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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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Pink317 - where did you see the Bucs' Making The Team?  The NFL has one but it is from 2006.  Did they put out another?

Sorry - I know this is OT - 


I'm not sure where Pink saw the video, but they have a bunch on their video player - some longer than others ...I think I watched the 2013 that had 3 parts...that one was pretty long.



I see your point of view, but the show can send the wrong message to young girls also. Amy C. was cut in season 7 because she had an alleged big behind. The poor girl was in Urgent Care the day before because she was sick from trying to lose weight to fit into the uniform, and she was told her butt did not look right. Her cut scene was heavily edited to make her look bad. Kelli, Judy, and Charlotte make fun of some of the women who try out because they do not look like a DCC. How many of these girls end up with eating disorders or decide not to try out again because they are told they are fat by DCC standards.

Amy C. was cut in season 7 because she had an alleged big behind. The poor girl was in Urgent Care the day before because she was sick from trying to lose weight to fit into the uniform, and she was told her butt did not look right. Her cut scene was heavily edited to make her look bad.


Really glad to see someone else point out that Amy's cut likely played out very differently in real life versus the edited version that aired on TV.  I felt bad for her.  Seeing how they portrayed her on the show, it's a wonder anyone else would want to go through that.  I guess most people just don't realize how much "reality TV" is edited.

I concur with bigskygirl. DCC is the furthest thing from promoting positive/healthy body images nor should they be any standard for body image. Amy C. is a good example and there are others. Necessary evils for DCC should not be applied broadly and are very damaging. Going a bit further, Ashley just seems very sensitive in general which is not a bad thing but more so strange because she signed up to be a public figure..the show /social media presence was established well before MTT7. Also when you are known for superficial things (looks, sexy power dancing, bikini calendars), I dont see the justification for getting upset when someone comments on your looks?  I would be more upset (and grossed out) about the men who comment about using the girls' pics for sexual reasons.

Edited by pink317

I don’t see DCC as promoting a healthy body image at all.  In fact, I think it does quite the opposite and promotes the over-sexualization of women. Ashley’s post is understandable but it does make her sound insecure especially since it is her second post like that.  It makes me sad that someone who looks like Ashley would ever be insecure about her looks!  That’s DCC for you though…

Kelli and Judy call out people on facebook and twitter for some of the comments made about the girls, but they make comments about certain girls which do not seem kind or nice. To be honest about it, I guess it is okay for Kelli, Judy, Miss Kitty or Charlotte to make snide remarks about certain girls, but fans or people on facebook or twitter are being big meanies and are hurting the girls' feelings.

Ashley is a cute girl. If she does decide to retire this year, I wish her and her husband the best. I also wish her the best with her counseling internship.


I hope Nicole posts some pictures of her Pro Bowl experiences on her twitter account and DCC Facebook page. It does not look like she will be posting any articles on the DCC website. They took down the current squad bio pages. I miss the articles and videos.

In other news, the Diamond Doctor Gems of the Week are back on Fb. This week it is Paige and Jenna. Jenna looks lovely here, she is becoming a lovely young lady: https://m.facebook.com/DallasCowboysCheerleaders/photos/a.413047096034.200984.181648811034/10152535898751035/?type=1&source=46

I like seeing the girls "grow up" when they make the team at such a young age.

I don’t see DCC as promoting a healthy body image at all.  In fact, I think it does quite the opposite and promotes the over-sexualization of women. Ashley’s post is understandable but it does make her sound insecure especially since it is her second post like that.  It makes me sad that someone who looks like Ashley would ever be insecure about her looks!  That’s DCC for you though…

Seriously. If you don't want comments on your body - positive or negative - don't pose in a calendar that's designed and marketed on sexy poses in very little clothing. If she were just some girl at the beach, then she doesn't deserve the critique. If she's signed up on the basis of sexiness, beauty, and then dance skill, then she should be able to handle people commenting on just that. Same goes for beauty or health and fitness professionals who may not have the ideal look - you're selling a product designed to make people look good, so if you don't look good yourself, be prepared for people to let you know.

WWE announced that the next wrestle mania  is coming to be at At&T stadium

Charlotte was there at the press conference with four cheerleaders Samantha , Jacie , kinzie and loren

I think that's a big deal for loren whose just a rookie


Here is more pics


Edited by mmm

WWE announced that the next wrestle mania  is coming to be at At&T stadium

Charlotte was there at the press conference with four cheerleaders Samantha , Jacie , kinzie and loren

I think that's a big deal for loren whose just a rookie


Here is more pics


Gosh, Kinzie and Samantha look so much alike!

Charlotte just seems so prissy to me. Like an Ice Princess. I can't imagine her at a wrestling event...

No but she's business woman and that's a huge business deal , the wwe is very popular that's going to bring alot of attention on the whole orginzation beside wrestle mania is always sold out i am sure at&t stadium would get a huge cut of that


Yeah. Maybe I just have a negative image of her because of the whole Ann Lux thing? I wonder if the girls will be at the events?

I think they are definalty  going to be doing appearances ,  i was talking to someone i know who is really into wrestling  and they told they usually have musical performances in wrestle mania so there is a decent chance they are going to perform too

An article written by the Denver Broncos Pro Girl cheerleader. Nicole has been mentioned in the article. I was hoping Nicole would post some of her own articles on the DCC webpage. She has been posting a few pictures on her twitter page.    http://m.denverbroncos.com/s/30843/260?itemPos=2&itemUri=1881554260%2F1215149947231511410636101310


Article about Nicole. She will be retiring this year. I will miss her.   http://www.uidaho.edu/alumni/stay-connected/vibe/features/nicole-bulcher

Hackers, someone not wanting to update the profiles anymore, they are doing the Social Gems of the Week instead of updating the profiles, they have the facebook and twitter accounts instead? The site is going downhill. What happen to the girls writing articles. Bring back videos, articles, and pictures. How much money does it cost to update the website by at least one person once or twice a month? They could have the girls come in and help out.

LOL are there other reasons you think they're rich? The Ritz Carlton for lunch doesn't necessarily make one "rich" on its own.

I guess it was the way Nicole worded it in the article

Samantha: https://m.facebook.com/DallasCowboysCheerleaders/photos/a.413047096034.200984.181648811034/10152548037586035/?type=1&source=46

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