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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking

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Bleh. The profiles don't list the girls' accolades. It was a good source of information for the viewer especially since GL, show group, etc isnt always pointed out on the show. Maybe the stand alone, decked out site was too costly and time consuming for the ROI.

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Don't like it and there is really no new info.  The USO tour is most recent and we had read it before it came up on the website.  Let's keep a close watch on it to see how often it is updated.  Why did they not have videos of more performances at shows??

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I don't like the new page at all. I loved looking at the squad archives to see past favorites.


Me too. Maybe  they feel it's too costly to do it.


I went back and checked out the site. They finished up the girls profiles because they are back to normal. You just have to scroll all the way down the page. For some reason  Breelan is the only one who doesn't have a complete profile. There's also DCC blogs but they are old ones; nothing new.

Edited by MrsEVH
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Does it cost a lot to update the DCC website page? They would not need someone to come into the office and sit for eight hours a day in front of the computer. What happen to the girls writing articles/blogs. Disappointed...

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Does it cost a lot to update the DCC website page? They would not need someone to come into the office and sit for eight hours a day in front of the computer. What happen to the girls writing articles/blogs. Disappointed...


To update? Probably not. There is definitely a monthly fee. And "alot" is relative. I wouldn't see why they weren't able to fiscally maintain the site; however, it probably just became unnecessary. Perhaps it was only beneficial to the fans. Or maybe the NFL wanted the cheerleader/team sites to be uniform.

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I took a look at the other football teams cheerleaders pages. They look a lot better than the new DCC page, and a lot more updated and fan friendly. I read someplace the DCCs make around a million dollars for the organization. They probably can afford to keep the page up and updated. I find it interesting the page went down hill after the one episode where the one Social Media guy for the Dallas Cowboys said the fans are not the girls' friends after people were posting alleged mean things about the girls.

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I find it interesting the page went down hill after the one episode where the one Social Media guy for the Dallas Cowboys said the fans are not the girls' friends after people were posting alleged mean things about the girls.


I always thought it was the opposite.  Did you all ever read the notes that people wrote at the bottom of the cheerleader's individual pages?  One guy was asking a cheerleader why she hadn't written him back. It was weird and off-putting.  And then there was our famous friend on the DCC site and on TWOP that was kind of creep and used to comment who was the hottest and trolled on the girl's individual pages.  I cannot remember his "handle."


Here is the problem with all the changes they are making to the website: many of us remember the site when it was great and the squad was contributing to it.  Each girl had a page, in addition the cheerleaders would write diary-like story entries about all the stuff they had to do each week or for a holiday or a personal story or what music they liked to work out to.  The best were the retiring vet postings.  They wrote about their time on the squad and the reader usually found out stuff they never knew about the cheerleader.  It was way more personal...maybe that is why it changed.

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I have seen some comments about the girls on the DCC facebook page, and the comments would have made a drunk sailor on leave blush. I do remember hearing Kelli say Judy goes on DCC forums to see what fans say about the girls and the show.

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So glad that Holly is returning, looks like she'll be the only group leader coming back. 

I have seen some comments about the girls on the DCC facebook page, and the comments would have made a drunk sailor on leave blush. I do remember hearing Kelli say Judy goes on DCC forums to see what fans say about the girls and the show.

She's not here, or is using a different name from what she had on TWOP. Or is just stalking.

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Is Sydney retiring? Judy had an account on TWOP. I think Kelli said she visited the site to read the comments, but I do not think she said anything about her posting. I think she did reply to a few posters on the old CMT DCC Making the team forum.

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Sydney was just posting about wishing it was football season already! When did she says she was retiring? She is so close to breaking the DCC record!


She's said it at least two times that she was retiring but always came back. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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The girls going on the calendar shoot and can be in the next year's Sideline Calendar are usually the ones who are trying out again. I guess we will find out when the swimsuit fitting happens. Last year Angela was not there for the swimsuit fittings, but she did go on the calendar shoot.

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From twitter:


Name Removed ‏@(name removed) 9h9 hours ago

@kelsey_charles I Love The Show But We Need @DCC_Sydney Back On The Show And Back As A Cheerleader #FranchiseSydney #TalkingCowboys
0 replies 0 retweets 1 favorite

Sydney Durso ‏@DCC_Sydney 2h2 hours ago

Busy off-season—be back soon! RT @(Name Removed): @Kelsey_Charles Love the show but we need @DCC_Sydney back. #FranchiseSydney #TalkinCowboys


Hope that means she's coming back and going for the DCC record! :)

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I wonder how many of those girls are there for "DCC prep" and how many just want a good dance class. I'm sure they all wont try out in May.


Nicole is barely in the frame. Did she mess up or something?


Mia is fire. She was the point for a reason! Jacie was bringing an A game as well.


Interested to see who co-leads with Brittany Evans. Also find it odd that Stephanie Wheat (from Allen Americans) does DCC prep while actively leading another squad. She isn't DCC alumni, is she?

Edited by pink317
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I do believe there are dance classes on Thursday nights the girls can attend. I think the Friday classes are for DCC auditions, so I can see the girls wanting to tryout again coming to these classes. Group leaders and assistant group leaders help teach the classes. The 2/6 class had Angela and three year vet Ashley helping teach the class. Last Friday Nicole and three year vet Jennifer assisted Mia. I am seeing Holly or Emma with their assistant leaders assisting Brittany. I have no idea why Sydney did not help out with the first class unless she started her vacation at the time.


Nicole's knee may have been bothering her last Friday.

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Interested to see who co-leads with Brittany Evans. Also find it odd that Stephanie Wheat (from Allen Americans) does DCC prep while actively leading another squad. She isn't DCC alumni, is she?


According to her bio she's a former Mavs and Dallas Desperados dancer. No mention of her being a DCC.

Edited by MrsEVH
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They have posted videos of Jasmine and three year vet Ashley from last year's calendar shoot on the DCC website. I hope they do the same with the rest of the veterans.


There's also a few of the 2014  fan vote finalist's videos  (current DCC Courtney plus former TCCs  Meagan & Chandler). I wonder why all of them are not on there?

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I've seen the new website for the DDC's and don't care for it, but don't think it's done either. I'm sure all the old data from the Cheerleaders' site will be moved over to the main site. I really like the history section as well. Personally, I think they combined the Cheerleaders with the official Cowboys site to get more traffic for the Cowboys! lol


I've seen a lot of talk and criticism about the Cheerleaders and their weight, how unhealthy it is and they aren't good role models for girls etc. To me they're perfectly all right for what they're trying out for - which is to be in a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader in a very skimpy uniform. And they're healthy enough to dance 3 hours every night for practice as well as dance for 4+ hours in the hot, humid Southern weather during games.  Most people can't do that.  Most of the girls who try out are in their late teens and early 20's.  I think the difficulty keeping weight down as one gets older is why Cheerleaders retire after a couple, three seasons - especially cheerleaders who got on the team in their mid-20's. But these girls knew that going in, they knew what was needed to wear that skimpy uniform. And it is really tiny!  None of this is a big secret. So why criticize Kelly and Judy for upholding criterion that has stood for decades?  It's only been in the last 15 to 18 years that the average US female size is 12-14. In the '70's and '80s it as size 8-10, in the '60's the average was 8.  These girls and their "thinness" is being judged against a generation that isn't thin. That doesn't automatically make them bad role models.


Are there some girls who shouldn't try out because their bodies just don't naturally get that slim? Absolutely. Does it mean those girls aren't going to strive to get down there anyway? Of course not. They're going to because they want to be a part of an elite organization. But each girl makes those choices. And not all of the girls on the team now are the super skinny types like Jinell, Lacey and Kelsey. Ashley P isn't super skinny, and neither is Breelan, Jasmine, Nichole, and several others.  They just have the right proportions, their weight falls in the right places to fit the uniform.  Some are thin and their body type doesn't fit, like Rachel Buckmaster for example. 


Anyway, just thought I'd throw my opinion onto the pyre. :)

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I've seen a lot of talk and criticism about the Cheerleaders and their weight, how unhealthy it is and they aren't good role models for girls etc. To me they're perfectly all right for what they're trying out for - which is to be in a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader in a very skimpy uniform.  


Are there some girls who shouldn't try out because their bodies just don't naturally get that slim? Absolutely. Does it mean those girls aren't going to strive to get down there anyway? Of course not. They're going to because they want to be a part of an elite organization. But each girl makes those choices. 


 I think people were weighing in on the constant comments made from previous cheerleaders who "did whatever it took" to fit into that uniform.. i.e. starving themselves..the unhealthy way to be a "good role model." That's not to say that they should eat whatever they want and expect to get the job; just be healthy. Yes, some are, but when you hear several stories from ex cheerleaders saying these girls are compromising their health to look good, that isn't cool. Not everyone does it though.

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It will be interesting to see what happens at auditions this year.   When they left Hannah go they said they had to start making those decisions on veterans at auditions.     She did look out of shape.   What I didn't understand is the bikini calendar shoot was about a month before auditions, was she thinner then?   

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It will be interesting to see what happens at auditions this year.   When they left Hannah go they said they had to start making those decisions on veterans at auditions.     She did look out of shape.   What I didn't understand is the bikini calendar shoot was about a month before auditions, was she thinner then?   


No. She looked the same way she did at auditions. Remember Kelly said she had weight warnings throughout the year; maybe it was just a progressing issue..

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The girls sign contracts stating they have to stay at their audition weight.  Hannah looked to be extremely thin at her initial audition, so that probably didn't help.  However, when she came back her second year, it wasn't like she gained weight and remained toned.  She was "softer" around the middle.


I think they "lean up" for the swimsuit photo shoot in April and re-introduce carbs to their bodies in May.  If they haven't been practicing and working out like normal, their bodies hold on to the extra calories.  Some just may have a metabolic system that can deal with it better than others.  Mine would get revenge for starving it and hold on to bread like a lifeline:)

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The girls sign contracts stating they have to stay at their audition weight.  Hannah looked to be extremely thin at her initial audition, so that probably didn't help.


I remember that a few years ago, when there were still the blog entries, one of the veterans wrote a blog about tips for auditions.  One tip was to not audition at a weight lower that you can realistically maintain because that will be the weight that you'll be held to all year.  Maybe Hannah came in at her very smallest at her rookie year auditions and could never really stay at that weight.

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