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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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Gussiek - I chalked that up to "learn a lesson, please" - because while I agree the defendant was totally unfair in getting all the free work, legally she was pretty upfront in telling the plaintiff it all hinged on her getting state aid. People in this world make the assumption that they have no requirement to attempt to protect themselves. I work with people every day who are a hundred times smarter than the average JJ litigant who are routinely shocked that "No returns on custom orders" is a contractual thing they have to accept. As described by both the plaintiff and the defendant, legally there was no way for JJ to make the defendant pay since the terms of the contract were pretty clear. Was it shitty on the part of the defendant? Absolutely but it is what it is.

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The baby sitting girl had no street smarts, but dayum, JJ, not a penny for her?  There was something just so wrong there. At one point, JJ said the defendant had to pay her, and then she changed her mind.  


You can't allow someone to work unpaid for eight weeks.  You can't legally contract to work for nothing, or to work on spec that you might get something if defendant qualifies for a program.   She should have received the minimum wage, since crafty mother, who knew the system, fooled her.

I thought that, too, but upon rewatch I think that JJ took the $50 a week she'd initially agreed to as her payment. Normally JJ hollers that no one works for free but, technically, the naive babysitter wasn't working for free. She was working for next to nothing.


My only issue with the defendant in the adoption case was that he waited until the summer was over to complain about the lack of A/C. If that's the reason he moved, he'd have done that within his first week of living there.


My first year living in Tucson I was bamboozled into taking an apartment that only had a swamp cooler. I started school in January, so it worked perfectly fine at the time. As a Philly girl, I didn't know anything about them. Anyway, the landlord assured me it was just a cheaper way to have A/C and I'd appreciate the lower electric bills. For my first few months, everything was fine. Then May rolled around and it was hot, y'all. The swamp cooler blew nothing but hot air. They're really useless in the summer. That was the only time in my renting life that I ever broke a lease. I told the landlord there was no way in hell I was staying there for another month. (Actually, hell would have been more comfortable than my apartment was.) He was kind enough to let me out of my lease, thus stripping me of yet another opportunity to be on JJ.

I think the $50 was only supposed to be partial payment. But I did not have the stomach to rewatch. The case was really all over the map with the changing amounts. Yes plaintiff should have quit sooner, but I think this case called for a quantum meruit analysis, where there is no clear contract, but defendant is not supposed to be unjustly enriched. Then the judge should award minimum wage minus what was already received.

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The Meth Wanderer: JJ nailed that one, that tall, moon-faced plaintiff had a crush on the meth-mouthed squatter and had deaf mom pay for his dental work with no expectations of repayment.  I hope JJ was sarcastic when she scolded him about poor dental hygiene in his childhood, he only had one central incisor left, and it's probably shaky.  She had to know that the tooth that couldn't be removed for being "too small" was probably rotted by massive meth consumption.


Lady Werewolf Sets Canines Free: I totally get why the plaintiff wanted to release her brethren pack mates.  No amount of perming will hide how wiry her hair gets on the full moon.  Ah-woooooo!

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From what I remember, the swamp cooler only lowered the temp about 15-20 degrees which if it's 115 outside, brings it down to about 90 or so in the house.


ah, but it's a dry heat :)


I spent part of my youth in Nevada and IIRC we called them "desert coolers"--we lived on a military base and my dad was NOT an officer, so you don't get the primo amenities. Oddly, I don't remember actually being hot

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The first episode, second case -- what was going on with the woman in the striped sweater's lips and cheeks?  I missed last week's episode about using auto/home chemicals as DIY botox, and I wonder if that woman was playing with the Fix-A-Flat. There were definitely some back-alley cosmetic procedures going on there.  Another side effect: speaking like Mushmouth.


Mr. Clzlapenszki (the spelling was as crazy as he is) was a complete dick.  Oh, and he works for the Correctional Departments of CA and AZ?  Lies.  He reminds me of kids who have oppositional defiance disorder, which is all about "I make people miserable because I like to."    But he needs to PROTECT HIMSELF!   JJ equally hated the plaintiff.

There have been so many times in my life that I have wanted to look at someone at flatly say, "There's actually something wrong with you" like JJ did to Mr. C.  Oh wait, I have done that to people before.  


Judge Judy said she'd love to know the story behind the second case...I would love to know too.  Fighting over a paint stain and a stupid video game console?  Those parents harbored a lot of hatred for their son and his girlfriend - they didn't try to hide it.  

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The Meth Wanderer: JJ nailed that one, that tall, moon-faced plaintiff had a crush on the meth-mouthed squatter and had deaf mom pay for his dental work with no expectations of repayment.  I hope JJ was sarcastic when she scolded him about poor dental hygiene in his childhood, he only had one central incisor left, and it's probably shaky.  She had to know that the tooth that couldn't be removed for being "too small" was probably rotted by massive meth consumption.


Yeah, that was pretty obvious. She was kind of a plain Jane and he had nice hair and nice eyes and she fell hard. Unfortunately he looked like third-row far-right on Your First Grade Class Picture In The Lunchroom up about the mouth. He looked like that boy on that YouTube video who was like, "is this real life? I have two fingers". I figured he smoked cigarettes, but my thing is, how are you gonna get another girlfriend while you're living with one woman and her mother and your mouth looks like you robbed Los Pollos Hermanos of all their "product". No, girl, that's not how it works. But for real. this was another case of a chick only with a dude because he they were sleeping together and he wound up screwing her over. Sad.


Lady Werewolf Sets Canines Free: I totally get why the plaintiff wanted to release her brethren pack mates.  No amount of perming will hide how wiry her hair gets on the full moon.  Ah-woooooo!


I could barely pay attention to what was happening in this case because the defendant had those big, cracked cigarette ass lips. Ew. Don't worry about your hair; get some Scar Zone or something for your lips. Stop smoking. You already look like Taco LaBelle, which is fine I can deal with that, but baby those lips. Her mouth looked like an old boxing glove.


Judge Judy said she'd love to know the story behind the second case...I would love to know too.  Fighting over a paint stain and a stupid video game console?  Those parents harbored a lot of hatred for their son and his girlfriend - they didn't try to hide it.


Yeah, this was one of those lawsuits that seemed more punitive than anything. I think they just wanted them to be hurt by being sued. Seemed like a nice kid, nice girlfriend. They seemed to have a decent relationship with their daughter and even absolved her for her part in the spilled paint. But they want to sue their son over minutiae? Hmm.

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I spent part of my youth in Nevada and IIRC we called them "desert coolers"--we lived on a military base and my dad was NOT an officer, so you don't get the primo amenities. Oddly, I don't remember actually being hot

Oh man, were you at Nellis AFB? We lived in North Las Vegas, which is NOT all sparkly and shiny like regular Las Vegas - it's pretty much cinder block houses and lots of dirt. My dad was retired military and put in a tiny little lawn with an inground  sprinkler system which was unheard of back then. I don't remember it being that hot but we had cars with no A/C and a swamp cooler on the house - one of my clearest memories was digging a large hole in the back yard under the one tree and filling it with the hose and sitting in the hole when I was about 4. 


Mr. Clap (I'm not going to type all those letters, my fingers hurt) was all kinds of cray cray. I wish we could have heard what she thinks he did without video proof. He said he worked for DOC, but maybe he was a cook or janitor - he didn't look like he was a guard (maybe he was in the DOC, aka an ex prisoner, lol). 


I can't understand how the Well Permed Werewolf spent so much money on doing her hair but was missing a bunch of her front toofies. Perhaps she was hanging out with One Tooth Willie aka The Meth Master from the other case, although I've never heard of a tooth being too small to extract. My wisdom teeth were all messed out and came out in pieces and they managed to dig them all out. Maybe his toofie was so small he couldn't get a grip on it with his locking pliers in front of the mirror in the rest stop bathroom.

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I can't understand how the Well Permed Werewolf spent so much money on doing her hair but was missing a bunch of her front toofies. Perhaps she was hanging out with One Tooth Willie aka The Meth Master from the other case, although I've never heard of a tooth being too small to extract. My wisdom teeth were all messed out and came out in pieces and they managed to dig them all out. Maybe his toofie was so small he couldn't get a grip on it with his locking pliers in front of the mirror in the rest stop bathroom.

Wow. I know it annoys JJ when litigants bring their new squeezes into the courtroom with former partners (or friends with benefits, as the case may be). But the one I really wanted to see with my own eyes is the new girlfriend of Vincent Taylor, aka Meth Master, Meth Wanderer, and One Tooth Willie.


What kind of woman finds the dentally challenged Mr.Taylor a prize? The missing teeth are bad enough, but he unabashedly conned $800 from a senior deaf lady who obviously isn't made of money. What an asshole.

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The ruling in the methhead Los Pollos Hermanos customer case ticked me off.

I get what JJ was saying about allowing him to stay there for months without making payments but once again she's not living in the real world. Most people would give someone they care about some time to pay back money that's owed. Most people don't immediately throw them out or go to court a month later. That toothless wonder said that the mother never presented him with a Bill. I don't believe that for a second.

And it's only $800 for crying out loud. This wasn't cash the mother had laying around. She took out a freaking Care Credit account to help that fool out. She can't repossess the dental work. Give her the money. Sometimes JJ acts likes the verdicts are coming out of her substantial salary. Good grief.

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She can't repossess the dental work.

oh, I beg to differ - wouldn't it be sheer irony to tackle Mr. Meth Master and pry that Care Credit-reimbursed toofie out of his mouth with a pair of pliers ala Fantine in Les Miz? It would be a repossession case and he could come back on JJ and sue to get his toofie back!!! 

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Mustachioed Graham Joseph who likes startin' fires and hangin' out...I think he may have said, "Whatever, dude" after JJ gave the ruling.  Burnt bike owner Richie Trimble was correct when he said in his hallterview, "He needs to grow up."



Ug, my first reaction to seeing him was "great, another hipster douchebag"...he was so thrilled to be on JJ and laughing at the whole thing. I'm thinking this was another fake case, since the plaintiff was only slightly less douchy.

Edited by Eliza422
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In the landlord/rent case (with the lady who forgot her address), did the sloppy daughter's clavicle tattoo say, "I don't need a reason"?  Maybe it said more than that.  Either way, she did not make a good choice re: design and placement.


JJ spoke directly to us today...what fun.  


Brandon and Jonna both described scenes from Trailer Park's Finest Moments.  Two drunkards, grabbing the back of the guy's neck, elbowing the girl's face and choking her..."Your Honor, that was a wiiiiild night."


Mr. Strycharz had the SWAT team at his house because his ex was pissed off.  Well, that's one way to burn him, I guess.  Mr. S obviously downplayed the evidence and reason for his arrest, and he acted like a stroppy teenager so I guess prison didn't toughen him up.  Ummmm, at one point, Mr. Clark was ready to confess all of his sins to JJ in the courtroom.  Dude should have kept his little mouth shut...JJ tried to shut him up, but the story came out in the hallterview.  What an idiot.

Ug, my first reaction to seeing him was "great, another hipster douchebag"...he was so thrilled to be on JJ and laughing at the whole thing. I'm thinking this was another fake case, since the plaintiff was only slightly less douchy.

I've come to believe that all hipster cases are fake on JJ.  I just can't with that crowd....

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That's why I love JJ:  The mother couldn't even recite the address she alleged to have lived at for a year.  LOL, owned by JJ!


I guess I could have bought that if she lived there 15 years ago but one year ago? - nope. Cima is a just a stupid liar who lies and smiles smugly as though being caught in a stupid lie is something to be proud of. I see she's bringing her darling daughter, Asia, up in her footsteps.



Puppy Daddy: How come puppy daddy wasn't the one suing?  He performed the service.


Ugh! Ugh! I hate backyard breeder cases always, and hated this one in the extreme. Patricia McGill? Get your goddamned dog neutered, that is, after you finish your act in Vegas, which I see you were dressed for right down to the stupid fake flower in your Elly Mae Clampett hairdo.

The defendant should have used the 350$ "stud fee" to buy herself some teeth. Ugh! Ugh!


Mr. Strycharz had the SWAT team at his house because his ex was pissed off.



Machine Gun Jason! Why is it always the pasty, chinless, pansy-assed pansies like Jason who feel the need to "shoot off" machine guns and shot guns? Compensating for something, Mr. "I Need to Bring My Mommy to Court" Strycharz (who was unable to find his way off the set)? HIs "fiancee" finally wised up, after having THREE kids with this whiney douchebag? I guess late is better than never, but still...why, fiancee, WHY?? What made you so very desperate?

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elbowing the girl's face and choking her..."Your Honor, that was a wiiiiild night."


"Ah th'owed muh ORM back.."  Good lord, couldn't the plaintiff have found someone just a wee bit better as she trawled Dogpatch for a lovah?


Felonious Giggling Attorney couldn't be saved by JJ from disclosing his shady past in the hallterview, LOL.



The l'il guy really wanted 10 million people to hear about his drug habit and other illegal activities, didn't he? I'm sure that will drum up a lot of business for him.


Defendant was an arrogant hot head.


And a douchebag. Don't forget douchebag.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Machine Gun Jason! Why is it always the pasty, chinless, pansy-assed pansies like Jason who feel the need to "shoot off" machine guns and shot guns? Compensating for something, Mr. "I Need to Bring My Mommy to Court" Strycharz (who was unable to find his way off the set)? HIs "fiancee" finally wised up, after having THREE kids with this whiney douchebag? I guess late is better than never, but still...why, fiancee, WHY?? What made you so very desperate?


That case was tough for me. On one hand, I think the lawyer seemed a little shady, and I wasn't surprised he had a "history". He's probably one of those types who's in it for the money but knows dick about actually representing people. If the case went down the way the defendant said, and he was arrested because of some YouTube videos that showed him shooting guns with his young daughter in the background, that would seem like a charge a savvy lawyer could beat if he put in the legwork. I can understand the dude being scared of getting four years in prison, but then again, the likelihood of him doing four years for something like that is very minor even if the prosecutor asked for it.


On the other hand, the defendant wasn't a prize pig himself. He was right when he said he seemed more savvy than the lawyer -- I thought so too -- but you had three kids by a chick who is obviously willing to call the police on you based on some videos like that. And, you have three kids with a woman you're not married to. I don't get why dudes have to shoot these high caliber guns in the first place, but then, don't have them around your kids.

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YouTube videos that showed him shooting guns with his young daughter in the background, that would seem like a charge a savvy lawyer could beat if he put in the legwork.




Apparently there was also a shotgun in the house shown in the background of a photo. .I just read a story about a three year boy who pulled a loaded gun out from under a bed and fatally shot his mother. Guess someone forgot to put the safety on.


Maybe I'm a curmudgeon, I don't believe that dipshits who like to think they're Rambo, get arrested and charged for keeping deadly weapons around toddlers should necessarily "beat it".  But that's just me.

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That's why I love JJ:  The mother couldn't even recite the address she alleged to have lived at for a year.  LOL, owned by JJ!


Puppy Daddy: How come puppy daddy wasn't the one suing?  He performed the service.


You feel wrong!: JJ doesn't care how you feel.

In the first one, there wasn't even a reason to lie. Lying is bad enoug, but I despise when people lie about shit that doesn't even matter. It would have had no effect on the case if the mother had said she was on the lease to help her daughter get the condo. Parents do that kind of stuff all the time. The mother knew they had the walk-through form, so what was the point of lying? Idiot.

I'm leaving the second case alone, as I've beaten the 'I'm tired of dog cases' horse to death. But I'm really tired of dog cases. JJ seems to have replaced all those cell phone cases she hated for dog cases. Has anyone else noticed this?

I wanted to know why the defendant in the scraped Subaru case was in jail, even though it wasn't germane to the case. Do any of you internet sleuths want to find out and report? I didn't catch her name.

I am in Phoenix on a business trip and they apparently air JJ earlier in the day here than they do in Tucson, where I live, so I thought I was going to be deprived of your company this week. Then I figured out how to link to my DVR from my iPad. Yay for technology! Starting off my day without you guys just didn't feel right.

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Puppy Daddy: How come puppy daddy wasn't the one suing?  He performed the service.



Before we were married, Mr. Milz's dog was accused of being the puppy daddy. Puppy mama's owners got a lawyer (we suspect it was a lawyer friend of theirs because no real lawyer would take a case like that), who sent Mr. Milz a letter demanding him to pay puppy mama's vet bills and money for puppy support. Mr. Milz had to send a notarized copy of his dog's vet bill and medical records that showed his dog was not and could never be any puppy's daddy.

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The family in the last case was beyond dysfunctional.  All that aggression and destruction, and those two idiot girls were so self-satisfied with their proud smiles. Throwing your sister's things down the incinerator because you're selfish and want more space in your parents' house?  Cutting up your sister's belongings?  Complete a-holes.  And I'm glad the parents found it funny too, since they surely purchased all of those things.  Well those two girls learned about behavior from them, so I guess that's run-of-the-mill foolishness in their house.

The family in the last case was beyond dysfunctional.  All that aggression and destruction, and those two idiot girls were so self-satisfied with their proud smiles. Throwing your sister's things down the incinerator because you're selfish and want more space in your parents' house?  Cutting up your sister's belongings?  Complete a-holes.  And I'm glad the parents found it funny too, since they surely purchased all of those things.  Well those two girls learned about behavior from them, so I guess that's run-of-the-mill foolishness in their house.


Am I the only one who got a weird vibe from them? There was a hardness and coldness with the older sister and the younger sister seemed spoiled. It seems like the parents would've put the kibosh on this before it got to the point where one sister is throwing the other sister's things away and the other is mad and cutting up shoes. I know parents think it's cute to pamper the youngest and be hard on the oldest, but they eventually grow up and that shit isn't so cute anymore.


The defendant in the case with the lady who said her PT Cruiser was stolen by the lady who goes to clean the school looked like Eugene Levy in drag.


Maybe I'm a curmudgeon, I don't believe that dipshits who like to think they're Rambo, get arrested and charged for keeping deadly weapons around toddlers should necessarily "beat it".  But that's just me.


I agree in principle. I don't get why some guys need powerful guns and I definitely don't think they should be lying around anywhere near a child. I honestly think if you're going to have your kids staying with you for any prolonged period of time you need to give up the guns. Kids get into shit and if they're in the house, they could find them. Better safe than sorry.


On the other hand, well, it's people's 2nd Amendment right to own firearms, and that sometimes includes people with children. We kind of can't throw people in jail because parents and gun owners are sometimes one in the same. There are rules in place, but even those don't entirely mitigate the risk involved when someone has firearms in the home with children. Methinks papas obsession with guns to overcompensate for some other shortcoming is why the fiancee didn't marry him to begin with.

Edited by 27bored
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the guy didn't become a dumbass upon the break up of the relationship with the ex-fiancé.  So, she knew about his behavior, with guns and otherwise, but didn't choose to care about it until she could use it against him.


That's the usual song of so many women we see here.


"He's an abusive control freak, a drunk and a drug addict who never brings in any money, so I decided to stay with him for seven years and have three kids with him."

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I knew a woman who did just that.  Got involved with an alcoholic idiot even when there was a time they were a very new couple and she woke him up in the afternoon trying to visit him, and he was so hung over he took out a gun and threatened to shoot her. 


He got her child taken away because he insisted on a Vegas weekend when her child was sick so she left the kid with a 16 year old girl and the child ended up in the hospital.  Got the kid back and let him blame her first kid for anything that went wrong in his world, while having 3 other kids with him. 


It took years before she got a clue, and by then her kids were in their teens and left as soon as possible.  The last I heard, they were divorced and none of the kids wanted anything to do with either of them.

Edited by Zahdii
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The defendant in the case with the lady who said her PT Cruiser was stolen by the lady who goes to clean the school looked like Eugene Levy in drag.

I'm seriously crying here. . . . 


Methinks papas obsession with guns to overcompensate for some other shortcoming is why the fiancee didn't marry him to begin with.

There's something really weird under the surface of that guy - I know scads of people with guns who don't feel obliged to post videos of themselves shooting guns with their kids in the background on You Tube. He looked really tightly wound somewhere deep inside, like Michael Douglas in that movie Falling Down - like that wire inside is gonna *POP* and he'll be shooting up the local post office. 

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Regarding the lady who had her car repossessed because she missed a payment.  Is that not a huge bonus for the guy who gets the whole car back even tho she has been paying hundreds a month for it. 


Is it never considered equity what you put into the car?  I know JJ likes to say consider you rented the car - but 400 a month is a lot of rent on an older car.


So he gets the car back plus damage recovery because she wrecked the seat and the carpets.  Seems to me like he got a BO-Nanza!!


My other point is he claimed the car seat got chewed up by her dogs (she had 4 in that vehicle I believe) but she insisted it was not her dogs it was her sliding her arse in and out as she said because of her size - it ripped the seat.  So it is her sliding her very big arse in and out of the ve-hickle that caused the damage.  Why does she thinks that mitigates the damage?  Arse or dog teeth - it is her damage.


I wasn't sure about this ruling at all.


In the halterview the plaintiff said she was using the promise of her potential 1.8 million dollar settlement to milk people.  Is it possible he was one of the people in line to milk her?

Edited by Oinky Boinky
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Lascivious Canine Hot Tub:  This started out so promising with every litigant making such a big deal about how much bigger the horny male was than the reluctant female.  When the two clumsy demons started going at it, someone got scared and cracked a cheap hot tub.  One more reason why we don't need these four-legged nuisances.


Fixer Upper of Estrangement: The dad was trying very hard to repress his inner dick and sound like a reasonable person.  "Focus!  Focus! Don't show signs of true self!"  - it was of no use, he had no verbal contract.  His son the defendant was ready to burst, too, going as far as drinking the water to distract himself.  Sure there is a lot of hurt, but if your only father is a douche, then it sucks for him and his old age and everyone goes separate ways.

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she insisted it was not her dogs it was her sliding her arse in and out as she said because of her size - it ripped the seat.  So it is her sliding her very big arse in and out of the ve-hickle that caused the damage.  Why does she thinks that mitigates the damage?


Didn't she say that the seat was ripped when she bought it, and sliding her girth over it just made it worse? If I bought a car with a ripped seat (which: no), I'd certainly put tape over the rip to keep it from getting worse.

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In Lascivious Canine Hot Tub, the defendant said, "The dogs were getting a bit too busy."  Lady, wasn't that the whole purpose of the makeshift breeders get-together...for the dogs to get busy?  And if the plaintiffs can't afford to get even a temporary hot tub cover, then you shouldn't have a hot tub.  An uninsured hot tub.  Getting a dog that is the height and weight of a human in their mid/late-teens probably isn't a good choice either.

Vocabulary question from that case: "I'm bagging back, and as I bagged back..."  What is bagging back?


That seems like the risk of buying a fixer-upper.  Because of all of the projects that need to be done, some people live by the skin of their teeth for years until they can finally put down the hammer and screwdriver. I felt bad for the son -- he looked like he was trying to hide how upset he was.  He's the only child...how sad that his father is more interested in money.  

BTW- The fiancees/girlfriends in recent episodes have all had the same look.  


Linda Byrum brought so many manila file folders...did she think this was a grand jury hearing?  And I don't like that she laughed at the plaintiff's accent when she began speaking.  So damn rude.  I do think that JJ should make use of translators with some of these episodes.  Seeing litigants who are clearly confused, unable to fully speak their case, and JJ screaming at them about their confusion is not entertaining to me.  Sure, JJ, we know you say "in my country," and you prefer English.  Almost everyone prefers their native language when it's time to give intricate details.  Anyway, that case nearly gave me a headache.  Ms. Byrum was so intense and annoying, and the case was just a mess.


In the co-signed car/parking ticket case, that guy played dumb from start to finish....and it worked for him.

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Lascivious Canine Hot Tub:  This started out so promising with every litigant making such a big deal about how much bigger the horny male was than the reluctant female.  When the two clumsy demons started going at it, someone got scared and cracked a cheap hot tub.  One more reason why we don't need these four-legged nuisances.


It's never the fault of the dog. I've had  a few dogs, all of them neutered, spayed and trained. None of them have ever been a "nuisance" to anyone. Poor dogs have no choice in what kind of fools they're going to end up with. These two fucking morons saw big payday (since neither the plaintiff nor her hubby work)  in "mating" their puppymill/backyard bred dogs and one of them a PUPPY.


I wouldn't entrust either of them to care properly for a hamster. Hated all of them, and I wish I would never see another case involving ridiculous idiots like this owning dogs. Emotional distress! over a hot tub cover! Yep, fucking idiots, all of them.


The dad was trying very hard to repress his inner dick and sound like a reasonable person.


Normally I hate adult "children" who take money from parents, don't work and don't feel "entitled" to pay the money back. In this case I make an exception. Daddy is a pontificating, pompous asshole and I hated him a lot.

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It's never the fault of the dog. I've had a few dogs, all of them neutered, spayed and trained. None of them have ever been a "nuisance" to anyone. Poor dogs have no choice in what kind of fools they're going to end up with. These two fucking morons saw big payday (since neither the plaintiff nor her hubby work) in "mating" their puppymill/backyard bred dogs and one of them a PUPPY.

I agree. Unruly and dangerous dogs are most always the product of a bad, careless, ignorant, or lazy owner. And I say this as someone who has a dog that has to get locked away for company because she wasn't properly trained as a puppy, which is our fault.

Edited by WhoaWhoKnew
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The thing that bothered me about that case was that I feel certain that the guy didn't become a dumbass upon the break up of the relationship with the ex-fiancé.  So, she knew about his behavior, with guns and otherwise, but didn't choose to care about it until she could use it against him.


Word. I'm also curious about the YouTube videos themselves that he says got him in trouble. I don't know.


Linda Byrum brought so many manila file folders...did she think this was a grand jury hearing?  And I don't like that she laughed at the plaintiff's accent when she began speaking.  So damn rude.  I do think that JJ should make use of translators with some of these episodes.  Seeing litigants who are clearly confused, unable to fully speak their case, and JJ screaming at them about their confusion is not entertaining to me.  Sure, JJ, we know you say "in my country," and you prefer English.  Almost everyone prefers their native language when it's time to give intricate details.  Anyway, that case nearly gave me a headache.  Ms. Byrum was so intense and annoying, and the case was just a mess.


I'm a bad person because I was mocking her ass the whole time. "I have vee-dee-ooooooo uh her steeling mah sheeeeeee-it. She stooole mah iden-tit-tee and I have vee-dee-ooooo."  She was crazy, foreign or not. And so was Linda with her dog that she made a promise to.


The case with the girl suing her baby daddy for unpaid parking tickets was stupid. Even though I sometimes thinks JJ ignores the obvious conclusion for the sake of a teachable moment, sometimes I'm glad she doesn't reward foolish women. Because that dude was standing there with this stupid, smug look on his face, licking his lips like a crackhead, and can't remember shit about the last time he was with her. He was probably lying his ass off, but even if he wasn't...this is who you want to have a baby with. I swear: this Too Cool fly pimp shit can't get any older and there are still chicks falling for it.


Fixer Upper of Estrangement: The dad was trying very hard to repress his inner dick and sound like a reasonable person.  "Focus!  Focus! Don't show signs of true self!"  - it was of no use, he had no verbal contract.  His son the defendant was ready to burst, too, going as far as drinking the water to distract himself.  Sure there is a lot of hurt, but if your only father is a douche, then it sucks for him and his old age and everyone goes separate ways.


That case was sad. Even JJ turned down the bitchiness for it, which was nice. You're gonna end your relationship with your son over some windows? And it seems like they had been estranged for awhile anyway. That's...fucked up. I hope he still pays his dad back and then lets him go on his way. I hate the self-help bullshit comments on Facebook but I did see one the other day that made a lot of sense: when you let people go, it doesn't mean you don't care about them; it means you're acknowledging they don't care about you".

  • Love 4

 And if the plaintiffs can't afford to get even a temporary hot tub cover, then you shouldn't have a hot tub.  An uninsured hot tub.  

Tape garbage bags over it!  Buy a $5 tarp from Home Depot! Anything, other than "leave it uncovered and then never clean it again". If it was so critical to her physical therapy, she could get off her butt and manage a makeshift cover. Or have bought something sturdier in the first place, since the cover before that cracked like an eggshell, too.

  • Love 3

Didn't she say that the seat was ripped when she bought it, and sliding her girth over it just made it worse? If I bought a car with a ripped seat (which: no), I'd certainly put tape over the rip to keep it from getting worse.

It certainly looked like damage that started as a worn spot or tear and was made worse by her being an oversized woman getting in and out of the car.. But did you see the size of his witnesses? I missed if they were related to him or not, but if they had access to the car previous to the "buyer" they could easily have caused the initial damage.

In Lascivious Canine Hot Tub, the defendant said, "The dogs were getting a bit too busy."  Lady, wasn't that the whole purpose of the makeshift breeders get-together...for the dogs to get busy?  And if the plaintiffs can't afford to get even a temporary hot tub cover, then you shouldn't have a hot tub.  An uninsured hot tub.  Getting a dog that is the height and weight of a human in their mid/late-teens probably isn't a good choice either.

Vocabulary question from that case: "I'm bagging back, and as I bagged back..."  What is bagging back?


That seems like the risk of buying a fixer-upper.  Because of all of the projects that need to be done, some people live by the skin of their teeth for years until they can finally put down the hammer and screwdriver. I felt bad for the son -- he looked like he was trying to hide how upset he was.  He's the only child...how sad that his father is more interested in money.  

BTW- The fiancees/girlfriends in recent episodes have all had the same look.  

I didn't hear her say the hot tub was uninsured. I heard her say the deductible on her homeowners was $1,000 so it made no sense to file a claim. Also, she said that she and her husband had both recently lost their jobs, which is why they couldn't afford to replace the cover. Should she have covered it with something else? Absolutely. But I wouldn't say she bought a hot tub she couldn't afford. She bought a hot tub when she could afford it, had recently bought a cover for it, and couldn't afford another one because her circumstances changed.

Regarding the father/son case, that was hard to watch. I cringed at the son's horrific grammar in the brief part of the note they showed. When did they stop teaching grammar and spelling in school? Anyway, I felt sad for the son since he seemed much more emotionally hurt by the rift between them. The father said in the hallterview that he wasn't going to have any more contact with his son. I don't have kids, but I have common sense. I can only imagine a few extreme circumstances that would make me cut ties with my own child. I'm always surprised at how often parents and kids 'divorce' one another on these court shows.

I agree with whomever it was above that said there aren't bad dogs, but bad dog owners. I would be very sad if my little beagle (who's actually not so little) were suddenly gone from my life. He's a great companion and much more forgiving than the women in my life!

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