  I am kind of hoping these shows don't just become discussions of awful another person is as it doesn't make for believable TV.  (RHONY is getting pretty close to be needed to be split off.)  I saw a pretty nasty person in Erika towards Eileen and all Eileen could say was how sweet it was for her to apologize to her again. It just came of retchingly fake.   

I hate to be the big fat bearer of bad news, but isn't that what it is already? It certainly isn't believable. People just don't behave like this in real life. At least people I know don't. There are believable situations at times, but the overall premise and their interactions are mostly ridiculous. Any time it gets too "real", many folks tend to not like it. 

And I think that Eileen has moved past her Kim issues just fine. Doesn't mean she isn't going to call her out when she says/does something stupid. Wait, Eileen wanted to be a Family Counselor? I didn't know that. 

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4 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

IMO it's just perception based on who someone likes. In the scene that ran across my IPad, LVP was the one to insert her opinion into the Rinna/Kim bunnygate saga, but there are several posts on here about how Eileen inserted herself. I think it's just because many don't like Eileen. If Eileen would have been inserting herself to defend Kim, some would have thrown her a parade. Suddenly her voice would be a welcome one. How strange is that? And why wouldn't Eileen point out the obvious? That Kim is clearly doing this for attention and to be nasty. Wouldn't most people defend their friend? And certainly mileage varies on who has been more nasty to the other - Kim or Rinna. Both are wrong, but we are just sitting on our couch with our opinions. Luckily for most of us, we've never met Kim Richards, or her dog, but Eileen has. She has been snarled at by Kim, talked to like shit by Kim, had a party ruined by Kim. She sat on a reunion stage 2 years ago with that nutter Kim while she minimized her dog attacking her niece, mocking Kyle with words like "it was just a bite on her fucking finger". Eileen was there for that. She saw that nastiness in person. Kim Richards is the nastiest person to ever be on this show (IMO worse than Brandi), so I am pretty much OK with Eileen having an opinion that points out what an overall lousy person Kim Richards is. 

Alex, I'll take what the f is wrong with Kim Richards for $800

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1 hour ago, CatMomma said:

Nah. She's just being called a hypocrite because the word "affair" has caused her to have an entire season vendetta against someone who apologized several times (I know, she used the word "if" one time, so it didn't mean anything). THAT'S why she has been called out on her inability to accept any apology. We see now that she can.  Just when it comes from the right person. She got a half ass apology from Erika, and all is good. She has no problem cosigning Rinna's bullshit, yet LVP's use of one stupid word is unforgivable. 

The ONLY person in the cast I could see her justifying having a real problem with is Kim. As much as I don't like Eileen, Kim was pretty horrible to her.  Yet, as you said, Eileen has been okay with her. No apology needed. Insincere or otherwise.

Come on, Eileen!

I kinda like that this show, unlike the others, would take a brief break from the women and show Ken, Mauricio, and Paul Nassif having fun. They seemed to all like each other. Ah, the good ole days.

I would agree. Eileen certainly has show to have different tiers when it comes to forgiveness.  I do not understand, after a really good first season together why Eileen decided to go after LVP.  If anything with Eileen's staunch support of all things Rinna does it would seem she could forgive and move on.  The Kim thing has been addressed, Kim feels like Eileen is playing a role and Eileen thinks she is a better actress than to be called out. (Kidding. Kind of. Not really.)  Last year at the Reunion, Eileen wasn't quite as removed and cold as Rinna, but there was a sense of -"wish you well Kim, sorry your best friend and father of your first child died, now move on."  During the same scene, Kathryn of all people gave the most heartfelt tearful words of encouragement.

I also believe Eileen uses her time wisely.  She wastes no time with Kyle or Kim, managed to make five scenes on Erika getting two scenes on her show.

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1 hour ago, Martinigirl said:

Eileen and Erika both have been more than pleasant to Kim. I don't think I could do it. 

Erika has never had an issue with Kim.  Her faux friend Yolanda champions Kim.  Erika was the one in Dubai to call Rinna out for her words "enraged" about seeing Kim and Brandi lunching with Yolanda instead of Yolanda going to Erika's house for dinner. 

Erika appreciated Kim stopping the panty talk at Game Night.  Kim has a long list of faults but being inappropriate to Erika is not one of them. 

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