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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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Kelli q can serve it. Love her.


going back to the girls that are great dance wise but get lost: a great example is Jenny from 2014. She made finals and wasn't featured, but is a great little dancer. She popped up on my popular page and I think she is so great when she dances...but can come off plain jane. She also has a slightly soft/stocky build.


43 minutes ago, dalgal214 said:

Cristi most likely. Emma I would say is 50/50. Whole DSIG is allowed to audition for DCC, some don't just because they are happy and don't want to mess with a good thing.

Cristi looks DCC auditions ready to me, her dancing is great from the videos I've seen. Emma, eh I could see her trying out and not making it to camp.

13 hours ago, ByTor said:

Stupid question since I never took a dance class in my life...is there always someone at every class screeching and yelling "hut hut hut" in the background?  I guess I'm a crabby old lady, but I find that soooo irritating!

I agree.  That dance was fun to watch but all I could focus on was the intermittent screaming.

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On 2/3/2017 at 2:32 AM, JC123 said:

It legit thrills me to post stuff about Kelli in the Current DCCs thread. Ya made it girlie. Y she so cute tho 

I think she looks so pretty here!! Her face looks softer, maybe? I like her dance class makeup more than her show time make up, I suppose. I do wish she'd get a little trim and take care of those dry ends tho :) 

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25 minutes ago, Slate said:

My guess for point was Melissa or Erica. But, now my first guess would be Jenna. All three would do great dancing there.

Yeah, same. I thought point would be Erica or Melissa, but I would assume Jenna at this point with Melissa and Erica rounding out the triangle. It would make sense based on where they were are in the formation this season. I also think those 3 fit each other in terms of height and offer 3 different looks. 

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I wonder if the team is in Houston to schmooze big wigs and do special events. Up until a few weeks ago Dallas looked likely to be in the game so I'm sure a ton of events were being planned. Maybe since the logistics were already/almost complete the Cowboys decided to take advantage of HOU being so close and send the cheerleaders. 

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So excited that Jenna pulled a Sydney and decided to come back! Now I believe that Jenna will be point, and that they will love Erica to Jenna's old spot. It's also possible that they choose another point and leave Jenna where she is. Time will tell. With Jenna staying hopefully this is a good sign that Erica will also stay, as those two are really close and may want to be on the team longer together? Also, if Jenna comes back and none of the 2nd leaders retire, one of them will be stuck being a second leader again, like Nicole did for two seasons. I wonder who that would be. Based on who is there and seniority I would have to guess Melissa or Lacey. 

As a 5th year vet Jenna has been around long enough to know the ropes. Seeing what happened with Paige should give her some kind of indication of what her chances are reauditioning for a 6th year. It would be extremely embarrassing and a black mark on her record as a dcc to audition for year 6 and not be invited back. I doubt that MTT would air the judges deliberating and voting no on Jenna because she dated a player, mostly because I don't think K&J&C and the Cowboys organization would want that to be shown. She wouldn't do it unless she were sure, right?

29 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Jenna may reaudition, but it'll be interesting to see if she is taken back by the powers that be. She IS, after all, hooked up with Dak. Which is, in theory, against the rules. I am not a Jenna fan anyway, for the most part. I think she has matured, but it bugs me that 1) they took her and she looked like she was 12 years old and 2) She can bang a player and advertise it and not get cut and 3) The selfies. God, stop with the selfies.

K&J, if the rules & policies are changing, change em. Clearly, bending the rules is more of a rule than the rules themselves.

Hell hath frozen over. I think we actually agree on all three points, especially the selfies. Jenna is cute as a button and really is an excellent dancer. I don't think she looks like a child anymore, but she did when she first auditioned. She has more musicality and fluidity than any of them - even Megan, Holly, Erica, etc. But Jenna grates on my nerves. She has that slightly arrogant, flirty, Playboy bunny, "I'm so cute, let me wink and wiggle, cock my head and gap my mouth and pose like Miss Piggy, here take another pic so I can stare at it" thing that makes me cringe. She's also come off as more showboaty than Holly in some of the prep class clips, and looks to me like she's far more infatuated with herself than Sydney ever was. 

She has enough talent and looks to not need all that extra "LOOK AT ME" annoying little traits. Scale it back dear, you're looking thirsty.

BTW - is she still dating/hookingup/whatever you call it with Dak? If so, she needs to resign and move on to All Stars. Doesn't matter if he's playing her, she's playing him, or they are true love forever. 

  • Love 8

I don't think Jenna is technically hooked up with Dak. From what I saw here it seemed like whatever was between them was pretty short lived. Not saying it's ok because I don't think it is by any means, but I don't think it's still a thing. I also kind of think that she will make it back if she reauditions. If they were going to show her the door, they probably would have already. Next year is going to be a young squad and I doubt they would say no to a sixth year power dancer who has experience with show group and as a group leader.

That said, Jenna isn't really my favorite either. I'm actually kind of annoyed to hear she might reaudition because it lessens the possibility of Erica being point next year. Sigh.

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1 minute ago, Oranaiche said:

I don't think Jenna is technically hooked up with Dak. From what I saw here it seemed like whatever was between them was pretty short lived. Not saying it's ok because I don't think it is by any means, but I don't think it's still a thing. I also kind of think that she will make it back if she reauditions. If they were going to show her the door, they probably would have already. Next year is going to be a young squad and I doubt they would say no to a sixth year power dancer who has experience with show group and as a group leader.

That said, Jenna isn't really my favorite either. I'm actually kind of annoyed to hear she might reaudition because it lessens the possibility of Erica being point next year. Sigh.

I'm with you on all that. I don't live in Dallas or have family who do anymore. I got the impression that whatever was going on didn't last long, and that's about all the details we got.

It was totally presumption that she thought she had landed her soul mate and was heart broken. For all we know she played him, or they just had a brief encounter and it was mutually over and done. If she learned her lesson as how it pertains to the DCC = don't date players, then she doesn't need to be punished. 

I'd rather see Erica at point, but they have so many good girls, and some they favor over ones I'd choose, if Jenna comes back, Erica's chances to be in the triangle go down. 

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I liked Jenna her first year on the team, now she bugs me a little. I think she will be point girl since she will have seniority.  Nicole B. was an assistant group leader her fourth season, and a group leader her fifth year. She was also chosen the Pro Bowl Rep. and VOTY her last year, and she was an All-Star for at least one year.

Please refresh my memory. Do we have it on good authority that Jenna hooked up with this player, and that it was more than just a saw them out together while they bumped into each other? Maybe it was small and brief but the story of a 5 year vet and the new hot shot 2nd string turned amazing starter quarterback hooking up? Seems someone would have taken that and ran with it. 

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13 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

That was Shakespearean-level authorship, BTW. I literally didn't even SORT OF agree with a single point, I absolutely agree with ALL of it.

I'm pulling @Oranaiche in this because she commented too on this...

Re: Dak. WHAT?!?! I thought they were like, getting married!? Seriously. I thought she was doing all this hinting and shit. NO??? Was it just a hookup??

Just dont' call the grammar police. I'm terrible on a phone where it's hard to edit. I don't wish any ill will on Jenna, I'd just rather see Erica in the triangle and at point, and I feel like it's going to be Jenna, Holly and Melissa. I want Erica.

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15 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

Please refresh my memory. Do we have it on good authority that Jenna hooked up with this player, and that it was more than just a saw them out together while they bumped into each other? Maybe it was small and brief but the story of a 5 year vet and the new hot shot 2nd string turned amazing starter quarterback hooking up? Seems someone would have taken that and ran with it. 

I think most of the intel comes from our board "insiders," who have been proven right over and over again, so I'm inclined to believe they did hook up. However, I take everything on here with a grain of salt, so there's always that chance it didn't happen .

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20 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

Please refresh my memory. Do we have it on good authority that Jenna hooked up with this player, and that it was more than just a saw them out together while they bumped into each other? Maybe it was small and brief but the story of a 5 year vet and the new hot shot 2nd string turned amazing starter quarterback hooking up? Seems someone would have taken that and ran with it. 

I agree. I think there is so much presumption that these girls have the sole goal of being a DCC so they can land a sugar daddy. Some do land wealthy guys, most don't. Looks to me like most of them who advertise relationships end up with somebody on the same finanical level as them anyway. Not really seeing any Cinderella stories of rags to riches.

I totally understand the no fraternization rule is to protect the girls by putting it up front to the players, who may try to use and abuse, that they're hands off. I have personally seen college and pro teams (not just football) recruit players with the promise of guaranteed hot women at their disposal. Some guys go for that, some don't. It breaks NCAA rules on a college level, not sure if it's just gross on a pro level.

Anyway........Jenna is smart and she isn't some straight off the farm teenager with stars in her eyes. If she chose to be involved in any way with Dak, she knew what she was doing, and it doesn't look to me like she's had some breakdown or gone of the edge. If some of her vague Insta quotes around that time indicated a little bit of sadness or affirmation to seek other things, that still doesn't mean she was seduced and dumped. I give her more credit than to fall for that. 

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14 minutes ago, DancingDina13 said:

Why do people automatically assume that the Jenna/Dak thing really happened at all? 

Good point. I think an 'insider' confirmed something, but don't remember if it's an insider who has pretty much been spot on, or one who inserts a lot of personal opinion and not much that isn't specualtion.

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1 hour ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

@dalgal214 or @LaurenBrook what's the official on Jenna/Dak?! Last I heard she was making wedding plans. I'm not kidding. Someone said she posted some cryptic insta post about marriage or some such shit. 

I am hesitant to even comment again because last time I did I got blasted for not providing proof.  Like, I get info because I promise not to reveal who told me so my footnote per always, take it or leave it...but it happened to some extent.  Were they getting married? give me a break LOL  It was more than just him winking to her on the sidelines but it was outside the rules.  

I think it got blown out of proportion HERE more than anything else. Obviously she's a beloved cheerleader on every other count and while it cost her point of the triangle THIS season she still stayed on the team, did appearances, etc.  That's why I was like, i'm not holding my breath, when she announced her retirement.  The one person who told me about the dak stuff said she was upset because this was supposed to be her year and it wasn't so she wanted to quit.  I think now that she's had more time to think about it, she wants to come back.  And good for her! She's young and we know K&J forgive their favorites...look at Whitney LOL I wouldn't be at all surprised if she got point next year (tho I still want it to be Erica haha) 

I DO want to reiterate that the Holly stuff was speculation to the most of my knowledge...I have only heard murmurings of that and no actual YES it happened like with Jenna.  Another reason I love that HOlly and Maddie are BFF...I think Maddie is far from a party girl, on the scene, etc. and a good influence for Holly.  Keepin' her at the mall/movies and dance studio/gym.  :) 

Just dont' call the grammar police. I'm terrible on a phone where it's hard to edit. I don't wish any ill will on Jenna, I'd just rather see Erica in the triangle and at point, and I feel like it's going to be Jenna, Holly and Melissa. I want Erica.

YES to this! Or Jenna, Holly and Erica.  But you know they'll want a blonde up there.  If Melissa quits I could see them moving Amy T up.  

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2 hours ago, Oranaiche said:

I don't think Jenna is technically hooked up with Dak. From what I saw here it seemed like whatever was between them was pretty short lived. Not saying it's ok because I don't think it is by any means, but I don't think it's still a thing. I also kind of think that she will make it back if she reauditions. If they were going to show her the door, they probably would have already. Next year is going to be a young squad and I doubt they would say no to a sixth year power dancer who has experience with show group and as a group leader.

That said, Jenna isn't really my favorite either. I'm actually kind of annoyed to hear she might reaudition because it lessens the possibility of Erica being point next year. Sigh.

Yes to this. And why I think her getting back on track and coming back for another year shows K&J are not harboring ill will.  Esp with no other girls from season 7! Oh gosh, I hope Jinelle decides to come back again too. 

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Season 7, with 4 five year vets, the last who cheered at Texas stadium, and the super talented rookie class was peak of MTT to me. As well as Jenna, I thought this year was the year of Danielle, Jessica, and Jenna. It turned into the year of Jenn K. Don't dislike Jenn K, just love those three. I guess it makes sense to have Jenn K as G1 leader because she was a leader last year while the others were 2nd, but I remember season 8 where even though Sydney was a 6 year vet and was group leader #3 the year before, Jackie was G1 leader instead as a 5 year when she was group leader #4 the year before. So much for seniority. If Jenna stays my guess is that she will be G1 leader and point and leader of the team. I see Erica stepping into her spot more than holly though. I do think holly will move up to the front line and I hope that means Erica has a chance to come back for year 5. If I see Erica anywhere other than what I consider positions 1,2 and 3.....? Grrrrrr lol. 

Edited by LaurelleJ
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45 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

I am hesitant to even comment again because last time I did I got blasted for not providing proof.  Like, I get info because I promise not to reveal who told me so my footnote per always, take it or leave it...but it happened to some extent.  Were they getting married? give me a break LOL  It was more than just him winking to her on the sidelines but it was outside the rules.  

I think it got blown out of proportion HERE more than anything else. Obviously she's a beloved cheerleader on every other count and while it cost her point of the triangle THIS season she still stayed on the team, did appearances, etc.  That's why I was like, i'm not holding my breath, when she announced her retirement.  The one person who told me about the dak stuff said she was upset because this was supposed to be her year and it wasn't so she wanted to quit.  I think now that she's had more time to think about it, she wants to come back.  And good for her! She's young and we know K&J forgive their favorites...look at Whitney LOL I wouldn't be at all surprised if she got point next year (tho I still want it to be Erica haha) 

I DO want to reiterate that the Holly stuff was speculation to the most of my knowledge...I have only heard murmurings of that and no actual YES it happened like with Jenna.  Another reason I love that HOlly and Maddie are BFF...I think Maddie is far from a party girl, on the scene, etc. and a good influence for Holly.  Keepin' her at the mall/movies and dance studio/gym.  :) 

YES to this! Or Jenna, Holly and Erica.  But you know they'll want a blonde up there.  If Melissa quits I could see them moving Amy T up.  

You're not the one with inside knowledge that I side-eyed. Sorry if it sounded that way. I think Jenn K would've been point no matter what Jenna did, but they would've rotated more if Jenna hadn't broken some rules. Which is fair.

They do seem to forgive contrite favorites, but sometimes favorites also lose their shine when other, shinier girls start to emerge AKA Danielle barely made the team, was almost cut for an injury, came back and was on every magazine, video, promo, front of team pics, etc., then almost disappeared this year.

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Again, @LaurenBrook comes to the rescue! Sorry I'm not on my phone/this board at the right times. I have been silently musing and thinking the same thing about the holly and Madeline. Madeline seems to bring her down to earth in a way and keep her on the right track. Holly is an amazing dancer and pretty damn hot and fierce. I could see her possibly going down a slippery slope of going out and partying like Caila, but I think Madeline kind of keeps hollys head on straight.

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I find it really hard to believe that if the Dak fling were such a big deal that Jenna wouldn't be taken back next year, that K&J would not tell Jenna that she shouldn't try out again.  I actually think that would reflect poorly on K&J - if it's that big of a deal, then the punishment (and I don't just mean not getting to rotate into point anymore) should have taken place already. I mean, she still had a plum position in the triangle, never missed a gam, remained a group leader, remained on show group, and never seemed to stop going on appearances. Perhaps K&J thought that taking any of those moves would've been too disruptive, but if that's the case, a simple "Jenna, you've had a good run, but time to hang up the poms" conversation would suffice lol. 

With that said, I think K&J would be happy that one of their best dancers and a 6 year vet is returning to what will be a pretty young/inexperienced team next year. That doesn't mean she or any of the senior vets can flaunt the rules, but if its just one infraction and not a series of them (or a "we're in a serious relationship and not breaking up any time soon" situation like Paige), it doesn't surprise me that they would overlook it. 

1 minute ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Hey man. I only have one piece of inside knowledge. And that I can't go into. I'm all theory and conjecture. Nothing insider about me. You can rest assured that 99.8% of the shit I type has the cited sources equivalent to the knowledge base of the average  three year old. But I'm not trying to pass myself off as someone who has the scoop.

You are not the droid I'm looking for either. You're also a big tease and need to spill the tea. SPILL THE TEA. 

This is why I'm so skeptical of the Megan and Cersten Mean Girl claims, as well as the Holly is a Ho and Ashley Pro is/was an escort. Show me real receipts, not how somebody said their cousin thought they might have remembered hearing in high school, etc. 

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2 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Because there was suggestion....which led to discussion....which led to innuendo....which led to "what's THAT supposed to mean" on her social media...which led to assumption.....which led to yet more discussion....and so on. It's how the rumor mill works. I'm going to personally call this case closed from my perspective. Hogwash from beginning to end.

Um...I think we got some good inside info.  Whatever it was was short lived and shut down.

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