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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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With that long hair, trendy dress, whatever those things on her feet are, she looks like an ill 25-30 year old instead of a normal 50 year old (or how ever old she is). She needs to listen to Kelli's '5 pounds erases 5 years' rule and put some meat on her bones. She doesn't look trim. She looks emaciated, like she'd cut you with her hip bones.

Where I come from we call that 'mutton dressed as lamb'

With that long hair, trendy dress, whatever those things on her feet are, she looks like an ill 25-30 year old instead of a normal 50 year old (or how ever old she is). She needs to listen to Kelli's '5 pounds erases 5 years' rule and put some meat on her bones. She doesn't look trim. She looks emaciated, like she'd cut you with her hip bones.

You took the words right out of my mouth - she needs Kellys 5 pounds rule!

Not sure where this belongs...

I was watching the "So You Think You Can Dance" finale last night, and on the compilation clips of the past season, I swear I saw TCC Holly run out of the hall with her ticket to Vegas. I wonder when she got cut.


I think she got cut in Vegas? She just posted a clip of her running out all excited on her IG, I think she mentioned there that she was cut in Vegas. Can't remember.

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Is she going through a mid life crisis? She's usually tasteful?!

She's just too skinny. She keeps shrinking every year. The dress is a little young for her, but Charlotte's biggest problem is she's too damn skinny. All the upper crust women in Dallas have that problem as they get older. They think getting skinnier makes them more attractive.

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She's just too skinny. She keeps shrinking every year. The dress is a little young for her, but Charlotte's biggest problem is she's too damn skinny. All the upper crust women in Dallas have that problem as they get older. They think getting skinnier makes them more attractive.

If she's going to be that thin - through diet/exercise, genes or illness - she would benefit from some loner sleeves and pants. Anyone that tall and thin can rock a pants suit or even jumpsuit - I'm thinking Victoria Beckham, Celine Dion, etc. and look amazing. 

I wonder if Charlotte is overseeing the new corporate headquarters the Cowboys are building.  I don't know if any of you saw/heard anything about this but I saw a photo of a huge building under construction and it was captioned "Dallas Cowboys headquarters." I wonder if this is going to replace Valley Ranch?  I believe Charlotte was one of the people who helmed/oversaw AT&T Stadium in those five years it took to build. Maybe she is doing the same with this new building and she is being pulled in a lot of directions.  This organization seems to be a 24/7 operation.  

But I am just guessing.

I wonder if Charlotte is overseeing the new corporate headquarters the Cowboys are building. I don't know if any of you saw/heard anything about this but I saw a photo of a huge building under construction and it was captioned "Dallas Cowboys headquarters." I wonder if this is going to replace Valley Ranch? I believe Charlotte was one of the people who helmed/oversaw AT&T Stadium in those five years it took to build. Maybe she is doing the same with this new building and she is being pulled in a lot of directions. This organization seems to be a 24/7 operation.

But I am just guessing.

The Cowboys will be leaving Valley Ranch. Everything is moving to Frisco- offices, training facilities, everything.

Not sure if this is the right board so I apologize in advance. Do Kelli and Judy attend every day of training camp or do they only come once a week? I remember reading they only pop in once a week to evaluate and that the group leaders are the ones who communicate the girls' progress to them. Can anyone elaborate? Also, don't they just wear normal workout clothes on non filming days?

I think this is the worst uniform photo I've ever seen. You can't see her whole face, and the pose is horrible and unflattering. It makes her look thick waisted and that little bit of cheek hanging out of her shorts is not cute. If this is the best photo they could find of her, I'd hate to see what the other shots looked like. Did they show any of Victoria's shoot this season?



I also wish they'd either kept the boots in their photos or cropped them a little higher, because some of them are cut off in a really awkward place.



Edited by sleepyjean

I think this is the worst uniform photo I've ever seen. You can't see her whole face, and the pose is horrible and unflattering. It makes her look thick waisted and that little bit of cheek hanging out of her shorts is not cute. If this is the best photo they could find of her, I'd hate to see what the other shots looked like. Did they show any of Victoria's shoot this season?


I also wish they'd either kept the boots in their photos or cropped them a little higher, because some of them are cut off in a really awkward place.


That photo of Victoria is horrible, and she is a very pretty slender girl. The new photographer they have is terrible.

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Wow, I really should NOT be able to see Kat's hip bone as she's pulling her belt loop or the capillaries in her legs (must be cold in the studio). WTF are these photos? These are gorgeous, tiny ladies - it should NOT be hard to take a good photo of them!

Yeah I'm surprised they don't do any sort of photoshop, remove the capillaries, cover her butt cheek, just generally tidy them up. But regardless that photo of Victoria is terrible.

They are really bad pictures on the whole.  Simone has a great one and Megan C.  That's about all I can think of off the top of my head. Even KaShara, who is drop dead gorgeous, is like meh in hers.  How do you even accomplish making her look meh?  lol  Their hair looks bad in a lot of them too.  Claire, Amy L, Steph...it just looks like they rolled out of bed or something.  And poor Kat, my legs get veiny like that when I'm cold and it's not my best look.  Props if they refuse to photoshop anything but at the same time...have some mercy.  


As for Victoria, I think she is one of the prettiest girls but I have seen very few photos of her that I like.  That cameo is truly awful and I liked only one of her swimsuit pictures.  I think their photographers are blah and on top of that, she is just not the most photogenic girl on the squad.  


But yeah, what a disappointment for these girls. I'd be so pumped to get a professional photo like that and then be, "really? that's the one everyone has to see?" lol 

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Wow, I really should NOT be able to see Kat's hip bone as she's pulling her belt loop or the capillaries in her legs (must be cold in the studio). WTF are these photos? These are gorgeous, tiny ladies - it should NOT be hard to take a good photo of them!

I noticed that during the episode on Kat and some of the others. As a mom, I remember being able to tell that my babies were cold when I would see those red lines on their skin. I knew it had to be pretty cold in there. Don't think much of this photographer at all. They should be able to afford the best. 

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We've been saying this for years.  If you can find a Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader calendar, just look at the pictures.

The photographer knows how to light the girls and they pick really pretty pictures.

The lighting is just horrible for all their stuff. I just don't get it.  They spend $500,000 on the calendar trip yet all the pictures look like the girls are standing in front of a backdrop. And no offense to Judy and Kelli, but some of the chosen photos are just not good.  

DCC organization: hire a photographer that knows something about lighting!

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She looks very pretty in her twitter profile picture! This new pic though is SO severe (not Melissa Lynn dancing severe either...YIKES severe). I feel bad, she must be really stressed with work and stuff right now.

I agree - her Twitter profile pic is phenomenal! I think the group one might just be an unflattering pic beside I actually don't think the blue dress looks horrible in the other pictures she's wearing it in. it's much more age appropriate than that bodycon one that Kelli and her spanx are wearing!

I wonder if I'm the only one who does this, but going through the girls' photos, it's quite clear that some of the girls are closer to some than others (i.e. Stephanie/Simone/Robin ...Kinzie/Jenna/Lacey.. Paige/Danielle... Holly/Katy(previously)...Ashley N/Abby (previously)). They always seem to be "clique'd" up and I wonder how that affects some of the other girls.

The cameos this year really are AWFUL. The poses are awkward and unflattering, and the facial expressions are unattractive. And why aren't the cameos on the website full body? Honestly, I'm surprised Kelli even approved these, because many of them make the subjects look flat out unattractive, which is hard to do with a DCC. If I were the director and I saw these photos, I would have invested in a re-shoot. I can't think of a single one where I looked at it and thought, "That's a great cameo!"

I wonder if I'm the only one who does this, but going through the girls' photos, it's quite clear that some of the girls are closer to some than others (i.e. Stephanie/Simone/Robin ...Kinzie/Jenna/Lacey.. Paige/Danielle... Holly/Katy(previously)...Ashley N/Abby (previously)). They always seem to be "clique'd" up and I wonder how that affects some of the other girls.

I'm always curious when girls get cut what friendships they maintain. Chelsea was besties with Danielle and others in that clique but after she got cut you have never seen her with any DCC. Must have been bad blood.

Same with Ashley Pro and Breelan and Caila...they were all besties but once they got cut their friendship disappeared (at least on social media). I understand they're not together every night anymore so that plays a part but there is definitely something else going on.

I agree the photos/cameos on the web site are awful - way to take a bunch of absolutely beautiful girls and make them look "just okay" photographer! This one of Danielle kills me - someone couldn't walk up and fix her hair so that big chunk isn't sticking out oddly at the top while the rest is behind her shoulder? They do that at Picture People on 4 year olds, but not a DCC cameo shot?


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I'm always curious when girls get cut what friendships they maintain. Chelsea was besties with Danielle and others in that clique but after she got cut you have never seen her with any DCC. Must have been bad blood.

Same with Ashley Pro and Breelan and Caila...they were all besties but once they got cut their friendship disappeared (at least on social media). I understand they're not together every night anymore so that plays a part but there is definitely something else going on.


Breelan and Ashley Pro are still good friends...Ashley had some videos of her and Breelan on her IG just a couple of weeks ago and they were like "ahhh love you bestieeee" etc.  I don't see them with Caila anymore but I imagine that would be hard to maintain  with the DCC schedule and frankly not a wound any of them probably want to scratch up right now. 


As for Chelsea and Danielle, they were roomies that second year so I'm sure that's part of why they were so inseparable but I wonder if part of Danielle getting to stay on the team was cutting ties with "toxic Chelsea."  I don't think she has bad blood with all DCC though...last year she was in a bunch of pics with current and previous DCC, at a dance class.  Sydney was even in it. 


I am actually impressed with how these girls can have very clear 'besties' but still get along (seemingly) with everyone on the squad.  It kind of defies nature LOL  I guess it would not surprise me if there was cattiness behind the scenes but they all deny it so who knows. 

I agree the photos/cameos on the web site are awful - way to take a bunch of absolutely beautiful girls and make them look "just okay" photographer! This one of Danielle kills me - someone couldn't walk up and fix her hair so that big chunk isn't sticking out oddly at the top while the rest is behind her shoulder? They do that at Picture People on 4 year olds, but not a DCC cameo shot?



Yeah...that's just a weird error to make!  What the girls post on social media with their little IG filters and selfie sticks look a million times better than these.  They should let them take their own cameos LOL

I noticed something about the girls profiles. Most of the rookies give their age (except Claire and Robin) and the vets do not.

Holly and Raylee (both 18) are the youngest. Kat(29) and Chantal (27) are the oldest.


I emailed the Cowboys website about the DCC names missing from the last row of the squad photo, Let's see if they answer me.

Going through some of these cameos, and bless their hearts, does no one proof/advise on these?


Chantal - fascinated with NASA, and would choose NEAL Armstrong as her fantasy dinner partner........it's Neil. 


Loren - who would she choose as celeb parents: Prince Charles and Princess Diana........because that marriage worked so well?


Elizabeth - pizza is my literal kryptonite......no sweetie, I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Jacie's needs proofing - as a person with a journalism degree, I would've thought she'd have been more attentive.

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Random thought but I really dislike Kelsey. She seems like a mean girl to me.

Oh really? I always think she seems really nice. She has lots of fun goofy photos/videos on Brittney Schram's Instagram.


Also talking about the girls getting along. Brittney Schram, Jasmine and Ashley Pro are all roomies.. so I guess it was lucky they all ended up leaving or that might have been awkward.

I do wonder what it must be like if one person leaves and their roommate remains a DCC. Was it Jackie Bob who got Collin a job at the same place as her.. and then the next season Collin was cut.. she still worked with Jackie Bob though. I wonder if that was hard for her. 


Oh my lord. The Cameos. I think Holly's is revolting. Like they cut her head of a different photo and stuck it on crooked! I'm not very keen on Loren's legs in her shot.. they sort of look like they are knotted!! I'm glad there aren't so many of the ones with their arms draped over their heads.. those shots irritate me beyond measure for some reason!


I'm very disappointed with the redheads. They all seem to be the same shade. They always show those little hair swatches on make over day, yet they only use the same sort of red. They could try a more plummy colour or an orange-y ginger red. It just seems a bit boring. Also while I'm ranting (!)  what is the point of having their hair colour written on their bios when a) we can see it and b) it is dyed?

Going through some of these cameos, and bless their hearts, does no one proof/advise on these?


Chantal - fascinated with NASA, and would choose NEAL Armstrong as her fantasy dinner partner........it's Neil. 


Loren - who would she choose as celeb parents: Prince Charles and Princess Diana........because that marriage worked so well?


Elizabeth - pizza is my literal kryptonite......no sweetie, I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Jacie's needs proofing - as a person with a journalism degree, I would've thought she'd have been more attentive.


I'm still LOLing at Raylee's guilty pleasure: "ALL THINGS FOOD!"  huh?? So eating is a guilty pleasure? Maybe that's more sad than funny!

I was just looking over the 10 Most Beautiful in Dallas piece and is it stupid that I shocked to see a tattoo on Jacie's wrist? I would have thought that tattoos would be a no-no for K&J!

In DCC uniform it'd be covered up no probs, but do you think they have rules about whether it has to be covered during other appearances when they wear regular clothes?

They've shown sequences during uniform fittings of girls that have covered up tramp stamps with dermablend. (TCC Ashley Kelly ?). A wrist tattoo would be a cinch in comparison!

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