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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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"Whenever" misused that way seems to be mainly a southern thing.  I think that someone somewhere along the line decided that if "when" is good, "whenever" is better, because there's more of it.

It might be what we call hypercorrection--like when kids say, "Billy and me went to the store" and someone automatically tells them "Billy and I" without explaining why, and then they grow up to say "between you and I" because they think that "I" is always the correct pronoun in a compound.  Nobody's steering that ship anymore, I'm afraid.

  • Love 6

I think the only thing I might hate more is the dread, "I seen." Or maybe it's, "Me and her went. "

I hate the "numerous of times"; Numerous times is OK, a lot of times is OK, but numerous of times shows that you are illiterate.

Another pet peeve is when people (mostly cops trying to sound more sciencey) say "rate of speed". Rate of speed is acceleration, not speed.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Mondrianyone said:

It might be what we call hypercorrection--like when kids say, "Billy and me went to the store" and someone automatically tells them "Billy and I" without explaining why, and then they grow up to say "between you and I" because they think that "I" is always the correct pronoun in a compound.  Nobody's steering that ship anymore, I'm afraid.

Eons ago, I had a teacher who taught us that if we aren't sure, simply take the other person out of the sentence and see if it still makes sense. Isn't that taught in school these days? Even a JJ-type idiot could understand that after a few dozen repetitions. I know the teachers we see on this show are often of the "I'm a English teacher" variety, but there must still be good ones out there. Somewhere.

41 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

Another pet peeve is when people (mostly cops trying to sound more sciencey) say "rate of speed".

We also hear that from people who have had a lot of dealings with cops and the justice system. "Proceeded to exit my veeHICKle/He proceeded to strike me with a closed fist" - "Verbal/physical altercation" - "Incarcerated" - all those trip easily from the tongues of people who can't put together one grammatically correct sentence.

  • Love 6
Just now, AngelaHunter said:

Eons ago, I had a teacher who taught us that if we aren't sure, simply take the other person out of the sentence and see if it still makes sense. Isn't that taught in school these days?

That's how you do it.  Simple, no?  A couple years ago, I was at a dinner party and someone asked me how you know if you're using the right pronoun ('cause I get paid to know these things), and I mentioned that little trick, and the whole table acted as if angels had just descended from the sky on sunbeams.  So apparently they haven't been teaching it for a long time--these people were all college graduates well into adulthood.

I appreciate that occasionally JJ makes the effort to restate something correctly, but that doesn't make up for a lifetime of the educational system and their parents and whoever else failing them.

Wasn't there a Pedantic Old Something-or-Other meme back at TWoP?  (Another exile waving hello.)  I can't remember if it was Crab or Fart or Geezer or . . . I just know I was one.

  • Love 4

Show of hands  - how many of you have ever had an "altercation"?   I've had arguments, disagreements, and even fights. But I'm sure I've never had an altercation.   I believe the distinction is the use of force (although they sometimes explain that they had a verbal altercation.)  Even when I was beating up my brother in my youth, I don't think I would have ever described it as an altercation.  

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Quof said:

Show of hands  - how many of you have ever had an "altercation"?   I've had arguments, disagreements, and even fights. But I'm sure I've never had an altercation.   I believe the distinction is the use of force (although they sometimes explain that they had a verbal altercation.)  Even when I was beating up my brother in my youth, I don't think I would have ever described it as an altercation.  

And isn't a verbal altercation just an argument? 



old twop'er here!

  • Love 6
39 minutes ago, Eliza422 said:

And isn't a verbal altercation just an argument? 

Of course it is, but these people are so used to seeing the results of their actions written up in police reports, I doubt they know any other words for them.

I don't remember ever calling my mother and complaining that my husband and I had a "verbal altercation."

While we're bitching: "Had" is another one. Litigants put that in front of everything. "I had gone there, and he had asked me to pick him up something and I had told him no, so we proceeded to have a physical altercation and he had struck me with "great force" and I had proceeded to call the cops and now he's incarcerated for diasmetric abuse."

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Eons ago, I had a teacher who taught us that if we aren't sure, simply take the other person out of the sentence and see if it still makes sense. Isn't that taught in school these days? Even a JJ-type idiot could understand that after a few dozen repetitions. I know the teachers we see on this show are often of the "I'm a English teacher" variety, but there must still be good ones out there. Somewhere.

Nope, only works if a person cares enough to try to speak correctly. Oh, and it also wouldn't work when the person is surrounded by a generation or two of people who have never learned to speak correctly. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

"I had gone there, and he had asked me to pick him up something and I had told him no, so we proceeded to have a physical altercation and he had struck me with "great force" and I had proceeded to call the cops and now he's incarcerated for diasmetric abuse."


I think you meant to write, "I had gone there in my vehicle and we had conversated and he had asked me ....."

I just drive a car.  Or a minivan. And I talk or maybe even discuss or argue things.

Edited by ElleMo
  • Love 5

In Judge Judy's world, if she has never experienced it or heard of it, it has never happened.  A rerun today involved a guy who was suing a woman over a laptop that she had sold him that had been given to her as part of her class. The woman tried to explain to JJ that the laptop was paid for as part of the tuition that SHE was paying from a student loan, but in JJ world, it had been "given" to her by the school, and therefore she had no right to sell it

  • Love 5
47 minutes ago, pagooey said:

Don't make me start altercating with all y'all. 

You can't start altercating without even first conversating.

Last gripe (yeah, sure) and this one is probably just me: No one these days ever phones, writes or contacts anyone. For business or personal reasons, they all reach out. "I reached out to my contractor." It just gives me silly visuals of people with their arms out, waving like a sea anemone or an amorous octopus.

  • Love 7

Last gripe (yeah, sure) and this one is probably just me: No one these days ever phones, writes or contacts anyone. For business or personal reasons, they all reach out. "I reached out to my contractor." It just gives me silly visuals of people with their arms out, waving like a sea anemone or an amorous octopus.


This is the thing that bugs me when reporters say, "So-and-so speaks out."  Uh, no, they talked.  Speaks out means they were making a bold announcement or complaining about something.  You're asking them questions, they aren't speaking out.

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, Quof said:

Not to be confused with "jes talkin'".  Because that can lead to babies. 

Or the guy who's "jes smilin'" in today's rerun. Oh honey, you are so high. Just the difference in the way he says "no" to JJ's "were you drinking?" and "drugs?" questions shows that second no is a lie.

Edited by Jamoche
  • Love 4

Mustn't forget "borrowing/ed him some money." More of that today (with the STD baby case. No words.)

New ep (?) today full of zipping through things without any facts.  So much more I wish we'd seen!!  It made JJ look senile(r) - random decisions, ignoring information, or refusing to consider it. Frustrating. As I write that, I'm wondering if it is even a word.  Too much like conversating or altercating...

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

In Judge Judy's world, if she has never experienced it or heard of it, it has never happened.  A rerun today involved a guy who was suing a woman over a laptop that she had sold him that had been given to her as part of her class. The woman tried to explain to JJ that the laptop was paid for as part of the tuition that SHE was paying from a student loan, but in JJ world, it had been "given" to her by the school, and therefore she had no right to sell it

I've barely watched any episodes lately, but caught this one. As the defendant was explaining that she paid for it as part of her tuition, the audience members behind her were shaking their heads "yes" and JJ just kept going on about it not making sense. How does that not make sense? The school would buy in bulk, make the students purchase them at a mark-up, and JJ acted like they would lose money and therefore, would never do that. She's ridiculous in her, "If it doesn't make sense, it's not true" proclamations, when she is so far removed from the reality of the people she is judging.

1 minute ago, SandyToes said:


Definition of watching Judge Judy when she has background information she doesn't share with the audience, so that we can be as outraged as her. Alternative definition is watching Judge Judy insist that something that is common knowledge to us little people doesn't make sense and therefore, isn't true.

  • Love 12

Another case today where JJ found a reason not to listen -- because the plaintiff (limo owner) cut the defendant some slack (repaired her car after she ripped him off), that must mean he's shady, because in JJ's world, no one gives anyone a second chance.  

I'm really starting to dislike her.  She's phoning it in and getting a huge paycheck.  

  • Love 17

Haven't watched today, but what would make this show better is if the producers would stop picking out stupid, amoral, illiterate, baby-making, system-scamming, cellphone obsessed morons and find some more interesting cases. I know they're out there - they have a bunch of them on TPC.  TPTB are underestiming the audience if they think we're all of the Springer fan base and don't want to see more complex cases, one that don't necessarily involve physical altercations or anyone saying, "I found out I was pregnant."

I remember JJ's glee and happiness at getting a case involving people (who were civilized and could actually speak English) having a disagreement over an amusement park haunted house contract. More of those, please.

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, AuntiePam said:

Another case today where JJ found a reason not to listen -- because the plaintiff (limo owner) cut the defendant some slack (repaired her car after she ripped him off), that must mean he's shady, because in JJ's world, no one gives anyone a second chance.  

I'm really starting to dislike her.  She's phoning it in and getting a huge paycheck.  

I agree! And just because he presents well, she thinks he's shady. Lady, it is time to quit. I know being exposed to these miscreants all these years must take its toll, but she is almost unwatchable. I want justice, not some old rich hag ready to throw everyone out.

My noontime rerun included the usual "whose mike are they going to cut off? Yours or mine?" Defendant answers "mine's." 

Also in a rerun regarding defendant with syphillis who impregnated plaintiff....I don't know where this jerky asshole lives, but I hope that the continued re-airing of this episode alerts women to not let him dip his nib in their ink (Bridget Jones). 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Christina said:

I've barely watched any episodes lately, but caught this one. As the defendant was explaining that she paid for it as part of her tuition, the audience members behind her were shaking their heads "yes" and JJ just kept going on about it not making sense. How does that not make sense? The school would buy in bulk, make the students purchase them at a mark-up, and JJ acted like they would lose money and therefore, would never do that. She's ridiculous in her, "If it doesn't make sense, it's not true" proclamations, when she is so far removed from the reality of the people she is judging.

Back in '93, when I retired from the Army, I spent my last couple months on active duty actually going through a computer tech course. Part of the tuition was a really good deal on a computer (hardware and software). The good deal was because we bought parts, then put it together as part of the class. Then, if you wanted upgrades, you paid for them at cost, and the whole class participated in the upgrade if there was any special steps over and above the standard setup. This was before plug send play, windows 95, etc, so upgrades sometimes meant actually getting out hard copy manuals and looking things up - in the early days of internet. I already had a better system then what the school was selling, but bought upgrades and put them in my home system when the class ended - and, yes,  sold the one that came with the course.

1 hour ago, Christina said:

Definition of watching Judge Judy when she has background information she doesn't share with the audience, so that we can be as outraged as her. Alternative definition is watching Judge Judy insist that something that is common knowledge to us little people doesn't make sense and therefore, isn't true.


  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Christina said:

I've barely watched any episodes lately, but caught this one. As the defendant was explaining that she paid for it as part of her tuition, the audience members behind her were shaking their heads "yes" and JJ just kept going on about it not making sense. How does that not make sense? The school would buy in bulk, make the students purchase them at a mark-up, and JJ acted like they would lose money and therefore, would never do that. She's ridiculous in her, "If it doesn't make sense, it's not true" proclamations, when she is so far removed from the reality of the people she is judging.

Don't get me started on how these for-profit online schools scam students. The "free" computer IS part of tuition (sorry, you're wrong JJ). The student loans that make it seem affordable will haunt them for years. And the saddest part of all is that many of these "degrees" are useless. I feel sorry for the people trying to get to a better place and falling into these traps.

Except for this one. In her hallterview she said something to the effect of "that's what girls do, get money for purses or whatever because we can. He's just mad because he can't have this." Yep, an overweight underdressed arrogant idiot. Don't we all want to hit that? ;-)

Edited by amacmom
  • Love 7
43 minutes ago, amacmom said:

Yep, an overweight underdressed arrogant idiot.

...with massive arms displaying tats,  extra-wide bra strap on display and an attitude so vile and belligerent it would frighten a badger. I wish I knew what these people are on and/or what kind of funhouse mirrrors they have at home - I'd love to get a supply of both. Then I too could feel I'm "all that" and people would rain money and Range Rovers on me, just because.

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

...with massive arms displaying tats,  extra-wide bra strap on display and an attitude so vile and belligerent it would frighten a badger. I wish I knew what these people are on and/or what kind of funhouse mirrrors they have at home - I'd love to get a supply of both. Then I too could feel I'm "all that" and people would rain money and Range Rovers on me, just because.

Her constant replies of "Ma'am, yes ma'am" would indicate to me that she's been in some type of boot camp . . . whether military or behavioral I don't know.  But I have suspicions.

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

I'm so glad JJ didn't ask Jimmy Currie's GF how many kids she has with the 19 yr old grinning jackass who can't control his temper. I don't want to know!

I didn't want to know either, especially after I saw GF, the poster child for "My self-esteem and self-respect is in the minus column." Had to skip that one.  It's too bad that mandatory birth control is too politically incorrect.

  • Love 3

WOW.  Jasmine Perez.  Sold the over-anxious plaintiff her beater for 3K.  It had Guam plates, was still registered in the def's name, and she told the plaintiff the ONLY thing wrong was "the check engine light is on".  Jeez Louise!  That could be anything, and JJ thinks it is a minor problem!  The real problem is that the car needed a part that is no longer AVAILABLE.  Car is totally non-fixable.  Def KNEW it.  So, she dumped the car on the plaintiff, and is smirking the entire time.  California law says the SELLER is responsible for smogging the car.  Total scammer, Jasmine Perez.  Stupid plaintiff was all excited about new car, and waited 2 weeks (til she got paid again) to have the car checked by a mechanic.    Of course, JJ ruled in def's favor because plaintiff stupidly did not get it checked before she paid for it.  GAH!

  • Love 7

While watching just a small part  of today's reruns, a thought occured to me. Is it possible there is a correlation between fertility and IQ? I've noticed that no one on this show seems to suffer from infertility and actually the dumber the litigants, the more fertile they seem to be, thoughtlessly dropping babies all over the place and not just one, but twins and triplets( who are not supported in spite of the sperm donor earning 8,000$ ( or 800$ or 8 million dollars/week - who knows when the pollintor is this deficient in gray matter? ) Considering these are the genes being passed on in huge numbers, the future is not looking bright.

While I'm at it, is there some site giving advice to women who are planning to appear on JJ, telling them that wearing low-cut, tight, revealing clothes that expose their large, nasty breasts/tats/cleavage is a smart move that will work in their favor?

Sorry if I'm incoherent. I needed an extra glass of wine to even start watching this train wreck.

  • Love 9

Mr. Toes was all over this ^^ case.  He was actually trying to, you know, like, basically, figure out the LAW.  Silly man.  Need to make sure he gets his wine BEFORE the show starts.  $8000 a week.  For someone around 6'4'' or 6'5'' - he wasn't sure. Yeah, give that man a nail gun!

As for the car case, in complete agreement, Bratinella.  Def knew exactly what the score was.  But Plaintiff could have had it checked before she plunked down the money. Tough one, but I think it would be hard to PROVE that the def. knew.

Zipline woman?  Criminy. Not just her kids who are spoiled. 

  • Love 7

Yes, except it was the Defendant's responsibility to fix it!  She HAS to smog the car before selling it, which in this case, entailed replacing a part first (that she knew about) and left the mechanic's receipt in the car.  I do agree with the online/eBay route, though, but the def should have done that first.  IMO.

  • Love 6
26 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Could someone give a brief synopsis of the zipline case?  I was at physical therapy and missed it . . . and I've done 16 zipline courses, so I'm dying to find out the details that TV Guide didn't provide.


Plaintiffs have five cabins in a lovely California area, mainly known for skiing, but which also offers summer activities such as zip lining. Their ad lists these activities. Defendant and four kids arrive in August to zip line but zip line closed a few weeks earlier. So the kids were bored and they left and bratty defendant wants money back. Plaintiffs had the responsibility to tell her the zip line was closed!!! No! It was Byrd's responsibility! Eat it, defendant!!!

  • Love 4

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