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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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I rented a room from a friend for a while, but then she turned uncharacteristically nasty and ordered me out.  So then I had to hurriedly find a roommate in the paper.  That, too, didn't work out because of the reasons I have posted in the past, but fortunately a friend had lost his roommate and I was able to move in with him (until his fiancee from Australia showed up, but that's a different story.)

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Or you go home with some random stranger from the grocery store?

We've seen worse. I remember the middaged woman who invited a young convict to move in with her and her daughter after knowing him about five minutes.

Whoever is choosing the reruns for us needs a good spanking. Normally, I enjoy reruns, but today? Mr. Jackson, ugly little repulsive troll has two women afflicted with terminal desperation, competing for his affections.

Then the kind of case I hate more than cell phone kerfuffles: Dumb, silly, stupid little girls - both defendants "single mothers" by the age of twenty and who act like they're twelve - fighting and vandalizing property over some vapid boy one of them once dated. Z-z-z-z.

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4 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

 Stewedsquash, it was the episode with the older male lodger who rented a room from the lady and he accused her of locking him out and throwing out his crap. She said he owed for rent and she called the cops because he stole 4 painkillers from her. He said she gave him the pills for some pulled muscle or something. Then she said she took his stuff across the street to some mutual friends'. Really, it wasn't a memorable case but I wish I had realized it was our poster's ex and I would have enjoyed it more.

I could have sworn that when he raised his right hand to take the oath he only had four fingers.  

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1 hour ago, Brattinella said:

I was waiting for someone else to notice the missing finger!

Maybe he lost it in the divorce.

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27 minutes ago, PsychoKlown said:
2 hours ago, Brattinella said:

I was waiting for someone else to notice the missing finger!

Maybe he lost it in the divorce.

PsychoKlown, I don't recollect you hangin' around these parts until fairly recently, but dang, if you don't fit right in!  I caught you over in the Investigation Channel forum and was snortin' all over the place. 

Well done!

Edited by SandyToes
Spelling is a good thing, I'm told.
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20 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

The police report said "Honda" and she was reading that, so I guess the cop didn't know either. Some people are not savvy on makes of cars. I have a friend who wouldn't know Hyundai from Honda. She's just not interested.


I'm not interested in cars either, but I thought that was one of those things like everybody knows a Mustang is a Ford, and a Civic is a Honda......  I didn't see the police report - I was making dinner at the time and was just listening.

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My 62 year old brother in law rents a room from a guy he knows.  Brother in law has lost 3 homes to foreclosure because he's a lazy idiot and spends every penny he earns on stupid shit. His latest expenditure is a car that you'd expect a kid in his 20's to drive. I refer to the car as his wife. It's all he talks about and he's spent thousands of dollars customizing it. Alas, we'll never see idiot brother in law on JJ because that would require some effort on his part and that would never happen.


Loved seeing the rerun with Wyld the other day. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed JJ having him tell her what happened without using 'like' every other word.

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So then maybe you won't think I am crazy that I paid for two photographers.  The first was the main photographer who took all the regular photos & he came with an assistant. The second was someone else I hired to do candids.  I told the regular photographer that she was a friend so he wouldn't be offended.  They had a package with another photographer to take candids, but I was so paranoid about getting good photos that I wanted two unrelated photographers just in case. 

ElleMo I certainly don't think you are crazy at all. I bet you've looked at the pictures way more than you've looked at the video. People don't hang a video on the wall of their house lol. When D2 got married she and SIL didn't want to spring for a decent photog and I nearly burst a blood vessel over it especially since SIL's family all tends to look like the people in American Gothic (the painting, not the show, the pitchfork people) in photographs. They are The Most Collectively Unphotogenic Family on the Planet (not trying to be mean but they all look like they've all eaten some bad seafood in pictures - nobody smiles). They ended up hiring D1's photog who now takes photos for album covers in Nashville and does award show photography. I was much happier. 


The conditions were ripe to consort with Mr.Boggs, (who "does flea markets" and seems to be mentally challenged) and produce offspring.

Ever since those Storage Wars shows people think they are going to win big buying random crap and reselling it lol

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I'm still shaking my head over a case from last week -- landlord/tenant.  I can't remember who was suing who, but the tenant was an older lady who had fallen twice.  She'd won a $50K judgment against the landlord and was suing him again. I wanted to know why she sued.  Was there ice and snow on some steps?  Were lights not working and she tripped on something?  Because the first time she fell, I would have moved her to the ground floor, cut my losses. 

The wedding video -- I thought the first part wasn't too bad but the shots toward the end were rushed, and the music didn't fit. 

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On 7/5/2016 at 0:48 PM, DoctorK said:

If you are a fan of old movies (Thank God for TCM), this was fairly common in 1920s and 30s. Rooming Houses and Boarding houses were common where it allowed s0omeone with a large house which they could no longer afford to keep otherwise afford (especially during the Depression), and many older single people were also hard up to afford housing. Some of these with long term boarders were much like extended families. Also during WWII the DC area was so saturated with people without housing that renting rooms was common, which was the subject of at least one classic movie comedy. Also, watch "I Remember Mama" for its depiction of a pre-1900 family in San Francisco having a long term boarder who was treated as a respected  elderly relative. However, today it does strike me as sort of creepy, the culture has really changed.

And in the 1980s, there were the Golden Girls

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17 hours ago, SandyToes said:

PsychoKlown, I don't recollect you hangin' around these parts until fairly recently, but dang, if you don't fit right in!  I caught you over in the Investigation Channel forum and was snortin' all over the place. 

Well done!

Thanks for the compliment SandyToes.  

This is an impressive group and it's nice to laugh after a day at work.

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So this afternoon, Landlord was collecting from goofy couple (yes, I know there were several of those today) for two months rent, plus damages against the deposit. Judy states the deposit will cover one month's rent, assuming there aren't damages.  Well, yes, there were damages, totaling pretty close to the $1200.  So by my count, that's $1200 for one month, $1200 for second month, and $1200 for damages.  Apply the deposit, and according to my math, they are still entitled to $2400.  But she only gives them $1200.  "Because the deposit covers the second month!" she screeches at the protesting landlord.

So what did I miss?! I kept waiting for Byrd to straighten things out for her. Sadly, we've been to court and had the judge pull this on us, too.  Get himself all tangled up in the numbers, and if we try to explain, get hollered at for not listening.  Sometimes he wants all the minute details, and sometimes just the overview.  So we've learned to bring both sets of documents.

And how sad is it that I got home from work, tried to check in here, and found the forums were down. And all I could think was, "What am I going to do now?"           Life? Where? What? Who, me?

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Sandy Toes, was that the chicken case? I just watched the new episode and can't keep them straight because of all the renter issues. But one case had a renter with chickens. I CANNOT imagine cleaning up after a renter who owned chickens. Yuck. I love eggs and I love to eat chicken, but holy shit batman, that has got to be so gross. In fact, the side of the garage where the coop was did, indeed, look poopy dirty. Too bad the landlord didn't bring some exorbitant cleaning bill to submit. And in the hallterview he claimed he didn't know the renter had chickens. Folks, if you are landlords, visit your property!!!

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17 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

Sandy Toes, was that the chicken case? I just watched the new episode and can't keep them straight because of all the renter issues. But one case had a renter with chickens. I CANNOT imagine cleaning up after a renter who owned chickens. Yuck. I love eggs and I love to eat chicken, but holy shit batman, that has got to be so gross. In fact, the side of the garage where the coop was did, indeed, look poopy dirty. Too bad the landlord didn't bring some exorbitant cleaning bill to submit. And in the hallterview he claimed he didn't know the renter had chickens. Folks, if you are landlords, visit your property!!!

He said the renters wouldn't let him on the property.

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I felt bad for today's landlord, with a tenant who decided to raise chickens in the garage, despite the lease saying permission was required for animals.  Chickens aren't animals?

When JJ asked him to put a dollar value on the tenant's disregard of that lease provision, I wish he would have said "Our time and trouble in cleaning up the mess is worth X dollars."  JJ's requirement to show payment to an outside vendor for cleanup is bogus.  She might hire out for every little chore, but the rest of us do it ourselves.  Usually. 

There was also disagreement about how many months' rent she owed when she moved.  Landlord said three months, but JJ didn't give him anything, because she'd paid first month and a security deposit.  By my calculation, he was out $1200 for a months' rent. 

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Oddly, no, it wasn't the chicken one!  Just one of the run-of-the-mill cases. This was the "did they pay first and last month, or just first month" case, I THINK! Gad, there was a boatload of 'em today!

We have in our leases (imagine!) that we can make periodic visits to the property, but they have to be announced, and can't be frivolous.  We can't just pop in for grins. But the neighbors and the HOAs keep pretty good tabs on them for us! Pretty much, if the money comes in, we don't bother them. Chickens would be awful!  And I think there should have been compensation for cleaning it up. We do a lot of the maintenance (well, he, not so much we), and of course there would not be a bill for that.

Besides - JJ has just as often told landlords that they can't go on the property because it belongs to the tenants if they are paying rent. Must all depend on whether she hears cases before or after sushi.  Rant, rave, rant, rave.

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JJ wouldn't award more than one month's rent as that last month was August, and the landlord found tenants for September.  Even though the tenant hadn't given proper notice, the landlord wasn't actually out any money as there was no gap in a rent paying tenant.

I think that if the Landlord had come up with a reasonable clean out fee for himself, like 10 hours and $15 per hour, JJ would have awarded it.  The photos certainly baked up the claim that there was more than normal wear and tear. The plaintiff was so focused on collecting two months rent, that he couldn't switch gears and come up with money for damages. JJ did award every penny of every receipt presented.

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Sandy Toes, you just jogged a brain cell. That was the one where there is a pending insurance case because wifey fell down stairs. Second one we've had recently of a pending suit regarding a fall. Why oh why did I go to college? I could have been a squatting, falling hustlah and survived just freaking fine. 

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And how sad is it that I got home from work, tried to check in here, and found the forums were down. And all I could think was, "What am I going to do now?"  

Trust me - you are not alone. I came here after watching and thought, "Oh, no!"

I was trying to figure what kind of misfiring in someone's so-called brain would make her think that keeping chickens in the garage of a rented house is A-okay? How is this possible? What the hell is wrong with people.

I kind of zoned out during plaintiff's repetitious droning.

The shady landlord and creepy couple - does everyone pay everything in cash and never think of getting receipts? Is there not a landlord anywhere with any sense at all?

Dopey "Somer" and her boyfriend, "Tippie:" I nodded off after chuckling at the fact that the douche-bag haired Tippie - at his age - really seems to think that if he crashes his girlfriend's '95 Honda because the person in front of him had the bad judgement and nerve to stop at a red light without informing him ahead of time, it's not his fault.

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On 7/4/2016 at 7:48 PM, Jamoche said:

Wow, Mr Bogg sets a halterview record with three "It is what it is", which as we all know is defendant-speak for "nobody believed my lies."

My Khyber hates that phrase and said "If he says that one more time, I'm going to reach into the TV and slap him".

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On 7/4/2016 at 8:39 PM, AngelaHunter said:

I doubt he could formulate anything more complex. His former spouse stood there slobbering and sobbing. She started the waterworks in the courtroom, but her croc tears dried up when she got no sympathy from JJ.  Gotta give Ms.Boggs credit. She certainly knows her way around the system.

If people like this, including my cousin, would put 1/10th of the effort into real work that they do to  working the system, they would have a half-decent life and actually be contributing to society.

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If people like this, including my cousin, would put 1/10th of the effort into real work that they do to  working the system, they would have a half-decent life and actually be contributing to society.

I know. I was dazzled the other day by a litigant on TPC, who rattled off all Sec8 rules - how many rooms for what percentage of rent paid, etc. down to the last dollar. Impressive. Of course she was there wanting yet more "free" money.

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I'm not sure of this is the right place to bring this up but as much as I like Judge Judy I am over the pace of the show.  I actually timed an episode the other day.......13 minutes of actual content, the rest was commercials and recaps of what we already saw.  Come on.  Does this bother anyone else?  Mods, if I'm off-topic feel free to move or delete.  I just had bring this up as the frequent commercial and promotion breaks are making the show unwatchable for me.  

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I want to revisit Boggs vs. Boggs for just a second. One of the great joys of having a DVR is that I pause on any documents and scan them more avidly than JJ herself...and this is how I learned that, in addition to Mr. Boggs's claims that his once and future missus was suing him "for despite," in  Mrs. Bogg's handwritten tally of costs she'd made note of the expenses of "Sugar Gladrs." 

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46 minutes ago, pagooey said:

I want to revisit Boggs vs. Boggs for just a second. One of the great joys of having a DVR is that I pause on any documents and scan them more avidly than JJ herself...and this is how I learned that, in addition to Mr. Boggs's claims that his once and future missus was suing him "for despite," in  Mrs. Bogg's handwritten tally of costs she'd made note of the expenses of "Sugar Gladrs." 


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Valerie Cassity should have been suing herself for being so stupid and desperate. She knew damn well he was unemployed. She figured taking him on the cruise would make him stick around. Then, to compound her stupidity, she continued to shell out money after the cruise. I disagree with JJ's ruling -- I don't think there was any proof of "loans."


Whoa. Weird Beard Alert in the second case. That ginger scraggle was haunting.  

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2 hours ago, Henri205 said:

I'm not sure of this is the right place to bring this up but as much as I like Judge Judy I am over the pace of the show.  I actually timed an episode the other day.......13 minutes of actual content, the rest was commercials and recaps of what we already saw.  Come on.  Does this bother anyone else?  Mods, if I'm off-topic feel free to move or delete.  I just had bring this up as the frequent commercial and promotion breaks are making the show unwatchable for me.  

It's intolerable, which is why I haven't watched anything live in quite a few years. Blaring, endless distasteful commercials (around here I get non-stop shyster lawyer ads and endless crap for belly fat, etc) and if I had to watch this, I would give up. Even fast-forwarding takes so much time I'm saying, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Without the ability to FF, nothing is watchable.

It's even worse on The People's Court. In addition the nasty ads, a large portion of the show is hogged by the repulsive, sleazy Levin who can't get his ugly face on camera  enough.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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1 hour ago, pagooey said:

I want to revisit Boggs vs. Boggs for just a second. One of the great joys of having a DVR is that I pause on any documents and scan them more avidly than JJ herself...and this is how I learned that, in addition to Mr. Boggs's claims that his once and future missus was suing him "for despite," in  Mrs. Bogg's handwritten tally of costs she'd made note of the expenses of "Sugar Gladrs." 

I do that too -- pause on documents.  In one of last week's episodes, a tenant had made a list of deficiencies in her apartment.  She wrote that the carpet was "desenergrating".  

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1 hour ago, pagooey said:

I want to revisit Boggs vs. Boggs for just a second. One of the great joys of having a DVR is that I pause on any documents and scan them more avidly than JJ herself...and this is how I learned that, in addition to Mr. Boggs's claims that his once and future missus was suing him "for despite," in  Mrs. Bogg's handwritten tally of costs she'd made note of the expenses of "Sugar Gladrs." 

I do that too -- pause on documents.  In one of last week's episodes, a tenant had made a list of deficiencies in her apartment.  She wrote that the carpet was "desenergrating".  


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1 hour ago, pagooey said:

I want to revisit Boggs vs. Boggs for just a second. One of the great joys of having a DVR is that I pause on any documents and scan them more avidly than JJ herself...and this is how I learned that, in addition to Mr. Boggs's claims that his once and future missus was suing him "for despite," in  Mrs. Bogg's handwritten tally of costs she'd made note of the expenses of "Sugar Gladrs." 

I do that too -- pause on documents.  In one of last week's episodes, a tenant had made a list of deficiencies in her apartment.  She wrote that the carpet was "desenergrating".  

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1 hour ago, pagooey said:

I want to revisit Boggs vs. Boggs for just a second. One of the great joys of having a DVR is that I pause on any documents and scan them more avidly than JJ herself...and this is how I learned that, in addition to Mr. Boggs's claims that his once and future missus was suing him "for despite," in  Mrs. Bogg's handwritten tally of costs she'd made note of the expenses of "Sugar Gladrs." 

I do that too -- pause on documents.  In one of last week's episodes, a tenant had made a list of deficiencies in her apartment.  She wrote that the carpet was "desenergrating".  


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She wrote that the carpet was "desenergrating".  

JFC. You need to add that to "Best Litigant Quotes" even if it's written. I shouldn't be amused at adults who can't spell or speak beyond a second-grade level, but if I didn't laugh I'd cry.

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On 7/4/2016 at 2:55 PM, Quof said:

Miss Barren had insurance, but it lapped. 

I may need to take a break from this show, for the sake of my blood pressure.

I do this periodically. But I've missed you guys, so I need to start watching again so I know what the hell you're talking about!

Actually, this board would be fun regardless of watching the episodes.

3 hours ago, Henri205 said:

I'm not sure of this is the right place to bring this up but as much as I like Judge Judy I am over the pace of the show.  I actually timed an episode the other day.......13 minutes of actual content, the rest was commercials and recaps of what we already saw.  Come on.  Does this bother anyone else?  Mods, if I'm off-topic feel free to move or delete.  I just had bring this up as the frequent commercial and promotion breaks are making the show unwatchable for me.  

As others have noted, I'd never watch this show live. Our students are out for summer, but I'm at my school doing some admin. Someone put People's Court on in the staff lounge, and I had to turn it off. The court shows not only have too many commercials, but they're always for scummy lawyers!

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I hit mute during the ads and come over here to read the latest :)

Unlike Judy, I do believe that there are smokers who are considerate enough to never do it in a car - or in this case limo. Especially if they're the only smoker in a large group.

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I was about to give up today, but we finally got a decent rerun. I'm not referring to the first case - shacked up, knocked up, baby daddy, rent, welfare scams and blah blah.

But then we - hallelujah! - got the ringleted, batshit crazy fireworks lover, Ms. Tsao. "He cursed at me. He did. He cursed, so help me God!" This, in between about fifty repetitions of "Yes, m'am." Byrd trolled her, which was one of the best parts! I don't know what was wrong with her hubby, but it seems her 22-year old son is a little kookie too and needs battleaxe Mommy to protect him from the cursing. My neighbours set off fireworks too, mostly at New Year, but I have never in my life seen anyone set them off in the middle of the street.


The court shows not only have too many commercials, but they're always for scummy lawyers!

I usually get Anthony Lamb, who is nearly in tears of distress because everyone isn't getting the disability payments they deserve. It's what he does! It's all he does!

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22 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

But then we - hallelujah! - got the ringleted, batshit crazy fireworks lover, Ms. Tsao.

I'm watching that now - omg, she's a piece of work. "It's only ash!" If I got an answer like that I'd be cursing at her too - it's a very timely episode, given how many things have burned down in the SF Bay Area this week thanks to fireworks.

I get CarHop ads. So many CarHop ads. I hate that jingle.

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I was just thinking of a news story I saw yesterday; a teenager shot fireworks at his neighbor's house, it burned to the ground.  Family is homeless, and the fireworks were ILLEGAL.  Even if you explain to perfectly normal in every other way people, those who want and MUST shoot off mortars in their driveway never behave logically and sometimes cause destruction.

Jamoche, what burned down in the Bay Area??

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The reruns today were pretty good!  I was about to ignore them, but then Ms. Tsao!! Wowee!

In the new case, I thought the baby momma and baby daddy both looked a little long in the tooth to not have any ideas how "these things" happen. I did like her bouncin' and behavin' hair!

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What impressed me most about the Tsao's was their not-so-coordinated-JimmyBuffet-Margaritaville getups.  Wow.  Complete with white socks and sandals. 

Mr. Tsao was quite "mellow" even before he adapted to the JJ rhythm of answering questions.  Mrs. Tsao on the other hand needed something to calm her nerves.  She was excessively nervous. 

And a special shout-out for her hair.  Nice.  My cousin had the same "do" in her fifth grade school picture. 

28 years living there.  I'd love to hear from the other neighbors about the Tsao family.  Bet they have stories aplenty.

Edited by PsychoKlown
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51 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

Jamoche, what burned down in the Bay Area??

In addition to a few smaller house fires, neighbors suspect this 6-alarm fire was started by fireworks. Fortunately the building was still under construction so there were no reported injuries, but neighbors were displaced, cars melted, and some nearby businesses were destroyed.

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5 hours ago, pagooey said:

... in addition to Mr. Boggs's claims that his once and future missus was suing him "for despite," in  Mrs. Bogg's handwritten tally of costs she'd made note of the expenses of "Sugar Gladrs." 

4 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

I do that too -- pause on documents.  In one of last week's episodes, a tenant had made a list of deficiencies in her apartment.  She wrote that the carpet was "desenergrating".  

If only there were some way to check spelling on computers!  It's sad that no one has come up with that kind of technology, especially if you're writing important documents.

Or if you're handwriting something there should be a way to check spelling.  I know it sounds absurd, but what if there were a book that listed all the words listed alphabetically and how to spell them?  It would be a very big book for sure, but it would be so helpful.

It's really pithetick.

Edited by Albino
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Albino, I love your post and want to have its baby.

I was bored with today's second (?) case and turned it off, the one with the plaintiff who said his girlfriend/baby's mother stole his furniture while he was in jail. 

"Who has custody of your daughter?"  Plaintiff:  "I do."  Defendant:  "I do."  Defendant said the landlord told her she could use plaintiff's security deposit as rent for the last month she stayed there.  JJ didn't jump in with the "Don't tell me what he said", which surprised me, but I guess she can't catch ALL the hearsay.

How did JJ rule?  I shouldn't have turned it off but damn, those people were boring.

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